Javanese-English Dictionary, Horne, 1974, #1968 (Hlm. 102–122: D)
CitraTerakhir diubah: 29-10-2022
Pencarian Teks
Lingkup pencarian: teks dan catatan-kakinya. Teks pencarian: 2-24 karakter. Filter pencarian: huruf besar/kecil, diakritik serta pungtuasi diabaikan; karakter [?] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau satu huruf sembarang; simbol wildcard [*] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau sejumlah karakter termasuk spasi; mengakomodasi variasi ejaan, antara lain [dj : j, tj : c, j : y, oe : u, d : dh, t : th].
- d
- (prn dhe) alphabetic letter
- dh
- (prn dhe or dhe titik) alphabetic letter
- da-
- see also under DÊ- (Introduction, 2.9.2)
- dha
- plural marker: inf var of PADHA
- dha-
- see also under DHÊ- (Introduction, 2.9.2)
- dabag
- woven-bamboo wall or fence panel
- dhabyang
- n/di-[x](-[x]) to support [a patient] and help him walk
- dhablang
- var of DHAPLANG
- dablêg
- n-[x] stubborn, obstinate
- dhabrêg
- a large quantity. Pêgaweyane nganti [x]. He's swamped with work. sa-[x] a lot, a large amount
- dhadha
- ng kr, jaja or pranaja ki chest, breast; fig heart, feelings. lara [x] tuberculosis. ngilani [x] to treat smn with contempt. Iki [x]-ku, êndi [x]-mu? (a challenge to fight). n/di-[x] 1 to hit with the chest. Bale
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- di-[x] banjur ditandhang. He let the soccer ball bounce off his chest and then kicked it. 2 to get sth off one's chest. n-[x] kaluputane to admit one's mistakes. 3 to accept with courage. Yèn ana kêsalanahe[1] tak [x]-ne dhewe. If there's any blame, I'll take it myself. (anak) pa-n-[x] third child in the family. [x] manuk barrel-chested. [x] mênthok breast of poultry; the white meat
- dhadhag
- valiant, intrepid. n/di-[x]-i to accept without flinching
- dadah
- ng kr, g(r)inda ki [x]-an ointment/powder for massaging a baby. kê-[x] to be put on the defensive. n/di-[x] 1 to massage [a baby]. 2 to treat [a helpless victim] harshly. A n-[x] B. A gave B a working-over. Guru n-[x] murid-murid. The teacher gave the students a tough exam. pa-n-[x] massaging materials
- dhadhah
- a hedge
- dadak
- [x]-an suddenly; immediately. kê-[x] 1 (that which is) sudden. mati kê-[x] sudden death. 2 to be caused to happen suddenly. Pangkate nang Jakarta kuwi kê-[x] saka larane bapake. Her sudden departure for Jakarta was occasioned by her father's illness. n-[x] 1 suddenly, without warning. Udane n-[x]. All at once it began to rain. 2 unexpectedly and/or undesirably. N-[x] isin-isin barang. So shy! N-[x] apa? Now what? Kok n-[x] takon barang. What a thing to ask! Wis tata-tata n-[x] ora sida. Everything was all set and then it fell through. Kowe mau n-[x] lunga barang, kancamu mau mrene dadine kêcêlik. You shouldn's have gone out; a friend of yours came and didn't find you here. Yèn anggone akon ndandani n-[x] wonge ora sanggup. If you hurry the repair man, he can't do a good job. 3 (psv di-[x]) to [do] right away, [do] ahead of time. mBok aja di-[x], mêngko-mêngko wae yèn rada sêla. Never mind doing it right now-wait till you have time. n-[x] mangsa to force [fruits, flowers], i.e. cause them to mature ahead of season. pa-n¬-[x] behavior. njêgur ana pan-[x] sing ora bêcik to fall into bad ways. d-um-adak-an suddenly, all of a sudden
- dhadhak
- a sap that causes skin itch. [x]-an an irritant to a personal relationship
- dhadhal
- 1 broken through by flood waters. Bêndungane [x]. The dam was broken. 2 disarranged, out of order/line. n/di-[x] to repossess one's rice paddy because the lessee failed in his obligations. n/di-[x]-ake to break (through) sth. n/di-[x]-i to trim, prune
- dhadhali
- a swallow-like bird
- dhadhap
- 1 a certain shade tree. 2 shield. n-[x] to strike with a shield. n/di-[x]-ake to seize smn's possessions in default of a debt. [x] ayam, [x] bong common varieties of dhadhap trees. [x] srêp dhadhap tree whose leaves are used in folk medicines. si [x] lan si Waru hypothetical people; A and B
- dadar
- omelet, egg pancake. [x]-an 1 a certain rice-accompanying dish. 2 test, examination. 3 scale for assaying gems or metals. n/di-[x] 1 to make [egg] into omelet. 2 to test, try out. n-[x] kapintêran to test intelligence. Sabên têlung sasi sêpisan di-[x]. They are tested every three months. n-[x]-i [of the moon] to rise. mbulan n-[x]-i full moon. pa-n-[x]-(an) 1 test. pên-[x]-an pungkasan final examination. 2 scale for assaying gems or metals. [x] lèlèr reward for services
- dhadhar
- n-[x]-i to rise (var of N-DADAR-I)
- dhadhat
- n/di-[x] to tear/break through sth
- dadi
- ng, dados kr 1 to be, become, assume the role of. Dhèke [x] tukang becak. He's (or he became) a pedicab driver. Iki kang tansah [x] pikirane. This is what he thinks about constantly. Sapa sing [x] Janaka? Who played the part of Janaka? yèn aku [x]-(a) kowe if I were you. [x] nêsu to get mad. [x] pêtêng to darken. 2 as, in(to), so as to become. dipilih [x] presidhèn to be elected president. kêpara [x] loro divided in two parts. 3 done, ready, successfully completed. Potrèke [x] ora? Did the picture turn out well? Cacarku ora [x]. My vaccination didn't take. Ora apik [x]-ne. No good will come of it. Ana [x]-ning rêmbug antarane A lan B. An agreement has been reached between A and B. 4 [in games] to be "It" ; to be a defender. 5 so, therefore, thus. Aku wis dudu kêtua mênèh, [x] aja takon aku. I'm not chairman any more, so don't ask me. [x]-n to build a fire. [x]-n-[x]-n-(an) ng kr transformed from human shape. macan dadèn-dadènan a ghost tiger, a human being in the form of a tiger. kê-[x]-an (or kêdadeyan ng) 1 result, consequence. Olèhe rêmbugan kê-[x]-ane kêpriye? What came of the discussion? 2 occurrence, eventuality. Kêdadeyan kaya ngono kuwi arang-arang. Things like that don't happen very often. 3 brought to a (successful) conclusion. Anggone ngênyang kêdadean. He got the merchandise he was bragaining for. 4 (to be) made up of. Katrangan iku bisa ka-[x]-an
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- satêmbung bae. (Grammatical) modifiers can consist of a single word. n-[x] 1 to grow rapidly. Thêthukulane n-[x]. The plants flourished. Sawise gênine diwènèhi lênga mambu têrus n-[x]. When he poured kerosene on the fire, it flared up. 2 to increase in intensity. Larane ora saya mari, ning malah njur n-[x]. His illness didn't get better: it got worse. 3 transported, possessed. Jaran kepang kuwi olèhe njogèd nganggo n-[x]. Performers of the bamboo-horse dance move in a state of trance. 4 to let oneself get caught and become "It" in a game. n/di-[x]-kake 1 to cause sth to be/become. nyang-nyangan didadèkake to conclude a bargain. ndadèkake klambi to finish (makin) a shirt. ndadèkake kêtua to appoint a chairman. Aja rame-rame mundhak ndadèkake lan bingungku. Don't be boisterous or you'll get me all mixed up. Kaya ngono wae kok didadèkake wadi. Why keep it a secret? 2 to consider sth (as). didadèkake tontonan regarded as a curiosity. d-um-adi ng, d-um-ados kr 1 to come into existence. 2 ltry var of [x]. [x] ati to take sth to heart. Aja [x] atimu lo. Don't feel bad about it. [x] lan to be the cause of. Apa sing [x] lan matine? What caused his death? Mênawa ngênani kulit, bisa [x] lan larane. If it comes in contact with your skin, it'll hurt. [x] wong to be(come) important/influential
- dhadhil
- dhodhal-[x] badly torn
- dajal
- -laknat var of LAKNAT
- dhajêng
- inf var of DHI AJÊNG: see DHI
- dhadho
- steel-and-flint device for lighting fires
- dadra
- n-[x] to worsen. Korènge n-[x]. His cut is getting worse
- dhadhu
- dice. [x]-n cube-shaped
- dhadhuk
- dried-out vegetation
- dhadhung
- heavy rope. [x] tapuk rope halter. di-[x]-a m-pêdhot di-palang-ana m-lumpat to resist restraint, not want to be fenced in
- dhadhut
- chubby
- dadya
- ltry var of DADI
- daerah
- territory. [x] pêsisiran coastal area. jogèd [x] a regional (classical) dance. kê-[x]-an pertaining to a territory. rasa kê-[x]-an provincialism. [x] pa-dalam-an hinterland. [x] indhustri industrial area. [x] istimewa (abbr: D.I) special administrative region. [x] minus low food-producing area. [x] katulistiwa equatorial zone. [x] panas tropical zone. [x] swatantra autonomous territory
- dhaerah
- var of DAERAH
- dhaftar
- var of DHAPTAR
- dhag
- 1 out of [supplies etc]. 2 absent, out. ngê-[x]-[x] out in the open, unprotected. Panganane ngê-[x]-[x], dirubung ing lalêr. The food was left uncovered and flies got at it. Candhi mau ngê-[x]-[x] bae. The temple has no roof. ngê/di-[x]-ake to leave open/uncovered
- daga
- [x]-n the bottom or foot end (of smn in a lying position: see also ULU-N-ULU-N). n(dê)-[x]-n to lie (for sleep, meditation) at the foot of a sleeping or buried person. n/di-[x]-ake to place sth at the foot of [a sleeping or buried person]
- dagang
- to engage in business. kantor [x] business office. prau [x] merchant ship. wong [x] businessman, merchant, trader. pusate [x] commercial center. [x]-an (grami-n kr?) 1 business, trading. rêmbug prêkara [x]-an to talk business. 2 merchandise. barang [x]-an saka sabrang imported goods. (dê)-[x]-an ([gê]grami-n kr?) (to have) business/commercial dealings with. mêr-[x] to deal in merchandise. mêr-[x] nang pasar to buy and sell at the marketplace. pa-[x] businessman. pa-[x]-an trade. kutha pê-[x]-an a trading city. pa-[x]-an karèt the rubber trade. [x] layar to do business by sailing from place to place. [x] tuna andum bathi to do godd through others
- dhag-dhig-dhug
- rpr rapid heartbeats. Rasane ati [x] ora kêpenak. My heart was pouding uncomfortably
- dhag-dhog
- see DHOG
- dhag-dhug
- see DHUG
- dagêl
- var of DHAGÊL
- dhagêl
- [x] Mataram a radio comedy group. n-[x]-Mataram to make jokes in the style of this group
- dhagi
- inf var of UNDHAGI
- daging
- meat, flesh. kulit [x] a relative, one's flesh and blood. [x]-[x]-an 1 meats. panggonan [x]-[x]-an place where meats are sold. 2 resembling meat. n-[x] [of animals, fruits] fleshy, meaty. [x] sapi (uncooked) beef. [x] cacah (raw) ground beef. [x] wêdhus mutton
- dhaglig
- dhoglag-[x] shaky. Mejane kok dhoglag-[x], mbog diganjêl. The table wobbles; put sth under one of the legs
- dhagrèg
- ragged, worn out
- dhagu
- rg chin
- dah
- boo!
- dhah
- (or n-[x]) word of greeting or farewell. ngê/di-[x]-i to say/wave "hi!" or "bye!" to
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- dahana
- oj fire
- dhahar
- 1 to eat (ki for M-PANGAN). caos [x] to offer food to the spirits. 2 to believe (in), follow (ki for NG-GUGU). (dhê)-[x]-an food, things to eat (ki for PANGAN). ma-[x]-an formal var of MADHARAN. n/di-[x] to eat (ki for M/DI-PANGAN). [x] atur to heed, follow advice (ki for NG-GUGU). [x] kêmbul to eat together; to share a meal from a common plate
- dhahas
- [of soil] dry, dried out
- dhahyang
- var of DANYANG
- dahuru
- var of DAURU
- dahwèn
- a busybody, snoop; nosey, inquisitive
- daya
- 1 strength, force, impetus. [x]-ning lindhu the force of the earthquake. [x]-ning jaman the trend of the times. [x] uwab steam power. Atine isih durung mênêp [x]-ning panggonan kang anyar. She had not yet been able to get the feel of the new place. 2 inf var of BÊDHAYA. [x]-[x] to exert force. Olèhe mlayu krênggosan [x]-[x] enggala têkan ngomah. He ran with all his might to get home fast. kê-[x]-(n) characterized by strength or impetus. Kê-[x] kêpengin kêtêmu bojone nganti lali sarapan. He was so anzious to see his wife that he forgot about breakfast. n/di-[x]-ni to give strength or impetus to. Mugi-mugi buku punika sagêd n-[x]-ni kêmajênganipun wulangan basa Jawi. We hope this book will stimulate Javanese language teaching. Hawa esuk kuwi bisa n-[x]-ni rasa sêgêr. Morning air refreshes you. sa-[x]-[x] with all one's strength; as firmly as possible. Olèhe nyiksa [x]-[x]. They tortured him cruelly. See also BUDI-DAYA, REKADAYA
- dhaya
- in var of BÊDHAYA
- dhayoh
- guest, visitor. Pak, ana [x]. Dad, there's smn here to see you. nêmoni [x] to have guests. [x]-[x]-an to play going visiting (children's pastime). dhê-[x] guests, visitors; audience. dhê-[x]-an to visit each other. kê-[x]-an 1 to have a visitor. Aku kê-[x]-an têpunganku. A friend of mine dropped in. 2 to receive an unwelcome visit, esp. to be burgled. ngGonku iya kê-[x]-an banjir. The flood waters came to our place too. n/di-[x]-i to pay smn a visit. pa-[x]-an 1 place where one visits. 2 place where one receivers guests. See also MÊRDHAYOH, M-PARA DHAYOH, TAMU
- dhayum
- dhayung
- 1 oar, paddle. 2 [of soil] loosened and aerated preparatory to planting lêmah [x] soil prepared as above. n/di-[x]-ake to prepare [soil] as above. n/di-[x]-(i) to row/paddle [a boat]. [x] olèh kêdhung 1 to find a better way of doing sth. 2 to maneuver oneself into a more advantageous position
- dak
- 1 prefix: var of TAK-. 2 (or n-[x]) inf var of ANDAK
- dhak
- 1 descend; unload (root form: kr for DHUN). 2 (or n-[x]) or else (inf var of? md for? MUNDHAK). 3 (or n-[x]) every (inf var of PÊNDHAK)
- dhakah
- (or [x]-srakah) greedy
- dhakal
- kê-[x]-al to climb with difficulty. Olèhe munggah gunung kê-[x]-an. He struggled up the mountain
- dakar
- male genitals
- dhakar
- var of DHAKAL
- dhakên
- sbst kr for DHAKU
- dakik
- var of DHAKIK
- dhakik
- (n)-[x]-[x] elaborate, sophisticated, detailed. kawruh kang [x]-[x] intricate knowledge. Pitakonane ora n-[x]-[x]. His questions weren't very detailed
- dhakir
- (or [x]-[x]) to dig a hole with the hands or forefeet
- dakmênang
- to behave in an overbearing or domineering way
- daknang
- inf var of DAKMÊNANG
- dhakon
- (to play) a certain game consisting of a shallow oval-shaped wooden board containing rows of round hollowed-out places into which fruit pits (kêcik) are placed according to certain rules
- dhaku
- n/di-[x] to claim (ownership of); to acknowledge as one's own
- dhakur
- var of DHAKIR
- dakwa
- accusation. n/di-[x] to accuse. A n-[x] B njupuk jam tangane. A accused B of taking his watch. pa-n-[x] accusation
- dhakwa
- (or n-[x]) of different/disparate lengths (shc from CÊNDHAK DAWA). Sikile [x]. One of his legs is shorter than the other
- dal
- 1 to bring out (root form: kr for TU). 2 name of the 5th year in the windu cycle
- dal-
- see also under DL- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- dhal
- [x]-[x]-an to wander, leave home frequently; one who wanders
- dalah
- 1 (or [x]-an) and (also), together with. A [x] anak bojone A and his family. Aku kirim mung Rp pitu [x]-an sokongan. I only sent 7 rupiahs, including the donation. 2 rg var of SÈLÈH
- dhalam
- internal. kêmantrian [x] nêgêri ministry of internal affairs. pa-[x]-an 1 interior
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- area, hinterland. 2 area not occupied by the Dutch during the 1945 Revolution
- dalan
- ng, margi kr 1 road, street, passage. ndandani [x] to repair a road. [x] sêpur rail-road track. dalan banyu water trough, pipe, etc. [x] panganan digestive tract. Dhèke sumingkir mènèhi [x] bocah-bocah kuwi. He stood aside to let the boys past. 2 way, route. Apa kowe wêruh [x]-e soal iki? Do you know how to solve this problem? Apa kowe wêruh [x] mênyang pasar? Do you know the way to the market? [x] mlêbu (mêtu) the way in (out). mbukak [x] to open up avenues, to pioneer. 3 way, means; slang person made use of, go between. Piye ya [x]-e supaya gêlis sugih? How does one get rich quick? Kowe kok bisa olèh gawean kuwi, sapa [x]-e? Who got that job for you? [x]-an roadways, street areas. Aja dolan ing [x]-an. Don't play in the street. dê-[x] ltry: sms [x]-AN. kê-[x]-an 1 to have a road, passage, etc. on/throught it. Kutha Cilacap kê-[x]-an sêpur. The train goes through Cilacap. 2 to be passed by a road etc. Ana ngarêp omahmu kê-[x]-an [x] gêdhe? Does the highway go past your house? Ing mangsa panèn akèh wong kê-[x]-an rêjêki (ora mung wong tani wae). During the harvesting season many people get windfalls (not only the peasants). n-[x] on the way (to, from). Nyang n-[x] sing ati-ati. Becareful on your trip. n/di-[x]-ake to handle [merchandise] in the capacity of middleman. sa-[x]-[x] in every road. Sa-[x]-[x] A tansah meruhi wong-wong kang sangsara. All along the way he saw people suffering. [x] buntu dead end. [x] gawat danger, threat. [x] gêdhe highway, main street. [x] suthik ng-ambah person to be ignored or avoided
- dhalang
- central performer of a leather-puppet shadow play, who leads the musicians, narrates, sings, and speaks the dialogue while manipulating the puppets. [x]-an 1 saw-horse. 2 saw blade. 3 bicycle frame. n-[x] to conduct a shadow-play performance. n/di-[x]-ake to depict in a shadow play. n/di-[x]-i slang to plot sth. Sapa sing n-[x]-i dhemonstrasi anti Pêmêrintah? Who was the ringleader in the anti-goverment demonstration? pa-[x]-an 1 shadow-play performance. 2 shadow-play lore, including knowledge of the tales, the language used, the art of manipulating the puppets. têmbung pê-[x]-an vocabulary associated with shadow-play drama. [x] opah-opah to do a difficult job and then have to pay smn else for it. [x] ora kurang laku-n a smart person can always find a way
- dalas
- var of DALAH
- dalêm
- 1 (or n-[x]) in(side of), within. ing [x] sêwulan within a single month. Ing [x] sêkilone pira? How much is it per kilogram? 2 the inner rooms of a house, i.e. the main family section. 3 house, home (ki for OMAH). 4 walled-in residence compound of an aristocratic family. 5 (or n-[x]) you, your; he, his (referring to smn exalted: see also NANDALÊM, PANJÊNÊNGAN DALÊM, SAMPEYAN DALÊM). 6 (or a-[x]) ka I, me; my (also, a response when called). 7 forward (soccer player/position). kanan/kiri [x] right/left forward. dê-[x] to live in [a place] (ki for M-ANGGON). n-[x] sèwu I humbly beg your pardon. pa-[x]-an 1 a building lot (ki for POMAH-AN). 2 residence compound of an aristocratic family
- dalèr
- var of DALIR
- dalir
- stripe(s) on an animal's coat. n-[x] striped; stripe-shaped. Gambare n-[x] abang. It has a red stripe drawn on it. nandur kacang n-[x]-n-[x] to plant peanuts in long rows
- dalit
- [x]-an a patched place, esp. in earthenware. n/di-[x] 1 to patch. 2 to use [food, money] as sparingly as possible
- dalon
- sbst kr for CÈLÈNG
- dalu
- 1 evening, night (kr for BÊNGI, WÊNGI). 2 overripe. kê-[x] mangsa or kê-[x] warsa to have lapsed/expired. kê-[x]-n overripe
- dhalung
- large kettle esp. for cooking rice
- dham
- 1 dam. 2 a turn at night watch in the village watchman's base. [x]-[x]-an a game somewhat like chess
- dama
- [x]-n precious because of its scarcity. kê-[x]-(n)-[x]-(n) spoiled, overindulged. n/di-[x]-[x] to spoil [a child]
- dhamai
- peace(full). polithik [x] a policy of peace. dalan [x] a peaceful way
- dhamang
- 1 to understand. A wis [x] bab iku. A has a good grasp of the matter. 2 easily done. n-[x]-ake understandable; (psv di-[x]-ake) to clarify, make comprehensible
- damar
- 1 hardened tree resin. 2 (dilah kr?) lamp, lantern. n¬-[x] k-angin-an beautiful [of eyes]. [x] sela hardened tree resin
- dhambul
- a game played by tossing small balls or pebbles in the hands
- damêl
- job, task; celebration; to make, do, cause (kr for GAWE). [x]- [x] pr dê-[x] weapon (kr for [GÊ]GAMAN)
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- dami
- 1 dried rice stalk; a field of dried rice stalks. 2 inner peeling of a ripe breadfruit or jackfruit section. [x]-n 1 dried rice stalk. 2 whistle or bubble pipe made from such a stalk. [x]-nan field of dried rice stalks. n-[x] bosok resembling decaying straw. Pakulitane n-[x]-bosok. Her skin is tannish. [x] têlês reddish yellow. Ulêse jaran mau [x] têlês. The horse is a strawberry roan
- dhami
- inf var of BÊDHAMI
- dhamis
- 1 to fit together [2 joined parts]. 2 esthetically harmonious
- dhampa
- skin disease characterized by a red rash
- dhampak
- barrel-chested
- dhampar
- 1 throne. 2 low table (usu. round) where people sit cross-legged to eat, play cards, etc
- dhampèng
- n-[x] 1 to hide by crouching behind sth. 2 ltry to plead for sympathy
- dhamping
- steep wall of a ravine or canyon
- dhampit
- boy-girl twins
- dhampyak
- [x]-[x] spreading out so as to fill in an area. Lakune para dhemonstran [x]-[x] ngêbaki dalan. The demonstrators marched abreast, blocking the road. dê-[x]-an forming a group. Manuk-manuk mabur dê-[x]-an. The birds flew in flocks. n/di-[x]-[x]-ake to deploy in a broad array. Opsire n-[x]- [x]-ake barisan. The officer spread out his troops
- dhampyang
- 1 in a bunch/cluster. 2 var of DAMPYAK. [x]-an a bunch, cluster
- dhampyuk
- 1 to reach the same point from different directions. A lan B [x] ana pasar. A and B met at the marketplace. 2 to resolve differences and reach an agreement
- dhamplak
- (or [x]- [x]) big around [of long, roughly cylindrical objects]
- damu
- n/di-[x]-(ni) to blow (on, out). Wulune di-[x] nganti kabur. He blew the feather up in the air. n-[x] sênthir to blow out a kerosene lamp. n-[x]-i gêni to blow on a fire (to encourage it to burn). Sêgane isih panas, didamoni dhisik. The rice is hot; blow on it
- dan
- rg var of ÊNDANG
- dana
- 1 charitable gift. [x] sokongan pêlajar funds for students. 2 regent (inf var of WADANA). dê-[x] to offer funds for charitable purposes. kê-[x]-n to receive charity. n-[x] excl of surprise, disbelief. n/di-[x]-kake to give, donate. n/di-[x]-ni to give to. Bocah yatim piatu di-[x]-ni. The orphans were given charitable donations. [x] bau to offer one's help freely to others. [x] driyah to give generousy to help others. [x] krama polite, well-bred. [x] raga to offer one's help generously
- dhana
- var of RANAa. n-[x] Jogja slang var of MRANA
- danar
- [x]-[x] [of female complexions] fair, light
- danawa
- wy ogre, giant
- dandan
- ng, dandos kr to get/be dressed. Cag-cêg têrus [x]. I dressed quickly. [x] cara Jawa wearing Javanese-style clothing. lêmari [x] closet with a mirror. [x]-an 1 apparel; way of dressing. Asale wong kuwi ketok saka [x]-ane. You can tell where a person is from by the way he's dressed. 2 accessories; embellishments. 3 a place to dress. 4 a foreggone conclusion. Kuwi wis dadi [x]-an. It was bound to happen. [x]-[x] to do repair work. Yèn prèi mbok [x]-[x]. When you're free, how about fixing a few things? n/di-[x]-ake (prn n/di-dandak-ake ng) 1 to have sth repaired. 2 to have [clothing] made. n/di-[x]-i 1 to dress smn. 2 to repair. Coba tak [x]-ane. I'll see if I can fix it
- dhandhan
- 1 strong bamboo rope. 2 intermediary who represents a prospective bridegroom in asking the girl's parents for her hand. 3 umbrella handle. n/di-[x] to tie whit bamboo rope. n/di-[x]-i to ask [a girl's parents] for her hand on smn's behalf
- dandang
- bottom part of a rice steamer: a copper pot for water, over which a wovenbamboo cone (kukus-an) containing the rice is placed. [x] sablug or [x] sublug a one piece rice steamer in which rice rests on a perforated metal sheet above the water
- dhandhang
- 1 oj carrion crow. 2 pickaxe. n-[x] 1 to wait for smn to die. 2 intsfr bright; clear (var of N-DRANDHANG)
- dhandhang-gula
- a certain classical verse form
- dhandhêng
- n-[x] to wander, roam
- dhandhêr
- cassava
- dhandhing
- n-[x] slender and graceful
- dandos
- to be/get dressed (kr for DANDAN)
- dang
- (or n-[x]) quick, immediate. [x]! Hurry up! nDang lunga. Go right now. [x]-an measuring unit for raw rice equivalent to 10 bêruk's. [x]-[x]-an cooked by steaming. sêga [x]-[x]-an steamed rice. ngê/di-[x] to cook [esp. rice] by steaming. Berase diê-[x] dadi sêga. She steamed the rice. ngê/di-[x]-ake to steam [rice] for smn. pa-[x] 1 the time required to steam rice. sa-pa-[x] sapanginang a moment, a short while. 2 person who steams rice
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- pa-[x]-an kitchen. kayu [x] firewood. See also ADANG, ENDANG
- dhang
- rpr a musical beat. ngê/di-[x] to wait for, lie in wait for. Ibu lagi ngê-[x] janganan. Mother is waiting for the vegetable man (to come by). ngê/di-[x]-[x]-i to put sth in the way of. ngê-[x]- [x]-i lakune to block smn's way. Adhike di-(ê)dhang-dhangi bantal bèn ora tiba. Put a pillow beside the baby so he won't fall. See also ADHANG
- dhangah
- [x]-[x] (to walk) briskly, to stride
- dangak
- n-[x] facing upward; craning the neck. n/di-[x]-ake to face sth upward. Lampune di-[x]-ake. He directed the beam upward
- dhangak
- var of DHANGAN
- dhangan
- ki 1 willing (to help). mbokbilih [x] ing pênggalih if you don't mind. 2 comfortable (ki for KÊPENAK). 3 to recover (from) (ki for MARI). 4 relieved (ki for LÊGA). 5 pleased; to like (ki for SÊNÊNG). 6 well (ki for WARAS). [x]-an (one who is) always willing to help as needed
- danganan
- implement handle/holder
- dhangdhêng
- var of DHANDHÊNG
- dhangdhêr
- var of DHANDHÊR
- Dhang-dhing
- see DHING
- dhanghyang
- var of DHANYANG
- dhangir
- weeding and loosening of surface soil with a hoe. n/di-[x] to weed and loosen [soil]. [x] alis to shave and shape eyebrows
- dhangka
- 1 location, place; cr habiitation of an ogre or evil spirit. 2 cave where a corpse is kept
- dhangkal
- 1 dirt on the body. 2 var of DHAKAL. [x]-ên to have dirt on the body. n-[x] 1 sms [x]-ÊN. 2 to remove dirt from the body
- dhangkèl
- main root of a tree. n/di-[x] to remove a tree by the roots
- dhangklèh
- var of DHÊNGKLÈH
- dhangkrok
- var of DHANGKRUK
- dhangkruk
- n-[x] to sit with the knees drawn up and the back bowed
- dhangsah
- var of DHANSAH
- dhangsi
- dhangsul
- (or kê-[x]) soybean (sbst kr for DHÊLE)
- dangu
- 1 stem of the sugar-palm blossom. 2 (a) long (time) (kr for LAWAS, SUWE). 3 to ask (a question) (ki for TAKON)
- dangur
- cassava
- dhanyang
- supernatural guardian of a tree, house, bridge, etc. in animistic belief
- dhansah
- to dance (Occidental style). [x] dhangsi to keep dancing; to dance and dance
- danu
- ltry wild water buffalo
- daoke
- boss (term for addressing a Chinese foreman)
- dhaon
- a plant leaf
- dhapa
- n-[x] inf var of PÊNDHAPA
- dhapi
- n-[x] inf var of PÊNDHAPI
- dhaplang
- n-[x] to stretch the arms out to the sides. See also KÊDHAPLANG
- dhaplok
- see GÊRANG
- dhaptar
- list. [x] pajêg tax register. [x] sokongan list of contributions. n/di-[x]-ake to register oneself/smn. aku n-[x]-ake kanggo ujian. I signed up for the exam. n/di-[x]-(i) to keep a record of. Sing n-[x] cacah jiwa kuwi carik. The census records are kept by the clerk. pa-n-[x]-an registration; listing
- dhapuk
- [x]-an 1 arrangement(s), formation. [x]-ane wis dadi. The arrangements are complete. [x]-aning basa linguistic form(s). 2 role assigned. [x]-ane sêmuan wayang yaiku ... The cast for the wayang performance is as follows. n/di-[x] 1 to arrange, set up. n-[x] organisasi to establish an organization. n-[x] kabinèt to form a cabinat. 2 to assign a role to. Aku di-[x] dadi Sêncaki. I'm to play Sencaki. A di-[x] dadi warga organisasi mau. A has been apointed a member of the organization
- dhapur
- 1 (in the) form/shape (of). [x]-e bundêr. It's round. [x]-e kaya timba. It's shaped like a bucket. [x] kêris design of a kris blade. Crita iku gawenên [x] layang marang mitramu. Tell the story in the form of a letter to a friend. Kowe wae sing isih [x] cêmpe. You're very young yet. 2 clump, cluster; group, category. gêdhang sa-[x] a cluster of banana trees. [x] kabênêran. Lucky for us! Kula mênika namung (a)-[x] utusan, dados mbotên mangêrtos isinipun buntêlan mênika. I'm only an errand boy; I have no idea what is in the package. 3 wy play derived from classical epics and Javanese mythology. 4 kitchen. 5 cr face. [x]-an 1 form, shape. [x]-an basa linguistic forms. 2 cluster, clump. [x]-mu cr nuts to you! the hell with you! a-[x] in the form of; resembling. prentah a-[x] pitakonan a command in the form of a question. n/di-[x] 1 to form a group/category. 2 to derive from [classical sources]. Crita iki di-[x] saka Ramayana. This tale is from the Ramayana
- dar-
- see also under DR- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- dhar
- ngê/di-[x]-ake to express, explain, expound (inf var of M/DI-WÊDHAR-AKE)
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- dhar-
- see also under DR- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- dara
- 1 pigeon, dove. 2 a virgin. n-[x] Sir, Ma'am; master, mistress (shf of BÊNDARA). Dhèke diutus n-[x]-ne. His master sent him on an errand. n-[x] dhoktêr (adr) doctor. Inggih n-[x]. Yes sir/ma'am. n-[x] ajêng daughter of the master. n-[x] kakung the master of the house. n-[x] mas son of the master. n-[x] putri wife of the master. [x] bandhang-an male pigeon being trained by use of a tame female. [x] gambir brown pigeon. [x] giring homing pigeon; pigeon in the mating season. [x] kaplak-an sms [x] BADHANG-AN. [x] kucir crested pigeon. [x] megan(-tritis) gray pigeon. [x] pos carrier pigeon. [x] topong black pigeon with a white head. See also KUMANDARA
- dhara
- 1 [of poultry, plants] having reached the reproductive age. 2 medium-sized, not too large. 3 stomach
- daradasèh
- var of DARADASIH
- daradasih
- (or n-[x]-i) to materialize, come about. Impène [x]. His dream came true. N-[x]-i tênan, lagi dirasani kok têka. Speak of the devil: we were just talking about you
- daragêpak
- a certain style of Javanese house with verandas on all sides
- darah
- 1 descendant, esp. of an aristocrat. 2 lineage, descent. n-[x]-ake to descend from, be a desendant of. [x] dalêm close relative of a monarch. [x] mudha hot-blooded youth
- dharah
- var of DARAH
- darak
- var of DARAN
- dharak
- [x]-[x] 1 in neat rows. 2 [of garments] too long
- daran
- n/di-[x]-i 1 to name/call sth (var of NG/DI-ARAN-I). 2 to accuse
- dharang
- kê-[x]-[x] in desperate straits, at the end of one's rope
- dharat
- land (as contrased with water, air). wong mlaku [x] pedestrian. angkatan [x] army, land forces. Aku mudhun saka bis banjur mlaku [x] mênyang hotèl. I got off the bus and walked to the hotel. [x]-an 1 land, shore. Kewan [x]-an land animals. prajurit [x]-an or têntara [x]-an infantry(man); foot soldier(s) munggah ing [x]-an to come ashore. 2 inland, away from shore. mên-[x] to land, come ashore. n-[x] 1 to land. KKO-ne wis n-[x]. The Marines have landed. Montor mabure n-[x] jam sêwêlas esuk. The plane touched down at 11 A.M. 2 (to go) by land. n/di-[x]-ake to bring to land; to land sth/smn
- darbe
- ltry to have, own, possess. dê-[x]-an a possession, belonging. n/di-[x]-ni to have possession of. See also DARBÈK
- darbèk
- the possession/belonging of. [x]-ku mine. [x]-e Ali Ali's. See also DARBE
- darès
- a variety of owl
- dari
- n-[x] to rise [of the moon] (var of N-DADAR-I)
- dharik
- [x]-[x] in orderly rows
- daring
- (pa)-[x]-an 1 conteiner for storing rice. 2 large flat bamboo surface where hulled rice is spread out to dry before storing
- darma
- 1 (darmi kr) duty, obligation. 2 donation, contribution; to donate, contribute. 3 close, intimate. mitra [x] a good friend. 4 ltry father. n/di-[x]-ni to contribute to. sa-[x] (to do) from a sense of duty or as an obligation. [x] jasa a good deed. [x] wisata a group study trip. See also BUDIDARMA
- darmawan
- contributor
- darmi
- duty, obligation (kr for DARMA)
- daru
- falling star that gives off blue light: an omen of great good fortune. kêtiban [x] to receive a propitious omen
- darubê(k)si
- misfortune brought about by black magic
- Darul
- Islam (abbr: D.I) a certain rebellious Moslem group
- darung
- [x]-an and then, after that. kê-[x]-[x] to go astray. Yèn ngomong sing pêrlu wae, aja kê-[x]-[x]. Talk business-don't get off the subject. n-[x] 1 to [do] repeatedly or habitually. 2 and then, after that
- darurat
- emergency. kahanan [x] an emergency. tindakan [x] emergency action. rumah sakit [x] a makeshift hospital
- darus
- n-[x] to read aloud from the Koran
- das
- zero
- dasa
- (or n-[x]) the 10 place, 10 digit (kr for PULUH). dwi [x] (ltry) 20. See also SÊDASA
- dasanama
- 1 a polysyllabic synonym for another polysyllabic word formed from a string of corresponding synonymous segments of each word: a from of Javanese word play. 2 a book giving an account of such formations
- dhasar
- 1 bottom. [x]-e dhus the bottom of the box. ana ing [x] laut at the bottom of the sea. 2 basis, foundation, principle. [x] omah house foundation. cèt [x] a foundation coat of paint. Padha dene ngajèni iku [x] sêsrawungan. Mutual respect is the basis of cooperation. [x]-[x] dhemokrasi principles, of democracy. 3 basically, by nature. Bocahe
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- [x] tambêng. He's an obstinate child. [x] wong tuwane mrêdi banget marang anake. In the main, her parents took good care of her. 4 background. [x] biru a blue background. 5 to arrange or display one's merchandise. [x]-an 1 a display of merchandise. 2 place where merchandise is displayed. [x]-e fundamentally, basically. [x]-e pancèn dhêmên gêgawean. By nature, he enjoys working. a-dhê-[x] based on. adhêdhasar iki on this principle. dhê-[x] basis, foundation; on the basis [of]. dhê-[x] marang rêrasan rakyat on the basis of the people's opinions. n-[x] at/on the bottom. Praune kèrêm laut n-[x]. The boat sank. n/di-[x]-ake 1 to place on display. 2 to base sth. paham sing di-[x]-ake marang ajaran Marx an ideology based on Marxist teachings. n/di-[x]-i to use as a foundation. Cèt iki kanggo n-[x]-i cèt ijo mau. This paint is to be used as a foundation for the green paint. pa-[x]-an 1 place where merchandise is displayed. 2 a display of merchandise
- dhasbor
- dashboard
- dhasi
- necktie (Occidental style). [x]-n to wear a necktie. [x] klawèr four-in-hand tie. [x] kupu butterfly-shaped tie. [x] sêtrik bow tie
- dasih
- ltry female servant
- dhastêr
- 1 nightgown, sleep wear. 2 protective coat
- dhasul
- kr sbst var of DHANGSUL
- dat
- 1 essential nature. [x] ullah or [x] ollah the essence of God. 2 shf of ADAT. [x] sabên the usual way. 3 chemical substance. [x] alus soul (cf. [x] KASAR). [x] arêng carbon. [x] êndhog protein. [x] kasar body. [x] kapur calcium. [x] latu iron preparation for vitamins. [x] nyah chemical salts. [x] putih têlur albumen
- dhat
- [x]-[x]-an fitful [of sleep]. [x] nyêng fickle, changeable
- datan
- oj no; not
- dhatêng
- 1 (to go) to, toward (kr for MARANG, [MÊ]NYANG). 2 concerning (kr for MARANG). 3 to come, arrive (kr for TÊKA). d-um-a-têng 1 to, toward (kr for MARANG). 2 to go to(ward) (kr for T-UM-ÊKA). [x] ka-suwun ka thank you. [x] sêndika ka yes
- dhacah
- ubiquitous
- dhacin
- unit of weigh ca. 61.76 kilograms = 136 lbs. [x]-an 1 balance scale for weighing by dhacin's. 2 in dhacin's, by the dhacin. n/di-[x] to weigh sth in dacin's
- dhatu
- oj king. See also KÊDHATON
- datuk
- n-[x] to form or become an addiction
- dhatuk
- var of DHATU
- daugan
- rg var of DÊGAN
- dhauk
- inf var of DHAWUK
- daulat
- blessing bestowed by a dignitary. n/di-[x] to seize control over a superior authority. Kêpala pabrike di-[x] punggawane. The factory boss was ousted by his subordinates. [x] bêcik a good omen
- dhaup
- to be/get married to. n/di-[x]-ake to hold a wedding ceremony for [one's child]
- dauru
- turmoil, chaotic situation
- daut
- 1 toothless; to have teeth missing (ki for OMPONG). 2 to become detached from the body (ki for PUPAK). 3 to come to an end (ki for PUPUT). [x]-an 1 ceremony honoring an infant at the time the umbilical cord drops off. 2 the fallen-of umbilical cord
- dhaut
- var of DAUT. n/di-[x] to remove [seedlings] from the seedbed for transplanting to the field
- dawa
- ng, panjang kr long. Rambute [x] apa cêndhak? Is her hair long or short? yèn dipikir [x] if you give it long thought. crita [x] a long story. [x]-ne the length (of). Kayune [x]-ne sêpira? How long is the stick? kê-[x]-n excessively long. kê-[x]-[x] long-drawn-out. Soal cilik mau wêkasane dadi kê-[x]-[x]. The trivial case dragged on and on. n/di-[x]-kake to make sth longer (that it was) n/di-[x]-ni to make sth long. sa-[x]-[x]-ning lurung isih [x] gurung rumors reach everywhere. [x] ambane the dimensions/area (of). [x]-ambane 4 M2 (patang mètêr pêsagi). It's 4 square meters in area. [x] ilat-e to tattle. [x] irung-e embarrassed. [x] tangan-e light-fingered. Si Tangan [x] the pickpocket. [x] cêndhak-e the length (of). Bukune kabèh padha surasane, mung [x]-cêndhake wae beda-beda. The books all say the same thing; they differ only in length
- dhawah
- 1 to fall, drop (kr for TIBA). 2 order, command (ki: rg var of DHAWUH). 3 to say, speak (rg ki for CLATHU, TUTUR). [x]-an dam. n/dipun-[x] to sow seeds (kr for NY/DI-SÊBAR?)
- dawala
- wy white silk scarf worn around the neck to hold the batik in place
- dawêg
- 1 var of SAWÊG. 2 rg var of DÊGAN. 3 sbst kr for AYO
- dhawêt
- a drink prepared from coconut milk, coconut syrup, and rice-flour squares (cendhol). [x] tlasih the above drink flavored with basil
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- dawir
- torn, ragged [of human ears]
- dhawoh
- rg var DHAWAH
- dhawuh
- 1 an order, command (ki for PA-KON); to tell smn to do sth (ki for KON [root form]. 2 to say, speak (ki for CLATHU). 3 advice; to say, tell (ki for TUTUR). 4 rg var of DHAWAH. n/di-[x]-ake to proclaim (ki for NG/DI-UMUM-AKE). sa-[x]-e as an exalted person orders. Sa-[x]-ipun bapak têmtu kula lampahi. I'll do whatever you tell me to, Father. Sa-[x]-ipun bapak kula lajêng têrus mangkat. I left as soon as you told me to, Father. [x] dalêm or [x] pa-ng-andika (dalêm) (to issue) a royal command
- dhawuk
- 1 dappled, dotted with color. 2 faded from repeated laundering. wis [x] very old (usu. of animals)
- dhawul
- [x]-[x] untidy, in disarray. ptg dh-r-awul pl untidy, disarranged
- dê-
- see also under DA- (Introduction, 2.9.2)
- dhe
- 1 shf of BADHE. 2 inf var of BÊDHÈK. 3 shf of GÊDHE
- dhê-
- see also under DHA- (Introduction, 2.9.2)
- debagan
- inf var of GÊDEBAGAN
- Dhebat
- a debate. [x]-[x]-an to exchange opinions; to discuss a difference of opinion. n/di-[x] to debate, argue about. [x] kusir a discussion in which one participant will not listen to any opinion that differs from his own
- dhêbat
- var of DHEBAT
- debèt
- debit. [x] lan kredhit debit and credit
- deblag
- n-[x] 1 broad, strong. 2 (psv di-[x]) to slap smn on the back. 3 (psv di-[x]) to repair an eroded earth barrier separating rice paddies. sa-[x] a broad section of sth. Aku olèh kuwih sa-[x]. I got a big piece of cake
- dèblèg
- n-[x] cluttered; having many objects adhering to it
- dèblêg
- 1 rg var of DEBLAG. 2 var of DÈBLÈG
- Dhèblèng
- (or [x]-an) turning back, upward, and outward, e.g kerbau horns; the tied ends of a headdress (ikêt)
- deblo
- var of DÈBLÈG
- dêbog
- banana-tree log (used e.g. as a puppet rack: the puppet sticks are plunged into the soft wood)
- dhêbus
- see LÊNGA
- dêd-
- dhêdh-, see under D-, DH- (Introduction, 3.1.3)
- dêdah
- var of TÊDAH
- dhêdhak
- rice chaff
- dede
- no; not (sbst kr? md? for DUDU)
- dhedhe
- to sun oneself
- dêdêg
- height, stature. n/di-[x]-i to attend, be present at. sa-[x] the same height (as). Dhuwurku wis sa-[x]-e kakangku. I'm as tall as my older brother now. sa-[x] pa-ng-adêg as high as a standing person. sa-[x] (sa)pa-ng-awe as high as a person can reach upward. [x] pa-ng-adêg or [x] pi-adêg height, stature. [x] pa-ngadêge cukupan. She's quite tall. See also ADÊG, DÊG
- dhêdhêg
- n/di-[x]-(i) 1 to hammer softly. 2 to play [a gamelan percussion instument] with gentle beats
- dhèdhèk
- [x]-an (thing) set aside for future use. n/di-[x]-i to set aside for later use
- dêdêl
- n-[x] 1 to ascend quickly. Montor mabur n-[x] sanalika. The plane shot upward. Dhèke taun iki lagi n-[x]. He's come up in the world this year. Rêga bêras n-[x]. The price of rice is skyrocketing. 2 (psv di-[x]) to press. Lawange di-[x] mênga. He pushed open the door. pa-n-[x] act of pressing. Saka kuwating pan-[x]-ing banyu, bêndungane ambrol. The water pressure was so great the dam burst
- dhèdhèl
- to rip. klambi sing [x] a torn shirt. n/di-[x] to rip sth open. [x] dhuwèl badly torn, ripped to shreds
- dhêdhêl
- sluggish. Banyune [x]. The water won't flow readily. A [x] atine. A is slow to grasp things. kê-[x]-an 1 stopped up; moving sluggishly. 2 constipated
- dhêdhêp
- n/di-[x]-i to watch from a concealed place. pa-n-[x]-an a place of concealment. [x] nyênyêt or [x] tidhêm dead quiet. [x] sirêp magic sleeping potion/spell
- dhêdhêpa
- n-[x] to plead for mercy or sympathy
- dhêdhêr
- n-[x] steep(ly graded)
- dhêdhêr
- [x]-an seedling; seedbed. n/di-[x] to sow seeds. n-[x] pêpêtêng to sow the seeds of trouble. pa-n-[x]-an seed bed; plot where seeds are sown
- dhèdhès
- disagreeable odor ejected by civet cats
- dhêdhês
- n/di-[x](-[x]) to plague smn with questions about what he has been up to. Dhèke n-[x]-[x] aku. She kept asking me where I'd been. Barêng di-[x] suwe ngaku. Under questioning he finally confessed
- dhèdhèt
- [x]-an tendril of a vine. n/di-[x]-i to uproot vines
- dhêdhêt
- (or n-[x]) intsfr dark and still. pêtêng n-[x] (lêlimêngan) pitch dark. n/di-[x] to tug (at) with jerking motions. n-[x]-i 1 to tighten when jerked. Pancinge n-[x]-i. His fishline
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- became taut. 2 (psv di-[x]-i) to jerk sth taut. 3 to trample on [soil etc.] to firm it. See also DHÊT
- dêdrêg
- to remain adamant
- dhefinisi
- definition
- dêg
- [x]-[x]-an to stand around. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to build, set up. ngê-[x]-ake gêdhung to erect a building. ngê-[x]-ake sayêmbara to hold a contest. 2 to raise smn to the position of. di-[x]-ake ratu to be made king. ngê/di-[x]-i 1 to build, set up. 2 to be present at. ngê-[x]-i to attend a wedding. See also ADÊG, DÊDÊG
- dhèg
- 1 ship's deck. 2 blanket
- dhêg
- 1 rpr a sudden start. Mak [x] enggal-enggal mlayu nang pawon. She gave a start and dashed to the kitchen. 2 throughout. sêdina [x] all day long. [x]-[x] rpr thumping heartbeats. [x]-[x]-an startled, frightened; with heart pounding. Wah, kowe gawe [x]-[x]-an wae. Oh! you scared me. Saka [x]-[x]-anku, mèh bae atiku pamitan. I was so scared I nearly died. n-[x] see ÊNDHÊG. Ngê/di-[x]-[x]-i to give smn a scare. sa-[x]-an at one time. Kuwih sa lodhong diêntèkake sa-[x]-an. He ate a whole jar of cookies without stopping
- dêgan
- young coconut, with sweet juice and soft meat. d-um-êgan [of coconuts] to be at the above stage of development
- dêgèg
- n-[x] to thrust forward the chest
- dhêgêl
- mortified, resentful
- dhêglag
- to sit leaning back so far that one falls. n/di-[x]-ake to lean sth way back. Aku n-[x]-ake kursi. I tipped the chair back. Bayine di-[x]-ake. She held the baby in a leaning-back position [to feed him]
- dhèglèg
- n-[x] to sit leaning back
- dhêglèg
- var of DHÊGLIG. n-dhêglag-n-[x] to fidget, squirm
- dhêglêg
- simple-minded (var of DHÈGLÈNG)
- dhèglèng
- simple-minded; eccentric. n-[x] to sit leaning back
- dhêglêng
- simple-minded (var of DHÈGLÈNG)
- dhêglig
- rpr a sudden bending. kê-[x] to bend suddenly at the joint. Sikile kê-[x] mak [x]. His leg suddenly bent under him. n-[x] 1 [of knee] slightly bent and forward. 2 (psv di-[x]) to bend smn's elbow/knee
- dhêglo
- simple-minded
- dheglog
- to limp because of an injured leg or because one leg is shorter
- dhêglug
- dhêglag-[x] to limp because one leg is shorter than the other
- dhegol
- [of arm, leg joints] enlarged, knobby
- dhêgol
- var of DHEGOL
- dhegus
- tall and handsome (shc from GÊDHE BAGUS)
- dhèhèm
- attention-getting cough or clearing of the throat; to cough or clear the throat for attention. n/di-[x]-i to cough or clear the throat at [smn, or at a falling star when making a wish]. Lintang alihan di-[x]-i: êhêm. He wished on a star by clearing his throat
- dheyal
- kê-[x]-an to make one's way with difficulty. Malinge mlayu kê-[x]-an. The thief stumbled off
- deyan
- (or [x]-e) rg I guess, I think; quite probably
- dheye
- a certain locust-like insect
- dhèyèk
- (or [x]-[x]) hunched over; greatly burdened. Copète dijotosi nganti [x]. They beat the pickpocket till he could hardly stand. Olèhe nggawa kopêr nganti [x]-[x]. He staggered under the weight of the suitcase. Barêng nganggur, uripe [x]-[x] tênan. When he was out of a job, things were really hard for him
- dheyog
- (to walk) with a limp because one leg is shorter than the other
- dèk
- 1 inf var of DUWÈK. 2 (or n-[x]) from (rg var of SAKA)
- dhèk
- 1 (kala kr) last, past; when [past]. [x] minggu last week. [x] anu kae some time ago. [x] aku ana pasar malêm when I was at the fair. [x] cilik(an) when I was a child. 2 belonging, possession. [x]-mu yours. 3 title younger person (var of DHI). [x] Marta agi nang Jakarta. Marta (younger than me) is in Jakarta. n-[x] 1 last, past; when [past]. 2 possession, belonging. 3 shf of CÊNDHÈK. ngê/di-[x] (prn ngê/di-dhèk) to block [an opponent, e.g. in soccer]. [x] apa when [in the past]? [x] biyèn in the past, a long time ago; used to [do]. [x] biyèn-biyèn in the remote past. [x] êmbèn the day before yesterday. [x] mau just now, a short while ago. [x] sêmana a long time ago; way back at that time. [x] wingènane the day before yesterday. [x] wingi yesterday
- dhêkah
- small village (kr for DHUKUH)
- dhekan
- dean; head of an academic faculty
- dhèke
- inf var of DHÈWÈKE
- dèkèk
- ng, sèlèh kr [x]-[x] or dê-[x] to put things smw. Yèn [x]-[x] aja sak ênggon-ênggon. Don't put things down just any old place. n/di-[x]-(ake) (m/di-paring-ake ki) to put sth smw. Piring iki di-[x] ngêndi? Where should I put this plate? Ing pawon [x]-na pasangan ya. Set a mousetrap in the kitchen. n/di-[x]-i to put
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- [sth] into/onto. Montore di-[x]-i radhio. He installed a radio in his car
- dhêkêk
- having a neck so short it seems to be growing out of the shoulders. n/di-[x]-ake to retract the head into the shoulders
- dhêkêkêl
- n-[x] huddled up with cold
- dhêkêm
- [x]-an 1 rg stone-filled basket for reinforcing a dam. 2 sbst kr for DHÊLE. n-[x] 1 [of birds, animals] to sit/lie with legs folded under the body. 2 [of people: cr] to sit with knees drawn up; to lie with knees folded under the body. n/di-[x]-i 1 to sit/lie protectively over sth. Kuthuke di-[x]-i mbokne. The mother hen sat on her chicks. 2 to refuse to share. Pite aja kok [x]-i wae. Don't hog the bicycle!
- dhèkên
- n/di-[x] to block [an opponent, e.g. in soccer]
- dhèkèng
- kê-[x]-[x] in constant difficulty or trouble
- dêkêp
- 1 to grasp firmly. 2 to trap [e.g. an insect] esp. with the down-turned palm
- dhêkêp
- var of DÊKÊP
- dhêkês
- n-[x] to sit cross-legged (var of NG-KÊ-DHÊKÊS)
- dhèki
- di-[x] inf var of DI-DHÈDHÈK-I
- dhêkik
- small indentation. [x] pipi-ne dimple
- dhêkis
- var of DHÊLIK
- dheklarasi
- 1 company-reimbursed travel expenses. 2 declaration. [x] kêmêrdhekaan declaration of independence
- dhêkluk
- dhêklak-[x] to keep nodding sleepily
- dèkna
- n-[x] in spite of the fact that; even so
- dèkne
- var of DÈKNA
- dhèkne
- var of DHÈWÈKE
- dhèknèn
- (e) var of DHÈWÈKE
- dêkok
- var of DHÊKOK
- dhêkok
- 1 (to have) a dent, hollow. Montorku [x]. My car has a dent in it. 2 [of eyes] deep-set. [x]-an 1 a dent(ed place). 2 strong tea. dhêkak-[x] full of dents. n-[x] 1 cr to sleep. 2 (psv di-[x]) to dent sth. n/di-[x]-(ake) to steep [tea] for a long time
- dhekon
- acronym for DHEKLARASI EKONOMI economic declaration (concept initiated by Soekarno)
- dhêkong
- var of DHÊKOK
- dhekor
- 1 decor. 2 stage setting. n-[x] to sit on the bare floor
- dhêkos
- shf of INDHÊKOS
- dèkpuna
- var of DÈKNA
- dhekrit
- a decree. ngêtokake [x] to issue a decree
- dêksa
- guilt, sin
- dêksiya
- cruel; arrogant
- dêksura
- to treat others with contempt, to humiliate people
- dhêku
- n-[x] to sit cross-legged before an exalted person in a humble and deferential attitude
- dhêkukul
- n-[x] with nead bowed
- dhèkwur
- n-[x] of various heights [said of things which ought to be the same height, e.g. fence posts: shc from CÊNDHÈK DHUWUR]. Sikile meja n-[x]. The table has one leg shorter than the others
- dêl
- rpr a sudden motion, usu. upward. Macane diundha [x]. [The kerbau] tossed the tiger on its horns
- dêl-
- see also under DL- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- dhêl
- 1 rpr a breaking sound. [x], bênange pêdhot. The thread snapped. 2 rpr an explosion. Bètènge dimriyêm, [x]. The fort was hit by cannon fire
- dhela
- ng, kêdhap kr [x]-[x] every so often, from time to time. sê-[x] moment, short interval. Sêkêdhap njih. Just a moment, please. Dhèke mikir sêdhela. He thought for a moment. sê-[x] manèh any moment now
- dhêlak
- n-[x] [of animals] badly in need of food and drink
- dêlalah
- var of DILALAH
- dêlap
- covetous. [x]-[x]-e slang what nerve! (as a comment on smn's greed or covetousness)
- dêlas
- var of DALAH
- dele
- [x]-[x] excl of surprise
- dhêle
- (or kê-[x]) soybean. [x] kaplak ripe(ned) soybean. (kê)-[x]-n resembling a soybean. n-[x] to plant soybeans
- dêlêg
- 1 the facts of the matter. Aku ora ngêrti [x]-e. I don't know anything about it. 2 a pike-like fish. 3 cross section of a tree trunk. 4 (or [x]-an) rolled-up tobacco leaf. n/di-[x]-i to roll [tobacco leaves
- dhêlêg
- [x]-[x] or dhêlag-[x] stunned with shock or grief
- dhelêgasi
- dhêlêgasi, delegation
- dèlèh
- ng, suka kr, paring ki n/di-[x]-(ake) to put sth smw. Potlote di-[x]-ake ing meja. He laid the pencil on the table
- dèlèk
- var of DÈLÈH
- dhêlêlêg
- n-[x] downcast, gloomy
- dêlêm
- hollowed-out coconut shell, for holding water
- dèlèng
- [x] mripat-e to have a squint. n-[x]-ake mripat to squint up the eyes
- dêlêng
- ng, tingal kr dê-[x]-an show, display, signt(s) to be seen. n/di-[x] (n/dipun-tingal-i
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- kr) to look at, observe. [x]-ên ta! Look! sing n-[x] spectators, audience. N-[x]-a ing ndhuwur. See above. n-[x] ngiwa-nêngên to look in both directions. n-[x] tanpa mripat 1 to sense sth. 2 Jogja slang are you blind?! n-[x] usuk to lie around idly on one's back. n-[x]-n-[x] to depend [on], be up [to]. nDêlêng-nDêlêng marang wong desa kuwi. It's up to the villagers [to decide, take action, etc.] n-dê-[x] (nê-n-tingali kr) 1 to see things. Matane sing kiwa ora kêna dianggo ndê-[x]. He can't see out of his left eye. 2 to look around, see the sights. n/di-[x]-ake to see, observe. d-in-êlêng(an) (t-in-ingal[an] kr) visible; to appear, be seen. asri tiningalan beautiful to see. Gunung kuwi yèn dinêlêng saka kadohan kaya buta turu. (Seen) from a distance, the mountain looks like a sleeping giant. See also PANDÊLÊNG, PRIKSA
- dêlêp
- n/di-[x]-ake to conceal, hide from view. See also PANDÊLÊP
- dèlèr
- n-[x] to flow sluggishly [of viscous fluids]
- dêlês
- 1 pure-bred, of unmixed blood. 2 a cloth strip serving as a wick in an oil lamp
- dhèlèt
- var of DHELA
- dêlik
- [x]-[x] wide-eyed, staring. See also PÊNDÊLIK
- dhelik
- of various sizes (shc from GÊDHÊ CILIK)
- dhêlik
- [x]-an 1 hide-and-seek. 2 in secret. Olèhe mangan pêlêm [x]-an. She ate the mango where nobody could see her. 3 hiding place. 4 fallout shelter. n-[x] 1 to hide. Dhèke n-[x] ing njêro kamar. She hid in her room. 2 isolated, hidden away. Papan-papan sing n-[x]-n-[x] saiki wis akèh sing ana sêpure. Many remote places now have train service. n-[x]-n-[x] to [do] in secret. n/di-[x]-ake to hide sth. pa-n-[x]-an sms [x]-AN
- dêling
- 1 clear(ly visible, audible). 2 bamboo (kr for PRING). d-um-êling [of sounds] clear and sweet
- dhèlit
- var of DHELA
- dhêlog
- earthenware crock. [x]-[x] stunned, motionless with shock or grief
- dêlok
- var of DÊLÊNG
- dhelok
- dhèlok, var of DHELA
- dhèlot
- var of DHELA
- dhèluk
- var of DHELA
- dêlul
- n-[x] headstrong, self-willed
- dhèlut
- var of DHELA
- dêm-
- see also under D- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- dhèm
- ngê/di-[x]-(i) to claim as one's own. Potlot kuwi wis di-[x]-i A. A says that pencil is his.
- dhêm
- ng, srêp kr [x]-[x]-an to have a grudge (against). ngê-[x] to cool oneself/sth. ngê/di-[x]-ake or ngê/di-[x]-i 1 to cool sth, make cold(er) or cool(er). 2 to make comfortable/secure. Si A ngêdhêm-êdhêmi atine. A set his mind at rest. See also ADHÊM
- dhêm-
- see also under DH- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- dêmang
- a village administrative position (now obsolete)
- dhêmarkasi
- demarcation. lini [x] line of demarcation (in battle)
- dhêmbèl
- [of unwashed hair] sticky, greasy
- dhêmbêl
- var of DHÊMBÈL
- demblo
- n-[x] thick, many-layered
- dêmblok
- n-[x] smudged, smeared, messy
- dêmèk
- [x]-an the feel of sth. Raine [x]-ane panas. Her face was hot to the touch. n/di-[x] to touch, feel
- dhêmêk
- [x]-[x] (to walk) slowly with short steps. See also KÊDHÊMÊK
- dêmèmèl
- var of DÊRMIMIL
- dhêmên
- ng, rêmên kr to like, take pleasure in. [x] têtulung to enjoy helping others. Lanang [x] wadon, wadon [x] lanang. Boys like girls and girls like boys. duwe [x] to have a desire [to have/do sth]. [x]-an 1 activity (usu. improper) which one enjoys. 2 cr girl/boy friend. 3 to have an extramarital affair. kê-[x]-ên to take great pleasure in. n-[x]-ake pleasing, appealing. n/di-[x]-[x]-ake to do one's best to like sth. Sanajan omahe cilik lan lawas, di-[x]-[x]-ake anggone manggon ana kono. The house is small and old, but he's trying to enjoy living in it. n/di-[x]-i 1 to like, have a fondness for. 2 to love illicitly. [x] nyar to acquire and tire of new things quickly
- dêmênak
- n-[x]-ake 1 pleasant, agreeable, causing delight. 2 appetizing, delicious-looking
- dêmi
- in the name of. [x] Allah in God's name
- dhêmi
- var of DÊMI
- dêmimil
- var of DÊRMIMIL
- dhêmit
- 1 spirit that inhabits a particular place. 2 furtive, stealthy. dhê-[x] spirit. (dhê)-[x]-an furtive, secretive. Sêmune dhê-[x]-an. He has a furtive air about him. [x] ora n-dulit setan ora doyan freed from ghosts and spirits
- dhemo
- three-wheeled motorcycle used esp. during colonial times
- dêmok
- kê-[x] to touch accidentally. n/di-[x] to touch with the hand. n/di-[x]-[x] or n/di-[x]-i to keep touching/handling
- dhemokrasi
- democracy
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- dhemokrat
- 1 democratic party member. 2 one who holds democratic views
- dhemokratis
- democratic. pêmêrintahan [x] a democratic goverment
- dhemonstran
- demonstator, one who conducts or participates in a public demonstration
- dhemonstrasi
- demonstration; to demonstrate Pêmuda-pêmuda padha [x] anti pêmêrintah. The young people demonstrated against the goverment
- dhêmonstratip
- demonstrative; conspicuous. Olèhe dandan [x] bangêt. She was flashily dressed
- dhêmpak
- [of nose shape] large and thick with a bump at the end
- dhêmpal
- strong (of physique)
- dhèmpèl
- n-[x] to stick to, stay close to
- dhêmpêl
- 1 to stick together. Kêmbang gulane [x]. The candies are stuck together. 2 close, intimate. 3 door or window frame
- dhèmpèt
- [two separate things] growing as one, e.g. Siamese twins. gêdhang [x] two bananas growing in one skin
- dhêmpipit
- n-[x] to keep in the background, remain unobtrusive
- dhèmpyèk
- [x]-[x] side by side spreading over a wide area
- dhèmpyèng
- var of DHÈMPYÈK
- dhêmplo
- [x]-[x] chubby, plump
- dhêmpo
- ball of earth or clay
- dhêmpul
- putty. [x]-an broken. n/di-[x] to break. n/di-[x]-(i) to apply putty (to)
- dêmung
- large bronze gamelan xylophone. n-[x] to play this xylophone
- dèn
- adr high-status male (shf of RADÈN)
- dèn-
- prefix: ltry var of DI-. Mungsuhe [x]-usir bubar. He put the enemy to rout. [x] prayitna. Be cautious!
- dên
- ngê-[x] to exert one's full strength by tightening the abdominal muscless, esp. for defecating, giving birth. ngê/di-[x]-ake to concentrate one's strength toward [a goal]
- dênang
- ka-[x]-an to get caught doing sth one does not want noticed. Dhèke mlaku alon-alon saka mburi supaya aja kê-[x]-an. He skulked along so as not to be seen. n/di-[x]-i to see smn doing sth furtively; to observe sth that has gone unnoticed by others
- dhêndha
- 1 a fine. Diukum [x] Rp 150. He was fined 150 rupiahs. 2 club, cudgel. 3 a certain group of classical verse forms. [x]-n a fine. mbayar [x]-n to pay a fine. dhuwit [x]-n Rp 300 a 300-rupiah fine. n/di-[x] to fine smn. [x]-ning dosa good works done in penance for a sin. See also BAU, SAPU
- dhendhang
- 1 a variety of beetle. 2 a certain poison
- dhèndhèng
- sliced seasoned dried meat, ready for cooking. n/di-[x] to prepare [meat] as above. [x] gêpuk/gupuk a dish made from meat preapared as above. [x] kênting meat (prepared as above) with red pepper. [x] ragi the above meat with seasoned grated coconut
- dhêndhêng
- n-[x] stubborn, obstinate
- dhêndhês
- n-[x] slang fine, good; tasty
- dhêndhong
- [x]-an to hum
- dene
- 1 that (relative). Aku sênêng [x] kowe lulus. I'm glad that you passed. Kuwi diarani anèh, [x] ana wong wadon kok nyambut gawe kanggo pênggautan. It was considered queer that a woman should work for a living. 2 while, whereas. Sing mluku wong lanang, [x] sing nandur wong wadon. The men do the plowing; the women do the planting. Sewa omah wis tak bayar, [x] dhuwit sêkolah durung. I've paid the rent but not the school tuition. 3 now (narrative device). [x] bocah papat kuwi, lanange têlu, wadone mung siji. Now, of the four children, three were boys and one was a girl. Cil, kowe [x] dikurungi mêngkono iku ana apa ta? Now Mouse-Deer, why are you caged up like that? See also ANADENE, APADENE, AWIT, EWA, PADHA, SAKAa
- dhene
- n-[x] Jogja slang: var of MRENE
- dhènèh
- [x]-[x] or n-[x] having the chest and belly thrust forward
- dènèng
- [x]-[x] in plain sight [of sth which ought not to show]. [x] kok or [x] si why (is it so)? [x] kok lunga. Why are you going?
- dhèng
- ngê/di-[x] to let sth show. Yèn hawane panas wong-wong wedok awake diê-[x]. In hot weather the women wear revealing clothing. ngê/di-[x]-ake to reveal, expose. Bab kuwi wis di-[x]-ake marang A. A has been told about it
- dhêng
- 1 rpr a loud report, esp. a beat of the mosque drum. 2 noom; the noon mosque drum. wayah bêdhug [x] 12 noon on the dot. dhang-[x] to keep booming
- dhenga
- var of DHENGAH
- dhengah
- sa-[x] any ... (at all), every ... Sa-[x] kayu yèn diobong ajur dadi awu. Any wood becomes ash when burned. Sêpur thruthuk kuwi mandhêg ing sa-[x] sêtasiyun. Slow trains stop at every single station. sa-[x] wong kang
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- gêlêm mangan anyone who wants to eat. Iki diwènèhake sapa? – Sa-[x] (wong)! Who's this to be given to? – Anybody! barang [x] any object, anything. [x] pilih-a any ... at all
- dêngak
- dhêngak, var of DANGAK
- dhêngal
- n-[x] to emerge (esp. upward) from a flat surface. See also DHÊNGIL
- dengan
- a certain bird
- dêngangak
- dhêngangak, var of DANGAK
- dêngangap
- n-[x] to keep wanting to [do]. Asune n-[x]-n-[x] ndêlokke wong mangan. When a dog sees smn eating, it wants to eat too
- dêngap
- [x]-[x] to breathe laboriously; fig to find life overwhelmingly difficult
- dêngarèn
- inf var of DINGARÈN
- dhêngèl
- var of DHÊNGAL
- dêngèngèk
- dhêngèngèk, n-[x] to lift the head suddenly. Slamêt n-[x] barêng krungu suwara mau. Slamet looked up when he heard the sound
- dhêngêr
- to know. Aku ora [x]. I don't know
- dhêngglêng
- simple-minded
- dhêngglong
- dêngguk
- dengguk, to gain weight
- dhênggul
- dhênggung
- 1 major stone in a certain game played with stones (gulaganthi). 2 leader or most prominent member of a group. 3 one's turn (at sth). kêtiban [x] to get one's turn; to get the blame for sth
- dhêngil
- dhêngal-[x] 1 to keep emerging above surface. 2 alone. Nang sêtasiun mau sêpi bangêt, mung aku dhêngal-[x] ijèn. The station was deserted; I was all alone. n-[x] alone, by oneself
- dêngingak
- n-[x] to stare upward
- dhêngis
- var of DHÊNGUS
- dèngkèk
- 1 (having) a bent or hunched back. 2 name of one of the small playing cards (kêrtu cilik)
- dêngkèk
- dhêngkèk, kê-[x] 1 to get bent or arched. 2 to be the victim of a misfortune. Dhèke kê-[x] Rp 100,000. He suffered a loss of 100,000 rupiahs. n/di-[x]-(ake) to bend sth into an arch. n-[x] rotan to flex a piece of rattan. Gêgêre di-[x]-ake. He arched his back
- dêngkêk
- dhêngkêk, rg deaf
- dhèngkèl
- inability to move the legs. [x]-ên unable to move the legs; rooted to the spot
- dêngkèng
- n-[x] arc-shapped. Gêgêre n-[x]. He's swaybacked. Pêdhange n-[x]. The sword has a curved blade
- dhêngkêt
- dhêngkèt, dhèngkèt (or n-[x]) to adhere [to]; to be right next [to]. Kayune [x] karo wêsi. The wood is stuck fast to the iron. n/di-[x]-ake to place [things] in close juxtaposition; to stick [things] together
- dhêngklak
- kê-[x] [of neck] to get bent backward. n-[x] to bend [the neck] back, i.e. turn the face upward
- dhèngklang
- lame; limping
- dhêngklang
- dhèngklèh
- dhêngklèh, [x]-[x] broken and hanging (from). Pange [x]-[x]. The (broken) branch is hanging loose. ptg kê-[x] pl to swing, hang down
- dhèngklèk
- n-[x] to hop on one foot
- dhêngklèk
- var of DHÊNGKLAK
- dhêngklik
- [x]-[x] or dhêngklak-[x] describing the bone-knocking gait of a very thin animal
- dêngkling
- lame; limping
- dhêngkling
- n-[x] 1 having the arm bent inward at the elbow. 2 (psv di-[x]) to bend [smn's knee, elbow]
- dhêngklok
- kê-[x] to bend the knee inadvertently. n-[x] to bend/flex the knee
- dhêngklong
- lame; limping
- dhêngkluk
- var of DHINGKLUK. dhêngklak-[x] to keep nodding, e.g. when drowsy. n-[x] to lower the head
- dhèngkok
- n-[x] to sit with bowed head
- dhêngkuk
- dhêngkak-[x] to keep nooding with downturned face
- dhêngkul
- ng kr, jêngku ki knee. ngêkêb [x] to hug the knees; fig to loaf on the job. [x]-mu cr damn you! a-[x] paron wy strongkneed. n/di-[x] to hit smn in the knee. sa-[x] knee-high; knee-deep. wis sa-[x] [of girls] old enough to make love. [x] ikêt-ikêtan hired through nepotism. Mulane ora pêcus, la wong [x]-e ikêt-ikêtan ngono. No wonder he's incompetent-he only got the job because he's related to the boss
- dhênglêng
- simple-minded
- dêngongok
- n-[x] to look upward, crane the neck
- dhêngul
- var of DHÊNGUS
- dhêngus
- to appear suddenly. Diarani ora arêp têka, jêbul mak [x]. Just when they thought he wasn't coming, he showed up
- dening
- 1 [done] by. kababar [x] X published by X. kabur [x] angin blown away by the wind. 2 with respect to, for, because of. Ana tunggangan sing luwih [x] rikat tinimbang sêpur. Some forms of transportation are faster than trains. nyrêngêni [x] kliruning tindak to scols smn for behaving badly
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- dènira
- denira, ltry [done] by you, by him/her
- dènya
- ltry [done] by him/her
- dhenok
- dhènok, 1 young girl. 2 (or [x]-[x]) chubby, pleasantly plump
- dênta
- oj ivory; white as ivory
- dèntên
- sbst kr for DENE
- dhèp
- ngê/di-[x] 1 to withold [a document] so that it cannot be acted upon. 2 to claim as one's own
- dhêp
- [x]-[x]-an that which is placed in front (of). [x]-[x]-ane apa? What was put in front? ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to face sth in a certain direction. Montore di-[x]-ake ngalor. He headed the car northward. 2 to put sth in front of. Aku ngê-[x]-ake tela. I placed a cassava before him. Malinge di-[x]-ake nang pêngadilan. The thief was brought before the court. ngê/di-[x]-i to have sth in front of it. Dhèke lagi ngê-[x]-(i) sêga panas. The hot rice is in front of him. Dhèke di-[x] putune lanang. His grandson visited (came before) him. See also ADHÊP
- dhêpa
- fathom (measure of length, i.e. the distance between the fingertips of the outstretched arms. n/di-[x]-ni to measure in fathoms. n-[x]-ni lêmah to lie face down, unconsious, with arms outstretched
- dhepah
- (or sê-[x]) short but wiry (in physique)
- dhêpaplang
- var of JÊPAPLANG
- dhepartêmèn
- dhêpartêmèn, (administrative) department
- dhepe
- [x]-[x] to plead earnestly and politely. Slamêt [x]-[x] njaluk pit. Slamet kept asking for a bicycle
- dhèpèl
- [x]-[x] or n-[x] to sit huddled close to smn; fig to attach oneself to smn with an ulterior motive
- dhêpèpèl
- var of DHÈPÈL
- dhêpèpès
- var of DHÊPIS
- dhêpès
- var of DHÊPIS
- dhêpipil
- dêpipil, n-[x] to sit lost in thought
- dêpiping
- var f JÊPIPING
- dhêpipis
- var of DHÊPIS
- dhêpipit
- var of DHÊMPIPIT
- dhêpis
- n-[x] to crouch, sit huddled up
- dhêplok
- (or [x]-an) reduced to fine particles by pounding. kacang [x]-(an) finely pounded peanuts. n/di-[x] to pound fine
- dhepo
- storage area
- dhepok
- 1 holy man's shrine. 2 [of e.g. glassware, lamps] having no base/foot. n-dhê-[x] to reside in one's shrine. Pêndhita mau ndhê-[x] ing Gunung Lawu. The holy man lives in his shrine at Mount Lawu. pa-[x]-an 1 a holy man's shrine. 2 a complex, i.e. group of as sociated buildings
- dhepot
- dhêpot, var of DHEPO
- dheprok
- n-[x] 1 to sit down wearily. 2 to stay smw uninvited. A n-[x] ana omahe B. A is a self-invited guest in B's house
- dhêpus
- see LÊNGA
- dêr-
- see also under DR- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- dhèr
- boom! bang! Blêdhège muni "[x]!" The thunder boomed. dhar-[x] rpr repeated bangs or boomings
- dhêr-
- see also under DHR- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- dhêradhag
- var of DHÊRADHOG
- dhêradhog
- wy rpr a triple knocking (one short, two longs) on the wooden puppet chest with a rapping instrument, to give signals to the gamelan musicians
- dêrap
- (or n-[x]) [of horses] to run at a trot
- dêrbe
- inf var of DARBE
- dêrbombok
- a dark gray long-necked long-legged water bird
- dêrdah
- 1 shoo! scat! 2 a quarrel, dispute
- dhêrdhêg
- n-[x] to shake, tremble
- dhere
- young female chicken that has reached the age for reproducing
- dhèrèk
- same-generation relative (kr for DULUR). [x]-an rg var of KÊMIRI. [x]-[x] in rows/ranks. n-[x] 1 to accompany [a social superior: ka for MÈLU]. Aku mau n-[x] ibu nang pasar. I went to the market with Mother. nDèrèk bela sungkawa. I deeply sympathize with you in your bereavement. 2 to obey, follow (ka for NG-ANUT, M-PITURUT). Kula namung n-[x] punapa ingkang panjênêngan kêrsakakên. I'll do whatever you wish. n/di-[x]-ake 1 to take, escort [a social superior: ka for NG/DI-ÈLU-KAKE, NG/DI-IRING(AKE), NGÊ/DI-TÊR-AKE, NGÊ/DI-TUT-AKE]. Jana n-[x]-ake ibune mênyang dhoktêran. Jono took his mother to the hospital. nDhèrèkakên sugêng. Goodbye! Have a safe journey! 2 to have [a person] go to live with and be supported by smn (ka for NG/DI-ILU-KAKE). pa-n-[x] follower, retainer, attendant
- dherèksi
- director
- dèrèng
- not yer (kr for DURUNG)
- dêrêng
- (or ka-[x] or ka-[x]-[x]) eager. See also KAPIDÊRÊNG
- dêrêp
- to offer one's sevices at the rice harvest. [x]-an the harvested crop. n/di-[x]-ake to have [workers] harvest rice. ngênèni utawa n-[x]-ake parine to harvest the rice or else get smn to do it. n/di-[x]-i to harvest (the product
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- of). Sawahe di-[x]-i. They took the harvest from the paddy. Parine di-[x]-i. They harvested the rice
- dèrès
- [x]-an sap drawn by tapping a tree. krambil [x]-an coconut palm used only for tapping. n/di-[x] 1 to strip the bark from [a tree, to process it]. 2 to tap [a tree] for sap. pa-n-[x] process of tapping for sap or stripping bark. Pan-[x]-e suwene nganti sêsasi. It took a month to draw the sap (strip the bark). banyu [x] sap obtained from tapping
- dêrês
- 1 hard, forceful [of an outpouring]. udan [x] hard rain. [x] pathês intensely hard. Saya [x] wêtuning êluhe. She cried harder and harder. Kusire [x] anggone mêcuti jarane. he driver rained blows on his horse. Yèn wis nêsu, têmbunge [x]. When he's mad, words stream out of him. 2 var of DARUS. ka-[x]-an to get rained on hard. Nganggoa payung kae yèn kê-[x]-an udan, mêsthi klocut. Even with an umbrella, you get soaked in a downpour. n/di-[x]-ake to persuade smn over his protests. Kabèh pinuwune marang bapake sing n-[x]-ake ibune. The child's mother talked the father into giving him what he wanted. sa-[x]-e angin-angin to have no existence in reality
- dêrgil
- (or n-[x]) enterprising, industrious, resourceful
- dhêrik
- a treeless mountain area
- dêrkuku
- a variety of turtledove
- dêrma
- var of DARMA
- dêrmaga
- ng, dermagi kr 1 main road, thoroughfare. 2 pier; harbor
- dêrmagi
- kr for DÊRMAGA
- dêrman
- (or [x] anak) having many children, a mother many times over
- dêrmbombok
- (or n-[x]) var of DÊRBOMBOK
- dêrmèmèl
- var of DÊRMIMIL
- dêrmêmêng
- n-[x] to grumble, mutter to oneself
- dêrmèn
- [x]-an child's whistle made from a rice stalk
- dêrmi
- var of DARMI
- dêrmimil
- n-[x] 1 to talk continuously. Awit awan Ali n-[x] wae. Ali has been talking ever since noon. 2 to mutter. mBokne muji n-[x]: slamêt, slamêt. His mother kept uttering prayers for his safety. Pisuhe saya n-[x]. He kept muttering curses under his breath
- dêrmimis
- var of DÊRMIS
- dêrmis
- n-[x] to ask for things all the time without shame
- dhêrodhug
- var of DÊRADHOG
- dhêrok
- n-[x] to sit doing nothing
- dêrsana
- a variety of guava
- dêruk
- a certain variety of dove which is tamed as a pet or used for hunting. d-um-êruk [of chickens] the same size as this dove
- Dhes
- dhês
- 1 rpr the sound of a blow. Dhèke diantêm mak [x]. He took a hard punch. 2 rpr the hiss of air escaping. dhas-[x] right on the nose. Omongane dhas-[x]. He talks straight to the point
- desa
- ng, dhusun kr village, rural settlement. lurah [x] chief village administrator. (sê)saka [x] village administrators other than the lurah. [x]-n rural, countrified. cara n-[x] village customs/ways. wong n-[x] village dweller; boor. n-[x]-ni countrified; boorish. pa-[x]-n 1 rural area. 2 rural, pertaining to villages. [x] mawa cara, nagara mawa tata every region has its own ways; village customs are different from city customs. See also MÊRDESA
- dhêsêg
- kê-[x] to get pushed (aside, around). Tandurane kê-[x] sukêt. The plants were choked out by grass. Aku kê-[x] mêmburi. I got elbowed back. n-[x] to push, press. A n-[x] ênggone lungguh. A pushed his seat [nearer]. A n-[x] B supaya mbayar utange. A is pressing B to pay up what he owes. n/di-[x]-ake to helo smn push; to push/press on smn's behalf
- dhêsêl
- [x]-[x]-an crowded, pressing each other. Sing nonton pasar malêm akèh bangêt nganti [x]-[x]-an. The fairgoers were pressed tightly against each other. n-[x] to push (against, into). Aja n-[x]-n-[x] wae. Quit shoving! A n-[x] ana ngarêp. A pushed his way to the front. n/di-[x]-ake to push sth (into, against). Dhèke n-[x]-ake anake ana ngarêp. He pushed his child to the front (of the line)
- Dhesèmbêr
- (abbr: Dhes) December
- dhesèntri
- dhesêntre, var of DHISÈNTÊRI
- dhêsis
- whisper
- dhêsok
- having a dent in it. dhêsak-[x] full of dents
- dhêstha
- 11th month of the Javanese year (19 April – 12 May)
- dhêsthar
- wrapped headdress (ki for IKÊT)
- dhêsuk
- var of DHÊSÊG
- Dhêsus
- dhêsas-[x] gossip, rumors. Aja ngrasakake dhêsas-[x]-e tangga têparo. Don't pay attention to what the neighbors say
- dêt
- [x]-[x] rpr normal heartbeats
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- dhèt
- rpr a horn honking. [x] thilang rpr the cry of a certain bird (kuthilang)
- dhêt
- rpr a sudden jerk. See also DHÊDHÊT
- dhetèktip
- dhetèktif, detective. crita [x] detective story
- dèthèng
- n-[x] (to walk) with chest high and shoulders back
- detiya
- wy ogre, giant
- detya
- var of DETIYA
- dhêvisa
- var of DHEVISÊN
- dhevisên
- dhêvisên, foreign exchange; rate of exchange
- dewa
- wy, ltry 1 male deity. 2 rg var of DÈRÈS. di-[x]-[x] revered, esteemed. ka-[x]-n 1 realm of the supernatural beings. 2 godlike. [x] ng-eja wantah a deity on earth (i.e. visible to human eyes); fig a highly revered person. See also DEWATA, DÈWI
- dewadaru
- var of DEWANDARU
- dewaji
- adr king. Sêndika (kangjêng) [x]. Yes, your Majesty
- dhewan
- council. [x] Pêrwakilan Rakyat (abbr: D.P.R.) Parliament
- dewandaru
- 1 a certain mythological tree with magical properties. 2 one of two banyan trees in North Square, Jogjakarta (see also JANADARU, RINGIN)
- dewangkara
- ltry sun
- dewarêsi
- mythological deity
- dewasa
- var of DIWASA
- dewata
- male deities collectively. ka-[x]-n 1 realm of supernatural beings. 2 having a deity-like nature. See also DEWA
- dhewe
- ng, piyambak kr 1 alone, by oneself. Aku arêp mulih [x]. I'm going home alone. Montor-montoran iki mlaku [x]. This toy car goes by itself. 2 oneself; one's own. Aku [x] sing nulis. I wrote it myself. Iki bukuku [x]. This is my own book. Dhèke ora duwe sapi [x]. He has no cattle of his own. 3 separate, apart. Wohe ana [x] ana ing dhuwur. The fruit is by itself at the top [of the tree]. Mung aku [x] sing ora sêkolah. I'm the only one who doesn't go to school. 4 most, -est. sing apik [x] the best one. wêkasan [x] the very last one. sêpur kang esuk [x] the earliest train. [x]-an (prn dhèwèkan ng) alone. Dhèwèke lunga mênyang nêgara manca dhèwèkan. He went abroad by himself. dhèwèkan karo kowe alone with you. [x]-[x] [each] his own; separately, (by) oneself. Kakang-adhi lunga pasar dhewe-dhewe. The brothers went to the marketplace separately. Murid-murid padha nulis jênênge [x]-[x]. Each student wrote his own name. n-[x] by oneself. Yèn kabèh padha kumpul Ali mêsthi n-[x]. Whenever the boys get together, Ali remains apart. n/di-[x]-kake to isolate. Wong sing lara kuwi prayoga didhèwèkna. A sick person should be kept apart. Piring-piring sing rêgêd kudu di-dhèwèk-dhèwèkake. Keep the dirty plates separate. n-[x]-i (prn ndhèwèki, rg ndhèwèni ng) 1 to have sth all to oneself. Ora susah sambat, kowe ora ndhèwèki olèhe susah. Don't complain; you aren't the only unfortunate one. 2 (psv di-[x]-i) to separate out from the rest. Ora ana kang didhèwèki. None of them was omitted
- dhèwèk
- var of DHEWE
- dhèwèkan
- see DHEWE-AN
- dhèwèke
- ng, piyambakipun kr he, she. [x] dhewe he himself (she herself)
- dhèwèki
- see N-DEWE-I
- dhèwèkne
- var of DHÈWÈKE
- dhèwèknèn
- var of DHÈWÈKE
- dèwi
- wy, ltry female deity. [x] Sri goddess of rice. See also DEWA
- dhewot
- var of DHIWUT
- dhewutan
- a certain grass
- dharma
- (prn darma) var sp of DARMA
- di-
- ng, dipun kr 1 psv prefix: 3d person, oblique 2d person. Anakku arêp di-priksa dhoktêr. My child is to be examined by the doctor. Alun-alun di-rêngga-rêngga gêndera. The square was decorated with flags. Banyune apa wis di-ombèni? Have you drunk the water? Muga di-paringana kuwat. Give me strength! 2 oblique imperative pfx. Dipun isèni panili sak sendhok. Add a teaspoon of vanilla. Sêgane aja di-êntèkke. Don't eat all the rice. Di-waspada anggone mapag mungsuh. Be watchful when you face the enemy! Di-ngati-ati. Look out! Di-bêcik. Do it well! [x]-kaya (ng)apa (kados punapa kr) decidedly, very much so. Wong iku najan asora dikaya apa, aja diina. No matter how lowly he is, don't humiliate him. Arêpa mbêngok dikaya ngapa, dhèke ora krungu sêbab budhêg. You can yell your head off but he won't hear you: he's deaf
- D.I.
- dhi
- adr younger sibling; person younger than oneself (shf of ADHI). [x] ajêng 1 adr younger sister; younger female friend. 2 adr (one's) wife. [x] mas adr younger brother; younger male friend
- dhialèk
- dialect, regional speech
- dhialog
- dialogue
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- dibja
- magically empowered, supernaturally invulnerable. ka-[x]-n invulnerability, supernatural power
- dibya
- var of DIBJA
- dhidhal
- to become detached; to lose the outer layer. Jêmpole [x]. The skin peeled off his thumb
- dhidhèh
- var of DHIDHIH
- dhidhih
- congealed animal blood (used as a food)
- dhidhik
- [x]-an 1 formal education. 2 that which has been learned. Tidak-tanduk kaya ngono kuwi [x]-an ngêndi! Where did you learn to behave like that! 3 to acquire an education (at, from). A [x]-an Gajah Mada. A studied at Gajah Mada University. n/di-[x] to educate, train. pa-n-[x] teacher. pa-n-[x]-an (formal) education
- dhidhis
- to remove lice from the hair. n/di-[x]-i to delouse sth
- dhijik
- kê-[x]-[x] to move with slow silent steps; to sneak
- Dhidhong
- see WLANDA
- digdaya
- supernaturally powerful; magicall invulnerable. ka-[x]-n magical power; supernatural invulnerability
- digjaya
- var of DIGDAYA
- dhiglug
- dhiglag-[x] to walk with a limp because one leg is shorter than the other
- digsura
- ill-mannered, badly behaved
- digwijaya
- var of DIGDAYA
- dhihik
- var of DHIHIN
- dhihin
- 1 formerly. 2 (at) first
- diyan
- (dilah kr?) (oil) lamp. [x] dhudhuk table lamp. [x] gantung hanging lamp. [x] gas gas lamp. [x] lênga pèt kerosene lamp. [x] sorot searchlight, spotlight. [x] têplok kerosene lamp hung against walls or pillars
- diyu
- wy ogre, giant
- dhik
- 1 really, indeed. Iya [x]. Yes indeed! Ora [x]. Not at all. 2 var of DHI. 3 var of DHÈK. [x]-an or [x]-e actually, indeed. n-[x] in, at, on. nDhèk êndi? Where?
- dika
- n-[x] you (md). Pit n-[x] napa pun dados? Is your bicycle fixed yet? n/di-[x]-kake to ask/tell smn to do sth. See also ANDIKA
- dhike
- var of DHÈWÈKE
- dikêp
- dhikêp, var of DÊKÊP
- dhikir
- (to recite) a certain chant (lha-illah-haillalahi) at the close of an Islamic service. [x]-an to hold a ceremony at which the above is chanted. n/di-[x]-i to chant the above (for) [a religious service]
- dikne
- 1 var of DHÈWÈKE. 2 (or n-[x]) if, in case
- dhiktat
- educational materials (usu. mimeographed)
- dhiktator
- dhiktatur, (political) dictator
- dhikte
- dictation (as a school writing exercise). n/di-[x] to dictate. n-[x] layang to dictate a letter. Pitakone di-[x]. The questions were dictated to him
- dhikut
- in haste. Lakune [x]. He walked fast
- dhil
- rpr jerking sth loose. Untune dicopot mak [x]. He jerked out the tooth
- dilah
- lamp, lantern (kr? for DAMAR, DIYAN). d-um-ilah oj light, bright
- dilalah
- (or n-[x]) (but) as luck would have it. Aku ora duwe dhuwit, n-[x] kancaku nyilihi Rp 1000. I had no money; luckily a friend lent me a thousand rupiahs. Aku wis arêp mangkat, n-[x] udan! Just as I was about to leave, (by bad luck) it had to rain!
- dilat
- n/di-[x]-(i) to lick. Tatune di-[x]-i. He licked his wounds. Gênine n-[x] mêngetan. The flames licked eastward. n-[x] idu-ne dhewe. to go back on one's word
- dilêm
- a certain plant with aromatic leaves
- dhilêng
- to have an eye ailment or defect
- dilêp
- n-[x] to stay by oneself, not join in
- dilik
- n/di-[x] to seem look at, watch
- dilir
- n-[x] copious, abundant. Suguhane n-[x]. There were all kinds of refreshments. Ana wong pirang-pirang n-[x] arêp padha nonton tandhingan bal-balan. Crowds streamed in to see the soccer match. Pênjaluk wiwit n-[x]. Requests began to pour in
- dhili:t
- sê-[x] a moment, a short while
- dhilman
- two-wheeled horse-drawn passenger carriage
- dhilu:k
- sê-[x] a moment, a short while
- dhilu:t
- var of DHILUK
- dim
- measure of length: ca. 2.54 centimeters = ca. 1 inch
- dimar
- lamp, lantern
- dimèk
- 1 var of DÊMÈK. 2 so that, in order to
- dimèn
- so that, in order to
- dimik
- sulfur-tipped stick for kindling a fire with flame from another fire
- dhimik
- kê-[x]-[x] (to walk) slowly and silently; to sneak
- dhimpil
- 1 chipped at the edge. 2 name of one of the small playing cards (kêrtu cilik)
- din-
- see also under D- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- dhi:n
- rpr a horn honking
- dhin-
- see also under DH- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- dina
- ng, dintên kr (24-hour) day. [x] iki today. sabên [x] every day. sabên [x]-ne day in
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- and day out. n-[x] to [do] all day long. pasa n-[x] to fast until 6 P.M. n-[x]-[x] to [do] day after day. pa-[x]-n daily. blanjane pê-[x]-n the daily shopping. basa pa-[x]-n everyday speech, ordinary conversation. sa-[x] one day. sê-[x] iki this whole day (just ending). sê-[x] mêngko this whole day (just beginning). sê-[x] bêngkêlêng or sê-[x] muput all day long. sê-[x] kaping têlu three times a day. sa-[x]-ne within a single day. sa-[x]-[x] daily. barang-barang kêperluan sê-[x]-[x] things needed every day. sa-[x]-[x]-ne day after day, every single day. [x] bêngi night time. Nalika sêmana [x] bêngi. It was night at the time. [x] bêcik an auspicious day by astrological reckoning. [x] gêdhe important day; holiday. [x] mêngko these days, nowadays. [x] naas an inauspicious day. [x] tara the weekdays collectively excepting Friday, the Moslem holy day
- dhinamis
- dynamic
- dhinamit
- dynamite. n/di-[x] to dynamite sth
- dhinamo
- dynamo for generating electric power
- dinar
- golden coin
- dhinasthi
- dynasty
- dhindhal
- n/di-[x] to sell sth to raise money
- dhindhing
- brick wall; partition
- dhine
- dinner party
- dhinês
- employed, working; (connected with) office employment. A lagi [x]. A is at work now. A [x] ana Pêrusahaan X. A works at the X Company. layang [x] an official letter. lunga [x] to take a business trip. mênganggo [x] dressed in official attire. [x] bêngi (to work on) the night shift. ikatan [x] (a contract for) scholarship money given in return for government service. Yèn [x]-e wis rong puluh taun, biasane mbanjur entuk pènsiun. When you've worked for twenty years, you usually get a pension. [x]-e it is to be excepted that ... [x]-e kowe kudu mangan ndhisik. Of course you'll have dinner first
- dhing
- 1 indeed, to be sure. Iya [x]. Yes indeed! Ora [x], aku ming guyon kok. No no, I was only kidding! Aku mau mung ngapusi [x], sajane durung têka. I fooled you! he's really not here yet. 2 rpr gamelan drumbeats corresponding to the vowel scheme of a classical verse form. 3 var of SING. [x]-e the fact is ... dhang-[x] whoever; anybody. Iki diwènèhake sapa? – Dhang-[x]. Who'll I give it to? – Anybody! (sa)-[x]-[x]-(e) any one (at all). Sing kanggo aku sing ndi? – Dhing-dhing. Which one is for me? – Either one. Iki diwènèhake sapa? – Sa-[x]-[x]-e. Who is this one supposed to be given to? – Anyone at all. See also DHONG-DHING
- dhinga
- var of DHENGAH
- dingarèn
- how strange! it's unusual that ... [x] wayah mene kok wis kondur. How come you're home so early? Êlo, kok kowe têka [x]. What are you doing here? n/di-[x]-ake to consider sth strange. Yèn ora mangan sêga, mêsthi di-[x]-ke karo wong. People think you're peculiar if you don't eat rice. See also KADINGARÈN
- dhingdhong
- rpr the sound of a bell ringing. n-[x] to ring
- dhingkêl
- a certain fatal chicken disease. kê-[x]-an to exert oneself to the utmost. Nyambut gawe nganti kê-[x]-an ora ana tanjane. He worked as hard as he could but nothing came of it. n-[x] to hang around the house all the time
- dingkik
- n-[x] to keep watch secretly; to lie in wait
- dhingklang
- (to walk) with a limp. Wong [x] kok mlayu bantêr. Look how fast that lame man can run! See also KÊDHINGKLANG
- dhingklik
- a low wooden stool or bench. [x]-an to use sth as a stool. dhê-[x] resembling a wooden stool. [x] pa-m-wasuh-an a bench to sit on while beating the wash clean. [x] pa-n-tulis-an a bench used as a writing table by village officials
- dhingkluk
- n-[x] with head bowed and shoulders drooping
- dhingkruk
- var of DHINGKLUK
- dhingkrung
- dhingkul
- dhingkal-[x] to keep bowing the head. n-[x] to bow the head
- dhini
- dhana-[x] inf var of GÊDHANA-GÊDHINI
- dintên
- day (kr for DINA)
- dipa
- var of DWIPA
- dhipan
- wooden bed; sofa
- dipangga
- oj elephant
- dipati
- inf var of HADIPATI
- dhipêt
- tightly closed [of eyes]. mêrêm [x] having the eyes closed tight. n/di-[x] to close smn's eyes
- dhipisi
- division (military unit)
- dhiplikat
- var of DHUPLIKAT
- dhiploma
- diploma
- dhiplomasi
- diplomacy
- dhiplomat
- a diplomat
- dhiplomatik
- diplomatic
- dhipo
- var of DHEPO
- dipun-
- prefix: kr for DI-
- dir
- ngê/di-[x]-ake to boast about. Dhèwèke
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- ngê-[x]-[x]-ake ayune. She's vain of her good looks. èngsèl [x] door hinge
- dhir
- a marble. [x]-[x]-an to play marbles
- dirada
- oj elephant
- dhirèksi
- managing executive, director, member of a board of directors
- dhirèktur
- director, head of a company
- dirgahayu
- good luck (to ...)! long live ... !
- dirgama
- wy trouble, difficulty. See also GAMA
- dirgantara
- wy the sky; [up in] the air
- dhiri
- (or [x] pribadi) oneself; one's identity. ajining [x] self-respect. pêrcaya marang [x] pribadi to believe in oneself. A ora nyrèmpèt babar pisan ngênani [x]-ne B. A never let on that he knew who B was. See also MANDHIRI
- dhise
- in spite of the fact that; not ... after all. [x] A arêp lunga. A meant to go but didn't
- dhisènt(ê)ri
- dysentery
- dhisik
- ng, r(um-iyin kr 1 first; ahead; to proceed. Kowe apa aku [x]? You first, or me? Kowe [x]-a, aku dak nusul. You go ahead, I'll follow. Sing diopèni [x] sing kêtaton. The wounded were cared for first. Dhèke wis ngêrti luwih [x]. She had found out first. Sadurunge kowe mênyang kantor, mampira [x] mênyang toko. Before you go to the office, stop in at the store. sêpur sing [x] dhewe the very first train. 2 former(ly). Sing [x] wis mèh ilang, sing kèri isih rada umum. The former has almost died out; the latter is still popular. [x]-e the first thing; at first. [x]-e têkan ing rêca gêdhe. First they came to a large statue. [x]-e mung saplênik, saya suwe saya gêdhe. At first it was tiny, but it kept growing. [x]-[x]-e formerly; in the beginning. Dhisik-dhisike bangsa Indonesia kuwi agamane agama animisme. Originally, animism was the religion of the Indonesians. [x]-[x]-an to compete for first. Ora tau [x]-[x]-an utawa suk-sukan. They never try to get ahead of one another or crowd each other out. Balapane [x]-[x]-an nyumêd lilin. They had a race to see who could get the candle lighted first. kê-[x]-an to be preceded or beaten to the draw. Wis kê-[x]-an Suta. Suto was here ahead of you. n-[x] 1 to precede. Kowe n-[x]-a mênyang sêkolahan. You go on to school ahead of me. 2 former(ly). Aku n-[x] arang-arang bangêt lara. I hardly ever used to get sick. n/di-[x]-ake 1 to have smn [do] first. Wong wadon di-[x]-ake. The women were told to go first. 2 to put sth first. Aja sok n-[x]-ake barang sing ora pêrlu. Don't give priority to unnecessary things. n/di-[x]-i to precede. Dhèke mlaku n-[x]-i sing wadon. He walked ahead of his wife. n-[x]-i mlêbu to go in first. Sa-bisa-bisa n-[x]-ana kurmat. Try to be the first to pay your respects
- dhisiplin
- discipline, control
- dhiskriminasi
- discrimination
- dhiskusi
- discussion. [x] ora rêsmi informal discussion
- dhistrik
- (or ka-[x]-an) administrative district: subsection of a region (during colonial times)
- dhit
- inf var of DHUWIT
- Dite
- oj Sunday
- dhiting
- dhithing, n-[x] carefully, groomed, finely dressed
- dhito
- ditto, as above
- Dhitslan
- Germany
- ditya
- wy ogre, giant
- dhivisi
- var sp of DHIPISI
- diwangkara
- oj sun
- diwasa
- an adult. Yèn umurmu wis ganêp sêlikur taun kowe dadi [x]. When you become 21 you're an adult
- diwêg
- kr sbst var of DAWÊG
- dhiwut
- (or [x]-[x]) covered with hair. ulêr sing [x]-[x] a hairy caterpilar. Jenggote [x]-[x] ora tau dicukur. His beard is full; he never trims it
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