Javanese-English Dictionary, Horne, 1974, #1968 (Hlm. 356–389: M)
Pencarian Teks
Lingkup pencarian: teks dan catatan-kakinya. Teks pencarian: 2-24 karakter. Filter pencarian: huruf besar/kecil, diakritik serta pungtuasi diabaikan; karakter [?] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau satu huruf sembarang; simbol wildcard [*] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau sejumlah karakter termasuk spasi; mengakomodasi variasi ejaan, antara lain [dj : j, tj : c, j : y, oe : u, d : dh, t : th].
- m
- 1 (prn èm) alphabetic letter. 2 abbr for MÈTÊR. m² (mètêr pêsagi) square meter. 3 var of ME- before L,R, or vowel. 4 var of NG- (prefix) (Introduction, See also under ÊM- (Introduction, 2.9.5) and under consonant that has been replaced by nasal prefix (Introduction,
- ma-
- see also under ME- (Introduction, 2.9.2) or under replaced-consonant plus E- (Introduction,
- maa
- 1 -name of the Javanese alphabetic character denoting the consonant m. 2 oj five (shf of LIMA). ji, ro, lu, pat, [x] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. [x]-las 15. [x] lima the five sins (opium-smoking, gambling, drinking, promiscuity, stealing). [x] pitu the seven sins (the above plus gluttony, bearing false witness)
- ma-b
- prefix to partake of, bring into play. ma-guru to acquire knowledge. ma-ujud to take shape. Bapak lagi ma-gawe ana ing sawah. Father is working in the rice paddy.
- ma-c
- ltry prefix 1 many, any number of; to intensify or multiply [root]. ma-taun-taun for many years. rupiyah ma-yuta-yuta millions of rupiahs. kapêrluwan sing ma-warna-warna akèhe necessities of all kinds. Rikate tikêl ma-tikêl-tikêl tinimbang kuwi mau. It goes many times faster than that. ma-ng-ambal-ambal or ma-kaping-kaping or ma-rambah-rambah or ma-wali-wali time after time. ma-gêni-gêni to burn brightly. Kêbêcikanmu wis ma-tumpuk-tumpuk. You have heaped kindness on us. Jaja bang ma-winga-winga. (wy) He was enraged. 2 adds formal literary flavor before nasal prefix (Introduction, ma-n-tunggal, ma-ng-udi, etc.
- ma'af, ma'ap
- sorry! (word of apology)
- mabên
- honey (rg kr for MADU)
- mabyor
- rg var of ABYOR
- mabluk
- whitish like tapioca powder (kabluk). Rambute wis [x]. His hair is getting white.
- mabrut
- [x]-[x] or mobrat-[x] snarled. Rambute [x]-[x]. Her hair is tangled. Dhuwite [x]-[x]. His finances are in a mess.
- mabuk
- intoxicated. ø-[x]-ake 1 intoxicating. 2 (psv di-[x]-ake) to get smn drunk
- mabul
- [x]-[x] or mobal-[x] snarled, tangled
- mada
- to criticize, find fault
- madharan
- 1 a cook who works for high dignitary. 2 kr stomach (var of PADHARAN)
- madat
- [x]-an opium addict. ø/di-[x]-(i) to smoke [opium]
- made
- oj middle
- madhèh
- ø-[x]-i boring, irritating; (psv di-[x]-i) to bore, irritate
- maja
- a certain tree; also, its fruit, whose hard shell is made into containers
- majad
- proper, suitable, appropriate. Matane lalêr iku gêdhene ora [x] karo awake. A fly's eyes are disproportionately large for its body. Pênjaluke iku ora [x]. His request is quite unreasonable.
- majalah
- magazine
- Majapa(h)it
- ancient Hindu kingdom in Java
- majas
- efficacious. Obat iki [x] bangêt kanggo nambani lara kulit. This ointment works well for skin disorders.
- majêlis
- association, group, federation.
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- [x] Dagang Sak Donya World Council of Trade. [x] êndhèk lower parliamentary house. [x] luhur 1 upper parliamentary house. 2 high council. [x] Luhur Taman Siswa Taman Siswa Supreme Council. [x] rêndhah sms [x] ÊNDHÈK.
- majêr
- sterile, unable to reproduce.
- majik
- [x]-an boss, employer. sêsambungane buruh [x]-an cooperation between labor and management.
- majlis
- var of MAJÊLIS.
- maju
- ng, majêng kr 1 to move forward. [x]! Come forward! nêgara sing wis [x] a progressive nation. Tulisan arab saka têngên [x] mêngiwa. Arabic writing goes from right to left. 2 to face, confront. [x] pêrang to go to war. [x] ujian to take an exam. Suk apa nggonmu [x] ing pêngadilan? When do you go to court? 3 by n's. [x] pat foursided; four-directional. Sabên dina [x] pat. They work in groups of four every day. ka-[x]-an progress, development, advancement. kê-[x]-n or kê-[x]-ên or kê-[x]-nên to far forward; fig too Westernized; brash, pushy. Olèhmu ndokok mikrofon kê-[x]-ên. You put the microphone too far forward. Tumrap wong Jawa kê-[x]-an kuwi pêrlu bangêt kanggo para wanita, nanging mênawa kêmajon iya ora bêcik. Progress is very important for Javanese women, but they shouldn't get too much like Western women. [x] ati-ne to work hard (at). [x] ewuh mundur kê-paluh faced with two disagreeable alternatives; between the devil and the deep blue sea. [x] marang/ing to do well in. Maju ing ulah raga, nanging kêsèd sinau. He's good at sports but not keen on studying. [x] mundur 1 to go forward and back. Ratune kêna [x] mundur ngêndi-êndi ning ora kêna luwih saka sakothakan. The [chess] king can move in any direction but only one square. 2 to vacillate. Kêkarêpane [x]-mundur. He doesn't know whether he wants it or not. Aku [x] mundur nonton biskup. I'm of two minds about going to the movie. See also AJU.
- madon
- underdone [of boiled eggs].
- madrasah
- a Moslem school that offers traditional religious training together with modern lay education.
- madu
- (mabên rg? kr) honey; nectar from blossoms. [x] mangsa a sweet snack made of glutinous rice.
- madya
- 1 oj middle, center. 2 middle speech level (Introduction, 5.2). 3 mediocre. Kapintêrane mung [x] wae. His intelligence is only average. 4 waist(line) (kr for BANGKÈK-AN). pa-[x] middle, center. sa-[x] at a medium or average rate/level. Kapintêrane sa-[x] wae. He's a mediocre student. Olèhe nyambut gawe sa-[x] wae, ora susah kêmêmpêngên. Just work at an average rate; don't overdo it. [x] (a)ntara, [x] krama, [x] ngoko subvarieties of the Madya speech level (Introduction, 5.5).
- madyapada
- ltry earth; place of human habitation.
- maejan
- grave marker.
- maêm
- to eat (children's word).
- maend(r)a
- rg var of MENDA.
- maèr
- var of MAIR.
- maesa
- kerbau (kr for KEBO).
- magang
- candidate for a position; apprentice, on-the-job learner.
- magêp
- rg var of MÊGAP.
- magêrsantun
- kr for MAGÊRSARI.
- magêrsari
- ng, magêrsantun kr one who owns and occupies (by permission) a home on the premises of a wealthy or aristocratic person.
- magi
- magical power.
- magrêg
- mograg-[x] 1 to stop frequently. 2 undecided, vacillating. Atine mograg-[x] wae olèhe arêp pindhah nang luar Jawa. He's of two minds about moving to outer Java. See also GRÊG.
- magrib
- fourth daily meditation of Islam; also, the time (sunset) at which this is performed. salat [x] sunset prayers.
- magrok
- to stop, settle, come to rest. Darane [x] nang wit. The pigeon lighted in a tree. Kulawarga êntèk-êntèkane [x] nang ndesa. The family finally settled down in a village.
- magrong
- [x]-[x] [of buildings] large and tall. gêdhong [x]-[x] buildings of impressive size. See also AGRONG.
- magung
- large, great (oj). kê-[x]-an to act superior. See also AGUNG.
- mah
- rg mother. [x] tuwa grandmother.
- maha
- high, superior; extreme. [x] agung the great (ones). [x] baya great danger; very dangerous. [x]-guru (prn mahaguru) university professor. [x] Kuwasa the Almighty. [x]-luhur God. [x] mantri prime minister. [x] mulya great wealth; very wealthy. [x] prana capital letter (in Javanese script). [x] putri queen. [x] raja king. [x] rêsi great holy man. [x]-siswa (prn mahasiswa) university student. [x] suci most holy.
- Mahab(h)arata
- wy epic narrating the history
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- of the Pandawas and the Kurawas (adapted from the Sanskrit epic) depicted by leather puppets in shadow plays.
- mahir
- var of MAIR.
- mahisa
- oj kêrbau.
- mahnit
- magnet.
- mahrib
- 1 the African countries south of Arabia. 2 var of MAGRIB.
- main
- 1 to play; to perform in, put on [entertainment]. sing [x] player; performer; actor. main bal (bolah, catur, lsp.) to play soccer (billiards, chess, etc.). [x] biola to play a violin. main pêncak (judo, jotosan) to engage in karate (judo, boxing) as a sport. [x] kumidhi to put on or perform in a stage play. [x] pêdhang to fence. Bioskupe [x] jam pitu. The movie goes on at seven o'clock. Tukang sulap mau miwiti [x]. The magician began his show. 2 to gamble. [x] kêrtu to play cards for money. 3 plaything; mascot. 4 to make a practice of [doing sth deplorable]. Tindake [x] kasar. He acts like a boor. Koran tansah [x] utang. Newspapers are always borrowing money. Politik ditêgasi mung [x] mênang-mênangan omong. Politics [to a dilettante] is only a matter of winning a war of words. [x]-an 1 mascot; plaything, sth not to be taken seriously. montore nganggo [x]-an digandhulke nang nggon pêngilon. He has a mascot hanging on his rear-view mirror. 2 to play around/along with. Aja [x]-an lo. Please be serious! [x]-[x] 1 sms [x]-AN. Siti mung kanggo [x]-[x] wae karo Slamêt. Slamet is just leading Siti on for his own amusement. 2 to make a practice of [doing sth deplorable]. Pêmêrintah [x]-[x] kanthi rêca-rêcanan, [x] kanthi tugu-tugunan, [x] pindhah-pindhahan makam pahlawan. The government devoted much time and energy to [such non-essential projects as] erecting statues, putting up monuments, and reburying heroes in fine graves. ø/di-[x]-ake 1 to perform, put on [entertainment]. Lagu-lagu populèr di-[x]-ake kanggo umum. Popular songs are put on for the public. 2 to handle with clever manipulations. Sok sapaa sing arêp mainake PWI mêsthi gagal. Anyone who tries to undermine the journalists' association is sure to fail. Usule ditampa rapat, sing marahi dhèwèke pintêr mainake pêrsoalane. His proposal was passed by the meeting because of his skillful maneuverin in presenting the problem. pa-[x] player, performer. pa-[x]-an game, pastime, amusement (esp. involving gambling). [x] akrobat 1 to be an acrobat (as a livelihood). 2 to do odd jobs on the side for extra income. [x] api 1 fireworks. 2 to play with fire, play a dangerous game. [x] dhuwit 1 excessively found of money. 2 to bribe; to accept a bribe. 3 to misappropriate official funds. [x] gila to carouse. [x] kayu to play rough/dirty. Jaman saiki kok akèh wong sing padha [x] kayu rêbutan kursi. People will do anything nowadays to get the position they want. [x] mata to flirt. [x] sandiwara to put on an act. Aku saiki wis ngêrti, ora susah [x] sandiwara manèh. I understand now; you don't need to pretend any longer. [x] tangan 1 to engage in arm wrestling. 2 (or [x] kamplêng) to lash out with the hand. [x] wedok to procure girls (for one's own or others' pleasure).
- mair
- skilled, capable.
- maya
- 1 blossom of the blimbing fruit tree. 2 (or [x]-[x]) light [of colors]. ijo (kuning, lsp.) [x] light green (yellow, etc.). Banyune biru [x]-[x]. The water is bright blue. 3 (or [x]-[x]) hazy. putih [x]-[x] hazy white. hima [x] fine thin cloud mass. Rêmbulane [x]-[x]. The moon was clouded over.
- mayag
- [x]-[x] heavy-looking, unwieldy.
- mayang
- 1 blossom of the areca palm. 2 neck muscles of a horse. kê-[x]-an see BÊGJA.
- mayar
- ng kr, sênggang ki 1 light, easy. panggarap [x] light work. 2 recovery, recuperation. Larane wis ana [x]-e. She's getting better. ka-[x]-an opportunity, facilities (for doing sth). ø/di-[x]-ake to cause sth to be less burdensome. Èsême bisa mayarake laraku. Her smile made me forget my pain. Pêrkarane Mardi rada di-[x]-ake karo kêtêrangane sêksi mau. The witness' testimony made the case against Mardi look somewhat less black.
- mayat
- slanting, sloping.
- mayêk
- moyak-[x] unstable, wobbly.
- mayèng
- [x]-[x] or moyang-[x] to go from place to place. moyang-[x] ngungsi nang êndi-êndi to flee from place to place. Kowe mau tak golèki moyang-[x] nang êndi-êndi. I've been looking all over for you.
- mayid
- (layon ki?) corpse.
- mayo
- rg var of AYO.
- mayong
- var of MAYÊNG.
- mayor
- major (military rank). [x]-an feast, banquet.
- mayu
- (or mê-[x]) (to bring about) well-being, absence of conflict or strain. Mê-[x] jagad iku pangajape Sarekat Bangsa-bangsa. The goal
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- of the United Nations is to bring about international harmony.
- mayuh
- rg var of AYO.
- mayuk
- unstable, leaning (in a certain direction). Wite [x] mrene. The tree is leaning this way. moyak-[x] unsteady, leaning way over.
- mak
- 1 particle signaling that the following word represents the impact (usu. sensory) of an action. [x] jranthal mlayu mlêbu ing alas. Like a shot he scurried into the jungle. Kancil kêcêmplung [x] blung. Mouse-Deer plunged in, splash! [x] klakêp mênêng to stop talking suddenly. [x] lap, sêdhela bae wis ora katon. Swish! it could only be seen for a moment. Sêpure mandhêg [x] grêg jêgêdhêg. The train stopped with a sudden jerk. Aku [x] blong barêng krungu yèn lulus. I was so relieved to hear I had passed! [x] sêr, wêtênge krasa mulês. He felt a cramp in his stomach. 2 a gum resin used medicinally, also for violin-bow rosin. 3 rg elderly female; mother (shf of MAMAK, SIMAK). 4 father (shf of SÊMAK, RAMAK). [x] dhe grandmother; grandfather. [x] gus uncle (parent's younger brother). [x] kyai grandfather. [x] nyai grandmother. [x] comblang matchmaker, go-between. [x] tuwa aunt; uncle (parent's older sibling).
- makajangan
- to relax and take it easy (as a group) on the town square after paying homage to the king or attending a celebration.
- makayangan
- to go to heaven, go to the realm of the deities. See also KA-HYANG-AN.
- makakna
- var of MANGKA.
- makam
- (or [x]-an) tomb, grave.
- makatên
- formal var of MÊKATÊN.
- makêlar
- broker, middleman. [x] omah dealer in real estate. [x] montor car salesman. [x]-an the selling profession; brokerage.
- makluk
- all living beings, all creation. tataran uripe [x] levels of animate life.
- maklum
- 1 understandable, to be expected. 2 pardon, forgiveness. di-[x] to be forgiven. [x]-e please forgive me [for not giving you anything: phrase said to beggars or other solicitors].
- maklumat
- proclamation, announcement, declaration.
- makmur
- prosperous, wealthy. Muga-muga bangsa lan nêgara kita dadi [x] lan santosa. May our nation and people become prosperous and strong.
- makna
- meaning conveyed. Barêng bisa nampa [x]-ne, raine dadi abang sanalika. When she grasped what he has driving at, she suddenly flushed. [x]-ne it means...
- makrak
- var of MANGKRAK.
- makramah
- var of MAKROMAH.
- makrifat
- mystically attained religious knowledge.
- makromah
- veil worn by Moslem women.
- makroni
- macaroni.
- makruh
- undesirable, to be avoided (according to Islamic creed).
- makruni
- var of MAKRONI.
- maksih
- rg var of TAKSIH.
- maksiyat
- (power of) evil. kutha [x] a city of evil. duwe kêkuatan [x] having the power to do evil. [x]-an evil, sin; to do evil. nglakoni [x]-an to commit evil acts, to act sinfully.
- maksud
- intention, purpose, meaning. duwe [x] ala to have evil intentions. Pêmêrintah nduwèni [x] ngajokake indhustri cilik. The government intends to promote small-scale industry. Rak iya wis ngêrti [x]-e ta? You understand what it means, don't you?
- makuna
- old, ancient. See also KUNA.
- makutha
- 1 crown. 2 fez-like headdress (ki for KULUK).
- mal-
- see also under ML- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus L (Introduction,
- mala
- blemish, flaw. [x]-nên to have blemishes/flaws (of body or character). mê-[x] 1 skin flaw or laceration. 2 unpleasantness. golèk mê-[x] to seek out danger or trouble. mê-[x]-nên sms [x]-NÊN above. kê-[x]-n blemished in body or spirit. kê-[x]-n êndhas boastful. kê-[x]-n cangkêm in trouble/danger through smn's ill-advised words.
- malaekat
- male angel.
- Malagasi
- Madagascar.
- malah
- (or [x]-an or [x]-[x]) 1 contrary to expectation; instead. Adhukane kakêhan, mula tandurane [x] lanas. There was so much fertilizer that the plants were actually retarded. Dikon mandhêg iku ora nurut, [x] pite dibantêrake. He was told to stop, but he didn't; he only pedaled faster. 2 even, moreover, beyond that. Surake wong iya mbata rubuh, [x] ana sing kêplok-kêplok. The crowd cheered; some even applauded.
- malaikum salam
- reply to the Moslem greeting ASSALAM(U)ALAIKUM.
- malak(i)
- greedy, selfish, covetous.
- malakulmaut
- male angel who conveys the soul from the body at death.
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- malam
- ng, lilin kr wax. ati [x] quick to recover from anger. ø/di-[x]-i to buy or pay for [wax used in batik-making].
- malekat
- var of MALAEKAT.
- malêm
- 1 night, evening (in certain compounds). jaga [x] stationary night watchman. rondha [x] circulating night watchman. [x] gêmbira an evening party. kupu [x] prostitute. pasar [x] fair, bazaar. sêpur [x] night train. nganakake jam [x] to declare a curfew. 2 eve, night before. [x] Lêbaran Lebaran Eve. [x] angkate the night before they left. [x] Minggu Saturday evening. [x] lowong the 22d, 24th, 26th, and 28th of the fasting month (Pasa). 3 still damp. Kumbahane isih [x]. The laundry isn't dry yet. [x]-an ceremony or fair held on the eve of the above dates during Pasa, also on the 29th. [x] Barat a holy night during the month of Ruwah for giving thanks.
- malês
- form of WALÊS. kursi [x] easy chair.
- malih
- 1 to change in appearance, shape. Barêng kêmbang abang mau didumuk, banjur [x] kuning. When he touched the red flower, it turned yellow! Wong kuwi bisa [x] dadi macan. He can change himself into a tiger. 2 again; more (kr for MANÈH). [x]-an in disguise. macan [x]-an a devil in disguise; a man in the form of a tiger. molah-[x] to keep changing. Bunglon iku molah-[x] ulêse. Chameleons change color contantly. See also ALIH.
- malikat
- var of MALAEKAT.
- malim
- var of MUALIM.
- maling
- ng, pandung opt? kr, duratmaka ki? thief; to steal. [x]-an 1 to steal habitually. 2 stolen. pit [x]-an a stolen bicycle. [x]-[x]-an stolen goods, loot. kê-[x]-an to get robbed. Aku kê-[x]-an piring sak sêtèl. I was robbed of a set of dishes. mê-[x] (mê-m-pandung kr) to steal. ø/di-[x]-i to rob. malingi omah to rob a house. [x] dhèndhèng a secret lover.
- mamaha
- ng kr, gilut or kênyoh ki [x]-an (having been) chewed. ø/di-[x]-(i). 1 to chew. 2 to argue with. 3 to do without difficulty. Soal sing angèl kanggo aku, karo Slamêt mung di-[x] wae. Slamet breezes right through problems that are hard for me.
- mamahb
- inf mother, mama.
- mamak
- 1 stupid, uncomprehending. 2 to behave incoherently or uncomprehendingly. Pikirane rusak banjur [x]. She's upset and doesn't know what she's doing. Marga lampune mati, [x] anggonku mlêbu ing omah. The lights were out, so I had to grope my way into the house. 2 rg mother; father. See also MUMUK.
- mamang
- uncertain, unable to decide.
- mambang
- ghost, spirit.
- mambêg
- clogged, choked, stopped up.
- mambrah
- [x]-[x] lying scattered about.
- mambrih
- rg var of AMRIH.
- mami
- 1 oj, I, me; my. 2 mommy.
- mamotan
- var of MOMOT-AN.
- mampang
- (or [x]-[x]) angry, furious.
- mamprah
- to spread, extend out(ward).
- mamprung
- to dash/fly off swiftly.
- mampu
- well-to-do. ora [x] incompetent, incapable.
- mampul
- [x]-[x] to float, bob.
- mampus
- cr dead.
- mamrèh
- rg var of AMRIH.
- mamrih
- rg var of AMRIH.
- mamring
- rare, scarce. Dina udan sing nonton bioskup (sêpi) [x]. Very few people go to the movies when it's raining.
- mamuk
- oj to run amuck, go on the rampage.
- man
- 1 you (inf var of SAMANG). 2 uncle (shf of PAMAN). 3 prefix: var form of MANG- 2.
- mana
- 1 (mantên kr) unit of that scope (Degree III: Introduction, 6). sa(k)-[x], sê-[x] one such unit (see also SÊMANA). 2 (mêkatên kr) excl for finishing off a deprecatory or contrary-to-fact predicate. Anggêpe kaya wong baud manah têmênan [x]. He really thinks he's good at archery! Sêngguhmu kuwi kaya bagus-bagusa [x]. You consider yourself pretty handsome, don't you? mBok tibaa [x] ta, ya! I wish he's fall! Diarani bocah pintêr, iya yèn pintêra [x]. They say he's a smart boy – I only wish he were smart. See also MONO.
- manabda
- ltry var of NY-SABDA.
- manah
- 1 heart, feelings; mind; liver (kr for ATIa). 2 kr for BUDI 1? 3 thought, feeling, idea (kr for PIKIR). 4 form of PANAH.
- manalagi
- the finest variety of mango.
- manang
- 1 (or [x]-[x]) intsfr red. abang [x]-[x] intensely red. 2 oj to get angry. 3 oj to make a mistake.
- manasuka
- optional; voluntary. Akèhe [x]. The amount [one contributes] depends on one's wishes. reclame kupon [x] an advertisement for a lottery ticket that one may optionally purchase.
- manawa
- formal var of MÊNAWA.
- manawi
- formal var of MÊNAWI.
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- manawibawa
- oj boastful, conceited.
- manda
- [x]-n (rg) or [x]-[x] a little, a few; somewhat. Sope asine mung [x]-[x]. The soup needs just a little more salt. Srêngengêne [x]-[x] angêt. The sun is a bit warm. (aksara) [x] swara (gram) semi-vowel (Javanese alphabetic character representing wa, ya).
- mandah
- (or [x]-ane or [x]-e) rg var of MENDAH.
- mandhak
- 1 contrary to expectation; even. 2 mere(ly); trivial. [x] kowe wae, masa bisaa! Just you alone – as if you could do it! [x] didêmèk wae nêsu. Just being touched and you get mad! ø/di-[x]-ake to consider too trivial. Aja sok mandhakake wong. Never underestimate people.
- mandhakaki
- a certain tropical flower.
- mandhala
- ltry world.
- mandana
- oj to give, donate.
- mandang
- inf var of T-UM-ANDANG.
- mandar
- even, moreover, contrary to expectations (sbst kr for MALAH?). Bocah-bocah dielikke dha pêplayon [x] penekan. The boys were told not to run around and then they [went further and] climbed trees! [x]-[x] let's hope; may it turn out (that ...).
- mandhat
- mandate.
- mandeyan
- quite probably, very likely.
- mandhèkne
- rg var of ANDHE.
- mandene
- rg var of MENDAH.
- mandhene
- rg var of ANDHE.
- mandi
- (mandos opt? sbst? kr) 1 efficacious. Tablète [x] bangêt kanggo lara malaria. The pills are an effective treatment for malaria. 2 strong, powerful [of poison]; poisonous. ula [x] poisonous snake. ula sing wisane [x] bangêt a snake whose poison is very potent.
- mandhi
- see KAMAR.
- mandir
- mondar-[x] to flutter, vibrate.
- mandira
- oj banyan tree.
- mandhirèng
- contraction of MANDHIRI ING.
- mandhiri
- independent, self-sufficient. [x] ing pribadi self-reliant. Anakku saiki wis [x]. Our son is self-supporting now. ø/di-[x]-kake to cause to be self-sufficient. mandhirèkake anak-anake to equip one's children to stand on their own feet. See also DHIRI.
- manjalma
- see JALMA.
- manjang
- to sing, chant, recite.
- manjur
- potent, efficacious.
- manjurung
- to stimulate, encourage.
- mandho
- to hold out the hand(s) to receive sth.
- mandhor
- foreman, work supervisor.
- mandos
- efficacious; potent; poisonous (opt? sbst? kr for MANDI).
- mandraguna
- supernaturally powerful.
- mandrawa
- oj (from) afar. sinawang saking [x] seen from a distance.
- mandul
- [x]-[x] springy, bouncy.
- mandhung
- 1 on hand, available. Ana sing [x] bêras, uga ana sing kurang. Some have plenty of rice and some haven't enough. Panganan bosok yèn kêsuwèn [x]. Food spoils if it's kept around too long. 2 unarmed guard at the second (inner) gate of the pavilion leading to the palaces in Jogjakarta and Surakarta. [x]-an second (inner) gate of the palace pavilion. [x]-[x] heaped up, forming a pile. ka-[x]-an sms [x]-AN. See also ANDHUNG.
- manèh
- ng, malih kr 1 again; more. siji [x] another one, one more. Aja takon [x]. Don't ask any more questions. La lucu [x] ... And another funny thing ... 2 excl of incredulity. Kowe [x] kuwata ngangkat kopêr iku! As if you're strong enough to lift that trunk! 3 to continue [talking]; [to say] further. Dhèwèke takon [x], kêpriye? Then he asked, how? Aku kandha [x]: yèn ngono wis kêbênêran. "In that case," I added, "it's all right." [x]-e (and) besides; in addition to that. Siti pintêr, [x]-e srêgêp pisan. Siti is smart, and she works hard too. [x]-[x] 1 [not ever] again. Aku wis kapok, ora bakal jajan [x]-[x]. I've learned my lesson – I'll never buy snacks again. 2 one more time. Slamêt [x]-[x] ditutuh. Once again, Slamet got the blame. See also AJAa, SÊ-DHELA, LUWIH.
- maneka
- oj kind, variety; color. [x] wêrna (of) various kinds or colors. kêmbang [x] wêrna all kinds (colors) of flowers. See also NEKA.
- mang
- 1 md you (inf var of SAMANG). Êngga [x] tampani dhuwite. Please take the money. 2 prefix: ltry and old-fashioned var of NG-: pronounced variously according to root, as for NG- (Introduction,
- mangah
- [x]-[x] 1 hot. 2 (or mongah-[x]) red, flushed. See also MONGAH.
- mangalor
- ng, mangalèr kr northward. kê-[x]-ên too far (to the) north. See also LOR, PANGALOR.
- mangar
- [x]-[x] intsfr red, flushed. abang [x]-[x] very red/flushed. Raine nganti [x]-[x] gosong. Her face was flushed and burning.
- mangêrti
- ng, mangêrtos kr ø/di-[x] to know, grasp, understand (ltry var of NGÊRTI ng, NGÊRTOS kr). Wulangane wis di-[x] kabèh. Everybody understands the lesson. Aku ora mangrêti apa sababe. I don't know why.
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- [x]-a know!; you should know; I am informing you. Mangêrtia, yèn Mardi kuwi ora kêna dipêrcaya. I must tell you that Mardi is not to be trusted. ø/di-[x]-kake to convey information to. Bapak mangêrtèkake Siti bab isine layang. Father told Siti what was in the letter. ø/di-[x]-ni. 1 to convey information to. Siti wis dimangêrtèni bab sedane bapake. Siti has been told of her father's death. 2 to know (about), understand. Isine layang wis dimangêrtèni. He knows (or understands) what the letter says. See also NGÊRTI.
- mangêrtos
- kr for MANGÊRTI.
- mangetan
- eastward. kê-[x]-ên too far (to the) east. See also ETAN, PANGETAN, WETAN.
- mangga
- 1 kr please (go ahead and ...). [x] ta kula aturi nampi. Please accept it. 2 kr Come in! (response to KULA NUWUN). 3 come on! (kr for AYO). Êngga, pak, kula jak têng omahe bocah niki. Come on, Mister, I'll take you to the boy's house. 4 here! here you are! (offering sth) (kr for NYA). 5 inf var of KÊMANGGA. ø/di-[x]-kake to let/ask smn to precede one; to ask smn to help himself, come in, etc. See also SUMANGGA.
- manggala
- oj 1 commander, commanding general. 2 elephant. ø-[x]-ni to lead one's troops in war.
- manggar
- blossom of the coconut palm.
- manggêng
- steady, steadfast. [x] tanpa kêndhat on and on without interruption.
- manggis
- mangosteen.
- manggok
- to be/stay smw. See also ÊNGGOK.
- manggrik
- monggrak-[x] beset with difficulties or illness.
- manggrok
- (or [x]-[x]) to stop or stay smw. A [x] nèng Jakarta. A settled in Jakarta. Montore [x] ana ing dalan. The car just sat there in the middle of the street.
- manggrong
- var of MAGRONG.
- manggul
- a certain ceremonial porridge. [x]-an ritual feast (held on the eve of a circumcision) at which the above porridge is served.
- manggung
- 1 one of four groups of female court retainers who accompany the monarch when he makes public appearances and display the court ceremonial objects. 2 [of birds] to sing continuously. [x] kêtanggung the four groups of female retainers collectively. [x], cèthi, bêdaya, srimpi names of the four groups.
- manggut
- [x]-[x] or monggat-[x] to keep nodding the head.
- mangidul
- southward. dalan kang [x] the road (that goes) south. kê-[x]-ên too far (to the) south. See also KIDUL, PANGIDUL.
- mangka
- (or [x]-kna or ka-[x]) 1 but (the fact is); whereas; now (as it happens). Aku didakwa njupuk bukune, ka-[x] aku wêruh wae ora. He accused me of taking his book, but the fact is I never even saw it. Dhokar mau ditunggangi wong mênyang pasar gêgawane akèh, [x] jarane cilik tur kuru. The carriage was loaded down with people carrying produce to market, but the horse was small and thin. Bakul pitik mau nganti awan ora pêpayon [x] adate laris. The chicken peddler hadn't sold anything all morning – and business was usually brisk. 2 even though, in spite of the fact that. Olèhe mangan êntèk rong piring [x] mau mêntas mangan bakmi sapiring. He ate two plates of rice, though he had already eaten a helping of noodles. Diwastani anèh dene ana wong wedok kok nyambut gawe kanggo pênggautan [x] cukup ora kêkurangan. It was considered queer [in those days] for a girl to work for her living when she didn't need to.
- mangkak
- dirty(-looking).
- mangke
- in the future (kr for MÊNGKO).
- mangkêl
- resentful. ø-[x]-ake causing resentment; (psv di-[x]-ake) to make smn resentful. Aku dimangkêlake omongane. What he said made me seethe. ø/di-[x]-i to resent sth.
- mangkir
- to fail to appear. [x] sêkolah ora pamit absent without being excused.
- mangkok
- 1 a small bowl used for eating. 2 basin used for carrying liquid foods sold by street peddlers.
- mangkrak
- oj to raise one's voice in anger.
- mangkring
- to perch, roost.
- mangkruk
- (or [x]-[x]) seated on a high perch. [x]-[x] nang ndhuwur wit perched in a treetop.
- mangku nêgaran
- Solonese court drama in which the performers sing as they dance.
- manglar
- see LAR.
- manglih
- 1 oj hungry. 2 var of MALIH 1.
- manglong
- to trespass, encroach [on].
- mangro
- divided, split two ways. Pikirane [x], dhèke kudu nyambut gawe nang Jakarta nanging bojone ana ing Jogja. He's being pulled two ways: his job is in Jakarta but his wife is in Jogja. [x] ati-ne/karêp-e of two minds, unable to decide. [x] atine anggone arêp nanjakake dhuwite kanggo tuku pit apa radhio. He can't decide whether to spend his money for a bicycle or a radio.
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- [x] tingal to divide one's loyalties. See also M-PARO, RO.
- mangrong
- to glow.
- mangsa
- 1 (wanci kr?) time; season. Durung [x]-ne mangan. It's not time to eat yet. [x] giling sugar-cane-processing time. 2 month according to the Javanese calendar (Kasa, Karo, etc.). 3 a two-month period. 4 (or [x]-a) excl of skepticism. Yak [x], ora ngandêl aku. Go on – I don't believe it. [x] bisaa! As if he could do it! Yèn guwane mêntas dilêboni uwong, [x]-a lamate isih wutuh. If anyone had just gone in the cave, how could the spiderweb [across the opening] be unbroken! [x]-n 1 (to go) according to season. Awohe ora [x]-n. It has no special season for giving fruit. 2 (or mê-[x]) animal's food, prey. kê-[x] 1 premature. Wit iki kêmbange kê-[x]. This tree is blossoming early. Anake olèhe lahir kê-[x]. The baby was born prematurely. 2 to get devoured. ka-[x] ing sima eaten by a tiger. ø/di-[x] to eat [its prey]; to feed on. sa-[x] 1 when, at the time [of]. Sa-[x] dhèke têkan kene têrus konên mulih. As soon as he gets here, send him home. Sê-[x] olèh dhuwit aku silihana. When you get the money, lend me some. 2 (or sa-[x]-[x]) at anytime, whenever. Sa-[x]-[x] pêrlu pitulungan aku kandhanana. Let me know any time you need help. [x] apit the period (mid-April to mid-June) covered by the two final Javanese-calendar months. [x] bodho(a) to disclaim responsibility. [x] bodho, aku ora ngêrti. I don't know and I don't care. ø/di-[x]-bodho-kake to leave sth up to [smn]; to take no responsibility for. Urusan kêluargane di-[x]-bodhokake marang maratuwane. He leaves all family matters in the hands of his parents-in-law. [x] borong(a) sms [x] BODHO(A). Kasil ora kasil [x] borong, dudu urusanku. Whether it succeeds or fails is no concern of mine. Piye mangkate nang Bogor? - [x] borong. How shall we get to Bogor? – I leave it to you. Dhuwite samene cukup, [x] borong mbokne gêndhuk sing nandangi. This much money is enough; I'll let my wife handle it. [x] dadi-a slilit an inadequate amount of food. Kanggo Bu Sastra bêras limang kilo mono [x] dadia slilit, wong anake sêpuluh. Five kilograms of rice doesn't go far with Mrs. Sastro – she has ten children. [x] kala the appropriate time. Yên wis têka [x] kalane ... When the time comes ... [x] katiga dry (hot) season. [x] kuning time when ripened rice is ready to harvest. [x] labuh season (September-October) preceding the rainy season. [x] marèng season (March-May) preceding the dry season. [x] mêngko nowadays. [x] rêndhêng rainy season. [x] rontog fall. [x] salju winter, snowy season. [x] tara drought during the dry season. See also TALIMANGSA, TITIMANGSA.
- mangsak
- [x]-an 1 cooked food. rêsèp [x]-an recipe. 2 packet of prepared betel. [x]-[x]-an to pretend to cook, play at cooking. ø/di-[x] to cook. ahli [x] chef. buku [x] cookbook. juru [x] (professional) cook. ø/di-[x]-ake to cook for smn. mangsakake (kinang) to prepare betel for smn to chew.
- mangsi
- 1 ink. wadhah [x] ink-well. 2 excl of skepticism (var of MANGSA 4). [x]-n written in ink. Tulisane mangsèn. It's written in ink. ø/di-[x] to write/draw in ink.
- mangsud
- var of MAKSUD.
- mangsuh
- oj 1 to go to; to confront. [x] ing ngayuda to go to war. 2 vulnerable.
- mangsuk
- 1 to enter (into). Dilarang [x]. No admittance! [x] Islam to become converted to Islam. 2 suitable, becoming. Dhèke nganggo klambi kuwi [x] bangêt. That dress looks good on her. [x] angin or [x] lesus to have/get a cold. ora [x] akal inconceivable, difficult to imagine.
- mangsur
- (or [x]-[x]) to have diarrhea.
- mangu
- (or [x]-[x] or monga-[x]) to waver, vacillate. A isih [x]-[x] arêp mangkat nang Jakarta apa ora. A can't decide whether or not to go to Jakarta.
- mangulon
- ng, mangilèn kr westward. kê-[x]-ên too far (to the) west. See also KULON, PANGULON.
- mangun
- [x] brata to pay a penalty; to do a penance.
- manguntur
- oj throne (var of WANGUNTUR).
- mani
- 1 male sperm. 2 cr Adam's – apple. [x]-[x] coral; coral beads.
- manifèsto
- manifesto.
- manih
- oj again, more.
- manik
- 1 jewel, precious stone. 2 Adam's – apple. 3 pupil of the eye. [x]-[x] coral; coral beads. [x] mata the apple of one's eye.
- manikêl
- see TIKÊL.
- manikêm
- 1 jewel. 2 ltry female ovum.
- maning
- rg var of MANÈH.
- manira
- I, me (wy, court language: used by an exalted person speaking to an inferior).
- manis
- sweet; appealing. jêruk [x] a certain sweet citrus fruit. bocah/rupa/swara [x] a
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- sweet child/face/voice. tangan sing [x] the right (not left) hand, i.e. the proper hand for giving and receiving. kanggo gawe [x]-e omah to beautify the house. wong sing [x] rêmbuge a persuasive talker. [x]-an fruit in a sugar sauce. [x]-an nanas pineapple in sweet sauce. mê-[x] 1 ingratiating behavior. udan mê-[x] a shower of sweet talk. 2 a bribe; hush money. mê-[x]-an sms [x]-AN. (mê)ø/di-[x]-i to sweeten sth; fig to sweet-talk smn. Pintêr bangêt olèhe mêmanisi. She's a very persuasive talker. [x] jangan cinnamon; wood of the tree whose bark produces cinnamon.
- many-
- prefix: var of MANG- 2.
- manyak
- [x]-[x] to barge in uninvited or unexpectedly.
- manyar
- a certain song bird.
- manyawak
- a certain large lizard.
- manyu:k
- (or [x]-[x]) 1 to arrive hastily. Lagi wae [x] têkan omah wis lunga manèh. No sooner had he rushed into the house than he left again. 2 (or monyak-[x]) to wander around smn's place without announcing one's presence. See also NYUK.
- manyul
- [of forehead] bulging, protruding.
- manyura
- a certain key or mode in which Javanese songs are played. pathêt [x] mode of the gamelan music in the third part of a shadow play.
- manon
- ltry to watch, look (at). Hyang [x] God (the All-Seeing). ma-[x] to look here and there, look around. ø/di-[x]-i 1 to appear (to smn, in a dream or vision). 2 to give the appearance that ... See also TON.
- manpangat
- var of MUNPANGAT.
- manrang
- oj intsfr red. abang [x] bright red.
- mantak
- [x] aji to effect sth through other than natural means. [x] aji panggandan a magic incantation for locating lost things. [x] aji lêlimunan to make oneself vanish.
- manthang
- [x]-[x] var of NG-ATHANG-ATHANG.
- mantêb
- in full agreement, with wholehearted consent. See also ANTÊB.
- mantêl
- topcoat; raincoat.
- mantèn
- 1 bride; groom. [x] lanang groom. [x] wedok bride. [x] anyar newlyweds. 2 pertaining to weddings. adat-adat [x] wedding customs. kursi [x] bridal chair (occipied by the bride and groom during the festivities). dhukun [x] person who applies the bridal cosmetics. [x]-an to play wedding, have a pretend wedding (children). [x] pangku-n rg a bride who has not yet menstruated, hence the groom may not have intercourse with her. [x] pari rg harvest ritual depicting the origin of rice, based on a mythological account of lovers transformed to rice stalks.
- mantên
- unit of this (Degree I) or that (Degree II, III) scope (Introduction, 6): kr for MENE, MONO, MANA.
- manthêr
- straight, undeviating. Lampune sokle sumorot [x] nganti adoh bangêt. The searchlight sent its straight beam far into the distance. dhawuh [x] a direct order. Rupane putih [x]. It was unrelieved white.
- manca
- foreign, alien. bangsa (basa, nêgara, têmbung, lsp.) [x] foreign people (language, country, word, etc.). wong [x] a foreigner. ing [x] abroad. nga-[x] [in, from] a foreign place. ing tanah nga-[x] in a foreign land. bangsa (têmbung, lsp.). [x] foreign people (words, etc.). [x] kaki rg the old people in a village. [x] pat [x] lima one's (village) neighbors. [x] rawat or [x] udrasa to weep. [x] warna various kinds (of). See also MANCATALPA.
- mancala
- [x] putra [x] putri able to assume any form magically. Prabu Bathara Krêsna bisa [x] putra [x] putri. King Kresna can change himself into anything. [x] warna able to change one's shape/appearance magically.
- mancapat
- var of MACAPAT.
- mancatalpa
- foreign; foreign country. lêlungan mênyang [x] to go abroad. sêsambungan karo [x] foreign relations.
- mancêb
- sticking/stuck [into] (inf var of T-UM-ANCÊB). Wulangane [x]. The lesson stuck in their minds. See also ANCÊB.
- mancung
- 1 to jut out. Bathuke [x]. He has a bulging forehead. 2 a cluster. kêmbang sa-[x] a bunch of flowers. 3 coconut-blossom sheath. [x] iku kêna digawe upêt. (Dried) coconut-blossom sheaths can be made into wicks.
- mantol
- var or MANTÊL.
- mantra
- magic incantation uttered by a witch doctor. [x] ruwatan incantation for protecting an only child. [x]-n incantation for producing magical effects. [x]-[x] vague, hazy. ora [x]-[x] inconceivable. Ora [x]-[x] yèn X ki lurah. It's hard to believe that X is the village head. ø/di-[x]-kake to utter [magical incantations]. Upacara ngruwat iku akèh bangêt [x]-n-[x]-ne kang kudu di-[x]-kake dening Kyai Dhalang. In an only-child ceremony, the puppet-master must utter a number of incantations. ø/di-[x]-ni to use an incantation on smn. mantrani kêris to cast a spell on a kris. Jamune wis di-[x]-ni. The medicine has been "bewitched."
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- mantri
- 1 government official in charge of a certain office or activity. 2 palace official; minister of the court. 3 bishop (in chess). [x] kuwi mung mèncèng. The bishop moves only diagonally. ka-[x]-n office or residence of the above official. [x] alas official in charge of forestry. [x] aris assistant district chief. [x] ka-bupati-n secretary general of a regional office. [x] guru school superintendent. [x] kewan official in charge of livestock. [x] lanbau official in charge of agriculture. [x] lumbung village official who supervises the rice supply. [x] pamong praja head of a local district in a city. [x] pulisi chief of police; police superintendet. [x] tani official in charge of agriculture. [x] candu head of the opium control division. [x] cacar official who vaccinates for smallpox. [x] ukur land registrar.
- mantrol
- var of MANTÊL.
- mantrus
- sailor; ship's crewman.
- mantu
- 1 child-in-law. (anak) [x] lanang/wedok son/daughter-in-law. ngêpèk [x] to choose a marriage partner for one's child. 2 (to hold) a wedding for one's child. Lurahe [x], [x]-ne pak juru tulis. The village head married his daughter to the district secretary. [x]-n (to hold) a wedding. ø/di-[x]-kake to hold a wedding for [one's child]. [x] m-bata rubuh (to hold) a multiple wedding ceremony.
- mantuk
- to return to one's own place (kr for MULIH).
- mantun
- to recover (from) (kr for MARI).
- manthur
- to stream, pour. Lèdhênge sêwêngi [x] têrus. The water faucet ran all night.
- manuara
- fascinating, strongly appealing, beautiful. têmbung [x] seductive words.
- manuja
- oj human being.
- manuhara
- var of MANUARA.
- manuk
- ng, pê(k)si kr 1 bird. 2 euph penis. [x]-an 1 place for birds. pasar [x]-an market dealing in birds. 2 (or [x]-[x]-an; pêksi-pêksinan kr) imitation bird, toy bird. (mê)ø/di-[x]-i ng kr to watch from a distance. Bèn dolan bocahe dak manuki saka kene. Let the child play; I'll keep an eye on him. [x] jiwa a certain kind of bird. [x] unta ostrich. See also BUR, PASA, SAUR.
- manungsa
- human being. kulawarga [x] mankind. ka-[x]-n 1 humanity; human nature. 2 pertaining to human beings. adat ka-[x]-n human traditions. 3 to appear human. pêri kang wis ka-[x]-n a spirit in human form. 3 ltry to be caught doing wrong in secret.
- manus
- oj human being.
- manusa
- var of MANUNGSA.
- manut
- (to act) according to, in accordance with. [x] kanggone dhewe-dhewe each according to his needs. [x] ujaring wong ... according to what people say ... monat-[x] to follow/obey habitually. See also ANUT, NUT, TUT.
- maolana
- title for eminent Moslem scholars.
- maos
- 1 sbst kr for MAJA. 2 form of WAOS.
- mapatih
- oj prime minister.
- maprah
- (or [x]-[x]) all over the place, spread wide.
- maputra
- to reproduce (ki for M-ANAK). See also PUTRA.
- mar
- (having) fear connected with high places. Atiku êmar yèn wêruh kowe pènèkan. My heart is in my throat when I see you climbing. ngê-[x]-[x]-i hair-raising.
- mar-
- see also under MR- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus R (Introduction,
- mara
- 1 var of AYO, MANIRA. 2 form of PARA.
- marakata
- var of MARKATA.
- marang
- ng, dh(um)atêng kr 1 to, toward; concerning. A kandha (takon) marang B ... A said to (asked) B ... siya-siya [x] kewan cruel to animals. Golongan A ora ngêrti [x] basane golongan B. Group A doesn't speak group B's language. Dhèke ngêlêm [x] swarane. He spoke highly of her voice. Aja muring-muring [x] dhèwèke. Don't be mad at him. Dhèke trêsna [x] kowe. He loves you. Kuwi gumantung [x] kowe. It depends on you. dhoktêr sing ahli [x] mripat an eye specialist. Dhèke ora pêrcaya [x] wong tuwane. He doesn't trust his parents. 2 (ng kr) form of WARANG.
- maras
- 1 chicken lung (fried and eaten as a rice-accompanying dish). 2 rg organ-like piece clinging to the backbone of a chicken (eaten fried or boiled). 3 rg timid, cowardly. 4 form of PARAS.
- marasêpuh
- kr for MARATUWA.
- maratuwa
- ng, marasêpuh kr parent(s)-in-law. [x] lanang or bapak [x] father-in-law. [x] wedok or ibu [x] mother-in-law.
- marbuka
- to open (up, out) (ltry var of (M)-BUKA). Wis [x] pikire. He has opened his mind to new ideas.
- mardika
- free (of). bangsa kang [x] a free people. Barêng duwe omah dhewe saiki [x] ora diganggu wong liya. How that he has a house of his own, he's free of interference from others. ka-[x]-n freedom, liberty, independence. Tanggal pitulas Agustus iku dina
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- ka-[x]-n Indonesia. August 17th is Indonesia's Independence Day. See also PARDIKA.
- marêm
- satisfied, content. Rêmbugmu ndadèkake [x]-ing atiku. Your words set my mind at rest. ka-[x]-an gratification. Tumindak sing bêcik kuwi bisa dadi kê-[x]-aning wong tuwa. Fine achievements make parents happy. ø-[x]-ake causing satisfaction. Bijine marêmake. His grades are quite satisficatory. ø/di-[x]-i to satisfy, please, gratify. See also ARÊM.
- marèng
- brief interval between the close of the rainy season and the onset of the dry season.
- marês
- marching music; [of music] in marching tempo.
- Marêt
- (month of) March.
- marga
- 1 formal var of MÊRGA. 2 oj road, way.
- margi
- 1 road, way (kr for DALAN). 2 kr because (formal var of MÊRGI).
- marhaèn
- the proletariat.
- marhaènis
- those concerned with uplifting the proletariat.
- marhaènisme
- political policy of concern for the proletariat.
- marhum
- deceased. [x] Pak Sastra the late Mr. Sastro. Dikandhakake yèn [x] iki sawijining dhoktêr. The deceased is said to be a doctor.
- mari
- ng, mantun kr 1 (dhangan ki) to get over, recover (from). Laramu bèn gêlis [x]. I hope you'll get well soon. [x] nêpsu to get over being angry. 2 to stop, subside. Mêngko-mêngko bae yèn udane wis [x]. Wait till it stops raining. ø/di-[x]-kake to cure. Sapa sing bisa marèkake watukku? Who can get me over this cough? ø/di-[x]-ni to get over sth. A wis marèni ênggone sok gumêdhe. A has cured himself of his constant boasting.
- marik
- [x]-[x] lined up. Tandurane [x]-[x]. The plants were set in rows. morak-[x] untidy, in disorder.
- marikêlu
- oj to sit silent with bowed head, signalizing esteem and humility.
- marinê
- navy; navy man; (things) pertaining to naval war.
- maring
- (to go) to (var of MARANG, MÊNYANG).
- marisan
- knife (sbst? kr for LADING).
- marit
- morat-[x] in disorder, in chaos. Prajurite bubar morat-[x] ora karuwan. The soldiers fled in utter confusion.
- maritim
- maritime.
- markas
- headquarters.
- markata
- lively. abang [x] cheerful bright red.
- markis
- 1 portico built onto the front of a house. 2 a certain fruit.
- markisah
- a fruit (var of MARKIS).
- markonis
- navigator.
- marlupa
- oj physically exhausted.
- marma
- oj so, therefore; that is why.
- marmêr
- marble. watu [x] kuburan a marble gravestone.
- marmot
- var of MARMUT.
- marmut
- woodchuck, groundhog; guinea pig.
- marong
- (or [x]-[x]) to burn hotly. gêni sing [x] a hot fire.
- mars
- var of MARÊS.
- marta
- (or a-[x]) invulnerable.
- martabak
- an Indian omelet with meat and vegetable filling.
- martabat
- rank, degree; high rank, prestige, status.
- martil
- hammer.
- martyapada
- ltry earth; place of human habitation.
- maru
- any wife after the first in a polygamous household. ø/di-[x] to make [one's only wife] a co-wife by marrying another. Yu Wangsa di-[x] karo bojone. Mrs. Wongso's husband has taken another wife.
- maruk
- kê-[x] or ø-[x]-i to have an enormous appetite after recovering from illness (var of NG-KÊMARUK-I).
- maruta
- oj wind.
- masa
- ng, jêne kr (or jêne-an kr) gold. [x] inten jewelry; treasure. [x] pasir or [x] ure gold nuggets, gold dust. iwak [x] goldfish. [x]-[x]-an imitation gold. bakul [x]-[x]-an retail dealer in gold and jewelry. (tukang) kê-[x]-an ng kr goldsmith. [x] banjar gold-plated. [x] (ê)nom gold alloy. [x] tuwa solid gold.
- masb
- (adr; shf of KAMAS) title used by males to other males of equal social status; by females to their husbands, to men of status equal to their husbands, to men older than themselves; by servants to the master's male children. [x] ajêng Miss; [x] ayu Madam (terms for addressing females of lower status, or by servants to the master's female children). [x] agus term used by servants to address the master's male children. [x] lara or [x] rara term used by servants to address the master's female children. [x] mirah term of endearment for addressing a girl.
- masa
- var of MANGSA. [x] Allah var of MASYA ALLAH.
- masak
- 1 tip given to a girl for acting as a man's dancing partner. 2 var of MANGSAK
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- masalah
- problem. [x]-[x] donya world problems. [x]-[x] ngênani manca nêgara matters concerning foreign countries.
- masarakat
- var of MASYARAKAT.
- masjid
- mosque.
- Masèhi
- Christian. taun [x] in the year of Our Lord. taun 1290 taun [x] 1290 A.D.
- masi
- excl of skepticism (var of MANGSA).
- masih
- rg var of ISIH.
- masik
- mosak-[x] in disorder. Kamare mosak-[x]. The room is a mess.
- masin
- 1 spoiled fish. 2 to peck the dirt.
- masina
- 1 corn. 2 corn flour, cornstarch. 3 corn pudding.
- masinal
- mechanical(ly). Pênggawene [x]. The work was done by machine.
- masinis
- 1 person who operates a machine. [x] kapal person who runs a ship. [x] pabrik gula one who runs a sugar-processing plant. 2 railroad engineer.
- masir
- 1 to eat sand, brick dust, etc. [usu. of birds]. 2 pleasantly grainy in texture [of ripe salak fruits].
- masya Allah
- excl appealing to God in surprise or anguish. [x], sêga sêmono kok êntèk. Heavens, what a lot of rice you ate!
- masyarakat
- society the community. tunane [x] outcasts/dregs of society; doing harm to the community at large. (rumah) pa-[x]-an prison; reformatory.
- maskape
- company, firm, business enterprise.
- maskawin
- wedding gift from the prospective husband to the bride's family.
- Maskumambang
- a certain classical verse form.
- masnis
- var of MASINIS.
- masrut
- see SARAT.
- massa
- (prn masa) the masses, the people.
- massal
- (prn masal) var of MASSA.
- mastaka
- 1 head (ki for ÊNDHAS). 2 (royal) crown. 3 mosque turret.
- masud
- var of MAKSUD.
- masuk
- var of MANGSUK.
- mat
- 1 exactly, just right. Wis [x] olèhe ngincêngake bêdhil. He took precise aim with the gun. Dêlokên sing [x], rak ana cacade klambi mau. Look close: there's a defect in the shirt. Ngombe kopi karo ngrungokake gamêlan pancèn [x] bangêt. Drinking coffee and listening to music is supremely pleasant. 2 (check)mate. [x]-[x]-an to enjoy oneself thoroughly. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to focus the attention on. Dhèke ngê-[x]-ake tulisanku. He scrutinized my handwriting. 2 to give oneself over to the enjoyment of sth.
- mata
- 1 eye (of an animal; cr of a human being) (see also MRIPAT). 2 eye-like part (e.g. knot in wood; center of a pimple; jewel in its setting). 3 spot, pip (on playing-cards, dice). 4 kernel, grain. pête têlung [x] three beans. asêm sê-[x] a tamarind kernel. 5 a little something extra slipped to the village head when paying one's taxes. [x]-mu! (cr) abusive term. [x]-[x] spy, secret agent. [x]-[x]-ning mungsuh enemy agent. kê-[x] conspicuous, eye-catching. kê-[x]-n 1 having excessively large eyes. 2 to be seen doing sth underhanded. ø/di-[x]-k-[x]-kake cr to impugn smn's eyesight. Dhèke matak-matakake wong sing midak sikile. He yelled at the person who had stepped on his foot to watch where he was going. ø/di-[x]-ni 1 to equip (e.g. a doll) with eyes. 2 to impugn smn's eyesight (as above). sa-[x]-[x] striking in appearance; conspicuous. [x] dêruk small buttonhole for attacing a pin-on button. [x] dhuwit-ên overfond of money. [x] era [of wickerwork] loose, open. kranjang [x] era a loosely woven basket. [x] itik buttonhole. [x] iwak 1 scar from a wound. 2 corn on the toe. 3 duckweed. [x] yuyu 1 tending to cry easily. 2 defect on an inflated balloon that might give way at any time. [x] k-api-n 1 dimly visible. 2 it appears that ... [x] kranjang smn who wants everything he sees; smn with an eye for pretty girls. [x] kucing 1 dammar (resinused in batik work). 2 small light indicating that an electrical appliance has warmed up and is ready for use. [x] lele 1 the first leaf buds of tobacco plants. 2 whitish; light in color. [x] loro 1 one who tries to straddle conflictin alternatives. 2 double spy. [x]-ne nganti n-dlolèr cr to stare (at). [x] pita(ya) ng kr 1 supervisor. 2 parent entrusted with supervisory work. 3 person who conducts guided tours. [x] walang-ên ng kr staring fixedly and unseeing. [x] walik a certain pattern in woven work.
- matak
- var of MANTAK.
- mathang
- [x]-[x] rg var of NG-ATHANG-ATHANG.
- matangga
- oj tiger.
- Mataram
- a kingdom in Central Java established in the sixteenth century as a protectorate of Jogjakarta and Surakarta.
- matarum
- oj magical incantation.
- matèk aku
- what have I done! (var of MATI AKU).
- mathêm
- to like very much. Yèn karo kacang [x] bangêt. He's crazy about peanuts.
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- matêng
- 1 ready to eat. pêlêm [x] a ripe mango. Sêgane wis [x]. The rice is done. 2 slang (having been) brought to head or to its conclusion. Rêmbuge wis [x]. They've reached an agreement. Pêrsiapane wis [x]. The preparations are complete. ø/di-[x]-ake to bring to readiness/completion. matêngake sêga to cook the rice (until it is done). matêngake rêmbug to bring about agreement by discussion. ø/di-[x]-i to cook until done. [x] ati [of fruit] ripe only on the inside. See also SAWO.
- matêngga
- var of MATANGGA.
- materi
- matêri, substance, matter.
- matêriil
- (prn materiyil) tangible, material. sumbungan moril lan [x] moral and material support.
- mati
- ng, pêjah kr 1 (seda ki, murud or surud ki for kings) dead; to die. [x] jalaran cacar to die od smallpox. [x] klêlêp to drown. [x] konduran to die in childbirth. [x] ngurag [of animals] to die of old age. 2 inert; no longer used; not functioning. Apa radhione wis [x]? Is the radio turned off? Gênine durung [x]. The fire isn't out yet. rêga [x] fixed prices (not subject to haggling). Tilpune (or jamku) [x]. The telephone (or my watch) is out of order. Sikilku [x]. My legs are numbed. Karangan kuwi [x]. The article is dull. dalan [x] an old (formerly used) road. sumur [x] a dried-up well. aksara [x] [in Javanese script] consonant; stroke added to a syllable character to remove the final vowel. bolongan [x] clogged-up opening. tali [x] rope knotted too tightly to be untied. minggu (sasi, taun, lsp). [x] the week (month, year, etc.) just past. [x]-n hard to keep alive. Rokoke matèn. His cigarette keeps going out. Tanduran kuwi matèn yèn ora tlatèn olèhe nyirami. The plant will die if it isn't watered carefully. [x]-[x] to malfunction off and on. Mêsin tik iki kok [x]-[x] wae. This typewriter keeps going on the blink. ka-[x]-an death [official term]. angka kê-[x]-an death rate. tunjangan kê-[x]-an death benefit paid to the widow of an employee. sa-[x]-ne after or since smn's death. Sa-[x]-ne bojone dhèke dadi mlarat. She's been poor ever since her husband died. [x] aku what have I done! oh me oh my! [x] aku, tibake dhompètku kèri. Oh dear, I've left my wallet somewhere! [x] branggah ltry to die an honorable death. [x] jarak-e to undergo a calamity, e.g. to lose one's source of income; to have one's descendants fall in social status. [x] garing to die of thirst. [x] raga deep in meditation. [x] sabil 1 to die in childbirth. 2 (or [x] sahid) to die as a religious martyr. [x] urip to share each other's destiny. See also PATIa.
- mathi
- whorl in a horse's coat, believed to be an indication of the horse's temperament.
- matik aku
- oh dear! (var of MATI AKU).
- matikêl
- see TIKÊL.
- mathil
- mothal-[x] coming off/apart. Cêkêlane lawang mothal-[x] arêp coklèk. The door knob is about to fall off.
- mathis
- accurate, precise, proper. Dandana sing [x]. Dress with care. Jawabane [x] kabèh. All his answers were exactly right.
- macan
- ng, sima kr tiger. [x](-[x])-an (to play) a certain game resembling Chinese checkers. [x] gadhung-an human being in the form of a tiger. [x] gembong Indian tiger. [x] kombang panther. [x] lorèng Indian tiger. [x] luwe [of walking gait] graceful and sinuous. [x] malih-an human being disguised as a tiger. [x] tutul leopard, cheetah.
- macapat
- classical verse form consisting of six-line stanzas, of various types according to the final-vowel scheme.
- macari
- oj to (go) get, look for.
- macêm
- kind, sort, variety.
- macêt
- stuck, jammed, not working properly. Sêkrupe [x] jalaran nai. The bolt is rusted fast. Pêndhak jam siji awan dalan iki mêsthi [x]. This road is choked with traffic every day at one P.M. Lèdhênge [x] jalaran tuke angok. There's no water coming through the pipes-the reservoir is too low.
- matrik aku
- oh dear! (var of MATI AKU).
- matrus
- var of MANTRUS.
- mathuk
- to agree; to go well [with], to suit. Aku [x] bangêt karo pênêmumu. I'm in complete agreement with your opinion. Isènana sing [x]. Fill in the blanks with something appropriate.
- mau
- ng, wau kr 1 the (aforesaid). Swara [x] mênêng. The noise stopped. Wong têlu [x] pamit mulih. The three men said goodbye and left. 2 just now, a moment ago; earlier. Bocah sing nangis [x] anakku. The child who was crying just now is mine. Aku [x] wêruh wong tuku sapi. I saw a man buying a cow. Dhèk [x] esuk ilang. I lost it this morning. Aku dhèk [x] bêngi nonton wayang. I saw a shadow play last night. [x]-ne see [x]-[x]-NE below. [x]-[x] before, earlier. mBok [x]-[x] kandha ngono. Why didn't you say so in the first place!
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- [x](-[x])-ne before (as contrasted with now); as previously. [x]-ne ana pêtêngan, saiki ana ing padhangan. It has been dark; now it was light. [x]-[x]-ne aku durung tau wêruh iwak kang kaya mêngkono. I had never seen a fish like that before. Yèn lakune kêsasar, unta iku gampang nggolèki dalane [x]-ne. If camels lose their way, they can easily find it again. Tangane bisa pulih kaya [x]-ne. His hand healed up and was as good as ever.
- maulana
- var of MAOLANA.
- Maulud
- birth and death day of Mohammed (var of MULUD).
- ma'ut
- rg dead; death.
- mawa
- ng, mawi kr 1 with; having; making use of. wong [x] prabawa a man of prestige. iwak [x] wisa poisoned meat. Sikile kewan mau [x] kuku lancip-lancip. The animal's feet are equipped with sharp claws. Wangsulane [x] têmbung kasar. He answered coarsely. Buku Jawa mau sing akèh [x] aran-aran Arab. Many of these Javanese books have Arabic titles. Olèhe njogèd [x] ndadi lan [x] kêsurupan. The dancers enter a trance and become possessed. ndonga [x] basa Arab to pray in Arabic. Apa kang dumadi ing donya iku [x] ajal. Every libing creature is mortal. Nêgara [x] tata, desa [x] cara. Different people have different ways. 2 ng kr glowing charcoal fire. [x]-[x] varying according to the circumstances. Sêkolah mau suwene [x]-[x]. The length of time varies from school to school. Barange padha rêgane ora padha, [x]-[x] sing tuku. The goods are the same but the price is not the same, depending on who the customer is.
- mawak
- [x]-[x] having a large tear in it. Jarike suwèk nganti [x]-[x]. The batik is badly torn.
- mawar
- rose. wit [x] rose bush. [x] mrambat climbing rose.
- mawat
- oj to give.
- mawèh
- oj to give.
- mawi
- with; having; making use of (kr for MAWA).
- mawon
- kr inf var of KEMAWON.
- mawur
- in grains. gêthuk [x] powdered or ground-up cassava.
- mb-
- see under B- or under ÊMB- (Introduction, 2.9.5).
- me
- [x]-an 1 things (to be) sun-dried or aired. 2 clothesline. a-[x] or ngê-[x] to put sth outdoors to sun or air. pa-[x]-an place for sunning things. See also PE, PEPE.
- mê-
- see also under MA- (Introduction, 2.9.2) or replaced-consonant +A (Intro.,
- m(ê)-
- root-activating prefix: prn MÊ- before consonant (other than L, R) and monosyllabic root. m-anak to give birth to young. mê-dhun to descend. m-èsêm to smile. m-ili to flow. m-laku to walk. m-rene to come here. m-uni to say.
- mê-
- inf var of MAb. mê-dhukun to use the services of a faith healer. mê-gawe to work.
- mèbêl
- furniture.
- mebilèr
- furniture.
- mèbrèt
- (or [x]-[x]) rpr the sound of tearing. Jarike suwèk [x]. Her batik ripped.
- mêdhaya
- to be(come) a professional female dancer.
- mêdhayoh
- var of MÊRDHAYOH.
- mêdal
- to emerge; to put forth; to take [a route]; to leave (kr for MÊTU). See also WÊDAL.
- mêdhali
- medal, medallion.
- mêdamêl
- var of MÊRDAMÊL.
- mêdhangkrang
- 1 to stand with the legs apart. 2 unfinished. Gaweane isih [x]. The work hasn't been completed. [x] ny-cagak talang to live in luxury.
- mêdhêdhêg
- var of M-BÊDHÊDHÊG.
- mêdêdêng
- firm, steadfast, determined.
- mèdèl
- [x]-[x] 1 [of pants] worn low at the waist. 2 [of fat flesh] to shake, wobble.
- mèdèng
- [x]-[x] or medang-[x] sms MÈDÈL-MÈDÈL.
- mêdhêng
- 1 adequate. Klambine ora [x]. Her dress is too small. Satus rupiyah [x] ora? Is 100 rupiahs enough? 2 at the midpoint. [x] aku mangan, dhèke têka. He came while I was in the middle of eating. sa-[x]-an at the midpoint. Aku milih sing sêmêdhêngan. I took the medium-sized one.
- mêdhit
- stingy, close-fisted.
- meja
- table, tabletop, counter. sa-[x] 1 a tableful. 2 the size of or as broad as a table.
- mêjaji
- var of M-BÊJAJI.
- mêjana
- ø/di-[x]-ni to mortify, humiliate; to convey a (usu. humiliating) meaning to [smn] indirectly by addressing remarks ostensibly to smn else.
- mêjêmuk
- rural celebration held before or after the rice harvest.
- mêjên
- 1 dysentery. 2 to fail to explode. Bêdhile [x]. The gun wouldn't go off.
- mêjênun
- mentally disturbed (used also pejoratively).
- mêjid
- var of MÊSJID.
- mêjujag
- var of M-BÊJUJAG.
- mêdodong
- var of M-BÊDODONG.
- medhok
- [x]-[x] [of face powder] applied thickly.
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- mêdhok
- to soften (up). Intipe [x] barêng dikum nang banyu. The hardened rice at the bottom of the pan came loose when it was soaked. [x] ati-ne to calm down.
- medol
- [x]-[x] or medal-[x] (to walk) with swaying hips.
- medhol
- var of MEDOL.
- medong
- [x]-[x] or medang-[x] (to walk) with a waddling or spraddling gait.
- mêdhudhug
- var of M-BÊDHUDHUG.
- mêdudung
- inf var of M-BÊDODOG.
- mêg
- mag-[x] to keep touching/handling.
- mega
- cloud. [x]-n grayish-blue; cloud-colored. dara [x]-n pale gray-blue pigeon. ka-[x]-n covered or obscured by clouds. [x] malang ltry uppermost layer of clouds. [x] mêndhung a certain sweet snack.
- mêgagah
- var of M-BÊRGAGAH.
- mêgap
- (or [x]-[x]) to pant, breathe in gasps.
- mêgar
- see GAR.
- mêgatruh
- a certain classical verse form.
- mêgawe
- var of MÊRGAWE.
- mègèg
- (or [x]-[x]) motionless. Jarane dipêcuti malah banjur [x]. He whipped the horse again and again, but it didn't budge.
- mêgêg
- (or [x]-[x]) (to sit, stand) stock-still.
- mêgêgêg
- motionless, stock-still.
- mêgègèh
- [of legs] spread wide apart.
- mêgêgêh
- oj motionless, stock-still.
- mègèng
- weakened by illness.
- mêgêng
- 1 to hold the breath. 2 the beginning of the fasting month (Pasa). Sesuk wis [x], mêngko bêngi kudu saur. Tomorrow we start fasting, so we'll have to eat in the predawn hours. [x]-an rg ritual meal held on the eve of the fasting month. [x] ng-ampêt or [x] napas to hold the breath.
- mêgêr
- [x]-[x] to survive; to come through in good condition. Aku isih ana, isih [x]-[x]. I'm alive and kicking. Rêcane isih [x]-[x] durung dibubrah. The statue hasn't been taken down yet.
- mèglèng
- abusive term addressed to smn. meglang-[x] to strut, swagger, show off.
- mêgogok
- to sit utterly motionless.
- mêgok
- var of MÊGUK.
- megol
- [x]-[x] or megal-[x] (to walk) with hips swaying provocatively.
- megot
- [x]-[x] reluctant.
- mêgrak
- [of hair] to stand straight up, stand on end.
- mêgrik
- mêgrak-[x] feeble. Saiki mêgrak-[x] kêrêp lara. His frequent illnesses have weakened him. Olèhe gawe bango mêgrak-[x] ora kukuh. The roadside stand is flimsily built.
- mêgrok
- var of MÊKROK.
- mêgruk
- var of MÊKROK.
- mêguguk
- var of M-BÊGUGUK.
- mêguk
- [x]-[x] to sit around idle.
- mêgung
- stagnant.
- mèh
- almost. Lakune [x] têkan sêkolahan. They walked almost as far as the school. [x]-an almost; around about. nganti têngah wêngi [x]-an until nearly midnight. [x] bae just about, very nearly. Aku [x] bae kêplindhês montor. I came within an inch of being hit by a car. [x] ora almost no/not. [x] ora katon. You can hardly see it. See also WIS.
- Mèi
- (month of) May.
- mèyèk
- 1 heavy, unwieldy. Olêhe nggawa barang ngasi [x]-[x]. The load he's carrying is almost too much for him. 2 slang too old to [do].
- mèk
- var of MÊK.
- mêk
- rpr a touch of the hand. [x]-[x]-an to grope. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to feel (of), to touch. ngê/di-[x]-[x] to keep touching; to make messy by touching. Aku ngêmêk-êmêk kanthongku ning isine wis mabur. I felt in all my pockets, but the money was gone. Mejane aja di-[x]-[x], cète isih têlês. Don't make finger marks on the table-the paint is still wet.
- mekah
- [x]-[x] to waddle, walk like a duck. See also MÈKÈH.
- Mêkah
- Mecca.
- mêkak
- a short strapless female wajang costume. [x]-an to put on or wear the above.
- mêkakah
- to stand with the legs wide apart.
- mêkakat
- ora [x] extremely; without equal. Angkane ora [x] akèhe. The interest rate is exorbitant. Abote ora [x]. It's awfully heavy.
- mêkangkang
- to sit with the legs spread apart.
- mekanik
- mechanic.
- mekanisasi
- mechanization. ø/di-[x] to mechanize. Pêrtanian wis di-[x]. Farming has become mechanized.
- mêkao
- strong natural undyed cotton fabric.
- mêkar
- to open out, expand. Kêmbange srêngenge wis [x]. The sunflowers have bloomed. Krupuke yèn digorèng bisa [x]. When you fry shrimp chips. they expand and puff out.
- mêkatên
- 1 like this, in this way (Degree I: kr for MÊNGKENE). 2 like that, in that way (Degree II, III: kr for MÊNGKONO, MÊNGKANA). 3 excl (kr for MANA 2). 3 a particle (kr for MONO 2, 3, 4).
- mèkèh
- [x]-[x] or mekah-[x] to walk with a waddle.
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- mêkêh
- [x]-[x] constricting. Jase kêcilikên, mulane yèn diênggo rasane [x]-[x] angèl olèhe ambêgan. The jacket is so small it's hard for him to breathe with it on.
- mêkètên
- rg var of MÊKATÊN.
- mêkingking
- intsfr dry. Sakèhing sukêt padha garing [x]. Most of the grass had dried up.
- mêkotên
- rg var of MÊKATÊN.
- mekrad
- to ascend to heaven. [x]-an the day of Mohammed's ascension; to celebrate this day.
- mêkrok
- to open out. Kêmbange mawar wis [x]. The roses are in bloom.
- mêkruk
- var of MÊRKOK.
- mêksa
- 1 still, even so, in spite of the foregoing. Dhuwite diigah-iguhake ya [x] ora cukup. No matter how carefully he figured, the money still didn't go far enough. 2 form of PÊKSA.
- mèl
- 1 magic incantation. 2 rg illegal highway toll. ngê/di-[x]-ake to utter an incantation on smn's behalf. ngê/di-[x]-i 1 to utter an incantation for. 2 to pay [an illegal toll]. Sabên pos para sopir kudu ngê-[x]-i sèkêt rupiah. At each post the drivers are held up for 50 rupiahs.
- mêl
- ø/di-[x]-[x] to mouthe constantly. Cripingku di-[x]-[x] nganti êntèk. She nibbled away at my chips till there were none left.
- mêl-
- see also under ML- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus L (Introduction,
- mela
- rg var of WELA.
- melai
- to begin (kr for MULAI).
- Mêlayu
- Malayan.
- mêlak
- var of MÊLOK.
- mêlang
- [x]-[x] uneasy, apprehensive, fearful.
- mèlêk
- milk.
- mêlèk
- 1 (wungu ki) to stay awake. Sing isih [x] reka-reka turu. The ones who were still awake pretended to be asleep. 2 (wungu ki) to wake up; [of the eyes] to open. Suwe eling, [x]. Soon she regained consciousness and her eyes opened. Nyambut gawe wiwit [x]. He works from the time he wakes up. 3 eye-opening. Rupane rada [x]. She's good-looking. micakake mata [x] to think smn doesn't know sth which in fact he does know. [x]-[x]-an brazen. Rumangsaku [x]-[x]-an diapusi. I felt I had been cheated outrageously. [x] huruf illiterate.
- mêlèng
- reckless.
- mêlêng
- [x]-[x] dark and shiny and gleaming.
- mèlèr
- [of the nose] to keep dripping.
- mêlês
- intsfr black. Manuk gagak kuwi ulêse irêng [x]. Crows are jet black. See also M-BRÊBÊS.
- melik
- 1 possession, belonging. [x]-e sapa? Whose is it? 2 covetousness; to covet. [x] marang ganjaran hungry for a reward. Sajake kowe ki duwe [x] marang bandhaku. You seem anxious to get your hands on my money. 3 to obtain possession of. Dhèke tuku lêmari kuwi [x] pêngilone. He bought the whole cupboard just to get the mirror. 4 so that, in order to. nunggang sêpur [x] gêlis têkan to take a train so as to get there fast. (ka)-[x]-an to covet others' belongings. [x] ng-gendhong lali to have an overweening desire to obtain sth by any means whatever. Kangsa [x] nggendhong lali arêp dadi ratu ana ing Mandura. Kangsa was obsessed with the desire to be king of Mandura.
- mêlik
- [x]-[x] or mêlak-[x] 1 to keep opening and closing [of e.g. an insomniac's eyes]. 2 nervous and jumpy. See also SISIK, TITIK.
- mêling
- form of WÊLING. [x]-[x] light in color and glossy. Jobine [x]-[x]. The floor tiles gleam. ø-[x]-i shrill, piercing.
- mêlit
- rg var of MÊDHIT.
- melok
- var of M-ÈLU, MÊLOK.
- mêlok
- conspicuous. Sing [x] yaiku kèhe tunggangan. The striking thing is the great number of vehicles. Tandhane lalulintas [x] ngana, kok ora wêruh. The traffic signal is in plain sight-how could you fail to see it?
- mêlong
- [x]-[x] to shine, gleam.
- melor
- rickety. melar-[x] loose, wobbly.
- melot
- 1 to bend, give, yield. 2 reluctant.
- mêlung
- 1 to bend, bow. 2 (or [x]-[x]) to wail, howl.
- mêlur
- jasmine.
- mêm-
- see also under M- (Introduction, 3.1.3) or under consonant which has been reduplicated and then replaced (Introduction, 3.1.3,
- mêmak
- thick and soft [of hair on head].
- mêmbêk
- [x]-[x] to well up. Dhèke [x]-[x] nahan nangis. Her eyes filled with tears but she held them in. Banyune sêgara [x]-[x] kaya jênang lêmu. The surface of the ocean looked bubly like fat porridge.
- mêmbêng
- var of MÊMBLÊNG.
- mêmbi:k
- [x]-[x] or mêmbak-[x] with face screwed up ready to cry.
- mêmblêg
- [x]-[x] thick(ened), viscous.
- mèmblèh
- [x]-[x] having the lips drawn back ready to cry.
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- mèmblèk
- var of MÈMBLÈH.
- mêmblêng
- stagnant.
- mêmburi
- see BURI.
- mèmèk
- to (go) get, pick (up). [x] iwak to (go fishing and) get some fish.
- mêmêl
- meaty without fat; having firm good flesh.
- mêmês
- soft. Wulune lawa kuwi alus [x]. Bats' fur is fine and soft. Daginge [x]. The [overcooked] meat is mushy.
- mèmèt
- to fish or hunt with the bare hands. Petruk dipurih [x] golèk wêlut, lintah karo bulus. Petruk was instructed to go find an eel, a leech, and a tortoise. ø-[x]-i [of hens] to run around looking for a place to lay an egg.
- mêmêt
- 1 intricate, complicated, difficult to grasp. 2 joined into one; mixed together from separate parts.
- mêmpêng
- to work assiduously (at). [x]-e nyambutgawe sok nganti kliwat wanci. He often works after hours. A lagi [x] olèhe sinau. A is plugging away at his studies now. See also NGÊ-PÊNG.
- mêmpès
- deflated. ban [x] flt tire.
- mêmplak
- intsfr white. kêmeja putih [x] a snowy white shirt.
- mêmpur
- pleasantly soft and meaty [of fully ripened cassava].
- mèmrèng
- threadbare.
- mêmrêt
- old and fragile, falling apart with age.
- mèn
- var of AMÈN, BÈN.
- mên
- 1 very, decidedly, really (shf of TÊMÊN). Kowe kok dahwèn [x]. You certainly are nosy! 2 only, just (md for BAE). ø/di-[x]-[x]-(ake) to exert effort [to do], to make a point of [do]ing. Olèhe ngopèni montore di-[x]-[x] tênan. He takes scrupulous care of his car. Pênjênêngan kok ngêmên-êmênakên sangêt rawuh mriki. You've really gone out of your way to come here!
- Menak
- stories about the Islamic hero Amir Ambyah, depicted in wajang golèk dramas.
- mênak
- rg [x]-an or [x]-ên if, when(ever).
- mênang
- 1 (sasab kr? mimpang rg? kr?) to win. Kowe [x] apa kalah? Did you win or lose? [x]-e akèh bangêt. His winnings were considerable. 2 to a greater degree. [x] rosa stronger. Umure [x] tuwa karo aku. He's older than I am. [x]-an 1 to win regularly. 2 superior, outstanding. [x]-an dhewe the best. [x]-[x]-an to vie for top position. ka-[x]-an 1 victory. 2 (margin of) profit. ø/di-[x]-ake to cause or allow to win. Dhèke ngajak sêkak, dimênangake bae. She asked him to play chess with her, and she let him win. Kapintêrane sing marahi Sidin mênangake beasiswa. It was Sidin's brains that won him the scholarship. ø/di-[x]-i (ø/dipun-mêning-i kr) to experience, witness, know at first hand. Aku biyèn wis tau mênangi lindhu gêdhe. I saw a hurricane once. Muga-muga mênangana. I hope I'll live to see it. yèn mênangi pêcêklik in times of food scarcity. [x] akal karo okol brains win over brawn. [x] atas to win (out). [x] gêrtak or [x] candhak the best bluffers will win out.
- mênangèn(a)
- rg if, when(ever).
- mênapa
- pronunciation form of PUNAPA.
- mênara
- 1 tower. [x] aèr or [x] banyu water tower. 2 lighthouse. 3 minaret, mosque tower; church steeple.
- mênawa
- ng, mênawi kr 1 if, when(ever). [x] udan, dolane ana ngarêp. When it rains, they play in the front room. [x] krasa luwe if you get hungry. 2 [to say etc.] that ... Dikandhani [x] anake tiba. They told him that his child had had a fall. Kuwatir [x] macane mrono manèh. They were afraid that the tiger would come back. Wis gênah [x] asile rêmbug mau ora ana. It was obvious that the negotiations were ineffectual. 3 otherwise, or else. Aku nyingkir mbok [x] tabrakan. I stepped aside or we would have collided. 4 possibly, probably. [x] sesuk têkane. He may come tomorrow. 5 as for, talking about ... [x] iki kêpriye? How about this one? [x] aku, luwih bêcik ora mangkat. I myself would prefer not to go. mung [x]-[x] not yet certain. Pêrkara kapan dhèke mulih mung [x]-[x]. When he'll come home is still up in the air. [x] durung before; until. [x] durung entuk bayar aja têtuku. Don't buy anything till you get paid. [x]-mênawi ng kr not yet certain. [x] silih rg possibly, probably. [x] wis after(wards). mênawi sampun lêt sêdintên after a day('s interval). [x] wis rampung, balèkna ing panggonane. When you've finished with it, put it back. See also BOK.
- mênawi
- if, when(ever) etc. (kr for MÊNAWA; opt? kr for YÈN, NÈK).
- menda
- goat; sheep (kr for WÊDHUS).
- mendha
- (or [x]¬-[x]) to disguise oneself (as). Pulisine [x]-[x] dadi wong êmis. The policeman posed as a beggar. Sukmane ula mau [x] bocah lanang. The serpent's spirit took the guise of a boy.
- mendah
- how ...! what (a) ...! Ah [x] sênênging atine. My, how happy she was! [x]-a if
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- only. [x]-a sugih aku arêp tuku omah. If I were rich, I'd buy a house.
- mêndhak
- (or kê-[x]) jeweled band encircling a kris just below the handle.
- mêndal
- [x]-[x] to bounce, spring.
- mêndang
- broken-up discarded rice husks; fig trivial, insignificant.
- mèndêl
- 1 to refrain from speaking (rg kr for MÊNÊNG). 2 to stop, cease (rg kr for LÈRÈN).
- mêndêlêp
- to enter an opening. Gabuse [x] nang gêndul. The cork went down into the bottle.
- mêndêlip
- var of MÊNDLIP.
- mêndhèlès
- to stand one's ground stubbornly.
- mêndêlo
- var of MÊNDOLO.
- mêndêm
- under the influence. [x] inuman drunk. [x] mbako groggy from smoking. [x] durèn headachy and upset from overeating durian fruit.
- mêndhing
- preferable. Tinimbang tuku wêdhus [x] tuku pitik, gêlis tambah okèh. It's better to buy chickens than goats-they multiply faster.
- mêndi:p
- [x]-[x] to flicker.
- mênjangan
- (sangsam opt? kr?) large deer with pronged antlers. iwak [x] venison. [x] tutul wulung a certain deer having blue-black spots. See also KIDANG.
- menje
- young seeds of the pucung tree (cf. KLUWAK). See also KALA.
- mênjila
- solitary, isolated; apart, in a class by itself. Ing kono ana wit gêdhe siji [x]. A solitary large tree stands there. rumah sakit kang [x] sarta gêdhe dhewe sa-Asia the largest and most eminent hospital in Asia.
- mênjing
- see GULU, KALA.
- mêndlip
- [x]-[x] or mêndlap-[x] 1 to waver, flutter, flicker. 2 to vacillate indecisively.
- mendhol
- [x]-[x] stuffed full. Pitike têlihe nganti [x]-[x]. The chicken's crop was crammed full of corn.
- mêndolo
- bulging [of eyes]; pop-eyed. Iwak mas kuwi matane [x]. Goldfish have bulging eyes. Olèhe ngingêtake bocah wadon kuwi nganti [x]. He watched the girl with his eyes bugging out.
- mendhong
- a certain grass used for weaving. klasa [x] a grass mat. kampil [x] money pouch of woven grass.
- mendra
- ltry to travel, roam.
- mendring
- var of MINDRING.
- mêndri:p
- [x]-[x] or mêndrap-[x] 1 to flutter, flicker, waver. 2 to hesitate with indecision.
- mêndhung
- dark rain cloud.
- mêndut
- a sweet cookie of glutinous-rice flour. [x]-[x] or mêndat-[x] springy, bouncy. ø/di-[x]-[x]-ake to make sth springy or bouncy. See also ÊNDUT.
- mene
- 1 (mantên kr) unit of this scope (Degree I: Introduction, 6). sa(k) [x] or sê-[x] one such unit (see also SÊMENE). rong [x] twice as much as this. (wa)yah [x] at [so unexpected] a time like this. 2 rg var of KENE.
- mêne
- 1 oj later on, in the future. 2 rg now. 3 rg tomorrow.
- mênèh
- inf var of MANÈH.
- mênèk
- rg if, when(ever)
- mènèng
- [x]-[x] var of MANANG-MANANG.
- mênêng
- ng, kèndêl kr to become or remain quiet. [x]-a. Hush! Aku [x] wae. I didn't say/do anything. Swara mau [x]. The noise stopped. Prahara mau [x]. The storm subsided. See also NÊNG.
- mêng
- 1 too lazy (to ...); not feeling up to [do]ing. Aku nèk nang Sala kon tulak [x] bangêt. I don't feel like making the effort to go to Solo and back. 2 rg var of INGa.
- mêngastawa
- oj to welcome smn.
- mèngèh
- [x]-[x] 1 intsfr red. abang [x]-[x] intensely red. 2 brand new.
- mêngene
- rg var of MRENE.
- mêngènèh
- rg var of MRENE.
- mêngêng
- 1 not clear; difficult to ascertain of classify. Ali lagi [x]. Ali is acting with-drawn and strange (and the reason for this mood cannot be ascertained). Akèh rimbag-rimbag sing [x] ênggone bakal ngarani apa têmbung iku kagolong kriya utawa têmbung kaanan. With many derived forms, it's hard to say whether the word should be classified as a verb or an adjective. 2 buzzing sound.
- mêngèngèh
- to laugh or grin broadly (often jeeringly), showing the teeth.
- mêngèngès
- var of MÊNGÈNGÈH.
- mèngèr
- [x]-[x] intsfr red. abang [x]-[x] very red; heavily reddened.
- mêngês
- (or [x]-[x]) glossy.
- mênggah
- (or [x]-a) in case; in connection with; now (kr for MUNGGUH).
- mênggèh
- (or [x]-[x] or mênggah-[x]) to pant, breathe heavily.
- mênggos
- [x]-[x] [of breathing] heavy, panting. Ambêgane [x]-[x]. He's breathing hard.
- mênggrik
- [x]-[x] or mênggrak-[x] thin, sickly.
- mêngguk
- asthma. mênggak-[x] 1 to have recurrent attacks of asthma. 2 to keep sobbing.
- mêngi
- asthma.
- mêngkak
- intsfr old. kuna [x] ancient.
- mêngkana
- ng, mêkatên kr like that, in that
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- way (Degree III: Introduction, 6). Barangbarang [x] kae angèl golèkane. Things like that are hard to get. ø/di-[x]-kake to treat in that way; to do that to. Sapa ta jane sing mêngkanakake? Who would actually do that to it! [x] iku that is (to say) ...
- mêngke
- in the future, later on (inf kr? md? for MÊNGKO).
- mêngkêlang
- [of feces] large and hard.
- mêngkene
- ng, mêkatên kr 1 like this, n this way (Degree I: Introduction, 6). [x] iya bisa. You can do this too! 2 as follows. Unine [x]. Here's what is says. ø/di-[x]-kake to do like this to; to treat in this way. Yèn dimêngkènèkake ya gêlis rusak. If you do this to it, it'll soon be out of order. mêngkena-[x] what with this and that; no matter what. Mêngkena-[x] sarwa ora kêbênêran. No matter what I do, it never pleases her. Mêngkena-[x] aku isih sêdulure presidhèn. Come what may, I'm related to the president. Mêngkena-[x] iki apa iya bakal olèh pituwas. After all this trouble, I wonder if I'll get anything out of it!
- mêngkènèk
- rg var of MÊNGKENE. [x] ènggrèk trifling, inconsequential. Barêng [x] ènggrèk wae, diênggo rêbutan. Why all this fuss over such a little thing!
- mêngkènèn
- rg var of MÊNGKENE.
- mêngkis
- [x]-[x] out of breath.
- mêngko
- ng, mangke kr 1 in the future. Olèhku mangan [x] wae. I'll eat later on. [x] aku arêp nang pasar. I'm going to the market after a while. Sikilku [x] dikapakake ya? What's going to happen to my [injured] leg? ing [x] hereafter. [x] yèn wis korampungake aku diundang. Call me when you finish. [x] awan this (coming) afternoon. 2 or (else). [x]-ne 1 nowadays. [x]-ne akèh wong sing ora duwe gaweyan. There's a lot of unemployment now. 2 in the future; there after, i.e. after some future event. Sing sapa gawe bêcik, [x]-ne mêsthi diwalês kabêcikan uga. Those who do good will be repaid with good. [x]-ne aku arêp nêrusake sinau. Afterwards I'll resume my studies. [x] anyar just recently. [x] dhisik just a minute! [x] dhisik, tak pikire. Wait – I want to think about it. [x] iki any minute now. [x] mundhak or (else). Ayo padha mapan turu, [x] mundhak karipan. Let's get to bed, or we'll be too sleepy [tomorrow]. [x] sêdhela sms [x] DHISIK. [x] sêlak sms [x] MUNDHAK. Ayo ndang mangkat [x] sêlak kêpancal sêpur. Hurry, or we'll miss the train.
- mengkog
- [x]-[x] [to walk] heavily, ponderously.
- mèngkok
- [x]-[x] or mèngkak-[x] [to do] grudgingly, against one's will.
- mengkol
- to turn (off, aside). [x]-a ngiwa. Turn left. mengkal-[x] to zigzag. Dalane mengkal-[x]. The road twisted and turned. Olèhmu njahit kok mengkal-[x]. Your sewing is crooked. kê-[x]-ên excessively curved. Olèhmu nêkuk kawat aja kê-[x]-ên. Don't bend the wire too far. See also ENGKOL.
- mêngkono
- ng, mêkatên kr 1 like that, in that way, so (Degree II: Introduction, 6). Lagi padha rame-rame [x], gurune têka. Just while they were making all that racket, the teacher walked in. Sanajan [x], wêwatêkane apik bangêt. Even so, he's of very good character. O mêkatên. Oh, really? 2 the foregoing. ngGone clathu [x] karo gêdrag-gêdrug. As he said this, he stamped his feet. 3 if only ...! Yèn aku duwe dhuwit [x], aku ya bisa ngutang. If only I had some money, I could give you a loan. ø/di-[x]-kake to do that to; to treat in that way. Yèn dimêngkonokake pène, ya gêlis rusak. If you do that to the pen it'll wreck it. [x] iku that is (to say ...). Aku arêp nglêboni sêkolah dhoktêr, [x] iku yèn aku kuwat ngragadi. I'm going to medical school-that is, if I can afford it. [x] mau the foregoing. [x] mau jarene pak guru. That's what the teacher said. [x] uga and so ... ; and [not] either. A ana kene, [x] uga B. A is here and so is B. A ora kene, [x] uga [x]. A isn't here and neither is B.
- mêngkonok
- var of MÊNGKONO.
- mêngkonon
- rg var of MÊNGKONO.
- mêngkos
- [x]-[x] out of breath.
- mèngkot
- var of MÈNGKOK.
- mêngkrik
- [x]-[x] perched precariously in a high place.
- mêngkuk
- var of M-BÊNGKUK.
- mêngkurêb
- lying face down, or with the concave or under side down. Olèhe turu [x]. He sleeps on his stomach. tiba [x] to fall face down. Tangane têngên mlumah, tangan kiwa [x]. His right hand is palm up, his left hand palm down. See also KURÊB.
- mêngkus
- [x]-[x] out of breath.
- mènglèng
- to tip the head sideways, i.e. bend the head downward toward the shoulder.
- mengo
- to swivel the head; to glance to one side. Mengoa sêdhela wae, dêlêngên sêsawangan iku. Just turn your head and look at the view! Diundang bolabali [x] wae ora! I called and called, and you never even turned
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- your head! menga-[x] to keep swiveling the head; to look from side to side. Menga-[x] dhisik sadurunge nyabrang. Look both ways before you cross the street.
- mengos
- var of MLENGOS.
- mêngsah
- opponent; enemy (kr for MUNGSUH).
- mêngung
- (to make) a shrill buzzing or humming sound.
- mênik
- blossom of the green-pepper plant. [x]-[x] (prn mêni:k-mêni:k) cute. cilik [x]-[x] [of girls] little and cute.
- mênika
- pronunciation form of PUNIKA.
- mêning
- [x]-[x] spick-and-span. ø-[x]-i 1 to experience, witness (kr for ø MÊNANG-I). 2 var of UNINGA.
- mênir
- grain kernels pounded fine. bêras/jagung [x] crushed rice/corn kernel. Gêdhene mung sak-[x]. It's no bigger than a kernel of grain. [x]-an 1 cake made of the above mixed with coconut milk. 2 a certain plant whose leaves are used in folk medicines. [x]-ên mouth-weary from too much talking or eating.
- mêni:s
- [x]-[x] attractive, cute, appealing.
- mênit
- 1 a minute. jam siji luwih sêpuluh [x] 1:10. jam siji kurang sêpuluh [x] 12:50. 2 tiny, minute. ø/di-[x]-i to time sth in minutes.
- mènyak
- rg var of MINYAK.
- mênyambik
- rg var of MÊNYAWAK.
- mênyan
- (or kê-[x]) ng, sela kr incense. ngobong [x] to burn incense. rokok [x] incenseflavored cigarette.
- mênyang
- ng, dhatêng kr 1 (to go) to, toward. Kowe arêp [x] êndi? Where are you going? lunga [x] pasar to go to the market. Andhane disèndhèkake [x] tembok. He leaned the ladder against the wall. ngadhêp [x] kulon to face west. Slendhange mathuk [x] kêbayake. Her scarf goes well with her blouse. Aku sêngit [x] bocah adu jangkrik. I hate for children to hold cricket fights. [x] sinau kêndho bangêt. Toward his studies he had a carefree attitude. 2 [to do] at [a place on has gone to]. Dhèwèke blanja [x] pasar. She shopped at the market. Bocahe ditambakake [x] dhoktêran. The child was treated at the hospital.
- mênyawak
- a lizard-like animal.
- mênyènyèh
- covered with infected places.
- mênyir
- mênyar-[x] flexible.
- menyor
- menyar-[x] flexible.
- mêntah
- not yet ready, esp. for eating. pêlêm [x] unripe mango. Sêgane [x]. The rice isn't done. [x] matêng klêbu wêtêng. Raw or cooked, I'll eat it! lawe [x] cotton thread that has not been processed for sewing. gêcok [x] ground raw meat. [x]-an in the uncooked/unprocessed state. Pêlême gêdhi, mêngko dipangan [x]-an. The mangoes are huge-we'll eat them raw. Lêgèn kuwi ana sing diêdol [x]-an wae, ana sing digawe gula. Some sugar-palm sap is sold in the natural state, and some is made into sugar.
- mental
- mental; intellectual. kêkuwatan [x] intellectual prowess.
- mêntal
- to bounce. Bale kêna tembok [x]. The ball caromed off the wall.
- mêntala
- 1 invulnerable; not susceptible. 2 (or [x]-n) able to bear. Aku ora [x] wêruh ana manungsa kasangsaran. I can't bear to see anyone suffer. Apa ora jênêng [x]-n, wong mêngkono iku? How heartless he is-a person who would do a [cruel] thing like that.
- Mêntaram
- Mêntarum, var of MATARAM.
- mêntas
- 1 (nêmbe kr?) just now, a moment ago. Ngêrtine ya lagi [x] iki mau. I didn't find out till just now. 2 form of PÊNTAS.
- Mènthèh
- [x]-[x] [of a fat stomach] bulging, hanging out over the belt.
- mènthèk
- [x]-[x] 1 intsfr short. cèndhèk [x]-[x] extremely short. 2 describing a dwarf's gait.
- mênthèk
- 1 a disease that attacks rice-plant roots: superstitiously believed to be caused by imps. 2 var of MÈNTHÈK 1.
- mênthêk
- 1 (or [x]-[x]) filled (out) [esp. of women's breasts]. 2 var of MÈNTHÈK 1. [x] ati-ne conceited. See also RIYÊK.
- mènthèl
- see KALA.
- mênthêl
- to scrape together [money]. Dhuwite wis [x] arêp ditukokake motor. He's scraped up enough money for a car.
- mênthelas
- [of bald heads] shiny, gleaming.
- mênthele
- var of MÊNDHÈLÈS.
- mênthèlès
- var of MÊNDHÈLÈS.
- mênthêlos
- var of MÊNTHELAS.
- mèntên
- unit of this scope (Degree I: md for MENE). sê-[x] this much/many (md for SÊMENE).
- mèntèng
- [x]-[x] [of fat flesh] bulging. Wêtênge [x]-[x]. His stomach sticks out.
- mênthêng
- [x]-[x] 1 swollen to the bursting point. 2 very much in earnest about one's work or responsibilities.
- mêntêngah
- (to move) toward the center (var of MÊ-NÊNGAH: see also TÊNGAH).
- mèntèr
- 1 to feel incensed. Aku [x]. I was outraged. 2 ltry to get deflected. [x]-an easily exaasperated.
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- mêntèrèng
- conspicuous, eye-catching, showy.
- mêntêri
- var of MÊNTRI.
- mêntering
- an item of clothing (usu. batik) given to a servant by the master.
- mêntês
- well filled (out); fig brainy.
- mênthik
- (opt prn mênthi:k) intsfr small. [x]-an prematurely ripe. [x]-[x] sms [x]. cilik [x]-[x] tiny.
- mêncêb
- (or [x]-[x]) intsfr full. Praune kêbak [x]. The boat was jammed [with passengers]. Kulahe wis tak kêbaki [x]-[x]. I filled the bathtub to the brim.
- mèncès
- slantwise, on the diagonal.
- mêncingis
- having the very tip showing. Bunge wis ana sing thukul ketok [x]. Just the very tip of a newly sprouted bamboo tree is visible.
- mencle
- mencla-[x] shifty, unreliable.
- menco
- mynah bird. [x] bisa ngocèh. Mynah birds "talk."
- mêncolèng
- inf var of M-BÊNCOLÈNG.
- mèncong
- mencong, var of M-PÈNCÈNG.
- mêncongat
- to extend outward [of sth long]. See also CONGAT.
- mèncrèt
- to have diarrhea; fig copious. utang dhuwit anakan sing [x] ngêtokake anakan sabên minggu a loan which produces interest every week.
- mêncungul
- to come into view. See also CUNGUL.
- mêncurêng
- to scowl. See also CURÊNG.
- menthog
- mènthog, Manila duck.
- mênthok
- see DHADHA.
- mentol
- 1 menthol. 2 [of skin blemishes] slightly swollen.
- mêntri
- cabinet minister. Pêrdana [x] Prime Minister. kê-[x]-an (abbr: kêm.) administrative department.
- mênu:k
- [x]-[x] chubby, plump.
- mênul
- [x]-[x] soft and flexible.
- mênur
- jasmine.
- mênus
- [x]-[x] attractive. prawan [x]-[x] an attractive young girl. dudu [x] shocking; inhuman. Dudu [x] ane, mangan kok êntèk sêpuluh piring. Unbelievable-he's had ten helpings! Dudu [x] tênan sing têgêl matèni wong sakulawarga. Killing a whole family – it's inhuman.
- mênut
- a minute (var of MÊNIT).
- mêprêl
- to come right off; easily removable.
- mêr-
- prefix: var of MAb. mêr-gawe to work. See also under MR- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus R (Introduction,
- merad
- var of KEKRAD.
- merah
- red. kaum [x] communists. [x] putih the Indonesian flag.
- mêrak
- peacock. [x] kê-simpir 1 a variety of peacock with a particularly large, sweeping tail. 2 a graceful, elegant walking gait (of ladies).
- mêrang
- 1 dried rice straw. 2 rice chaff; rice husks. sa-[x] one rice stalk.
- merat
- to escape. [x] saka pakunjaran to break out of jail.
- mêrbot
- a certain low-ranking Moslem official.
- mêrdagang
- see DAGANG.
- mêrdaya
- oj to deceive, cheat.
- mêrdhayoh
- to visit. ø/di-[x]-ake to send smn on a visit. ø-[x]-i to go visiting. See also DHAYOH, M-PARA DHAYOH.
- mêrdamêl
- to work (kr for MÊRGAWE).
- mêrdesa
- ng, mêrdhusun kr to go to the country, to visit a rural area. See also DESA.
- mêrdi desa
- celebration after the harvest.
- mêrjan
- 1 red coral. 2 rg beads of a necklace or rosary.
- mêrdhu
- melodious, sweet.
- mêrdhusun
- kr for MÊRDESA.
- mêre
- [of monkeys] to screech, cry.
- mèrèh
- [x]-[x] blood-red. Tatune [x]-[x]. His wound was angry red.
- mèrêk
- trade mark, brand (name). sedan biru [x] Fiat a blue Fiat sedan.
- mèrèt
- nice-looking.
- mêrga
- ng, mêrgi kr (or, formal, a-[x]) because (of the fact that). [x] saka iku because of it. mati [x] malaria to die of malaria.
- mêrgawe
- ng, mêdamêl kr to work, do a job. ø/di-[x]-kake to cause to work. Kêbone wis dimêrgawèkake sêpasar suwene. We've been working the kerbau every day for a week now. See also GAWE.
- mêrgi
- 1 road, way (kr for DALAN). 2 because (kr for MÊRGA).
- mêrgil
- secluded, isolated.
- mèri
- envious; to envy. [x]-n(an) envious in nature. bocah mèrèn(an) a jealous child. ka-[x]-n cause for envy. ... mundhak dadi kêmèrèning liyan. ... it might make others envious. ø-[x]-kake or ø-[x]-ni 1 to be the envy of [smn]. Dolanane kancane mèrèni/mèrèkake adhiku. My brother always wants his friend's toys. 2 (psv di-[x]-kake, di-[x]-ni) to covet [smn's possessions]; to envy [smn]. Adhiku mèrèkake/mèrèni dolanane kancane. My brother always wants his friend's toys. Kabêgjane wong ki ora kêna dimèrèkake/dimèrèni. You mustn't envy him his good luck.
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- mêri
- duckling (young of the BÈBÈK).
- mêrit
- narrow in the mid portion. Sikile [x]. Her foot has a pinched-in instep. Bangkèkane [x] bangêt. She's slim-waisted.
- mèrk
- var of MÈRÊK.
- mêrkah
- [of soil] dry and cracked.
- mêrkakah
- havin the legs spread wide apart.
- mêrkènco
- mêrkenco, perverse, contrary, hard to get along with.
- mèrkurokrom
- mercurochrome.
- mero
- var of MEROK.
- merok
- [x]-[x] thickly powdered.
- mêrpêt
- clouded over.
- mêrpih
- [x]-[x] to coax, plead. ø/di-[x] to plead with, coax.
- mêrtamu
- ø/di-[x]-kake to have smn visit, send smn visiting. ø/di-[x]-(ni) to visit, go to see smn. See also TAMU.
- mêrtanggung
- mêrtega
- butter. ø/di-[x]-ni to put butter on. Rotine dimêrtegani. She buttered the bread.
- mêrti desa
- var of MÊRDI DESA.
- mêrtinjo
- var of TINJO.
- mêrcon
- fireworks. [x] rèntèng little firecrackers on a string. [x]-an to set off fireworks.
- mêrtuwa
- var of MARATUWA.
- mêrtuwi
- var of TUWI.
- mêsa
- var of MÊKSA 1.
- mêsah
- kr var of MÊNGSAH.
- mêsak-ake
- ng, mêsak-akên kr 1 to arouse sympathy or pity. Mêsakake. You poor thing! rasa [x] feelings of pity. bocah wedok sing ketoke [x] bangêt a girl of pitiful appearance. Ora ana sing dipangan, [x]. Not one of them was eaten – it's too bad. 2 to feel sorry for. Priye ta, apa ora [x]? How about it: do you feel sorry for him? Elinga kowe lagi ngandhut, mêsakna anakmu. Remember, you're pregnant; consider your unborn child.
- mêsjid
- mosque.
- mêsin
- machine, engine; sewing machine. [x] (mên)jahit sewing machine. [x] tik or [x] tulis typewriter. [x] calculating machine. tukang [x] (sewing) machine repair man. Montor mau rusak [x]-e. The car engine broke down.
- Mêsir
- Egypt.
- mêsoji
- cinnamon-like bark used as a spice.
- mêstail
- var of MUSTAIL.
- mêstak
- fly opening (men's trousers).
- mèstêr
- mestêr, (abbr: Mr.) Master of Law (former academic title).
- mêstèr
- (or [x]-an) pavement; concrete flooring.
- mêsthi
- inevitable, invariable, predictable. Loro ping loro [x] papat. Two times two is always four. Ès [x] adhêm. Ice is bound to be cold. Wong [x] mati. Man is mortal. Ali-ali iki [x] duwèke wong sugih. This ring must belong to smn rich. [x] wae bungah, wong diolèh-olèhi. Of course he was pleased – she brought him a present. Besuk yèn didol, [x] payu larang. When you sell it, you're sure to get a good price. Pitutur bêcik ora [x] digugu. Good advice is not always followed. Apa kowe bungah? - [x] wae ta! Are you pleased? – Of course! [x]-ne as a natural consequence of [the foregoing]. Ing dina iku ana bal-balan gêdhèn, [x]-ne akèh wong sing padha nonton. There was to be a big soccer match that day, so naturally there were a great many spectators. sa-[x]-ne appropriate, as it should be. mapan ana ing papan kang sa-[x]-ne to settle in a suitable place. See also PÊSTHI.
- mêt
- soldier's overseas cap. [x]-[x]-an headachy, dizzy.
- mêta
- oj furious.
- mêthakil
- var of MUTHAKIL.
- mêthakol
- to shinny up; to grasp sth by clasping it with the legs.
- metal
- mêtal, metal.
- mêtamu
- var of MÊRTAMU.
- mete
- cashew. [x]-[x] [of fat flesh] to shake, quiver.
- mèthèh
- [x]-[x] (to walk) with a waddle.
- mêthêkul
- absorbed, engrossed. Dhèke agi mangan [x], mulane ana wong têka ora wêruh. He was so busy eating he didn't notice that smn had come in.
- mêthèngkrak
- proud, arrogant.
- mêthèngkrang
- to sit with the legs up on sth.
- mêthêngkrus
- to sit motionless.
- mètêr
- 1 (abbr: m.) meter (=39.37 inches). 2 (or [x]-an) instrument for measuring and recording. [x] listrik electric meter. [x]-an 1 in meters (units of length). 2 measured by a meter. Olèhe lêngganan lèdhêng [x]-an. He pays for his water by the meter reading.
- mêthêt
- tight-fitting.
- mêthethah
- to sit with the knees apart. See also PÊTHÈTHÈH.
- mêthêthêt
- inf var of M-BÊTHÊTHÊT.
- mêthèti
- to snap [a songbird] lightly with the finger, to induce it to sing.
- mêthithing
- small-waisted.
- mêthithit
- inf var of M-BÊTHITHIT.
- mêcèdhèl
- disemboweled.
- mêcèdhèt
- var of MÊCÈDHÈL.
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- mêcèthèt
- to emerge suddenly, burst out. See also CÈTHÈT.
- mêcothot
- to emerge suddenly, burst out. See also COTHOT.
- mêtodha
- method, way, means.
- metraliyur
- machine gun.
- mètrik
- according to the metric system. [x] ton metric ton.
- mêtu
- ng, mêdal kr 1 to emerge, come forth. Dhèke [x] saka ngomah. He came out of the house. [x]-a mrene. Come out here! Olèhe nggodhog nganti [x] lêngane. Boil it until the oil is rendered. mBok aja mlêbu-[x] wae, kene linggih! Don't keep going in and out: sit down! Majalah iki [x] sêminggu sêpisan. The magazine comes out once a week. Bayine lahir [x] lanang. The baby was (born and was) a boy. 2 to put out, put forth. Sawise lêmah mau dirabuk, tandurane [x]. After the soil was fertilized, the plants produced. cathêtan mlêbu-[x] ning dhuwit notations of income and expenses. Kêmbange tiba tanpa [x] wohe. The blossom dropped off without producing a fruit. 3 to take [a certain route]. Dhèwèke [x] pinggir kiwa. He went along the left bank. Dalane kêlêban, dikon [x] dalan seje. The road was under water; they had to take a different road. 4 to quit, leave. A wis [x]. A has quit. [x]-[x] kuwi mbok mêngko yèn wis mangan. Don't leave till you've eaten. kê-[x]-n emerging too far. Olèhmu mutêr sumbu kêmêton. You put the lamp wick too far out. pa-[x] 1 product, yield. Anggone mangan saka wulu pa-[x]-ne sawah. He lives on what his paddy produces. 2 income. [x] m-buri to engage in a devious or underhanded procedure. See also WÊTU.
- mewah
- surrounded by luxuries and extravagances.
- mèwèh
- [x]-[x] having a large tear in it. Jarike suwèk amba, [x]-[x]. The batik wraparound is badly torn.
- mèwèk
- 1 (or [x]-[x]) to cry long and loud. 2 var of MÈWÈH.
- mi
- 1 noodle. 2 third note in the musical scale. 3 syllable called for summoning goats, sheep.
- midid
- see ANGIN.
- mijil
- a certain classical verse form.
- midhun
- var of MÊ-DHUN.
- migêg
- migag-[x] to rock back and forth in place. A nyurung montor dhewe, migag-[x] ora bisa maju-maju. A had to push the car-it would rock but not go forward.
- migug
- migag-[x] to move slowly and ponderously. A lêmu bangêt, yèn mlaku migag-[x]. A is so fat that he walks with an elaphantine gait.
- mihun
- rice-flour noodle.
- miyêg
- [x]-[x] heavy and awkward. mBok bakul mangkat nang pasar nggendhong sayur-sayuran akèh bangêt nganti [x]-[x]. The woman set out for the marketplace with an unwieldy load of vegetables on her back to be sold.
- miyos
- (form of WIYOS) 1 to be born (ki for LAIR). 2 to go (by way of), to pas (ki for LIWAT). 3 to go (ki for LUNGA). 4 to come (ki for TÊKA).
- miyu:d
- [x]-[x] to sway flexibly. Wite krambil yèn kêna angin [x]-[x]. The coconut palm sways in the wind.
- miyu:r
- [x]-[x] or miyar-[x] to sway flexibly. [x]-[x] ati-ne or miyar-[x] ati-ne to vacillate with indecision. Miyar-[x] atine nitipke anake nang nggone kancane. She hesitated to leave her child with a friend.
- mi:ka
- 1 to drink (children's word). 2 (or ngê-[x]) to nurse, take milk from [the mother]. ngê/di-[x]-i to suckle [a baby].
- mikb
- 1 first, beforehand (inf var of DHISIK). (Ko) [x], aku dak ngombe. Just a minute, I want to get sth to drink. 2 syllable for calling a goat, sheep. 3 only (rg var of MUNG).
- mikrad
- var of MEKRAD.
- mikropon
- mikrofon, microphone.
- mikroskop
- microscope.
- mil
- 1 mile. 2 mail. èr [x] air mail. si [x] surface mail. mal-[x] to eat constantly. Yèn sinau mêsthi karo mal-[x]. He always nibbles while he's studying. [x]-[x]-an snacks to nibble. ngê/di-[x]-[x] to nibble (on). ngêmil-êmil kacang to eat peanuts. See also KÊMIL.
- mila
- originally; therefore (kr for MULA).
- milai
- to begin (kr for MULAI).
- milêt
- rg kr for M-ÈLU, M-ILI, M-PILIH.
- mili
- 1 shf of MILIMÈTÊR. 2 form of ILI.
- miligram
- milligram.
- milik
- var of MELIK.
- milimètêr
- (abbr: mm.) millimeter.
- milisi
- military service; the draft.
- militèr
- militia; military men. kaum [x] the military clique.
- milyar
- billion.
- milyun
- million. èwu [x] billion.
- milyunèr
- millionaire.
- milug
- [x]-[x] big, beefy, muscular.
- mimang
- the (above-ground) roots of the banyan tree.
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- mimbar
- pulpit.
- mimb(l)i:k
- [x]-[x] about to cry; (to cry) softly.
- mimi
- male sea crab which always stays clasped tightly together with the female (mintuna). kaya [x] lan mintuna [of husband and wife] inseparable; having close ties of affection.
- mimik
- 1 gnat, fruit fly. 2 (prn mimi:k) to drink (children's word: see also MIKa).
- mimis
- bullet. lonjong [x] (to run) like a speeding bullet. [x]-ên [of nose] bleeding. Irunge [x]-ên. She has a nosebleed.
- mimpang
- kr for MÊNANG 'to win'?
- mimpês
- [of swellings] to go down. ø/di-[x]-ake to reduce [a swelling].
- mimring
- gauzy, filmy, transparent.
- min-
- see also under M- (Introduction, 3.1.7).
- mina
- oj live freshwater fish.
- minangsraya
- oj to ask for help.
- mindhah
- 1 to change one's form (rg kr for MALIH). 2 to move sth (kr for NGÊ-LIH). See also PINDHAH.
- mindhak
- 1 or (else), otherwise (kr for MUNDHAK). 2 to increase; to rise in rank (kr for M-UNDHAK).
- mindring
- to buy on credit.
- mindu
- disagreeably surprised; unbelieving.
- ming
- 1 in, at, on (rg var of INGa). 2 only (var of MUNG). 3 but (rg var of NANGING).
- minggir
- (to go) to/toward the edge. kê-[x]-ên too far toward the edge. See also PINGGIR.
- minggring
- [x]-[x] or minggrang-[x] to hesitate, dilly-dally. Olèhe nyambut-gawe minggrang-[x] ora cak-cêk. He can't get started on the job – he doesn't know how to go about it.
- minggu
- 1 seven-day week. 2 Sunday. [x]-n 1 weekly. Aku dibayar minggon. I get paid by the week. 2 to spend Sunday. Minggon ana ing pêgunungan to spend Sunday in the mountains.
- mingid
- [x]-[x] sharp-edged.
- mingir
- [x]-[x] red-lipped.
- mingis
- [x]-[x] rezor-sharp.
- mingkêg
- [x]-[x] (to walk) ponderously and laboriously.
- mingkli:k
- [x]-[x] 1 (in a) high (place). Yèn lêmahe èndhèk, diurug dhisik nganti [x]-[x]. When there's a low spot in the earth, it is filled in to build it up. 2 in a precarious position.
- mingkri:k
- var of MINGKLIK.
- mingkug
- var of MINGKÊG.
- mingkuh
- to avoid, evade.
- mingkur
- mingkar-[x] to dodge, be evasive.
- mingsêl
- (or [x]-[x]) fleshy. [x]-[x] to snuggle up to.
- mingsra
- var of MISRA.
- mingut
- [x]-[x] scowling with anger.
- minimum
- minimum; minimal.
- mining
- [x]-[x] intsfr red-toned. jambon [x]-[x] deep pink. rai [x]-[x] sunburned face.
- minyak
- 1 oil. kapal [x] oil tanker. 2 perfume.
- minyi:k
- [x]-[x] 1 (to walk) slowly and carefully. 2 at the outset of sth new. Pak W. lagi [x]-[x] miwiti mbukak toko banjur kêmalingan êntèk-êntèkan. Mr. W. had hardly opened his store when it was cleaned out by thieves.
- minyu:k
- var of MINYIK.
- mintasraya
- oj to ask for help.
- minthêl
- [x]-[x] intsfr fat.
- minthi
- Manila duckling (young of the ENTHOG). [x]-[x] 1 [of stomach] round and fat. 2 blistered.
- minthi:k
- minthak-[x] to keep going back and forth or from one place to another.
- mincêk
- [x]-[x] or mincak-[x] to jump around.
- minclo
- mincla-[x] unreliable.
- mincrut
- var of MINCUK.
- mincuk
- [x]-[x] describing the appearance of smn-esp. a woman-walking in a too-tight wraparound.
- minthu:g
- [x]-[x] grossly fat. minthag-[x] (to walk) with a fat waddling gait.
- minthul
- [x]-[x] or minthal-[x] to go around naked.
- mintuna
- female sea crab (see also MIMI).
- minu:k
- (or [x]-[x]) chubby, plump, cute-looking [of babies].
- minu:l
- var of MINTHUL, MINUK.
- minus
- poverty-stricken. Dhaerah-dhaerah sing [x] didropi bêras. Rice was sent to the deprived areas.
- mir
- (or [x]-[x]-an) worried, apprehensive, on edge.
- mirah
- 1 cheap; plentiful (kr for MURAH). 2 oj red. 3 ruby (gem).
- miraos
- tasty (kr for MIRASA).
- mirasa
- ng, miraos kr tasty, delicious. See also RASA.
- mirêng
- to hear (kr for KRUNGU). [x]-an sense of hearing; to have a sharp sense of hearing (kr for RUNGU-N). [x]-ên to hear non-existent sounds (kr for (RÊ)-RUNGU-N). [x]-[x]-ên to keep hearing in the mind's ear (kr for RUNGU-N-RUNGU-N-ÊN). kê-[x]-an sense of hearing (kr for PA-NG-RUNGU). ø/dipun-[x]-akên
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- to listen (to) (kr for NG/DI-RUNGU-KAKE). See also PIRÊNG.
- miri
- candlenut (tree) (var of KÊMIRI).
- miris
- to feel insecure or imperiled.
- mirit
- according to (inf var of M-PITURUT).
- mirong
- 1 to wear a batik over the shoulder and around the body, denoting mourning. 2 ashamed, wishing to hide. [x] kampuh jingga to rebel against, take up arms against.
- mirunggan
- 1 extra, additional. ganjaran [x] an additional prize. Dhuwit mau dianggêp kayadene dhuwit [x]. The money was a windfall for him. 2 extra special. Dina iki pancèn [x]. Today is a very special day. 3 fulfilling a particular need. papan kang [x] kanggo nyêbar panjêritan an ideal place for airing complaints. Dhoktêr mau gawe bêbadan kang mligi, kang [x]. The doctor set up an exclusive agency-just what was needed. ø/di-[x]-ake to regard sth as special. A mirungganake barang-barang sing kuna. A thinks a great deal of her antiques.
- mis
- Westernized version of MISA. ngê-[x] to beg. wong ngê-[x] beggar. Malinge ngêmis-ngêmis njaluk ngapura. The thief beeged for mercy. ngê/di-[x]-ake to beg on smn's behalf. Anake diêmis-êmisake pênggawean karo ibune. She pleaded for a job for her son. ngê/di-[x]-i to beg from. Bola-bali kok ngê-[x]-i aku wae. You're always asking me for money!
- misa
- [x] suci a religious sacrifice.
- misi
- 1 mission. [x] nang bulan mission to the moon. 2 Catholic mission. sêkolah [x] Catholic mission school.
- misionaris
- missionary.
- miskin
- impoverished. pêkir [x] needy and poor. omah [x] almshouse where the poor are looked after until they can take care of themselves.
- misowa(h)
- Chinese vermicelli.
- misra
- ora [x] of no value. Anggone kangelan nyambut-gawe ora [x]. Their efforts were of no avail.
- mistar
- ruler (for ruling lines).
- mistêr
- var of MÈSTÊR.
- mistik
- mystic(al). wong [x] a mystic. tatacara [x] mystic rites.
- misuwur
- famous, widely known.
- mitêrang
- see TÊRANG.
- mitra
- close friend. [x]-ku bêcik a good friend of mine. [x] darma a proven friend. [x] karib an intimate friend. [x] (kê)karuh speaking acquaintance, superficial friend. (mê)-[x]-n friendly relationship, state of being friends. Olèhku [x]-n karo dhèke wis ana rong taun. She and I have been friends for two years. pa-[x]-n sms (MÊ)-[x]-N.
- mitraliyur
- machine gun.
- miwah
- (together) with; and (kr for MUWAH).
- myang
- oj and; with. bapak [x] biyung parents.
- mlagrang
- tall; high up.
- mlayan
- rg var of LUMAYAN.
- mlandhingan
- mlangkruk
- var of MANGKRUK.
- mlancong
- to go smw for enjoyment or sight-seeing.
- mlarat
- poor, needy. kaum [x] the poor. Uripe [x]. He ekes out an existence. ka-[x]-an 1 poverty. 2 impoverished, destitute.
- mlas
- oj mercy, pity. [x] asih or [x] ayun or [x] arsa pitiful; merciful.
- mlatah
- to become known everywhere. Kabare wis [x]. The news has spread everywhere.
- mlathi
- jasmine.
- mlathing
- nicely arranged, neatly laid out.
- mlèbèr
- var of M-BLÈBÈR.
- mlêdhag
- var of M-BLÊDHAG.
- mlêdhèh
- var of M-BLÊDHÈH.
- mlêdhos
- var of M-BLÊDHOS.
- mlegrok
- to alight, settle (on), perch.
- mleyok
- bent, dented, caved in.
- mlêkèk
- opened wide. Tatune sikil [x]. The wound on his leg opened up. mlêkak-[x] to keep opening up; to remain opened wide.
- mlêkênuk
- [of children] cute, appealing.
- mlêkok
- var of MLÊKÈK.
- mlêkothar
- to run fast.
- mlêkotho
- var of MLÊKOTHAR.
- mlêkuthar
- var of MLÊKOTHAR.
- mlela
- 1 clearly visible. 2 plain, unornamented; common, ordinary. para kawula malela kang padha nonton the commoners who were among the spectators. 3 shiny black.
- mlele
- [of eyes] wide open.
- mlèlèk
- var of MLELE.
- mlêmpêm
- not up to standard in some respect. Krupuke aja dilèr, mêngko [x]. Don't leave the chips out-they'll get soggy. Dhèwèke [x]. He's dull-witter. Nèk diwènèhi sing [x] aja arêp. If they give you inferior ones, don't accept them.
- mlèmpèng
- air vent.
- mlêmpu
- rg var of M-PLÊMPUNG.
- mlenas
- [of forehead] high, broad.
- mlêndhing
- var of M-BLÊNDHING.
- mlêngkêr
- to roll up, curl up.
- mlèngkong
- bent, curving, not straight.
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- mlènyèh
- to come off. Kulite [x]. His skin peeled.
- mlênyok
- bruised. Tela gantunge tiba [x]. The papaya feel and got a bad spot in it.
- mlênos
- [x]-[x] smooth and shiny.
- mlêncung
- (to walk around) heedless of one's surroundings.
- mlêntho
- protruding; swollen.
- mlênthos
- var of M-PÊNTHOLOS.
- mlepah
- [x]-[x] pitiful, sorrowful.
- mlêpês
- 1 sodden, water-logged. 2 limp, dull, drained of one's strength. 3 to sit-crosslegged with lowered head, e.g. when showing respect and humility before an older relative.
- mlêsêg
- var of M-BLÊSÊG.
- mlewah
- var of M-BLÈWÈH.
- mliding
- intsfr fair (of skin). Kulite kuning [x]. Her skin is very light.
- mligi
- 1 only, nothing but, exclusively. A mung [x] sinau. A does nothing but study. rumah-sakit kang [x] kanggo ngopèni wong lara mripat a hospital that specializes in eye cases. warung kang [x] didol iwak asin a shop that sells dried fish exclusively. 2 pure; honest; unadulterated. Dhèke [x], ora gawe-gawe. He's straightforward; he doesn't put on airs. Sing nang jirigèn kuwi ming [x] bènsin. The stuff in the can is pure gasoline. 3 special, specific. cara kang [x] a special process. papan kang [x] ing sawijining kampung a designated place in the township. ø/di-[x]-kake to specialize. mligèkake marang basa Inggris to specialize (major) in English.
- mliyun(èr)
- var of MILYUN(ÈR).
- mlile
- of low character.
- mlinjo
- a certain tree whose young leaves, blossoms, and fruits are used in vegetable dishes; also, the hard-shelled nut-like fruit of this tree, fried as a snack or made into chips. kulit [x] the rind of the above fruit, coked as an ingredient of vegetable soup.
- mlingsêng
- intsfr dark (of skin). Dhèke irêng [x]. He's deeply tanned.
- mlingsi
- hard, glossy, and black. [x] kaya dhêle [as above] like a soybean.
- mlinyah
- mlinyèh, var of MLÈNYÈH.
- mlinthis
- bald and shiny.
- mlincur
- to loaf, waste time.
- mlipis
- elegant, accomplished, refined. basa [x] able to speak polished Krama. sila [x] to sit (cross-legged) with elegant mein.
- mlithit
- beautifully groomed.
- mlicat
- var of MLICÈT.
- mlicèt
- to have/get a sore place or blister. Aku [x] tungkak. I have a blister on my heel.
- mliwis
- wild duck.
- mlokèk
- var of M-BLOKÈK.
- mlosoh
- [of living tissue] damaged by burning or scalding. See also LOSOH.
- mlowèh
- gaping open.
- mlowoh
- mlowok, var of MLOWÈH.
- mludag
- inf var of M-BLUDAG.
- mlunthuh
- intsfr complete, total.
- mlunthus
- 1 bald. 2 having the hair combed very flat and close to the head.
- mluwa
- not in use. Ing kutha-kutha ora ana tanah sing [x]. Cities have no vacant land in them.
- mm.
- mobah
- var of MUBAH.
- mobil
- automobile, car.
- mobilèr
- furniture.
- mobyar
- [x]-[x] flaming, blazing.
- mobyor
- [x]-[x] 1 conspicuous. 2 to flourish. Islam dhèk [x]-[x]-e jaman Nabi Islam during its heyday at the time of the Prophet (Mohammed).
- moblah
- [x]-[x] spacious.
- moblong
- (or [x]-[x]) pale and round [of face: the classic ideal of beauty].
- mobol
- [x]-[x] to come out, spill out.
- mobrol
- var of MOBOL.
- mobrot
- [x]-[x] disarranged, untidy.
- modhal
- capital (to be) invested. pêr-[x]-an investment of capital.
- modang
- a certain batik design used esp. for headdresses.
- modar
- 1 down with ... ! death to ... ! 2 cr dead; to die.
- modhê
- (in) style, (in) fashion. Saiki wis ora [x]. It's not fashionable any more.
- modhèl
- 1 a model, i.e. (a) an example to be followed; (b) a small-scale representation of sth. 2 style, fashion. [x] Bali Balinese style. jogèd [x] baru a newfangled dance. Saiki [x] anyar. There's a new way of doing it now. 3 strange, unaccustomed, new. Wah, [x] lho pite sêtange sêtiran mobil. Gosh, what a funny bike-the handlebar is a steering wheel! ø/di-[x] to make sth in a certain fashion. Sakane gêdhe di-[x] cara kuna. The pillars are large and in an old-fashioned style.
- modhèr(ê)n
- up-to-date. jogèd [x] a contemporary dance. jaman [x] kaya saiki iki these modern times.
- modhi
- [x] kèngsêr a certain sideways shuffling step in a female classical dance.
- modin
- Islamic official whose function is to
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- summon worshipers to the five daily prayings at the mosque.
- mojah
- knitted socks or gloves.
- mojèl
- in death throes.
- modhol
- [x]-[x] 1 in disorder, messy. 2 disemboweled.
- mogog
- [x]-[x] sluggish, inert.
- mogok
- 1 to stop, stall. Lakune jaran mau sêdhela-sêdhela [x]. Every so often the horse stopped in his tracks. Montorku [x] nang têngah dalan. My car stalled in the middle of the road. 2 to go on strike. 3 a strike. [x]-an apt to stall. Bocah kuwi [x]-an. The boy quits at the slightest provacation. [x]-[x]-an a strike; to go on strike. pa-[x]-an work stoppage. pê-[x]-an pêgawe nêgêri a civil-service workers' strike.
- mogol
- only partly finished; half one way and half the other. Olèhe nggodhok tela [x]. The cassava isn't fully cooked. Rêmbugan [x] sêbab A banjur pindhah nang nêgara manca. The deal never went through-A moved abroad. Dhèke bocah [x], têrange sêkolahan ora yèn ora sêkolahan dudu. He's neither educated nor uneducated: he's enrolled in school but he doesn't attend.
- moh
- ng unwilling; not want. Jarane mbêgêgêg, êmoh mlaku. The horse stalled and wouldn't budge. Aku diajak mbalangi pêlêm mau, êmoh. He suggested throwing stones at the mangoes, but I didn't want to. ngê/di-[x]-i to surfeit. Wite pêlêm yèn wis gêlêm awoh nganti ngê-[x]-i. If the mango tree bears fruit at all, it bears so many that you get tired of them. Watake ora apik, mula diêmohi tangga têparone. He's a bad one, and the neighbors are fed up with him.
- Mohamad
- Mohammed. [x] Rasul(l)ol(l)ah. Mohammed the prophet of Allah.
- mohita
- oj sad, sorrowful, grieving. ka-[x]-n to suffer sorrow/grief.
- moyang
- see KAKÈK.
- mok
- di-[x]-[x] inf var of DI-DÊMOK-DÊMOK.
- mokah
- to cease fasting or avoiding certain foods (Jogja slang: see also BRUNGKAH).
- mokal
- impossible, out of the question. Kok gèk [x]! Why, that can't be! Apa wong mau bisa wêruh aku ya? - [x] bisa wêruh. Can he see me? – He couldn't possibly. Ora [x] yèn wong mau nganti kêpencut marang dhèwèke. It's inconceivable that he has fallen in love with her. ø-[x]-ake unlikely. Mokalake yèn A nganti lulus. I doubt very much if A will pass the exam.
- moksa
- var of MUKSA.
- mol
- rpr snatching. Mak [x] nyuwil roti. He grabbed a piece of cake. mal-[x] to keep snatching. Pijêr mal-[x] mangani roti wae. He took cookie after cookie. See also CÊMOL, COG.
- molai
- var of MULAI.
- molana
- var of MAOLANA.
- molèr
- to hang down in droplets. Umbêle [x]. His nose is dripping.
- molèt
- molat-[x] to wriggle, squirm, writhe.
- molo
- [x]-[x] to stuff one's mouth with food.
- molor
- var of MOLÈR.
- momog
- kê-[x]-ên var of KU-WOWOG-ÊN.
- momoh
- [x]-an worn out, ragged. See also AMOH.
- momol
- soft, tender.
- momong
- [x]-an a child to take care of kaparingan [x]-an to bear (i.e. be entrusted with) a child. kê-[x] voluntarily possessed of a devil. ø/di-[x] to take care of or bring up [children]. [x] sarira 1 physical culture. 2 not married, still living at home. See also AMONG, MONG.
- momor
- [x]-an ingredient. ka-[x]-an mixed/combined (with). [x] sambu spy; enemy who works from within. See also MOR.
- momot
- 1 to have [a certain capacity]. Montor iki [x] akèh. This car holds a lot. Pênggalihe pancèn [x]. He's very understanding. 2 loaded (with). Truk mau [x] kapuk. The truck carried a load of kapok. 3 mushy from overcooking. [x]-an 1 having the function of carrying things. jaran [x]-an pack horse. motor [x]-an truck. 2 a load. Dhokare kakèhan [x]-an. The cart was overloaded. jaran sa-[x]-ane the horse with its pack. layang-layang pos [x]-an a load of mail. ø/di-[x]-ake to load sth; to load for smn. ø/di-[x]-i to load sth into/onto. Yèn momoti montorku sithik wae lho. Don't load much into my car. pa-[x]-an 1 place where things are loaded; loading zone. 2 a load. See also AMOT, MOT.
- mompyor
- to glitter, sparkle.
- momprot
- [x]-[x] spattered, messy.
- mondhol
- [x]-an cloth knot at the back of a fabric headdress (blangkon, ikêt). [x]-[x] crop (pouch in a bird's gullet).
- mong
- tiger (oj). [x]-[x] to take care of [a child]. [x] k-in-êmong to take care of each other. ngê/di-[x] sms [x]-[x]. Adhimu êmongên. Keep an eye on your little sister. ngê/di-[x]-ake to look after smn's child for them. See also AMONG, MOMONG.
- mongah
- (panas) [x]-[x] red-hot, scorching, scalding.
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- monggang
- a gamelan melody played to welcome arriving guests, also to greet a bride and groom.
- mongsok
- excl of skepticism (var of MANGSA).
- monyèt
- monkey (rg). [x]-an see LAWANG.
- monyong
- 1 [of lips, forehead] protruding. 2 term of abuse for name-calling.
- mono
- ng, 1 (mantên kr) unit of that scope (Degree II: Introduction, 6). sa(k)-[x], sê-[x] one such unit (see SÊMONO). Wis diwènèhi dhuwit sa-[x] akèhe kok isih kurang, njaluk rong [x] manèh, apa? I've given you all that money and it's still not enough, so you're asking for twice that amount? 2 (mêkatên kr) X's in general (see also KUWI 1). Tomat [x] akèh pitaminêne. Tomatoes have lots of vitamins. 3 (mêkatên kr) excl of deprecation (see also MANA). 4 (mêkatên kr) in fact. Jênênge [x] Wangsamênggala, wong-wong yèn ngundang: Pak Wangsa. His name is really Wangsamenggala, but people call him Mr. Wangsa. See also SÊMONO.
- monogami
- monogamy.
- monopoli
- monopoly; monopolistic enterprise.
- monstêr
- sample; example.
- monte
- var of MOTE.
- montên
- md for MONO 1.
- montir
- mechanic. [x] mobil auto mechanic.
- moncèr
- 1 good at, skilled; well known for one's ability in a certain area. 2 a certain gamelan melody. 3 a certain hanging ornament. 4 excellent; slang conspicuous, showy. Montore [x] bangêt. His car is flashy.
- moncol
- to stick way up high.
- moncong
- [animal's] mouth.
- moncrot
- to squirt/gush out.
- montok
- big-bosomed.
- montor
- 1 engine. [x] listrik, bènsin, lan solar electric, gas, and solar-powered engines. kapal [x] motor boat. pit [x] or [x] kêblak motor bike, motorcycle. [x] bot motor boat. mêsin [x] car engine. 2 engine-driven vehicle. [x] mabur airplane. [x]-ku mogok. My car stalled. [x]-[x]-an 1 imitation car, toy car. 2 to (be lucky enough to) drive a car. Aku yèn lunga mêsthi [x]-[x]-an. I drive to wherever I go. Sing blanja sasat mung sing [x]-[x]-an. Only people with cars can go there to shop.
- monumèn
- monument.
- mopo
- to rebel, resist; to refuse [to do sth]. Jarane [x] ora gêlêm ngadêg. The horse simply would not stand up.
- moprok
- to accumulate, get piled up.
- mor
- ka-[x]-an combined (with). udan dêrês ka-[x]-an angin hard rain with wind. ngê/di-[x] to mix [things] together. Sawarnaning kêkêmbangan di-[x] dadi siji. A variety of flowers formed the mixed bouquet. ø/di-[x]-ake or ngê/di-[x]-ake to make/let [things] mingle or mix. Ngê-[x]-ake banyu lan lênga ora gampang. It's not easy to mix oil and water. Anakmu aja di-[x]-ake bocah-bocah nakal-nakal kuwi. Don't let your child hang around with those delinquents. ø/di-[x]-i or ngê/di-[x]-i to mix sth with [sth else]. Lênga patra di-[x]-i lênga klêntik. He mixed coconut oil in with the kerosene. Campuhing pulisi lan durjana, mula aku mèlu ngê-[x]-i. The policeman fought with the thief and I joined in. ngê-[x]-i rêmbug to take part in a conversation. See also AMOR, MOMOR, WOR.
- moral
- 1 morals, ethics, standards. [x] nasional pêrlu didandani. The nation's morals need improving. 2 morale. sumbungan [x] lan materiil moral and material assistance.
- morèh
- streaked, esp. with blood.
- mori
- 1 (pêtak-an rg? kr?) cotton fabric, cambric. 2 form of MOR.
- moril
- personal/individual morals or ethical standards.
- mortir
- mortar, cannon. kê-[x] hit by mortar fire. ø/di-[x]-(i) to bombard with mortars.
- mosi
- motion; vote. [x] ora pitaya a vote of no confidence.
- mosok
- excl of skepticism (var of MANGSA).
- mostor
- var of MONSTÊR.
- mot
- ng, wrat kr ka-[x] held, contained. ngê-[x] 1 to hold, contain. ngê-[x] pêkabaran sing ora bênêr to include untrue news [in a publication]. Botol iki ngê-[x] lênga sêlitêr. This bottle holds one liter of oil. 2 (psv di-[x]) to put sth into/onto. Wonge diêmot brangkar. The man was loaded onto a stretcher. ngê/di-[x]-ake to load sth. Dhèk ngê-[x]-ake barang-barang-e ana dhokar. He loaded his stuff into a carriage. See also AMOT, MOMOT.
- motha
- 1 canvas. 2 tent.
- mothah
- perverse, moody.
- mote
- coral bead. [x] saombyok a string of coral beads.
- motip
- motif, theme, motif. [x] klasik a classic motif.
- moto
- 1 monosodium glutamate. 2 form of FOTO. [x]-[x] bulging, bursting. Woh randhu yèn wis garing kapuke [x]-[x]. When a randhu fruit is dried up, the kapok bursts right out of it. Mripate moto-moto arêp mêtu. His
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- eyes were bulging nearly out of their sockets.
- motol
- [x]-[x] filled to the bursting point. Sake [x]-[x] kêbak kacang. His pockets are bulging with peanuts.
- motor
- var of MONTOR.
- mowak
- [x]-[x] large [of a torn opening].
- mowal
- [x]-[x] torn, ragged, in shreds.
- mowol
- [x]-[x] tangled, snarled.
- mp-
- see under ÊMP-
- mr-
- var of NGR- in nasalized form of (W)R-initial roots.
- Mr.
- see MÈSTÊR.
- mrajak
- [of plants] to flourish, grow vigorously.
- mraman
- [of fire] to spread.
- mrana
- ng, mrika kr (to go) to that place (Degree III: Introduction, 6). Ayo ta, [x]. Come on, let's go there! Apa kowe wis tau nonton [x]? Have you ever been to see the show there? [x]-[x] here and there, to various places. ngumbara [x]-[x] wandering all over. ø/di-[x]-kake to put sth (over) there. Lampune mbok di-[x]-kake. How about moving the lamp over there? [x]-mrene (mrika-mriki kr) sms [x]-[x] above. Patih kuwi kêna [x]-mrene nganti pirang-pirang kothakan. The [chess] queen can move any number of squares in any direction. See also RANAa.
- mranggi
- kris-maker.
- mrantak
- 1 to reappear everywhere. Dhèke gabagên, wis mari, saiki [x] manèh. He got over his measles rash but now it's coming back. Barêng wis têrang srêngengene [x]. Afthe rain, the sun came out again. 2 var of MRÈNTÈK.
- mratah
- ubiquitous. Klambi kaya ngono saiki wis [x]. That style of dress is everywhere now.
- mratak
- rg var of MÊRKATAK.
- mratanggung
- mre
- var of MÊRE.
- mrê-
- see also under MÊR- (Introduction, 2.9.6) or under replaced-consonant plus ÊR (Introduction,
- mrêbês
- var of M-BRÊBÊS.
- mrêgêdud
- var of M-BÊGÊDUD.
- mrèmèn
- to spread. Gênine [x]. The fire spread. Gudhige saya [x]. The scabies kept spreading.
- mrene
- ng, mriki kr (to come) to this place (Degree I: Introduction, 6). [x]-a. Come here! Tak undange [x]. I'll call him over here. Barang-barang dikirim bali [x]. The goods were sent back here. ø/di-[x]-kake to put sth toward this direction. Gambare kuwi apike dimrènèkake sithik. The picture should be moved this way a bit. See also MRANA, RENE.
- mrêngês
- glossy black.
- mrênggik
- tapering hourglass-style at the midpoint.
- mrengkal
- to put up an argument, be unwilling to cooperate.
- mrèngkèl
- var of MRENGKAL.
- mrêngkêng
- obstinate, willful.
- mrèntèk
- [of fire] to spread.
- mrih
- oj so that, in order to.
- mriyang
- (to have/get) a cold or fever.
- mriyêm
- (to shoot) a cannon, field gun. [x] pranakan small cannon. [x]-an imitation cannon, toy cannon. ø/di-[x]-ake to bombard with artillery.
- mrik
- oj redolent (of).
- mrika
- 1 (over) there (kr for KANA). 2 (to go) to that place (kr for MRANA).
- mriki
- (to come) to this place (kr for MRENE).
- mriku
- (to go) to that place (kr for MRONO).
- mrina
- to take offense at smn for mistreating one's friend, teammate, etc. ø/di-[x]-ni to react against smn-with words or blows-in defense of [smn]. A mrinani B. A quarreled (or fought) with the one who had abused B. Slamêt mrinani anake sing dipilara Suta. Slamet stuck up for his son, who had been harmed by Suta.
- mring
- oj to, toward. têdhak [x] Ngarcapada [of deities] to descend to eath.
- mringin
- to sleep with the eyes slightly open.
- mripat
- ng kr, tingal or paningal or soca (sotya) ki human eye (see also MATA). [x]-e kaca-kaca. Her eyes filled with tears. [x] lumrah the naked eye. masang [x] to concentrate, devote full attention (to). ndêlêng tanpa [x] to sense (with a sixth sense).
- mrica
- 1 pepper (with or black). 2 clubs (playing-card suit).
- mrongos
- [of teeth, lips] protruding. Untune [x]. He has buck teeth.
- mrono
- ng, mriku kr to that place (Degree II: Introduction, 6). Dikandhani yèn anake tiba, enggal-enggal [x]. When he heard his boy had fallen, he hurried there. Aku lagi [x] sing ping limane. It was the fifth time I had been there. ø/di-[x]-kake to put sth in that direction. Aku arêp mronokake bukumu ning kok udan. I was going to take your book there, but it was raining. See also RONO.
- mrosot
- to drop, fall; to become low(er), decrease, decline. Rêgane [x]. The prices fell.
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- Morale bocah-bocah jaman saiki rada [x]. Young people's standards have fallen somewhat these days.
- mrupug
- dry and brittle.
- mrutu
- 1 fruit fly. 2 gnat.
- mu
- 1 suffix your. buku-mu your book. bapak-mu your father. 2 inf var of MAU.
- mualim
- 1 guide, leader, teacher. 2 skipper, navigator.
- mubadir
- to waste food by leaving it on one's plate.
- mubah
- [activities which are] neutral, i.e. neither forbidden nor encouraged by the Moslem religion.
- mubal
- to flare up, burst forth. Gêlis bangêt [x]-e gêni. The fire spread rapidly. Tawone [x]. The bees swarmed out. Dolanan plasthik lagi [x] nang pasar. Plastic toys are pouring into the marketplaces. ø/di-[x]-ake 1 to cause sth to flare up or burst forth. 2 to stir up, rile.
- mubalig
- preacher; religious propagator.
- mubilèr
- furniture.
- mubyar
- (or [x]-[x]) bright, glowing. kê-[x]-ên burning/shining excessively brightly. Lampune kê-[x]-ên. The lamp is too bright.
- mublak
- [x]-[x] 1 [of land] spacious and devoid of vegetation. 2 attractively pale facial appearance.
- mubru
- mubra-[x] luxurious, extravagant. mubra-[x] blabur madu to live in luxury.
- Mucharam
- var of MUHARAM.
- mudha
- 1 oj young. para [x] young males (see also MUDHI). 2 junior in rank. dutha [x] deputy ambassador. lèktor [x] lecturer (academic title). Sarjana [x] Bachelor of Arts. pê-[x] young males; pê-[x]-pê-mudhi young people. [x] Krama a subdivision of the Krama speech style (Introduction, 5:5).
- mudhêng
- to understand. Aku ora [x]. I don't get it. Aku kathik saya ora [x]. I'm getting more and more mixed up. ø-[x]-ake comprehensible; (psv di-[x]-ake) to cause to understand. Critane ora karu-karuwan nganti ora mudhêngake. His story was so incoherent I couldn't follow it. Aku wis di-[x]-ake dening kêtrangane. His information clarified it for me.
- mudhi
- 1 young [of females: see also MUDHA]. 2 inf var of KÊMUDHI.
- mujadid
- reformist. [x] agama religious reformer.
- mujaèr
- an edible freshwater fish.
- mujarab
- effective, efficacious.
- mujisat
- var of MUKJIJAT.
- mujung
- in bed under the covers. Dhèke nggloso ing têmpat-tidure lan kêmulan [x]. She fell into bed and pulled up the blanket. Nyaiku barêng wêruh aku isih [x] banjur digugah. When my wife saw I was still in bed, she woke me up.
- mudhun
- var of MÊ-DHUN.
- mufakat
- var of MUPAKAT.
- mufangat
- var of MUNPANGAT.
- muga
- ng, mugi kr (or [x]-[x]) may it happen that ...; I hope, let's hope. [x]-[x] iya/ora. I hope so/not. [x]-[x] aja udan wae. I just hope it doesn't rain! Mugi Allah nglêksanani kêrsanipun bêndara kula. May God grant my master's wish.
- mugêg
- mugag-[x] heavy and cumbersome.
- mugên
- 1 detached, objective. Sarèhne ngênani riwayate dhewe mulane dhèwèke ora bisa [x] pamacane. Since the book concerned her own personal life, she couldn't read it dispassionately. 2 serene, calm. mBatik iku bisa nuwuhake rasa [x]. Batik-making can increase one's tranquility. 3 to stay around home and apart from social intercourse.
- mugêt
- [x]-[x] or mugat-[x] to keep stretching and contracting [of long thin crawling creatures].
- mugi
- may it happen that ...; let's hope (kr for MUGA).
- Muharam
- first month of the Moslem calendar.
- muk
- [x]-[x]-an to grope. Aku [x]-[x]-an nggolèki rèk kanggo nyumêt lilin. I felt around for matches to light a candle.
- muka
- oj face.
- mukadin
- rg var of MODIN.
- mukah
- to break a fasting period by eating before the time is up.
- Mukaram
- var of MUHARAM.
- mukjijat
- miracle. Kur'an iku [x]-e Kanjêng Nabi. The Koran is the miracle wrought by the Prophet. [x] dene aku ora mati. It's a miracle I wasn't killed.
- mukibat
- see TELA.
- mukim
- 1 place of residence; location. 2 to live smw. Olèhe [x] nang Mêkah ana sêpuluh tahun. He lived in Mecca for ten years.
- mukir
- var of MUNGKIR.
- mukmin(in)
- mukminun, a devout Moslem.
- mukok
- var of MUNGKOK.
- mukrim
- a female (e.g. a first cousin) who is too closely related to one to permit marriage.
- muksa
- to cease living by vanishing in body.
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- and soul rather than by dying. ka-[x]-n see JAGAD
- mukti
- comfortable, well cared for. ka-[x]-n the good life; worldly comfort. Dhèwèke ninggal kamuktèn kraton pêrlu dadi pandhita. He left the comfortable life in the palace to become a holy man. ø/di-[x]-kake to make a comfortable life for smn, provide security for smn. Aku arêp muktèkake uripmu. I want to provide you with all the good things in life. [x] wibawa (having at one's command) the full gamut of worldly pleasures. [x] wibawa m-bau-dhêndha (nyakrawati) rich and powerful
- mul
- [x]-[x]-an a game resembling checkers
- mula
- ng, mila kr 1 originally; from the beginning. cilik [x] begun as a child. Dhèke [x] sênêng bal-balan. He's always enjoyed soccer. 2 therefore, so, that is why. [x]-ne aja sênêng main. That's why you shouldn't gamble. [x] awakmu lêmu, lha kowe iki doyanan. No wonder you're fat-you never refuse food. [x]-kna or [x]-kne therefore, that is why. ka-[x]-an source, origin. [x] dhasar it is a fact that ... See also MULABUKA
- mulabuka
- origin, cause, reason. Saiki wis beda karo [x]-ne. It's different now than it was at the beginning. Apa kowe ngêrti [x]-ne pêrang? Do you know what started the war? See also BUKA, MULA
- mulad
- ltry [x]-[x] to blaze, glow. Gênine [x]-[x]. The fire is burning brightly.
- mulai
- ng, milai kr to begin, start
- mulak
- [x]-[x] to boil, bubble up, seethe
- mulana
- var of MAOLANA
- mule
- (or mê-[x]) to honor [deceased ones]. slamêtan mê-[x] para êmpu a ritual celebration in honor of the revered kris-makers. ø/di-(mê)-[x]-(kake) to hold a ceremony in honor of
- mulêk
- to pervade. Ambune [x] nang kamar. The odor hung in the room. Manise [x] ulêng-ulêngan. Her sweetness characterizes everything she does.
- mulês
- queasy
- mulih
- ng, mantuk kr, kondur ki to return to one's own place. Aku arêp [x]. I'm going home. [x]-e wis awan. He didn't get home till afternoon. ngangkatake [x] to send smn home. Punapa pênjênêngan krêsa ngasta kondur woh-wohan punika? Would you like to take these fruits home with you? sa-[x]-e as soon as one got back; since one's return. See also ULIH
- mulya
- 1 well-to-do. Biyèn nlangsa, saiki [x]. Life used to be hard, but he's well off now. 2 restored. Omahe sing kobong biyèn saiki wis [x] manèh. The burned-out house has now been restored. 3 esteemed, honored. Yang [x] your/his excellency. ka-[x]-n 1 prosperity. 2 honor, esteem. ø/di-[x]-kake 1 to celebrate, glorify. dina gêdhe sing dimulyakake ing tanah Jawa a holiday that is celebrated in Java. 2 to restore sth. m-in-ulya honored, esteemed. Para rawuh ingkang minulya ... Honored guests ...
- multi
- multi-, many-; very. Revolusi kita pancèn [x] komplèks. Our revolution has been many-faceted indeed.
- Mulud
- 1 birth and death day of Mohamed, during the third Moslem month. 2 the third Moslem month. [x]-an 1 religious festival celebrated on Muhammed's birthday. 2 to play tambourine music to celebrate Mohammed's birthday
- mulung
- to offer one's arm to a person one is escorting
- mulur
- 1 to stretch, expand. Karèt iku bisa [x]. Rubber stretches. 2 to exceed [a limit]. Yèn sêmayan aja [x]. Don't be late for appoinments.
- mulus
- pure, flawless, unadulterated. putih [x] pure white. trêsna [x] love. Organisasi mau [x] olahraga. The organization is solely for sports.
- mum-
- see also under M- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- mumbluk
- foamy, frothy
- mumbruk
- [x]-[x] piled in a disorderly heap
- mumbuk
- var of MUMBRUK
- mumpangat
- var of MUNPANGAT
- mumpyar
- var of MOMPYOR
- mumpluk
- frothy, bubbly, sudsy
- mumpuni
- highly skilled. [x] sakabèhing kawruh thoroughly versed in all kinds of knowledge. Pujangga kang [x] a superior scholar
- mumuk
- stupid, senseless. mumak-[x] or mamak-[x] to behave erratically because one has not the full use of the senses. Lha wong mêndêm, mula mamak-[x]. He's drunk, he doesn't know what he's doing.
- mumur
- see AJUR
- munajim
- astrologer
- munasika
- ø/di-[x] to disturb, interfere with. Lêlêmbut ora wani [x] wong suci. Mischievous spirits don't dare to plague holy people.
- mundhak
- ng, mindhak kr 1 or else, otherwise.
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- Aja panas-panas, mripatmu [x] lara. Don't stay out in the sun, or you'll damage your eyes. 2 form of UNDHAK
- mundri
- nipple (ki for PÊNTHIL)
- mundhu
- a certain tree, also its fruit
- mundhuk
- [x]-[x] [to walk] in a stooping or lowered position, as when passing esteemed persons who are seated so as not to be too elevated
- mundhung
- (or kê-[x]) a certain fruit with a peach-like flavor
- mundur
- to move backward. Bidhage kênane mung maju, ora kêna [x]. The pawns [in chess] can only go forward, not backward. Bok randha [x] saking ngarsanipun sang nata. The widow respectfully withdrew from the king's presence. [x]-[x] to retreat gradually. [x]-[x] ngawasake mungsuhe. He backed off, watching his opponent closely. kê-[x]-ên too far back. Olèhku ngundurke montor kê-[x]-ên nganti nabrak wit. I backed the car too far and hit a tree. See also UNDUR
- munêg
- [x]-[x] or munag-[x] queasy, nauseated
- munfangat
- var of MUNPANGAT
- mung
- ng, namung kr 1 only, just. [x] têlung taun only three years. [x] lêt sêdhela bis liwat. In just a few moments a bus came along. Kuwi ora têmênan, [x] dongèng wae. it didn't really happen, it's just a story. 2 ng kr a variety of small green bean. 3 ng kr rpr gong beats. [x]-[x]-an not more than; not much. Dhuwite [x]-[x]-an. He has only a little money. ngê-[x]-ake 1 limited to; only. Ora ngê-[x]-ake aku sing tansah nyawang marang wong mau. I wasn't the only one who kept looking at him. 2 to think only of. ngê-[x]-ake karêpe dhewe to think only of one's own wishes
- munggèng
- oj (situated, located) in, on, at
- mungging
- var of MUNGGÈNG
- mungguh
- ng, mênggah kr 1 in case, in the event that; about, as for, in connection with; now (as a narrational device). [x]-a aku, aku ora gêlêm. If it were me, I wouldn't do it. [x] panjupuke banyu kang mêngkono iku arane ndèrès. Now, this way of getting the sap from the tree is called the drip method. [x] bab mau wis dudu wadi manèh. About that, there's no longer any secret. Rada kelingan manèh [x]-ing jêjêring ibu. Again she thought back on her mother's life. Ditakoni [x] jalarane nangis. He asked her why she was crying. 2 ng kr appropiate, fitting. Kuwi kapriye [x] ing panêmumu? How does that suit you(r opinion)? Klambi iki [x] bangêt ing aku. This dress fits me fine. [x]-ane supposing. [x]-ane kowe tak wènèhi dhuwit akèh, apa sing arêp kok tuku? What if I gave you a lot of money: what would you buy with it? sê-[x]-(a) sms [x] 1. Sê-[x]-a aku bisa klakon sugih, kowe mêsthi mèlu. If I were to become rich, you would share in it.
- munggur
- a certain tree, also its fruit
- munggwing
- var of MUNGGÈNG
- mungkad
- causing distress (physical or emotional)
- mungkar
- (or [x]-[x]) to keep adding to one's possessions
- mungkin
- possible, conceivable. mungkan-[x] it is always possible (that ...)
- mungkir
- to deny. Malinge [x] olèhe nyolong. The thief denied having stolen anything. mungkar-[x] to deny repeatedly
- mungkok
- to regurgitate
- mungkug
- [x]-[x] or mungkag-[x] nauseated
- mungkuk
- var of M-BUNGKUK
- mungsuh
- ng, mêngsah kr 1 opponent; enemy. [x] main gambling opponent. Tikus iku [x]-e mênungsa. Rats are man's enemy. 2 (pitted) against; up against. pêrange Pandhawa [x] Kurawa the war between the Pendawas and the Kurawas. [x] wong bawèl mono, apa-apa sarwa ora kêpênêran. To smn who is never satisfied, everything is wrong. [x] wong pintêr garapan sêmono kuwi isa bar sajam. A smart person could do that work in an hour. (mê)-[x]-an 1 in conflict. Cita-cita Indonesia [x]-an karo kolonialismê. Indonesian ideals clash with colonialism. 2 enmity, hostility. Mê-[x]-ane nganti têtaunan. Their hostility has lasted for years. ø/di-[x]-ake to set [one force] against [another]. Yèn di-[x]-ake A, mêsthi B bakal kalah. B is sure to lose if he's matched against A. ø/di-[x]-i to attack; to be against. Cah saklas padha mungsuhi dhèke, mula dhèke mêtu. The whole class was against him, so he left.
- mungur
- [x]-[x] red in the face. nêsu bangêt [x]-[x] furiously angry
- mungut
- war of MUNGUR
- muni
- 1 ltry an ascetic; a mystic teacher. 2 form of UNI
- munyêr
- to turn, whirl; to wander around, ramble
- munyêt
- var of MUNYÊR
- munyuk
- 1 monkey; (cr) name-calling term. 2 form of UNYUK
- munpangat
- useful, having utility. Wit krambil
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- iku akèh [x]-e. Coconut trees are extremely useful. ø/di-[x]-ake to put sth to use. Tanah kosong iki kudu di-[x]-ake. This empty land ought to be made use of. ø/di-[x]-i whole-some, health-promoting. Puhung iku oyod kang munpangati. Cassava is a healthful root. Puhane dipriksa supaya tansah munpangati tumrap kawarasan umum. Milk is inspected regularly to make sure it is fit for human consumption.
- munte
- var of MOTE.
- muntiyara
- var of MUTIYARA.
- munthil
- [x]-[x] small tight knot, esp. in a Javanese-style hairdo.
- munthit
- small branch locomotive.
- muncar
- sparkling, glittering.
- munclup
- munclap-[x] to move in and out; to keep starting in or out. Iwake munclap-[x] Fish keep popping out of the water. Aja mung munclap-[x] nang lawang, têrus mlêbu wae. Don't hesitate at the door-come on in.
- muncu
- var of MUCU.
- muncul
- to emerge. Wong kang nomêr têlu [x] saka gang. A third man came out of the alleyway.
- munthu
- small stone tool used for grinding seasonings and spices in a flat stoneware bowl (layah). [x] katut-an sambêl to become related by marriage.
- mupakat
- to agree. Ayo pit-pitan, cocok? - [x]. Let's go for a bike ride, OK? – OK. Wong sakampung wis [x] arêp ndandani dalan. The whole village has agreed to repair the road. ø/di-[x]-ake to bring into agreement. Pihak-pihak sing kêrêngên angèl dimupakatake. It's difficult to reconcile quarreling parties. Kêputusane panitya di-[x]-ake rapat plena. The committee's decisions were submitted to the plenary session for ratification. ø/di-[x]-i to agree to/on. Utange kudu disaur luwih saka sing di-[x]-i. He had to repay more money than had been agreed on.
- mupangat
- var of MUNPANGAT.
- mupruk
- piled up, in heaps, abundant.
- mur
- threaded fastener (nut, screw, bolt).
- murah
- ng, mirah kr 1 low in price. Biyèn sandhang-pangan iku [x]. The cost of living used to be low. Karcis bocah iku rêgane [x]. Children's tickets cost less. 2 plentiful. Desaku [x] banyu. My village has a good supply of water. [x]-an a cheap low-quality article. [x]-[x]-an at reduced rates. Pêlêm mau rasane kêcut, nggone adol iya [x]-[x]-an wae. The mangoes are sour, so they're being sold cheap. ka-[x]-an mercy, compassion. Entuk kê-[x]-ane sing Maha Kuasa aku bisa mundhak pangkat. Thanks to God's good graces, I got a promotion. ø/di-[x]-ake to make cheap. murahake pêlême to sell the mangoes cheap. Rêgane tak [x]-ake. I'll lower the price for you. ø/di-[x]-i to lower the price of (goods). Aku tuku akèh mulane banjur di-[x]-i. I bought so much she lowered the price. [x] ati compassionate, considerate; generous.
- murakabi
- helpful, constructive. Muga-muga uripmu bisa [x] kanggo nusa lan bangsa. I hope your life will contribute to the nation and the people.
- murang
- to deviate from the normal way. Dhèke [x] dalan liwat ing pêtêgalan. She left the road and cut across the fields. tindak sing [x] ing kasusilan conduct which departs from decent standards. [x] krama or [x] sarak or [x] tata contrary to good manners, rude.
- murba
- to have authority. [x] ing to have authority over.
- murbe
- mulberry.
- murbèng
- contracted form of MURBA ING. Kang [x] Dumadi/Alam/Gêsang/Wisesa God.
- murda
- oj head. aksara [x] capital letter.
- murga
- (or [x]-n) to improvise, make shift. Sope sing kanggo suguhan kurang, banjur kêpêksa [x]-(n) gawe sop manèh. We ran short of soup to serve, so we had to make up some more in a hurry with whatever we had on hand.
- murid
- student in primary or secondary school. kê-[x]-ên childish, sophomoric, callow.
- murina
- ltry var of MRINA.
- muring
- 1 (duka ki) (to get) angry. 2 a variety of gnat. [x]-[x] furious, enraged.
- murka
- greedy, selfish. ka-[x]-n greed.
- murni
- pure, unblemished, unadulterated. asih [x] true love. mas [x] solid gold.
- mursal
- disobedient, badly behaved.
- murtad
- to renounce one's religion or principles.
- murti
- oj body; entity.
- murca
- oj to vanish; lost.
- murud
- dead; to die (ki for MATI).
- murwakala
- shadow-play performance held as a daytime exorcism ceremony protecting a child from disaster.
- murwat
- appropriate, in keeping with the circumstances. Blanjanipun para punggawa botên patos [x]. The employees' wages are not adequate considering the work they do.
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- sa-[x]-e whatever is appropriate. Sa-[x]-e anggonmu mènèhi tak tampa. I'll welcome anything you contribute.
- musafir
- var of MUSAPIR.
- musapir
- traveler, wanderer.
- musawarat
- (or [x]-an) deliberation, negotiation. ø/di-[x]-ake to discuss, negotiate.
- museum
- museum.
- musibat
- cursed, damned. Candu iku diarani lara irêng [x]. The opium habit is known as the cursed black sickness. kêna ing [x] struck by disaster.
- musik
- music in non-Javanese style. Gamêlane [x]. The music was Occidental. [x]-an to play non-Javanese music; a musician of such music. [x] ngak ngik ngok rock-'n-roll.
- musium
- var of MUSEUM.
- musyawarah
- musyawarat, var of MUSAWARAT.
- Muslim
- a Moslem.
- Muslimat
- a female Moslem.
- Muslimin
- a male Moslem.
- musna
- oj to vanish; lost.
- muspra
- wasted; a waste. Akèh wêktu lan tênaga kang [x]. A lot of time and energy went to waste.
- mustajab
- potent, efficacious. Jopa-japune pancèn [x] têmênan. His magic incantations are very effective.
- mustail
- inconceivable, out of the question.
- mustaka
- head (ki for ÊNDHAS).
- mustakil
- var of MUSTAIL.
- mustijab
- var of MUSTAJAB.
- mustika
- a fine jewel. [x] rêtna jewelry.
- musuh
- var of MUNGSUH.
- mut
- [x]-[x]-an sth one holds in the mouth or sucks or nibbles on. ngê-[x] driji to suck the fingers; fig to look longingly at sth one wants. ngê/di-[x]-ake to put sth in smn's mouth to hold or suck on. Dhote diêmutake bayine. She gave the baby a pacifier. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to hold in the mouth. ngê-[x] pêrmèn to suck hard candy. Tèrmomètêre di-[x] nganti têlung mênit. He kept the thermometer in his mouth for three minutes. See also AMUT.
- muthakil
- to bear a grudge, have a chip on the shoulder.
- mutasi
- ø/di-[x] to rotate or transfer [an employee]. A saiki di-[x] nang Sumatra. A is being transferred to Sumatra.
- mutawatir
- ng, mutawatos kr fearful, apprehensive. ø-[x]-i provoking fear or apprehension; dangerous. See also KUWATIR.
- mutawatos
- kr for MUTAWATIR.
- mutiyara
- pearl.
- mucu
- [x]-[x] to bulge, protrude.
- mutlak
- 1 unconditional, absolute, not to be bargained. 2 a necessity. Sêkolah kuwi [x] kanggo bocah. Education is a must for young people.
- mutmainah
- [of the soul] at rest, at peace.
- muts
- soldier's overseas cap.
- mutyara
- var of MUTIYARA.
- mu(w)-
- see also under MU-, MW- (Introduction, 2.9.7).
- muwah
- (ltry) ng, miwah kr (together) with; and.
- muwak
- [x]-[x] badly ripped.
- muwara
- river mouth that empties into the sea.
- muwat
- ø/di-[x] to put sth in(to). Pêthine kêgêdhèn, ora bisa di-[x] ing becak. The chest is too big – it won't go in the pedicab. pa-[x]-an act of putting sth in(to). Aku dikabari bab pêmuatane karanganku. I have been notified about the inclusion of my article [in a certain collection].
- muwêr
- to spin, whirl.
- muwun
- weeping (ki for TANGIS).
- mw-
- see under MU(W)- (Introduction, 2.9.7).