Javanese-English Dictionary, Horne, 1974, #1968 (Hlm. 389–416: N-O)
CitraTerakhir diubah: 24-08-2021
Pencarian Teks
Lingkup pencarian: teks dan catatan-kakinya. Teks pencarian: 2-24 karakter. Filter pencarian: huruf besar/kecil, diakritik serta pungtuasi diabaikan; karakter [?] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau satu huruf sembarang; simbol wildcard [*] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau sejumlah karakter termasuk spasi; mengakomodasi variasi ejaan, antara lain [dj : j, tj : c, j : y, oe : u, d : dh, t : th].
- n
- (prn èn) alphabetic letter. See also under ÊN- (Introduction, 2.9.5) or under consonant that has been replaced by nasal prefix (Introduction,
- n-
- prefix 1 var of NG-. 2 var of NY- in certain roots. See Introduction,
- -n
- post-vowel form of suffix -AN.
- naa
- inf var of ANAa. See also under NÊ- (In-
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- troduction, 2.9.2) or under replaced-consonant plus E (Introduction,
- -nab
- (-kna after vowel) imperative and subjunctive form of suffix –AKE: see chart, Introduction N-jupuk-na sêga adhimu. Get your brother's rice for him. Aku jupuk-na dluwang. Get me some paper. Saridin kae dak kandha-kna wong tuwane, mêsthi disrêngêni. Saridin would have been scolded if I had told his parents. See –A 2, 3, 4 for imperative meanings.
- na'as
- portending evil. dina [x] an unlucky day. [x]-ing tanggal a date of evil portent.
- nabi
- religious prophet. ka-[x]-an (var sp: kanabeyan) the time of the prophets. [x] Adam Adam (first man). [x] Isa Jesus.
- nada
- musical key.
- nadar
- (punagi kr?) a commitment to perform a certain act if one's hopes are fulfilled. (pa)-[x]-an act of carrying out such a commitment.
- nadi
- see GURU.
- nadhi
- main artery of the circulatory system.
- najan
- shf of SANADYAN.
- najin
- 1 [of banana trees] ready to bear fruit. 2 form of TAJIN.
- najis
- 1 unclean (in the religious sense); abhorrent. 2 feces. ø/di-[x]-ake 1 to regard sth as unclean or abhorrent. 2 to soil sth with feces.
- nadyan
- shf of SANADYAN.
- naga
- serpent. [x] dina (wulan, taun) serpent govering the propitiousness of directions taken in journeys on a certain day (month year). [x] taun, [x] jatingarang, [x] dina, [x] rijallullah dragons which govern the north, south, east, and west respectively, regarding propitiousness.
- nagakusuma
- nagapuspa, nagapuspita var of NAGASARI.
- nagasantun
- kr for NAGASARI.
- nagasari
- ng, nagasantun kr 1 a certain hardwood tree with fragrant yellow blossoms which are used cosmetically. 2 steamed rice-flour-and-banana cake. 3 a certain batik design.
- nagasasra
- a kris blade with 13 curves.
- nagasinom
- var of NAGASARI.
- nagri
- oj nation, state.
- nagur
- imitation diamond.
- nah
- 1 inf var of NONAH. 2 excl: var of LA.
- nahas
- var of NA'AS.
- Nahdatul Ulama
- (abbr: N.U.) major Islamic political party.
- nahwu
- teachings concerned with Arabic grammar as presented in Islamic schools.
- naib
- a district mosque official. pa-[x]-an residence of this official.
- nayab
- to steal in broad daylight. Ana wong [x] nyolong mèmèhan tanggaku. The clothes were stolen of my neighbor's clothesline.
- nayaga
- var of NIYAGA.
- nayaka
- 1 cabinet minister. 2 high-ranking official under the Sultan of Jogjakarta. 3 official negotiator. 4 leader.
- nak
- adr child (shf of ANAKa). [x] (a)nggèr adr man who is lower in age but higher in social status than speaker. [x] k-um-anak 1 to multiply, flourish. 2 to draw compound interest. [x] (n)dulur or [x] sanak or [x] sêdulur first cousin.
- nakal
- 1 bad, wrong, ill-behaved, morally delinquent. 2 slang promiscuous. wong [x] prostitute; promiscuous woman. [x]-[x]-an 1 to compare or compete for bad behavior. [x]-[x]-an, anakmu luwih [x]. Your son is worse than mine. 2 to try to get away with sth. Kowe ki arêp [x]-[x]-an ya! You're trying to cheat me! ka-[x]-an misbehavior.
- nakodha
- var of NANGKODHA.
- nal
- [x]-[x]-an or [x]-nil-an fidgety, always on the move. See also NIL.
- nal-
- see also under NL- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus L (Introduction,
- nala
- ltry heart, feelings.
- nalar
- mind, intellect, reason(ing power). Cupêt [x]-e. His outlook is narrow. Mulur [x]-e. He's a deep thinker. miturut [x] logical(ly speaking). Gogon-tuhon kang mêngkono mau ora tinêmu ing [x]. Such a superstition is preposterous. ø/di-[x] to think sth over. ø/di-[x]-ake to explain (the reason for).
- nalendra
- var of NARENDRA.
- nalika
- (at a past time) when. [x] aku isih cilik when I was a child. Critakna bab dhèk [x]-ne dina unggah-unggahan. Tell me about promotion day [at school]. [x] kuwi (just) at that time. [x] kuwi Ali liwat cêdhak kono. Just then Ali came along. [x] sêmana at that (remotely past) time. [x] sêmono sms [x] KUWI. See also SANALIKA.
- naluri
- 1 a descendant. 2 a tradition.
- nam
- [x]-[x]-an 1 woven. blarak [x]-[x]-an woven coconut leaves. 2 a certain tree; also, its
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- fruit. ngê/di-[x] to weave [vegetable fibers]. ngê-[x] pênjalin/sêpêt to weave rattan or coconut fibers. ngê/di-[x]-i to make [a woven article]. Kipase arêp tak ênami pring kulitan. I'm going to weave the fan from bamboo bark. See also ANAM.
- nama
- name (kr for ARAN, JÊNÊNG).
- namas
- see AWIGNAM.
- nambang
- ltry thousand. sa-[x] 1,000.
- nambong
- 1 to pretend not to know sth/smn. 2 stubborn, headstrong.
- nami
- name (kr for ARAN, JÊNÊNG).
- naming
- 1 only (md for? rg var of? MUNG). 2 but (rg var of NANGING).
- namung
- suffix post-vowel var of -ANAb.
- nanah
- pus. [x]-ên to have a pus-filled infextion.
- nanangan
- var of SANGAN. pa-[x] pan used for frying without oil.
- nanas
- pineapple.
- nandalêm
- ki you (when addressing a highly esteemed person].
- nandang
- var of NANDHANG.
- nandhang
- to undergo, experience, endure. [x] lêlara to have a disease. [x] kêluputan to have faults. [x] dosa to have sins, be sinful. [x] sangsara to suffer bad luck, have a setback. [x] cilaka to suffer misfortune. lesan [x] (gram) direct object of a verb.
- -nane
- suffix post-vowel form of -ANE.
- nang
- adr little boy. 2 in, at, on. 3 rpr a note sounded on a gamelan instrument. 4 to (inf var of MÊNYANG). 5 to win (inf var of MÊNANG). [x]-[x]-an slang var of ø-MÊNANG-I. [x] apa why? what for? [x] apa kok ora dipangan sêgamu? How come you didn't eat your rice?
- nanging
- (or, formal, a-[x]) but. akèh [x] ala plentiful but inferior. Ora ijo [x] biru. It's not green, it's blue.
- nangka
- jackfruit (ripened form of GORI). [x] blonjo sticky overripe jackfruit. [x] sabrang or [x] Wlanda soursop.
- nangkodha
- ship's captain.
- -nanipun
- kr suffix post-vowel form of -ANIPUN: see -ANE.
- napa
- what? (md for APA).
- napas
- 1 breath; fig soul, life. [x] cêkak short(ness) of breath. mêgêng [x] to hold the breath. ngasokake [x] to rest up, catch one's breath. lara [x] asthma. kuwat [x] lan sarira strong of wind and body. 2 sorrel, bay. jaran [x] a sorrel horse. [x]-an breath group. Pada lingsa iku kanggo misah gatra, dadi kanggo [x]-aning pamaca. Javanese-script commas mark off clauses showing breath groups for reading.
- napi
- what? (md for APA).
- napkah
- money given to one's wife for living expenses. ø/di-[x]-i to give expense money to.
- napsu
- formal var of NÊPSU.
- naptu
- formal var of NÊPTU.
- nar
- [x]-[x]-an uneasy, apprehensive. ngê-[x]-[x]-i causing apprehension/anxiety.
- nar-
- see also under NR- (Introduction, 2.9.3). or under replaced-consonant plus R (Introduction,
- naradipa
- naradipati, ltry king.
- naraji
- ltry king.
- narayana
- ltry young. dhèk jaman [x]-ku biyèn back when I was young.
- narakarya
- oj worker, laborer.
- naranata
- ltry king.
- narapati
- ltry king.
- narapraja
- ltry dignitary.
- nararya
- ltry king.
- narendra
- ltry king.
- narèswara
- ltry king.
- narèswari
- ltry queen; king's consort.
- narya
- ltry king.
- narmada
- ltry river.
- narpati
- oj king.
- nas
- excl calling attention to one's mismove in a game (e.g. chess) and entitling one to replay the move. ngê-[x]-i to call "nas!"
- nasehat
- (words of) advice.
- nasib
- luck. [x]-ku èlèk. My luck was bad.
- nasional
- national.
- nasionalisasi
- nationalization. di-[x]-i to be nationalized.
- nasionalisme
- nationalism.
- nationalis(tis)
- nationalist(ic).
- Nasrani
- Christian. agama [x] Christianity. golongan [x] Christians.
- nastapa
- ltry sad, sorrowing.
- nata
- ltry king. Sang [x] the king; his majesty.
- nate
- ever (kr for TAU).
- natos
- kr sbst var of NATE.
- nawa
- oj nine. babahan [x] sanga the nine bodily openings.
- nawala
- 1 oj a letter (ki for LAYANG?). 2 ID card. [x] patra a letter.
- nawi
- 1 shf of MÊNAWI. 2 (or [x]-an) rg var of JÊR, RAK.
- nawin
- rg var of JÊR, RAK.
- nd-
- ndh-, see under D, DH, or under ÊND-, ÊNDH- (Introduction, 2.9.5).
- nj-
- see under NJ or under ÊNJ- (Introduction, 2.9.5).
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- -ne
- ng, -nipun kr (suffix) 1 (-kne, -knipun after vowel) causative optative suffix: see chart, Introduction, 2 post-vowel form of suffix -Ec.
- nê-
- see also under NA- (Introduction, 2.9.2) or under replaced-consonant plus A (Introduction,
- nêb
- [x]-[x]-an window shutters. mê-[x] 1 to settle at the bottom of liquid. 2 to calm down after strong emotion. ngê/di-[x]-(ake) 1 to allow sth to settle at the bottom. 2 to calm smn. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to close [doors, windows]. See also INÊB.
- nêbda
- see SINGA.
- nêdhas
- [of lips, tongue] rough, chapped.
- nêdhêng
- acv form of SÊDHÊNG.
- Nedhêrlan(d)
- Holland, the Netherlands.
- nêdya
- acv form of SÊDYA.
- nêg
- feeling of revolusion. Aja cukil-cukil untu salêbare mangan, supaya ora gawe ênêke kang padha lênggah dhahar. Don't pick your teeth after you eat: it's disgusting to those who are at the table. ngê-[x]-[x]-i revolting, sickening.
- nêgale
- var of NÊGALO.
- nêgalo
- (look) over there! (rg kr? md? for GALO, KAE LO).
- nêgara
- ng, nêgari kr nation, state; the government. wong sa-[x] lanang wadon every man and woman in the country. warga [x] citizen. pabrik [x] state-owned (-operated) factory. [x] kulonan Occidental country. [x] ngetanan oriental country. bank [x] national bank. [x] manca foreign country. ka-[x]-n pertaining to the nation. upacara kê-[x]-n a state ceremony.
- nêgari
- kr for NÊGARA.
- nègêr
- Nêgro.
- nêgile
- var of NÊGILO.
- nêgilo
- (look) here! see here! (rg kr? md? for GILO, IKI LO).
- nêgule
- var of NÊGULO.
- nêgulo
- (look) there! (rg kr? md? for IKU LO).
- nèh
- nèk
- 1 var of YÈN. 2 rg var of ANAa, NINI. 3 (or [x]-[n]e or [x]-[x]-[n]e) perhaps, probably. Coba asune pakanana tela, [x] doyan barang. Give the dog some cassava, he might like it.
- neka
- (ma)-[x]-[x] various kinds (of things). ora [x] simple, plain, not fancy. See also MANEKA.
- nekad
- to persist in a determination. ka-[x]-an wilfull disregard of consequences; persistence in a course of action. Ka-[x]-ane satêmah njalari tiwase. His recklessness finally resulted in his death. See also TEKAD.
- nèkêl
- nickel (metal).
- nèkêr
- marble(s). [x]-an to play marbles.
- nèl
- [x]-[x]-an to fidget, move about restlessly.
- nêl-
- see also under NL- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus L (Introduction,
- nèm
- young (kr for NOM).
- nêm
- six. [x] atus (èwu, yuta) six hundred (thousand, million). buku (bocah, omah, lsp.). six books (children, houses, etc.). [x]-bêlas 16. [x]-likur 26. sêwidak [x] 66. [x] wang 50 cents. Umure kurang luwih ênêm taun. He's about six years old. [x]-[x]-e all six of them. nê-[x] (group or unit of) six. jam sêtêngah nê-[x] 5:30. pangkat nê-[x] sixth grade. ka-[x] 1 (or [ka]ping [x]) six times; times six; (for) the sixth time; sixth (in a series). 2 sixth month of the Javanese calendar (9 November-22 December). ka-[x] têngah 5½. ngê/di-[x]-i to form a set of six. Kanggo ngê-[x]-i pêrlu tuku siji manèh. We need one more to make six. See also -AN (suffic) 8, 15, 16; -Ec (suffix) 9; NG- (prefix) 6, 7; PRA-.
- nêm-
- see also under N- (Introduction, 3.1.7).
- nêmbah
- 1 ltry var of NY-SÊMBAH. 2 to offer one's silent respects to God, or to a high authority, without overt expression.
- nêmbe
- 1 to be [do]ing etc. (kr for LAGI). 2 the future (rg var of TÊMBE). 3 kr for MÊNTAS?
- nèmpol
- smeared messily [onto]. Ana blêthok [x] nang kathok, kok dinêngake. You have mud all over your pants, how come you don't do anything about it?
- nên-
- see also under N- (Introduction, 3.1.3) or under consonant that has been reduplicated then replaced (Introduction, 3.1.3,
- -nên
- suffix post-vowel form of -ÊN.
- nendra
- ltry to sleep.
- nènèk
- inf var of NINI.
- nènèm
- young person (kr for NONOM). See also NÈM.
- nênêpi
- to meditate (var of NYÊNYÊPI, form of SÊPI).
- nèng
- in, at, on (inf equivalent of ANA ING).
- nêng
- 1 rpr a jerk. Mak [x] tase ditarik. He snatched her handbag. 2 rpr a stinging pain. [x]-[x]-an not on speaking terms with each other. mê-[x] to be/remain quiet (see also MÊNÊNG). ngê/di-[x]-ake (ng/dipun-kèndêl-akên kr) 1 to refrain from speaking to.
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- B saiki lagi diênêngke karo A. A isn't speaking to B right now. 2 to ignore. Bocah adhuh-adhuh wis suwe kok di-[x]-ake wae. The child has been crying out in pain but nobody pays any attention! ng/di-[x](-[x])-i to (try to) quiet smn. See also MÊNÊNG.
- nêngah
- 1 (to move) toward the center. Slamêt [x], asu mau mèlu [x]. Slamet walked toward the middle of the road; the dog did the same. 2 (to move) away from shore, i.e. toward the middle of a body of water. kê-[x]-ên too close to the center. Lakune nang ndalan kê-[x]-ên. She was walking too near the middle of the road. mê-[x] sms [x]. Praune mê-[x]. The boat went out to sea. pa-[x] middle child. See also TÊNGAH.
- nêngên
- (to move) toward the right. menggok [x] to turn right. saka kiwa [x] from left to right. kê-[x]-ên too far to the right. mê-[x] sms [x]. See also TÊNGÊN.
- nênggih
- (or a-[x]) this (as follows) is ... [x] pundi ingkang cinatira ... This is where it is told ... (common opening phrase in a puppet-master's narration).
- nêngsêm(ake)
- form of SÊNGSÊM.
- nènthèng
- [x]-[x] to act defiant toward, talk back to.
- neon
- neon. lampu [x] neon light.
- nêpdal
- numerology; horoscope (-casting) (opt? sbst? kr for NÊPTU).
- nêpsu
- ng kr, duka ki passionate with anger or lust. [x] dicandhêt. He kept his feelings under control. [x]-nan quick to anger. ka-[x]-n 1 anger. 2 to be the object of smn's anger. Aku ora apa-apa kok kanêpson. What's he mad at me for? I didn't do anything. ø/di-[x]-ni to get mad at smn. [x] birahi beginnings of interest in the opposite sex, esp. during adolescence. See also HAWA, NÊSU.
- nêptu
- Javanese numerology; horoscope; horoscope-casting.
- nêr
- ng, lêrês kr direction; aim. nyimpang saka ênêre to deviate from its course. Olèhe ngusar-usarake padha ênêre. His brush strokes were all in the same direction. ngê/di-[x]-ake to aim, point, direct sth. ngê-[x]-ake bêdhil to aim a gun. ngê/di-[x]-i to head for. Warti ngê-[x] kamar turune. Warti went to her room. Kabèh padha ngê-[x] mênyang panggonan kang dhuwur. Everyone headed for high ground. dalan sing ngê-[x] gêdhung bioskup street that goes to the movie theater.
- nêr-
- see also under NR- (Introduction 2.9.3) or replaced-consonant+R (Intro.,
- nêraka
- hell. intiping [x] the lowest layer of souls in hell. [x] jahanam the most disagreeable part of hell.
- nêraca
- balance (in balance of payments. [x] pêrdagangan balance of trade.
- nêstiti
- careful, accurate, scrupulous. ø/di-[x]-kake to examine carefully. Sadurunge ndakwa wong liya, dinastitèkake dhisik. You should be pretty sure of your ground before you accuse anyone.
- nêsu
- ng kr, duka ki to be(come) angry. [x] gidra-gidro hopping mad. Apa sêbabe ibumu duka? Why is you mother mad? [x]-nan short-tempered. lagi [x]-[x]-ne in a fit of temper. ø/di-[x]-ni to get mad at. Aku didukani ibu. Mother lost patience with me. See also NÊPSU.
- nèt
- 1 var of NYÈT. 2 inf var of PÈNÈT. ngê/di-[x] to edit [a draft]. Aku sing maca, kowe sing ngê-[x] cathêtan rapat mau. I'll read the minutes; you write them up from my rough notes.
- nêt
- mê-[x] compressed; solid(ly filled). Isine mênêt. It's tightly packed. ngê/di-[x]-[x]-ake or ngê/di-[x]-[x]-i to compress, squeeze, pack tight. Tase aja di-ênêt-ênêt mêngko êndhoge pêcah kabèh. Don't squeeze the bag or the eggs will all break.
- nètèr
- 1 ltry to put sth to the test. [x] kasudiranmu to try your courage. 2 sloping, slanting.
- nècês
- var of NÈCIS.
- nècis
- neat and orderly.
- netra
- ltry eye. sakêdhèp [x] instantaneous(ly); (in) the wink of an eye. tuna [x] blind.
- netral
- neutral, unaligned.
- ng-
- [see also under ÊNG- (Introduction, 2.9.5) or under vowel or under replaced-consonant (Introduction,] nasal prefix. 1 produces acv forms: see under individual roots. 2 produces directional forms. n-têngên toward the right. nga-lor northward. ana ng-omah at home. mlêbu ng-alas to go into the forest. Bukune tiba saka ngê-tas. The book fell out of the briefcase. 3 to assume the characteristics of [root]. m-bodo to act stupid. ng-ombak-banyu wavelike. ny-sudagar to be(come) a merchant. ng-lara to pretend to be ill. ny-supe to pretend to forget. 4 to regard smn as; to call smn sth. m-bapak to think of [smn] as a father. ngadi to call smn Di [a nickname]. 5 to make [materials] into sth; to use [root].
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- ny-sambêl to make hot sauce. m-palu to hammer. ng-ganjar to reward smn. 6 n apiece; every n; n at a time. ng-rong rupiah two rupiahs each. Sijine m-pira? How much apiece? n-têlung dina every three days. prangko ny-sêkêthip loro two 10-cent stamps. n-siji-siji one at a time, single file. 7 [with doubled number] n at a time, n by n. Barise ng-rolas-rolas. They marched in ranks of twelve. 8 increasingly [root]. Nyambut-gawe saya ny-suwe. He takes longer and longer to do his work. A saya ny-sugih. A keeps getting richer.
- ng.
- see NGABÈH.
- nga
- 1 nine (shf of SANGA). nêm, tu, lu, [x] 6, 7, 8, 9. 2 var of NG- prefix before monosyllable roots and (irregularly) certain others (see e.g. under BOTOH, URIP, WONTÊN). ngê/di-[x]-kake to open sth (inf var of M/DI-WÊNGA-KAKE). Ngakna lawang. Open the door! ngê/di-[x]-ni to keep opening [things] (inf var of M/DI-WÊNGA-NI).
- Nga'ad
- var sp of NGAHAD.
- ngabad
- ltry pervasive [of a pleasant odor].
- ngabas
- to do sth without making a genuine effort. Mêsthi wae ora kêna olèhmu mbalang pêlêm mau, lha wong [x]. Of course you didn't hit the mango you were aiming at – you weren't really trying.
- ngabèh
- ø-[x]-i (or a-[x]-i or i-[x]-i; abbr: ng) an official under the Sultan ranking between a wadana and a lurah). (pa)-[x]-an residence of the above official.
- ngabêkti
- to show respect by kissing the knee of an older person. [x]-n occasion for show one's respect as above, esp. Lebaran time. Dina iki nang kraton ana ngabêktèn. Today at court the Sultan is honored (as above). ø/di-[x]-ni to pay one's respects to. pa-[x] one's respects. sêmbah pa-[x] one's best wishes (in opening phrase of letter). See also BÊKTI.
- ngabid
- devout, orthodox.
- ngabyagata
- to begin working, start in on a task.
- ngabor
- to talk nonsense.
- ngabotohan
- see under BOTOH.
- ngadilaga
- ltry battleground.
- ngadiraga
- to get dressed (ltry var of DANDAN).
- ngajêng
- in front (kr for NGARÊP).
- ngagêsang
- form of GÊSANG.
- ngagir
- immobile. Olèhe maca buku karo [x]. He's lying still, reading. Kok [x] kaya wong ngêmis. Why do you just stand there (like a beggar waiting for a handout)?
- ngagla
- rg empty-handed.
- ngaglah
- to sit where one impedes the movement of others. mBok lingguh nèng kene. aja [x]. Sit here-don't block the passageway.
- ngaglik
- precariously close to an edge.
- ngah
- rpr the moo of cattle. ngê/di-[x]-i to reserve for smn. Kacange aja diêntèkake, adhimu di-[x]-i. Don't eat all the peanuts, save some for your brother.
- Ngahad
- Sunday. See also AKAD.
- ngayar
- 1 to catch a bird in the bare hands. 2 form of AYAR.
- ngayawara
- to talk nonsense.
- ngayuwara
- var of NGAYAWARA.
- ngak
- rpr a goose honkling.
- Ngakad
- var sp of NGAHAD.
- ngal-
- see also under NGL- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus L (Introduction,
- ngaluamah
- to give in to an appetite. Bêngi-bêngi kok njaluk mangan, mbok aja [x]. Eating so late at night! – you shouldn't just eat any time you feel like it.
- ngaluhur
- form of LUHUR.
- ngalup
- 1 to howl, yelp. 2 var acv form of ALUB.
- ngamanca
- form of MANCA.
- ngambyog
- to move in with smn temporarily, stay at smn's place.
- ngampah
- rg var of NGARE.
- ngamprêt
- small, narrow, cramped; [of clothing] tight-fitting, too small.
- ngamrih
- inf var of AMRIH.
- ngan
- adr deer! (shf of MÊNJANGAN).
- ngana
- ng, ngatên kr like that, in that way (inf var of MÊNGKANA: Degree III, Introduction, 6). Barang [x] kae jênênge apa? What are things like that called? [x] iku that is (to say ...). ø/di-[x]-kake to treat like that; to do that to. Sêkrupe dinganakake supaya bisa kêncêng. You have to do like that to the bolt to tighten it. [x]-ngene (ngetan-ngètên kr) in various ways. Arêpa [x]-ngene kae, kowe aja kêduwung. Whatever happens, have no regrets.
- ngana(h)
- var of RANAa.
- ngang
- (or [x]-[x]) rpr the whine of an engine.
- ngangkang
- loud [of music]. Bonange ditabuh [x] sêru bangêt. The bonang's were played forte.
- ngangklêng
- rg to have a long tiresome wait.
- ngangkrang
- var of NGANGRANG.
- nganglang
- to travel (wander, fly) around. [x] pringga standing by in case help is needed.
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- ngangluh
- to complain. pa-[x] complaint.
- ngangrang
- 1 a large red tree ant. 2 (or [x]-an) to weave.
- ngangsi
- var of NGANTI. Olèhe nggawa barang [x] mèyèk-mèyèk. He's carrying a back-breaking load.
- nganyêr
- var of NGANYUR.
- nganyur
- (to stand) straight.
- ngantèk
- var of NGANTI.
- ngantèn
- var of MANTÈN. See also ÊMBOK.
- nganti
- ng, ngantos kr 1 until, to (the point that). Aku ana kono [x] jam loro. I was there till two o'clock. [x] mêngko têkane bojone until his wife gets here. Bocah-bocah padha mangan [x] warêg. The children stuffed themselves. [x] sêprene so far, up till now. 2 for [a time period]. ora [x] lêt suwe not for (a) long (time). Aku sinau [x] kira-kira sêpuluh taun. I studied for about ten years. [x] pitung turunan for (the next) seven generations; fig all of one's descendants forever. 3 already [a certain time]; [not] yet [a certain time]. supaya aja [x] kêsorèn so as not to get there late, i.e. when it is already late afternoon. Ora [x] wêngi Siti wis turu. Siti went to bed very early, i.e. when it was not yet night. 4 [to such an extent] that. Saking bingunge dhèwèke [x] lali jênênge dhewe. He was so mixed up that he forgot his own name. 5 to (do such a [surprising, undesirable] thing as). Hawane [x] luwih saka satus drajat. The temperature actually went over 100 degrees! Olèhku ngombe banyu [x] têlung gêlas. I drank three whole glasses of water. Kok gurune [x] ngêrti sapa sing maduli. How did the teacher find out who tattled?! Dhèwèke [x] ora bisa ngampêt wêtuning êluh. She simply couldn't hold back her tears. Mungsuhe [x] bisa nrabas Banyumas. The enemy succeeded in getting through Banjumas. Yèn wis mabuk dhèke [x] lali anak bojone. When he gets drunk, he completely forgets his wife and children.
- ngantos
- kr for NGANTI.
- ngantuk
- sleepy. [x]-an one who is always sleepy.
- ngaplik
- small (in size), few (in number).
- ngaplo
- to have no results for one's efforts. Aku mèlu tandur, barêng panèn aku mung [x]. I helped plant along with the others, but at harvest time I didn't get anything.
- ngapluk
- abundant [referring to one's gray hairs].
- ngaprêt
- var of NGAMPRÊT.
- ngaprit
- fast. mlayu [x] to run like the wind.
- ngar-
- see also under NGR- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus R (Introduction,
- ngare
- valley, lowland; [of terrain] level, flat. tanah [x] a plain; lowland.
- ngarêp
- ng, ngajêng kr in front (see also ARÊPb). sa-[x] in front of.
- ngarot
- rg a ceremonial feast held before tilling rice paddies.
- ngarsa
- in front (ki for NGARÊP). [x] dalêm your/his majesty (the Sultan of Jogjakarta).
- ngarsaji
- contracted form of NG-ARSA AJI.
- ngas
- [x]-[x]-an in a great hurry. Aja [x]-[x]-an, linggih! Don't rush around so: sit down!
- ngasi
- var of NGANTI.
- ngatên
- 1 like this/that (kr for NGENE, NGONO, NGANA; md for NGANA?). 2 excl: kr for NGONO.
- ngacêng
- var of NGACUK.
- ngacuk
- erect [of penis].
- ngathur
- 1 to spout upward. 2 to stand (up) (straight).
- ngarip
- form of URIP.
- ngawikani
- form of WIKAN.
- ngawontên
- ... see WONTÊN.
- ngê-
- var of NG- prefix (see Introduction, See also under NGA- (Introduction, 2.9.2).
- ngêdhabyah
- inf var of NG-GÊDHABYAH.
- ngêdhagrah
- rpr the movement of a bulky person seating himself ponderously.
- ngêdhangkrang
- ngêdhap
- afraid; having lost one's nerve.
- ngêdebag
- inf var of NG-GÊDEBAG.
- ngêdhèbyèh
- ngêdhobyah-[x] clumsy, awkward. See also GÊDHOBYAH.
- ngêdhèbrèl
- cr to jabber, yak.
- ngêdhêbus
- to babble, talk nonsense.
- ngèdèd
- to hold the back stiff or arched while walking.
- ngêdhèdhèr
- var of NG-GÊDHÈDHÈR.
- ngêdèndèng
- to walk with an affected air, a mincing gait, etc.
- ngêdhèng
- ngèdhèng, open, frank, having nothing to hide. Ora ana kang [x] ngatonake rupane. No one wanted to show his face.
- ngêdhêngkrêng
- ngêdhingkring
- inf var of NG-GÊDHINGKRING.
- ngêjawa
- ng, ngêjawi kr see under JAWAa.
- ngêjibris
- to talk at great length.
- ngêjojor
- inf var of NG-GÊJOJOR.
- ngêdhobyah
- inf var of NG-GÊDHOBYAH.
- ngêdobrol
- var of NG-GÊDOBROL.
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- ngêdhodhor
- var of NG-GÊDHODHOR.
- ngêdublêg
- to talk endlessly about inconsequantial things.
- ngêdhungkrung
- to sit with bowed head.
- ngêg
- rpr a grunt. [x], pancèn abot tênan. Oof, it's heavy!
- ngèh
- rg var of WÈNÈH.
- ngèk
- rpr a baby's crying. [x]-[x] or ngak-[x] to keep crying. [x]-èngèk rpr the sound of a stringed instrument being played with a bow.
- ngèkèk
- (to laugh) hard.
- ngèkès
- (to cough) continuously.
- ngèklèk
- var of NGÈKÈK.
- ngèl
- ngê/di-[x]-[x]-(i) to make sth difficult. Yèn anake wong mlarat, mlêbu sêkolah kuwi mêsthi di-[x]-[x]. They always make it hard for poor people's children to get into school. See also ANGÈL.
- ngêl-
- see also under NGL- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus L (Introduction,
- ngêlak
- (salit opt kr? ki?) thirsty. ø-[x]-i causing thirst. Hawa ngene iki ngêlaki. This kind of weather makes you thirsty.
- ngêlih
- ng, luwe kr hungry. ø/di-[x]-ake to cause to become hungry. Nang pêcobaan mau, tikuse dingêlihake dhisik. In the experiment, the rats were allowed to get hungry first.
- ngêlik
- 1 high-pitched and penetrating [of voice quality, in singing classical Javanese songs]. 2 change of mood in gamelan accompaniment to shadow plays. Gêndhinge [x]. The music made the transition to the next part of the play.
- ngèlmi
- sbst? kr for NGÈLMU.
- ngèlmu
- knowledge; (a) science (var of ILMU).
- ngêlu
- ng kr, puyêng ki (to have/get) a headache.
- ngêmasi
- ltry to die.
- ngêmbara
- var of NG-AMBARA.
- ngêmbêk
- (to have or to exist) in abundance.
- ngêmbêng
- moist, soggy. [x] banyu watery. [x] (ê)luh [eyes] filled with tears.
- ngêmbêr
- var of NGÊMBÊNG.
- ngêmbês
- watery, damp.
- ngêmbrah
- prevalent, widespread, commonplace, usual.
- ngêmbrêg
- overabundant. Sukête [x] kok ora dibabati. The grass is overruning everything – I should think you'd mow it!
- ngèmèl
- very fond of [esp. food]. Kêbo kuwi [x] pari. Kerbaus love rice plants.
- ngêmèrè-kake
- -ni var of ø-MÊRI-KAKE, -NI.
- ngêmpêt
- ngêmprêt
- to make a run, to dash.
- ngêmu
- 1 filled (with), containing. [x] rasa filled with emotion. [x] gêtih forming a blood blister, bleeding subcutaneously. mêndhung [x] udan rain-filled clouds. Mênawa mbulane miring ngiwa kuwi [x] firasat arêp larang bêras. When the crescent moon is tipped to the left, it contains an omen that the price of rice is going up. 2 form of KÊMU.
- ngên
- [x]-[x] thought, idea. ngê/di-[x]-[x] to keep thinking about. Kowe lagi ngê-[x]-[x] apa kok mênêng wae. What are you thinking about, that you're so quiet? See also ANGÊN, KANGÊN.
- ngêndhayah
- var of NGÊNDHAYUR.!
- ngêndhayur
- to hang down ponderously, e.g. a laden fruit-tree branch.
- ngêndhanu
- ltry dark, overcase.
- ngêndhêrêk
- [of chickens] to sit in a hunched-over position.
- ngêndhih
- ltry to defeat, overcome.
- ngêndika
- ki to say, talk, tell, speak to [a social inferior]. [x]-n to converse, talk. ng/di-[x]-kake to tell sth. pa-[x] what smn says [to a social inferior]. For corresponding ng usages see JARE, GUNÊM, KANDHA, OMONG, CLATHU, CRITA, TUTUR. See also ANDIKA.
- ngêdhuyuk
- bent low under a heavy burden.
- ngene
- ng, ngatên kr 1 like this, in this way, so; as follows (Degree I, Introduction, 6: inf var of MÊNGKENE). 2 var of RENE. ngena-[x] (ngetan-ngètên kr) like this, in these ways. Kowe kok ngena-[x] gulune nèng apa? Why do you keep going this way with your neck? mBok ya ngena-[x]-a ya ora bisa. No matter how you try, you won't be able to do it. ø/di-[x]-kake to do this to; to treat in this way. Yèn dingènèkake mbokmênawa bisa ditêkuk. If you do this to it, maybe you can bend it.
- ngènèh
- var of RENE.
- ngêng
- (or [x]-[x]) rpr buzzing.
- ngêng-
- see also under NG- (Introduction, 3.1.3) or under consonant that has been reduplicated then nasalized (Introduction, 3.1.3,
- ngèngèh
- [x]-an food reserved for smn. ø/di-[x]-ake or ø/di-[x]-i 1 to give. 2 to leave food for smn who has not yet appeared at the meal. See also ÈNGÈH.
- ngèngèr
- 1 (ng-abdi kr) to live in smn's home as a servant. A kêtampan [x] ana ing
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- karandhan. A was taken into the widow's home as a servant. 2 [of a child] to live in the home of a relative, to serve him and to learn proper manners and become educated. ø/di-[x]-ake to have smn taken into a family (as above). Slamêt ngèngèrake anake marang Pak Gêdhene. Slamet sent his son to live with his [the son's] uncle. ø/di-[x]-i 1 to be in service to. 2 to serve smn as a protege. pa-[x]-an act of going into service. Pa-[x]-anmu dak tampa. I will receive you into my family (in service).
- ngèngkèl
- argumentative.
- ngèngkèng
- 1 to keep crying/howling. 2 stubborn.
- ngêngkrik
- [of crickets] to chirp. Jangkrike padha [x] "krik-krik-krik!" Crickets chirped.
- ngênglêng
- eccentric, deranged.
- ngèngrèng
- [x]-an 1 a rough (first) draft; an outline. 2 (having been) drafted or outlined. ø/di-[x] 1 to draft [a document etc.]. 2 to draw a pattern outline onto fabric being worked in batik.
- ngêngrêng
- elegant-looking.
- ngènyèg
- to walk rapidly straight ahead looking to neither right nor left.
- ngènylèg
- var of NGÈNYÈG.
- ngênyos
- to douse a fire.
- ngêntar
- to run (off) fast.
- ngênthiyu
- industrious, diligent.
- ngênthir
- crickets' chirping.
- ngêncrèt
- to dash, sprint, run (off) fast.
- ngencutake
- appealing-looking, captivating (var of M-PENCUT-AKE).
- ngêpipir
- to tremble, shiver.
- ngèprèt
- to dash off, run away.
- ngêr-
- see also under NGR- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus R (Introduction,
- ngêrak
- intsfr dry [of season]. kêtiga [x] a dry season that is exceptionally dry.
- ngèrèng
- 1 (to make) a loud chirping or humming sound, e.g. crickets, locusts. 2 to wail.
- ngêrik
- to chirp loudly.
- ngêrti
- ng, ngêrtos kr to understand, know (pirsa or priksa or uninga ki). Aku ora [x] asmane. I don't know his name. Bênêr aku [x]. OK, I get it. Bèna, mêngko rak [x] dhewe. Let him find out for himself. [x]-an 1 you should know ...; please understand ... Ngêrtiya, trêsnaku marang kowe iku lair têrusing batin. I want you to know that my love for you is wholehearted. 2 if [one] had known. [x]-a ngene, aku ora mangkat. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have gone. [x]-n quick to grasp/understand. [x]-ne what smn knows/understands. [x]-ku dhèwèke iku sugih. As far as I know, she's rich. Kabèh butuhmu [x]-mu mung sibu. For everything you want, you come to your mother! [x]-mu ora ana liya kêjaba mung bab dhuwit. The only thing you understand is money. [x]-[x] 1 what smn knows. Kok [x]-[x]-mu kuwi! How on earth could you know that! 2 suddenly, unexpectedly. [x]-[x] wis lungguh ing papane sakawit. All at once she was back in the same seat. ma-[x] ltry var of [x] (see also MANGÊRTI). ø/di-[x]-kake to cause smn to understand/know. ø/di-[x]-ni to make known, to convey information. Montor bisa ngrêtèni adoh-cêdhake dalan sing diliwati. Cars indicate the distance you travel. pa-[x] comprehension, grasp. sa-[x]-e to the extent of one's knowledge. Sa-[x]-ku, dhèke durung kawin. As far as I know, he's not married.
- ngêrtos
- to know, understand (kr for NGÊRTI).
- ngês
- interesting, significant, having appeal or substance. [x]-ing wulangan the essential part of the lesson. Karanganmu bêcike diganti supaya luwih [x]. You'd better revise your article so it will have more appeal. Mau bêngi lakone wayang wong [x] bangêt. The plot of last night's drama was very interesting. Kêrtas-kêrtas ujian mau amor layang-layang sing [x]-[x] kae. Mixed in with the test papers were some provocative-looking letters.
- ngesuk
- rg var of BESUK.
- ngêt
- [x]-[x]-an 1 warmed-over food. 2 to stare at each other. ngê/di-[x]-ake to watch closely, examine carefully. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to warm up [leftovers]. ngê/di-[x]-i to watch intently, stare at. See also ANGÊT, INGÊT.
- ngêthakrah
- abundant, in large quantities.
- Ngêthangkrong
- to sit (impolitely) in a higher position than others. See also MÊTHANGKRONG.
- ngêtawang
- obvious; conspicuous.
- ngêthawêng
- [of moustaches] having a fine sweeping curve.
- ngêthawit
- small and finely shaped.
- ngèthèg
- to zigzag.
- ngêtege
- to stay quiet, not contribute to the conversation.
- ngêtègèr
- ngêtêgêr, var of NGÊTEGE.
- ngêtègès
- able to withstand wear and tear or endure physical hardship.
- ngêthêkêr
- 1 to stay put, stay in one place. 2 to remain off by oneself, sad and withdrawn.
- ngêthekor
- to enjoy one's food, eat with gusto.
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- ngêthekrak
- to sit in an unmannerly way, e.g. sprawled.
- ngêthêkrêk
- var of NGÊTHÊKÊR.
- ngêthêkul
- 1 to sit with the knees drawn up and the face buried in the arms. 2 to devote oneself wholly to work.
- ngêthèl
- dirty, greasy.
- ngètên
- in this way (md for NGATÊN). ngetan-[x] like this/that, in these/those ways (kr: see NGENE, NGANA).
- ngêthêngkrêng
- to sit motionless.
- ngêthêngkruk
- ngêthêngkrus, var of NGÊTHÊNGKRÊNG.
- ngêthêpês
- to sit cross-legged in respectful silence.
- ngêtepol
- covered with dirt, mud, grease.
- ngêtheprak
- [of human excrement] piled high.
- ngêthèprès
- to keep up a steady stream of chatter.
- ngêtêpus
- to babble, talk nonsense.
- ngêthêthêr
- to shiver from cold or dampness.
- ngèthèti
- to clean [e.g. a chicken] by removing the insides.
- ngêtiging
- rg quick-paced, in a hurry.
- ngêthiyêng
- to drive oneself hard on the job. Aja [x], lèrèn dhisik. Don't work too hardtake a break.
- ngêthiyu
- var of NGÊTHIYÊNG.
- ngêthikrak
- scattered around is disarray; in a mess.
- ngêthingkrik
- 1 to sit higher up than others (a breach of etiquette). 2 to consider oneself to good to pitch in and work with the others.
- ngêthingkring
- ngêthiplêng
- (to run) fast.
- ngêthiprat
- to run fast, make a dash.
- ngêthiprèt
- ngêthiprêt, var of NGÊTHIPRAT.
- ngêcèbrès
- var of NGÊCÈPRÈS.
- ngêcêmong
- to talk aimlessly. Wiwit mau mung [x] ora ana putusane. They've been rambling on and on without coming to a decision.
- ngêcêncêng
- var of NGÊCÊCÊNG.
- ngêcêpoh
- soaking wet.
- ngêcêprèh
- var of NGÊCÊPOH.
- ngêcèprès
- to talk on and on.
- ngêcêproh
- var of NGÊCÊPOH.
- ngêcibris
- var of NGÊCIPRIS.
- ngêcipir
- (to run) fast.
- ngêciprèt
- var of NGÊTHIPRAT.
- ngêcipris
- to talk continuously.
- ngêciput
- (to run) fast, to scurry.
- ngêcit
- var of NG-GÊCIT.
- ngêciwis
- var of NGÊCIPRIS.
- ngêcombar
- having plenty of sauce, gravy, etc. Yèn njangan bobor kudu [x]. Bobor vegetable soup has to be made with lots of liquid.
- ngêcome
- to talk foolishly, prattle.
- ngêcomèl
- to talk all the time.
- ngêcoprès
- to talk on and on.
- ngêcriwis
- var of NGÊCIPRIS.
- ngêcumut
- all covered (with) [sth messy].
- ngêcuprus
- to talk incessantly, to keep talking.
- ngêcut
- to nurse, suck (children's word).
- ngêcucung
- var of NGÊCÊCÊNG.
- ngêcuwèh
- to talk continuously.
- ngêcuwis
- var of NGÊCUWIT.
- ngêcuwit
- to twitter, squeak [e.g. birds, mice]; fig to talk too much (esp. girls). See also CUWIT.
- ngêthokroh
- so abundant as to be worthless.
- ngêtol
- var of NG-GÊTOL.
- ngêthongkrong
- to sit higher up than others (unmannerly). See also MÊTHONGKRONG.
- ngêtoprès
- var of NGÊCOPRÈS.
- ngêthopros
- to boast, tell tall tales of one's experiences or accomplishments.
- ngêtugur
- [to sit, lie, sleep] motionless.
- ngêthungkru:k
- to sit with bowed head; to sit looking down. See also THUNGKRUK.
- ngêthungkrung
- ngêthupru:k
- var of NGÊTHÊPRUS.
- ngêthupru:s
- to talk non-stop, to keep jabbering.
- ngêthuthu:r
- shivering with wet and cold.
- ngêthuwik
- to keep scratching oneself.
- ngewas
- (on/to) the diagonal.
- ngèwèl
- to shake, tremble.
- ngèwès
- to flow, pour out; fig to talk a lot. Nèk wis [x], lali mangan. Once he gets to talking, he forgets to eat.
- ngg-
- see under G; see also under ÊNG- (Introduction, 2.9.5).
- ngi
- [x]-n rice that has been cooled by fanning so that it is not too hot to eat. ngê/di-[x] to fan [rice] cool.
- ngigêl
- [of peacocks] to spread the tail.
- ngigli:g
- describing a firm, steadily paced way of walking, without paying any heed to one's surroundings.
- ngigli:ng
- rg to come empty-handed, not bring anything.
- ngiyêng
- to fuss, whine, cry.
- ngik
- (or ngak-[x]) 1 rpr the sound of labored breathing. 2 rpr the bowing of a stringed instrument.
- ngikik
- to giggle.
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- ngikil
- (to cough) persistently.
- ngiklik
- 1 to make a clicking sound. 2 var of NGIKIK.
- ngilmi
- knowledge; (a) science (sbst? kr for ILMU).
- ngimêl
- to nibble constantly.
- nging
- inf var of NANGING.
- nginglung
- disorganized, absent-minded, rushing around confused.
- nginyig
- 1 to walk with little trotting steps. 2 to walk straight ahead looking to neither left nor right.
- nginylig
- var of NGINYIG.
- nginthar
- (to run) fast, to scurry.
- nginthi:k
- (to run) fast.
- ngithar
- var of NGINTHAR.
- ngiwa
- 1 to(ward) the left; to go left. menggok [x] to make a left turn. 2 unethical; immoral. laku [x] corrupt practices; [of women] promiscuity; prostitution. kê-[x]-nên too far to the left. Siti lungguhe kê-[x]-nên mula ora klêbu potrèt. Siti sat so far to the left she didn't get in the picture. ma-[x] ltry var of [x]. Lakune mêngiwa. He walked to the left. or His conduct is unethical. See also KIWA.
- ngiwas
- var of NGEWAS.
- ngiwung
- to lose one's self-control, go berserk.
- ngy-
- see under Y-, KY- (Introduction,
- ngl-
- see also under L-, KL- (Introduction,
- nglayêg
- to keep busy, always be on the go.
- nglayub
- [of eyes] sleepy-looking.
- nglakani
- to yield a small crop of fruit or none at all.
- nglambrang
- to wander aimlessly or restlessly.
- nglamprah
- to touch or drag on the ground.
- nglamun
- hazy, indistinct.
- nglandêng
- constant, steady, pervasive.
- nglanjak
- to exceed. Blanjaku [x] saka pamêtuku. My expenses are greater than my income. [x] tapêl watês mlêbu ing nêgara tangga to go beyond the boundaries into a neighboring country.
- nglangkèt
- excessively thin.
- nglangkunig
- crooked, winding.
- nglangsrah
- to touch or drag on the ground.
- nglangut
- far off, remote, desolate. Layangane [x] dhuwur bangêt. The kite was way high in the air. Pikirane nglambrang [x]. Her thoughts strayed far off. Yèn bêngi sêpi nyênyêt, rasane banjur [x]. It was very still at night and I felt lonely.
- nglaup
- to shout or sing boisterously.
- nglebrag
- large and lumpy-looking.
- nglêgarang
- to sleep in an unusual place or manner. Dhèke [x] ing kursi. He fell asleep in his chair.
- nglègèg
- to sit up straight.
- nglêgèyèh
- to lie down; to get into bed.
- nglêgewa
- ora [x] to not expect or anticipate. Aku ora [x] yèn baturku dhewe sing nyolong jamku. I never thought my own servant would steal my watch. Aku ora [x] ujug-ujug jêbul ana wong têka. Quite unexpectedly, someone came straight toward me.
- nglêgoyor
- var of NGLÊGUYUR.
- nglêgorong
- var of NGLÊGARANG.
- nglêguyur
- to stagger, walk unsteadily.
- nglèyèk
- to lean, list.
- nglêkêr
- sound asleep.
- nglelah
- unsteady; lacking strength or sturdiness.
- nglêlèdhèk
- to tease, annoy, pester.
- nglêlêr
- slow. Yèn nyambut gawe aja [x]. Don't slow down on the job.
- ngleloh
- var of NGLELAH.
- nglêmbara
- to wander, roam.
- nglêmbèrèh
- to sag; to lie or hang loosely.
- nglêmbêrêk
- to lie weakly. Jarane saking kêsêle banjur [x] nang dalan. The horse was so exhaused it sank down on the street.
- nglèmbrèh
- var of NGLÊMBÈRÈH.
- nglêmbrêk
- var of NGLÊMBÊRÊK.
- nglêmbur
- to work outside of the usual hours. Êmbokne [x] mbathik. His mother worked at her batik nights. Bapak arêp [x] têkan jam wolu bêngi. Father is working (overtime) till eight this evening.
- nglêmburuk
- var of NGLÊMPURUK.
- nglêmêk
- 1 damp; limp from dampness. 2 to fade, lose color.
- nglêmir
- [of fabric] lightweight, gauzy, without body.
- nglêmperak
- to sit in an improper or unmannerly way.
- ngêlmpêrêk
- var of NGLÊMPRÊK.
- nglêmpis
- to pant, breathe heavily.
- nglèmprèh
- 1 to fly at a low altitude. 2 to touch or drag on the ground.
- nglêmprèh
- (to walk) straight ahead without looking to either side.
- nglêmprêk
- weak, enervated.
- nglêmprêng
- var of NGLÊMPRÈH.
- nglêmpuruk
- 1 piled up in disorder. 2 sitting/lying with head bowed in apprehension.
- nglêmpus
- fast asleep; (to sleep) soundly.
- nglênêng
- slow, smooth, placid, silent.
- nglêngak
- to crane the neck.
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- nglênggêr
- motionless and unresponding, as though in a coma.
- nglêngguruk
- to lie weakly (esp. of chickens in death throes).
- nglêngkara
- impossible; improbable, unlikely, uncommon.
- nglênthar
- to go fast, speed up.
- nglèncèr
- to go out; to go smw for pleasure.
- nglêntrêng
- var of NGLÊNÊNG.
- nglêpis
- to chain-smoke.
- nglepos
- var of NGLEPUS.
- nglèprèh
- var of NGLÈMPRÈH.
- nglepus
- fast asleep.
- nglêpus
- var of NGLÊPIS.
- nglêsês
- taking one's ease. Bar mangan [x] lèyèh-lèyèh. After he ate, he stretched out comfortably.
- nglesus
- sound asleep.
- nglethak
- excessively thin.
- nglèthèk
- var of NGLETHAK.
- nglêthêk
- to remain apart from others. Siti [x] nang kamar dolanan anak-anakan. Siti is playing with her dolls alone in her room.
- nglêcis
- to smoke habitually.
- nglikêr
- var of NGLÊKÊR.
- nglimprêk
- to lie weak and listless.
- nglindur
- to talk in one's sleep.
- nglipus
- var of NGLEPUS.
- nglisik
- rasping sound. Ora ana walang [x]. It was dead quiet.
- nglithik
- var of NGLETHAK.
- ngloyos
- to go/stay out in the rain.
- nglombrot
- carelessly dressed, sloppy-looking.
- nglomprot
- var of NGLOMBROT.
- ngloco
- to masturbate.
- nglocut
- to go out in the rain by necessity.
- nglowèh
- [of wounds] open; opened up.
- nglumpruk
- weak, limp, slumped over.
- ngobos
- to talk nonsense, make empty boasts.
- ngodor
- persistent, dogged.
- ngoyos
- 1 to sweat profusely. 2 rg var of NGLOYOS.
- ngoko
- the speech style used when addressing smn of lower social status, or of equal status with whom one has a close relationship; also, when talking to oneself (see Introduction, 5). têmbung [x] a Ngoko word. Apa [x]-ne gêrah? What is gêrah in Ngoko? Aku yèn gunêman krama apa [x] kêpenake? Should I speak to him in Krama or in Ngoko? têmbung krama inggil sa-[x]-ne a High Krama word with its corresponding Ngoko. [x]-n-[x]-nan to speak to each other in Ngoko. ø/di-[x]-kake to put into Ngoko, say in Ngoko. Ngokokna. Say it in Ngoko. Têmbung sing tulisane dhoyong aja dingokokake. The italicixed words are not to be put into Ngoko. [x] andhap humble Ngoko. [x] lugu ordinary Ngoko. See also KOKO.
- ngolor
- to flatter, fawn (on).
- ngomplèh
- [of lips] protruding and pendulous.
- ngomplo
- empty-handed. Wis adoh-adoh têkan rene, ndadak [x]. After coming all this way, I end up getting nothing!
- ngomplong
- 1 to have a hole in it. 2 var of NGOMPLO.
- ngon
- ng, ngèn kr ngê/di-[x] to tend [livestock]; fig to watch over, take care of. See also ANGON.
- ngong
- ltry I, me; my.
- ngonggor
- rg thirsty.
- ngongkloh
- weak, listless.
- ngongklong
- var of NGONGKLOH.
- ngongsrong
- panting; short of breath.
- ngonylog
- to walk along in careless disregard of others.
- ngonyog
- var of NGONYLOG.
- ngono
- ng, ngatên kr 1 like that, in that way, so (Degree II, Introduction, 6: inf var of MÊNGKONO). Dhèk cilik aku iya [x]. I was that way too when I was a child. Yèn [x] kuwi, kowe mèmpêr aku. If you're like that, you're like me. Ah! kok [x]. That [what you just did] isn't nice! 2 if only. 3 excl expressing wryness, superciliousness; distress. Bisaa [x] dhèke arêp tuku montor loro. Naturally he'd buy two cars if he could. Gangsir kuwi ko-ênggo apa ta? – Ya dipangan [x]. What do you do with ground-crickets? – You eat them, of course! Kêsêl [x]. I'm so tired! Adhuh, dhèwèke rak kêplindhês [x]. Oh heavens, she was hit by a car! [x]-[x] countrary to appearances. [x]-[x] dhèke sugih. He may not look it, but he's rich. ngona-[x] (ngetan-ngètên kr) to do all kinds of things. sanajana ngona-[x] no matter what you do ... ø/di-[x]-kake to do that to; to treat in that way. Yèn kowe dingonokake apa gêlêm? How'd you like it if smn did that to you?
- ngono(h)
- var of RONO.
- ngoprès
- rg to chatter, talk about trivia.
- ngorèk
- 1 to croak. swarane kodhok [x] the croaking of the frog. 2 form of KORÈK.
- ngorok
- 1 to snore. 2 cr to (go to) sleep.
- ngot
- [x]-[x]-an recurrent; to recur periodically. See also ANGOT.
- ngotên
- in that way (md for NGATÊN).
- ngotès
- rg to speak.
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- ngowèh
- to slobber, drool.
- ngowok
- [of eyes] deep-set.
- ngr-
- see also under R-, KR- (Introduction,
- ngrambyang
- to wander restlessly. Nyawane [x] nang êndi-êndi. The soul [of the dead man] is restless. Pikirane [x] nang ndi-ndi. He's day-dreaming.
- ngrê-
- see also under NGÊR- (Introduction, 2.9.6) or under replaced-consonant plus ÊR (Introduction,
- ngrêbda
- to grow, make headway. Agama Hindhu karo agama Budha kuwi bisa [x] bêbarêngan ing tanah Jawa. Hinduism and Buddhism flourished side by side in Java.
- ngrêda
- var of NGRÊBDA.
- ngrêgancang
- tall and dashing.
- ngrêguyung
- var of NGRÊMBAKA.
- ngrêm
- [x]-[x]-an used for breeding. Pitik iki kanggo [x]-[x]-an. This chicken is a brood hen. ngê/di-[x]-ake to have [eggs] hatched. Êndhoge sêpuluh dingrêmake kabèh. He's having the hen hatch out all ten eggs. ngê/di-[x]-i to sit on [eggs]. Êndhoge di-[x]-i babon. The hen is hatching the eggs. babon [x] a brood hen. See also ANGRÊM.
- ngrêmbaka
- to flourish, grow luxuriantly.
- ngrêmbuyung
- thick, dense, luxuriant. Gêgodhongan katon [x]. The foliage is dense. Trêsnaku [x]. I love her with all my heart.
- ngrênggeto
- heavy, bulky, unwieldy.
- ngrênggoto
- var of NGRÊNGGETO.
- ngrèngkèl
- argumentative.
- ngrênthil
- to isolate oneself. Dhèke mau barêng sagrombolan nanging suwe-suwe banjur [x] dhewe. He was with the group but after a while he went off by himself.
- ngrêrangin
- ltry smooth, gracious, at a leisurely pace.
- ngrêcèh
- to rain steadily.
- ngrika
- (over) there (kr for KANA).
- ngriki
- here (kr for KENE).
- ngriku
- there (kr for KONO).
- ngricih
- to rain continuously.
- ngrobyok
- 1 to cluster around sth, mob smn. 2 form of KROBYOK.
- ngromèd
- to rant, rave, speak deliriously.
- ngromèh
- var of NGROMÈD.
- ngruwil
- 1 stingy, close-fisted. 2 form of KRUWIL.
- ngu-
- var of NG-, NGA-, NGÊ- before w: Introduction,
- ngugung
- to spoil/overindulge smn.
- nguk
- 1 (it is) preferable. [x] mati tinimbang dijajah wong manca. Better die than live under foreign subjugation. 2 rpr a kiss (in the Javanese style). Ngêrti-ngêrti mak [x] Siti diambung êmbahne. Siti's grandfather suddenly kissed her. [x]-[x]-an 1 to kiss each other. 2 to keep looking out though a door or window. ngê/di-[x] to kiss smn. See also ANGUK.
- ngukak
- var of NGUNGKAK.
- ngukud
- intensely cold, bone-chilling.
- ngukung
- var of NG-KUKUK.
- ngulandara
- to wander, roam.
- ngumbara
- to drift around, wander.
- ngumbrêng
- 1 to make a buzzing or humming sound. 2 to floxk to. Wong-wong [x] ing ngarêp pêndhapa. People crowded around the front of the veranda.
- ngumplèh
- var of NGOMPLÈH.
- ngung
- (or [x]-[x]) rpr the whine of an engine.
- ngungkak
- to disregard. [x] krama to forget one's manners.
- ngungklu:k
- preoccupied.
- ngungkruk
- to bend, bow; to sit with downcast eyes.
- ngungrum
- to court [a girl]. pa-[x] seductive utterances.
- ngungun
- (ng kr? ki for GUMUN?) to wonder; surprised, perplexed. Aku [x] bangêt krungu têmbunge. I was amazed at what he said. Aku [x] bocah iki kok glibêdan wae. I wonder why he keeps moving around. pa-[x] astonishment, wonderment. Pa-[x]-e ora êntèk-êntèk, ndêlok kaendahan kang ngedab-edabi mau. He was stunned to see such beauty.
- ngunylug
- to walk on steadily without looking around.
- ngunyug
- var of NGUNYLUG.
- nguncêl
- rg obstinate, contrary.
- nguncis
- thin and wan-looking.
- ngunthug
- to walk hurriedly with bowed head. bali [x] to hurry home intently.
- ngunul
- at a fast pace.
- nguprêt
- [of clothing] tight, binding.
- ngur
- inf var of ANGUR.
- ngurag
- [of animals] very old. mati [x] to die of old age.
- nguris
- thin and pale-looking.
- ngucir
- to escape from a humiliating situation. Sarja kêwêlèh olèhe goroh banjur lunga [x]. Sarja, caught in his lie, left in mortification.
- ngucu
- 1 to walk fast and steadily and intently. 2 to go berserk.
- nguthuh
- shameless, brazen. Wong wis ditulak kok mêksa [x]. He was turned down, but he
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- just laughed it of. Wong olèhe [x], utang ora nyaur. He has his nerve, not paying up what he owes.
- ngu(w)-
- see also under NGU-, NGW-, or under replaced-consonant plus U, W (Introduction, 2.9.7,
- ngw-
- old var of M- as nasal-prefixed form of w- initial root (e.g. ng-wènèh-i for m-wènèh-i) See also under NGU(W)- or under replaced consonant plus U(W) (Introduction,
- ngwang
- oj I, me; my (shf of INGWANG).
- ni
- female title of respect corresponding to the male title KI. See also NYAI.
- -ni
- suffix post-vowel form of -I.
- niaya
- di-[x] to be treated cruelly (var of DI-ANI(NG)AYA).
- nihan
- oj like that; as aforesaid.
- niyaga
- musicians of a gamelan ensemble. pa-[x]-n place where the musicians are arrayed.
- niya(y)i
- var of NYAI.
- niyaka
- var of NAYAKA.
- niyat
- 1 intention. Aku [x] arêp wêruh. I'm determined to find out. [x]-e arêp marèni olèhe dhêmên ngabotohan. He means to cure himself of his addiction to gambling. 2 expression of one's purpose in saying an Islamic prayer before actually uttering the prayer. ka-[x]-an plan, intention. ø/di-[x]-i to determine, make up one's mind.
- nik
- nak-[x] to devote one's attention to sth. Aja diganggu yèn lagi ênak-ênik ngono. Don't brother him while he's trying to figure it out. Kakeyan nak-[x] overmeticulous. ngê/di-[x]-[x] or ngê/di-nak-[x] to do/treat meticulously. Jam anyar mau tansah dinak-[x]. He's very careful of his new watch. Sawise di-[x]-[x], pipa mau nuli digosok. He made the pipe with painstaking care and then polished it.
- nika
- that (thing, place, time) (md for KUWI, KAE).
- nikah
- var of NINGKAH.
- nikanang
- var of NIKANG.
- nikang
- honorific title. [x] jabang bayi the honorable infant.
- nikêl
- 1 (prn with I as in BIT) nickel (metal alloy). 2 form of TIKÊL.
- nikèn
- respectful title used before women's names.
- niki
- this (thin, place, time) (md for IKI).
- nikmat
- comfortable; pleasurable. [x] olèhe turu. He was sleeping peacefully. sêsuguhan sing [x]-[x] delicious refreshments. Aku krasa kurang [x]. I felt uncomfortable.
- nikotin
- nicotine.
- niku
- that (thing, time, place) (md for KUWI).
- nil
- rpr a light accidental touch. Irunge didumuk mak [x]. His hand brushed against her nose. [x]-[x]-an restless, fidgety. sa-[x] a mere touch, a tiny amount.
- nila
- 1 leaves of the indigo tree (tom); indigo dy made from these leaves. 2 sapphire. [x] wêrdi highest-quality indigo.
- nimas
- respectful title applied to socially high ladies, usu. by their husbands. [x] ayu respectful title applied to ladies of high standing.
- ninèk
- inf var of NINI.
- ninga
- 1 but (inf var of NANGING). 2 rg in, at, on, to. 3 bright, clear (shf of BÊNING). 4 yellow, fair (shf of KUNING). 5 rpr the beat of a gamelan gong. nang-[x] to keep saying 'but.' Kowe ki kok pijêr nang-[x] wae. You're always making objections! [x]-[x]-ên 1 bright, clear. 2 [of liquid] thin, runny.
- -ningb
- suffix post-vowel form of -ING.
- ningan
- inf var of NANGING.
- ningkah
- formal marriage ceremony. dina [x] wedding day. [x]-an marriage ceremony. ø/di-[x] to perform the marriage ceremony. Apa wis di-[x]? Have they been married yet?
- ningrat
- an aristocrat. para [x] the bluebloods.
- ningsun
- post-vowel form of INGSUN.
- nini
- 1 grandmother. 2 affectionate term for addressing girls. [x]-[x] [of women] very old; a very old woman. [x] among godmother; female good spirit that protects human beings. [x] blorong mermaid. [x] thowok or [x] thowong a female figure made of a coconut shell, into which a female spirit is said to enter (children's game). See also KAKIa.
- ninis
- to be put out in the fresh air. pa-[x]-an a place in the house or yard where one can relax and get some fresh air.
- ninthing
- [of clothing] to tight.
- nipah
- swamp palm tree.
- nipas
- see ADUS, GÊTIH.
- nipis
- see JÊRUK.
- -nipun
- suffix post-vowel form of -IPUN.
- nir
- 1 kidney. lara [x] (to have) kidney disease. lara [x] stin (to have) kidney stones. 2 oj lost, gone. 3 oj lacking, without. nar-[x] or [x]-[x]-an apprehensive, on edge. See also NAR.
- -nira
- suffix post-vowel var of -IRAb.
- nirdaya
- oj powerless, lacking strength.
- -nireka
- -nirèki-, -nirèku suffix post-vowel form of -IREKA etc.
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- nirmala
- oj pure, sacred, flawless.
- nirwana
- nirvana: the freeing of the spirit with the death of the body.
- nirwikara
- oj brave, stalwart.
- nisab
- the portion of one's earnings that is to be donated to charity, in accordance with Islamic principles.
- niskara
- sa-[x] all, everyone, everything.
- nistha
- low, contemptible, shameful. ka-[x]-n shame, disrepute. [x] dama sms [x].
- nisthip
- ltry var of NISTHA.
- nitik
- 1 a certain batik design. 2 form of TITIK.
- nitya(sa)
- countenance.
- ny-
- var of NG- prefix (see Introduction, See also under ÊNY- (Introduction, 2.9.5).
- ny.
- see NYONYAH.
- nya
- 1 (mangga or suwawi kr) here! take it! [x] iki. Here you are! Here it is! 2 oj suffix his, her, their; the (=modern -Ec). ngê/di-[x]-ni to hand over. [x] dhadha-ku, êndi rai-mu? wy Come on (out) and fight!
- nya-
- see also under NYÊ- (Introduction, 2.9.2) or under replaced-consonant plus Ê (Introduction,
- nyablik
- [of lips, mouth] small, dainty.
- nyadham
- [of mangoes, guavas] just about ripened.
- nyagir
- var of NGAGIR.
- nyah
- inf var of NYONYAH. See also DAT.
- nyai
- female title corresponding to KYAI, applied to the wife of a man given this title; also, a general esteem-showing title. [x] gêdhe female title corresponding to KYAI GÊDHE. [x]-ku my wife (joking usage).
- nyak
- [x]-[x]-an thoughtless, inconsiderate, lacking manners.
- nyal
- [x]-[x]-an to fidget, move about restlessly, lack repose.
- nyal-
- see also under NYL- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus L (Introduction,
- nyalawadi
- ng, nyalawados kr mysterious; arousing suspicion. apa-apa sing [x] suspicious circumstances. priyayi kang [x] a mysterious gentleman.
- nyalawados
- kr for NYALAWADI.
- nyam
- [x]-an pleasant; enjoyable. [x]-[x]-ên to keep savoring sth. [x]-[x]-ên lêgine juruh. I can still taste the sweetness of the syrup.
- nyamat
- golden tassel on a certain fez (kuluk) worn by aristocrats for festive occasions.
- nyambik
- rg var of MÊNYAWAK.
- nyambut
- [x] gawe ng, [x] damêl kr, ng-asta ki to work, do a job. Sing [x]-gawe dikon mulih. The workers were sent home. Olèhmu [x] gawe saiki ana ngêndi? Where are you working now? [x] karya to work, engage in labor.
- nyamir
- nyomar-[x] to sneer, curl the lip.
- nyamlêng
- very enjoyable (esp. of food).
- nyamping
- batik wraparound (ki for BÊBÊD, JARIK, TAPIH). [x]-an to put on or wear the above.
- nyamplung
- 1 a lump of ripe fruit, e.g. jackfruit, together with the pit. 2 a certain plant from whose seeds oil is extracted.
- nyamut
- [x]-[x] far off. Montor mabure ketok [x]-[x]. The plane is way way off. Isih [x]-[x] nggonku rampung. I'm still a long way from finishing.
- nyana
- ora kê-[x](-[x]) unexpected. Ora kê-[x] yèn Slamêt arêp têka. I had no idea Slamet was coming. ø/di-[x](-[x]) to expect. Tak [x] mêngko sore udan. I think it's going to rain this afternoon. ora [x] ora ngrêmpêlu entirely unexpected. Aku ora [x] yèn wong kuwi gawene ngapusi. I never would have thought he'd cheat people. Têkane Slamêt ora tak [x]-[x]. I had had no idea that Slamet would come. pa-[x] what smn expects or anticipates. Pa-[x]-ne klèru. His expectations of what would happen were way off. Kok kowe ngêrti duwe pa-[x] yèn dhèke sing nyolong jamku? How could you have known that he was going to steal my watch?
- nyanga
- ng, awis kr [x]-[x]-an to haggle with each other (over). [x]-[x]-an karo tukang becak to talk terms with a pedicab driver. Yèn tabah [x]-[x]-an, iya ora bisa diapusi bakul If you bargain boldly, you won't get cheated. ngê/di-[x] to bargain, haggle. ngê/di-[x]-i to make a bid to [a seller]. Dhèke diênyangi sêtali bae ora entuk. He offered her a quarter for it and she turned it down. See also ANYANGa.
- nyangb
- ng, dhatêng kr (to go) to (shf of MÊNYANG). Yèn kowe arêp [x] Jogja, ya [x]-a. If you want to go to Jogja, go ahead! di-[x]-i to be visited. mBok di-[x]-i sêdhela. Please go see him for a while. Omahe di-[x]-i cah cilik-cilik. Little children came to his house. Piyambakipun dipun dhatêngi pulisi. The police paid him a visit. See also NYUNG-NYANG.
- nyangklêk
- close by. Omahe A [x] saka omahe B. A's house is just a stone's throw from B's.
- nyangklêng
- (a) very long (time).
- nyangkrang
- var of NYANGKRÊNG.
- nyangkrêng
- sitting perched in a high place.
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- nyanyi
- [x]-an a modern-style song. mê-[x] to sing (modern style). ø/di-[x]-kake to sing a song for/to smn. pa-[x] singer.
- nyanthêg
- (or [x]-[x]) close by, very near. Yèn omong ora susah [x]-[x], aku wis krungu. Don't come so close, I can hear you from here.
- nyantug
- within reach. Dhèke tak kon njupuk koran nang lêmari kuwi, ora [x]. I asked him to get the newspaper on top of the cupboard but he couldn't reach it.
- nyantun
- finger's breadth (sbst? kr for NYARI).
- nyanuk
- [x]-[x] to grope, feel around.
- nyaprang
- [of moustaches] extending out to the sides.
- nyar-
- see also under NYR- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus R (Introduction,
- nyari
- ng, nyantun sbst? kr a finger's breadth (as a unit of measurement: ca. 1 centimeter).
- nyarong
- intsfr clear. bêning [x] crystal clear [of water].
- nyaros
- rg kr for NYARI.
- nyas
- rpr a reflex after touching sth hot.
- nyat
- rpr standing up, ngadêg [x] to stand up suddenly. [x]-[x]-an always on the go. mê-[x] to stand up from a sitting position. Dhèke mê-[x] mlayu mêtu. He got up and ran out.
- nyata
- 1 true. [x] tênan lo. It's true! 2 (or [x]-ne) actually, in fact. ka-[x]-n reality. Dêlêngên ka-[x]-n, aja sênêng urip ing pangimpèn. See things the way they are; don't live in a dream world. ø/di-[x]-kake to confirm. Jarene ana montor tabrakan, mulane aku nyatakake. I heard there was a car accident and I went to see if it was true. ø/di-[x]-ni to be or become a reality to/for. Durung dinyatani kok wis sambat. You haven't even had it happen to you yet, but you're already complaining! pra-[x] ltry it is true; in fact. Sang Arjuna pra-[x] linangkung. Arjuna was indeed excellent. sa-[x]-(ne) (sa-èstu or [sa]èstu-nipun kr) in fact; as a matter of fact. Wis ngêrti yèn mêntas diimpi, mêrga sa-[x]-ne ora ana meja. He knew he had dreamed it, for there wasn't really a table there.
- nyathis
- prominent, protruding [esp. of chin, jaw].
- nyathus
- 1 to sit doing nothing, not join in the activity. 2 var of NYATHIS.
- nyawa
- soul, spirit, life; (fig) term of endearment for addressing one's beloved. Dhèwèke mati, [x]-ne ilang. He died and the soul departed. [x]-ne ulêt bangêt. He's hard to kill.
- nyê-
- see also under NYA- (Introduction, 2.9.2) or under replaced-consonant plus A (Introduction,
- nyêbablang
- var of N-JÊPAPLANG.
- nyêdhil
- ora [x] inconsequential, trifling.
- nyêdhis
- var of NYÊDHIL.
- nyêdhit
- see BOKONG.
- nyêgadul
- gloomy; grim-faced.
- nyêgele
- var of NYÊGIL.
- nyêgil
- off by oneself, apart from others.
- nyêglik
- var of NYÊGIL.
- nyèk
- rpr the feel of stepping into sth soft and mushy. ngê/di-[x](-[x]) to squash sth; fig to humiliate or offend smn.
- nyêk
- [x]-[x] rpr a hushed sound or feel, such as when touching sth softly or walking softly on wet ground. [x]-[x]-an filled, crowded (rg var of SÊG-SÊGAN).
- nyêkênêk
- disgusting-looking, nauseating.
- nyêkênthang
- spreading out broadly.
- nyêkênthik
- curled slightly at the tip.
- nyêkênthing
- curved at the end.
- nyêkênthit
- var of NYÊKÊNTHIK.
- nyêkênthung
- rolled up at the end.
- nyêkêthut
- to fold up, crease. Alise [x]. His eyebrows were drawn together in a frown. Dondomane [x]. The sewing is folded.
- nyêkithat
- 1 tapering to a point at the tip. 2 [of dress, grooming] neat, meticulous.
- nyêkuthis
- var of NYLÊKUTHIS.
- nyêkuthu
- to make a fist with the thumb between the index and middle fingers.
- nyêl
- [x]-[x]-an close together, crowding each other.
- nyêl-
- see also under NYL- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus L (Introduction,
- nyêmêk
- nyêmèk, nyèmèk, (or [x]-[x]) neither too moist nor too dry. Bakmine [x]. The noodles are just right.
- nyêmêmêt
- (or [x]-an) to chase after girls.
- nyêmèmrèng
- threadbare.
- nyêmlèk
- muddy, dirty, and moist.
- nyêmomong
- var of NYRÊMOMONG.
- nyêmplêk
- var of NYÊMPLUK.
- nyêmpli
- chubby, rounded, cute-looking.
- nyêmplu(k)
- chubby, plump.
- nyêmuk
- [of breasts] small and soft.
- nyêndit
- intsfr fat. lêmu [x] obese.
- nyêng
- nyèng, (or nyang-[x]) rpr an effortless lifting motion. See also DHAT.
- nyêngèl
- conspicuous, eye-catching.
- nyêngèngès
- to laugh without mirth; to jeer, smirk.
- njênggrak
- sharply scented; acrid.
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- nyêngik
- noticeable, conspicuous.
- nyêngingis
- var of NYÊNGÈNGÈS.
- nyêngkanuk
- close by, right under one's nose.
- nyêngkirig
- [of hair, fur, feathers] standing on end.
- nyêngkle
- conspicuous.
- nyêngklik
- precariously balanced on a high place or near an edge.
- nyêngkluk
- to sit working at sth. Wiwit esuk [x] ndondomi klambi. She's been sitting there sewing all day.
- nyêngkorog
- var of NYÊNGKIRIG.
- nyêngkrèk
- rising steeply. Dalane [x]. The road is steep. Rêga bahan-bahan [x]. The price of (dress) goods is skyrocketing.
- nyêngkruk
- engrossed, bent in concentration. Olèhe maca [x]. He's absorbed in his reading.
- nyêngkurêt
- to change position. Alise [x] munggah. His eyebrows shot up.
- nyêngkuruk
- downcast, listless.
- nyêngkuwêk
- var of NYÊNGKUWÊR.
- nyêngkuwêr
- curved or bent into a hook shape.
- nyêngkuwik
- to form a hole; having a hole in it.
- nyêny-
- see also under NY- (Introduction, 3.1.3) or under consonant that has been reduplicated then replaced (Introduction, 3.1.3,
- nyênyêb
- var of NYÊNYÊT.
- nyènyèh
- (or [x]-ên or mê-[x]) to fester.
- nyênyêt
- intsfr quiet. dhêdhêp [x] or sêpi [x] very quiet/lonely. [x] ing bêngi the dead of night.
- nyênthang
- long and protruding. Untune [x]. He has buck teeth.
- nyênthêk
- a squirrel-like animal.
- nyênthèng
- loud, shrill.
- nyênthèt
- [x]-[x] to yell, shout.
- nyêntil
- to shoot a small missile by holding it between thumb and forefinger and snapping it forward.
- nyênthil
- small and round.
- nyêp
- ngê/di-[x]-[x] to cool sth with water. See also ANYÊP.
- nyêpaplang
- extending sideways. Ana kayu [x] ing têngah dalan. There was a log across the road.
- nyêpèpèh
- var of NYÊRPÈPÈH.
- nyêpèpèr
- turned, bent. Sikile [x] mêtu kaya menthok mlaku. His feet toe out like a duck walking.
- nyèprès
- [of moustaches] long and limp.
- nyêprok
- broad, spreading.
- nyêr-
- see also under NYR- (Introduction, 2.9.3) or under replaced-consonant plus R (Introduction,
- nyêrngongos
- long and protruding. Untune [x]. He has buck teeth.
- nyêrpèpèh
- 1 [of feet] spread wide apart. 2 sitting composed and polite.
- nyêrwètèh
- peculiar, eccentric.
- nyês
- rpr a chilly feeling. Mak [x] krasa adhêm. He suddenly felt cold. nyê-[x] 1 chilly. 2 intsfr quiet, lonely. sêpi nyê-[x] very quiet, utterly deseted. See also ANYÊS, CÊS.
- nyèt
- rpr squeezing, crushing. dipidak [x] to get crushed underfoot. ngê/di-[x](-[x]) to mash, squash. Kênthange di-ênyèt-ênyèt. She mashed the potatoes.
- nyêt
- rpr pressing, squeezing. ngê/di-[x](-[x]) to press, squeeze.
- nyêthathêm
- to remain silent, say nothing.
- nyêthuthuk
- 1 inept, lacking deftness or dexterity. 2 trembling with cold. 3 var of NYÊTHUTHUR.
- nyêthuthu:r
- sitting around doing nothing.
- nyi
- var of NI (title).
- nyidham
- to long for certain foods during pregnancy. ø/di-[x]-ake to long for [a food].
- nyiglig
- perched in a high place. Omahe [x] ngarêpake sawah. The house is 'way up high with a rice paddy in front of it.
- nyihi
- to love (ltry var of NGÊ-SIH).
- nyik
- sa-[x] a moment. sa-[x]-an for a moment.
- nying
- var of NYÊNG.
- nyinyih
- var of NYÈNYÈH.
- nyinyir
- soft; slang easy, a cinch.
- nyir
- 1 rpr a pang of uneasiness. Barêng wêruh ing jaba pêtêng, mak [x] atine sumêlang. When she saw it was dark outside, she became apprehensive. 2 inf var of ANYIR.
- nyiru
- piece of coconut shell placed at the bottom of a rice-steaming cone (kukus-an) for the rice to rest on while it steams.
- nyithês
- to kill an insect by pressing it between the fingers. [x] tuma to kill a louse.
- nylêkênthang
- to protrude way out.
- nylêkênthik
- curled, turned. Athi-athi [x]. The hair at her temples curled.
- nylêkop
- cr to speak, say.
- nylêkuthis
- having a listless apathetic air.
- nylênèh
- peculiar, out of the ordinary. lêlakuan sing [x] eccentric behavior. Omongane [x] ora têgês. What he says is strange and meaningless.
- nylênyêr
- var of NLÊNYÊR.
- nylês
- rpr a chilly feeling (var of NYÊS).
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- nylingkring
- slim; long and thin.
- nylingup
- narrow, cramped.
- nyluring
- [of face] thin, pinched-looking.
- nyluwêrake
- to distort or put a false construction on sth. Nèk gunêman tansah mênang mêrga pintêr [x] têtêmbungan. He always comes out on top in a conversation because he knows how to twist words.
- nyo
- 1 large teapot. 2 shf of SINYO.
- nyoh
- here! take it! (var of NYA). ngê/di-[x]-i to give, hand over.
- nyok
- rpr the sound of sth plopping into mud. [x]-[x] 1 crowded, full to overflowing. 2 Jogja slang sometimes, off and on.
- nyong
- rg I, me; my.
- nyonglong
- to encroach [on]; to trespass. Wite pêlêm [x] nang kêbonku. His mango tree overhangs my garden.
- nyonyah
- 1 married woman. [x]-e wis tindak. The lady of the house is out. 2 Caucasian woman, esp. Dutch. [x] Amerika an American lady. 3 (abbr: ny). Mrs.
- nyonyok
- kê-[x] to get burned or pricked by coming into contact with a hot or sharp object; fig to get humiliated. Klambi nylon kê-[x] gêni mak jus ngono wae. A nylon shirt burns like that! If flame touches it. Wanitane rumangsa kê-[x]. The ladies felt slighted. ø/di-[x] to touch with sth hot or sharp; to humiliate. Aku nyonyok Ali nganggo rokok. I touched Ali with a burning cigarette. ø/di-[x]-ake to hurt by holding a hot or sharp object to. Têgêsane di-[x]-ake tangane. They pressed the burning cigarette against his hand.
- nyopros
- [of moustaches] long and unkempt.
- nyos
- rpr sizzling. ngê/di-[x] to touch sth with a hot iron; to brand. See also COS.
- nyrê-
- see also under NYÊR- (Introduction, 2.9.6) or under replaced-consonant plus ÊR (Introduction,
- nyrêmomong
- to glow, burn red.
- nyrêmumuh
- swollen and infected.
- nyrêpèpèh
- to plead, beg.
- nyrungus
- [of face] thin, narrow.
- nyu:k
- rpr a quick touch or connection. Mejane didumuk mak [x]. His hand grazed the table. Lagi wae A mak [x] têka ngomah, wis disusul utusane B. A had hardly reached home when he got a call from B. nyak-[x] crude, boorish. sa-[x]-an a short distance. Mung kari sak [x]-an. There's only a little way left to go. See also MANYUK.
- nyumlik
- var of NYUMPLIK.
- nyumplik
- small and dainty.
- nyung-nyang
- defiant, reckless.
- nyunyah
- nyanyah-[x] to speak crudely/boorishly. See also CUCAH.
- nyunyuk
- var of NYONYOK.
- nyunyur
- 1 soft and mushy, esp. from over cooking. 2 slang very easy, a cinch.
- nyus
- rpr a lunge with a sharp or hot object.
- nyu:t
- rpr a quick whisk. Dhèwèke nyêkêli dhompètku mak [x] ilang. He snatched my wallet. nyat-[x] 1 fickle; vacillating. Duwe kêkarêpan kok nyat-[x]. He keeps changing his mind about what he wants. 2 rpr repeated sucking motions. kê-[x] to get carried away (lit, fig). ngê/di-[x] 1 to snatch. 2 to suck.
- nyu(w)-
- nyw-, see under replaced-consonant plus U(W), W (Introduction, 2.9.7,
- nlangsa
- heartbroken, crushed with grief or hardship. Biyèn [x], saiki mulya. Life used to be hard for him; now he's prosperous. Atine [x] dene mlarat disirik ing liyan. It caused her anguish to be poor and scorned by others. pa-[x]-n feelings of grief or heartache.
- nlanyak
- (or [x]-[x]) to transgress the rules of proper behavior with officious or presumptuous actions.
- nlacap
- ill-mannered, boorish.
- nlênjêr
- to stand solitary. Ing têngah-têngah sawah ana wit wringin [x]. There's a lone banyan tree in the very middle of the paddy.
- nlênyêr
- to proceed stealthily.
- nlimpang
- var of NY-SIMPANG.
- nn.
- see NONAH.
- no
- inf var of KONO.
- no.
- see NOMÊR.
- nok
- 1 adr young girl (shf of DENOK). 2 in, at, on (inf var of ANA ING).
- nol
- zero (var of NUL).
- nom
- ng, nèm kr 1 (timur ki) young. gêdhe cilik, ênom tuwa large and small, young and old. 2 immature. Pêlêm iki isih ênom-ênom. These mangoes aren't ready to eat yet. 3 light [of colors]. biru [x] light blue. [x]-[x]-an young person. para [x]-[x]-an the young. ka-[x]-an 1 youth. 2 young people. 3 the territory under the authority of the crown prince (as contrasted with the king's territory: see also KA-SÊPUH-AN). kê-[x]-ên excessively young. See also ANOM, KUMÊNOM, NONOM.
- nomêr
- (abbr: no.) number in a series. sing [x] siji the first one. Bab [x] Sanga Chapter Nine. ø/di-[x]-i to assign a number to. Di-[x]-i ji, ro, lu. They were numbered 1, 2, 3.
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- nomor
- var of NOMÊR.
- nonah
- (abbr: nn.) an unmarried girl; Miss.
- nong
- 1 in, at, on (inf var of ANA ING). 2 rpr a gamelan gong note.
- nongkrong
- to squat, esp. while eating in a snack shop; to go to a snack shop. Aja sok [x] nèng warung kae lho. Don't ever eat anything at that snack shop over there. Kolonialis British [x] ing wilayah mau. British colonists were occupying the area.
- nongong
- to gape in astonishment.
- noni
- 1 Caucasian girl. 2 Miss.
- noni:k
- var of NONI.
- nonok
- vagina.
- nonol
- a certain caterpillar that feeds on coffee beans.
- nonom
- ng, nènèm kr [x]-an young person. [x]-an loro young couple. sawijining [x]-an bagus a handsome young man. See also NOM.
- nonong
- bulging, protruding.
- nonthong
- to remain silent, not speak.
- noot
- var sp of NOT.
- Nop.
- nopal
- substance used as a coloring agent.
- Nopèmbêr
- (abbr: Nop.) November.
- norma
- standard, norm.
- norong
- to stare with gleaming eyes.
- nor-raga
- shf of ANOR-RAGA.
- not
- 1 musical note; note of the scale. 2 note, memorandum; notebook. blok [x] notebook.
- nota
- var of NOT.
- notaris
- notary public.
- notês
- notebook.
- notisi
- notes, jottings.
- nocog-(-ake, -i)
- var of NY-COCOG-(-AKE, -I).
- notulên
- 1 shorthand notes. 2 minutes of proceedings.
- nraka
- ltry var of NÊRAKA.
- nranyam
- ill-mannered, unrefined.
- nrantang
- threadbare.
- nracak
- similar or identical in size, quality, etc.
- nrawang
- 1 intsfr clear, bright. padhang [x] very bright. 2 filmy, transparent. pa-[x]-an that which is beyond the realm of the clearly visible. ngèlmu pa-[x]-an esoteric lore.
- nrê-
- see also under NÊR- (Introduction, 2.9.6) or under replaced-consonant plus ÊR (Introduction,
- nrèthèl
- [of speech] rapid and copious.
- nrithil
- (coming) one after the other. Kêdhèpe [x]. He blinks continuously. ø-[x]-ake to [do] continuously. [x]-ake kêdhêp to keep blinking.
- nrunyam
- var of NRANYAM.
- nt-
- see also under ÊNT-.
- -nta
- post-vowel var of -ANTAb, -TAb.
- nthêt
- di-[x] inf var of DI-UNTHÊT.
- N.U.
- nujum
- the stars as agents of prophecy. juru [x] astrologer, soothsayer. pa-[x]-an astrology.
- nudur
- obstacle, hindrance. Aku ora bisa lunga mêrga ana [x]. I couldn't leave-sth came up.
- nugraha
- (or a-[x]) blessing or boon in the form of happiness, safety, security. ka-[x]-n to receive blessings. See also PANGANUGRAHA.
- nuk
- adr bird! (shf of MANUK). [x]-[x]-an to grope one's way. See also NUNUK.
- nuklir
- nuclear (power). ilmu fisika [x] nuclear physics.
- nuklun
- (to walk) with an air of dejection, with bowed head.
- nul
- 1 zero, kêlas [x] kindergarten, preschool. 2 rpr a light touch. Irunge didumuk mak [x]. His finger brushed against her nose. ngê/di-[x]-[x] to form into round shapes. ngê-[x]-[x] gêthuk to heap mashed cassava into small mounds.
- nulya
- (or a-[x]) ltry var of N-TULI.
- nun
- 1 I, me (as a response when called). Bocah-bocah, kowe tak undangi jênêngmu, bocah wedok mangsulana Kula, yèn bocah lanang [x]. Boys and girls, I'll call your names; girls answer I (kula) and boys say I (nun). 2 hello! anyone home? (shf of KULA NUWUN).
- nung
- rpr the sound of a note played by a gamelan instrument.
- nungsung
- [x] kabar or [x] warta to ask for news.
- nuninggih
- inf var of NUWUN INGGIH: see INGGIH.
- nunuk
- nunak-[x] to grope one's way. kaya wong picak nunak-[x] like a blind man feeling his way. Olèhe njogèd durung bisa apal isih nunak-[x] nirokake kancane. He couldn't remember the dance, so he did his best to do as they others were doing. See also NUK.
- nunut
- to occupy space in smn's vehicle (or other accomodation). Aku mulih [x] montore kancaku. I got a ride home with a friend of mine. sing njaluk [x] hitchhiker. [x] turu to sleep in smn else's bed. [x]-an that which is accommodated. Barang sing nang bagasi montor kuwi [x]-anku. The stuff (being carried) in the car trunk is mine. ø/di-[x]-ake to get space for smn. Anake
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- di-[x]-ake bibine. She got her son a ride with his aunt. ø/di-[x]-i to accompany smn, esp. as a passenger. Aku di-[x]-i Ali. I gave Ali a ride.
- nur
- beam, ray.
- nuraga
- var of ANOR-RAGA.
- nuri
- a parrot-like bird.
- nus
- squid, cuttlefish.
- nusa
- island (oj). [x] lan Bangsa our [Indonesian] nation and people.
- nusantara
- 1 archipelago. 2 Indonesia. masyarakat [x] Indonesian society, the Indonesian people. marcapada [x] Indonesian soil.
- Nusatênggara
- the Lesser Sunda Islands.
- nusya
- var of NUSA.
- nusyantara
- var of NUSANTARA.
- nuswa
- var of NUSA.
- nuswantara
- var of NUSANTARA.
- nut
- 1 (to act) in accordance with (inf var of MANUT). 2 inf var of NOT. nat-[x] to follow; to obey habitually. ngê/di-[x] to act according to, to follow. Ajarane ora diênut manèh. His teachings are no longer followed.
- nu(w)-
- see also under NU- (Introduction, 2.9.7) or under replaced-consonant plus U-, W (Introduction,
- nuwala
- var of NAWALA.
- nuwun
- var form of NY-SUWUN used in certain phrases, as follows. (Matur) [x]. Thank you. Kula [x] – Hello! (phrase called at the door of smn's home, to announce his presence as a visitor). [x] inggih (ka) yes. [x] (sanèse) mawon. Sory (to a beggar, when refusing him). [x] wiyosipun. I greet you (formal opening phrase of a letter). [x] pangèstunipun sêdaya kalêpatan kula, lair batin. I ask your wholehearted forgiveness for all my faults. [x] sakêrsa. Please excuse me [for leaving this social gathering]. nê-[x] (psv: di-sê-suwun) to pray for or humbly request [sth]. pa-[x]-(an) or pi-[x] 1 a humble request. 2 a prayer. See also SUWUN.
- nw-
- see also under NU(W)- (Introduction, 2.9.7) or under replaced-consonant plus U(W) (Introduction,
- o
- 1 alphabetic letter. 2 excl making an utterance livelier. O iya. Yes! O wis ngêrti aku. I know that!
- obah
- ng, ebah kr to move. Wong mati ora [x]. Dead people don't move. [x]-ing prau muwuhi ngêlu. The motion of the boat made his headache worse. kanggo [x]-[x] janggut (to eat) any food available to assuage one's hunger. m-obah-m-osik 1 to move. 2 thought, inclination. ng/di-[x]-ake to move sth.
- obar
- rg var of OBONG.
- obat
- 1 gunpowder. [x] mimis bullet, ammunition. 2 chemicals; drugs. [x] turu sleeping pill. [x] kramas powdered shampoo. [x] kuwat a tonic. [x] nyamuk mosquito repellent. [x] cacing vermifuge.
- obèl
- ng-[x] to spin off-center, to wobble. ng/di-[x]-ake to spin, set spinning.
- obèng
- cranking or winding tool, e.g. brace and bit, drill, screwdriver, engine crank. ng/di-[x] 1 to make batik for profit. 2 to wobble.
- obin
- 1 unit of land measurement: ca. 0.56 square rod = 14.19 square meters. 2 floor tile (var of JUBIN). ng-[x] 1 to estimate the total yield of a paddy from the yield of one obin. 2 to measure [land] in obin's.
- obyag
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to shake sth.
- obyèk
- middleman in a sale. [x]-an 1 merchandise one sells as middleman. 2 supplemental earnings, usu. from moonlighting as a middleman. ng-[x] to earn extra money by acting as intermediary in selling. ng/di-[x]-ake to sell [merchandise] as above. ng-[x]-ake mobil to act as agent in selling a car.
- oblah
- ng-[x]-[x] wide open; widely spaced.
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- oblog
- var of UBLUG.
- obong
- ng, bêsmi sbst? kr, bêsêm rg? kr [x]-[x] to burn rubbish; fig to rouse the rabble. [x](-[x])-an 1 act of burning. 2 (having been) burned. k-[x] on fire; to get burned; fig smouldering with resentment. Omah k-[x]! House afire! Kayune k-[x] dadi awu. The wood burned to ashes. Barêng krungu apa sing dikandhakake, atine k-[x]. When she heard what he'd said, she was burned up. k-[x]-an 1 conflagration. 2 to catch fire, get burned. 3 to suffer loss through fire. ng/di-[x] 1 to burn, set fire to. ng-[x] mênyan to burn incense. 2 to incite. Aja ng-[x]. Don't make me mad! 3 to do away with. ng-[x] kolonialisme to put an end to colonialism. ng/di-[x]-ake to ignite; to enflame. ng-[x]-ake paprangan to start a war. ng-[x]-ake jiwa nasional to fire up the national spirit. ng/di-[x]-i pl to burn, set fire to. Akèh omah-omah di-[x]-i. Many houses were put to the torch. pa-ng-[x] act of burning. pa-ng-[x]-an incinerator. kayu [x] firewood.
- obor
- torch; fig enlightenment, guiding light; leader. gêni [x] torchlight. awèh [x] to offer guidance. gêdhe [x]-e (wy) (a place where) justice reigns. kêpatèn [x] to have lost the trail of sth one is tracking or investigating. ng/di-[x]-(i) 1 to illuminate, shed light on (lit, fig). ng-[x] dalan to light the way. ng-[x]-i pêpêtêng to shed light in the darkness. Pikir kaya di-[x]-i. I've just had an idea! Bocah-bocah padha ng-[x]-i pêlêm tiba. The children looked for fallen mangoes by torchlight. 2 rg to cook by boiling. ng-[x] tela to boil cassavas. See also SAMBUNG.
- obral
- 1 (to hold) a sale. Yèn lagi [x], toko iki ngêthoki rêga-rêga. When this store has a sale, they slash the prices. 2 copious. Dina iki [x] biji apik. A lot of people got good marks today. [x]-[x]-an act of selling at bargain prices or giving things out lavishly. Mênawa wis dadi dhuwit, mbanjur kanggo [x]-[x]-an. When he has any cash, he spends it all. ng/di-[x](-[x]) 1 (or ng/di-[x]-ake) to put on sale. 2 to spend lavishly, give out copiusly. Dhèke ng-[x]-[x] pêrmèn marang kanca-kancane. He gave candy to all his friends.
- obrok
- ng-[x] slang to defecate in one's clothing.
- obrol
- [x]-an 1 a chat, a conversation. 2 tall talk. ng-[x] 1 to chat, have a talk. 2 to tall big; to exaggerate. ng/di-[x]-[x] to pour out in large quantities. Dhuwit sêpirang-pirang di-[x]-[x] nggo main. He gambles away his money like water. Sapa sing ng-[x]-[x] bantal? Who scattered the pillow stuffing? ng/di-[x]-ake to talk about, tell about.
- odhe
- rg ng-[x] to take a job. ng/di-[x]-kake to hire smn.
- odhèg
- (or [x]-an) unsteady, loose, wobbly. [x]-[x] rpr sth loose moving back and forth. Kêprungu swara [x]-[x] mêrga kêbaratan. We heard sth flapping in the wind.
- odhê klonyo
- eau de cologne.
- odhèt
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to disembowel.
- ojar
- rg var of UJAR.
- ojat
- topic of conversation, esp. gossip. ka-[x] famous, widely known.
- ojogan
- itinerant peddler. wong [x] person who hires himself out as a porter.
- ojok
- ng/di-[x]-[x]-i or ng/di-ojak-[x]-i to urge. ng-[x]-[x]-i sês to try to persuade smn to smoke.
- odod
- m-[x] to emerge, rise. Bocah saiki iki m-[x]-e kok rikat bangêt. Children grow up so fast nowadays. Sênjata m-[x] saka tangane kiwa. The weapon magically emerged from his left hand. Wit krambil mau ora bisa m-[x]-m-[x] The coconut palm couldn't grow any higher than that. ng/di-[x]-ake to cause to emerge or rise. Barêng sumbune di-[x]-ake, katon luwih padhang. When he raised the wick, it became brighter.
- odho klonyo
- eau de cologne.
- odhol
- 1 toothpaste (originally a brand name). 2 [of batik work] rough, crude. m-[x]-m-[x] [of stuffing, insides, etc.] to spill out. Macan disundhang kêbo nganti ususe m-[x]-m-[x]. The kerbau disemboweled the tiger. ng/di-[x](-[x]) 1 to remove the insides (of). Sapa sing ng-[x]-[x] bantal iki? Who took all the stuffing out of this pillow? 2 to spend wastefully. 3 to shadow. di-[x] polisi tailed by the police.
- odor
- ng/di-[x] to push ahead of [others] with out waiting one's turn.
- ogag
- loose in its socket. ng/di-[x]-[x] to move sth back and forth to loosen it.
- ogah
- rg var of WÊGAH.
- ogèg
- var of OGAG.
- ogèl
- [x]-[x] or ogal-[x] to keep moving back and forth. Buntute [x]-[x] têrus. It kept wagging its tail. m-[x] to move back and forth. m-[x] ilat to lick one's chops, expressing hunger. ng/di-[x]-ake to move sth back and forth. See also KOGÈL, KROGÈL.
- oglèng
- m-[x]-m-[x] to protrude. Kêrise m-[x]-m-[x]. His kris stuck out. ng/di-[x](-[x]) to cause sth to protrude. kêthèk [x] monkey show
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- ogok
- ng/di-[x]-(i) or ng/di-[x]-[x]-(i) 1 to move sth back and forth in [an opening]. ng-[x]-i pipa to clean out a pipe by moving a stick around in it. Slamêt ng-[x]-[x] lèng tikus nganggo wilah. Slamet pushed a stick back and forth in the mouse hole. 2 to disturb, irritate.
- ogrèg
- ng/di-[x]-[x] 1 to poke or prod (at). 2 to disturb, unsettle.
- ogrèh
- ng/di-[x]-[x] or ng/di-ograh-[x] to disturb.
- ogrok
- var of OGOK.
- oyag
- to shake violently. Lêmah [x] saka dayane lindhu. The earth shook from the force of the quake. ng/di-[x]-[x] to shake sth violently. See also AYIG.
- oyak
- [x]-[x]-an 1 to engage in a chase (with one after the other). Ana sak jaman pulisi lan maling [x]-[x]-an. The policeman chased the thief for an hour. 2 to chase each other around. ng/di-[x](-[x]) 1 to chase. tikuse di-[x] kucing. The cat chased the mouse. ng-[x] kalah to try to regain one's losses. 2 to keep after smn, keep teasing or nagging. ng-[x] ny-sênêng-i to try to seduce a woman. ng-[x]-[x] turus ijo 1 to chase young girls or married women. 2 to make trouble for an innocent bystander.
- oyêg
- var of ORÊG.
- oyod
- root (of a plant; gram of a word); vine stem, stalk; euph snake. [x]-[x]-an various kinds of roots. ng-[x] to take root. sa-[x] one growing period of a crop.
- oyog
- ng/di-[x](-[x]) to shake sth.
- oyok
- [x]-[x]-an to chase after, hunt down. Saiki para mudha [x]-[x]-an pêgawean. Young people are going after jobs these days. ng/di-[x](-[x]) to cluster around sth.
- oyong
- [x]-[x] or oyang-[x] or (rg) ayang-[x] to move (change residence) frequently. ng/di-[x]-[x] or ng/di-oyang-[x] to move [sth large and unwieldy] often.
- oyos
- ng-[x] to go out in the rain unprotected.
- oyot
- ng/di-[x]-(i) 1 to smooth [a bamboo stalk] with a knife. 2 to cut [a bamboo stalk] into shorter lengths.
- okèh
- inf var of AKÈH.
- okèr
- ng/di-[x](-[x]) to scratch [sand, soil].
- oknum
- person connected with a certain activity. [x] partai X an X party member. [x] sing agawe rusuh person who was mixed up in a disturbance. [x] kang nêdya gawe huru-hara one bent of stirring up trouble.
- okol
- 1 physically sturdy, compactly built. 2 (or [x]-[x]-an) to fight; to test each other's strength or endurance. ng/di-[x]-i to overpower [an opponent].
- oksigèn
- oxygen.
- Okt.
- see OKTOBÊR.
- Oktobêr
- (abbr: Okt.) October.
- okulasi
- to graft [one plant onto another].
- olah
- 1 (or [x]-[x]) to do the cooking. 2 var of ULAH 1. [x]-[x]-an things cooked; cuisine. [x]-[x]-ane Jogja biasane lêgi. Jogjanese cooking tends to be sweetish. ng/di-[x] 1 to cook. Sayurane di-[x]. She cooked the vegetables. 2 to till, cultivate. ng/di-[x]-ake to cook for smn. pa-ng-[x]-(an) 1 act or way of cooking. Jantung gêdhang pêng-[x]-e priye? How do you prepare banana blossoms? 2 cultivation, tillage. pêng-[x]-an sawah têlês wet-rice cultivation.
- olan
- [x]-[x] 1 a variety of caterpillar. 2 (or ng-[x]-[x]) snake-like, e.g. a long graceful neck.
- olèd
- var of OLÈR.
- olèh
- ng, angsal kr 1 to get. Aku ngundhuh jambu [x] rong kranjang. I picked two basketfuls of mangoes. [x] panggonan to get a seat. [x] ganjaran to get a reward. 2 to accept. Aku tukune rong sèn. [x] apa ora? I'll give you two cents for it: it is a deal? 3 to marry, take in marriage. 4 to receive permission. Filêm-filêm manca ora [x] diputêr. Foreign films may not be shown. 5 to reach, attain. Barêng wis [x] têlung dina, kancane bali. Three days later his companion returned. Sêkesuk iki ênggone nulis layang [x] papat. He managed to write four letters this morning. 6 to connect, attach. kawat dipasang [x] cagak loro a wire strung between two poles. 7 smn's act of [do]ing. Wis têkan êndi [x]-mu maca? How far have you read? Wêruh [x]-e mangan anake bungah bangêt. It delighted her to see her child eat. [x]-ku nyambut-gawe tak sambi têmbangan. I sang as I worked. [x]-an lucky in getting what one tries for. [x]-[x] gifts brought home with one. Dhèke njaluk [x]-[x] layangan. He asked her to bring him a kite. [x]-[x]-an what one receives for one's efforts. [x]-e nyolong [x]-[x]-n. He got (stole) a lot of loot. [x]-[x]-ane diêdum. They split the proceeds. ng/di-[x]-ake 1 to obtain for smn. 2 to get smn's hand in marriage. Anake wedok di-[x]-ake masku. My brother married their daughter. 3 to attach, connect sth [to]. Taline dijirêt di-[x]-ake wit pêlêm. He tied the rope to a mango tree. ng/di-[x]-[x]-ake 1 to bring [gifts] to those back home. Bonekahe di-[x]-[x]-ake anakku. They brought the doll for our daughter. 2 to do
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- one's best to get/obtain. ng/di-[x]-[x]-i to bring sth home as a gift. Anakku dikon ng-[x]-[x]-i bonekah. I asked him to bring our daughter a doll. sa-[x](-[x])-e whatever one can manage. Yèn ora bisa rampung dina iki, ya sa-[x]-e wae. If you can't finish today, just do as much as you can. [x] angin to get an opportunity. [x] angin bêcik to get a lucky break. [x] ati to get preferential treatment. [x] gawe to succeed in an effort. [x] kadang (ing) tingal to marry for love. See also PIKOLÈH, SÊKOLÈH.
- olèr
- ng/di-[x]-ake to extend sth. Ilate di-[x]-ake. She stuck out her tongue.
- olèt
- ng-[x] to stretch (the arms, legs). ng-olat-(ng)-[x] 1 to keep stretching. 2 flexible, elastic.
- oli(ê)
- lubricating oil.
- olih
- rg var of OLÈH.
- oling
- var of ULING. ng-[x]-[x] to writhe, move spasmodically.
- ollah
- see DAT.
- olok
- [x]-[x]-an recriminations. ng/di-[x]-[x] to keep bringing up the subject of smn's short comings. Slamêt di-[x]-[x] mêrga ngompol. She kept scolding Slamet for wetting.
- olor
- 1 animal bone marro. 2 small stream along the edge of a rice paddy. ng-[x] to try to obtain favor through flattery. ng/di-[x]-[x] to drag with the mouth or beak. ng/di-[x]-(ake) var of NG/DI-ULUR-(AKE).
- om
- var of UM in UM-PIM-PAH, UM-PIM-SUT.
- omah
- ng, griya kr 1 (dalêm ki) house, home. nèng [x] at home. mlêbu ng-[x] to go in the house. sing duwe [x] host, hostes. bale [x] front section of a house. 2 to live (in a house), make one's home (in). [x] dhewe to have a home of one's own. Aku wis [x] nèng Jakarta rong tahun. We've lived in Jakarta for two years now. [x]-an ng kr 1 tame. 2 familiar to the household. bocah wadon [x]-an the girl next door. [x]-[x] 1 (gê-griya kr, dê-dalêm ki) to live in (a house), make one's home (in). 2 (emah-emah kr, krama ki) 1 to marry, set up housekeeping; to run one's home and household. wong sing durung [x]-[x] an unmarried person. [x]-[x]-an 1 tent; playhouse. 2 to play house. ng/di-[x]-ake ng kr to tame, domesticate. ng/di-[x]-[x]-ake (ng/dipun-emah-emah-akên kr, ng/di-krama-kake ki) to marry off, hold a wedding for [one's child]. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to provide for [one's family]. 2 (n/di-dalêm-i ki) to provide with a house. Pêkarangan iki arêp tak [x]-i. I want to build a house on this lot. 3 to live smw. ng-[x]-i pondhokan to live in a lodging house. sa-[x] the household. wong sa-[x] the whole family. sa-[x]-[x] the entire household with its belongings. Ana kang ilang sa-[x]-[x]-e. Some families were completely wiped out. [x] kampung bamboo house with a saddle-shaped roof. [x] keyong snail shell. [x] loji large brick house (European style). See also POMAH, SOMAH.
- oman
- 1 rg rice stalk. 2 var of UMAN.
- ombak
- a wave. ng-[x] to resemble or move like waves. Rambute ng-[x]-banyu. She has wavy hair. [x] banyu see TRIM.
- ombe
- ng kr, unjuk ki [x]-n 1 a drink. 2 used for drinking. banyu ombèn drinking water. gêlas ombèn a drinking glass. [x]-n-[x]-n (unjuk-unjukan ki) 1 a drink. Ombèn-ombène tèh. There was tea to drink. 2 a card game played with Occidental cards. main ombèn-ombèn to play this game. ng/di-[x] to drink. Pangan ng-[x]-ku ora kurang. I had plenty to eat and drink. Ng-[x]-a tamba. Take your medicine! ng/di-[x]-kake 1 to have smn drink. Dikon ngombèkake anake. He told her to have the child drink it. 2 (or ng/di-[x]-ni) to offer sth for drinking. Tambane diombèkake anake. She gave her child the medicine. Dak ombèni wedang kopi. I'll give him a drink of coffee. pa-ng-[x]-n 1 (unjuk[-unjuk]an ki) sth to drink. Pangombèn lan pangane ora tau kurang. There's always plenty to drink and eat. 2 (pa-unjuk-an ki) drinking utensil.
- ombèr
- ample; broad. Isih bisa olèh wêktu kang [x]. We have plenty of time. [x]-ing pasrawungan freedom of association. Majalah mau têbane [x]. The magazine has a wide circulation. Tandurane mau kudu dipêrsudi kang [x]. This plant needs to be given plenty of room. k-[x]-ên excessively spacious. Kamar iki k-[x]-ên yèn kanggo kantor. This room is too big for an office. ng/di-[x]-ake to give sth more space. Kamar ngarêp di-[x]-ake. They widened the front room. ng/di-[x]-i to allow leeway. Di-[x]-i rong dina, mêngko rak utange dibayar. Give him two more days, he'll pay the debt. sa-[x]-[x]-e as broad/free as possible. Sing utang entuk kalonggaran sa-[x]-[x]-e. The debtor was given the most liberal terms.
- ombyak
- trend, current. nyêlarasake marang [x]-ing jaman to adjust to modern trends. [x]-ing kahanan the force of circumstances. manut [x]-e wong akèh to do as everyone else is doing.
- ombyok
- bunch, cluster. kunci sa-[x] a bunch
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- of keys. mote sa-[x] a string of coral beads. [x](-[x])-an in clusters/bunches. Brambang diêdol [x]-an. Onions are sold by the bunch. ng/di-[x]-i to form sth into a bundle or cluster.
- ombyong
- [x]-[x] leaves used as decorations. ng/di-[x]-i to support [an endeavor etc.] by joinin its proponents. ng/di-[x]-[x]-i to decorate sth with leaves.
- ombol
- [x]-[x]-an grouped into clusters. k-[x]-ên too closely grouped. Olèhe nandur k-[x]-ên. He planted them too close together. ng/di-[x]-i to plant sth in clusters/groups.
- ombrok
- var of UMBRUK.
- omèl
- ng-[x] to grumble at, nag. ng/di-[x]-ake 1 to grumble about sth. 2 cr to talk about sth. ng/di-[x]-i to grouse at, complain to.
- omyang
- ng-[x] 1 to talk deliriously, rant and rave. 2 cr to talk, speak. ng/di-[x]-ake to spread the word about sth; to babble about sth.
- omong
- to speak (ngêndika-n ki). nêrusake [x]-e to go on with what one was saying. A sugih [x]. A talks a lot. [x]-[x]-(an) (ngêndika-n ki) to converse. ng/di-[x]-ake to discuss. ng-[x]-ake pasar malêm talking about the bazaar. [x] dhewe to talk out loud to oneself. [x] kosong to talk of inconsequential things. [x] clêmang-clêmong or [x] cêblang-cêblung to talk nonsense, talk through one's hat. See also ANDIKA.
- ompak
- var of UMPAK.
- ompol
- inadvertently discharged urine. Iki [x]-e sapa nang kasur? Who wet this mattress? k-[x]-an to get urinated on. ng-[x] to urinate in bed or in one's clothing. ng/di-[x]-i to urinate on sth.
- ompong
- ng kr, daut ki toothless; having missing teeth. [x] geyong toothless; very old.
- omprèng
- [x]-an private car used for transporting passengers. ng/di-[x] to transport passengers in a private car. ng/di-[x]-ake to use [a vehicle] for the above.
- omprong
- nest of containers for transporting food which is to be eaten elsewhere.
- onang
- k-[x]-an 1 to get caught doing sth. Kancil k-[x]-an mangan timune Pak Tani. Mouse-Deer got caught in the act of eating the farmer's cucumbers. 2 to get discovered. Matine k-[x]-an sawise sawêtara wêktu. His death came to light after some delay. kondhang ka-[x]-[x] known everywhere. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to see or catch [smn] in the act. 2 to disclose. Aku gêla ng-[x]-i polahku. I was ashamed to reveal what I had done. See also KONANG.
- onar
- trouble resulting from rumors or gossip. gawe [x] to cause trouble by talking about smn. ng/di-[x]-ake to embarrass or harm smn by spreading gossip.
- ondhan
- free, off duty for a short period. ng/di-[x]-i to let smn take a break.
- ondhe
- [x]-[x] a sesame-seed cake with a palm-sugar center.
- ondhêrdhil
- mechanical part. [x] pit bicycle parts.
- onjo
- superior to one's fellows. kêlas sing [x] an outstanding class. Ajine ora dianggêp [x]. It's not valued too highly. Dhèke katon olèhe [x] ing desane. She's the village belle. [x]-(n)-[x]-nan to compete in efforts to outshine each other. ng/di-[x]-ni 1 to raise the bid (when dickering with a seller). 2 to overshadow [others of the same group].
- onjot
- time extension. [x]-an phase, time period. mawa [x]-an rong tahun in two-year phases. ng/di-[x]-ake to extend the time of [a contract etc.] ng/di-[x]-(i) to grant a time extension (to). sa-[x]-an 1 period of time. wêtara sa-[x]-an after a while. 2 throughout a time period. Sak [x]-an luwih maju kêtimbang sing uwis-uwis. There was more progress during that one phase than for the whole time previously.
- onjuk
- var of UNJUK.
- ondhok
- ng-[x]-[x] to have a lump in the throat. Olèhe crita karo ng-[x]-[x]. He told the story in a broken voice.
- ondhol
- sloppy, coarse, gross. ng-[x] cr to chase girls. ng/di-[x]-i to examine [poultry] to determine whether it can reproduce.
- onêng
- oj (or [x]-[x]-an) captivated, infatuated; pining away.
- ongak
- rg var of UNGAK.
- onggo
- ng-[x]-[x] to weep long and bitterly.
- onggok
- 1 heart or pith of the sugar-palm tree. pathi [x] flour/starch made from the above. 2 var of ONGGROK.
- onggrok
- ng/di-[x]-[x]-ake to leave sth unattended to. Dhèke ng-[x]-[x]-ake pêgaweyane wis ana sêminggu. He's neglected his work for a week now.
- onggrong
- [x]-an to enjoy admiration, bask in the spotlight. ng/di-[x] 1 to admire covetously. 2 to spoil or overindulge [a child]. 3 rg to allow space between things. Krupuke di-[x] supaya ora rêmuk. Put the [potato] chips in loosely so they won't crumble.
- ongkang
- [x]-[x] to sit with the feet dangling; fig to loaf, take it easy. Gawene mung [x]-[x]. His job consists of sitting and ordering.
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- people around. ng-[x] 1 sms [x]-[x]. 2 to occupy space. omah sing [x] dalan a house that sits right on the road. 3 disappointed, crushed.
- ongkèk
- var of ONGKRÈK.
- ongkèl
- var of UNGKIL.
- ongklang
- rg var of ONGKANG.
- ongkog
- [x]-[x] to teeter on all fours [of babies learning to crawl]. m-[x] to feel pleased with oneself. ng-[x] 1 sms [x]-[x]. 2 (psv di-[x]) to flatter smn.
- ongkos
- (or [x]-an) cost, fee, expense(s). [x] produksi cost of production. ng/di-[x]-i to pay the expenses of. Sing ng-[x]-i pêmrintah kuwi wong sing mbayar pajêg. The taxpayers finance the government.
- ongkrag
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to shake sth.
- ongkrèk
- object used as a lever. ng/di-[x] to pry with a lever.
- ongkrong
- ng/di-[x]-[x]-ake to put sth up high. Parine di-[x]-[x]-ake ing ndhuwur pagêr tembok. He put the rice plants on top of the brick wall.
- ongod
- [x]-an sharpening implement. [x]-an potlod pencil sharpener. ng/di-[x]-[x] or ng/di-[x]-i to sharpen sth.
- ongol
- [x]-[x] a gelatine-like food eaten with shredded coconut.
- ongsêb
- rg var of UNGSÊB.
- ongsrong
- ng-[x] labored [of breathing]. ng/di-[x]-(ake) to make [one's breathing] labored. Ambêgane di-[x] karêbèn katon kêsêl. He forced himself to pant so as to appear exhausted.
- oni
- var of UNIa.
- onya
- ltry blank. [x] pikire. His mind is way off somewhere. gêrah [x] senile. ng/di-[x]-ni to elude.
- onyog
- anyag-[x] to walk on and on without stopping. See also ANYAG.
- onyog
- ng/di-[x]-[x]-ake to high-pressure smn. Aku tuku lênga wangi iki sêbabe di-[x]-[x]-ake. I bought this perfume just to get rid of the pest.
- ons
- unit of weight: ca. 3⅓ OZ.= ca. 0.1 kilogram.
- onta
- var of UNTA.
- ontal
- k-[x] to get flung aside. Sing nunggang pit nganti k-[x] limang mètêr. The bicycle rider was thrown five meters. ng/di-[x]-ake to knock sth to one side.
- onte
- bunch, cluster. Sayurane pira sa-[x]? How much for a bunch of the vegetables? [x]-[x]-an bunched together. Sing nunggang wis jêjêl riyêl [x]-[x]-yan. The passengers were jammed in.
- ontèl
- blossom of the jackfruit tree.
- onthèl
- (or [x]-[x]) 1 crank(shaft). 2 to crank [an old-style car, to start it].
- ontên
- to exist; there is/are (md for ANAa).
- oncat
- to make one's escape. k-[x]-an 1 to avoid. Aku k-[x]-an uyah sawêtara dina. I went without salt for several days. 2 to have sth get away from one. Yèn k-[x]-an gêtih, ora bisa urip. You can't live if you lose too much blood. ng/di-[x]-i to avoid, escape from. ng-[x]-i bêbaya to avoid danger.
- once
- var of RONCE.
- oncèk
- [x]-an peeled, pared. urang [x]-an shelled shrimp. ng/di-[x]-(i) 1 to peel, pare. 2 to reveal, disclose. ng-[x]-i wadi to give away a secret.
- oncit
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to chase.
- onclang
- var of UNCLANG.
- oncom
- a certain kind of fermented beans.
- oncor
- oil-burning bamboo torch. [x]-[x]-an to try to outshine or one-up each other. ng/di-[x]-(ake) to cause to flow. Banyune di-[x]-ake nang sawahku. He ran water into my rice paddy. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to light up sth with a bamboo torch. 2 to inundate [soil].
- ontog
- m-[x] or ng-[x](-[x]) irritated, annoyed.
- ontong
- 1 the (single, red) blossom of a banana tree. 2 counting unit for corn. jagung sa-[x] one ear of corn. m-[x] [of banana trees] to blossom. ng-[x] resembling a banana blossom.
- ontor
- var of ANTAR.
- ontran
- (or [x]-[x]) commotion; rebellion. [x]-[x] cilik-cilikan small-scale rioting.
- ontung
- var of UNTUNG.
- oom
- (prn om, with o as in open syllables: Introduction, 2.2) uncle (term for addressing or referring to one's own uncle or an adult fried of the family).
- opah
- ng, epah kr (or [x]-an) compensation for services. pajêg [x]-(an) income tax. [x]-[x] money paid out for tips. ng/di-[x]-ake to have smn do sth for pay; to hire sth done. ng/di-[x]-i to pay smn for his services. Arêp di-[x]-i apa? What will he be paid for doing it?
- opak
- ng-[x] to make a certain wafer-like snack food. [x] angin the above snack.
- opas
- worker, employee (var of UPAS).
- opèl
- ng/di-[x]-i to remove the humps or jagged parts from sth and leave it smooth(er). ng-[x]-i jagung to pick the kernels off from an ear of corn. Jènggère di-[x]-i. He smoothed
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- the cock's comb by removing the jagged edge from it.
- opèn
- 1 careful of one's [or smn's] belongings. 2 acquisitive. 3 meddlesome. [x]-an characterized by one of the above traits. k-[x] well cared for, carefully tended. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to take good care of. 2 to acquire or take possession of [things, habitually]. pa-ng-[x] (good) care. Kucing kuwi gampang pang-[x]-e. Cats are easy to take care of.
- opêr
- [x]-an (act of) shifting, passing. [x]-ane bal apik bangêt. He passed the ball beautifully. ng/di-[x]-(ake) 1 to change the position of. Pêrsnèlênge di-[x] loro. He shifted into second gear. Bale di-[x]-ke nang kancane banjur disêkit mlêbu gol. He passed the [soccer] ball to his teammate, who kicked it in for a goal. 2 to take over (the operation or management of).
- opêrasi
- operation, maneuver. [x] politik a political maneuver. [x] militèr a military operation. [x] karya a civil (civic) mission. ng/di-[x]-(kake) to remove surgically. Dhoktêre ng-[x] usus buntutku.[1] The doctor took out my appendix. ngopêrasèkake amandhêl to remove tonsils.
- opyak
- (or [x]-[x]) to demand loudly and persistently. ng/di-[x]-[x] or ng/di-[x]-i to keep after, drive, nag. Yèn durung di-[x]-[x] durung gêlêm adus. If I don't keep after him, he won't take a bath. ng-[x]-ng-[x] manuk sing mangan pari to drive off birds that eat rice plants.
- opyok
- ng/di-[x] to beat, whip [e.g. eggs, cream]. ng/di-[x]-[x] to prepare for use by moistening. Kusire ng-[x]-[x] sukêt. The driver prepared grass to feed his horse. ng/di-[x]-[x]-i to apply moisture to. Anake panas, sirahe di-[x]-[x]-i banyu. Her child is feverish; she's putting moist cloths on his forehead.
- oplèt
- antiquated car used as a city taxi with a given route.
- opor
- thick chicken or duck soup. ng/di-[x] to make [ingredients] into this soup. [x] ayam the above with chicken. [x] bèbèk the above with duck. [x] bèbèk mêntas awak-e dhèwèk self-reliant.
- oprak
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to drive out, scare off.
- oprèk
- var of OPRAK.
- oprok
- [x]-an a disorderly heap. ng-[x] 1 piled up. 2 exhausted. 3 to defecate in the wrong place, e.g. one's clothing.
- opsir
- military officer.
- ora
- ng, (m)botên kr 1 not (in narrative predicates: cf. DUDU). [x] akèh not many. [x] ana sing nyauri. Nobody answered. [x] bakal tak êdol. I won't sell it. bedane wong sêkolah karo [x] the difference between those who go to school and those who don't. Aku [x] kok, mbuh yèn Pardi. I didn't (do it) – maybe Pardi did. 2 no (as a replay, contradiction, etc.). Apa kowe mulih? - [x]. Are you going home? – No. 3 ... or not? Bênêr [x]? Is it right (or not)? Kowe nggawa dhuwit [x]? Did you bring any money? 4 ... but not. Arêp mlêbu [x] bisa. She wanted to go in but she couldn't. 5 oh no! (as a reprimand). [x] kowe kok dadi klayapan têkan pasar! What made you go to the marketplace [after I told you not to]! [x]-a (prn oraa ng) if not. Oraa mangan ya ngombe. If you can't eat, at least drink something. [x]-ne [whether] or not. Gumantung ana bisa lan [x]-ne anggone milih. It depends on whether or not you can make a choice. sing [x]-[x] unusual, imaginative; silly, trivial. gunêm sing [x]-[x] foolish talk. pangira sing [x]-[x] a bizarre unfounded suspicion. [x]-[x]-ne (it is) out of the question [that ...]. [x]-[x]-ne yèn ilang. There's no chance of its getting lost. Opahe [x]-[x]-ne yèn ngluwihi Rp. 300. The fee can't possibly be more than 300 rupiahs. ng/di-[x]-kake to deny the truth of. Yèn nyatane pancèn ngono, apa bisa ng-[x]-kake? If it's really true, how can you say it isn't? ng/di-[x]-ni to say no (to). Wong pitu sing ng-[x]-ni lima, sing ngiyani loro. Of the seven men, five said no and two said yes. sa-[x]-[x]-ne at least; well anyway. Sa-[x]-[x]-ne ngêrti kênthang-kimpule. At least I understand what it's all about. apa [x] ... or not? Iya apa [x]? Is that right? (i.e. Yes or no?).
- orag
- rg var of OROG.
- orah
- inf var of ORA.
- orak
- inf var of ORA.
- oranana
- there isn't/aren't (inf var of ORA ANA).
- orang-utan
- large anthropoid ape.
- oranyê
- orange(-colored). [x] krus orange crush (drink).
- ore
- hurray! [x]-an [of hair] hanging loose. ng/di-[x] to allow [one's hair] to hang down loose.
- orêg
- to shake from a mighty force. Gunung gêni mau banjur [x]. The volcano shook violently. Barêng èsprèse wis cêdhak lêmahe [x] kabèh. As the express train drew near, the whole earth shook. kabar-kabar [x] earth-shaking news. Para anggota anggone padon nuwuhake [x]. The dispute among the members
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- disrupted everything. [x]-[x]-an large-scale disturbance. Golongan kiri nganakake [x]-[x]-an. The left-wingers are stirring up trouble. ng/di-[x]-ake to cause to shake violently. Swarane sêpur ng-[x]-ake bumi. The thunder of the train shook the earth.
- orèh
- a cosmetic flower mixture (var of BORÈH). [x]-an (var sp: oreyan) 1 notes, sketches. 2 expression, account, narration. 3 trivial. ng/di-[x]-[x] 1 to apply the above flower mixture to the skin. 2 (or ng/di-[x]-ake) to explain, speel out. Pak Camat ng-[x]-ake têgêse Pancasila. The subdistrict head elucidated the significance of the Five Principles.
- orèk
- [x]-[x] (to make) a sketch, draft; (to make) doodlings. Aku [x]-[x] gawe crita. I sketched out a story. [x]-[x]-an 1 scratches, marks. 2 sketched-out drafts. ng/di-[x] to make marks or scratches (on). ng/di-[x]-[x] or ng/di-orak-[x] 1 to doodle; to make marks (on). Aja ng-[x]-[x] tembok kuwi ya. Don't mark up that wall! 2 to scratch out, cross out.
- orèn
- var of URÈN.
- organisasi
- organization. [x] mahasiswa student organization.
- organisatoris
- organizational; organization-oriented. Kita mbutuhake sekrêtaris kang luwih [x]. We need a secretary who is better organized.
- organisir
- ng/di-[x] to organize. Usaha iki di-[x] kaum tani. This enterprise was organized by farmers.
- orgêl
- organ (musical instrument).
- ori
- thorny bamboo. [x]-n thicket of thorny bamboo.
- orisinil
- original.
- orkès
- orchestra (Occidental style). [x]-an to have/make orchestral music. Sêwêngi muput dalêm mau [x]-an. The orchestra played at the house all night long.
- orod
- to ebb, recede. ng/di-[x]-ake to hand down, pass along (var of NG/DI-LOROD-AKE).
- orog
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to shake sth.
- orok
- [x]-[x] a plant that produces a pea-like vegetable.
- orong
- [x]-[x] a roach-like insect. kaya [x]-[x] kêpidak to stop talking suddenly. nangis [x]-[x] to weep loud and long. [x]-[x] n-junjung gênthong to try to attain the impossible. ng-[x] parched with thirst.
- orot
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to use wastefully. ng-[x]-[x] banyu to waste water. Ngirit-irit malah dadi ng-[x]-[x]. I try to save money but it slips right through my fingers.
- ose
- 1 hurray! 2 (or [x]-n) a certain leguminous plant.
- osèg
- to fidget; to move uneasily.
- osèk
- var of USÈK.
- osèng
- a small brush. [x]-[x] 1 rpr the sizzling sound made by spreading cooking oil around in a hot frying pan. 2 a meat-and-vegetable dish cooked in a frying pan prepared as above. ng/di-[x]-[x]-(i) 1 to prepare [a frying pan] as above. 2 to fry [foods].
- osèr
- ng/di-[x]-[x]-i to spread/smear sth (with). gombal sing di-[x]-[x]-i lim a rag with glue all over it. Wajane di-[x]-[x]-i lênga. She greased the frying pan.
- osik
- (or m-[x]) 1 to move. Mênêng wae, ora obah ora [x]. He didn't move a muscle. tanpa mobah m-[x] without the slightest movement. 2 moved emotionally. ng/di-[x]-ake to give smn the impetus to [do], move smn to [do] to remind smn of.
- oso
- ng-[x] to speak in a rough or angry tone. ng/di-[x]-[x] to keep pressing smn angrily. Mêrga di-[x]-[x], malah saya gugup olèhe mangsuli. Under the pressure, he answered more and more nervously.
- osog
- [x]-[x] rpr a rasping sound. ng/di-[x] to rub, polish, scrape.
- osos
- ng/di-[x]-ake to let sth escape through an opening. ng-[x]-ake ban to let the air out of a tire.
- ot
- excl expressing surprise, dismay, warning.
- otah
- rg var of WUTAH.
- otak
- var of UTAK.
- othak
- [x]-[x] cane, walking stick. kaya [x]-[x] mega very tall. ng/di-[x]-[x] to poke or prod at with a pole.
- otang
- var of UTANG.
- ote
- [x]-[x] undressed, naked.
- othe
- rg var of OTE. [x]-[x] a cricket-like insect.
- othèh
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to scoop or stir up [the vegetables that have sunk to the bottom of the soup pot].
- otèk
- 1 a variety of grain used as bird seed. 2 rg a small fish net.
- othèk
- loose but still attached. [x]-[x] rpr the rattling of a loose object.
- othik
- var of UTHIK.
- ocak
- ng/di-[x](-[x]) or ng/di-[x]-ake to shake. Tambane di-[x]-[x] dhisik sakdurunge diombe. Shake the medicine before you take it.
- ocal
- to cook; to till (root form: sbst kr for OLAH).
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- ocèh
- [x]-[x]-an a talking bird. ng-[x] 1 to talk mindlessly. Menco bisa ng-[x]. Mynah birds talk. Bayine kok wis pintêr ng-[x]. How the baby babbles! 2 slang to talk too much; to gossip.
- oto
- 1 auto(mobile). 2 protective cloth placed on a baby's chest for warmth.
- otobis
- bus.
- othol
- rg var of OKOL.
- otomatis
- automatic. bêdhil [x] automatic gun.
- otomobil
- automobile.
- otong
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to bring, carry, take.
- otonom
- having autonomy. pêmêrintah [x] an autonomous government.
- otonomi
- autonomy. Pêmêrentah propinsi duwe [x]. The provincial government is autonomous.
- othor
- rpr water running from a faucet in a good-sized trickle. ng-[x] to trickle. See also THOR.
- otot
- 1 muscle. 2 blood vessel. ng-[x] 1 muscular, sinewy. 2 obstinate, adamant. 3 to talk so loud that the tendons stand out on the neck. [x] bayu tendon, sinew, muscle. [x] bayune kaya dilolosi. The strength drained from him. [x] kawat balung wêsi marvelously strong.
- othot
- k-[x] [of meat] very tough. ng/di-[x] to pull sth this way and that in an effort to overcome it or break it down.
- owah
- ng, ewah kr 1 to change. Jamane wis [x]. Times have changed. 2 (to go) insane. [x]-[x]-an a change. [x]-[x]-an paprentahan a change of government. ng/di-[x]-ake to change for smn. Siti ng-[x]-ake klambine. Siti altered his shirt. ng/di-[x]-(i) to change sth. ng-[x] têgês to change the meaning. Klambi iki kêgêdhèn, kudu di-[x]-i. This dress is too large-it'll have to be altered. [x] adat-e or [x] èngêt-an-e crazy. [x] gingsir to change constantly.
- owak
- ng-[x]-[x] wide open, gaping.
- owêl
- reluctant to be separated (from); regretful about an anticipated loss. Aku kok [x] yèn Siti entuk Pak H. I'd be sorry to see Siti marry Mr. H. Yèn kowe [x] karo dhuwitmu, ya aja tuku apa-apa. If you're so concerned about your money, don't buy anything. Marang sisihane ana rasa [x]. He doesn't like to be away from his wife. ng/di-[x] to treat overprotectively or possessively. pa-ng-[x] overcautiousness, excessive protectiveness.
- owol
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to grab sth and make a mess of it.
1 | buntuku. (kembali) |