Javanese-English Dictionary, Horne, 1974, #1968 (Hlm. 071–102: B-C)
CitraTerakhir diubah: 24-08-2021
Pencarian Teks
Lingkup pencarian: teks dan catatan-kakinya. Teks pencarian: 2-24 karakter. Filter pencarian: huruf besar/kecil, diakritik serta pungtuasi diabaikan; karakter [?] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau satu huruf sembarang; simbol wildcard [*] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau sejumlah karakter termasuk spasi; mengakomodasi variasi ejaan, antara lain [dj : j, tj : c, j : y, oe : u, d : dh, t : th].
- bêntèr
- hot (kr for PANAS). [x]-an hot water; a hot drink (kr for WEDANG?). [x]-manah envious (kr for PANAS-ATI)
- bênthêr
- a certain freshwater fish
- bêntêt
- 1 the exact amount. sêlawe [x] exactly 25. 2 completely filled
- bênthèt
- cracked but not broken through. Gêlase bocor la wong [x]. The glass leaks – it's cracked. êndhog [x] a cracked egg. [x]-an act or result of cracking. m/di-[x]-ake to crack sth
- bêntiyêt
- m-[x] heavy, burdensome
- bênthik
- 1 to make a tinkling or chinking sound. 2 a children's game played by batting away a short stick with a long stick. kê-[x] to get knocked against by sth. Gêlase pêcah kê-[x] piring. The plate hit against the glass and cracked it
- bêntil
- 1 rg var of BÊNTÈL. 2 (or [x] yutun [x]) dedicated, devoted. tani [x] a true dedicated farmer
- bênting
- rg women's sash
- bêncana
- disaster, catastrophe
- bênce
- the male of a certain quail (gêmak), who stays passively in the nest while the female does all the work
- bèncèng
- not well matched, not fitting together properly. Dondomane [x]. The line of sewing doesn't run parallel [to the hemline, as it should]. Wong-wong loro mau tansah [x] wae. those two are always at each other's throats. [x] cèwèng always disagreeing, never seeing eye to eye
- bêncèt
- sun dial. m/di-[x] to pick on, bully
- bênci
- to despise, loathe. [x] aku! Oh, no! How awful!
- bêncirih
- subject to frequent illness
- bencok
- tree frog
- bêncolèng
- [x]-an to act uncouth. m-[x] illmannered, uncouth, tough
- bêntoyong
- m-[x] 1 [of burdens] many, and heavy to carry. 2 to be a burden or extra responsibility (on)
- bênthot
- sturdy, muscular
- bêntrok
- to clash. Wong loro kuwi tansah [x] wae. Those two don't get along at all. [x]-an clash, confrontation
- bêntuk
- form, shape
- bênthuk
- (or [x]-an) to toss sth back and forth. kê-[x] to get tossed (off/away/against)
- bêntul
- a certain tuberous plant
- bênthung
- 1 strong, muscular. 2 ape with long black hair
- bêntur
- severe, rigorous. kê-[x] to get hit. Sirahku kê-[x] tembok. I hit my head on the wall. m/di-[x]-ake to strike sth [against]. Klapane di-[x]-[x]-ake ana ing watu. he kept banging the coconut on a rock. m/di-[x]-i to strike sth. Kayune di-[x]-i nganggo palu wêsi. He hit the wood with a hammer
- bêntus
- kê-[x] to get a bump on the head. m-[x] to bump one's head
- bênthut
- var of BÊNTHOT
- bênuwa
- continent
- bèr
- (or [x]-budi) generous. ratu kang adil lan [x] budi a just and generous king. [x] budi bawa lêksana generous
- bêr
- 1 oj to fly. 2 rpr flight through the air. Dhèwèke mbalang, [x]. He threw a stone. bar-[x] rpr repeated flights. Dibuwang bar-[x]. He threw them away right and left. See also ABÊR, ABUR, BUR
- bêr-
- 1 prefix: see under individual entries. 2 see also under BR- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- bêra
- fallow. lêmah [x] lan cêngkar fallow, unproductive land. bê-[x] to cultivate fallow land. (bê)-[x]-n fallow field. m-[x] empty [of one of the hollows where seeds should be, in the game of dhakon]. m/di-[x]-kake to allow [land] to lie fallow. Lêmahe ora kêna di-[x]-kake babar pisan. The field should never be left unplanted
- bêrah
- labor(er) (kr for BURUH)
- berak
- cr human excrement. bê-[x] or m-[x] to defecate
- berang
- large knife
- bêrangkat
- to leave, set out. Kapan [x] nang Jakarta? When do yo leave for Jakarta? m/di-[x]-ake to send smn out/forth. Têntarane di-[x]-ke saka bètèng. The troops were dispatched from the fort. See also PANGKAT
- bêras
- ng, wos kr husked raw rice. [x]-e diadang dadi sêga. She steamed the (raw) rice (and made it into cooked rice). m-[x] resembling rice grains. [x] abang red rice. [x] jagung corn ground to the size of rice grains. [x] giling machine-husked rice. [x] kêncur mixture of powdered raw rice and medicinal roots, used for massaging. [x] kuning rice colored yellow with turmeric. [x] mênir broken rice grains. [x] sêtêngah matêng half-cooked rice; fig stupid. [x] tutu-n hand-husked rice. [x] wuluh unhusked rice grains. [x] wutah 1 scattered in abundance. Mimis-mimis m-[x] wutah. The bullets rained down. 2 [of modern furniture] having a multicolored pebbled effect. 3 a certain batik design: white dots on a dark background
- bêrat
- difficult, causing trouble for others
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- (ora) kê-[x]-an to have (no) objections to. [x] sêtêngah partial, one-sided, biased
- bêrbah
- rg kr for BRUBUH
- bèrbudi
- see BÈR
- bèrji
- silver leaf-shaped ornament sewn on a lady's dress
- bêrdondi
- var of PÊRDONDI
- bêrduli
- var of PÊRDULI
- bere
- kê-[x]-[x] oj with difficulty, against obstacles. Olèhe nggarap kê-[x]-[x], ndadak upahe sithik. He had to work against great odds and was paid only a pittance. See also BARA
- bêrêg
- m/di-[x] 1 to chase (off), shoo. m-[x] pitik to shoo chickens. 2 to let [cattle] out to graze
- bêrèk
- [x]-[x] or bêrak-[x] to keep calling (out)
- bêrêk
- rg [of fish] beginning to spoil
- bèrêm
- shoulder/edge of a road
- bêrêm
- soft and squashy
- bèrèng
- skin area chafed from moisture. [x]-ên to have chafed skin. See also BARANG
- bêrêncana
- to plan (out). See also RÊNCANA
- bèrès
- in good order. ora [x] disorganized. Nèk A wis tandang, kabèh mêsthi [x]. When A got through, everything was in good shape. kê-[x]-an order(liness); satisfactory condition. m/di-[x]-ake or m/di-[x]-i to put in good order. m-[x]-ake soal to resolve a problem. m-[x]-ake pêgaweyan to do a job right
- bêrèt
- scratched. Montore anyar [x]. His new car has a scratch on it. kê-[x] to get scratched
- bêrgada
- group (of soldiers), brigade
- bêrgajul
- var of BÊGAJUL
- bêrgagah
- m-[x] to stand with the legs wide apart
- bêrgas
- having a fresh attractive appearance
- bêrgasi
- 1 freight transported by rail. 2 railway freight office. 3 freight car. 4 car trunk
- bêrgaul
- to make good friends. establish good relations
- bêrgêdèl
- a croquette-like food of potato and egg. [x] daging meat croquette. [x] jagung corn fritter
- bêrgêgêg
- m-[x] to remain motionless. Dikon lunga m-[x] wae. They asked her to leave but she didn't budge
- bêrgègèh
- m-[x] to stand with the legs medium far apart
- bêrgêrak
- to persist. Ora kalilan [x] nggayuh program. They were not allowed to continue carrying out the program
- bêrgigih
- m-[x] 1 to stand with the legs slightly apart. 2 adamant in one's refusal to help
- bêrgogok
- var of BÊGOGOK
- bêrgolak
- seething, turbulent
- bêrguguk
- var of BÊGUGUK
- bêgundung
- m-[x] obstinate, headstrong
- bêrhadhiah
- to give prizes/gifts. sayêmbara [x] a prize contest
- bèri
- 1 gamelan instrument resembling a gong but without knobs. 2 serving tray. [x]-[x] disease characterized by enlarged limbs
- bêri
- a certain bird. m-[x] 1 to join in, go along. 2 to toss in one's hand (in a card game)
- bêrik
- (or m-[x]) to fight by locking horns
- bering
- unbalanced, lopsided; fig prejudiced; mentally unbalanced. ora [x]-[x] nothing at all, of no importance
- bêring
- disagreeable odor, esp. of a certain fruit (jengkol)
- bêrit
- a variety of mouse. [x]-an a plot of ground behind a house for raising fruits and vegetables
- bêrkah
- blessings. nyuwun [x] to ask for smn's blessing
- bêrkakas
- var of BÊKAKAS
- bêrkas
- (or [x]-an) wrapped bundle
- bêrkasak
- var of BÊKASAK
- bêrkat
- 1 food, blessed by a religious official, taken home from a ritual ceremony by the guests after they have eaten a portion of it. 2 as a result of. [x] pênggulawênthahe apik, anak-anake padha dadi wong kabèh. Thanks to their fine upbringing, his children have all become worthwhile people. [x]-an act of taking home food; the food taken home (as above). m/di-[x] to take home [food] from a ceremony
- bêrkèngkèng
- bêrkêcêg
- var of BÊKÊCÊG
- bèrko
- electric bicycle lamp
- bêrkongkong
- m-[x] to stay in one place, sit idly loafing
- bêrkuh
- var of BÊKUH
- bêrkutut
- var of PÊRKUTUT
- bêrliyan
- var of BARLEYAN
- bèrlin
- var of BARLÈN
- bêrngangang
- m-[x] radiant, glowing
- bêrngangas
- m-[x] var of M-PÊRNGANGAS
- bêrngèngèng
- (or m-[x]) glowing, radiant
- bêrngèngès
- m-[x] var of M-PÊRNGÈNGÈS
- bêrngingis
- m-[x] var of M-PÊRNGINGIS
- bêrngongos
- m-[x] var of M-PÊRNGONGOS
- bêrod
- m-[x] to attempt to free oneself from restraint
- berok
- see WÊDHUS
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- bêrok
- bêrak-[x] to keep shouting or calling out
- bêrong
- rg var of BÊRUK
- berongên
- rg var of BENGORÊN
- bêrorganisasi
- to organize
- bêrsat
- ptg [x] spread about untidily. Pirang-pirang kêrtas ptg [x] ing meja. There are papers all over the table
- bêrsêlo
- m-[x] stubborn, unwilling to listen to others
- bêrsênam
- calisthenics
- bêrsênjata
- weapon(ry). See also SÊNJATA
- bêrsih
- 1 clean, cleansed. 2 to clean a grave and place offerings of flower on it. [x]-an dressing table with a center mirror. m/di-[x]-i to cleanse sth; to free sth of. [x] desa traditional annual village event with feasting and a performance of a play from the animistic cycle
- bêrsihang
- var of BÊRSIH-AN
- bêrsot
- m-[x] to go away in the face of advice, wishes, or warnings to the contrary
- bêrcak
- pockmarked
- bêrci
- a certain fine gauzy fabric. kuluk [x]-n traditional fez made of the above
- bêrcuh
- obscene [of speech]
- bêruh
- m-[x] to not the see, not know. Apa kowe wêruh kucingku? – mBêruh. Have you seen my cat? – No
- bêruk
- coconut half-shell used as a measure for raw rice
- bêrundhing
- to negotiate
- bêrung
- m-[x] obstinate; to disobey. pa-m-[x] obstinacy; disobedience
- berut
- see ÊNTUT
- bêrut
- var of BARUT
- bèrwèh
- generous (shc from BÈBÈR WÈWÈH; see also BÈR)
- bêsa
- var of BÊKSA
- bêsalèn
- blacksmith's workshop; blacksmith's forge
- besan
- parent(s)-in-law of one's child. [x]-an to become mutual parents-in-law. mBesuk [x]-an ya mbakyu? Shall we have our children marry each other [as an extension of our own friendship]?
- bêsar
- 12th month of the Moslem calendar. [x]-an feast day occuring during this month
- bêsaran
- mulberry bush/fruit
- bêsasih
- ptg [x] in disorder, messy
- bêsasik
- var of BÊSASIH
- bêsat
- m-[x] to depart suddenly, be off like a shot
- bèsèk
- small covered box of plaited bamboo
- bêsêl
- (or [x]-an or bê-[x]) a bribe. m/di-[x]-(i) to bribe smn
- bêselat
- var of BÊSILAT
- bêsêm
- 1 depressed, gloomy. 2 fading, no longer fresh. 3 to burn (root form: sbst? kr for OBONG)
- bêsèn
- a variety of grass
- bêsêng
- rg var of BÈNGSÈNG
- bêsêngèk
- a certain vegetable dish, to accompany the rice at a meal
- bêsêngut
- bêsêngat-[x] or m-[x] to frown, scowl
- bèsèr
- 1 pathological compulsion to urinate frequently. 2 cr to urinate
- bêsero
- see SERO
- bêsêsêg
- m-[x] bloated from overeating
- bêsèt
- [x]-an 1 peeled. 2 peelings,parings. m/di-[x]-(i) to peel the rind (from)
- bèsi
- 1 bowl (var of BASI). 2 iron (var of WÊSI)
- bêsiyar
- out [walking, riding] for pleasure
- bêsik
- m/di-[x]-i to remove weeds from [soil]
- bêsilat
- judo-like system of self-defense (see also SILAT)
- bêsisik
- m-[x] dried out, flaking [of skin, from exposure to element]
- bêsiwit
- m-[x] to cheat at cards
- bêskab
- short double-breasted buttoned-up jacket
- bêskal
- a certain colonial administrative rank
- bêskuwit
- biscuit, cracker
- bêslah
- [x]-an confiscated; confiscated goods. m/di-[x] to confiscate
- bêslit
- official document of notification
- bêsmi
- to burn (root form: kr for OBONG)
- bêsol
- a certain tree
- bêsono
- bêsona-[x] acting crude/boorish
- bêsoso
- m-[x] crude, ill-mannered
- bêsot
- m/di-[x] to clean [metal] by blowing flame on it
- bêsta
- rope for handcuffing (opt kr for BANDA). m-[x] to tie smn's hands
- bêstèl
- 1 (or [x]-an) merchandise sent by mail or railway. 2 (psv di-[x]) to order by mail. m/di-[x]-ake to send by mail or railway
- bêstik
- beefsteak
- bêstru
- name of a tree more commonly called KACUR; the edible fruits of this tree
- besuk
- ng, benjing kr (or m-[x]) 1 at some future time. mBesuk yèn wis gedhe aku arêp dadi tani. I'm going to be a farmer when I grow up. 2 next ... , the coming ... [x] minggu (taun, dina Ngahad, lsp.) next week (year, Sunday, etc.) [x]-[x] at some indefinite future time. [x] apa when (in the future)?
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- mBesuk apa mangkate? When's he leaving? [x] êmbèn the day after tomorrow. [x] êmbèn dawa some (indefinite) day long after tomorrow. [x] esuk tomorrow morning. [x] manèh hereafter. [x] manèh nèk didhawuhi bapak aja mbantah. Next time don't argue when Father tells you to do sth. See also SUKa, SESUK
- bêsuk
- volcanic plain
- bêsur
- m-[x] to do as one leases without regard for others
- bêsus
- meticulous about one's personal appearance
- bêsusu
- a certain edible root
- bêsut
- chief performer in early folk drama. m/di-[x] to refine, smooth out. m-[x] klambi to press clothing. m-[x] karangan to edit an article
- bêsuwêl
- rpr a quick careless tucking-in motion. Olèhe nglêbokake dhuwit mak [x]. She hastily tucked the money in her sash. m/di-[x]-ake to tuck sth hastily. Olèhe nggêlung mung di-[x]-ake. She quickly did her hair into a bun
- bêt
- rpr a swift motion/action. A dhisik sing mbalang, [x]. A was the first to throw. Mau kacange isih akèh, kok njur mak [x] êntèk. there were plenty of peanuts, but they were all gone in no time
- bêta
- kr sbst? var of BÊKTA
- bêtah
- 1 to feel comfortable. Aku [x] bantah bangêt dolan ing panggonane. I feel at home there. 2 to (with)stand, endure. Aku ora [x] mêlèk sêwêngi muput. I can't stay awake all night. Kowe kok ya [x]-[x]-e panasan ana ing jaba. How can you stand staying out in the sun so long! 3 need (kr for BUTUH). [x]-[x]-an 1 act of persevering. 2 to compare or compete for endurance. Ayo [x]-[x]-an mêlèk. Let's see who can stay awake longer. m/di-[x]-ake to persist in, persevere at. Bêtah-bêtahna olèhmu ngombe jamu iki, bèn enggal waras. Take this medicine faithfully so you'll get well fast
- bêthak
- to boil rice (root form: kr for LIWÊT)
- bêthat
- var of BÊTHOT
- bêtatung
- black maggot
- bètèh
- exchange of pleas in a court case. ngadu [x] OR m-[x]-ake to present arguments and counterargumentS in court
- bèthèk
- baskets hanging at either end of a shoulder pole (pikul) for carrying things
- bêtèk
- sth that has been used for some purpose. sendhok [x] nyidhuk lênga a spoon that was used for ladling oil. Cangkir iki [x] apa? What did this cup have in it? Iki [x]-e sapa? Who's been using this? [x]-(n)e because (of). [x]-e saka bungahe because of her happiness. [x]-ipun dèrèng sagêd nglangi since he didn't know how to swim
- bêthèk
- bamboo fence. m/di-[x]-i to build a fence around sth, to fence sth in
- bèthêm
- m-[x] to restrain one's laughter
- bêthêm
- seed of the kluwih fruit. m-[x] having a round fat face
- bètèng
- 1 fort(ification). 2 rook (in chess). [x] iku ora kêna mlaku mèncèng. The rook can't move diagonally. [x]-[x]-an 1 fortress. 2 imitation or toy fort. m/di-[x]-i to fortify
- bêthêng
- kê-[x]-(ên) to be prevented from doing sth, esp. by rain. Aku nginêp ing padesan mêrga kê-[x]-udan. I stayed overnight in the village, stranded by the rain
- bètèr
- bètêr, 1 bitters. 2 var of BLÈTÊR
- bèthêr
- m-[x] [of nose] large, broad; [of chin] fat, multiple
- bèthèt
- parrot-like bird with a long hooked beak. m-[x] [of nose] hooked. m/di-[x]-i to clean by removing the entrails. m-[x]-i iwak to clean a fish
- bêthèthèr
- ptg [x] or m-[x] to lie around idle or unattended to
- bêthêthêt
- m-[x] tight, confining. Klambine m-[x], kêcilikên. The shirt binds; it's too small. Olèhe nalèni m-[x] bangêt. He tied it up tight. Mêndhunge m-[x]. The clouds were oppressive
- bêcik
- a certain edible freshwater fish
- bêthithing
- small-waisted
- bêthithit
- m-[x] 1 tight-fitting. 2 all dressed up; dressed like a dandy
- becak
- pedicab. [x]-an pedicab fare. m-[x] 1 to ride in a pedicab. mulih m-[x] to take a pedicab home. 2 to operate a pedicab as one's livelihood. m/di-[x]-ake 1 to send smn in a pedicab, pay smn's pedicab fare. 2 to transport sth by pedicab. Gawane di-[x]-ke . She had her bundles taken by pedicab
- bècèk
- 1 muddy. 2 a certain fish stew served at ritual feasts
- bècèr
- (or [x]-an) money reserved for day-to-day needs. m-[x] to buy one's daily needs
- bêcècèr
- ptg [x] 1 to get dropped and scattered, e.g. rice grains from a hole in a bag. 2 [of money] squandered
- bêcik
- ng, sae kr 1 good, of high quality. dadi [x] to turn out well. tunggangan sing [x] dhewe the best means of transportation. Anake [x] tur ora nakal. The child was good,
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- not naughty. Ora ana sing ilang, saka [x]-ing panjagane pulisi. Not one was lost, thanks to the effective police guard. Bathikane misuwur [x]. Her batiks are famous for their quality. Iya [x], ndêlênga. Very well, you may see it. 2 (or [x]-e) advisable, better. [x] balia, iki dudu ambah-ambahanmu.You'd better go back – this isn't your territory. [x]-e kowe ora tuku mrêcon. I wouldn't buy fireworks if I were you. [x]-[x]-an 1 to compare or compete for quality. [x]-[x]-an, A atine luwih [x]. Comparing the two, A has a better character. 2 to be/get on good terms. Saiki [x]-[x]-an bae. Let's be friends now. di-bê-[x] to be treated well. ka-[x]-an goodness; kindness. m/di-[x]-ake to improve sth. m/di-[x]-i 1 to make better. 2 to treat kindly. sa-[x]-[x]-e 1 to the best of one's ability. Wis kudune latihan migunakake wêktu kanthi sa-[x]-[x]-e. They should make the best possible use of their time. 2 no matter how good. [x] kê-titik ala kêtara the good will make itself known, along with the bad
- bêcira
- raised floor
- bêcici
- wild banana
- bêcicing
- 1 above ground tuberous root. 2 banana cluster at lower end of stalk
- bêcokok
- (or [x]-an) unruly
- bècu
- m-[x] to assume a sour facial expression
- bêcus
- capable, competent. Sêkolahe ora [x]. He didn't do too well in school
- betho
- m-[x] to whistle by blowing on the slit between the two thumbs with palms pressed together
- bêthok
- a certain fish. m/di-[x] to take, get. m-[x] cèlèngan to take one's savings out of the piggy bank. m-[x] lotre to win in a lottery
- bêton
- 1 the pit of certain fruits (gori, kluwih). 2 concrete wall
- bethongan
- shirt resembling a T-shirt
- bêthot
- [x]-[x]-an to pull [sth pliable and resisting] back and forth. Wong loro mau [x]-[x]-an klambi. The two kept snatching the shirt from each other. m/di-[x]-(i) 1 to pull sth off/up/out. m-[x]-i tanduran to uproot plants. Lintahe di-[x]. He pulled off the leech. 2 to pinch smn in the scrotum
- bêtotong
- m-[x] to have a large bowel movement
- bêthu
- m-[x] 1 [of face] fat, moon-shaped. 2 var of NG-GÊTU
- bêthur
- m-[x] [of girls, women] lazy, unwilling to work at one's tasks
- bêthuthut
- m-[x] glum, down in the mouth
- bêwah
- var of WÊWAH
- bèwèh
- a certain fruit which is prepared for eating or cooking by burying it for a period of time
- bèwèl
- m-[x] numerous, profuse
- bèwès
- m-[x] 1 to drool, slobber. 2 burdensome, overabundant. Utange m-[x]. He's up to his ears in debt. Wis duwe putu, nanging isih m-[x]. She's a grandmother, but she still goes on having children of her own
- bewok
- inf var of BREWOK
- bi
- 1 adr aunt. 2 rg mother. See also BIBI
- bib
- rpr the beep of a car horn. See also BIBIB
- bibar
- to disperse; finished, over; after (kr for BUBAR)
- bibas
- rg var of BEBAS
- bibèk
- aunt (var of BIBI)
- bibi
- 1 aunt (parent's younger sibling) 2 (adr: Jakarta slang) young woman. 3 adr mother (term used at court by children of a concubine, the official mother being the No. 1 wife). See also BI
- bibib
- rpr repeated beeps, e.g. car horn; Morse code. See also BIB
- bibir
- oj lip(s)
- bibis
- water beetle
- bibisan
- a certain plant
- bibit
- 1 origin, beginning; seed. 2 (or [x]-an) plant or animal used for bredding. m/di-[x]-ake 1 to use for breeding. 2 to provide with sth for breeding. Sing m-[x]-ake pêlêm iki biyèn Pak Naya. It was Mr. Naya who gave us the seedlings for these mangoes. [x] bobot bèbèt heredity, worldly wealth, moral character (the criteria for evaluating a prospective son-in-law). Wis nyukupi sarat: [x] bèbèt bobot. He has fulfiled the [above] requirements. [x] kawit origin; motivation. [x] kawite Prang Donya I apa? What started World War I?
- biblak
- (or [x]-an) (to have) an open wound or skinned place. [x]-(an)e apa wis disalêp? Have you put ointment on your cut?
- biblèk
- var of BIBLAK
- bibrah
- out of order, in disrepair (kr for BUBRAH)
- bibrik
- [x]-[x] to start [a job, a businees] m/di-[x] to trespass on smn's land
- bidhag
- pawn (in chess). main [x] to play chess. [x]-e kênane mung maju, tur mung sakothak-kothak wae. The pawns can move only forward, and only one square at a time
- bidhal
- to leave, set out as a group (kr for BUDHAL)
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- bidhan
- midwife
- bidhang
- field, area, scope
- bidhar
- dugout canoe
- bidhêg
- ordinary foot soldier; advance troops
- bidêngah
- acts that are unethical by Moslem standards
- bijaksana
- oj endowed with wisdom
- biji
- mark, grade. [x]-n pertaining to marks. [x]-ne dilêbokake ing buku bijèn. He entered the grades in the grade book. m/di-[x]-(ni) to mark, grade, judge. Karangane ora dibijèni. The compositions weren't graded. A bisa m-[x] yèn Warti nduwèni rupa kang cukupan. A sized Warti up as a pretty good-looking girl
- bijig
- [x]-an that which gets butted. [x]-[x]-an to butt each other. m/di-[x]-(i) to butt. di-[x] kêbo butted by a kerbau
- bijih
- ore. [x] wêsi iron ore
- bidngah
- var of BIDÊNGAH
- bidho
- a variety of hawk
- bidor
- name of one of the small playing cards (kêrtu cilik)
- bidug
- rg stupid, ignorant
- bidhur
- skin rash with fever. [x]-ên to have/get such a rash
- bif
- beef. kornèt [x] canned corned beef
- bigar
- oj happy, glad
- bih
- confession (Catholic sacrament). ngê/di-[x]-i to hear smn's confession
- bihal
- mule
- bihalal
- see HALAL
- biya
- [x]-[x] excl of amazement
- biyada
- female court servant, who dances behind the King
- biyah
- excl: var of YAH
- biyaya(h)
- cost, outlay. m-[x] in large numbers or amounts. Yèn ungsum pêlêm sing adol m-[x] nang êndi-êndi. During the mango season there are people selling mangoes everywhere
- biyayak
- (or [x]-an) to keep moving around restlessly/aimlessly in such a way as to disturb others. ptg [x] pl as above
- biyang
- 1 rg mother. 2 woman of low status. 3 (or [x]-[x]) excl of dismay, pain, sorrow. [x]-ane or [x]-mu term of abuse
- biyantu
- help, assistance. (bê)-[x]-an or (bê)-[x]-n help, assistance; act or way of helping. m/di-[x]-kake to offer smn's services. m/di-[x]-(ni) to help, assist. pa-m-[x] 1 help, aid. 2 helper, assistant. pam-[x] awujud sandhangan lan pangan assistance in the form of food and clothing. sa-[x] karo in cooperation or agreement with. Kula sa-[x] kalihan kêrsanipun bapak. I support my father's wish. See also BANTU
- biyas
- to turn pale suddenly, go white
- biyasa
- 1 usual, ordinary. omah [x] wae just an ordinary house. luwih bêcik sêka [x]-ne better than usual. 2 familiar with, accustomed to. Dhèke [x] turu gasik. He's used to going to bed early. [x]-ne usually. ka-[x]-n hab it, practice. m/di-[x]-kake to get (oneself) used to. m-[x]-kake tangi esuk to accustom oneself to getting up early
- biyèk
- rg var of BIYÈN
- biyèn
- ng, rumiyin kr (or m-[x] ng) (at some time) in the past. Aku dhèk biyèn wis tau dicakot asu edan. One time I was bitten by a mad dog. [x] omahe nang Jogja. He used to live in Jogja. dhèk jaman [x] in the old days; once upon a time. [x]-[x] (since) a long time ago. [x]-[x] aku wis kandha yèn dhèke kuwi ora kêna dipêrcaya. I've told you from the beginning that he was not to be trusted. [x]-[x] ketok apa saiki ketok apa. See how he's changed! [x](-[x])e formerly (as contrasted with the present or future). [x] mula from the very beginning. [x] mula aku ora ngandêl. I've never believed him
- biyêt
- m-[x] abundant. Wohe wis m-[x]. There were a great many fruits [on the tree]
- biying
- m-[x] incorrigible
- biyoskop
- movie; movie theater. tontonan [x] motion picture (show). [x]-an movie theater
- biyoskup
- var of BIYOSKOP
- biyuh
- (or [x]-[x]) excl of astonishment
- biyung
- 1 rg mother. 2 adr: rg woman of lower status. 3 (or [x]-[x]) excl of pain or strong emotion. [x] larane. Ow, it hurts! [x]-ên [of children] always wanting one's mother near. sa-[x] born of the same mother
- bik
- m-[x] in, at, on. Wis kok golèki m-[x] kana? Have you looked over there for it?
- bikak
- open (kr for BUKAK)
- bikal
- (or [x]-[x]) having an itchy skin condition
- bikang
- (or cara-[x]) a rice-flour-and-sugar pastry
- bikir
- coconut-shell spinning top
- biksu(ka)
- Buddist priest
- biku
- var of WIKU
- bikut
- with quick movements. Bocah-bocah padha [x] nglumpukake krambil. The boys deftly gathered up coconut
- bil
- half-cent coin (used in colonial times). See also BRIBIL
- bila(h)i
- bad luck, mishap. Blai, blai tênan. What a tough break! nêmu [x] to run into
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- some back luck. kê-[x]-n accident, mishap
- bilal
- person whose task it is to announce the 5 daily Moslem prayer times
- bilas
- to rinse with clean water after washing. m/di-[x]-i to rinse smn after bathing him
- bilih
- when(ever), if (opt kr for YÈN, MÊNAWA). See also BOK
- bilik
- compartment, walled-in space. [x]-[x] separated into groups
- bilis
- rake
- bilo
- having poor vision
- bilug
- m-[x]-m-[x] big, brawny (in physical build)
- biluk
- m-[x] to turn, veer. m-[x] mêngiwa to turn left
- bilulung
- ptg [x] or [x]-an pl to run around in panic or alarm
- bilur
- var of BÊLUR
- bima
- frightening, awesome
- bima-sêkti
- 1 (prn bima-sêkti) dark mass in a cloud of stars. 2 (prn bima-sêkti) the Milky Way
- bimbang
- 1 wavering between alternatives. Atine kok thok-thik [x]. He can't make up his mind. 2 (or kê-[x]) infatuated. kê-[x] atine distracted with love; to fall madly in love at first sight
- bimbing
- [x]-an guidance. m/di-[x] to guide, lead
- bin
- son of. Ali [x] Kasim Ali, son of Kasim
- bin-
- see also under B- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- bina
- kê-[x]-[x] oj to a high degree. Ayune kê-[x]-[x]. She's exquisitely beautiful
- binantang
- var of BINATANG
- binatang
- animal (pejorative term)
- bindhêl
- var of BÈNDHÊL
- bindhêng
- to speak nasally
- bindi
- club, cudgel
- bindiwala
- spear, lance
- binjing
- rg var of Benjing
- bing
- m-[x] in, at, on. mBing êndi sing lara? Where does it hurt?
- bingah
- happy (kr for BUNGAH)
- bingar
- to look pleased. Ulate [x]. His face lighted up. m/di-[x]-ake to make one's face appear happy. Bèn ora ngêtarani, polatane di-[x]-ake. He put on a happy face to conceal his sadness
- bingbing
- m-[x] placenta
- binggêl
- 1 ankle bracelet. 2 bracelet (ki for GÊLANG). [x]-an to wear bracelet on the ankle. m/di-[x]-i to put sth around smn's ankle
- bingkar
- rg? kr for BUNGKAR
- bingkas
- m/di-[x] to do away with, kill
- bingkêm
- rg kr for BUNGKÊM
- bingkil
- repair man; repair shop, workshop. [x] sêpedha bicycle repair man/shop
- bingsrung
- m-[x] to play dumb, pretend not to know
- bingung
- bewildered, confused. Dhèke nganti [x] anggone nliti lan milih saka atusan warnaning jarik. She got all mixed up trying to choose from among the hundreds of batiks. Saanak bojone [x] omahe kobong. His wife and children were dazed by the burning of their house. m-[x]-ake 1 confusing. 2 (psv di-[x]-ake) to confuse, bewilder. m-[x]-i to behave as though perplexed
- bintal
- kê-[x] to disappear, get lost. Êmbuh kê-[x] ana ngêndi, kok tak golèki ora kêtêmu. I don't know where it's gone – I can't find it anywhere
- bintang
- 1 (star-shaped) award medal. 2 star. [x] pilêm movie star
- bintangur
- a certain tree
- bintara
- noncommissioned officer
- binte
- [x]-n a kicking contest. m/di-[x] to kick smn in the calf of the leg with one's shin
- bintêng(-jae)
- a chewy confection of stickyrice flour, ginger, and sugar
- bintit
- red and swollen (of eyes)
- bincih
- castrated, spayed (kr for BIRI)
- bincil
- [x]-an reckoning of the propitiousness of certain days for holding important events. m/di-[x]-i to figure propitiousness for [an event]
- bintu
- a certain chemical used in processing batik. m/di-[x]-ni to dye [fabric] the basic blue by dipping it in a solution of this substance
- bintul
- a small itchy swelling
- bintur
- pincers for catching crabs. kê-[x] to get trapped; fig to be led astray, led into bad ways. m/di-[x] to catch [crabs] with the above pincers
- biologis
- biology
- bipèt
- 1 cabinet for displaying knick-knacks. 2 snack bar
- bir
- beer
- bira(h)i
- ltry var of BRA(H)I
- birama
- attractive, pleasing, harmonious
- birat
- cleansed of one's sins. m/di-[x] to wash away smn's sins
- biri
- ng, bincih kr (or [x]-n) castrated, spayed. jaran [x] a castrated horse. m/di-[x] to castrate, spay. See also KÊBIRI
- biring
- long straight spearhead
- Birma
- Burma
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- biro
- bureau, department
- birokrasi
- bureucracy
- birokrat
- bureaucrat
- birokratis
- bureucratic
- biru
- blue. [x] ênom (tuwa) light (dark) blue. [x] sêmu ijo greenish-blue. [x]-n(an) dyed batik. kê-[x]-n excessively blue; [of batik] too deeply dyed. m/di-[x] to make sth blue. m/di-[x]-kake to have sth made/dyed blue. m/di-[x]-ni to cover [the dyed portion of batik] with wax to prevent it from taking on the color of the next dyeing. [x] barlèn light blue. [x] èrêm (to be/get) black-and-blue. [x] (k)êcu deep blue. [x] langit sky blue. [x] maya-maya pure clear blue
- bis
- 1 bus. 2 mailbox. 3 concrete water pipe. [x]-[x]-an bus station. ngê-[x] to ride a bus. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to send by bus. 2 to mail a letter (for smn) ngê/di-[x]-i to bus sth. ngê-[x]-an bus station. nunggangi becak mênyang ngê-[x]-an to take a pedicab to the bus station
- bisa
- ng, sagêd kr 1 can, be able, know how [to]. Dhèke umur papat wis [x] maca. He could read when he was four. [x]-a kae ya êmoh aku. Even if I could do it, I wouldn't. Masa [x]-a. As if he could do that! 2 to manage to [do], succeed in [do]ing. Dhèke [x] nahan nêsune. He managed to control his anger. 3 to [do] in accordance with one's nature. Macan [x] nggêro. Tigers roar. [x]-ne what one is capable of. Yèn jam nêm aku ora [x], [x]-ku mung jam rolas awan. I can't make it at 6 o'clock, I can only make it at noon. [x]-ne [x], ning ming kêsèd. He can do it-he's just lazy. [x]-[x]-ne how is it possible! Aku gumun kok kowe sêdina dhêk ora mangan, kok [x]-[x]-mu. How on earth can you go all day without eating! di-[x]-k(-[x]-k)-ake to make sth possible; to do one's best. Ujiane pancèn angèl ning di-bisak-bisakake lo. The test is hard, but do your best! Aku ngêrti yèn kowe sesuk ewuh ning mbok di-[x]-kake. I know you're busy tomorrow, but do try to work it in. ka-[x]-n ability, capability. Aja sok umuk bab ka-[x]-nmu. Don't brag about what you can do. Ka-[x]-n kaya ngono kuwi ora kabèh wong duwe. Not everyone has the aptitude for it. sa-[x]-ne according to one's capability. Ora pêrlu akèh-akèh. sa-[x]-mu wae. It needn't be much-just [give] what you can. Aku mêsthi mampir, êmbuh kapan; sa-[x]-ku. I'll drop by, I don't know when-whenever I can. sa-[x]-[x] if possible. Sa-[x]-[x] [x]-a dadi ing sajrone sêsasi. Have it ready in a month, if possible. sa-[x]-[x]-ne to the best of one's ability. Uruna sa-[x]- [x]-mu. Give whatever you can. Aku wis usaha sa-[x]-[x]-ku. I've done my best. [x] uga perhaps, possibly. [x] uga dhèke nèng pêrpustakaan. He may have gone to the library. See also GUMISA
- bisae
- bad, ugly, inferior
- biseka
- oj to assume a noble name or title. di-[x] to be declared king
- bisik
- (or [x]-[x] or bisak-[x] or bê-[x]) to whisper. [x]-an a whisper; that which is whispered. bê-[x]-e narendra His Majesty. bê-[x]-e nguwuh-uwuh to give away one's secret inadvertently. m/di-[x]-i to whisper to. Aku [x]-ana. Whisper it to me!
- biskal
- var of BÊSKAL
- biskop
- 1 Catholic bishop. 2 var of BIYOSKOP
- biskup
- var of BIYOSKOP
- biskucing
- touch-me-not (shrub)
- biskuwit
- var of BÊSKUWIT
- bislongit
- may God have mercy on his soul
- bismillah
- in the name of God
- bisu
- dumb (unable to speak). m-[x] to act dumb, pretend one cannot speak
- bi:t
- beet. gula [x] beet sugar
- bithêt
- scar from a wound
- bithi
- fist. m/di-[x] to punch
- biting
- 1 coconut-leaf rib sharpened to a point, for pinning leaf-wrapped packets. 2 unit for weighing gold. 3 ltry unit of 400. sa-[x] 400. [x]-an pinned with a leaf-rib pin. m/di-[x]-i to fasten [a parcel] with such a pin
- bicantên
- rg var of WICANTÊN
- bicara
- rg var of WICARA
- bithu
- [x]-[x] having a round full face
- biwada
- oj m/di-[x] to revere, hold in awe
- biwara
- oj see LAYANG
- byah
- rpr suddenly breaking apart. [x], sarunge bêdhah. His sarong suddenly ripped. ngê-[x] 1 common, general. 2 (psv di-[x]) to generalize. Yèn ana murid siji sing kêsèd, aja di-[x] yèn sakêlas padha kêsèt kabèh. If one student is lazy, don't assume the whole class is lazy. See also AMBYAH, GÊBYAH
- byaya(h)
- var of BIYAYAH
- byayak
- var of BIYAYAK
- byak
- rpr suddenly opening/parting. Lawang mbukak [x]. Suddenly the door burst open. [x], soroting rêmbulan nratas mega. The moon suddenly broke through the clouds. [x]-[x]-an acting with hurried or restless motions. Barêng ujiane kari sêminggu, A lagi
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- [x]-[x]-an sinau. A week before the exam A began to study frantically. Dhèke [x]-[x]-an nggolèki dhompète mêrga isih ditunggu sopir taksi. He completed the purchase in great haste-the taxi was waiting outside. ngê/di-[x]-(ake) to open sth (out) wide
- byang
- var of BIYANG. (m)-[x]-[x]-an to wander about habitually, enjoy going places
- byar
- 1 a flash; to flash. Dumadakan [x] dadi padhang kabèh. Suddenly a flash lighted up everything. Mak [x] lampune murub manèh. The lights came on again. 2 to open the eyes. 3 daybreak. Ngantos [x] sawêg sami wangsul. They didn't get back till dawn. ngê-[x] to stay awake all night. Aku mau bêngi ngê-[x] sinau. I studied all night last night. Olèhe sinau nganti ngê-[x]. He studied all night. [x] klekar or [x] padhang to wake up in the morning. Sabên [x] padhang wong loro kuwi wiwit padon. They start quarreling as soon as they get up. [x] pêt to go off and on. Lampune kok [x] pêt wae. How come the lights keeping going on and off! Cahyane [x] pêt, gèk katon mangah-mangah, gèk katon pucêt. She flushed and paled by turns. See also AMBYAR
- byat
- 1 heavy; weight. 2 habit. ka-[x]-[x]-an excessively heavy
- byor
- [x]-[x]-an shining, sparkling. See also ABYOR
- byuk
- rpr mass movement. Laron iku têkane mak [x] bêbarêngan. The flying ants came in hordes. [x]-[x](an) to go smw in large numbers. Yèn bar panèn jêngglèng, pari banjur [x]-[x]-an diuyangake. Right after the harvest the market is glutted with rice. Walang sangit [x]-[x]-an mara gêni. The insects clustered around the fire. kê-[x]-an to have sth swarming all over it. ngê-[x] to go smw in large numbers. Tangga-têparone padha ngê-[x] rêrewang ing kono. The neighbors flocked around to help. ngê/di-[x]-i to heap/pour sth onto. ngê-[x]-i uyah to salt sth copiously. Gênine di-[x]-i kayu. He heaped wood on the fire. See also AMBYUK
- byung
- rpr a swarming movement. Wong-wong banjur lunga mak [x]. The people flocked out. [x]-[x]-an to move in large groups. Ana wong pirang-pirang [x]-[x]-an ing kono. There were great crowds there. manuk mabur [x]-[x]-an birds flying in flocks. ma-[x]-an ltry var of [x]-[x]-AN. ngê-[x] to move as a group. Manuke ngê-[x] mangetan. The birds flew eastward in flocks.
- byu:r
- 1 rpr a splash. Mak [x] njêgur ing kali. He jumped in the river. 2 rpr a quick movement. [x] padha mlayu ngithar. They scurried off. 3 monochromatic. abang [x] plain red. Temboke putih [x]. The wall is solid white. byar-[x] to splash oneself with water. [x]-[x]-an to jump into water (for fun). ngê-[x] to splash [water] around; to scatter [small objects] about. ngê/di-[x]-ake to spread, scatter. ngê-[x]-ake wiji-wiji to scatter seeds. ngê/di-[x]-i to splash sth [with] or scatter [sth] onto. See also AMBYUR, GÊBYUR
- blaba
- generous
- blabag
- 1 board. 2 blackboard. 3 one who is responsible for sth. 4 var of BLÊBÊG. kê-[x] to be given a responsibility. Krama dina iki kê-[x] ngilèni sawahe. It's Krama's job to let water into the paddies today. m-[x] hard, boardlike
- blabar
- m-[x] to overflow. Banyune m-[x]. The water overflowed. Alun-alun jêjêl wadyabala nganti m-[x] mênyang pasar. The square was so jammed with troops they spilled over into the marketplace
- blabuk
- m/di-[x]-ake to sell fake articles as genuine
- blabur
- 1 blurred, hazy. 2 rg flood. kê-[x]-an flooded, inundated
- blad
- pattern transferred to another paper underneath by drawing heavily over the lines. ngê/di-[x] to trace a drawing in this way
- bladhak
- m-[x] badly behaved
- bladhêg
- [x]-an continuous successive occurrences. [x]-an rêjêki kok ora êntèk-êntèk. There's no end to his good fortune. kê-[x] to keep having sth happen to one. Dhèke lagi kê-[x] rêjêki. He's having a run of luck. m/di-[x] to happen continuously (to smn). Yèn sabên dina di-[x] iwak pitik gorèng suwe-suwe ya jêlèh. If you're served fried chicken every day, you'll get tired of it sooner or later
- bladêr
- kê-[x](-[x]) to be inconvenienced, annoyed, etc. by untidiness around one. m-[x](-[x]) cluttered; cluttering. Meja-meja padha katon m-[x]. The tables were littered with stuff
- blajar
- to teach; to learn, study. [x]-an 1 education, teaching, instruction. 2 in the learning stage
- bladho
- bladhog
- gluttonous. m/di-[x] to eat greedily
- bladhu
- muddy, mucky. kê-[x] to get trampled into the mud. m-[x] muddy
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- blaèr
- (or [x]-an) to salivate freely when about to vomit
- blaès
- oh dear! (excl of surprise or concern)
- blai
- 1 inf var of BILAHI. 2 excl of surprise or concern
- blai:k
- excl expressing fear or alarm
- blayang
- m-[x] to go smw for pleasure, engage in pleasurable activity
- blak
- 1 rpr opening. Lawange mak [x] mbukak. Suddenly the door opened. 2 paper pattern. [x] klambi dress pattern. [x]-[x]-an wide open; concealing nothing. Omahe ditinggal [x]-[x]-an. He left the house with the doors and windows open. sorot [x]-[x]-an open-air movie. Olèhe rêmbugan [x]-[x]-an. They discussed it frankly. ngê-[x] 1 wide open. 2 (psv di-[x]) to open sth. 3 (psv di-[x]) to make a pattern; to use sth as a pattern. Gawean omahku di-[x]. He copied my homework. ngê/di-[x]-ake to open; to disclose. ngê-[x]-ake lawang to open a door. Wadine diê-[x]-ake. He let out the secret. See also ABLAK
- blaka
- 1 frank, candid; to tell the truth. [x] yèn sing njupuk dhèwèke. He admitted he had stolen it. Ditakoni kumpulan apa, ora gêlêm [x]. Asked what groups he belonged to, he wouldn't tell. 2 rg plain, unadorned. tèh [x] plain tea (no sugar). m/di-[x]-kake to tell frankly, tell the truth about. Dhèke ora m-[x]-kake jênênge. He didn't give his right name. m-[x]-kake kêsalahane to acknowledge one's mistake. m/di-[x]-ni to tell the truth (to). Takon marang biyung ora di-[x]-ni. He asked his mother but she wouldn't tell him. Aku [x]-nana. Come clean with me! [x] suta to tell the truth, admit frankly
- blaki
- rg kr for BLAKA
- blalak
- [x]-[x] or m-[x] [of eyes] beautifully wide and clear. m/di-[x]- [x]-ake to try to make [one's eyes] look beautiful by opening them wide
- blanak
- a certain edible fish
- blandha
- see AÈR
- blandhang
- m-[x] to run fast. Jam iki ora m-[x] ora kèthèr. This watch doesn't run fast or slow. m/di-[x]-ake to cause to run fast. Jarane di-[x]-ake. He spurred on his horse
- blandar
- roof frame. [x]-an main section of a house frame. [x] pa-ng-kêrêt ridgepole
- blandhit
- ptg [x] 1 in disorder; scattered around. 2 inconsistent, specious, untenable
- blanja
- 1 to shop (for). [x] mênyang pasar to go shopping at the market. [x] jarik to shop for batiks. 2 salary, wages. [x] pêdinan daily pay. 3 cost of living. anggaran [x] budged. bê-[x]-n to do shopping. m/di-[x] to pay [a worker]. m/di-[x]-kake 1 to buy things on smn's behalf. Aku kudu m-[x]-kake ibu. I have to do the shopping for Mother. 2 to spend [money]
- blandhong
- woodcutter. [x]-an act or way of cutting wood. m-[x] to cut wood for a living
- blandrang
- var of BLANDRÊNG
- blandrêng
- [x]-an or m-[x] continuous, uninterrupted. têrus m-[x] ping lima 5 in a row. Olèhe nggênjot pit m-[x] wae. He kept right on pedaling his bicycle
- blang
- [x]-[x]-an [of housewives] always out visiting, running errands, etc
- blanggêm
- cassava cake
- blanggrèng
- blossom of the coffee plant
- blangkêm
- [x]-ên 1 stunned speechless. 2 [of mouth] not having been used (for talking, eating) for hours on end
- blangko
- 1 form/blank to be filled out. 2 to abstain from voting
- blangkok
- varicolored, multicolored
- blangkon
- ikêt-style headdress permanently ly sewn in shape. [x]-an to wear or put on the above
- blangkrèh
- ptg [x] in disorder. Omahe ptg [x]. The house is messy
- blantik
- (or [x] rajakaya) dealer in livestock and birds
- blanthongan
- ant-like insect
- blarah
- [x]-an or m-[x] pervasive [of a disagreeable odor]
- blarak
- (dried) coconut leaf. [x] nam-naman woven coconut leaves
- blarongan
- to reek, smell foul
- blarut
- a scratch, cut. ptg [x] having many cuts/scratches. m-[x] cut, scratched. See also BARUT
- blas
- 1 altogether. waras [x] fully recovered. 2 rpr a swift motion. Lagi bae diuncali bal, [x] wis diunclangake kancane. As soon as he caught the ball he flipped it to his teammate. [x]-[x]-an in great haste. Olèhe maca [x]-[x]-an. He skimmed through it. See also GÊBLAS, KÊBLAS
- blasah
- ptg [x] scattered about. Kêkêmbangan wêrna-wêrna ptg [x] ana ratan. There were flowers strewn on the road. kê-[x] to get messed up or scattered about. m-[x] scattered on the ground; to spread, scatter, strew
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- blasak
- [x]-an to stray, wander. kê-[x] to get lost. m-[x](-[x]) to wander here and there. m-[x]-ake 1 misleading. Têngêre m-[x]-ake. The label is misleading. 2 (psv di-[x]-ake) to cause smn to go wrong. Aku di-[x]-ake tukang becak. The pedicab driver gypped me by taking me on a long roundabout route
- blasar
- m-[x] astray, on the wrong road (lit, fig). tindak m-[x] aberrant conduct
- blastêr
- crossbred bird: a female white dove (putêr) bred with a different male dove, as: [x] dara white dove crossbred with a dove (dara). [x] dêruk crossbreed with a male gray dove (dêruk). [x] lumut crossbreed with a male gray-green dove (lumut)
- blasuk
- var of BLASAK
- blatèr
- popular; friendly, outgoing
- blathi
- dagger
- blacan
- a certain wild cat
- blaco
- raw cotton to be woven into white cotton fabric
- blacu
- var of BLACO
- blathok
- a type of axe
- blatung
- maggot
- blau
- bluing (used in wash water)
- blaudrêk
- blueprint
- blaur
- 1 stubborn, headstrong. 2 var of BLAWUR
- blawah
- [x]-an to overflow. m-[x] 1 to overflow. 2 wide, gaping
- blawan
- [x]-an to speak street language, talk obscenely or coarsely. m-[x] to fight
- blawong
- 1 long and big around. 2 a big eater
- blawu
- cement in the powdered state. sêmèn [x] powdered cement
- blawur
- blurred, not clearly visible
- blawus
- faded from frequent launderings
- blêbah
- [of rain] hard, pouring. [x] panèn-an harvest time, when rice is plentiful and cheap
- blêbêd
- protective covering/wrapping; bandage. kê-[x] to get wrapped/wound. Sikile kê-[x] oyot wit wringin. He got his foot tangled in a banyan root. m/di-[x] to apply a wrapping to. Drijine di-[x]. She bandaged his finger
- blêbêg
- 1 rpr sudden submergence. Slamêt mak [x] têrus ora ketok. Slamet disappeared under water. 2 rg var of BRÊBÊG. kê-[x] to get submerged. m/di-[x]-ake to submerge sth. Gêndul-gêndul kosong di-[x]-ake ing banyu umob. He immersed the empty bottles in boiling water
- blèblèk
- thick flat piece. wêsi sa-[x] a sheet of iron. [x]-an in (the form of) sheets. [x]-an êmas sheets of gold. m-[x] to flow outward in all directions
- blèbèr
- var of BLABAR
- blêbêr
- to fly. Macan mlumpat [x]. The tiger took a flying leap. ptg [x] to fly in all directions. Lawane padha ptg [x] mêtu saka guwa. The bats came flying out of the cave. blêbar-[x] to flyback and forth
- blêbês
- 1 rpr sudden submergence. Dhèke nyilêm mak [x]. He dove under. 2 ruler used as an aligning tool, e.g. by bricklayers, weavers. m-[x] 1 downward. Layangane nyiruke m-[x]. The kite took a long swooping dive. 2 too wet to burn
- blêdhag
- m-[x] to billow or shoot out. Kompore m-[x]. The stove blew up. Wêtênge m-[x]. His stomach bulges out
- blêdhèg
- thunder with lightning
- blêdhêg
- rg var of BÊDHÊDHÊG
- blêdhèh
- m-[x] partly opened up. Klambimu m-[x] mbok dibênikke. Your shirt is coming open: button it!
- blêdhêng
- rpr entering. Barêng Slamêt mlêbu mak [x] ana klas, bocah-bocah padha surak. When Slamet popped into the classroom, everybody cheered
- blêdêr
- var of BLADÊR
- blêdhês
- rpr submerging. Mak [x] dhèke silêm. She suddenly dived in. m/di-[x]-ake to submerge sth. Sirahe di-[x]-ake banyu. He ducked
- blêdig
- m/di-[x] to chase
- blèjèd
- m/di-[x]-i 1 to strip, remove the outer layer or clothing from. Urange di-[x]-i kulite. She shelled the shrimp. Petruk di-[x]-i. They took off Petruk's clothes. 2 to rob smn
- blêjêd
- (or m-[x]) intsfr naked. wuda (m)-[x] stark naked. blêjad-[x] to undress. Olèhmu salin gèk blêjat-[x]. Hurry and change!
- blêjog
- [x]-an on an impulse, on the spur of the moment. m/di-[x] 1 to [do] on an impulse. Wingi Slamêt m-[x] têka ing omahku. Slamet dropped in on us yesterday. 2 to fire questions at smn
- blêdhog
- [x]-an large loud firecracker. m-[x] to explode noisily
- blêdhos
- kê-[x]-an to be affected adversely by an explosion. Kancaku kê-[x]-an mrêcon, nganti cacad mripate. A firecracker went off close to a friend of mine and damaged his eyes. m-[x] to explode, erupt. unine bêdhil m-[x] the sound of a gun going off.
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- Gunung gênine m-[x]. The volcano erupted. m/di-[x]-ake to cause to explode. m-[x]-ake ban to burst a tire (by pumping too much air into it). m/di-[x]-i to affect adversely by exploding. Mêrcone m-[x]-i mripate. The firecracker went off in his eyes. pa-m-[x] act of exploding
- blêdhu
- rg var of BLÊDHUG
- blêdug
- 1 dust, esp. in the air. [x] radhioaktip radioactive dust. Kasurane ana [x]-e. The cushions are dusty. 2 earnings apart from salary (tips, commission, etc). [x]-ing nêgara travel expenses allowed to government officials. 3 baby elepant (young of the GAJAH). kê-[x]-an to get covered with sth from the air. Panganane kê-[x]-an awu. The food got ashes in it. m-[x] dusty. m/di-[x]-i to get dust onto
- blêdhug
- 1 mud. 2 var of BLÊDHOG
- blèg
- metal can; metal of which cans are made. bukakan [x] can opener. [x]-[x]-an in cans; by the can. roti [x]-[x]-an cookies in tins. ngê/di-[x]-i to can [foods, etc]
- blêg
- rpr a swishing or shuffling impact. Jarane digêbug [x]. He lashed the horse. tiba mak [x] to fall with a splat! 2 altogether. Temboke putih [x]. The wall is all white. Mas lan adhike padha [x]. The brothers look exactly alike. 3 the day smn dies (rg var of GÊBLAG). blag-[x] rpr repeated impacts as above. nggêbugi blag-[x] to rain blows on. kê-[x]-a to get hit from above. Pawone ambruk kê-[x]-an wit klapa. The cooking area was demolished by a falling coconut tree. ngê/di-[x]-ake to drop [sth heavy]. Watune diê-[x]-ake. He let the stone fall with a thud. ngê/di-[x]-i 1 to resemble closely. Praupane wis ngê-[x]-i simbah kakung. He looks just like his grandfather. 2 (psv di-[x]-i) to drop sth onto. Awake di-[x]-i bêras sêkarung. A sack of rice fell on him. [x] sêg rpr sudden inertness. Nèk turu [x] sek. I dropped right off to sleep. See also AMBLÊG
- blêgêdhêg
- [x]-an cr pure, true. Islam [x]-an a Moslem through and through. komunis [x]-an a communist to the core. m-[x] to boil with a plopping noise (e.g. thick porridge)
- blêgêjis
- m-[x] you see! you know! naturally!
- blêgênêk
- var of BLÊKÊNÊK
- blêgèr
- var of BLÊGÊR
- blêgêr
- figure, shape. [x]-ing pawakane kêncêng kiyêng. He has a tight, compact build. [x]-e omahe the style of the house
- blêgidhig
- m/di-[x] to arouse feelings of disgust/antipathy/revulsion
- blêgong
- [x]-an a hole. kê-[x] to fall into a hole by accident; fig to get gypped. m/di-[x]-i to fall into. Bolongane tutupên, mundhak m-[x]-i. Cover the hole, or smn'll fall into it
- blêgug
- m-[x] fat, bulging
- blêkênêk
- m-[x] nasty-looking, unsavory
- blêkêthêg
- m-[x] muddy, dirty, unwashed
- blêkêtepe
- woven coconut leaves (for walls, roofs)
- blêkêcêg
- var of BLÊKÊTHÊG
- blêkètrèk
- m-[x] thin and watery, oozing disagreeably. Gêdhange kêmatêngên nganti bosok m-[x]. The banana is overripe and spoiling
- blêkêtupuk
- a variety of owl
- blêkik
- kê-[x] to get discovered or trapped (when hiding)
- blêkok
- a certain heron
- blèkrèk
- m/di-[x]-i to cut off. m-[x]-i blarak to lop off coconut leaves (from the branch)
- blêkuk
- ptg [x] 1 pl halting, hesitant, uncertain. 2 rumpled, crumpled. blêkak-[x] sg 1 hesitant, unsure. Gunêmane blêkak-[x]. He spoke haltingly. 2 rumpled
- blêkuthak
- a certain fish
- blêkuthuk
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] or m-[x] 1 to bubble, booil. 2 to tell lies
- blelu
- blèlu, rg var of BLILU
- blêmbên
- a certain tall stiff grass
- blêmbêng
- m-[x] short and squat in shape
- blêmbong
- var of BLÊMBUNG
- blêmbung
- m-[x] large, round-shaped, rotund
- blêndhang
- m-[x] bloated; cr pregnant
- blèndèr
- board used for sliding a heavy object to move it. [x]-an joking, punning. têmbung [x]-an word/expression used for word play. kê-[x] to slide accidentally. m-[x] 1 to slip out of position. 2 to engage in banter or word play. 3 unreliable about keeping one's word. 4 [of women] promiscuous. m/di-[x]-ake to delegate one's authority to smn else
- blèndhêr
- 1 pitcher, i.e. kasti player who pitches the ball. 2 food blender. m-[x] fat, roly-poly. m/di-[x]-i to pitch to [players]
- blêndhêr
- m-[x] fat, bulging
- blêndhing
- m-[x] 1 distended, bloated. 2 cr pregnant
- blenja
- m/di-[x]-ni to break one's word. Wis sêmayan, aja m-[x]-ni. You permised; don't go back on it
- blênjat
- var of BLÊNCAT
- blênjog
- var of BLÊJOG
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- blendho
- rg var of BLONDHO
- blêndog
- reddish tree resin. kê-[x] to get overcharged for merchandise. m-[x] [of resin] to harden
- blendrang
- a tasty soup prepared a day ahead of eating (see also BENDRANG)
- blendre
- m-[x] 1 to slip, slide. 2 untrustworthy, slippery
- blèndrèng
- rg var of BLÈNDÈR
- blêndhuk
- m-[x] 1 round(ed) in shape. 2 bulging in the middle. 3 cr pregnant
- blêndhung
- boiled corn kernels. m-[x] swollen, inflated; to swell up
- blênêk
- [x]-[x] or m-[x] short and fat
- blênêt
- var of PLÊNÊT: see PLÈNÈT
- blêng
- 1 throughout. sêdina [x] all day long. 2 saliferous, brackish. 3 rpr entering. Dilêbokake cangkêm, [x]. He popped it in his mouth. [x]-[x] or blang-[x] 1 to go in and out easily. 2 to keep booming. ngê-[x] 1 to deny oneself sth for the duration of a certain time period, e.g. to stay awake for 24 hours, as a form of asceticism. 2 (psv di-[x]) to soak sth in salt water. ngê/di-[x]-ake to stuff/cram sth into
- blengah
- [x]-[x] 1 light-skinned. 2 pleasant, friendly-looking
- blèngèr
- m-[x] [of lips, face] red, rosy, healthy-looking
- blêngêr
- [x]-[x] or m-[x] repelled by a sight or odor
- blênggu
- handcuffs. m/di-[x] to handcuff smn
- blêngkêr
- 1 a frame. 2 a tire on a wheel. 3 var of BLUNGKÊR. m/di-[x]-i to equip with a frame or edging material. Gambare di-[x]-i kayu. He put a wooden frame on the picture.
- blèngkèt
- close [of blood or other relationships]
- blêngkik
- ptg [x] 1 devious, roundabout. Omongane ptg [x]. There's sth below the surface of what he's saying. 2 var of BLÊNGKUK
- blengkrah
- ptg [x] in disarray, messy. m/di-[x]-i to disarrange, put into disorder
- blêngkuk
- ptg [x] full of dips, curves, furrows etc. rather than smooth-surfaced. m-[x] 1 bent at the end. 2 [to sit] slumped over. m/di-[x]-ake to bend sth
- blêngur
- small goose (young of the BANYAK)
- blênyèk
- m-[x] soft and mushy
- blênyik
- têri fish salted and rolled up ready to fry
- blêntèng
- [x]-[x] patterned with dots of another color
- blêncat
- ptg [x] or [x]-an in random rather than consecutive order. Olèhe mangsuli pitakonan ptg [x], ora urut. He skipped around instead of answering the questions in order
- blencong
- oil lamp used in shadow-play performances for throwing the puppets' shadows on the screen
- blêncung
- m-[x] to walk steadily and purposefully without paying attention to anything else
- blêntong
- spot, blemish. ptg [x] spotted, covered with blemishes
- blênthot
- [of physique] firm, compact
- blepot
- messy, greasy, muddy
- blerah
- [x]-[x] [of eyes] bright, shining
- blere
- to have a ready laugh
- blèrèk
- blêrêk
- rg var of BLÊRÊT
- blèrèng
- rg var of LÈRÈNG
- blêrêng
- blinded by glaring light. [x]-[x] 1 glaring light. 2 blindingly glaring. kê-[x]-ên to have the eyes blinded by glare. m/di-[x]-i to dazzle with glaring light; fig to bedazzle, overawe
- blêrêt
- (or m-[x]) to dim, become gloomy. Ulate rada [x]. He has a glum expression. Lampune kok m-[x]. I wonder why the light dimmed! Reputasine wis m-[x]. His reputation has lost its glamor. m/di-[x]-ake to make sth dim/gloomy/darker
- blero
- 1 dissonant, inharmonious. Gamêlane [x]. The orchestra is out of tune. Si A saiki kok [x] panêmune. Why is A's opinion always different from everybody else's? 2 to waver between alternatives
- blês
- rpr entering. Wêtênge disuduk mak [x]. He was stabbed in the stomach. Praune bocor suwe-suwe banjur mak [x] kèrêm. The leaky boat finally sank. ngê/di-[x]-ake to stick/stab sth into. See also AMBLÊS, BLÊBÊS
- blêsar
- ptg [x] scattered about. Buku-bukune ptg [x] ana ngêndi-êndi. The books were scattered all over
- blêsat
- ptg [x] unbound and coming apart
- blêsêg
- rpr entering, inserting. Olèhe nglêbokake sikil gampang mak [x]. His feet slipped right into [the shoes]. blêsag-[x] rpr repeated insertions. Olèhe nglêbokake klambi nèng kopêr blêsak-[x] wae. He threw his clothes into a suitcase. kê-[x] to get stuck in(to). Cikare kê-[x] ana ing dalan. The wagon got stuck on the road. m-[x] 1 pressed/wedged into. 2 made lopsided, damaged, etc. by pressing. Kêrise m-[x] ing sabuk. His kris was
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- tucked too far down into his belt. Kranjange m-[x] kêtindhihan kursi. The basket got wedged up into the chair that was set down on top of it. m/di-[x]-ake to wedge sth into. Kêrise di-[x]-ake ing têngah sabuk. He tucked his kris in the center of his sash
- blètêr
- inflatable bladder of a leather ball. bal [x] soccer ball
- blêthok
- mud. [x]-an muddy place. m-[x] muddy
- blewah
- 1 a variety of melon. 2 var of BLÈWÈH
- blèwèh
- [x]-an 1 an opening with the edges turned back. 2 a ditch. m-[x] opened out; to come open. Tatune sing lagi wae dijait m-[x] mênèh. His newly sutured wound opened up again
- blèwèk
- var of BLÈWÈH
- blibar
- fruit bud of the mangosteen
- blidhuk
- var of BLITHUK
- bligo
- a variety of pumpkin
- bligung
- bligang-[x] or m-[x] undressed; shirtless
- bliyar
- [x]-[x] var of BLIYAT-BLIYUT
- bliyur
- var of BLIYUT
- bliyut
- bliyat-[x] nodding with drowsiness, so sleepy that things swim before the eyes. m-[x] sleepy, drowsy
- blila
- var of BALELA
- blilêt
- sbst kr for BLILU
- blilu
- ka-[x]-n untrained, lacking in knowledge or skill. m-[x] 1 to act ignorant/unschooled. 2 (psv di-[x]) to cheat, swindle. [x]-tau to have acquired a skill through experience rather than formal training
- blimbing
- a tart yellow fruit about the size of a mango. [x]-an resembling this fruit. [x] lingir a dessert variety of this fruit. [x] wuluh a small sour blimbing used in cooking
- blindhi
- ptg [x] in the form of small round pellets. m/di-[x]-ni to form sth into pellets
- blindhis
- 1 bald. 2 bare, naked. 3 bankrupt, broke
- blinjo
- rg var of MLINJO
- blingêr
- kê-[x] 1 to be taken unawares; to get cheated; to get caught in a mistake. 2 slang crazy. Wis kê-[x] pikirane. He's off his rocker. Kê-[x] ayune banjur edan. Her beauty drove him wild. m/di-[x]-ake to cheat/swindle smn. m/di-[x]-i to mislead, confuse
- blingkrah
- var of BLENGKRAH
- blirik
- (or [x]-[x]) speckled, flecked with color
- blisah
- restless, uneasy
- blithuk
- kê-[x] to get swindled. m/di-[x]-(i) to cheat, gyp, swindle
- bliwur
- (or kê-[x]) lost, bewildered, confused
- blobok
- discharged matter from the eye. m-[x] having discharged matter in/around the eye
- blobor
- [x]-an 1 liquid absorbed. [x]-ane kêrtas A ngênani kêrtas B. The ink that soaked into paper A got on paper B. 2 having been absorbed; having soaked in. m-[x] 1 absorbent. 2 to get absorbed. Tulisane m-[x]. The writing soaked in[to the paper]. m/di-[x]-i to soak into. Kêrtas A m-[x]-i kêrtas B. Paper A soaked through onto paper B
- blobos
- var of BROBOS
- blojod
- m/di-[x]-i 1 to remove the clothing from smn. 2 to rob, hold up, clean out
- blodhog
- a certain fish
- blodro
- m/di-[x] to smear sth (onto). Wong-wongane di-[x] pulut nangka. He smeared jackfruit resin on the dummy
- blog
- 1 block or plot of land. 2 rpr a thud, slap. 3 roll, bolt [of fabric] (see also ÊMBLOG). [x]-[x]-an 1 rpr thudding or slapping. 2 [fabric] in rolls/bolts
- blok
- bloc. [x] wetan (kulon) Eastern (Western) bloc
- blokèk
- [x]-an or m-[x] to feel nauseated; to vomit
- blokèng
- rg var of BONGKOK
- blolok
- [x]-ên blinded by glaring light. m-[x]-i blindingly glaring
- blombong
- [x]-an a large opening. m-[x] large [of an opening]
- blondho
- remains of coconut from which oil has been extracted
- blondor
- rg var of BLONDRONG
- blondhos
- rg var of BLINDHIS
- blondrok
- rg var of BLONDRONG
- blondrong
- kê-[x] 1 to get cheated, esp. overcharged. 2 to be misled, be given faulty information. m/di-[x]-ake to cheat or mislead smn
- blong
- 1 rpr sudden relief from strain or tension. 2 empty. kosong [x] or kothong [x] completely empty
- blongkèng
- rg var of BONGKOK
- blongsong
- 1 material (paper, bamboo, etc). for wrapping fruits while still on the tree, to hasten the ripening. 2 kris decoration. [x]-an protective wrapping for fruit. m/di-[x]-(i) to wrap [fruit] as above. Pêlêm kuwi [x]-ên dhewe. Wrap that mango yourself. Pêlême di-[x]-i bèn enggal matêng. They wrapped the mangoes so they'd ripen wuickly
- blonyo(h)
- [x]-an to rub (with). [x]-an tamba saawak sêkojur to rub medication all over
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- one's body. m/di-[x] to rub sth onto. m-[x] dhadha to smear the chest with ointment
- blonthang
- (or [x]-[x]) dotted with large spots of color
- blonthèng
- var of BLONTHANG
- blopot
- rg var of BLEPOT
- blorok
- speckled, spotted. pitik [x] a speckled hen
- blorong
- black-and-white striped
- blorot
- rg var of BLONDRONG
- blos
- rpr piercing. Kêrtase dicoblos mak [x]. He stabbed a pin into the paper
- blosok
- VAR OF blusuk
- blosong
- var of BLONGSONG
- blosot
- var of BROSOT
- blocok
- (or [x]-an) fuzzily or indistinctly patterned [of batik]
- blothong
- remains of peanuts after the oil has been extracted
- blotrong
- m-[x] paunchy, sagging in the abdomen
- blowok
- kê-[x] 1 to step into a hole accidentally. 2 to get overcharged for merchandise
- blubud
- m-[x] inconsiderate; brazen
- blubuk
- [x]-an [of soil, ash] soft, crumbling. gêni [x]-an ashes with glowing embers among them. [x]-[x] rpr the sound of air bubbles emerging from water. m-[x] soft, crumbling
- blubur
- m-[x] soft, crumbly (e.g. chalk)
- blubus
- var of BLUBUD
- bludag
- [x]-an 1 overflow, spillage. 2 an outpouring of generosity. m-[x] 1 to overflow, spill out/over. 2 generous to a fault. 3 boastful
- bludêr
- Dutch-style vanilla cake with raisins
- bludir
- [x]-an embroidered fabric. m/di-[x] to embroider
- bluju
- 1 (or m-[x]) having clean simple lines without ornamentation [of crafted objects]. 2 symmetrically shaped cylindrical object
- bludrêg
- high blood pressure
- bludru
- velvet
- bludhuk
- [x]-an soft crumbly substance, esp. soil. m-[x] soft and crumbly
- bludhus
- m-[x] to barge into a party or entertainment without having received an invitation or bought a ticket
- blug
- rpr a thud. Krambil ditibakake [x]. He dropped the coconut with a thud. Bubuk, bubuk, [x]. Let's lie down and go to sleep! blag-[x] rpr repeated thudding falls. Klapane padha tiba blag-[x]. The coconuts kept droping
- blui
- see BUWI
- bluk
- rpr bursting into flame. Yèn dicêdhaki gêni gase mbanjur mak [x] murub. If gas gets near fire, it flares up suddenly
- blukang
- rg var of BONGKOK
- blukèk
- var of BLOKÈK
- blukèr
- var of BLUWÈR
- bluluk
- coconut in its first stage of development on the tree
- blulung
- ptg [x] or [x]-an panic-stricken
- blumbang
- ornamental garden pond with fish. [x]-an 1 bed of a pond. 2 batik-bordered fabric used for headdresses, brassieres. [x]-an siwak-an river-fed pond
- blundrah
- spotted, stained
- blundrèh
- var of BLUNDRAH
- blundhus
- (or m-[x]) intsfr naked. Bocahe m-[x] wuda. The child was stark naked
- blung
- 1 rpr a sudden submerging. Kancil kecêmplung ana sumur, mak [x]! Mouse-Deer fell splash! into the well. 2 intsfr empty. suwung [x] completely empty
- blungka
- (over)ripe cucumber
- blungkak
- melon
- blungkang
- rg var of BONGKOK
- blungkèng
- rg var of BONGKOK
- blungkêr
- ptg [x] quaking, cowering (from cold, fear). m-[x] 1 to cower, quake. 2 to hug the knees to the chest
- bluncat
- m-[x] to jump, leap. (m)-[x]-(m)-[x] to jump around (physically, e.g. a grasshopper; or to [do] out of sequance rather than in consecutive order)
- bluru
- ptg [x] or m-[x] to disperse, spread in all directions
- blurut
- m-[x] to commit a burglary in broad daylight
- blus
- 1 shirt; blouse. 2 rpr stabbing. Mak [x] dome mancêb. The (hypodermic) needle stabbed into him. [x]-an to put on or wear a shirt/blouse
- blusuk
- rpr entering. Tikus mak [x] ndhêlik ing lèng. The mouse whisked into its hole. blusak-[x] to keep entering [places where one does not belong]. kê-[x] to enter by mistake. Sikilku kê-[x] got. My foot slipped into the ditch. Si macan kê-[x], kêcêmplung ing jugangan jêro. The tiger fell into a deep ravine. m-[x] to enter. m-[x] mênyang alas to go into the forest. m/di-[x]-ake 1 to put/push sth (into). Lacine di-[x]-ake mlêbu. He pushed the drawer shut. Ban di-[x]-ake sirah nyêgur mênyang ing kali. He slipped his head into the inner tube and jumped into the river. 2 to persuade smn to do wrong
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- bluthak
- a certain fish
- bluthèh
- slushy, oozy; partially melted
- bluwêk
- rpr slipping easily into sth, esp. a hole. Nèkêre mlêbu mak [x]. The marble rolled right in[to the hole]. Glathine mak [x] têmancêp nang wêtênge. The dagger stabbed into his stomach. [x]-an a hole in the ground. bluwak-[x] to keep going into holes. kê-[x] to slip into a hole by accident
- bluwèr
- [x]-an nauseated
- bluwêr
- m-[x] 1 muddy. 2 to play in mud
- bluwi
- var of BUWI
- bluwus
- [of fabric] old and faded. m-[x] to wear faded old clothing
- bo
- adr kerbau! (shf of KÊBO)
- bobat
- var of BUBAT
- bobok
- 1 healing ointment of powdered herbs mixed with water. 2 to sleep (child's word: var of BUBUK). m/di-[x] to break. Temboke di-[x]. He broke through the wall. m-[x] cèlèngan to break open a piggy bank. m/di-[x]-ake to apply [a powder-and-water mixture]. Tukang batune njupuk adonan sêmèn banjur di-[x]-ke nang tembok. The bricklayer took a trowelful of mortar and slapped it on the wall. m/di-[x]-i to apply [such a mixture] to. m-[x]-i bocah to put a poultice on a child
- bobol
- m/di-[x]-(i) to break through sth. m-[x] cangklakane barisane mungsuh to break through the enemy lines
- bobor
- 1 [of eggs] infertile. 2 a soup of vegetables and coconut milk
- bobot
- ng, wawrat kr 1 weight; a weight. [x]-e pira? How much does it weigh? 2 (degree of) importance, prestige. Wong mau dudu [x]-mu. He's not as important as you are. [x]-an to go to the bathroom (ki for NG-ISING). Tamune wis [x]-an. The guests have washed up. m-[x] 1 (psv di-[x]) to weigh. m-[x] bêras to weigh rice. 2 (psv di-[x]) to put a price on sth. Tokone m-[x] rêganing bungkus. The store charges for wrapping packages. 3 pregnant. m/di-[x]-i 1 to weight sth down. Kêrtase di-[x]-i watu. He weighted the paper down with a stone. 2 to get advice/opinions from. Sadurunge mutus, bêcike m-[x]-i para sarjana. Before you decide, you'd better get some scholarly opinions. pa-m-[x] ki pregnant. sa-[x]-(e) proportionate. Paukumane sa-[x] karo salahe. The punishment fits the crime. Sikile walang iku ing sa-[x]-e kuwat tur kêngkêng. Locusts' legs are strong and sturdy in proportion to the size of the body. [x] timbang consideration of the alternatives. Apa anane wis dak têrangake, saiki [x] timbang ana kowe. I've told you all the facts; now you'll have to decide. [x] watu counterweight. See also ABOT, BIBIT, BOT
- bobrak
- badly damaged, broken apart. m/di-[x] to damage, break
- bobrok
- in bad condition. omah [x] a ramshackle house. [x]-an damaged, wrecked
- bod
- paid in full. Utangku wis [x]. My debt is all paid. [x]-[x]-an money, or a subsitute, for paying a debt. Mêrga utange akèh, [x]-[x]-ane ya ora sêthithik. He has so many debts it'll take a lot to pay them off. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to pay smn's debt for him. 2 to use sth to pay off a debt. Aku ngê-[x]-ake sawahku. I paid off my debt with my rice paddy. ngê/di-[x]-i to complete payment on a debt. Anggonku ngê-[x]-i lagi wingi bae. I just made the final payment yesterday
- bodhag
- broad shallow woven-bamboo basket in which rice is kept
- bodhèh
- wild betel vine
- bodhèng
- busy, pressed for time
- bodin
- cassava
- bodhing
- scythe, grass-cutting knife
- boja
- ltry food. [x] krama a reception party
- bojana
- feast, banquet. [x] andrawina large dinner party
- bojlèng
- boastful excl used by wy ogres. [x]-[x] iblis lanat (bêgijigan) excl of astonishment
- bojo
- ng kr, garwa ki spouse. ngêpèk [x] to choose a wife. [x]-ne wis mèh têka. Her husband will be here any minute. [x]-n the wife of an official. bojon lurah village head's wife. bê-[x]-an to get married. [x] jaka-lara one's original wife whom he has never divorced
- bojod
- broken through in such a way that ends stick out, e.g. a woven basket with a hole poked through it
- bojog
- measure for raw rice: ca. 7 kati's, or roughly 9 lbs
- bodho
- stupid, ignorant. [x]-n 1 ètaking a guess. Bodhon dhèke iki murid. I judge from his general aspect that he's a student. yèn kowe ora ngêrti sênêngane, [x]-n tukokna rok. If you don't know what she likes, just get her a dress. 2 one who is untrained. manut etungan bodhon from the layman's point of view. [x]-[x]-an to compare for stupidity. Bodho-bodhoan, A luwih [x] tinimbang B.
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- When it comes to stupidity, A is dumber than B. m-[x] to pretend to be ignorant or indifferent. Liyane padha omong-omongan bab sêkolah, ning Tama m-[x]. The others were chatting about school, but Tomo didn't join in at all. m/di-bê-[x] to cheat or make a fool of smn. m-[x]-k(-[x]-k)ake 1 to play dumb, pretend not to know or care. 2 (psv di-[x]-k(2)ake) to consider smn stupid/ignorant. Aja mbodhok-bodhokake Ali. Don't keep telling Ali he's dumb! m-[x]-ni to act dumb/stupid
- bodhol
- 1 to come out [of feathers, hair, etc]. Êlare [x] kabèh. Its feathers all fell out. Sapune [x]. The broom straws came off. 2 worn out, threadbare. ban [x] a worn-out tire. 3 departure (var of BUDHAL). m/di-[x]-ake 1 to remove the feathers etc. from. 2 to send smn off. m-[x]-i 1 to molt (var of M-BRODOL-I). 2 (psv di-[x]-i) to pull sth (out). Kipase aja di-[x]-i. Don't pull the fan apart!
- bodong
- 1 [of navel] inverted, protruding. 2 stupid, ignorant
- bodhor
- comedian, joker
- bog
- rpr a dull plop. Pêlême tiba [x]. The mango fell with a plop. [x]-[x]-an contracted for on a job basis. ka-[x]-an saddled with a burden. ngê/di-[x] to buy up (in large quantities; all that is for sale); to buy the crop of a fruit tree before the fruit is harvested. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to let sth fall with a plop. 2 to sell the crop of a fruit tree
- boga
- food. See also UPABOGA
- bogang
- [of corn, rice] damaged by crop disease
- bogèl
- (cut) short. Kathokmu [x]. Your pants are (too) short. ka-[x]-an too short [esp. of a shadow-play performance which incorrectly ends before dawn]
- bogêm
- 1 box where jewelry is kept. 2 a certain fruit. [x] mêntah a blow in the face
- bogoh
- a variety of tree
- bogor
- rg sugar-palm tree. m-[x] to draw the sap from this tree
- boikot
- boycott. m/di-[x] to boycott
- boya
- wy (or m-[x]) no;not
- boyok
- the small of the back
- boyong
- (or [x]-an) to move, change one's location. Si A [x]-an nang Jakarta sak anak bojone. A moved to Jakarta with his family. Manuk-manuk mau padha [x] bêbarêngan, parane mêngidul. These birds migrate to the south. kê-[x] to be taken to live elsewhere, esp. as a bride. m/di-[x] wy to take [esp. a princes] to one's home as his bride. m/di-[x]-i to take smn to a different place to live. pa-[x]-an act of moving
- bok
- (or m-[x]) 1 please; why don't you ... ? how about ... ? mBok aku dikèki pêlême. Would you give me some mangoes? mBok kowe wae sing mangkat. Why don't you go? mBok bèn dolanan dhewe. Just let him play by himself. mBok iya. Please do! mBok mêngko-mêngko. Wait a while! 2 mother (see also ÊMBOK). 3 2d-person psv prefix: rg var of KOK. (m)-[x]-an 1 rg please. Aku dikèki pêlême, m-[x]-an. Would you give me some mangoes? 2 (or [m]-[x]-ane) if, when(ever) (rg slang for MÊNAWA). (m)-[x]-(m)-[x] excl of astonishment. (m)-[x] bilih if, when(ever) (opt kr for YÈN, MÊNAWA). (m)-[x] mênawa 1 perhaps, possibly, probably. mBokmênawa dhèke sesuk têkane. He may get here tomorrow. 2 otherwise; or else. (m)-[x] mati may I be struck dead ... mBok mati aku ora njupuk dhuwitmu. I swear I didn't take your money. (m)-[x] mula from the first. mBok mula aku wis kandha yèn panci kuwi panas. I told you all along the pan was hot. (m)-[x] wis (ta) that's enough now. mBok wis ta aja tansah dipikir. Come, don't let it weigh on your mind. mBok wis lèrèn olèhe maca, wis pêtêng. You mustn't read any longer; it's too dark
- bokèt
- var of BUKÈT
- bokong
- 1 (bocong or pocong ki) buttocks. 2 (the) bottom (part). [x]-an 1 the back (part, esp. of a vehicle). 2 bottom (of a container). 3 a small rice paddy located among fields belonging to others. 4 flattened top part of a river dike. m/di-[x]-(i) 1 to push or maneuver sth with the buttocks. 2 to attack from the rear. 3 to support financially. m/di-[x]-i to turn one's back to smn. [x] bundêr (having) round tray-shaped buttocks. [x] n-jêdhit (having) small pointed buttocks. [x] kukus-an footloose, unable to settle down, restless. [x] m-panjang ilang (having) very shapely buttocks. [x] tepos (having) flat buttocks. [x] ny-cênthing sms [x] N-JÊDHIT
- bokor
- large bowl, usu. of brass
- boksên
- 1 (the sport of) boxing. 2 to box
- bol
- 1 bowl-shaped container (var of BUL). 2 rectum. [x]-mu cr abusive term
- bolah
- 1 (sewing) thread; string. [x] têlung gulung three spools of thread. [x]-e layangan kite string. 2 dance, ball. kamar [x] ballroom; clubhouse for recreation
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- bolam
- electric light bulb
- bolèd
- rg sweet potato; cassava. m-[x] 1 tall and thin. 2 (moving) with wriggling snakelike motions
- bolèg
- var of BOLÈD
- bolèng
- (or [x]-ên) [of sugar cane, tuberous roots] hardening from plant disease
- bolèr
- small fruit worm. [x]-ên rotted, infested with worms
- bolo
- shf of GÊMBOLO. See also M-BANG
- bolong
- having a hole/opening in it. dom [x] sewing needle. Kanthongane [x]. There was a hole in his pocket. Atine [x]. He felt relieved. Irunge buntêt, barêng di-Vicks mbanjur [x]. His nose was stuffy; when he used Vicks it opened up. [x]-an a hole. [x]-an irung nostril(s). m/di-[x]-ake to make a hole in sth accidentally. m/di-[x]-i to make a hole in sth deliberately
- bolor
- respiratory disease of horses
- bolos
- m-[x] to sneak away from one's obligations. Aja sok m-[x]. Never play hooky. tukang m-[x] a habitual truant or work dodger. pa-m-[x] act of dodging, or one who dodges, one's responsibilities
- bolot
- dirt on the human skin. [x]-ên [of skin] dirty
- bolu
- 1 crisp vanilla-flavored cookie. 2 cultivated plants/trees together with their fruits. [x] rambat-an lêmah a complicated, interminable problem
- bom
- 1 bomb. 2 large firecracker. [x]-[x]-an 1 bombing raid. 2 to bomb each other. Nêgara A lan nêgara B wis wiwit [x]-[x]-an manèh. Countries A and B have resumed their bombing attacks on each other. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to bomb, bombard (a target)
- boma
- wy sky, heaven
- bomantara
- wy heaven and earth
- bombang
- kê-[x] to get neglected because no help is available. Barêng Nêm lunga, ketok bangêt yèn dalême kê-[x]. After Nem (a servant) left, the house went to wrack and ruin
- bombong
- optimistic, confident. kê-[x] ati-ne encouraged, bolstered. m/di-[x] to encourage, impart confidence
- bombrong
- soup made from young corn, so leaves, chili pepper, and coconut milk. m-[x] 1 (psv di-[x]) to make [ingredients] into the above. 2 not neatly groomed (shf of N-JÊMBOMBRONG)
- bon
- 1 an I.O.U.; a statement of indebtedness for a credit purchase. 2 a team of players chosen to represent a certain city or area in competition. [x] Jogja the team from Jogja. 3 shf of KÊBON. Pak [x] the gardener. [x]-[x]-an player chosen for the above type of team. Slamêt [x]-[x]-an Kumpulan A. Slamet is a member of Team A. ngê/di-[x] 1 to buy on credit. 2 to select smn for a team
- bonang
- gamelan instrument consisting of a set of tuned inverted bronze bowls arranged horizontally. m-[x] to play the bonang; (psv di-[x]) to play bonang along with or accompanying [other instruments]
- bondhan
- a classical dance of Surakarta, performed solo by a female, depicting a mother caring for her child. m¬-[x] to perform this dance
- bonjor
- a long section of bamboo
- bonjrot
- cr to defecate
- bondhol
- a certain bird
- bondhot
- a certain climbing vine
- boneka(h)
- doll. wayang sing kaya [x] three-dimensional shadow-play puppet. nêgara [x] pupper nation
- bong
- 1 person other than a doctor who performs a circumcision. 2 to lie down, go to bed (children's word). [x] ya, wis bêngi. Go to sleep, honey, it's late. 3 a certain tree. 4 shf of OBONG. kayu [x] firewood. 5 mother (rg var of (ÊM)BOK). ngê/di-[x]-ake to put [a child] to bed. [x] supit man who performs circumcisions. [x] Cina Chinese cemetery
- bongbong
- var of BOMBONG
- bonggol
- the part of a tree trunk or plant stalk where it emerges from the soil
- bongkang
- a certain insect
- bongkar
- var of BUNGKAR
- bongkèng
- var of BOLÈNG
- bongko
- rice-accompanying dish: beans and grated young coconut steamed in banana leaf wrappings
- bongkok
- 1 stem of a coconut-palm leaf. 2 (or [x]-an) a tied bundle. kayu obong sa-[x] a bundle of firewood. m/di-[x]-(i) to make into a bundle
- bongkor
- (or [x]-an) lying fallow. m/di-[x]-ake to allow [land] to remain fallow
- bongkot
- 1 base of a stem/stalk. 2 the end. [x]-e critane the end of the story. [x] pucuk-e the circumstances/facts of. Dhèke ora ngêrti [x] pucuke kok mèlu-mèlu nyambung. He doesn't know anything about it but he keeps interfering
- bongkrah
- out of order, in disrepair
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- bongkrèk
- remains esp. of peanuts after oil has been extracted. tempe [x] fermented beancake made with peanut residue
- bongoh
- pleased. [x] kêplêng delighted
- bonyèh
- [x]-ên having scabies sores
- bonyok
- 1 overripe, beginning to spoil. 2 severely wounded. [x]-ên (to have/get) a certain scalp affliction
- bontèng
- rg cucumber
- boncèk
- var of BONCÈNG
- boncèng
- [x]-an 1 carrier or seat on the back of a bicycle. 2 to ride double, with one on the back carrier/seat. m-[x] to ride on the back of a vehicle, esp. a bicycle or motor-cycle. Aku m-[x] Slamêt. Slamet gave me a ride on the back of his bicycle. m-[x] grobag to catch a ride on the back of an oxcart. A m-[x] marang suksèse Sang Kaisar. A rode along on the Emperor's successes. m/di-[x]-ake to give smn a ride. A m-[x]-ake B mênyang sêkolah. A took B to school. m/di-[x]-i to get a ride from. Aku di-[x]-i Slamêt. I gave Slamet a lift on my biclycle
- boncis
- green bean(s)
- bonto
- cr dumb, stupid
- bontot
- (or [x]-an) 1 package. 2 youngest in a family. m/di-[x] to wrap into a packet. pa-m-[x] youngest in a family
- boom
- (prn bum) breakwater
- boorwater
- (prn burwater) boric acid
- bopati
- var of BUPATI
- bopong
- having a light-colored body and dark legs [or horses]. [x]-an position for carrying or holding sth, esp. a baby, against the chest. Anake turu nang [x]-an. The child slept in her arms. m/di-[x] to pick up or hold sth as above
- bor
- 1 blackboard. 2 drill (var of BUR)
- bora(k)
- m-[x]-(a) I don't care! to hell with it!
- boran
- (or m-[x]) rg possibly, probably
- borang
- booby trap of sharpened bamboo points stuck in the ground
- bordhès
- platform at the ends or a railroad car
- bordir
- [x]-an embroidery. m/di-[x] to embroider
- borêg
- an asset used to secure a loan. m/di-[x]-i to put up security for. m-[x]-i utang nganggo êmas to secure a loan with gold
- borèh
- ng kr, konyoh ki a mixture of pounded yellow leaves and flowers, used as a cosmetic application for brides and wayang dancers, also in floral religious offerings. kêmbang [x] a certain flower used in this mixture; or any flowers so used. m/di-[x]-i to apply the above to the skin. [x] atal a liquid cosmetic lotion applied to the body
- borgol
- handcuffs
- borok
- sores on the scalp. [x]-ên to have.get sores on the scalp
- borong
- dumb, stupid. [x]-an 1 done on a job basis. gawean [x]-an work contracted for as a job. 2 (by the) wholesale (lot). Jêruk iki didol [x]-an. These oranges are sold only wholesale. m/di-[x]-ake to have [a job] contracted for. Gaweane tak [x]-ke. I'm going to have the job done by contract. m/di-[x]-(i) 1 to do [a job] on a contract basis. Gaweane di-[x] tukang cèt. The job was contracted for by a painter. 2 to buy up [an entire lot; a large quantity]. Dhèke m-[x]-i klambi. He bought all the shirts they had. pa-m-[x] 1 contractor. 2 one who buys by lots or in large quantities
- boros
- 1 extravagant. wong [x] a spendthrift. 2 a certain sprout-like vegetable. ka-[x]-an heavy expenditures. jaman ka-[x]-an a time of heavy expense. m/di(bê)-[x] wasteful; causing high expenditure. Yèn blanja aja ngècèr kuwi marakake m(bê)-[x]-i. It's wasteful to buy food a little at a time
- borot
- to have a leak in it. Carète[1] [x]. The kettle leaks
- bos
- 1 carton. rokok sak [x] a carton of cigarettes. 2 axle. 3 rpr a rush of escaping air. [x]-[x] rpr repeated sound of air escaping. [x]-[x]-an in cartons; by the carton. ngê-[x] to deflate suddenly. Bane ngê-[x]. The air rushed out of the tire. See also GÊMBOS
- bosên
- tired of; bored (with). Aku wis [x] mangan iwak. I'm tired of eating fish. [x]-an easily bored. m-[x](-m-[x])-i 1 tiresome, boring. 2 (psv di-[x]-[-[x]]-i) to bore smn. dolanan sing mbosên-mbosêni dull pastimes
- boso
- a certain fish
- bosok
- rotted. woh [x] a rotten fruit. kêkayon kang wis [x] decayed wood. [x]-an in a rotted or decayed state. [x]-an kayu decayed wood. bê-[x] decayed remains. m-[x]-i decaying
- bot
- ng, wrat kr [x]-e even if; in spite of the fact that. ngê/di-[x]-ake to consider sth (more) important. Katimbang kanca di-[x]-ake sêdulur. He thinks more of his family than of his friends. ngê/di-[x]-(-[x])-i to make sth heavier or more difficult. Gabuse di-[x]-i watu. He weighted down the cork with a stone. Aku di-[x]-i tanggung-jawab. I was given heavier responsibilities. sa-[x]-[x]-e however hard. Sa-[x]-[x]-e wong pasa isih abot wong
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- kalirên. Fasting may be hard, but starving is a lot harder. [x] repot troubles, burdens. Wong mau yèn ana [x] repot ana ing ngarêp. When there's trouble, he's first on the scene to help. [x] sih heavier on one side than the other; biased, partial. [x] sèlèh difficult, burdensome. Bot-bot sèlèh nglabuhi nêgara kita kudu tahan. We must endure whatever difficulties are entailed in serving our country. See also ABOT, BOBOT
- bothèkan
- medicine chest with small drawers
- botên
- (or m-[x]) no; not (kr for ORA)
- bothi
- large woven-grass bag
- bocah
- ng, lare kr 1 (putra ki) child, young person. [x] lanang boy. [x] wedok girl. 2 subject (of a monarch). 3 (rencang kr) servant. [x]-an or [x]-ên childlike. ka-[x]-an senile, in one's second childhood. ka-[x]-ên 1 childish. 2 excessively young. m-[x]-i childish. [x] dhampit slasih boy-girl twins. [x] gantung twins born several days apart. [x] haram illegitimate child. [x] kêdhana-kêdhini boy-girl sibling combination. [x] kêmbang sê-pasang two-girl sibling combination. [x] kêmbar same-sex twins. [x] ogal-agil only child. [x] padhang-an 5-girl sibling combination. [x] pandhawa 5-boy sibling combination. [x] pancur-an kapit (ing) sêndhang girl-boy-girl sibling combination. [x] sêndhang kapit (ing) pancur-an boy-girl boy sibling combination. [x] sukarta child born under any of a number of superstitiously unpropitious circumstances, which must be counteracted by a particular ritual ceremony. [x] wingi sore a very young child; naive, inexperienced. See also GUMOCAH, KAMIBOCAHÊN
- bocèl
- chipped
- bocok
- var of BONYOK
- bocong
- buttocks (ki for BOKONG)
- bocor
- 1 to leak (out). ÈMBÈRE [x]. The bucket leaks. Lèlèhe lèlèt-lèlètna sing [x]. Smear tar over the leaky place. Sakabèhing kang diaturake [x]. Everything that was said leaked out. 2 [of birds] to sing habitually. m/di-[x]-ake to let sth leak (out). m-[x]-ake rahasia nêgara to disclose state secrets. m/di-[x]-i to leak on(to) sth
- botoh
- gamblêr. (bê)-[x]-an 1 act of gambling. 2 to gamble. Aku [x]-an karo dhèke kalah. I gambled with him and lost. m/di-[x]-i to bet on. m-[x]-i jago to put money on a gamecock. nga-[x]-an to gamble. pa-[x]-an gambling association. [x] jago cock-fight addict. [x] kêrtu one who plays cards for money
- bothok
- rice-accompanying dish of steamed shredded coconut, salt fish, and chili. wungkusan [x] the above wrapped in banana leaves. m/di-[x] to make [ingredients] into the above. [x] kendho urang the above with shrimp instead of fish
- botol
- 1 bottle. 2 having a hole in the botom; having no bottom. Cèrète [x]. The kettle has a hole in the bottom of it.
- botor
- seed of a certain leguminous plant (cipir). See also LONJONG
- botrawi
- ornamental pond or small lake
- bowol
- having a hole in it, esp. a filled sack. m/di-[x]-i to make a hole in [a sack etc]
- B.P.H.
- B.R.A.
- brabad
- [x]-an cooking seasonings and other kitchen needs; to sell such items in the market
- brabah
- to raise one's voice, speak raucously
- brabak
- m-[x] 1 having tears of emotion in the eyes. 2 to flush with anger
- brabas
- m-[x] 1 porous. 2 to seep out. Banyune m-[x]. The water seeped out. Wadi iki aja nganti m-[x]. Don't let this secret get out!
- brabat
- rpr a sudden sprint. Mak [x] mêtu. He dashed out. kê-[x] to be injured by a blow. m-[x] to dash, sprint
- bradhat
- rpr a sudden dash. m-[x] 1 to dash. 2 to steal livestock
- bradhil
- ptg [x] or brodhal-[x] or m-[x] frayed, fraying
- B.R.Aj.
- braja
- oj 1 weapon other than firearms. 2 windstorm
- brajag
- 1 person in charge, leader. 2 to sing habitually. Manuke dipakani sêga lombok mbanjur [x]. After he put the bird on a rice-and-chili diet, it sang all the time. m-[x] to produce a rushing or pouring sound. Banyune m-[x]. The water gushed out. m/di-[x]-i to plant [other growth] among [the main plants of a field]
- brah
- scattered, spread about untidily
- brahala
- animistic idol
- braham
- var of BAM
- brahat
- traditional rituals during the month of Ruwah
- brahi
- 1 adolescent. wis [x] to have reached one's teens. nêdhêng-nêdhênge [x] old enough to marry. 2 sexual passion. (bê)-[x]-n to feel passionate. ka-[x]-n sexual passion
- brahmana
- var of BRAMANA
- bramani
- var of BRAMANI
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- brahok
- var of BRAOK
- brayan
- (or bê-[x]) to make harmonious; to get along well together. Wong urip kuwi kudu bê-[x]. People must help each other. (bê)-[x] urip to live and let live
- brayat
- nuclear family: parents with children. bê-[x]-an as a family group. lunga bê-[x]-an to go places as a family
- brayut
- m/di-[x] 1 to tie up into a single bundle. 2 to carry more than one child at a time
- brak
- 1 rpr a ripping action. 2 rpr a slapping sound. Mejane digêbrag mak [x]. He smacked the table. ngê-[x]-[x] to make a large tear (in)
- brakot
- m/di-[x]-(i) to bite [of animals; cr of people]. Si Kancil m-[x]-i timun. Mouse-Deer bit into the cucumber
- bral
- ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to sell out. Tokone lagi ngê-[x]-ake barange. The store is having a sale on everything. 2 to spend recklessly. ngê-[x]-ake bandhane to squander one's wealth
- brama
- rg fire
- bramana
- Hindu priest
- bramani
- Hindu priestess
- brama(n)tya
- oj furiously angry
- brambang
- 1 (brambêt rg?kr) red onion. 2 a crop disease that attacks rice plants. m-[x]-(i) [of eyes] to water from irritation; to shed tears soundlessly
- brambêt
- red onion (rg? kr for BRAMBANG)
- brana
- 1 riches; jewels. raja [x] pêndhêm buried treasure. 2 oj a wound. 3 (or m-[x]) (Jogja slang) var of MRANA. kê-[x]-n wounded. See also RAJA
- branah
- bê-[x]-an or m-[x] to produce many children
- branang
- 1 a shrub whose sweet-tasting leaves are often used as tea. 2 intsfr red. abang (m)-[x] bright red. kê-[x] 1 to lose one's temper. 2 to get singed/scorched
- brandhal
- bandit. [x]-an to behave like a delinquent. pêrang [x]-an war on organized crime
- brandang
- [x]-an or m-[x] to need urgently
- branjang
- (or [x]-an) clay mixed with sand
- branjangan
- a certain bird
- brandkas
- var of BRANKAS
- brandon
- (or [x]-an) to have a business partnership; to share profits in a business venture
- brang
- on the far side (shf of SABRANG). [x] lor (wetan, lsp). the nort (east, etc) side of the river. [x]-[x]-an drumbeats accompanying marchers
- brangas
- [x]-an 1 quick-tempered. 2 bestial, brutal. kê-[x] 1 too soon. tuwa kê-[x] old before one's time. 2 to get overcooked, to burn. 3 to lose one's temper. m-[x] 1 to heat up [food]. 2 to make smn mad. 3 intsfr red. abang m-[x] bright red
- branggah
- 1 spreading widely [of horns, antlers]. wong [x] farmer who owns cattle. 2 kris with a widely spreading cross piece
- brangkal
- rubble
- brangkang
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] [of people] (moving) on all fours. m-[x] to creep, crawl
- brangkar
- stretcher (for carrying patients)
- brangsang
- to feel uncomfortably warm and sweaty
- brangta
- in love with, enchanted by
- brangti
- var of BRANGTA
- brangus
- muzzle. m/di-[x] to muzzle [an animal]; fig to prevent freedom of speech
- brani
- magnet
- branyak
- m-[x] having an arrogant manner
- brankas
- safe, strongbox
- branta
- var of BRANGTA
- brantas
- m/di-[x] to endeavor to wipe out [sth evil]. pa-m-[x] a struggle against sth. pêm-[x]-an korupsi the fight against corruption. pêm-[x]-an buta-huruf the struggle to overcome illiteracy
- branti
- var of BRANGTA
- brancah
- having free-and-easy morals
- branwir
- fire brigade; fire truck; fire extinguisher
- braok
- (or broak-[x] or m-[x]) loud, shrill. Swarane braok-[x]. She has a piercing voice. [x]-an a shrill-voiced person
- brasak
- 1 coarse sand. 2 coarse, crude, boorish
- brasat
- kê-[x] to get routed out. m/di-[x]-ake to get rid of, eliminate
- brasta
- m/di-[x] to wipe out. m-[x] tikus to exterminate rats
- brata
- a struggle against forces. m/di-[x]-ni to do, perform, carry on [a struggle]. pa-[x]-n 1 battlefield. 2 place where an act of asceticism is performed. [x] yuda wy war in which the five Pendawa brothers and their allies bring about the final destruction of their enemies. [x] sêmadi the practice of religious concentration and meditation
- bratawali
- a plant whose bitter-tasting leaves are used in folk medicines
- brati
- 1 one who isolates himself and live ascetically. 2 one who has sworn to do (or not to do) sth until his goal is achieved. 3 a crossbred duck
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- bracok
- rope used as a halter
- braung
- rg [x]-an or m-[x] to wander about
- brê-
- see also under BÊR- (Introduction, 2.9.6)
- brêbah
- sbst kr for BRUBUH
- brêbêg
- assault on the ears by loud sounds. kê-[x]-ên to get assaulted by noise. Kupingku nganti kê-[x]-ên. The noise was deafening. m/di-[x]-i to assault smn with noise. Aja m-[x]-i adhimu sing lagi turu. Don't make a lot of tacket and wake up your baby brother. m-[x]-i kuping deafeningly loud
- brêbêk
- to weather, deteriorate. [x]-an weathered, deteriorating
- brèbèl
- kê-[x]-an to be given a share. A kê-[x]-an dhuwit, mangka ora mèlu apa-apa. A got a share of the money without doing a thing. m/di-[x]-i to hand out bit by bit; to hand out a little to each
- brêbêl
- m-[x] to flow out. Dhèke ora kuwat ngampêt m-[x]-ing êluhe. She couldn't hold back her tears
- brêbês
- m-[x] 1 to soak gradually into. 2 to flow freely. m-[x] mêlês or m-[x] m-ili to shed tears
- brèbèt
- rpr a ripping sound. sa-[x]-(an) at a quick glance. Sak [x]-an rupane kaya Slamêt. At first glance he looked like Slamet
- brêbêt
- 1 rpr the sound of ripping. Jarike diênggo lungguh mak [x] suwèk. When she sat down her batik ripped. 2 rpr a fleeting sound or sensation. Ana ambu wangi mak [x]. There was a whiff of sth sweet. Ana wong liwat mak [x]. Smn whisked past. [x]-[x] to swish, rustle [esp. of batik skirts]
- brèdhêl
- ban, prohibition. m/di-[x] to ban
- brèjèl
- kê-[x] to come out unintentionally. Kê-[x] cêlathune, barang wadi kok diandharake. The secret sliped out as he spoke. m-[x] to emerge freely. Dhuwite m-[x] wae. He's a liberal spender
- brêjêl
- rpr emerging, esp. from a hole; (cr) rpr a birth. Cêmpene lair mak [x]. The baby lamb was born. m-[x] to emerge from a hole. Jagunge padha m-[x] saka bolongan kuwi. The corn kernels slipped out through the hole
- brèg
- rpr a thump. brag-[x] rpr repeated thumps
- brêg
- rpr sth heavy dropping. [x], tiba ana ing ngarêpku. It dropped in front of me with a thud. [x]-[x]-an to keep coming one after the other. Tamune [x]-[x]-an. Guests kept pouring in. Bêrase [x]-[x]-an. The (sacks of) rice kept dropping on the pile. kê-[x]-an to get fallen on. Boyokku kê-[x]-an dêlêg. A log fell on my back. ngê/di-[x]-i to fall/drop onto
- brêgada
- brigade
- brêgadag
- m-[x] 1 yellowish red. 2 a certain skin rash
- brêgajag
- [x]-an or m-[x] ill-mannered, discourteous
- brêganjok
- m-[x] hard to get along with
- brêgêdêg
- m-[x] in large quantities. M-[x] ujug-ujug prajurit pirang-pirang èwu mlêbu kutha. Suddenly thousands of soldiers poured into the city. Anggone tata dhahar sak meja m-[x]. She placed foods all over the table. sa-[x]-an in one mass movement. Sa-[x]-an dibudhalake sêpuluh bataliyun. Ten battalions were sent out all at once
- brêgêjêg
- [x]-an to have a dispute or difference of opinion
- brêgêdud
- m-[x] obstinate, deaf to advice
- brêginging
- a whining sound. m-[x] to whine
- brêgundung
- m-[x] obstinate, willful, headstrong
- brèh
- brah-[x] or ngê-[x] extravagant, wasteful. ngê/di-[x]-[x] to spend lavishly. [x] wèh over generous. Kêbangêtên olèhe [x]-wèh nganti awake dhewe ora kopèn. He gives so much to others he neglects himself
- breyo
- breya-[x] poorly groomed, sloppy in personal appearance
- breyot
- m-[x] heavy and unwieldy to carry
- brèk
- 1 rpr ripping. Sarungku kêcanthol pang, mak wèk, rêkètèk, [x]. My sarong caught on a branch and ripped. 2 rpr a slamming sound. brak-[x] to make slamming, banging sounds. ngê/di-[x]-ake to bang, slam. Lawange aja di-[x]-ke. Don't slam the door
- brêk
- rpr feet marching in unison. Swarane sêpatune [x]-[x], [x]-[x]. Their shoes marked rhythmic beats. [x]-[x]-an in great volume. Barang-barang têka [x]-[x]-an ana pêlabuhan. Goods poured into the harbor
- brêkênêngan
- to argue heatedly
- brêkêtepe
- rg var BLÊKÊTEPE
- brêki:k
- pl for BÊKIK
- brêm
- 1 a hard liquor of fermented rice or cassava. 2 cookies made with this liquor. 3 a certain insect
- brèndhèl
- to drop, fall off/out, molt
- brêndhil
- ptg [x] 1 full of knots or tangles. 2 having many small things to carry
- brênjul
- a bump on a surface. ptg [x] full of bumps. m-[x] bumpy, uneven
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- brêndhol
- pl of BÊNDHOL
- brêndhul
- var of BRÊNDHIL
- brene
- (or m-[x]) (Jogja slang) var of MRENE
- brèng
- rpr a metalic clang. brang-[x] to keep clanging
- brêng
- 1 rpr perceiving an odor. Ambune mak [x]. I caught a whiff of it. 2 rpr a concerted departure. lunga mak [x] to leave all at once. 3 syllable chanted in making a concerted effort: see ANA-INI
- brêngangah
- m-[x] flushed with emotion
- brêngangang
- m-[x] 1 to buzz, whistle, hum. 2 red with emotion. Kupinge m-[x]. He got mad.
- brêngêngêng
- m-[x] to buzz, whine, hum; fig to complain. m-[x]-e sêpedha motor the whine of a motorcycle. Ana lalêr ijo sing m-[x] ngrubung uwuh. Green flies buzzed around the garbage. mBok uwis aja m-[x] wae. Stop your eternal grumbling!
- brêngganu
- see JÊRUK
- brênggèl
- m-[x] bumpy, uneven
- brênginging
- high-pitched whining sound, e.g. of a mosquito. m-[x] to whine
- brengkal
- m/di-[x] 1 to raise [sth heavy] at one side/edge. 2 inf to wake smn up
- brêngkele
- m-[x] selfish, self-centered
- brêngkêlo
- m-[x] stubborn, obstinate, opinionated
- brêngkêrêngan
- brèngkès
- (or [x]-an) fish or meat baked in a banana-leaf wrapping. m/di-[x]-(i) to make [ingredients] into the above dish
- brêngkiyêng
- brêngkunung
- m-[x] stubborn, headstrong
- brêngkut
- m-[x] 1 to be carrying a number of things all at once. 2 to start in on a task in a brisk businesslike way
- brêngkutis
- a certain beetle that feeds on offal
- brêngok
- pl of BÊNGOK
- brengos
- var of BRÊNGOS
- brêngos
- ng kr, gumbala or kumbala or rawis ki moustache. [x]-an or [x]-ên to wear a moustache. wis [x]-ên to have begun wearing a moustache; to have become a man. [x] kèplèh drooping moustache. kèplèh [x]-e embarrassed; ashamed. [x] lèmèt (angus) slim (soot-blackened) moustache. [x] ng-lalêr m-pencok Charlie-Chaplin-style moustache. [x] sumpêl small close-cropped moustache. [x] wulu lutung false moustache made of long black ape hair
- brêngungung
- a deep, far-off roaring or rumbling sound. m-[x] to produce such a sound
- brênyèh
- [x]-ên covered with skin infections
- brênyih
- var of BRÊNYÈH
- brês
- 1 rpr sudden hard rain. 2 rpr the sound of colliding. tabrakan karo pit liya: [x] to run bang! into another bicycle
- brèsèt
- 1 unfair [of cock-fighting tactics]. 2 excessively fond of the opposite sex
- brèt
- rpr cloth tearing
- brêt
- [x]-[x] rpr the pleasant swishing of a batik skirt (shf of SRÊBÊD-SRÊBÊD). Lakune [x]-[x]. Her skirt swishes as she walks
- brecok
- ptg [x] [of tree trunks] badly scarred with cuts
- brewo
- brewa-[x] poorly groomed
- brewok
- long sideburn hair. [x]-ên having long sideburn hair merging into the beard
- brèwu
- very wealthy
- bribah
- sbst kr for BRUBAH
- bribi
- kê-[x]-nan to be awakened by sounds. m/di-[x]-ni to wake smn up by making too much noise
- bribik
- termite-like wood worm. [x]-[x] just starting out on a job/career
- bribil
- half-cent coin used during colonial times
- brigadhê
- brigade
- brigadhir
- second-in-command. [x] pulisi police lieutenant. [x] jendral brigadier general
- brigi
- briga-[x] to scowl
- briyêng
- m-[x] (to have) sick headaches
- briyut
- 1 var of BIYÊT. 2 rg var of BLIYUT
- brikèt
- small brick-shaped cake. uyah [x] a block of salt
- bril
- glare. sêtop [x] sunglasses
- brindhil
- 1 denuded. Wit jatine [x]. The teak tree has lost its leaves. 2 to fall off/out. Godhonge padha [x]. The leaves had all dropped of. 3 still too young to have leaves/hair/feathers. m/di-[x]-i to denude sth
- bringas
- [x]-an jumpy, restless (rather than desirably calm and serene)
- bringkung
- ptg [x] or bringkang-[x] to feel aversion to smn, esp. because of his undesirable behavior
- bringkut
- inf var of BRÊNGKUT
- bringsang
- unbearably hot; hot and sweaty
- brintik
- curly, kinky
- brisat
- rg var of BÊRSOT
- brisik
- m-[x]-i producing an irritating rasping noise
- B.R.M.
- brobah
- var of BRUBAH
- brobos
- var of BRUBUS. [x]-an (sth which is) crawled under/through. m/di-[x]-(i) to creep
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- under or through. Mejane di-[x]-i. He crawled under the table. m-[x] ing tong to crawl through a barrel
- brojol
- lower on one side than the other. Pundhake [x]. He has lopsided shoulders. kê-[x] to come out accidentally. Têmbunge èlèk kê-[x]. The bad word just slipped out. kê-[x]-an 1 to be given a share. Aku mèlu kê-[x]-an entuk rêjêki. I shared in his good luck. 2 to give birth unexpectedly. Nang têngah dalan kê-[x]-an. The baby came while she was on the way [to the hospital]. m-[x] to slip out from a hole
- brodhol
- 1 to drop off/out. 2 threadbare. m-[x]-(i) 1 to lose hair/feathers. Pitike m-[x]-i. The chicken is molting. 2 (psv di-[x]-[i]) to pluck
- brog
- rpr a soft thud
- broyot
- var of BREYOT
- brok
- 1 home (safe place in children's games). 2 rpr a sudden fall, esp. smn falling on his rear. ngê-[x] 1 to stay smw. Aku ngê-[x]-ing kutha Jogja. I settled in Jogja. 2 [of kites] to fail to get off the ground. 3 slang to defecate in one's clothing. ngê/di-[x]-i to take occupancy. Bala têntara sêkutu ngê-[x]-i Jakarta. The Allied forces occupied Jakarta. Omahe suwung kuwi di-[x]-i wong. Smn is occupying that empty house illegally
- brokat
- brocade(d fabric)
- brokoh
- a basket that stands on 4 short legs. [x]-an 1 ceremony held for a child at birth, when the umbilical cord drops off, and in connection with the naming ceremony. 2 voluntary help offered to the village head by his people. m/di-[x]-i to honor [an infant] with the above ceremonies
- brokok
- rg var of BROKOH
- brol
- (or bral-[x]). rpr copious or effortless coming forth. kandha bral-[x] to speak freely or fluently. [x]-[x]-an to emerge in large quantities. Gêtihe mêtu [x]-[x]-an. He bled profusely. Dhuwite [x]-[x]-an. Money was spent freely. sa-[x]-an emerging copiously and simultaneously. Nèk manak sa-[x]-an nênêm têrkadhang pitu. cats have 6 of even 7 kittens to a litter
- brom
- bronze metal paint. [x]-[x]-an painted with bronze paint. Wayange kulit [x]-[x]-an. The leather puppets are bronze-painted. ngê/di-[x] to paint sth with bronze paint
- brombong
- var of BRUMBUNG
- bron
- var of BROM
- bronjong
- cylindrical basket for transporting large bulky objects
- brondhol
- 1 sparse [of hair, feathers]. 2 girls' short haircut. [x]-an stump of a cut sugarcane plant. m/di-[x] to cut or wear one's hair short
- brondong
- popcorn. bê-[x]-an to keep going "bang-bang." m/di-[x] to fire missiles at
- brongkal
- (or [x]-an) (forming) a heap. [x]-an watu a pile of stones. Watune isih [x]-an nang pinggir dalan. The rocks are in piles along the road
- brongkos
- a vegetable dish seasoned with a certain fruit (kluwak). [x]-an var of BLONGSONG-AN. m/di-[x] 1 to make [ingredients] into the above dish. 2 to wrap, make into a bundle
- brongos
- var of BRONGOT
- brongot
- kê-[x] to get scorched/singed. m/di-[x] to singe, scorch
- brono
- (or m-[x]) (Jogja slang) var of MRONO
- brontak
- [x]-an a rebellion. m-[x] to rebel; to bring off a coup. pa-m-[x] a rebel
- brontok
- having skin rash or acne
- brosot
- kê-[x] to be given the slip. m-[x] to leave without goodbyes or explanations
- brocèl
- var of BOCÈL, BRUCÈL
- brotol
- the part of a bird below the cloacal opening
- brubah
- to change sth from its former condition. [x]-an a change; changed
- brubuh
- m/di-[x]-(i) to destroy, wipe out
- brubul
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x]-an or m-[x] to pour in or out in large numbers/quantities. See also GUMRUBUL
- brubus
- rpr smoke puffing out. m/di-[x]-i to boil sth to get rid of its bad taste
- brubut
- rpr fast running. Jarane mlayu [x], bantêr bangêt. The horse ran swiftly. ptg [x] pl running swiftly. m-[x] to break into a fast run
- brudêr
- Catholic clergyman
- brujul
- a certain plow for churning soil. m/di-[x] to work [soil] with the above
- brug
- 1 rpr a plopping sound. Sêpedhane gêntawingan, [x]. The bicycle wobbled out of control and fell over. 2 soil-tamping metal plate attached to a handle. 3 bridge. ngê/di-[x] to tamp [soil]
- bruk
- 1 rpr sth dropping down. Bukune ditibakake mak [x]. He banged down the book. 2 trousers. brak-[x] rpr repeated dropping sounds or actions. mBuwang uwuh mung
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- brak-[x] wae. They threw out the trash just anywhere. ka-[x]-an 1 to get fallen on. Dhèke kê-[x]-an bata. A brick fell on him. Adhuh arak kê-[x]-an bêgja di-ênêt-ênêt têmênan. What an avalanche of good luck! 2 to fall on each other, e.g. when fighting. ngê/di-[x] to embrace suddenly, in a rush of emotion. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to drop sth. 2 to drop things here and there. ngê/di-[x]-i to fall onto. See also AMBRUK, KABRUK
- brukut
- 1 tightly wrapped/bundled. 2 well enclosed; tightly constructed
- brul
- [x]-[x]-an to swarm in/out. Larone padha mêtu [x]-[x]-an. The ants came out in droves
- brumbun
- [of chicks] covered with down
- brumbung
- (or [x]-an) water pipe. m-[x] to get pregnant again, after giving birth, with no intervening menstrual period
- brunjung
- main roof of a traditional Javanese house. m-[x] shaped like this roof
- brundhul
- var of BRINDHIL
- brung
- 1 rpr a sudden concerted departure. 2 intsfr empty. suwung [x] completely empty
- brungkah
- 1 a cut-off stump plus its roots. 2 to cease one's fasting or avoidance of certain foods
- brungkut
- var of BRUKUT
- bruncah
- m/di-[x] to pass out [foods] to those partaking of a meal
- brus
- rpr a collision. Montore natab wit asêm, [x], grobyak. The car slammed into a tamarind tree
- brusut
- rpr a smooth easy motion. Mêtune mak [x] gampang bae. It came out easily
- brucèl
- ptg [x] wounded or scarred in many places
- brutu
- tailbone, coccyx [of a bird]
- bruwah
- fast-breaking meal at the end of the fasting period. m-[x] to eat one's fill after a fasting period. m/di-[x]-i to eat [certain foods] at the close of the fast
- bruwang
- bear (animal). [x] dolanan toy bear, teddy bear
- bruwêt
- 1 not clearly visible; obscure, hazy. 2 depressed, gloomy
- bruwun
- [of hair] sticking out every which way. m-[x] to gather vegetables from garden or field. m-bê-[x] to use smn else's money in one's own interest
- bu
- 1 mother (shf of IBU). 2 adr mother; wife; older and/or higher-status woman. [x] dhe aunt (shc from IBU GÊDHE). [x] guru adr [female] teacher! [x] lik aunt (shc from IBU CILIK)
- buah
- fruit. [x]-[x]-an fruits; various kinds of fruit
- bubak
- marriage ceremony held for the first daughter of a family. [x]-an opened up for cultivation [of land]. m/di-[x] to open up [virgin soil] for cultivation. [x] kawah traditional ceremony performed when bride and groom first meet during the wedding
- bubar
- ng, bibar kr 1 to disperse. [x]! Dismissed! Tawone [x]. The bees swarmed out. 2 finished; to get over. Pamulangane wis [x]. School's out. 3 after. [x] nglairake anake after the baby was born. [x]-an to disperse. Patêmone [x]-an. The meeting broke up. Kanca-kancane wis padha [x]-an. All his friends had gone away. m/di-[x]-ake to disperse [a group]. Parlêmèn di-[x]-ake. The Parliament was disolved. Pulisi ditêkakke kanggo m-[x]-ake wong sing padha dhemonstrasi. The police were called in to break up the demonstrators. sa-[x]-e after. sa-[x]-e wong tani padha nyambut gawe after the farmers finished their work. See also BAR
- bubat
- horsehair
- bubrah
- ng, bibrah kr out of order, in disrepair. Krêtêge [x]. The bridge is out. m/di-[x]-(ake) to damage, wreck. m-[x] pagêr to break through a fence. m-[x]-ake pasamuwan to disrupt a meeting
- bubrak
- m/di-[x] 1 to open sth (up) for use. 2 to demolish [a building]
- bubruk
- 1 overburdened with tasks. 2 overplentiful and hence of little value
- bubu
- fish trap with bamboo bars
- bubuh
- ng, bêbah kr [x]-an a task assigned to smn. kê-[x]-an 1 to be assigned or saddled with a responsibility. 2 to get sth in it by accident. Kopine kê-[x]-an uyah. Salt got in the coffee. m/di-[x]-i to assign a responsibility to smn
- bubuk
- 1 powder(ed substance). kopi [x] ground coffee. wedang [x] hot coffee. 2 a termite-like worm. 3 a girl that nobody wants to marry. 4 (to go to) sleep (children's word). [x], [x], blug! Lie down and go to sleep! [x]-an in powdered form. Iki [x]-an kopi, dudu [x]-an coklat. This is powdered coffee, not powdered chocolate. [x]-ên 1 [girl who is] not wanted as a marriage partner. 2 eaten away by wood worms. m/di-[x]-ake to put [a child] to bed. m/di-[x]-i to
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- crush to a powder. [x] olèh êlèng to figure out a scheme for doing one's nefarious work
- bubul
- 1 yaws. 2 durian fruit sprout. [x]-ên to have/get yaws. m-[x] to keep pouring out. Untapipun wadyabala saking kitha m-[x] botên wontên pêdhotipun. Troops poured forth from the town incessantly. [x] yuta or [x] wuta an unburst swelling
- bubur
- a ceremonial porridge. m/di-[x]-(i) to make [ingredients] into this porridge
- bubus
- rice-accompanying dish prepared from certain leaves (lumbu)
- bubut
- a certain bird. mêsin [x] lathe. [x]-an shaped or polished on a lathe. [x]-[x] to pull up by the roots. [x]-[x] sukêt to uproot grass m/di-[x]-(i) 1 to pull sth out by the roots. 2 to turn sth on a lathe. m-[x]-[x] jenggot to stroke one's beard; fig to lead an easy life
- buda
- oj Wednesday
- Budha
- 1 Buddha. agama [x] Buddhism. 2 pertaining to the pre-Moslem era. sastra [x] pre-Islamic literature. 3 the planet Mercury. ka-[x]-n pertaining to Buddhism
- budaya
- culture; cultural group. ka-[x]-n 1 a culture; culture. ka-[x]-n manca foreign cultures. pusating ka-[x]-n cultural center. 2 the humanities
- budhak
- slave. kaum [x] slaves (as a class)
- budhal
- ng, bidhal kr, jêngkar ki to leave, set out (as a group) [x]-an pl act of moving elsewhere. Jam sanga bêngi tamune padha [x]-an. The party broke up at 9 P.M. [x]-an wadyabala Dwarawati the movement of Dwarawati's troops. m/di-[x]-ake to send out [a group]. m-[x]-ake têntara to dispatch troops
- budhe
- see BU
- budhêg
- 1 deaf. 2 stupid. 3 counterfeit, fake. m-[x] to act as though one were deaf. m/di-[x]-ake to deafen. Wah ramene, kaya m-[x]-[x]-ake kuping. What a deafening racket! m/di-[x]-[x]-ake to abusively call smn deaf. Ali m-[x]-[x]-ake bature, mêrga olèhe nukokake wêlingane klèru. Ali angrily accused his servant of being deaf when she bought the wrong thing. [x] n-thrêthêg stone deaf
- budhêng
- 1 dull(-sounding); dull (-witted). 2 black monkey
- Budha
- var sp of BUDHA
- budi
- 1 character, temperament. luhuring [x] nobleness of character. rupak ing [x] unforgiving in nature. 2 (to exert) power. Krêtêge durung karuwan kêlar nyêmbadani [x]-ne banyu. The bridge is not likely to withstand the force of the water. tuna ing [x] deficient in mental powers. [x]-[x] mêksa ora bisa ucul. He struggled and struggled but couldn't get loose. 3 a certain tree under which Buddha sits and meditates. (bê)-[x]-n character, temperament. alusing bêbudèn the gentleness of his nature. pa-m-[x] effort, attempt. sa-[x]-ne with all one's strength. Katogna sa-[x]-mu. Pull with all your might! [x] sêgara forgiving in nature. See also BUDIDAYA, BUDIDARMA
- budiarda
- ambition, greed
- budidaya
- ka-[x]-n a business enterprise based on agricultural production. ka-[x]-n ingkang nanêm rosan agêng-agêngan companies with vast sugar plantations. ka-[x]-n daging a meat industry. m-[x] to exert oneself. pa-m-[x] a strong effort. See also BUDI, DAYA
- budidarma
- 1 generosity; noble-mindedness. 2 good deeds
- budiman
- oj intelligent; skilled (in)
- budin
- var of BODIN
- budirahayu
- virtue, virtuousness
- buja
- oj arm, hand
- bujad
- var of BÊJAD
- bujaga
- oj snake
- bujana
- feast, banquet. [x] andrawina dinner banquet
- bujang
- (or [x]-an) bachelor. m¬-[x] to live the life of a bachelor
- bujangga
- var of PUJANGGA
- bujêl
- having a rounded tip. Potlote [x]. The pencil needs sharpening
- bujêng
- hunt (root form: kr for BURU)
- bujid
- [x]-ên stunted in growth
- bujil
- a runt, dwarf
- bujug
- [x]-[x] or [x]-bêsèt excl of astonishment or incredulity
- bujuk
- persuasive talk. kêna [x] to be misled; to get talked into sth. [x]-an persuasiveness. [x]-ane ora mêmpan. Her efforts to persuade him were unsuccessful. m/di-bê-[x] or m/di-[x]-i to talk smn into sth; to mislead smn with talk
- bujul
- var of BRUJUL
- bujung
- sugar-cane leaf (kr for GODHONG TÊBU). m/di-[x] to chase, go after. A mlajar dipun bujung B. B ran after A. M-[x] dhuwit Rp 100 malah kelangan Rp 2000. He tried for 100 rupiahs and lost 2000
- budhug
- leprosy. [x]-ên to have/get leprosy
- budhur
- nectar from a coconut bud
- bug
- rpr a plop or thud. bag-[x] rpr repeated thuds. Krambil-krambil ditibakake, swarane bag-[x], bag-[x]. The coconuts kept thudding down
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- as he dropped them. ngê/di-[x] to whack with thudding sounds
- bugêl
- 1 charred firewood. 2 stupid person. 3 cut off short (var of PUGÊL)
- bugêr
- see SÊGÊR
- bugong
- wy name a fat clown. See also WULU-CUMBU
- buh
- [x]-[x]-an a task assigned to smn. See also BUBUH
- bui
- var sp of BUWI
- buya(k)
- kê-[x]-[x] oj subjected to constant pressures or hardships
- buyar
- to disperse in all directions. Barêng pulisi têka, bocah-bocah padha [x]. When the police came, the boys scattered in panic. m/di-[x]-ake to cause to disperse. Têkamu marakake m-[x]-ake manuk-manuk. You scared off the birds when you came
- buyud
- 1 third-generation ancestor or descendant. êmbah [x] great-grandparent. putu [x] great-grandchild. 2 cemetery. [x]-ên unsteady with old age. bê-[x]-an for generations. Australi nganggêp satru bê-[x]-an karo trêwèlu. Australia has been the enemy of rabbits from way back. ka-[x]-an 1 place where a priest lives and works. 2 place considered to be holy in animistic religion
- buyuk
- a variety of palm tree
- buyung
- earthenware container
- buk
- 1 all even; without profit or loss. Utange wis [x]. He's out of debt now. Tuna pira? – Ya ming [x]. How much did you lose? – I broke even. Bal-balane mau [x] têlu-têlu. The soccer game ended in a 3-3 tie. 2 a small bridge over a stream. 3 book; notebook. 4 (prn bu:k) rpr a soft thud. [x]-[x]-(an) or bak-[x] or bik-[x] all tied up. Bak-buk loro-loro. it's tied at 2-2. [x]-[x]-an to balance out. Olèhe ngêdol pit ming [x]-[x]-an karo anggone tuku biyèn, ora bathi ora rugi. He sold the bike for what he had paid for it – no profit, no loss. ngê-[x] 1 to use a book. ora ngê-[x] ora ngêpèn illiterate. 2 to make soft thuds. Dhèke ngêbuk-ngêbuk punthukan kubure bojone. He kept patting his wife's grave. ngê/di-[x]-ake to repay, pay up. ngê/di-[x]-i 1 to pay up. 2 to enter in a (note)book. Utange di-[x]-i. He listed the debt in a ledger. ora [x] unfit, unsuitable
- buka
- 1 (to eat) a meal that breaks one's fast. 2 opening, beginning. bê-[x] 1 introduction, preface, foreword; salutation of a letter. 2 opening, beginning. Bê-[x]-ning Prang Donya II iku apa? How did world War II start? (m)/di-[x] to open (up, out). m-[x] wêwadi to disclose a secret. m/di-bê-[x] to disclose, reveal. m/di-(bê)-[x]-ni to open sth. mbê-[x]-ni rêrêmbugan to begin talks. m-[x]-ni gêndhing to start the music. pa-m-[x] opening, beginning. See also BUKAK
- bukak
- ng, bikak kr open(ed); uncovered. [x]-e kantor jam pira? What time is the office open? dina [x] opening day. jas [x] (Western-style) open jacket with lapels. [x]-an 1 open; uncovered. Lawange [x]-an. The door is open. Pancine [x]-an. The pan isn't covered. jas [x]-an an open jacket. 2 opener. [x]-an blèg can opener. m-[x] open(ed); uncovered. m/di-[x]-ake to open sth (for smn). Ali m-[x]-ake lawang (adhike). Ali opened the door (for his little sister). m/di-[x]-(i) 1 to open, uncover, disclose. m-[x] rapat to open a meeting. Lawange di-[x]. He opened the door. Bèsèke di-[x]-i kabèh. He took all the tops off the boxes. m-[x] toko anyar to open a news store. m-[x] dalan to open up avenues, to pioneer. Wadine di-[x]. He revealed the secret. 2 to remove. m-[x] prop to pull a cork. m-[x] klambi (sêpatu, lsp) to take off one's shirt (shoes, etc) pa-m-[x] opening, aperture. [x] kunci wages paid to smn for looking after graves. [x] topi 1 hatless. 2 to respect, admire. Aku [x] topi karo dhèwèke. I take my hat off to him. See also BUKA
- bukèt
- bouquet
- bukêt
- thick [of liquids]
- bukti
- 1 proof, evidence. Tapak drijine wis mujudake [x] kang ora bisa disêlaki manèh. The fingerprints constitute undeniable proof. 2 oj food; to eat. a-[x] oj to eat. ka-[x]-(n) proven, shown. A kê-[x] salah. A was proven guilty. Wis kêbuktèn yèn B sing nyolong. It's been proved that B stole it. m/di-[x]-kake (or m/di-[x]-ni rg) to give evidence (of). Critane mbuktèkake yèn wong sing misuwur iku nglakoni rêkasa dhisik. The story shows that famous people first undergo hardships
- buku
- book. m/di-[x]-ni to codify. pa-m-[x]-an financial accounts. mriksa pêmbukuane pêrusahaan to examine a company's books
- bukuh
- m-[x] cross-legged. sila m-[x] to sit cross-legged with lowered head before a highly esteemed person, to show respect and humility
- bukung
- 1 [of birds] tailless. 2 (or [x]-an) cut short. Saiki rambute [x]-(an). She wears her hair short now. m/di-[x]-(i) to cut off; to
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- cut short. Rambute di-[x]-(i). His hair was cut off/short
- bukur
- a variety of clam
- bul
- 1 large bowl-shaped earthenware container. 2 rpr puffing upward. Yèn ana lesus, wêdhine mumbul [x]. During windstorms, sand blows up in the air. [x], sanalika gênine murub. The fire flared up. 3 Jogja slang var of JÊBUL. bal-[x] rpr repeated puffings. Dhèke bal-[x] ngrokok. He puffed away at his cigarette
- bulak
- (or bê-[x]) a broad treeless field
- bulan
- (or m-[x]; candra ki?) moon. See also RÊMBULAN
- bule
- albino
- bulês
- to feel suffocated. m-[x]-i suffocating
- bulêt
- 1 solid, firm. kêsatuan nasional sing [x] solid national unity. 2 oval, elliptical. bê-[x]-an or m-[x] 1 tangled, snarled. 2 evasive. m/di-[x]-ake to twist or snarl sth. m-[x]-ake rêmbug to twist words; to get the conversation off the subject
- buli
- (or [x]-[x]) small earthenware container
- bulik
- see BU
- bulyon
- meat stock
- bulu
- a certain tree. [x]-[x] 1 feather duster. 2 wy decorative feathers on female headdresses. [x] bêkti tribute paid to a sovereign power. [x] tangkis badminton
- bulud
- (to the) exact (measure)
- bulug
- 1 short and thick [of cylindrical shapes]. 2 dusty. 3 (or [x]-ên) mildewed
- bulung
- see JÊRUK
- bulus
- large land tortoise
- bum
- 1 customs office. 2 wagon shaft
- bum-
- see also under B- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- bumbu
- 1 seasonings, spices (prepared by grinding with mortar and pestle). 2 fig spice, distinctive touch. [x]-n seasoning in general. Mrica kuwi kanggo bumbon. Peppercorns are used for seasoning. [x]-n craki-n dried seasoning; medicinal herbs. [x]-nan way of seasoning. Bumbonane ora enak. It isn't seasoned very tastily. Bumbonane sapa iki? Who prepared the seasonings? m/di-[x]-kake to use as seasoning. [x] santênan mau dibumbokake marang iwak pitik. She seasoned the chicken with the spiced coconut milk. m/di-[x]-ni to season, flavor. mbako sing dibumboni mênyan incense-flavored tobacco. A mbumboni rêmbugan. A added spice to the conversation
- bumbung
- bamboo pipe. [x]-an 1 cylindrical bamboo cooking pot. 2 the part of an earring which slips through the pierced ear hole. m-[x] to get pregnant again immediately after having a child, i.e. with no intervening menstrual period. [x] wungwang 1 hollow bamboo section. 2 cone-shaped bamboo utensil used above a steaming pan (kukus-an)
- bumi
- earth. ilmu [x] geography. saindênge [x] all over the world. [x]-ne loh jinawi. The soil is fertile. Olèhe beda nganti kaya [x] karo langit. They're as different as earth and sky. [x]-n rg communally owned rice paddy. [x] angus scorched earth; m/di-[x]-angus to pursue a scorched-earth police during war. [x] pulih-an soil consisting of river sediment. wong [x] a native (of). wong [x] pulo mau the natives of the island. See also PRIBUMI
- buminata
- oj king
- bumipala
- var of BUMINATA
- bumipati
- var of BUMINATA
- bumitala
- the center of the earth
- bumpêt
- rg var of BUNTU
- bun
- dew. [x]-[x]-an 1 ([pa]sundhul-an ki) crown of the head. 2 the topmost part. kê-[x]-an to get wet with dew. ngê-[x]-[x] 1 to put sth out in the dew. 2 to take [a baby] for an early-morning walk. ngê-[x]-[x] esuk ngudan-udan sore to propose marriage to a girl. ngê/di-[x]-ake to let dew get on sth. Di-ê-[x]-ê-[x]-ake têlung kesuk. She left the batik out to get the dew for three mornings [as part of the processing]. See also ÊMBUN
- bundhas
- see BABAK
- bundhêl
- 1 having a knot in it. 2 linked in mating position [of birds, insects, in midair]. a close, intimate. 4 rg a batch of 1.000 [e.g. corn ears, tobacco cuttings]. 5 (or bê-[x]) revered village elder. (bê)-[x]-an 1 a tied knot. 2 money, valuables, wisdom etc. kept safe. bê-[x]-aning atine the treasures of her heart. 3 appointment; promise. m/di-[x]-i 1 to tie a knot in sth. 2 to knot [valuables; one's belongings] into the corner of a kerchief. 3 to take seriously
- bundêr
- 1 round; spherical. 2 firm(ly determined). [x]-an 1 circle. 2 traffic rotary. m/di-[x]-i to make round; to shape into rounds. [x] kêplêng or mêmêt perfectly round
- bundhêt
- tangled, snarled. kê-[x] to get tangled
- bunêk
- 1 to feel cramped, claustrophobic. 2 to feel oppressed. bê-[x]-an that which causes the above feelings
- bunêl
- depressed; at a loss; bewildered. m-[x]-i causing the above feelings
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- bunèn
- place in a rice paddy for sun-drying rice plants
- bung
- 1 stalk, shoot, tall blade. 2 title used esp. between people of disparate rank to emphasize equality of status. Bung Karno (President) Soekarno. [x] sopir ngguyu. The driver laughed. ngê-[x] 1 resembling a tall stalk. 2 to put out a shoot. 3 (psv di-[x]) to call smn Bung
- bungah
- ng, bingah kr happy, glad (rêna ki). [x]-an carefree, happy-go-lucky. bê-[x] a pleasant surprise, usu. unexpected money. Lotrene nganggo bê-[x] dhuwit Rp 100. The lottery carried a 100-rupiah prize. ka-[x]-an joy, gladness. m/di-bê-[x] or m/di-[x]-ake to make happy; to cheer smn up. m/di-[x]-[x]-ake to force oneself to be happy. Di-[x]-[x]-ake atine supaya ora pati kêlara-lara. He tried to cheer himself up so he wouldn't feel so much pain. m-[x]-i to rejoice unjustifiably; to gloat
- bungkah
- base, lowest part; foot (of mountain)
- bungkak
- roof peak of a traditional Javanese house
- bungkang
- see KÊBO
- bungkar
- [x]-an 1 disassembled parts. 2 plot of land from which sugar-cane plants have been cut. m/di-[x] 1 to unload [things] from a vehicle. 2 to overhaul, put into shape
- bungkêm
- to keep the mouth closed. m/di-[x] to prevent smn from speaking (e.g. with a gag; by bribery)
- bungkêr
- 1 to shrivel; to remain stunted. 2 not quite right in the head
- bungkik
- stunted in growth
- bungkil
- 1 remains of peanuts after the oil has been pressed out. 2 lower end of a bamboo stalk or banana-tree trunk
- bungkrah
- (or [x]-bungkrèh) untidy, in disorder
- bungkrèh
- bungkrèk
- var of BUNGKIL
- bungkring
- var of BÊNGKRING
- bungkuk
- m-[x] to bend. m-[x] kawat to bend a wire. m-[x]-ake to bend the back; to bow
- bungkul
- knob; knob-like object/part; counting unit for knob-shaped things. [x] payung knob on an umbrella handle. brambang sa-[x] one onion. [x]-an knobby shape; knobby part
- bungkus
- 1 wrapped packet; wrapping material. 2 [born] with the caul covering the head. [x]-an 1 a wrapped packet. 2 (food) cooked in a leaf wrapping. m/di-[x]-(i) to wrap. pa-m-[x] act or way of wrapping. See also WUNGKUS
- bunglon
- chameleon. watak [x] changeable; opportunistic
- bungur
- 1 a certain plant, also its blossom. 2 [of livestock] the portion of the nose through which a ring is inserted. 3 cr mouth
- bunyak
- scraped, skinned, wounded
- bunoh
- var of BUNUH
- buntak
- a certain fish
- buntal
- floral decoration worn by wayang dancers and bridegrooms. [x] janur kuning crescent-shaped decoration of young coconut leaves. m/di-[x] to make [flowers, leaves] into decorative pieces
- buntar
- 1 lower end of a spear handle. 2 lower end of a rooftop. 3 far end of an irrigation ditch. m/di-[x] to prod with a spear handle
- buntas
- last part, end
- buntêk
- short and thick [of cylindrical objects]
- buntêl
- wrapping. Buntêle sikile dibuwang. He discarded the bandage wound around her leg. kulit [x] ing awake uler membrane wrapping a caterpillar's body. [x]-an (that which is) wrapped, swathed. [x]-an punika roti. This package has bread in it. Sikile kok [x]-an nèng apa? How come your leg is bandaged? m/di-[x]-(i) to wrap sth. pa-m-[x] act or way of wrapping. Pam-[x]-ipun botên kenging kêncêng-kêncêng. Don't wrap it too tight. [x] kadud wage that includes all liwing expensed. [x] majid winding sheet
- buntêt
- closed at one end. Irunge [x]. His nose is stuffed up. m/di-[x]-i to close, clog. rêrêgêd sing m-[x]-i bolonganing kulit dirt that clogs the pores. Aku m-[x]-i pring kuwi supaya ora diênggoni tikus. I plugged the bamboo stalk so mice couldn't nest there
- bunting
- youngest in a family. m-[x] slenderwaisted
- buncang
- di-[x] to be blown (away). kê-[x] to get blown
- bunci
- a certain card count in the game of pèi
- buncik
- flesh wound. [x]-ên wounded
- buncis
- var of BONCIS
- buncit
- 1 the last to be eliminated in e.g. a competition. 2 youngest member of a family
- buncrit
- [x]-ên emaciated; stunted in growth
- buncur
- lump on the head raised by a blow
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- buntu
- stopped at one end; clogged; fig bogged down. dalan [x] a dead-end road. Rêmbugane [x]. The talks are deadlocked. kê-[x]-an stopped up, clogged. m/di-[x]-i to clog, stop up
- buntul
- youngest in a family
- buntung
- having an arm, leg, or tail missing
- buntut
- 1 tail. 2 the last one in a line or series. lotre [x] pool in which one guesses at the final digit of a number. 3 aftermath; follow-up. [x]-an last-born child. m/di-[x]-(i) to follow; to follow smn's example. Si A m-[x] si B. A followed B. A did as B did. pa-m-[x] last-born child. [x] colok white tip on a black tail. [x] urang hair on the back of the neck
- bunuh
- confused, bewildered
- bupati
- top administrative officer of a district. [x] sabrang Wetan (Kulon) regent of the East (West) district. ka-[x]-n 1 district, regency. 2 official residence of a regent
- bupatos
- sbst kr for BUPATI
- bupèt
- var of BIPÈT
- bur
- 1 rpr flight through the air; fig gone, vanished. 2 a drill. sumur [x] drilled well. [x] untu dentist's drill. [x]-[x]-an 1 birds of the air. 2 unredeemed pawned item. 3 children's game played with picture cards. ngê/di-[x] to drill, bore. ngê-[x] minyak to drill for oil. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to fly [a plane]; to have/let [a bird etc]. fly. 2 to relinquish possession of; to let [a pawned item] go unredeemed. [x] engkol brace-and-bit. [x] manuk to depart in haste with only the clothes on one's back. [x] macan large drill. [x] potrèk drill for making tiny holes. See also ABUR
- burak
- 1 out of order, in disrepair. 2 mythological horse with a human face
- burakrakan
- in disarray, disorganized
- buras
- eczema-like skin disorder; white spot on the skin. [x]-ên to have/get this disorder
- burat
- oj (or [x] sari or [x] wangi) flower sachet
- burdir
- var of BORDIR
- burêk
- var of BURÊNG
- burêm
- [of the moon] hazy, clouded over
- burêng
- 1 vague, unclear. Tulisane katon [x]. The writing isn't clear. Pêrkara iki isih [x]. The facts of the case are obscure. kaca [x] translucent glass. 2 [of the moon] hazy
- buri
- ng, wingking kr 1 back, rear. omah sing [x] the house in back. ana ing [x] omah in back of the house. sikil [x] hind leg(s). Surungên saka ing [x]. Push it from behind! Bocah wedok ana ngarêp, bocah lanang ana ing [x]. The girls were in front and the boys were in back. Ing [x]-mu kuwi sapa? Who's that behind you? Sing ana [x] dhewe the one at the very back. 2 later, after a while. Anggêpe, gampang kêtêmu [x]. His idea was that it would be easy to find again later on. 3 last ..., the past ... dhèk minggu [x] last week. ka-[x] in the past, over and done with. Pêrkara mau wis kê-[x]. That's water under the bridge. m-[x] 1 in/at the back part of the house, i.e. the family living quarters. kanca m-[x] wife. lunga m-[x] to go to the bathroom. wong m-[x] servant. mêtu m-[x] to do sth extralegally. 2 last ... dhèk Jêmuwah m-[x] last friday. mêm-[x] (dhatêng wingking kr) 1 to or toward the back. 2 to the bathroom. pa-m-[x] 1 one of lower rank; a subordinate. 2 (in) the future. Wong kuwi kudu ngelingi pam-[x]-ne uga. One must think of the future too. sa(m)-[x]-ne (sa-wingking-ipun kr) behind, in the back. Sak mburine omah ana tamane. There's a park behind the house. Dhèke urut sa-[x]-ku. He's following behind me. See also TUT-BURI
- burik
- pock-marked; scarred, blemished
- burit
- var of BÊRIT. [x]-an 1 back yard. 2 hind part
- burokrasi
- bureaucracy
- burokrat
- bureaucrat
- burokratis
- bureaucratic
- burcèt
- a snipe-like bird
- burua
- ng, bujêng kr [x]-n 1 act of hunting. panggonan buron hunting ground. 2 to chase each other. 3 (or bê-[x]-n) that which is hunted. buron galak wild game. buron pulisi a fugitive from the law. kê-[x]-[x] 1 pursued by troubles. Uripe kê-[x]-[x]. His life is a series of misfortunes. 2 rg in a hurry. Olèhe mangan ora susah kê-[x]-[x]. Don't eat to fast. m/di(bê)-[x] to hunt, pursue. di-[x] asu chased by a dog. di-[x] ing kasusahan pursued by sorrows. m-[x] kalah-e to try to win back lost money. m-[x] cukup to make a long story short ... m-[x] ucêng kelangan dêlêg penny wise and pound foolish. pa-m-[x]-nan place to hunt
- burub
- to have just finished [do]ing. Aku [x] mangan. I've just eaten
- buruh
- ng, bêrah kr wage earner, salaried employee; work force, labor; to work for wages. para [x] the workers. sêrikat [x] labor union. A dudu tani nanging [x] tani. A isn't
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- a farmer, he's a farm laborer. [x]-an wages, salary. Larang [x]-ane. The cost of labor is high. m-[x] or (m)bê-[x] to work for wages. bê-[x] nêgor-nêgor kayu to earn money chopping wood. m/di-[x]-ake 1 to hire smn for wages. 2 to hire out [a job]. Amarga Siti lara, olèhe umbah-umbah di-[x]-ake. Siti was ill, so she hired smn to do her laundry. m/di-[x]-i to hire smn. wong sing di-[x]-i sabên dina workers who get paid by the day. m-[x]-i wong sing nggarap sawah to hire laborers for a rice paddy. pê-[x]-an (the) labor (force). Kantor [x] the Labor Office
- buruk
- a disease of chickens. [x]-an prey of predatory animals
- burung
- see SARANG
- burus
- flawless, unblemished
- bus
- rpr the hissing of air escaping
- busak
- var of BUSÊK
- busana
- 1 raiment. [x] èdi-èdi beautiful garments. 2 to get/be dressed (ki for DANDAN). m/di-[x]-ni to decorate; to deck out
- busêk
- (or [x]-an) eraser. m/di-[x]-ake to erase for smn. m/di-[x]-(i) to erase
- busèt
- rg 1 ape. 2 excl of surprise
- busi
- spark plug
- busik
- [of skin] dry and flaking. ora [x] or tan [x] unhurt; invulnerable
- busuk
- 1 ignorant; stupid. 2 [of firecrackers] no good, a dud
- busung
- 1 pregnant [of animals; cr of people]. 2 disease that causes bloating. [x] kèkèt swelling of the legs. [x] wêtêng bloating of the stomach (from malnutrition or disease)
- busur
- (or m-bê-[x]) to eat greedily, stuff oneself
- but
- (or m-[x]) rpr a whisking motion. Dhèke lunga mak [x]. Off he dashed. Mak [x] dhompète disawut tukang copèt. His wallet was suddenly snatched by a pickpocket. bat-[x] rpr a series of deft motions. Olèhe nyambut gawe bat-[x] têrus. She works quickly. ngê-[x] 1 to drive fast. Aja ngê-[x] ing dalan sing rame. Don't speed on crowded roads. 2 (psv di-[x]) to [do] quickly. Garapanku tak [x]. I rushed through my homework
- buta
- wy ogre, giant
- butajêng
- jealous (root form: kr for BUTARÊP)
- buthak
- bald; bare
- butarêp
- ng, butajêng kr [x]-an excessively jealous of one's spouse. m/di-[x]-ake to suspect [one's spouse] of infidelity
- buthêk
- [of water] not clear, riled up
- butêng
- short-tempered
- bucal
- to discard (root form: kr for BUWANG). bê-[x] to go to the bathroom (kr for NG-ISING)
- bucêk
- cracked or broken but still holding together, e.g. an eggshell
- bucèl
- see CÈCÈL
- bucu
- hump, hunch (on the back)
- butuh
- ng, bêtah kr thing needed; to need. [x]-mu dhuwit pira? How much money do you need? tuku [x] to buy daily needs. [x]-e rak têkan nang ngomahe ta? What he wants is to get home, isn't it? Aku [x] kêrtas kanggo nulis. I need some paper to write on. [x]-[x] needed articles, daily necessities, food and clothing. ka-[x]-an needed article; a necessity. apa ka-[x]-anmu whatever you need. Ka-[x]-ane wong urip kuwi seje-seje. Everyone has his own needs. m/di-[x]-ake or m/di-[x]-i to need. m-[x]-ake pitulungan to need help. Yèn di-[x]-ake dhèke ora ana. He's never around when you want him
- buthuk
- [of fish] beginning to spoil
- butul
- through to the other side. Dome ditujêsake ing prop gabus nganti [x]. He pushed the needle all the way through the crok. [x]-an doorway or entrance to a house or yard. m/di-[x] to pierce
- butun
- a certain citrus fruit
- buthung
- animal's haunch(es)
- bu(w)-
- see also under BU-, BW- (Introduction, 2.9.7)
- buwaya
- var of BAYAa
- buwak
- rg var of BUWANG
- buwal
- m-[x] to bubble forth copiously, e.g. water from a spring
- buwana
- 1 continent. 2 ltry word. saindênging [x] all over the word. gawe [x] balik to destroy, plunder
- buwang
- ng, bucal kr [x]-an 1 thrown out. barang-barang [x]-an discarded articles. 2 sewer (for refuse disposal). 3 in exile. wong [x]-an an exile. bê-[x] 1 excrement. lara bê-[x] gêtih umbêl dysentery. 2 (or m-bê-[x]) to urinate, defecate. m/di-[x]-(i) 1 to get ride of. Larahan kuwi [x]-ên ing tong kotoran ing jaba. Throw the garbage in the trash can outside. Sipat-sipat kang ala kuwi kudu di-[x]. You should eliminate those bad habits. Aku ora tau m-[x]-i dhuwit kanggo jajan. I never waste money on snacks. 2 to let fall; to toss. Wis, dhadhune enggal di-[x]. OK, throw the dice. 3 to exile smn. 4 to put sth in an inappropriate place. 5 to place
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- [a child] in an adoptive or foster home. durung bisa m-[x] umbêl helpless, unable to cope. m-[x] rai to turn one's face away as a sign of rejection. m-[x] rase olèh kuwuk to discard sth worthless (in one's greed for sth better) and get sth even worse. m-[x] tilas to alibi oneself; to hide the traces of one's guilty act. pa-[x]-(an) (place of) exile
- buwara
- m-[x] rg to find a livelihood far from one's place of origin
- buwêl
- to billow upward in clouds
- buwi
- (or [x]-n) jail, prison. m/di-[x] to put smn in jail
- buwuh
- var of WUWUH
- bw-
- see also under BU(W)- (Introduction, 2.9.7)
- bwat
- var of BYAT
- byuh
- var of BIYUH
- c
- (prn se) alphabetic letter
- caka
- (prn saka) var of SAKAc
- cc
- (prn se se) cubic centimeter
- cèntimètêr
- (prn sèntimètêr) (abbr: CM) sentimeter
- ch-
- see also under H-, K- (Introduction, 2.6)
- chalak
- (prn kalak) being, creature
- chalifah
- (prn kalifah) 1 caliph, 2 deputy, second in command. 3 title for a king
- chamsin
- (prn hamsin) day of Pentacost
- chas
- (prn kas) typical
- chianat
- (prn kianat) to betray. wong [x] traitor. pa-ng-[x] traitor. pa-ng-[x]-an treachery, betrayal
- chotbah
- (prn hotbah) sermon
- chotib
- (prn hotib) preacher
- citrun
- (prn sitrun) lemon-like citrus fruit
- cm
- (prn se èm) see CÈNTIMÈTÊR
- crossboy
- crossgirl, (prn krosboi, krosgirel) juvenile delinquent (boy, girl)
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