Javanese-English Dictionary, Horne, 1974, #1968 (Hlm. 122–161: DJ/J)
Pencarian Teks
Lingkup pencarian: teks dan catatan-kakinya. Teks pencarian: 2-24 karakter. Filter pencarian: huruf besar/kecil, diakritik serta pungtuasi diabaikan; karakter [?] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau satu huruf sembarang; simbol wildcard [*] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau sejumlah karakter termasuk spasi; mengakomodasi variasi ejaan, antara lain [dj : j, tj : c, j : y, oe : u, d : dh, t : th].
- ja
- inf var of AJAa
- jaba
- ng, jawi kr 1 outside. Ana ing adhêm. It's cold outside. 2 outside of, except for (inf var of KÊJABA). [x]-n 1 outlying territory. 2 superficial, on the exterior only. n[x]-[x] (on the) outside. n-[x]-n omah outside the house. wong n-[x]-n jaman a man of a different era. pa-n-[x] the outside; outdoors. sa-(n)- [x]-ne (on the) outside (of). ing san-[x]-ning omah outside the house. [x] jêro in(side) and out(side); through and through. Mori mau ditembok [x]-jêro. The fabric was wax-coated on both sides. Dhèke iklas [x] jêro. He's utterly sincere. See also KÊJABA
- jabal
- mountain
- jabalikat
- oj the world
- Jabaltarik
- Gibraltar
- jabang
- [x] bayi 1 newborn baby. 2 excl uttered before killing sth (e.g.snake, insect) to prevent one's unborn baby from being marked by the ugly sight
- jabarail
- male angel believed by Moslems to withdraw the soul from the body upon death
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- jabat
- [x]-an office held temporarily. [x]-an tangan to shake hands. n/di-[x] to hold [an office] temporarily. Walikota Jogja saiki di-[x] karo A. A is the acting mayor of Jogja. pa-(n)-[x] (abbr: Pd.) one who holds office temporarily pending elections. Pd. Walikota mayor pro tem
- jabêl
- n-[x] 1 to pull sth loose from its moorings. 2 to take back, retract
- jablas
- gone, vanished. Sêga sapiring wis [x]. He made short work of his plate of rice
- jablog
- cr n-[x] to eat
- jabon
- a variety of tree
- jabrail
- var of JABARAIL
- jabris
- [x]-an small catfish (young of the LELE). n-[x] to give smn a dirty look
- jabud
- n/di-[x]-(i) to pull out, draw. n-[x] untu to extract a tooth. n-[x]-i jenggot nganggo dhuwit sèn to pull hairs from the beard using coins as tweezers. n-[x] nyawa to kill, murder
- jabung
- a certain resinous substance used as glue. n/di-[x] to join, connect (esp. with the above substance)
- jabur
- [x]-an refreshments served at a collective prayer gathering during the evening of the fasting month, i.e. the permissible time for eating and drinking. n/di-[x]-i to serve [refreshments] as above
- jadah
- 1 a snack made of glutinous rice. 2 child. karam [x] illegitimate child
- jadham
- resin, used as glue, produced by a certain broad-leafed aloe plant
- jadhêm
- var of JADHAM
- jadhi
- var of JÈDHI
- jadhir
- n-[x] thick-lipped
- jada
- 1 itinerant peddler. 2 chest, breast (ki for DHADHA). [x] bang ma-winga-winga ltry furiously angry. [x] rumat to pass along rumors
- jajag
- [x]-[x] to size up. pandêng [x]-[x] a calculating look. n/di-[x]-i to measure, estimate. n-[x]-i jêroning bêbudèn to judge the depth of smn's character. Katrêsnan botên sagêd dipun [x]-i sarana akal. Love cannot be measured in terms of reason. Gunêmku kanggo n-[x]-i atine. I spoke in order to assess her state of mind
- jajah
- familiar with the environment. Aku lagi bêbakal ana ing kene, mula durung [x]. I'm new here so I don't know my way around yet. [x]-an a colony. pêmêrintah [x]-an colonial goverment. n/di-[x] 1 to get to know, become familiar with, explore. 2 to hold sway over. kaum sing di-[x] a subjugated people. n-[x] desa m-wilang kori to travel to many places. pa-n-[x] colonialist, subjugator. pa-n-[x]-an colonialism; colonization
- jajal
- (or [x]-e) have a try! (let's) see if ... [x]-e, aku sing ngetung. Here, let me count them. [x] aku jupukna pring. See if you can get me some bamboo. [x], sêgane diculik wis matêng apa durung. Try the rice and see if it's done. Iya ta wis [x] kaya apa pitakonmu. Ok, let's hear your question. [x]-[x] to try, make an effort. See also AJALa, JAL
- jajan
- 1 (to eat, buy) sweets, between-meal snacks. 2 to eat out. Aku diajak [x] mênyang rèstoran. He asked me to have lunch with him at a restaurant. [x]-an 1 sweets collectively; various sweets. wadhah [x]-an container for cookies etc. warung [x]-an a snack shop. 2 to buy/eat snacks or eat out habitually. n-[x] to have intercourse with a prostitute. n/di-[x]-ake (prn n/di-jajak-ake) to buy smn a snack or a meal out. n/di-[x]-i to buy/eat snacks regularly. pa-[x]-an house of prostitution; red-light district. [x] pasar party needs (sweets, flowers, etc.) bought at the marketplace
- jajang
- krawat, a certain village official
- jajar
- 1 having equal rank or position. 2 lined up in a row. 3 the lowest rank among the employees at the Sultanate of Jogjakarta. [x]-an rg net yield of a harvest. n/di-[x]-i to walk side by side in ranks
- jadhor
- var of JADHIR
- jadhul
- n-[x] scowling, gloomy-looking
- jadwal
- schedule, time table
- jae
- ginger (root). wedang [x] hot ginger drink
- jaeton
- jaetun, olive; olive tree
- jag
- [x]-[x]-an to walk around in a carefree inconsiderate manner, e.g. intruding where one does not belong. n-[x] it is so, it is true that ...
- jaga
- ng, jagi kr 1 guard, watch; to guard, keep watch. [x] bêngi night watchman. pikèt [x] sentry. tukang [x] toko store attendant. kanca [x] companion of the watch. 2 provisions. Sêga iki [x]-ne mangan bêngi mêngko. This rice is for tonight's meal. [x]-n a precaution(ary measure). Aku mau tuku lilin kanggo [x]-n yèn sê-mangsa-mangsa listrike mati. I bought candles in case the electricity goes off. [x]-[x] or jê-[x] (to act as) a precautionary measure. n/di-[x] to guard, protect (against). n-[x] Sang Prabu to guard the King. Anakmu [x]-nên. Keep a close eye on
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- your child! Kuwajibane pulisi n-[x] supaya wong-wong manut marang undhang-undhang. A police man's job is to see to it that people obey the laws. n/di-[x]-kake to rely on. Dhèke bisa di-[x]-kake. He's dependable. n-[x]-kake êndhog-e si blorok to await an uncertain outcome. n/di-[x]-ni to guard with a precautionary measure; to provide against. Jupukna bantal, tak nggo n-[x]-ni si bayèk. Bring me a pillow to protect the baby. Taline sing kanggo n-[x]-ni balon mau wis kari loro. There were still two ropes preventing the balloon from rising. Aku tuku bêras akèh nggo n-[x]-ni mangsa pacêklik. I've bought a lot of rice for when it's scarce. pa-[x]-n guard's post, sentry box. pa-n-[x] 1 guard, watchman. 2 a precaution. [x] baya village constable. [x] bela executioner. [x] karya soldier of the Jogja Sultanate. [x] kêrsa 1 regent's guardsman. 2 village constable. [x] latri night watchman. [x] praja, [x] pura Surakarta palace soldier. [x] rêksa village constable. [x] ripu a certain river fish. [x] runa preparations against threatened danger or food shortage. [x] satru 1 front porch with no supporting colums. 2 garden fence. 3 a certain marching formation. [x] sura soldier. [x] tirta person who oversees irrigation; person who keeps flood watch. [x] wèsthi village constable
- jagad
- world, earth; universe. saindênging [x] all over the world. [x] gêdhe ([x][t]raja oj) the cosmos, the universe. [x] ka-muksa-n heaven
- jagal
- butcher. n/di-[x] to butcher, slaughter. (n)-[x]-an place where animals are slaughtered
- jagang
- 1 tripod. 2 prop, supporting pole. 3 one of various houses near the great walls of Jogjakarta. n/di-[x]-i to support, or be prepared to support, sth that is falling or may fall. [x] gunting bamboo trees crossed scissorwise as a supporting prop
- jagêr
- [x]-an sawhorse. n-[x] to stand straight up
- jagi
- guard, watch (kr for JAGA)
- jago
- ng, sawung kr 1 rooster, cock. adu [x] cock fight. [x] adon fighting cock. [x] bêlèhan rooster raised to be slaughtered. 2 champion, i.e. one who fight for a cause or on behalf of others. 3 candidate; contestant. [x] politik political candidate. [x]-n 1 young rooster that has reached the reproductive stage. 2 candidate, contestant. [x]-[x]-an rg ceremony held as part of the wedding procedures for a bride who has not yet begun to menstruate. n/di-[x]-kake to put smn up as a candidate. n/di-[x]-(n)i 1 to pit [two cocks or champions] against each other. 2 to have smn act as one's champion. 3 to back [a contestant/candidate]. [x] entar a person who cannot stand the sight of blood. [x] kapuk older person who keeps active in his former field(s) of interest. [x] kate wani-ne ana ing omah-e dhewe a coward. [x] kawak-an former champion gamecock. [x] kêpruk bodyguard. [x] kluruk cock's-crow; the crack of dawn. [x] mlile rooster who is afraid of hens; fig man who is shy with women. [x] wiring-galih jalu m-ungal 1 fighting cock that always wins. 2 outstanding person
- jagong
- [x]-an 1 seat, place to sit. 2 to sit around informally. jê-[x]-an pl to sit around. n-[x] to attend a ceremony, esp. a wedding. Bapak karo ibu tindak n-[x]. Father and Mother have gone to a wedding. n-[x] bayi to attend a ceremony for a newborn baby. pa-[x]-an 1 a ceremony. 2 a place where people sit around at such ceremonies. [x] bayi ceremony for a newborn child. [x] mantèn wedding celebration
- jagrag
- 1 three-legged suporting stand, trippod. 2 physical stature. n/di-[x]-(i) to stand (sth) up straight
- jagung
- corn. [x] g-um-arit young corn. [x] canthèl a variety of corn whose kernels grow at the top of the plant. See also ONTONG
- jagur
- fist. n-[x] to punch downward. n/di-[x]-i to pound smn gently on the head with the fist
- jah
- adr elephant! (shf of GAJAH)
- jahanam
- 1 hell. 2 excl damn!
- jahat
- a flaw, imperfection
- jahe
- var of JAE
- jahil
- var of JAIL
- jahit
- var of JAIT
- jaid
- n-[x] [of eyes] amond-shaped
- jail
- (to have) ill feelings toward smn. têmbung [x] spiteful words. n-[x]-i 1 (psv di-[x]-i) to wish smn ill. Murid n-[x]-i gurune. The student has it in for the teacher. 2 [of rice] to sprout. [x] m-pringkil person with a grudge. [x] muthakil malicious, spiteful
- jais
- fate, destiny. kê-[x] (pre)destined. Wis kê-[x] yèn manungsa bakal mati. Man is mortal
- jait
- pertaining to sewing. mêsin [x] sewing machine. tukang [x] tailor, seamstress. kê-[x] ati-ne ltry infatuated. mên-[x] to make
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- clothing. n/di-[x] to sew, stitch; to suture. pa-n-[x] tailor, seamstress
- jaya
- oj 1 victory; victorious. 2 power(ful)
- jayadaru
- var of JAYANDARU
- jayandaru
- one of two banyan trees in North Square, Jogjakarta. See also DEWANDARU, RINGIN
- jak
- [x]-[x] hir-hir giddiyap! [x]-[x]-an to agree to [do] together. A karo B [x]-[x]-an adu jago. A and B arranged to have their gamecocks do battle. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to ask smn to [do] with one. Ngundanga kancamu, [x]-ên ngrewangi. Call your friend over to help you. A di-[x] mangan, sing ngajak B. B asked A to eat with him. See also JAK
- jaka
- 1 young unmarried man. Anake wis ana sing [x] ngono. He has a teenage son. 2 (or jê-[x]) young adult male. pêr-[x] a bachelor. [x] k-um-ala-kala male teen-ager. [x] lara or [x] rara one's first spouse. [x] thingthing virgin male
- jakabèlèk
- Mars (planet)
- jakablaro
- a variety of bird
- jakabolot
- a certain variety of rice
- jakalodra
- wild man in a street show
- Jakarta
- Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia, on the northwest coast of Java
- jakasawur
- a certain grass
- jakat
- yearly alms given (in proportion to one's ability to pay) for distribution to the poor. n/di-[x]-i to give alms to. [x] pitrah annual alms in money, or the equivalent in rice, given at the end of the fasting month, proportionate to the number in the donating family
- jakatuwa
- cockatoo; parrot
- jakawuru
- a variety of owl
- jakèt
- waist-length jacket
- jaki
- sbst kr for JAKA
- jaksa
- public prosecutor. ka-[x]-n 1 public prosecutor's office. 2 judiciary branch. n/di-[x]-ni to prosecute [a criminal; a case]. pa-[x]-n prosecutor's office
- jal
- [x]-e have a try! [x]-e, iki angkatên. Here, see if you can lift this. See also AJALa, JAJAL
- jal-
- see also under JL- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- jala
- net for catching birds or fish. n/di-[x] to net [birds, fish]
- jaladri
- oj sea, ocean
- jalak
- a variety of bird kept as a pet. [x] apa sing bisa ngocèh? What kinds of jalak bird can talk? n-[x]-i [of unweaned babies] to have diarrhea. [x] ampir to stop off at places frequently when on the way smw; one who does this habitually. [x] dhindhing characteristically feminine way of walking. [x] jamang talking mynah bird. [x] m-êmpan to work a bit at a time. [x] ng-ore a certain shape for kris blades. [x] orèn black mynah bird
- jalan
- gait; to walk, proceed. Montor-montoran yèn diputêr mêngko rak bisa [x] dhewe. If you wind up the toy car, it runs by itself. [x]-[x] to take a walk
- jalanidhi
- oj, sea, ocean
- jalantara
- viaduct for conveying water above a road on an overpass
- jalar
- (jê)-[x]-an because; cause, reason. A bodho [x]-an êmoh sinau. A doesn't know anything because he won't study. Piye ta [x]-ane? What's the reason for it? [x]-an saka polahmu, aku rêkasa. Because of what you did, I'm in trouble. n-[x] têkan êndi-êndi. The disease is everywhere. n/di-[x]-i to cause. n-[x]-i lara to cause illness. Anggone mbantu bisa n-[x]-i mênang. His help gave them the win
- jalêr
- male; manly (kr for LANANG). [x]-[x] streaks of color on the skin, e.g. blue where a vein shows; red from whip blows
- jali
- kernel-producing plant. jagung/kêtan [x] a plant that produces corn-like (barley-like) kernels. watu [x] plant that produces inedible kernels
- jaligêr
- a variety of fish
- jaling
- the portion of the skull above the ears
- jalir
- see JURU
- jalisu
- a variety of tree
- jalma
- 1 human being. bisa tata [x] [of animals] able to speak. 2 reincarnation. n-[x] [of animals] tame, friendly with people. man-[x] 1 to turn into a human being. 2 to be reincarnated. pa-n-[x] 1 transformation of a spirit into human shape. 2 reincarnation; a reincarnated being. [x] tan kêna ingina unpredictable
- jalon
- bamboo lengths used to hold a straw roof in place
- jalu
- 1 (jambêt kr, panja opt kr?) spur on a cock's foot. 2 oj male. kê-[x] injured by a cock's spur. n/di-[x] to strike with the spur. [x] mampang a certain parasitic plant
- jaluk
- ng, têdha kr, pundhut ki, suwun ka [x]-an a request, sth asked for. Aku arêp mênyang toko, apa [x]-anmu? I'm going to the
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- store; what would you like me to get for you? n-jê-[x] ng kr to beg. Kere kuwi uripe ya mung tansah njê-[x] bae. Beggars make their living by begging. n/di-[x]-ake to ask for sth on smn's behalf. A n-[x]-ake panggawean kanggo B mênyang C. A asked C to give B a job. n-[x]-an ng kr always asking for things. n/di-[x]-(i) to ask for. Aku n-[x] ngombe. Please give me sth to drink. Anake wadon wis di-[x] karo pak lurah. The village head asked her for her daughter (in marriage). Aja pijêr nakal bae, apa kowe n-[x] digitik? Don't keep being naughty! are you asking for a spanking? Yèn di-[x]-i tulung, A mêsthi têka. If smn asks A for help, he always comes. n-[x] lawang to request admittance. n-[x] pang-apura to ask smn's pardon. n/di-[x]-[x]-(i) to ask for things habitually. pa-n-[x] a request. Pan-[x]-e apa? What did he ask for?
- jam
- 1 timepiece. gêlang [x] wrist watch. 2 (pukul opt kr) o'clock. [x] loro two o'clock. [x] pira? what time? 3 hour. rong [x] two hours. pirang [x]? how many hours? 4 time. [x] sêmene kok isih sinau! Still studying at this hour! [x]-[x]-an for hours (on end). Olèhe jungkatan [x]-[x]-an. She spends hours combing her hair. Yèn tukang, ora [x]-[x]-an nggathukake bongkaran mêsin iku. It wouldn't take an expert long to put that motor back together again. ngê/di-[x]-i to time sth in hours. ngê-[x]-i olèhe nyambut gawe to time one's work. [x] bèkêr alarm clock. [x] gantung wall clock. [x] gembol-an pocket watch. [x] kalung pendant watch. [x] kandhut-an pocket watch. [x] kikuk cuckoo clock. [x] loncèng striking clock. [x] sêtêngah half-past. [x] sêtêngah papat 3:30, i.e. halfway to 4. [x] tangan wrist watch. [x] wèkêr alarm clock. [x] wèsmistêr grandfather clock
- jamak
- 1 usual, ordinary. [x] lumrahe wong urip kuwi jêjodhohan. Most people get married. 2 excl of frustration. [x], kathik mutung pang sêmene wae ora bisa. Son-of-a-gun, I can't even break this little branch! ora [x](-[x]) out of the ordinary. Dhuwite akèhe ora [x]. He's awfully rich. Lalènmu ora [x]-[x]. You're so forgetful!
- jaman
- time period, time span. [x]-e aku isih ênom when I was young. [x] wis owah. Times have changed. ing [x] kuna once upon a time. bangsa Jawa ing [x] sêmana the Javanese of those remote days. dhèk [x] Jêpang during the Japanese occupation. dhèk [x] kêjawan in the old days, long ago. n-[x]-(i) current. têmbung-têmbung sing wis ora n-[x]-i words that are no longer in use. [x] akir 1 the future. 2 life after death. [x] aman peace time. [x] edan transition period; time of turmoil. [x] (ka)-langgêng(an) eternity; the life after death. [x] kê-mas-an golden age. [x] mêngko nowadays. [x] ora enak former times (referring esp. to the colonial period). ora [x] ora mamak 1 not up to date with things. 2 uncertain of the one's origins. [x] pati or [x] kê-pati-n life after death. [x] (kê)rame(an) life in this world; the world of the living. [x] saiki nowadays
- jamang
- ornamental leather head piece worn in the classical dance. [x]-an 1 to wear or put on the above. 2 resembling the above
- jamas
- to shampoo one's hair (ki for KRAMAS)
- jambak
- n/di-[x] to pull smn's hair. j-um-a-mbak a handful of hair pulled in anger
- jambal
- 1 meat together with its fat. 2 a certain edible freshwater fish. 3 a certain dye used in batik-making. dianggo [x]-an to be an object of ridicule. n/di-[x] to eat the rice-accompanying dishes without rice. Êndhoge di-[x]. He ate just the egg
- jamban
- ng, kr, pa-siram-an ki bathroom (Occidental style, i.e. lavatory and bathing place combined)
- jambe
- betel nut. [x] ayu betel nut specially prepared for ceremonial offerings rather than for chewing. kaya [x] s-in-igar looking enough alike to be twins. [x] suruh betel nut prepared for chewing; sêdulur [x] suruh such close friends they are like relatives
- jambeyah
- knife used as a weapon
- jambèt
- kê-[x] involved, associated. Dhèke kê-[x] ing bab slundhupan. He was mixed up in a smuggling operation
- jambêt
- 1 cock's spur (kr for JALU). 2 guava; heart (playing-card suit) (kr for JAMBU). 3 to join (root form: sbst kr for JABUNG). 4 bird/fish-trapping net (sbst kr for JALA). 5 drill (sbst kr for JARA). 6 castor-oil plant (sbst kr for JARAK). 7 harrow (sbst kr for GARU)
- jambiyah
- var of JAMBEYAH
- jamblik
- n-[x] close together, not far apart
- jambu
- (jambêt kr?) 1 guava. 2 heart (playing-card suit). [x]-n 1 pink. 2 resembling a guava tree. n-[x] ng kr homosexual. [x] aèr, [x] bol, [x] dêrsana, [x] kagèt, [x] kluthuk, [x] tlampok etc. common varieties of guava
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- jambul
- 1 raised forelock. 2 raised decorative object worn at the front of the head, e.g. a feather on a hat. n/di-[x] to form [hair] into a raised forelock. nganti [x] wan-ên until one is very old
- jamjam
- var of JANJAM
- jamêrut
- emerald
- jamin
- [x]-an 1 a guarantee. [x]-an têlung sasi a three-month guarantee. 2 inf food served to a close friend or to smn of lower status. Sopir-sopir sing ndhèrèkke tamu-tamu wis diparingi [x]-an. The drivers who brought guests have been served. n/di-[x] 1 to guarantee. 2 inf to serve food to smn (as above)
- jampang
- a certain swamp grass
- jampêng
- stone deaf (used also as a term of abuse). [x] kowe ya, dikandhani bola-bali kok ora krungu. You stupid, I kept telling you but you wouldn't listen
- jampi
- medicine (kr for JAMU, TAMBA)
- jamprah
- [of tail hair] long and luxuriant
- jamprak
- var of JAMPRAH
- jamprong
- wy my fine-looking lad!
- jamrut
- var of JAMÊRUT
- jamu
- ng, jampi kr 1 (loloh or usada ki) medicine, health potion. [x] sing jodho the right medicine for the malady. 2 to dose oneself. Sabên esuk aku [x] êndhog. I eat an egg every morning for my health. [x]-n-[x]-nan act of treating with medication. Lêlara ing sajrone kuping angèl bangêt jamon-jamonane. Ailments of the ear are very hard to treat. jê-[x] to take health potions repeatedly. mêr-[x] to treat medically; to have medical treatment. Olèhe mêr-[x] wis ngêntèkake dhuwit. He's spent a lot of money trying to get cured. n/di-[x]-kake to treat [a malady] with medicine. larane dijamokake ing dhoktêr. He was treated by a doctor. n/di-[x]-ni to give medicine to. [x] kuwat potion to increase one's sexual potency. [x] singsêt slenderizing medicine. [x] têmu-lawak tonic or physical-fitness preparation from a certain tuberous root
- jamur
- 1 mushroom. 2 fungus growth of any kind. 3 an unexpected piece of luck; an inadvertent side effect. [x]-an 1 mushroom-shaped. kêluk atom kaya [x] atomic cloud. 2 a children's singing game. [x]-ên moldy, mildewed. [x] brama a certain edible mushroom, used also as a poultice. [x] impês a large inedible fungus used as a poultice. [x] karang sponge in the growing state. [x] kuping thin ear-shaped tree-bark fungus used for soups. [x] trucuk mushroom shaped like a broad bamboo hat. [x] upas a destructive plant mold
- jan
- intsfr for quality words. Yèn mlaku [x] bantêr bangêt. He walks really fast! [x](-[x])-e actually; on the contrary. [x]-e aku ora ngêrti. Actually, I don't know. [x]-[x]-e kowe arêp apa? What do you really want? ngê/di-[x]-i to set a price on [one's merchandise]. sa-[x] even though (shf of SANADYAN). Dhèwèke nekad wae sa-[x] ngêrti yèn ora entuk. He went right ahead and did it, even though he knew he wasn't supposed to. sa-[x] in truth; on the contrary. Dhèke sa-[x]-e sêngit bangêt. The fact is, he hates it
- Jan.
- jana
- shc from AJAa ANA
- janak
- a short stick used in a certain children's game (bênthik)
- janapriya
- ka-[x] famous, renowned
- jandika
- inf var of JÊNGANDIKA
- janjam
- 1 (or sumur [x]) sacred well in Mecca. 2 (or banyu [x]) holy water drawn from this well
- janjan
- [of horses] dun-colored
- janjang
- 1 a large cluster of coconuts or salak fruit. 2 long [of neck]
- janjèhi
- inf var of JANJI-NI
- janji
- 1 to have an agreement, make a promise. 2 if, when(ever). Tikuse [x] ketok, mêsthi tak pênthung têmênan. If the mouse comes out, I'll give him a good smack. [x]-an or [x]-n to have/make a mutual agreement. Aku wis janjèn arêp kêtêmu nang pasar. We agreed to meet at the market place. [x]-ne on condition that ...; provided the agreement is ... Totohan kênèkêr kêna-kêna bae, [x]-ne yèn wis, dibalèkake marang sing duwe manèh. It's all right to gamble with marbles so long as it's understood you'll give them back afterwards. [x]-n-[x]-nan to promise each other, make a mutual agreement. n¬-[x] 1 (psv di-[x]) to exact a promise from. 2 as agreed; at the appointed time. tumêka n-[x] to show up as agreed; fig about to die, i.e. one's time has come. n/di-[x]-kake to promise sth. Buku sing wis dijanjèkake tak jupuk. I went and picked up the book he had promised me. n/di-[x]-ni to promise smn; to make a promise. pêr-[x] or pra-[x] (to have/make) a promise or agreement. pêr-[x]-an or pra-[x]-an 1 agreement, understanding. Bêcike didadèkake prajanjian wae. There ought to be a definite agreement.
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- 2 promissory note. 3 condition, provision. pra-[x]-an lawas (anjar) Old (New) Testament
- jangan
- a soup-like dish made with vegetables in coconut milk. [x]-an vegetables for this dish. n/di-[x] to make [ingredients] into the above
- jangji
- promise, agreement (var of JANJI)
- jangês
- n-[x] intsfr black. ireng n-[x] jet black, pitch black
- jangêt
- rawhide rope
- jangga
- neck (ki for GULU)
- janggal
- awkward, ill-suited, inharmonious
- janggan
- jê-[x] pupils of a holy man
- janggar
- rice plants that have sprouted, i.e. are too old to harvest
- janggêl
- 1 young corn on the cob. 2 the bones of a horse's tail. [x]-an on probation; awaiting a final decision. n/di-[x]-ake to sell sth on approval (to be returned if unsatisfactory)
- janggelan
- a certain grass
- janggêrêng
- physical appearance
- janggêt
- n-[x] to adhere to firmly
- janggir
- male kerbau calf
- janggitan
- imp, devil
- jangglêng
- fruit of the teak tree. [x]-an young teak tree ready for planting. n-[x] 1 to stare motionless and absorbed. Olèhe nonton TV n-[x]. He was engrossed in watching TV. 2 rg to stand
- janggrêng
- n-[x] to look big, loom up
- janggrung
- (or [x]-[x]) (standing) erect and firm
- janggut
- 1 (kêthêkan ki) chin. 2 rounded front section of a kris sheath. n-[x] 1 close by; on hand. 2 (psv di-[x]) to stroke the chin in self-admiration. 3 (psv di-[x]) to grasp smn's shoulder with the chin (fighting technique). j-um-anggut nearby; ready at hand. Wange jumanggut. He has plenty of money available. [x] ng-golèng lantern-jawed
- jangka
- 1 goal, objective. 2 term, length of time. 3 prediction, prophecy. 4 compass for drawing circles. 5 tool for shredding tobacco leaves. n/di-[x] 1 to have an objective for smn. Dhèwèke di-[x] dadi dhoktêr. They're hoping he'll become a doctor. 2 to use a compass or tobacco shredder. pa-n-[x] goal, objective
- jangkah
- 1 step, stride. ngambakake [x]-e to lengthen one's stride. Têbihipun botên wontên sa-[x]. It's only a step away. [x]-e sing arêp katindakake dening kabinèt the steps to be taken by the Cabinet. 2 goal. Amba [x]-e. He has a broad range of objectives. [x]-an wy wide foot stance of large puppets. n-[x] 1 to walk, step. n-[x] pitung jangkah to take seven steps. 2 (psv di-[x]) to set as a goal. n/di-[x]-ake to advance [the foot]. Dhèwèke n-[x]-ake sikile, rekane arêp ndhupak wong tuwa mau. He raised his foot to kick the old man. pa-n-[x] ideal, objective. kadohan pan-[x] an unrealistic goal. j-um-angkah to step. A jumangkah mlêbu ngomah. A stepped into the house. jumangkah undhak-undhakan to go upstairs. nututi jumangkah kêkarêpan to follow smn's wishes step by step
- jangkang
- a certain fruit. banyu landha [x] shampoo made from this fruit
- jangkar
- 1 anchor. buwang [x] to drop anchor. 2 anchor-shaped hook on a rope, for retrieving a bucket from the bottom of a well. n/di-[x] 1 to retrieve [a bucket] with the above. 2 to address smn improperly (e.g. by calling one's elders by name; by omitting a title; by using Ngoko to smn of higher status)
- jangkêp
- complete; in full; even (not odd) (kr for GANÊP)
- jangkrik
- house cricket (often used for gaming). adu [x] cricket fight. [x] (m)bêring flying cricket. kaya [x] m-ambu kili infuriated
- jangkung
- tall and slender
- janglot
- a certain plant
- janma
- var of JALMA
- jantèn
- (or [x]-an) young corn on the cob
- janti
- a variety of tree
- jantra
- 1 wheel, cog, moving part; wheel that operates machinery, e.g. water-propelled mill wheel, sponning wheel, windmill. 2 cycle, pattern of behavior or events. [x]-ning prodhuksi production cycles
- jantu
- (or [x]-n) spices or herbs used as ingredients, esp. in folk medicines. n/di-[x]-ni to add such ingredients to. Jladrène apêm dijantoni ragi sêthithik. She put a little yeast in the pancake batter
- jantung
- 1 heart. lara [x] heart disease. 2 hearts (playing-card suit). as [x] the ace of hearts. 3 banana blossom. jê-[x] heart. kaya lading ngiris-iris jê-[x]-e like a knife cutting into her heart. n¬-[x] resembling a banana blossom
- jantur
- magic tricks, sleight-of-hand. mbarang [x] to perform tricks. [x]-an 1 sleight-of-hand. 2 wy narration introducing a major scene, recited from memory by the puppet-
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- master. 3 poles from which tobacco leaves are suspended in sheds. n/di-[x] 1 to perform sleight-of-hand tricks. 2 to hang sth upside down. 3 wy to declaim the plot
- Januari
- (abbr: Jan.) January
- janur
- pale green young coconut leaf, often used for decorations. n-[x] gunung excl of surprise. Kok n-[x] gunung, Minggu-minggu kok têka mrene. You here on a Sunday! – how unusual
- japa
- magical incantation. [x]-n-[x]-nan the practice of using incantations for curing illnes. n/di-[x]-ni to utter an incantation over smn. [x] yoga, [x] sêmadi magic formulas used in the practice of yoga. [x] mantra a magical incantation uttered to cure illnes
- Japan
- var of JÊPANG
- japi
- sbst kr for JAPA
- japit
- var of JÊPITa
- japlak
- var of JIPLAK
- japrut
- n-[x] to assume a scowling or sulking facial expression
- japu
- jopa-[x] magic words uttered by a faith healer before he begins his healing procedure, or by smn trying to console an ill or injured person
- jar
- ngê/di-[x]-ake to leave smn alone. Akèh wong diêjarake nglanggar prênatane. Many people get away with breaking the law. Di-[x]-na wae! Leave it alone!
- jar
- see also under JR- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- jara
- 1 drill, brace and bit. 2 ltry old. [x]-n sawdust-like particles made by drilling into sth. n/di-[x] to drill, bore. Kayune di-[x] supaya bolong. He drilled a hole in the wood. n-[x] angin to do the impossible. [x] engkol a drill with a handle. n-[x] langit to do the impossible
- jarag
- [x]-an intended, destined. Aku mono [x]-an wong mlarat. I was born to be poor. kê-[x] done on purpose. Ayo salaman, wong ora kê-[x] kok. Sorry – I didn't mean to do it. n/di-[x] to [do] intentionally. Dhèwèke ora n-[x]. He didn't mean to do it. j-in-arag-an done intentionally
- jarah
- [x]-an (that which is) obtained by looting. n/di-[x] to seize, snatch. n-[x] rayah to seize smn's belongings
- jarak
- 1 castor-oil plant. lênga [x] castor oil. 2 fig material or spiritual benefits. Barêng wis êntèk [x]-e, kancane mung siji loro. After he lost his money, his friends numbered few indeed. Pangriptane lagi liburan, mêrga êntèk [x]-e. The writer is taking some time off: he's run out of ideas. Barêng dicêkêl anake, tokone mati [x]-e. When the son took over the store, bussines fell of. Wong gêdhe sing kurang anggone nggulawênthah anak, bakal mati [x]-e. When important people fail to rear their children properly, a fine heritage is lost. [x]-an color of certain ducks. n/di-[x]-i 1 to calculate using castor oil beans as counters. 2 to tell smn's fortune
- jaran
- ng, kapal or kuda kr 1 (titih-an or turangga ki) horse. 2 chess knight. [x] iku lakune nganggo nyemplak barang, dadi mèncèng dhisik banjur ngêncêng. The knight makes jumping moves-first a diagonal then straight. [x]-an 1 rocking horse; toy horse; imitation horse. 2 to play horse. 3 on horseback. jê-[x] on horseback. n-[x] to ride a horse. n-[x]-n-[x] to gallop. [x] dhawuk 1 gray horse. 2 gray. 3 a certain lurik fabric pattern. 4 a certain star. [x] èbèg-èbègan woven-bamboo hobbyhorse used in a folk dance. [x] guyang love potion. [x] kêmbang durèn yellowish horse; n-[x] kêmbang durèn with gaping mouth. [x] kepang sms [x] ÈBÈG-ÈBÈG-AN. [x] kore a small horse bred in certain islands. [x] momot-an pack horse. [x] rakit-an a team of horses. [x] sêmbrani legendary flying horse. [x] tèji thoroughbred horse. [x] pa-n-tolèh a magic charm to make one rich. [x] topong white horse with a brown head. [x] tunggang-an riding horse
- jarang
- 1 hot or boiling water. nggodhog [x] to boil water. 2 rg scarce, rare; seldom. n/di-[x]-i to pour boiling water on
- jarapah
- giraffe
- jarat
- (or [x]-an or pa-[x]) cemetery. Matik, wong [x]-an! Eek, a ghost!
- jare
- 1 (or [x]-ne; criyosipun kr, ngêndikanipun ki) it is said ... [x]-ne Slamêt ... according to what Slamet says ... [x] mas Dikun. I heard it from Dikun. [x]-(ne) kowe arêp lunga, kok ora sida. You said you were going – how come you didn't? Aku krungu [x] ... I hear (that ...) 2 excl of incredulity. [x] apik bangêt. You wouldn't believe how beautiful it was. Dhoktêr mung gèdhèg-gèdhèg, wong tatu [x] diwur-wuri wêdhi. The doctor only shook his head that anyone would sprinkle sand on an open cut. 3 excl expressing repudiation of a circumstance. smn's assumption, etc. Aku wis adus [x]. I have too taken my bath [though you think
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- I haven't]. E, didol piye, wong dudu duwèke [x]. How can we sell it-it doesn't belong to us. Kowe nggawa dhuwit ora? Aku ora duwe dhuwit [x]. Did you bring any money? I haven't got any
- jarêm
- n-[x] bruised, black and blue
- jari
- oj finger. sa-[x] m-piring (as thin as) a finger's-breadth
- jarik
- ng, sinjang kr, nyamping ki. 1 ankle-length batik wraparound skirt. 2 ng kr rag; ragged clothing. 3 rg var of SLENDHANG. [x]-an to put on or wear wraparound. [x] kadèn narrow wraparound for carrying a baby. [x] lurik wraparound made of some fabric other than batik. [x] lungsêd ing sampir-an knowledge that is not being put to use. [x] ciyut narrow wraparound used as a shoulder scarf or for carrying a baby. [x] cuwil-an adult's wraparound cut down for a child
- jaring
- 1 net for trapping fish, birds; fig trick for snaring an unwary person. 2 spider web. [x]-an 1 intestines; internal organs. 2 trick for entrapping smn. [x]-[x] trick question etc. for catching smn up. n/di-[x] to trap in a net. n-[x] iwak to snare a fish. bisa n-[x] angin able to do the impossible. [x] tangkêb-an snaring net assembled from two sections
- jarit
- var of JARIK
- jarong
- a variety of tree
- jarot
- 1 fibers on the outer skin of certain fruits. 2 strong and handsome. jê-[x]-an fine manly appearance
- jarum
- 1 (ng? opt kr for DOM?) needle. 2 hands of a timepiece. [x]-an sewing, needlework (kr for DONDOM-AN?) n/di-[x]-i to sew
- jarwa
- (jarwi kr? sbst kr?) 1 meaning, explanation. [x] bab lahire Panca-Sila an explanation of the origin of the Five Principles. [x]-ne piye ta teori kuwi? What does the theory mean? kurang [x] hard to understand. 2 the modern Javanese equivalent of an Old Javanese expression. Têmbung Kawi mau [x]-ne lima. There are five meanings of this OJ word. or this OJ word means ‘five.' n/di-[x]-kake or n/di-[x]-ni to give the meaning of; to render OJ in modern Javanese. n-[x]-kake sasmitan mripat lan têmbung-têmbung to interpret smn's eye signals and words. Etunge di-[x]-kake Pak Guru. The teacher explained the arithmetic. n-[x]-kake buku-buku Sanskêrta ing basa Jawa to explicate Sanskrit books in Javanese. pa-n-[x] act or way of explaining/interpreting. buku sing angèl pan-[x]-ne a book that is hard to understand. sa-[x] according to the facts. matur sa-[x] to tell [it] as it is, to give the straight facts
- jarwadhasa
- or jarwadhosok, 1 modern Javanese equivalent of an OJ saying. 2 folk etymology
- jarwasuta
- jarwi
- kr? sbst kr? for JARWA
- jas
- men's Occidental-style jacket. [x]-[x]-an to put on or wear such a jacket, or a suit. [x] buka or [x] bukak-an blaszer-style jacket with lapels. [x] tutup jacket that buttons up to the neck and has a Chinese-style collar
- jasa
- service rendered, esp. to one's country
- jasad
- body, substance. mupangati marang [x]-ing manungsa beneficial, good for people. kê-[x] 1 to get eaten. 2 to join the family. Ali kancaku kênthêl lan wis kê-[x]. Ali is such a close friend he's like one of the family. n-[x]-i relating to the body. Yèn lara n-[x]-i wae kêna ditambani, ning yèn lara ati cilaka. A physical hurt will heal; heartache is hopeless
- jasbèn
- var of JÈSBÈN
- jasêm
- a variety of tree
- jasirah
- peninsula
- jasmani
- physical body. rohani lan [x] body and soul
- jatha
- jatah
- quota, ration(ed amount). [x] gula sêpuluh kilo a ten-kilogram ration of sugar. [x] èkspor kopi taun 1970 the quota for 1970 coffe exports. n/di-[x]-(i) to ration; to set quotas (for)
- jat
- -jit see JIT
- jati
- ng, jatos kr teak. kayu [x] teakwood. wit [x] teak tree. (pa)- [x]-n place where teak trees grow in abundance. alas jatèn teak forest. [x] kê-tlusub-an ruyung good blemished by bad. See also SÊJATI
- jathil
- [x]-an a dance performed while astraddle a woven-bamboo horse (jaran kepang) accompanied by angklung music. n-[x] to perform this dance
- Jatim
- East Java (acronym for JAWA TIMUR)
- jatingarang
- see NAGA
- jatmika
- (or [ltry] a-[x], or n-[x]-ni) having the characteristics of the ideal nobleman
- jatos
- teak (kr for JATI). sê-[x] see SÊJATI
- jatuh
- (to go) bankrupt
- jatukrama
- oj mate, spouse
- jaul
- kê-[x] to get overcharged. Aku kê-[x] patang rupiah. They charged me four rupiahs too much
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- Jawaa
- ng, Jawi kr pertaining to Java. baku [x] (of) genuine Javanese (origin). basa [x] Javanese language. tanah [x] Java. wong [x] a Javanese. kê-[x]-n 1 basically Javanese (usu. referring to the Javanese religion, as contrasted with superimposed religions). 2 area where Javanese live. n/di-[x]-kake to translate into Javanese. n-[x]-ni having Javanese characteristics. ngê-[x] (to go) to Java. [x] Barat West Java. durung [x] not know how to behave properly. [x] Têngah Central Java. [x] Timur east Java
- jawab
- 1 native (as contrased with imported); for everyday use. dluwang [x] common paper. gula [x] brown sugar. iwak [x] beef. lênga [x] coconut oil. sabun [x] laundry soap. wêdhus [x] goat. 2 meaning, intention. [x]-ne that is ...; it means ... Kuwi [x]-ne njaluk dipakani. That [gesture] means he wants to be fed. kê-[x]-n land that is not to be leased to outsiders
- jawab
- a reply; to reply. [x]-an 1 a reply. Durung ana kang awèh [x]-an. No one has answered yet. 2 a delicate request. n/di-[x] 1 to reply to. 2 to make a delicate request. Bapake bocah wedok wis di-[x]. He has asked the girl's father for her hand in marriage. pa-n-[x] act of replying/requesting
- jawah
- rain (kr for UDAN)
- jawat
- [x]-an office, agency, bureau. [x]-an tangan to extend both hands in a Moslem greeting. n/di-jê-[x] to accost, make advances to. n-[x] tangan sms [x]-AN TANGAN. pa-n-[x] 1 wing-tip feather. 2 military flanking forces
- jawata
- mythological deity
- jawi
- 1 pertaining to Java (kr for JAWAa). 2 (or n-[x]) outside (kr for JABA). 3 (or jê-[x]) cow, ox. [x]-n young cow or bull
- jawil
- [x]-an an informal invitation. jowal-[x] to keep prodding at smn with the fingers to get his attention. n/di-[x] to prod/jab smn to get his attention. n/di(jowal-)[x]-i to keep poking at smn. ptg j-r-awil pl to pluck at smn (as above). Wong-wong padha ptg grênêng, ptg jrawil. People began to murmur and nudge each other
- jawoh
- kr sbst var of JAWAH
- jawuh
- kr sbst var of JAWAH
- je
- 1 Jogja slang var of JARE 3. Aku [x] (No one else but) I ! Jogja Surabaya kuwi adoh [x], lha kok mung diinahi rong jam. It's a long way from Jogja to Surabaya and you're only giving me two hours to get there! 2 name of the fourth year in the windu cycle. 3 (or [x]-ne) inf var of JARE-NE
- jêbabah
- extending outward at the sides. Dhèwèke mati n-[x] ing lêmah. He lay spreadeagled on the ground, dead. Sinthingane ikêt n-[x] dawa banget. The ends of his headdress stick way out sidewas. n/di-[x]-ake to place sth with the parts extending outward
- jêbad
- [of bamboo] coming unwoven
- jêbêbêg
- n-[x] feeling bloated; fig vexed
- jêbèbèh
- n-[x] spread wide. Iwake n-[x]. The [split] fish was opened out. Sinthingane ikêt n-[x] dawa banget. The tied ends of his headdress stick out to the sides. Tutupe kurang n-[x]. The cover is too small [for this container]. n/di-[x]-ake to spread sth wide
- jêbèbèr
- var of JÊBÈR
- jêbêbêr
- n-[x] soaking wet
- jèbèh
- congenitally mute (rg). [x]-an [of ikêt headdressess] tied with the ends extending outward and turned downward. n-[x] having the headdress tied as above. Aku mau wêruh pak Wangsa ikêt-ikêtan n-[x], sajake arêp njagong mantèn. I saw Mr. Wongso with his headdress tied [as above]- he must have been on his way to a wedding
- jêbên
- [x] bêbêd a boy who is at the age (8-9 years old) when he enjoys learning to wear batik wraparounds
- jêbêng
- fringe, tassel. j-um-êbêng in the form of fringe; forming a tassel
- jêbèr
- n-[x] 1 having a broad flaring rim. 2 treble, tinny, high-pitched. Radhione swarane n-[x] ora kêmpêl, sajake batune lêmbèk. The radio has a high crackling tone; the battery must be weak. n/di-[x]-ake to flare sth at the edge
- jêbibir
- n-[x] blue with cold [of lips]
- jêbil
- broken through, penetrated. Pêrtahananku sêdhela-sêdhela pijêr [x]. Our defenses were frequently penetrated
- jêbir
- n-[x] full and thick [of lips]
- jêblag
- [x]-an or n-[x] (in an) open (condition). Lawange mênga n-[x] kêna angin. The wind blew the door open. n/di-[x]-(ake) or n/di-[x]-i to open sth
- jêblèg
- var of JÊGLÈG
- jêblès
- rpr the sound of sth (esp. a head) knocking against a hard object. jêblas-[x] (to make) repeated sounds as above. kê-[x] to get bumped. Bathukku kê-[x] lawang. I banged my forehead on the door. n/di-[x]-ake to knock [the head] against sth hard
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- jêbling
- rpr a quick detaching motion. See also CÊPLING
- jêblis
- rpr the sound of drawing on an opium pipe. jêblas-[x] rpr continuous drawing on a pipe while smoking. n-[x] to smoke opium. sa-[x]-an one smoke (pipeful) of opium
- jêblog
- 1 muddy. 2 rpr a muffled thud. 3 of inferior quality. 4 unlucky at cards. [x]-an 1 mudhole. 2 act of butting. 3 cr female genitals; prostitute. kê-[x] 1 to fall into or get stuck in sth. Sikile kê-[x] sadhêngkul. He sank into mud up to his knees. 2 to bump one's head (against). kê-[x] lawang to bump the head on a door. 3 to get cheated. n-[x] 1 to get muddy. 2 (psv di-[x]) to butt (with head, horns). 3 (psv di-[x]) to chase. n/di-[x]-ake 1 to cause sth to be muddy. 2 to cheat smn. 3 to cause to get stuck in sth; fig to give smn a bad steer or incorrect directions
- jêblos
- 1 rpr a bursting or explosion. 2 rpr a feeling of tension. Nalika diundang supaya maju ujian, atine mak [x]. When he was called in for his oral examination, he tightened up. 3 rpr a quick cutting through. Ngêrti-ngêrti kok mak [x] têkan alun-alun. Before I knew it, we had whisked through the outskirts and arrived at the town square. [x]-an a connecting way between two points. kê-[x] 1 to fall into or get stuck in sth. 2 to suffer a financial setback. n¬-[x] 1 to explode, burst. Anyar-anyar ana gunung gêni n-[x]. A volcano erupted recently. 2 to fail to produce an expected result. Dikon tuku pathi n-[x], mêrga warunge lagi kêntèkan. He was supposed to get flour but he couldn't: the store was out. 3 to incur a loss. Sudagar karèt padha n-[x] mêrga rêgane karèt mlorod akèh bangêt. Dealers in rubber suffered losses when the prices dropped way down. 4 to collapse or give way when steeped on. 5 to come true. 6 a fake, imitation
- jêblug
- kê-[x] to bump one's head (against). kê-[x]-an to be adversely affected by a bursting. Tangane kê-[x]-an granat. A grenade went off in his hand. Bocahe cilik nangis kê-[x]-an plêmbungan. The child cried when his balloon burst. n-[x] 1 to burst, go off; fig to lose one's temper, blow up. 2 rpr a muffled thud. 3 (psv di-[x]) to butt (with head, horns)
- jêbluk
- var of JÊPLUK
- jêblus
- var of JÊBUS
- jêbobog
- n-[x] ungroomed, tangled [of hair]
- jêbol
- worn out, broken through at the bottom. kranjang sing [x] a basket with a hole in the bottom. n/di-[x] 1 to press agains sth, force sth outward. 2 to uproot
- jêbomblog
- var of JÊBOMBROT
- jêbombrot
- ptg [x] or n-[x] untidy in personal appearance
- jebor
- long-handled dipper
- jêbrèd
- n-[x] or j-um-êbrèd flaring outward at the edges
- jèbrès
- unwiped, messy [of the mouth, after eating]
- jêbrig
- var of JÊGRIG
- jebrod
- n-[x] wide-hipped [of girls]
- jêbrol
- rpr a sudden emergence. n/di-[x]-(i) to pull sth out. n-[x] kacang tanah to uproot peanuts from the soil
- jêbrot
- cr n-[x] 1 to be born. 2 to defecate
- jêbrul
- var of JÊBROL
- jêbubug
- n-[x] bunched up. Olèhe jarikan kok n-[x] ora bisa nrinthing. Her wraparound is all bunched up instead of smooth-fitting
- jêbug
- mature betel nut
- jêbul
- 1 but, instead; as it turned out. Hêm, [x] ora apa-apa. So – it wasn't anything after all. Sawate ora ngênani pêlêm, [x] kêna kacane ting ing dalan gêdhe. The stone he threw didn't hit the mango: it hit the street light. E, [x] Pardi, tak darani dhayoh ngêndi. Why, it's Pardi! I thought a guest had come. 2 passage(way). Dalan iki [x]-e têkan êndi? Where does this road lead to? [x]-an (underground) passage. [x]-an-e but as it turned out ... [x]-e but instead. Dhèke nyuwun dhuwit kanggo tuku buku, nanging [x]-e mung kanggo kêsênêngan liyane. He asked for money to buy books, but he really spent it on fun. ora ana [x]-e without substance or tangible outcome. Omonge akèh nanging ora ana [x]-e. He talks a lot but nothing ever comes of it. n-[x] to lead to. Kali iki n-[x] ing sêgara kidul. This river empties into the South Sea. n/di-[x]-ake to put sth through a passageway etc. Sirahe di-[x]-ake. He stuck his head out
- jêbur
- var of JÊGUR
- jêbus
- rpr a quick cutting through. [x]-an a connecting way between two points
- jêdhag
- competent; can, able (to). ka-[x]-an lack, shortage. ka-[x]-an udan scarcity of rain
- jêdhe
- n/di-[x] to guess (the answer to)
- jêdhêg
- kê-[x] to get assigned to a responsibility. Bapak kê-[x] nampa para tamu. Father
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- is in charge of receiving the guests. kê-[x]-an at a loss. Aku kê-[x]-an, ora ngêrti apa kang kudu tak tindakake. I'm at my wits' end: I don't know what to do
- jêdhèk
- var of JÊDHE
- jêdhèr
- rpr an explosion. jêdhar-[x] to keep making loud noises. Lawange jêdhar-[x] kêna angin. The door kept banging in the wind
- jêdhèt
- var of JÊDHÈR
- jèdhi
- large copper cauldron with a rounded bottom, used esp. for processing sugar cane. [x] wêsi iron cauldron
- jêdhidhig
- n-[x] [of hair] in need of cutting
- jêdhil
- n/di-[x] to pull sth from its moorings. Untuku di-[x]. He extracted my tooth
- jêdhindhil
- n-[x] soaking wet
- jêdhing
- cistern for storing water (piped from the well) for bathing
- jêdhir
- jêdhar-[x] to thrust forward the lips to signalize disgust, disbelief. n-[x] thick-lipped. Lambene n-[x]. His lips protrude. n/di-[x]-ake to thrust [the lips] forward
- jêdhit
- n-[x] all dressed up, usu. in a tight-fitting skirt
- jêjak
- n/di-[x]-ake to move [the legs] in a stiff-kneed kicking motion. n/di-[x]-(i) to push or kick with the leg
- jêjêg
- 1 straight, upright. ngadêg [x] to stand (up) straight. kêris [x] straight-bladed kris. [x]-e nêgara the stability of the nation. 2 regular, not deviating from the standard. basa Jawa [x] standard Javanese. Sasi Pèbruari ora [x], kurang saka têlung puluh dina. February isn't a full month; it has less than 30 days. n/di-[x]-ake to make sth straight/upright. n-[x]-ake omah doyong to true up a leaning house. n-[x]-ake adêging nêgara to stabilize the nation. ora [x] pikir-an-e mentally defective. See also AJÊG, JÊG
- jèjèh
- n-[x] to sit higher up than others (breach of manners)
- jêjel
- to crowd in(to). Ing dalan gêdhe wong-wong wis [x]. Crowds jammed the streets. n/di-[x]-(i) to force-feed. [x] riyêl jam-packed
- jêjêp
- n-[x] 1 to wait expectantly or apprehensively. 2 var of N-JÊJÊT
- jèjèr
- near, next to. [x] êmbokne beside his mother. Wis, [x]-a. Come, sit next to me. [x]-[x] pl side by side. Padha lungguh ana ing bangku [x]-[x]. They sat lined up on a bench. n/di-[x] to put next to each other. Bathok têlu iki tak [x]. I'll put these three coconut shells in a row. n/di-[x]-i to be beside. Dhadhap di-[x]-i Waru. B (Waru) sat next to A (Dhadhap). [x] wayang side by side like puppets in a banana log
- jêjêr
- 1 existence, fact of being. [x]-ing urip the existence of life. ngelingi marang [x]-ing kawanitane to bear in mind that one is a woman. ênggone [x] dadi sastrawan the fact that he was a literary artist. 2 wy (to play) a major court audience scene. Ora suwe wayange [x]. Soon the court scene began. [x] Ngêstina scene at the Ngestina court. 3 gram sentence subject. [x]-an 1 wy portion of a shadow play that opens with a court scene. 2 standing (i.e. growing) rice plants. 3 pole, staff. 4 capital, investment money. 5 spear handle (kr? ki? for LANDHEYAN). 6 carved kris handle (kr for UKIR-AN). n-[x] to stand (up) (straight). Aja ngadêg n-[x] nèng têngah lawang. Don't stand right in the doorway. n/di-[x]-i 1 to dry [rice plants] by standing them in the sun. 2 to apply carvings to [a wall]. [x] sabrang-an wy scene set in a foreign court, introducing a second kingdom
- jêjêt
- n-[x] 1 intsfr cold. Mau esuk adhêm n-[x]. It was awfully cold this morning. 2 intsfr lacking salt, insipid. Sope wis anyêb n-[x] ngono kok. The soup needs a lot more salt
- jêdhodhog
- cr n-[x] to sit (down)
- jedhor
- n-[x] thick, swollen [of lips]
- jêdhor
- boom! bang! jêdhar-[x] to keep booming. Bocah-bocah jêdhar-[x] ngunèkake mêrcon. The children kept setting off fire-crackers
- jêdhot
- kê-[x]-(an) to get hurt by contact with sth. Sirahe kê-[x] cagak. He bumped his head against a pole. Tangane gosong kê-[x]-an mêrcon. The firecracker went off in his hand and burned it
- jêdhudhug
- var of JÊBUBUG
- jêdu:l
- rpr a sudden appearance. Mak [x] pulisi ketok. Suddenly the police were on the scene. j-um-êdul to appear suddenly. Kok lagèk saiki dhèwèke jêmêdul ing atiku. He just popped into my mind!
- jêdhul
- 1 to join, meet up with. Dalan cilik iki yèn ngetan têrus [x] dalan gêdhe Malioboro. This narrow road runs eastward into Malioboro Boulevard. 2 (prn jêdhu:l) var of JÊDUL. n-[x] or j-um-êdhul to emerge into view. Barêng wis suwi nyilêm dhèke banjur n-[x]. He swam under water for a long time and finally surfaced
- jêdhung
- a certain green hairless caterpillar
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- jêdhur
- var of JÊDHOR
- jèg
- kê-[x]-an occupied by force. Kutha mau wis kê-[x]-an prajurit musuh. Enemy forces have taken over the city. ngê/di-[x]-i to occupy by force
- jêg
- var of JAG. sa-[x] throughout (a lifetime). See also AJÊG, SAJÊG
- jêgadul
- n-[x] grim-faced, scowling, drawnlooking
- jêgagig
- rpr a start of surprise. Malinge mak [x] kêpêthuk sing duwe omah. The burglar suddeny came face-to-face with the owner of the house
- jegal
- kê-[x] to get tripped. n/di-[x] to trip smn. A tiba krungkêp mêrga di-[x] sikile. Smn tripped A and he fell flat on his face
- jegang
- (to sit) in a casual pose with one knee drawn up
- jêgêdhêg
- (or n-[x]) motionless. Grêg, mandhêg [x]. They suddenly came to a standstill
- jêgègèng
- n-[x] to withdraw unsociably from a group
- jêgègès
- [x]-an or n-[x] to laugh constantly
- jêgènggèng
- var of JÊGÈGÈNG
- jêgèr
- very young. wiwit lair [x] ever since I was born
- jêgêrêg
- var of JÊGRÊG
- jêgigig
- n-[x] (to laugh) heartily. Kêprungu wong n-[x]. He could hear smn laughing hard
- jêgigis
- n-[x] to laugh constantly
- jêginggat
- n-[x] to give a start. Aku n-[x] tangi saka turuku, krungu swara bêdhil. I was startled awake by a shot
- jêginggis
- n-[x] [of hair] ragged, in need of cutting
- jêgir
- n-[x] to stand up straight
- jêglag
- var of JÊBLAG
- jêglèg
- slam! [x]-[x] or jêglag-[x] rpr repeated slamming sounds. Dhèke pijêr [x]-[x] mbukak nutup lêmari. She keeps slamming the cupboard open and shut. n/di-[x]-ake or n/di-[x]-(i) to slam sth shut
- jêglêg
- n-[x] to sit silent and sorrowful
- jêglig
- rpr an arm/leg suddenly bending or twisting. Sikile mak [x] têrus tiba. His knee gave way and he fell
- jêglong
- 1 a certain downward movement in the classical dance. 2 (or [x]-an) hole, depression; fig trap. kê-[x] to fall into a hole or (fig) trap. n-[x] having a hole in it. Dalane n-[x]. There's a pothole in the road. n-[x]-n-[x] full of holes. n/di-[x]-ake to cause smn to fall into a hole or (fig) trap. n/di-[x]-(i) to make holes in sth
- jêglug
- kê-[x] to bump [the head] inadvertently. Bathuke kê-[x] lawang. He bumped his head on the door. n-[x] to bump one's head deliberately. n/di-[x]-ake to bang smn's head against sth
- jêgog
- dog's bark. [x]-[x] to bark repeatedly. n-[x] to bark. n/di-[x]-i to bark at. Malinge di-[x]-i asune. The dog barked at the thief
- jêgong
- deep; concave. Nganggoa piring sing [x] kuwi, aja sing cèpèr. Use a deep dish, not a shallow one. [x]-an a dish-shaped depression. ptg j-l-êgong full of depressions
- jegos
- can, be able; know how (to). Kowe ora [x] mamah. You're no good at archery!
- jêgot
- n-[x] to sulk, be unwilling to do things
- jêgrag
- n-[x] [of hair, feathers] to stand on end
- jegrang
- (to have become) too short; outgrown [of clothing]
- jêgrèg
- slam! Aku mau krungu mak [x]. I just heard a door slam
- jêgrêg
- (or n-[x]) motionless, stock-still. Dhèwèke mandhêg [x]. He stopped in his tracks. lungguh n-[x] to sit motionless. A n-[x] kaya dipaku. A stood nailed to the spot
- jêgrig
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] or n-[x] stiffly upright. Sukêt Manila kuwi rupane [x]-[x]. Manila grass grows in stiff clumps. N-[x] wuluku cumbu maca kabar mau. I was scared stiff when I read the news
- jêgug
- var of JÊGOG
- jegung
- kê-[x] to get twisted or entangled. n/di-[x] to twist/entangle sth
- jêgunggut
- [x]-[x] or n-[x] to move around or back and forth in the same place
- jêgur
- rpr a splash. Dhèke nyêgur mak [x]. He jumped in, splash! kê-[x] to fall into [water]. Pancine kê-[x] sumur. The pan fell in the well. n-[x] to plunge into. Aku n-[x] kali. I jumped in the river. n/di-[x]-ake to plunge sth into water. j-um-êgur to produce a splashing sound. See also JLÊGUR
- jêkangkang
- n-[x] to lie or fall on the back with the legs up
- jêkat
- inf var of JAKAT
- jêkèk
- slang genuine, pure, (like the) original. Omonge Jawa [x]. He speaks with a Javanese accent. bocah ndesa [x] a country hick, a rustic through and through. Lumrahe wong ngira yèn Janaka utawa Arjuna iku satriya Jawa [x]. Most people think Janaka and Arjuna are real Javanese heroes
- jêkekal
- [x]-an or n-[x] to have difficulty getting up or remaining upright
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- jêkèkèl
- var of JÊKEKAL
- jêkêngkêng
- jêkèthèt
- var of JLÊKÈTHÈT
- jêkêthêt
- n-[x] [of clothing] tight, too small
- jêkêthut
- ptg [x] full of creases or wrinkles. n-[x] 1 creased, wrinkled. 2 [of eyebrows] folded into a scowl
- jêkithat
- n-[x] neatly groomed, trim-looking
- jêkithit
- jêkithut
- var of JÊKÊTHUT
- jêklèk
- to break, snap. [x]-an 1 trigger. 2 cigarette lighter. n/di-[x] to break/snap sth
- jêkluk
- rpr a clicking sound, esp. off knuckles. n/di-[x]-i to crack smn's joints by flexing the fingers or toes. j-um-êkluk to bend, bow
- jêkrèk
- 1 mousetrap. 2 rpr sth snapping shut. Tikuse mlêbu ing pasangan, mak [x], lawange minêb. The mouse went in the trap and the door snapped shut. [x]-an mousetrap. n/di-[x]-i to punch (a hole in) [a ticket]
- jêksa
- var of JAKSA
- jêkut
- n-[x] intsfr cold. adhêm n-[x] intensely cold
- jêkutrut
- n-[x] downcast, out of sorts
- jêl-
- see also under JL- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- jêlas
- clear. Yèn durung [x] aja wêdi takon. If it's not clear to you, don't be afraid to ask. n/di-[x]-ake to explain, clarify
- jêlèh
- 1 bored (with), tired of. 2 to shout. [x]-an 1 boring. 2 easily bored. [x]-[x] 1 bored. 2 to shout. di-[x]-i to be considered a bore. Parto kuwi di-[x]-i Siti kok ora rumangsa. You'd think Parto would realize Siti is sick and tired of him. n-[x]-i boring. Wong mau n-[x]-i. He's a bore
- jêli:h
- intensified form of JÊLÈH. jêlah-[x] to keep shouting. n-[x] to shout, holler. (n)-[x]-[x] to keep hollering. pa-n-[x] act of shouting. Krungu pên-[x]. He heard a yell
- jêlma
- inf var of JALMA
- jêlu
- n-[x] irritated, annoyed. n-jêla-n-[x] to keep feeling exasperated (at, about)
- jêluk
- [x]-[x] to keep calling smn. n-[x] to call smn. Dhèke n-[x] anake. She called her son
- jelung
- [x]-an or [x] umpêt (to play) hide-and-seek
- jêm-
- see also under J- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- jêmahat
- var of JÊMUWAH
- jêmbak
- a certain vegetable grown in swampy areas
- jêmbangan
- large earthenware container used for water or as a flowerpot
- jêmbar
- broad, spacious. Kamare [x]. The room is large. Pandêlêngane katon [x]. There's a broad view. kurang [x] bebudène narrow-minded. Panyêbarane ora [x]. They are not widely distributed. [x]-e breadth; size. Têgalane [x]-e limang puluh m2 (mèter pêsagi). The field is 500 square meter in area. Alun-alun, samantên [x]-ipun, prasas kêbak tiyang. The square, expansive as it is, was filled with people. n/di-[x]-ake to make sth broad(er). n-[x]-ake kawruhe to broaden one's knowledge. Kamare arêp di-[x]-ake. The room is to be made larger. [x] ati-ne compassionate. [x] polat-an-e having broad knowledge. [x] kubur-e May you go to heaven! (said to a dead person)
- jêmbêg
- muddy, damp and messy
- jèmbèl
- impoverished, destitute. kaum [x] the poor
- jêmbèng
- n-[x] to open up or widen [anus, vaginal opening] with the fingers
- jêmbêr
- (or [x]-[x]) muddy, mucky. n-[x]-i 1 muddy. 2 nauseating. 3 (psv di-[x]-i) to make sth muddy
- jêmbèwèk
- n-[x] with lips drawn apart and turned down
- jêmbimblik
- n-[x] to have the face screwed up to cry
- jêmblang
- n-[x] bloated [of the belly]
- jèmblèk
- [of the eyes] to water; to produce matter
- jêmblèk
- spotted with absorbed liquid; fig spotty in performance, not up to standard. kê-[x]-an to get spotted. Kêrtase kê-[x]-an mangsi. The paper got an ink spot on it. n-[x] 1 sms [x]. 2 to absorb [stains]. Kêrtase n-[x] kêna mangsi. The paper soaked up the ink spots
- jèmblêm
- n-[x] 1 chubby in the face. 2 to remain silent, contribute nothing to the conversation
- jêmblêng
- n-[x] speechless, struck dumb
- jêmbling
- n-[x] bloated [of the belly]
- jêmblok
- var of JÊMBLÈK. [x]-an see SUWÊNG, CANTHING
- jêmbluk
- n-[x] 1 bloated, distended [of the stomach]. 2 ill-formed, clumsy
- jêmblung
- var of JÊMBLUK
- jêmbombrong
- n-[x] [of women] untidy, not neatly groomed
- jèmbrèng
- n/di-[x] to spread or lay out sth
- jêmbru:ng
- n-[x] messy, unkempt, littered
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- jêmbul
- decorative plume stuck in a hat
- jêmbut
- pubic hair
- jêmèk
- damp, mushy, gooey
- jêminul
- (or n-[x]) unsteady; to shake, wobble
- jêmpalik
- [x]-an topsy-turvy. Atiku [x]-an. I'm all upset. n-[x] to turn upside down. tiba n-[x] to fall head over heels. Montore n-[x] nang sawah. The car overturned in a rice paddy
- jêmpana
- palanquin
- jêmparing
- arrow (kr for PANAH)
- jêmperok
- n-[x] 1 too heavily made up with cosmetics. 2 nicely groomed
- jêmpina
- 1 a certain tuberous root. 2 prematurely born child
- jêmpling
- n-[x] to emit a high-pitched sound. Dhèke mau kagèt nganti n-[x]. She was so startled she squealed
- jêmpo
- feeble with old age
- jêmpol
- 1 thumb. 2 the best. Nèk ura-ura wae aku [x]. When it comes to singing, I'm tops. Gambarane [x]. His picture is great! [x]-an the best. kalêbu wong [x]-an a first-rate person. [x] sikil big toe
- jêmprit
- n-[x] to squeal
- jêmrut
- emerald
- jêmumut
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] all dirty, covered with dirt
- Jêmuntên
- sbst kr for JÊMUWAH
- jêmurut
- var of JÊMRUT
- Jêmuwah
- Friday (the Moslem holy day). [x]-an Friday worship at the mosque. sa-[x] one 7-day week
- jèn
- [x]-[x]-an all by oneself (inf var of IJÈN-IJÈN-AN). ngê/di-[x]-i 1 inf var of NG/DI-AJI-NI. 2 inf var of NG/DI-IJÈN-I
- jênak
- deeply absorbed (in the enjoyment of). Yèn wis sêkak [x] bangêt nganti lali mangan barang. When he plays chess, he gets so engrossed he even forgets to eat
- jênang
- a certain porridge or shoft pudding for ritual-meal ceremonies (slamêt-an). [x]-an [of gems] imitation. n/di-[x] to make [ingredients] into porridge. n/di-[x]-ake to hold a ceremony in smn's honor to signalize a significant event. n-[x]-ake abang to hold a name-changing or circumcision ceremony for smn. n/di-[x]-i to signalize [an event] with a ceremony at which porridge is served. [x] abang a sweet red-colored porridge served at name-changing or circumcision ceremonies. [x] abang-putih a half-red, half-white porridge. [x] baro-baro porridge with grated sugared coconut. [x] gaplèk celluloid. [x] gêmpol snack consisting of rice balls with coconut milk and thick coconut-sugar syrup. karèt celluloid. [x] sê-layah a group of people having the same opinion. [x] ngangrang rice porridge with coconut milk and syrup. [x] palang red porridge with a decorative white cross on top. [x] procot porridge served at a ceremony for a sevenmonths-pregnant woman. [x] putih a salty white porridge
- jênar
- 1 oj yellow. 2 a variety of tree with small fragrant blossoms and yellow wood
- jênat
- 1 heaven. 2 (swargi ki) deceased. Wis [x] lawas. He's been dead a long time. bapakmu swargi your late father. [x]-e the late ...
- jêndhêl
- [x]-an gold ore. kê-[x]-ên 1 to get stuck smw. 2 deep in debt. n-[x] 1 to become thick/solid. Kali-kali n-[x]. The rivers froze over. 2 to remain stuck smw. Kuncine n-[x] nang lawang. The key got stuch in the door. n/di-[x]-ake to thicken or solidify sth. Kanjine kanggo n-[x]-ake duduh. The flour is for thickening the gravy
- jêndhela
- window
- jêndhil
- n-[x] to be "It"; to be on the defending side (in games). n/di-[x]-ake to avoid, shun
- jênjêm
- secure, at peace, untroubled
- jêndhol
- n-[x] swollen
- jendral
- general (military rank). [x]-an reception held for generals
- jêndhul
- n-[x] swollen
- jêne
- 1 yellow (kr for KUNING). 2 (or [x]-an) gold (kr for MASa). [x]-[x]-an ng kr imitation gold
- jênèh
- 1 as you well know; it is plain that ... Aja mangan pêlêm wae, [x] mêngko lara wêtêng. Don't keep eating mangoes-you know they'll give you a stomach ache. Jarane kok botên purun mlayu, mêngke têkan pasar [x] êmpun awan. The horse won't budge; at this rate it'll be noon before we get to the marketplace. [x], dudu salahku. It's obviously not my fault. 2 (just) because. [x] kowe mau ndadak mèlu omong barang, saiki kowe dadi katut nang pêrkarane. Just because you had to open your mouth, you're involved in it now. [x] kowe mlerok, ya disangka ora wêdi. You see-when you smile they think you're not afraid!
- jênêng
- ng, nama or nami kr name; (what sth is) called, known or regarded as; (asma ki) personal name. [x]-e sapa? What's his name? Êmbuh ya [x]-e. I don't know what
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- it's called. kêrtu [x] name card. kewan sing [x]-e unta an animal known as a camel. Yèn nyambut-gawe alon-alon, kuwi [x]-e kêsèd. If you work slowly, it means you're lazy. wong [x] Ali a man called Ali. [x] ora kajèn yèn guru jajan ana ing pinggir ndalan. It's not considered respectable for teachers to eat in public. Sing [x] mênthèk kuwi apa kewan apa bangsane lêlêmbut? Is the so-called rice pest a germ or an evil spirit? Apa ora [x] mêntalan, wong mêngkono iku? Isn't he (what you'd call) hard-hearted, a man who would do that? Iki kok enak têmên, [x]-e diolah apa iki? This tastes really good; how is it cooked? [x]-e that which is called; so-called; you might say (that ...). O, iki [x]-e wong kojur. Oh, what bad luck! Ing kono mau [x]-e padusan sing ora bayar. It was a bathing place where no fee was charged. [x]-e tuku kêpêksa. [In view of what had gone before] you might say that she had to buy it. Ing tanah mau ora ana sing [x]-e sêpur. There are no such things as trains in that country. n/di-[x]-ake 1 to name sth. Lumrahe pasar iku di-[x]-ake miturut dina pasarane. Marketplaces are usually named after the day names. 2 to call sth (by a name). Kang di-[x]-ake dina pasaran, yaiku: Lêgi, Paing, lsp. The so-called "market days" are Lêgi, Paing, etc. n/di-[x]-i 1 to name sth. Slamêt n-[x]-i anake Sariman. Slamet named his son Sariman. 2 to be present at (ki for N/DI-TÊKA-NI?). n-[x]-i pêngantène kancane to attend a friend's wedding. [x] baptis Christian name. [x] pancêr name assumed as an adult, usu. made up from parts of other names in the family. [x] samar-an or [x] sandi 1 secret name; name concealed in the words of a verse. 2 pseudonym. [x] cilik childhood name given by the parents. [x] tuwa name one chooses for oneself, usu. at the time of marriage. See also JUMÊNÊNG, PANJÊNÊNGAN
- jênês
- damp and dirty
- jênèwêr
- gin
- jêng
- 1 title, adr younger sister; younger female. [x] Pama mbesuk kapan nyusul? When will your wife get here, Pomo? 2 oj foot, leg. 3 inf var of KANGJÊNG. See also AJÊNG
- jêngandika
- wy you; your
- jêngat
- n-[x] in an upright position
- jèngèk
- n-[x] to crane the neck
- jêngèk
- rg var of BÈN. n-[x] var of N-JÈNGÈK
- jêngèn
- md for BÈN
- jêngèngèk
- var of DÊNGÈNGÈK. n-[x] var of N-JÊNGÈK
- jêngêr
- n-[x] shocked, stunned, taken aback
- jêngès
- n/di-[x] to ridicule, jeer at
- jênggan
- jê-[x] var of JÊ-JANGGAN
- jênggar
- roomy, spacious. n/di-[x]-ake to give sth plenty of room. Wijine tela gantung yèn wis thukul banjur kudu di-[x]-ake. After papaya seeds sprout they must be thinned
- jênggarang
- n-[x] [of buildings] tall, sizable
- jêngge
- var of JÊNGGLE
- jênggêlêg
- ptg [x] to loom up, stand out [of separate objects in a group]
- jênggèlèk
- rpr a sudden awakening and arising. ptg [x] pl awakening and arising. n-[x] to wake up and raise the head or sit up
- jênggênêg
- var of JÊNGGÊLÊG
- jènggèr
- comb (of a bird, esp. chickens). [x] sumpêl small comb. [x] wilah large billowing comb
- jênggêrêng
- magnificent, splendid. n-[x] to make a splendid appearance
- jènggès
- a form of black magic
- jênggilêng
- wide and staring [of eyes]. n-[x] to stare (at) wide-eyed and steadily
- jêngginggat
- var of JÊNGGIRAT
- jêngginggis
- var of JÊGINGGIS
- jênggirat
- rpr a sudden start. Aku diklakson saka mburi mak [x] kagèt. I nearly jumped out of my skin when a horn blew right behind me. n-[x] to give a start. Barêng kèlingan duwe sêmayan banjur n-[x] tangi. He sprang out of bed when he remembered he had an appointment
- jênggiri
- wy, ltry mythical animal like a tinger with horns
- jênggit
- n/di-[x] to pull hairs from smn's scalp by the roots
- jênggle
- n-[x] to sit idly staring into space
- jêngglèng
- rpr the clash of metal against metal. Êndhas-êndhasane sêpur digathukke karo gêrbong mak [x]. The locomotive clanged as it was coupled with the cars
- jêngglik
- n-[x] to sit by oneself apart from others
- jêngglung
- rpr a deep ringing sound, esp. of a gong
- jenggot
- ng kr, gumbala ki beard; fig beard as a symbol of the widom of old age. [x]-an to wear a beard. [x] ny-canthuk beard that juts forward. [x] wêsi a certain plant whose bark inhibits fermentation of sugar-palm sap
- jênggrêng
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- jênggrik
- n-[x] 1 to teeter, threaten to topple. 2 intsfr thin. kuru n-[x] thin as a rail
- jênggruk
- n-[x] to sit concentrating. Anggone sinau n-[x]. He's absorbed in his studying
- jênggul
- (or jê-[x]) the leader, the top man
- jênggulêng
- handsome. ptg [x] [of waves] rolling
- jênggung
- 1 rpr a stroke of a gamelan gong. Gonge muni mak [x]. The gong went bong! 2 one's turn at sth (var of DHÊNGGUNG). n-[x] to pound smn gently on the head with a fist
- jênggunuk
- n-[x] to loom, stick up
- jênggurêng
- n-[x] stern-faced, grim-looking
- jêngil
- jêngal-[x] or n-[x] lone, alone. Untune mung gari siji jêngal-[x]. She has only one tooth left. Aku mau nang Sala nunggang bis mung n-[x] dhewe. I was the only passenger on the bus to Solo
- jênginggis
- var of JÊGINGGIS
- jêngit
- jêngat-[x] to keep assuming an upright position. Êntupe tawon ketok jêngat-[x] nang bokonge. The bee's stinger keeps going up and down on its rear end. n-[x] in an upright position
- jêngkang
- kê-[x] to fall over backwards, fall one one's back (face up). n/di-[x]-ake to push smn over backwards
- jêngkar
- 1 to depart, set out (ki for BUDHAL, M-PANGKAT). 2 to move, change residence (ki for PINDHAH)
- jèngkèl
- irritated, frustrated, exasperated
- jêngkelang
- n-[x] to fall down from a high place; to fall out of a vehicle
- jêngkêlit
- a somersault. [x]-an to turn somersaults for one's own amusement. kê-[x] to get thrown head over heels. Aku tiba kê-[x] saka ngêpit. I tumbled off my bike. n-[x] to fall head over heels
- jèngkèng
- to kneel on one knee
- jêngkêrung
- n-[x] rolled into a ball, curled up
- jêngkêrut
- ptg [x] full of creases/wrinkles. n-[x] to fold into creases. Bathuke rada n-[x]. His forehead is creased in a frown
- jêngking
- rpr falling head-down bottom-up. jêngkang-[x] 1 to remain lying in the above position (the Moslem praying attitude). 2 joking, cr to pray repeatedly. n-[x] to lie prostrated with head down and bottom up. n/di-[x]-ake to tilt sth (e.g. a teapot) bottom upward. ptg j-r-êngking sms JÊNGKANG-[x]
- jèngklèk
- [x]-[x] or jengklak-[x] to jump with joy
- jêngklèk
- kê-[x] to get twisted; to give way under one. Sikile kê-[x] banjur tiba. He turned his ankle and fell
- jêngklok
- var of JÊNGKLÈK
- jengkol
- lima-bean-like vegetable eaten (usu. raw) as a rice-accompanying dish. [x]-ên (to have/get) dysuria from the above
- jêngku
- knee (ki for DHÊNGKUL)
- jêngongok
- n-[x] to crane the neck
- jênguk
- n-[x] to sit idly staring into space
- jêni
- kr deep golden (intensified form of JÊNE). Tela gantungipun prayogi dipun undhuh amargi sampun [x] sanget. The papaya should be picked now-it's deep gold
- jênis
- kind, class, (sub)group. Kapal mabur mau [x] Convair. The planes are Convairs. Atletik [x] olahraga kang apik kanggo iki. Calisthenics is a good sport for this purpose
- jênitri
- a certain seed, oftem used for necklaces and other trinkets
- jênthar
- n-[x] pointing straight up (esp. of long tails)
- jênthara
- (or n-[x]) [of young men] handsome and elegant
- jênthat
- var of JÊNTHAR
- jêntên
- var of JINTÊN
- jênthik
- little finger. [x] manis ring finger, fourth finger
- jênthir
- n-[x] pointing straight up [of small short tails]
- jênthit
- var of JÊNTHIR
- jentol
- jêntol, n-[x] to become swollen [of insect bites/stings]
- jênthot
- var of JÊNTHU. [x]-an (to play) a game of marbles. n-[x] to shoot a marble by holding it in the crook of the index finger and snapping it with the thumb
- jèntrèh
- n/di-[x] to set up [a display]
- jèntrèk
- (or [x]-[x]) lined up. Wong akèh wis [x]-[x] nang pinggir dalan. Crowds lined the edge of the road. n/di-[x]-(i) to put in a line. Dhuwit cilike padha [x]-[x]-ana, arêp tak etung. Put the coins in a row; I want to count them
- jênthu
- husky and firm [of physique]
- jêntus
- kê-[x] to get knocked against sth. Sirahe kê-[x] tembok. He hit his head on the wall. n-[x] to bang one's head (on)
- jênu
- a certain plant that is poisonous to fish. n/di-[x] to catch fish by poisoning them with the ground-up root of this plant
- Jêpan
- var of JÊPANG
- Jêpang
- Japan. dhèk jaman [x] during the Japanese occupation
- jêpapang
- var of JÊPAPLANG
- jêpaplang
- [x]-an to keep the arms stretched
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- out; to extend the arms repeatedly. n-[x] to extend the arms out to the sides
- jêpat
- [x]-an act of springing out. kê-[x]-an to get hit by sth springing out. n-[x] to emerge suddenly. Pire n-[x]. The spring shot out
- jêpèt
- clip, clamp. [x] kêrtas paper clip. [x] rambut hairpin
- jêpiping
- n-[x] to cock the ears. Yèn wong-wong-ane obah, Kancil n-[x]. When the dummy moved, Mouse-Deer's ears shot up
- jêpita
- (or [x]-an) gripping tool, pincers, tongs. [x] kêrtas paper clip. [x] rambut hairpin. kê-[x] to get pinched/squeezed. n/di-[x] to use a pinching tool; to pinch, grip. Jupukna cathut kuwi tak nggo n-[x] paku iki. Hand me the pliers, I want to pull out this nail. n-[x] mèmèhan to pin the clothes up to dry with clothes pins
- jêpi:tb
- [x]-an place to squeeze into for concealment or to be unobtrusive. kê-[x] situated in an unobtrusive or out-of-the-way place; in a difficult or undesirable position. Awake kê-[x] watu tangkêb. He was squeezed between two rocks. Dhèwèke rumangsa kê-[x], ora wêruh lor kidul. He was hard-pressed and bewildered. n-[x] in an unobtrusive or obscure position. Olèhe lingguh n-[x] nang pojokan mulane aku ora wêruh. He was sitting way back in the corner so I didn't see him. Omahe n-[x]. His house is way off the beaten track. pa-n-[x]-an sms [x]-AN
- jêplak
- open(ed up). [x]-an 1 mouth of a trap. 2 top-hinged window or door that opens outward. n-[x] 1 to open up/out. Payunge ora bisa n-[x]. The umbrella won't open. 2 cr to speak; to blurt out. n/di-[x]-[x]-ake to open [a hinged-panel door, window]
- jêpluk
- n-[x] 1 to explode. 2 to fade, become drab. 3 to fail. Ujiane n-[x]. He failed the test. 4 throughout [the morning]. sêkesuk n-[x] all morning
- jêprak
- n-[x] to open up/out, to spread. Mêrake buntute n-[x]. The peacock's tail was spread open
- jêprèt
- 1 rpr a zipping or snapping. Siti dipotrèk mak [x]. He snapped a picture of Siti. Manuke diplinthêng [x] pas kêna sirahe. He shot the bird in the head with his slingshot. 2 rpr the sun shining. panas n-[x] to be or become sunny. j-um-êprèt bright [of sunshine]
- jêprik
- ptg [x] or n-[x] standing up/out [of hair, feathers]
- jêprot
- rpr stabbing. Cèlènge dipanah kêna wêtênge mak [x]. He shot an arrow into the boar's stomach
- jêpruk
- n-[x] 1 piled high, puffed up [of opened-out flower petals, curled or combedup hair, etc.]. 2 throughout [the morning] (var of JÊPLUK)
- jêprut
- rpr sth breaking with a snap
- Jêpun
- var of JÊPANG
- jêpupung
- n-[x] lying face down humped up and stiff
- jêput
- throughout [the morning] (var of JÊPLUK)
- jèr
- a certain diacritical mark in Arabic script. [x]-[x]-an in a molten or dissolved state. Timbêl luwih gêlis [x]-[x]-ane katimbang wêsi. Lead melts faster than iron. Kêtib palsu kuwi [x]-[x]-an timbêl. Counterfeit dimes are lead alloys. ngê/di-[x]-ake to melt for smn; to have sth melted. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to melt/ dissolve sth. ngê-[x] wêsi-wêsi tuwa sing wis ora kanggo to melt down scrap iron. Glêpung kanji kaêjèri toya. The starch is dissolved in water. pa-ngê-[x]-an act of melting/dissolving. wajan pangê-[x]-an skillet for melting things. See also AJÈR
- jêr
- why ... ! after all. Mèh botên pitados yèn ibu seda, [x] kula mêntas saking Sala tur ibu boten gêrah. I could scarcely believe Mother was dead; why, I had just been to Solo and she wasn't even ill. [x] basuki mawa beya good things come through hard effort
- jêr-
- see also under JR- (Introduction, 2.9.3)
- jêram
- citrus fruit (kr for JÊRUK)
- jêrbabah
- var of JÊBABAH
- jêrbèbèh
- var of JÊBÈBÈH
- jèrèng
- n/di-[x] to spread (out), extend. n-[x] memean sing lagi dipepe to spread clothes out to air. Pêrkarane di-[x] karo jaksane. The prosecutor laid forth the details of the case. Murid kêna n-[x]-n-[x] pikirane dhewe. The students are encouraged to use their imagination. Pêmêtune sêmono kuwi wis di-[x]-[x] mêksa ora cukup kanggo urip sêsasi. He did his best to stretch his income but it still didn't cover his monthly expenses. j-um-èrèng spread, laid out. Karte wis jumèrèng nang ngarêpe. The map was spread out in front of him
- jerigèn
- jerry can. Sing nang [x] kuwi ming mligi bènsin. The stuff in the jerry can is pure gasoline
- jêring
- a certain tart fruit eaten raw as a
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- rice-accompanying dish: considered beneficial for the kidneys
- jêrit
- a high-pitched cry. Kêprungu [x]-e wong "Tulung!" They heard smn scream "Help!" [x]-[x] to utter shriek after shriek. jêrat-[x] to utter random or meaningless cries. Si bayèk jêrat-[x]. The baby is jabbering. n-[x] to cry out. pa-n-[x]-(an) act of screaming or (fig) complaining. papan kanggo nyêbar pan-[x]-an a place for airing complaints. ptg j-l-êrit pl to keep screaming
- jêrkangkang
- Jêrman
- Germany
- jêrnèh
- var of JÊNÈH
- jêro
- ng, lêbêt kr 1 deep. sumur [x] a deep well. Dhèke [x]. It took her baby a long time to be born ('she is deep'). 2 the interior. saka n-[x] from the inside. mlêbu mênyang [x] omah to go in the house. ana ing [x] banyu under water. Ditembok jaba [x]. Exterior and interior walls were installed. [x]-ning batin mikir-mikir to think over to oneself. 3 the court, the palace. Iki tulisane juru tulis saka n-[x]. This batik was done by a court batik maker. [x]-an 1 internal organ(s). 2 the inside. [x]-n var of [x]. nJron ngomah pêtêng ndhêdhêt. It was pitch dark in the house. Ampal kuwi manggon ing [x]-n lêmah. Beetles live underground. [x]-ne the depth. Pira [x]-ne? How deep is it? kê-[x]-n excessively deep. Olèhe ngêdhuk sumur kê-[x]-n nganti banyune akèh bangêt. They dug the well so deep there was water in abundance. mên-[x] (mlêbêt kr) 1 (farther) to the inside. Mên-[x] manèh mantri, ana ing kanan-kèrine patih lan ratu. Farther in are the (chess) bishops, on either side of the queen and king. 2 rg to enter; to go in the house. n/di-[x]-kake to make deep(er). bur kanggo n-[x]-kake sumur a drill for deepening the well. sa(n)-[x]-ne 1 in(side of). sa-[x]-ne kutha inside the city. sa-[x]-ning patang dina within four days. nglakoni mati sak-[x]-ning urip to suffer greatly. 2 during; while. sa-[x]-ning mangan as he ate. Sa-[x]-ne iku tukange sulap muni wêrna-wêrna. All the while, the magician kept up a line of patter. [x] cêthèk-e the depth (of). Aku ora ngêrti [x] cêthèke kali mau. I don't know how deep the river is
- jêrpupung
- var of JÊPUPUNG
- jêrthot
- var of JÊTHUT
- jêrthut
- var of JÊTHUT
- jêrug
- see TIKUS
- jêruk
- ng, jêram kr citrus fruit. [x] saajar one section of citrus fruit; a certain necklace style. [x] sambêl citrus fruit for making spicy sauce. n-[x] 1 resembling a citrus fruit. 2 homosexual. [x] bali large sweet white grapefruit. [x] brêngganu a variety of citrus fruit. [x] gulung sweet red grapefruit. [x] kêprok orange, tangerine. [x] kranjang a variety of orange. [x] krenggot-an, [x] kuwik common citrus fruit. [x] lêgi orange. [x] lêtêr a variety of citrus fruit. [x] manis seedless navel orange. [x] macan grapefruit. [x] nipis sweet lime. [x] pacit-an a variety of citrus fruit. [x] pêcêl sour lime-like fruit. [x] purut a small fragrant lemon-like fruit; n-[x]-purut deeply wrinkled [of human skin]. [x] n tambang-an sweet red grapefruit. [x] uwik a variety of orange. [x] wadi a common variety of citrus fruit
- jêrum
- n-[x] lying at ease [of cattle, e.g. while chewing the cud]
- jès
- 1 rpr a locomotive puffing. Êndhas-êndhasane sêpur mlaku [x], [x], [x]. The engine started up. 2 var of JRÈS
- jês
- rpr a powerful stabbing. nyrumbat kambil mak [x] to open a coconut by ramming it with a sharp tool
- jèsbèn
- jazz band
- jèt
- jet. montor [x] jet engine. montor mabur [x] jet plane
- jêt
- rpr a jerk, jolt. Dumadakan montore dirèm mak [x]. He slammed on the brakes and stopped with a jerk
- jêthathus
- n-[x] [of the jaw] undershot, jutting forward
- jêthathut
- n-[x] gloomy, depressed
- jêthèt
- n/di-[x] to switch [an appliance] on or off
- jêthit
- rpr joints clicking when flexed
- jêthot
- var of JÊTHUT
- jêthothot
- var of JÊTHUTHUT
- jèthung
- home free; on goal (in children's games). (Aku wis) [x]! (I'm) in free! [x]-an 1 goal, home, free place. 2 to play tag or the like. [x]-an dhêlik-an hide-and-seek. [x]-an rante a game of tag played around a row of pillars
- jêthut
- rpr knuckles cracking. ptg [x] repeated knuckle-cracks. n/di-[x] to pull one's fingers or toes to crack the joints. Jêmpole di-[x] muni mak kluk. He cracked his thumb joint. n/di-[x]-i to crack smn's joints. Drijine di-[x]-i muni ptg jêrthot. [The masseuse] cracked all his finger and toe joints. ptg j-r-êthut sms ptg [x]
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- jêthuthut
- n-[x] 1 feeling chily. 2 scowling in anger
- jêw-
- inf var of JUW- at the beginning of a word
- jèwèr
- n/di-[x] to tweak [smn's ear]
- ji
- one (counting form: see also SIJI). [x], ro, lu 1, 2, 3. sêpisan [x] iki just this once. [x] ro 2 against 1. [x] lu 3 against 1. [x] tus 100 against 1
- jiarah
- to seclude oneself, esp. in a cemetery, for holy meditation. n/di-[x]-(i) to go smw for solitary meditation. n-[x]-i guwa to seclude oneself in a cave
- jibah
- kê-[x] entrusted (with), assigned (to). kang kê-[x] nata têntrême the one whose reponsibility it is to maintain the peace n/di-[x]-ake to assign [a responsibility] to
- jibêg
- overburdened, weighted down with sorrow or care
- jibil
- incompetent; to fail
- jiblêng
- cr 1 to lose, be defeated. 2 less, inferior
- jiblès
- (a)like, similar (to). Wêrnane [x]. They are the same color. [x] pêrsis or [x] cèrlês exactly alike, just the same
- jiblok
- to fall, drop
- jibril
- var of JABARAIL
- jibur
- splash! jibar-[x] to make splashing sounds
- jidêng
- cr 1 to lose, be defeated. 2 less, inferior
- jiji:k
- revolted, disgusted. ngrasa [x] to feel repelled. n-[x]-i revolting, sickening
- jidun
- n/di-[x] to pinch sth between the knuckles of the index and middle fingers
- jidhur
- (or [x]-an) drum used in Occidental music. pa-n-[x] drummer, drum player
- jigang
- var of JEGANG
- jiglok
- var of JIBLOK
- jigrang
- too short [of clothing]
- jiguh
- in a difficult position; awkward, uncomfortable. Yèn nang kene aja [x]-[x] dianggêp kaya nang omahmu dhewe wae. Just make yourself right at home here!
- jih
- inf var of ISIH. ngê/di-[x]-ake to keep sth aside. Rotine di-[x]-ake sêparo kanggo mangan sore. They left half the cake to eat that evening
- jihadfi sabilullah
- holy war, war in defense of Moslem principles
- jiyad
- n/di-[x] to force, compel. Yèn ora gêlêm mèlu ya wis aja di-[x]. Don't make him go along if he doesn't want to
- jiyarah
- var sp of JIARAH
- jik
- inf var of ISIH
- jikuk
- var of JUPUK
- jil
- n-[x] limited to one. siji n-[x] one and only one
- jilat
- n/di-[x] to lick. tukang n-[x] a yes-man
- jilid
- volume in a series. [x] Siji, Loro, lsp. Volume 1, 2, etc. [x]-an 1 by the volume; in volume. 2 book binding. n/di-[x] to bind. Pêgaweane n-[x] buku. He's a bookbinder
- jilih
- to borrow (root form: Jogja var of SILIH)
- jiling
- n/di-[x] to hit smn on the head
- jilma
- var of JALMA. n-[x] [of animals] resembling or having the characteristics of a human being
- jim
- 1 evil spirit, devil. 2 (prn ji:m) times! time out! (in games: requested by extending the arm(s) with thumb(s) (up). ka-[x]-an 1 realm of the evil spirits. 2 possessed of devils
- jimak
- sexual intercourse
- Jimakir
- name of the eighth (final) year in the windu cycle
- jimat
- 1 good luck charm, amulet. 2 var of JIMPIT
- Jimawal
- name of the third year in the windu cycle
- jimbrang
- n-[x] intsfr bright. padhang n-[x] intensely bright/light
- jimlêng
- intsfr quiet. mênêng [x] very quiet, not saying a single word
- jimpe
- [of arms, legs] weak, powerless, exhausted
- jimpit
- a small amount; a pinch. uyah sa-[x] a pinch of salt. Mèsêma sê-[x] wae, aku wis lêga. Smile a little and I'll be happy. n/di-[x]-(i) to take a pinch (of). n-[x]-i gula to take a pinch of sugar
- jimprak
- var of JINGKLAK
- jimprêk
- (or n-[x]) enervated, without strength
- jimuk
- var of JUPUK
- jin
- var of JIM
- jin-
- see also under J- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- jina(h)
- adultery. bêr-[x] to commit adultery
- jinah
- 10 (market term). pêlêm sê-[x] 10 mangoes. Akèhe ana sêpuluh [x]. There are 100 of them
- jinantra
- water wheel; windmill
- jinasah
- mortal remains, lifeless body
- jinasat
- var of JINASAH
- jinawi
- see LOH
- jindhêl
- var of JÊNDHÊL
- jinja
- to get over sth. Aku wis [x]. Never again! I've leared my lesson
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- jinjing
- [x]-an act of carrying sth small. n/di-[x]-ake to carry [a small object] for smn; to have smn carry, have sth carried. n/di-[x]-(i) to carry [sth small]
- jinjit
- to stand on tiptoe
- jindhul
- n-[x] to swell up. Bathuke kêjêglug lawang nganti n-[x]. He has a bump on the forehead from hitting it on the door
- jinêm
- (ka)-[x]-an 1 an errand performed on orders from a government or palace official. 2 (or pa-[x]-an) one who performs such an errand
- jing
- (or n-[x]) future; next (inf kr? md? for BESUK, SUK). n-[x]-enjing md tomorrow; tomorrow morning
- jingga
- 1 dark red, maroon. 2 pink or orange food coloring. 3 a certain dark-red fabric. [x] loka dark red
- jingglang
- a certain shrub whose sweetish leaves can be used as tea. n-[x] intsfr bright. padhang n-[x] very light/bright
- jingglêng
- n-[x] to fix the eyes (on). Anggone namatke potrèt nganti n-[x]. He stared at the picture for a long time
- jinggrang
- n-[x] intsfr light, bright. padhang n-[x] intensely bright
- jinggring
- n-[x] thin-looking, gangly
- jinggruk
- n-[x] (to sit) motionless with knees drawn up and head lowered
- jingkat
- n-[x] to jump with surprise
- jingklak
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] to jump with joy
- jingklong
- a certain large mosquito, the most common variety of which does not bite
- jingkol
- var of JENGKOL
- jingkrak
- var of JINGKLAK
- jingkrung
- n-[x] to lie curled up; to lie with the knees drawn up to the chest
- jinis
- kind, variety, genus. sabên [x] sato-kewan. [x]-e actually, the fact is
- jintêl
- n-[x] [to sleep] curled up. Tukang becak wis n-[x] turu katêkuk ing becake. The pedicab driver curled up in his cab and took a nap
- jintên
- cumin seed; caraway seed. See also TUMBAR
- jintul
- n-[x] a small itchy swelling
- ji:p
- jeep
- jipang
- a prickly-skinned squash-like vegetable used for soup
- jiplak
- [x]-an a fake, a copy of the original. n/di-[x] to copy, duplicate. Dhèke konangan anggone n-[x] kancane. He got caught copying from a classmate
- jipuk
- var of JUPUK
- jipun
- a variety of tree
- jirèh
- var of JIRIH
- jirêt
- jirèt, a lassoing rope. kê-[x] to get choked, strangled (not necessarily to death). n/di-[x] 1 to rope [an animal]. 2 to kill by strangulation
- jirigèn
- var of JERIGÈN
- jirih
- 1 faint-hearted, cowardly. 2 fear; afraid; awe, respect (kr for WÊDI)
- jirit
- var of JLIRIT
- jisim
- corpse, cadaver
- jit
- n-jat-[x] to wobble, move unsteadily
- jithêt
- n/di-[x] to sew up a torn place. ptg j-l-ithêt or ptg j-r-ithêt full of mended places
- jithok
- var of GITHOK
- jitu
- precise, just right. wangsulan [x] a precise answer
- jitun
- var of JIDUN
- jiwa
- 1 soul, spirit, life. ngurbanake [x]-ne to sacrifice one's life. tanggung [x] to risk one's life. [x] mêrdika the spirit of freedom. nganyut [x] to commit suicide. 2 spirits, state of mind. 3 person (as a statistic). Kêluargamu [x]-ne pira? How many in your family? cacah [x] population; census. Karcis iki mung kanggo sa-[x]. This ticket admits one only. [x]-ku term of endearment used by lovers. ka-[x]-n pertaining to the mind, spirit, inner life. ngèlmu kêjiwan psychology; psychiatry. n/di-[x]-ni to pervade; to imbue sth with a certain spirit. Ajarane di-[x]-ni Marxisme. His teachings are Marxist-inspired. Marxisme n-[x]-ni ajarane. Marxism pervades his teachings. [x] angga or [x] raga body and soul; the physical and the spiritual. pasrah [x] raga to put oneself in God's hands. Kêlakon kongsi direwangi toh [x] raga. They risked their lives. See also LALI
- jiwangga
- contracted form of JIWA ANGGA
- jiwir
- var of JÈWÈR
- jiwit
- n/di-[x] to pinch between the thumb and index finger. j-in-iwit katut to share empathetically in a relative's sorrow or disgrace
- jiwut
- var of DHIWUT
- jlajah
- ng/di-[x]-i to travel around (to). Aku mèlu kanca-kanca n-[x]-i desa-desa. My friends and I went sightseeing from village to village
- jladrèn
- (or [x]-an) dough, batter
- jlagra
- phlegm (ki for RIYAK)
- jlalat
- rpr a quick glance. [x]-an or [x]-[x] to glance about
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- jlamprah
- n-[x] spread or scattered over a wide area
- jlamprong
- var of JAMPRONG
- jlang
- [x]-[x]-an to wander around, go aimlessly here and there
- jlanggrung
- [x]-[x] tall and well-built (of physique)
- jlantah
- used cooking oil (for reuse). [x] iwak pitik coconut oil in which chicken has been fried (and which can be used again later). kê-[x] having a bad reputation
- jlaprat
- n-[x] [off moustaches] thick and curving upward at the ends
- jlarang
- a certain large squirrel
- jlarèh
- streak, stripe. jlorah-[x] striped, full of streaks. n-[x] having or forming a streak. Kêbule montor mabur jèt isih n-[x]. The jet plane left a vapor trail
- jlarèt
- var of JLARÈH
- jlarit
- thin line, narrow strip. Dhèke nyawang ing cakrawala bokmênawa katon [x]-e pasisir. He scanned the horizon in the hope of seeing (a strip of) land. n-[x] forming a slim line. Alise n-[x] nanggal sêpisan. Her eyebrows are slender crescents
- jlebrah
- n-[x] large, broad
- jlêbud
- n-[x] unkempt
- jlêdor
- bang! boom! ptg [x] or jlêdhar-[x] repeated explosions. Bola-bali kêprungu jlêdhar-[x] swarane bêdhil. They kept hearing guns go off. See also JÊDHOR
- jlèg
- 1 rpr slamming. Lawange ditutup mak [x] têrus dikuncing mak cêklik. He banged the door shut and locked it. 2 var of JÈG
- jlêg
- 1 rpr a quick downward motion. Srêd, sêpedha dirèm, mudhun [x]. He slammed on his bicycle brakes and hopped off. 2 rpr a quick change. Omahe [x] sanalika dadi kêdhaton. In a flash his house was turned into a palace. ngê/di-[x]-i to drop onto sth
- jlêgodhah
- n-[x] big, bulky, taking up lots of space
- jlêgong
- pl form of JÊGONG
- jlegor
- the (edible) leaves of the sweet-potato plant
- jlegrang
- [x]-[x] big and tall
- jlêgur
- rpr a splash (var of JÊGUR). Montor mabur mak [x] tiba nang laut. The plane plunged into the sea. j-um-lêgur to splash
- jlêgut
- n-[x] absorbed in an activity. Wiwit mau esuk dhèke n-[x] ndandani radio. He's been working at repairing that radio all morning
- jlêkèthèk
- n-[x] commonplace, prevalent
- jlêkèthèt
- n-[x] [of moustache, eyebrows] thick and heavy, curving upward
- jlêkêtut
- ptg [x] or n-[x] wrinkled with age
- jlêkithat
- n-[x] small and slim with pointed ends. brêngos n-[x] a trim moustache
- jlêkithit
- var of JLÊKITHAT
- jlembrak
- ptg [x] hanging down untidily [of hair, overlong clothing]
- jêmp(r)ah
- ptg [x] a mess, in disorder
- jlemprak
- ptg [x] scattered about untidily
- jlèng
- rpr metal clanking. Êndhas-êndhasane sêpur digathukke karo gêrbong muni [x]. The locomotive is being noisily coupled with the cars
- jlênggur
- ptg [x] to keep booming
- jlênggut
- var of JLÊGUT
- jlênthar
- n-[x] 1 pointing upward [of long objects]. 2 (running) fast
- jlênthir
- (or n-[x]) to stick up/out [of short objects]
- jlèntrèh
- explanation, clarification. Aku njaluk [x]-e. I asked him to explain it. n/di-[x]-(ake) to set forth, lay out. Bakul mau n-[x] dagangane nang pinggir dalan. The seller spread her wares on the sidewalk. Dhèke n-[x]-ake lêlakone nang Jakarta. He told me about what had happened to him in Jakarta
- jlêprak
- ptg [x] or n-[x] to point stiffly upward. Dumadakan buntute mêrak banjur n-[x]. Suddenly the peacock spread its tail
- jlêprik
- ptg [x] or n-[x] to point stiffly upward [of small objects]. Manuk kuwi sirahe ana wulune ptg [x]. The bird's crest sticks up
- jlèrèt
- var of JLARÈH
- jlêrit
- pl form of JÊRIT
- jlig
- rpr quick motion. Yèn nunggang montor mak [x] wae wis têkan. If you drive, you will get there in no time. jlag-[x] to move back and forth. Dhèke jlag-[x] mulih nang Magêlang saka Jogja. He makes frequent trips to his home in Magêlang from Jogja
- jligut
- ptg [x] or jligat-[x] pl to hang around, mill around
- jlimêt
- n-[x] intricate, detailed. Wayang iki tatahane n-[x] banget. This puppet is intricately carved. Pêgawene pajêk anggone mriksa pêmbukuane pêrusahaan nganti n-[x]. The tax officer went over the company accounts with a fine-tooth comb
- jlimprak
- var of JLEMPRAK
- jling
- intsfr all gone. Kecape sing nang gêndul wis êntèk [x]. There's not a drop of soy sauce left in the bottle
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- jlinggring
- n-[x] [of clothing] short, showing the legs
- jlirit
- n-[x] forming a thin line. Alise n-[x] nanggal sêpisan. Her eyebrows are slim like crescent moons. Pasisire pulo Madura katon lamat-lamat n-[x]. You can just barely see the shoreline of Madura
- jlithêng
- black, dark [of skin]
- jlithêt
- pl form of JITHÊT
- jlog
- rpr a sudden descent. Mak [x] mêdhun saka wit. He came down the tree in a flash. jlag-[x] to keep going up and down. Kreta iku yèn ditunggangi jlag-[x]. You get jounced when you ride in a cart. See also ANJLOG, ÊNJLOG
- jlomprong
- kê-[x] to get lost; to be misinterpreted. n-[x]-ake 1 misleading. 2 (psv di-[x]-ake) to mislead, misdirect, misrepresent. Aku di-[x]-ake kon tuku montore sing mêsine wis bobrok. He let me buy his car when he knew the engine was no good
- jlonèt
- (or n-[x]) good-looking, handsome
- jlong
- [x]-[x] 1 rpr a metalic clang. 2 (or jlang-[x]) (to walk) with long strides
- jlonggrong
- [x]-[x] tall and well-built (of physique)
- jlujur
- n-[x] to glide sinuously
- jlu:g
- rpr a thudding, esp. of footfalls
- jlumat
- n/di-[x]-(i) to mend with fine stitching
- jlumprit
- ptg [x] pl to cry out, shriek
- jlungup
- kê-[x] to fall forward, fall face down. n/di-[x]-ake to push smn from behind
- jlupak
- a wick in a saucer serving as an imprompty coconut-oil lamp for a ritual-meal ceremony
- jluwog
- ptg [x] riddled with holes. kê-[x] to fall into a hole
- jo
- green (shf of IJO). sêtopan bang-[x] traffic light
- joan
- meaning (inf var of IJO-AN)
- jobin
- var of JUBIN
- joblos
- n/di-[x] to stab, prick
- jodhang
- palanquin-like container for transporting foods to be distributed
- jodhèr
- disclosure. gawe [x]-e barisan to reveal the whereabouts of troops. kê-[x]-an to get caught in the act; to be revealed/unveiled
- jojo
- a certain climbing vine. [x]-[x] itinerant peddler
- jojoh
- kê-[x] to get stabbed. n/di-[x] to pierce with a sharp object
- jodho
- 1 one member of a mated pair. [x] kang pinasthi predestined husband/wife. Cangkir iki dudu [x]-ne lèpèkan iki. This cup doesn't match this saucer. 2 the union of a mated pair. [x] iku dudu gaweaning manungsa. Marriages are made in heaven. 3 well mated, the right match (for). Aku [x] karo kowe. You and I get along well. Aku dudu [x]-mu. I'm not well suited to you. Yèn ora olèh jamu sing [x], mêsthi tiwas. If he doesn't get the right medicine he'll die. [x]-n sms [x]. nDuwèni kêris ki [x]-n, yèn ora kêbêneran marakake lara. The kris you own should suit you: otherwise harm will befall you. (jê)-[x]-an married; act of marrying. wong jê-[x]-an married people. wurungku jê-[x]-an karo kowe my calling off of our marriage. A jê-[x]-an karo B. A is married to B. n/di-[x]-kake to match [people]. Jaman mbiyèn yèn arêp omah-omah mêsthi wong tuwa sing n-[x]-kake. In the old days, parents arranged their children's marriages. n/di-[x]-ni to mate [two things]. Babon iki di-[x]-ni jago kae. I mated this hen with that rooster. sa-[x] a (mated) pair. dara sê-[x] a pair of doves. j-in-odho married, mated. durung jinodho not married yet
- jog
- 1 rpr an arrival. Lagi têka [x] wis dikongkon mênèh. He no sooner got there than he was sent on another errand. 2 (to add) an additional amount. Wedang tèh sing nang teko kuwi mêngko diênggo [x] yèn ana sing njaluk tambah ngombe. The tea in the pot is for seconds in case smn wants more. Iline kali iki [x] nang Kali Progo. This stream flows into the Progo River. kê-[x]-an to get sth added to it; fig to be invaded or descended upon. Wedang tèhku kê-[x]-an kopi. Smn poured coffee in my tea. ngê-[x] to add. ngê-[x] bènsin to put in some (more) gas. ngê/di-[x]-i to put (more) into sth. Montore arêp di-[x]-i bènsine. He's going to have gas put in the car. Aku kêpêksa ngê-[x]-i Rp 25 dhisik. I have to give them 25 rupiahs more. See also ANJOG
- jogan
- (or ka-[x]) floor
- jogèd
- 1 (bêksa ki) the classical Javanese dance (an art form accompanied by gamelan music). 2 rg woman street dancer. [x]-an 1 (the performing of) a classical dance. 2 (or jê-[x]-an) to jump around. Saking bungahe [x]-an. He danced with joy. n-[x] 1 to perform a dance. 2 to hop around. 3 to enliven; to act lively. Masakane enak bangêt nganti n-[x] ilatku. Her cooking is delicious-it's so flavorful
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- joglo
- steeply pitched top section of the roof of a traditional Javanese house
- joh
- inf var of AJAa
- johar
- 1 a certain shade tree with tiny lucuriant leaves. [x] awal first blooming of the above tree. 2 star. [x] rina morning star
- jok
- inf var of AJAa. ngê/di-[x] 1 to prepare [tea] in a teapot. 2 to pour. Tèhe diêjok. She poured the tea. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to pour for smn; to have smn pour. 2 to move sth forward (inf var of NG/DI-AJU-KAKE). ngê/di-[x]-i to pour [sth] into. Gêlase diêjoki tèh. She filled the glass with tea
- joki
- race-horse jockey
- jola
- n-[x] to jump with surprise, give a start
- joli
- palanquin
- jolok
- within reach, close by
- jolor
- n-[x] to sway, move sinuously
- jomblah
- var of JUMLAH
- jomblong
- var of DOMBLONG
- jombros
- n-[x] unwashed, unkempt [of hair, moustache]
- jombrot
- 1 having the remains of a meal unwiped from the mouth. 2 having business or financial troubles
- jomplang
- n-[x] to tip over. Kwaline n-[x] isine wutah kabèh. The kettle turned over and spilled. Praune n-[x]. The canoe capsized
- jompo
- var of JÊMPO
- jompong
- young teak leaf
- jondhang
- var of JODHANG
- jondhil
- rpr a jerk or jump. n-[x] to jump, jerk. Mak dhor! aku kagèt nganti n-[x]. Bang! I nearly jumped out of my skin. (n)-[x]-[x] or n-jondhal-[x] to keep hopping up and down. n-[x]-n-[x] to kick up the heels. Jaran olèhe mlayu njondhil-njondhil. The horse ran with a sprightly gait
- jonjang
- [x]-an (to walk) with a lopsided gait because the legs are of different lengths. n-[x] to limp
- jong
- var of JUNG
- jonggol
- n-[x] lumpy(-looking)
- jonggrang
- [x]-[x] or n-[x] tall and lean
- jonggring
- var of JUNGGRING
- jonggrok
- cr n-[x] to sit (down)
- jonggrong
- [x]-[x] tall and well-built (of physique)
- jongkang
- n-[x] to tip over. Kwaline n-[x]. The kettle overturned. n/di-[x]-ake to tip sth over
- jongkèng
- n/di-[x]-(ake) to raise sth with a lever
- jongkèt
- var of JONGKÈNG
- jongki
- var of JOKI
- jongkit
- n-jongkat-[x] to move in a series of up-and-down motions
- jongkong
- soft cookie made with coconut milk
- jongok
- kê-[x] to fall forward. n-[x] to lean forward, crane the neck to see. n/di-[x]-ake to push smn forward so that he falls
- jongor
- 1 cr mouth. 2 var of JONGOK. n-[x] cr [of lips] thick and protruding
- jongos
- 1 restaurant waiter. 2 houseboy, servant in a foreign household
- jontong
- n-[x] to long, yearn. Atine wis n-[x] kêpingin arêp lunga nang Jakarta. He longs to go to Jakarta
- jontrot
- a decoy. n/di-[x] to capture by decoying
- jor
- [x]-[x]-an to vie with each other. Wong wedok yèn nyandhang sênêng [x]-[x]-an. Women try to outdo each other in dress. kê-[x]-an to be topped, outdone, one-upped. ngê/di-[x] to let smn have his own way. ngê-[x] anak to allow one's child to do as he pleases. ngê/di-[x]-ake to outdo on smn's behalf. ngê/di-[x]-i to top sth. Sing ngê-[x]-i toh-tohane sapa? Who'll raise the bet?
- jorog
- [x]-[x]-an to keep pushing/shoving each other from behind. Bocah-bocah padha dhisik-dhisikan [x]-[x]-an. The boys kept trying to push ahead of each other
- jos
- 1 rpr hissing, sizzling. Sêpure mlaku, [x], [x], [x]. The train, puffing, began to move. 2 rpr a sharp weapon piercing flesh
- jot
- rpr a start of surprise. kê-[x] starled, taken aback
- jothak
- [x]-an on unfriendly terms. Dhadhap karo Waru [x]-an nganti têlung sasi luwih. A and B weren't speaking for over three months. n/di-[x] to be on unfriendly terms with. Aku wêdi nèk kok [x]. I'm afraid you'll be mad at me
- joto
- (mê)n-[x] swollen; to swell up. See also RIYÊK
- jotos
- a punch. juru [x] boxer, fighter. [x]-an to exchange blows, have a fist fight. [x](-[x])-an (the sport of) boxing. [x]-[x]-an to punch each other. n/di-[x]-(i) to hit, punch. [x]-ên mênèh. Hit him again!
- jowar
- var sp of JOHAR
- jrabang
- reddish (the color of a certain variety of cricket). jangkrik [x] reddish cricket. rambut [x] reddish hair. See also ABANG
- jrak
- ngê-[x] to stay smw permanently; to settle. See also ANJRAK
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- jrakah
- a variety of tree
- jrambah
- 1 low wooden platfrom used as a seat. 2 floor
- jrangkong
- skeleton. (jê)-[x]-an having a skeleton; having vertebrae
- jranthal
- rpr quick running. Bocahe mak [x] marani mbokne. The child ran to his mother. n-[x] or j-um-ranthal to scurry
- jras
- rpr cutting, slashing
- jrawil
- pl form of JAWIL
- jrèjès
- n-[x] to well up (in the eyes); to water. Êluhe n-[x] têrus. Her eyes filled with tears. Mripatku n-[x]. My eyes watered
- jrêdhodhok
- var of DHRODHOG
- jrèg
- 1 rpr the sound of metal against metal or wood against wood. Lawange montor diinêp muni [x]. He shut the car door. [x] nong, [x] gung (sounds of gamelan instruments). 2 var of JÈG
- jrêg
- var of JLÊG
- jrèndhol
- jrêndhol, ptg [x] full of lumps or swellings
- jrèng
- rpr coins clinking. mbayar [x] to pay cash
- jrèngkang
- var of JÊNGKANG
- jrêngking
- pl form of JÊNGKING
- jrêp
- rpr piercing, stabbing. Disuduk nganggo kêris mak [x]. He was stabbed with a kris
- jrès
- rpr a match striking. ngê/di-[x]-ake to strike a match
- jrèt
- 1 rpr a whizzing sound. Manuke dibêdhil mak [x]. He shot the bird with an air rifle. 2 rpr the sounds of smn having diarrhea
- jrêthut
- pl form of JÊTHUT
- jrih
- oj fear
- jrimêt
- var of JLIMÊT
- jri:ng
- var of JRÈNG
- jrithêt
- pl form of JITHÊT
- jro
- var of JÊRO
- jrojog
- var of DROJOG
- jrojos
- var of DROJOS
- jrog
- rpr a heavy thud. Kopêre tiba nang lêmah, [x]. The suitcase fell to the ground
- jromah
- 1 inside the house (contracted from (ING) JÊRO OMAH). 2 (or [x]-an) inner room of a house serving as the family quarters (as contrasted with the section in front, where guests are entertained)
- jromblong
- pl form of JOMBLONG
- jrongkong
- var of JÊNGKANG
- jronthol
- n-[x] to run, scury
- jros
- 1 rpr chopping. Wadunge diangkat, wêr, ditibakake, [x]. He raised the axe and brought it down on the log. 2 var of JRUS
- jrot
- rpr a spurting sound
- jru
- inf var of JURU
- jrug
- var of JROG
- jrumat
- var of JLUMAT
- jrunjung
- kê-[x] to fall, plunge. Montore rème blong kê-[x] nang sawah. The brakes failed and the car plunged headlong into a rice paddy. n/di-[x]-ake to cause sth to plunge
- jrungjung
- var of JRUNJUNG
- jrungup
- var of JLUNGUP
- jrunthul
- n-[x] to run, scamper. mlayu n-[x] to scurry. Tikuse n-[x] nang kamar dhahar. The mouse whisked into the dining room
- jrus
- rpr piercing, stabbing. ngê/di-[x] to stab, pierce
- jrut
- var of JROT
- ju
- forward (march)! (shf of M-AJU)
- jubah
- tabard, cassock
- jubêl
- crowded, jammed
- jubin
- 1 floor tile; tiled floor. 2 diamonds (playing-card suit). [x] loro the 2 of diamonds. [x]-an 1 having a tiled floor. 2 forming a diagonal or diamond shape. Anggone nandur kêkêmbangan [x]-an. He planted the flowers in a diagonal arrangement. n/di-[x] to tile [a floor]. [x] adu manis or [x] dham tiles laid checkerboard fashion. [x] sêlèk tiles laid in bricklaying fashion
- jublêg
- n-[x] 1 steep, precipitous. 2 silent and motionless. 3 see SAJÊG
- jublus
- n/di-[x] to stab, pierce
- jubriya
- haughty, arrogant
- jubur
- rectum
- judhag
- deep ravine; canyon. n/di-[x] 1 to push smn off a cliff; fig to bring harm to smn. 2 to evict; to ask smn to leave
- judhas
- irresolute, easily led; treacherous
- judhêg
- in a quandary. Dhèke [x] ngrasakke anake sing ora gêlêm sêkolah. He can't handle his dropout son. Saking [x] ing ati, aku banjur lunga ijèn ngumbara mênyang ndi-ndi. I was at such a loss I went off by myself and just wandered. kê-[x]-an unable to cope. Gawene lingguh dhêlêg-dhêlêg kê-[x]-an anggone arêp nyaur utange. He just sits, helpless to think of a way to pay what he owes
- judhir
- n-[x] having an overhanging upper lip
- juju
- n/di-[x] to have the mouth full of food. Dhèke kêsusu anggone mangkat nyambut gawe, olèhe mangan di-[x] wae. He was in such a hurry to get the office that he
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- just stuffed some food in his mouth and ran off
- jujug
- [x]-an 1 destination. [x]-anmu êndi? Where are you headed for? 2 place frequently visited. Yèn grêbêgan, omahku dadi [x]-an tumrap sêdulur-sêdulur saka kutha liya. At festival time all the out-of-town relatives come to our house. n/di-[x] to go toward, head for. barêng têkan ênggon sing di-[x] when he got to where he was going. n/di-[x]-ake to take smn smw. Satêkane kene [x]-na kantoran. As soon as they get here, bring them to the office. n/di-[x]-i to go smw frequently. Omahe sêring di-[x]-i kanca-kanca. People are always dropping in on him
- jujul
- 1 too small for the purpose. Têmpat tidhur iki yèn diênggo Susila mêsthi [x]. This bed is too short for Susila. 2 change. Aku ngêkèki dhuwit Rp 10, mesthi olèh [x] Rp 2.50. I gave you 10 rupiahs; I get 2.50 rupiahs' change. 3 (prn juju:l) unable to stand. Aku kok [x] wêruh anakku pènèkan uwit. I can't bear watching my son climb a tree. kê-[x] to be overtaken. n/di-[x] to (try to) overtake. Aku n-[x] Bapak jalaran ngomah ana tamu. I ran after Father to tell him smn had come to the house to see him
- jujur
- straight (not crooked); honest, direct. kê-[x] always running into bad luck. n-[x] (to go) straight across/through, to take a direct route by way of
- judhul
- title. (a)jê-[x] entitled
- jug
- (or [x] lap or [x] plêncing) (to stop in) for a moment. A mau mrene mung [x] lap ming ngandhani yèn bojone wis nglairke banjur lunga. A dropped in briefly to say his wife had had her baby
- juga
- solitary. mung sa-[x] the only one
- jugag
- 1 short(ened), abbreviated. 2 wy a song with shortened lyrics. n/di-[x] to terminate, break off
- jugang
- [x]-an a hole dug in the ground. n/di-[x] to dig a hole (in)
- jugar
- to fail to materialize. n/di-[x]-ake to cal off, forestall, prevent
- jugil
- iron crowbar; lever
- jugrug
- to slide down, collapse. Bètènge dimriyêm sanalika [x]. The fort, bombarded by cannon, suddenly collapsed. [x]-an (act of) earth sliding; earth that has slid. Bata tumpukan kae tilas [x]-an bètèng sing [x]. That pile of rubble is all that is left of the fort that collapsed. kê-[x]-an to get buried. kê-[x]-an gunung kêmbang to have a flood of good luck. n/di-[x]-i to bury under sliding earth. Nalika bètèng [x], lêmahe n-[x]-i omah-omah kidule. When the fort collapsed, the earth buried the houses to the south of it
- jugug
- var of JÊGOG
- juk
- (or n-[x]) var of BANJUR. n-[x] inf var of N-JALUK
- jukuk
- var of JUPUK
- julalat
- var of JLALAT
- julêg
- n-[x] sloping steeply
- Julia
- July
- julib
- jula-[x] hula-hula dance
- julig
- cunning, sly. ka-[x]-an shrewdness, cunning. Kancil kuwi ka-[x]-ane ora ana sing nandingi. No one can ever outwit Mouse-Deer
- juluk
- jê-[x] [of royalty] named, called, having the title (of); nicknamed. n/di-[x]-ake to move sth upward. Sarunge mlotrok banjur di-[x]-ake. His sarong was sliding down and he hiked it back up. n/di-[x]-i to name or nickname smn. See also PÊNJULUK
- julung
- destined for unnatural death
- jum
- ngê/di-[x]-ake to put in order (for smn). Kamare B di-[x]-ake A. A tidied B's room for him. Sa-bisa-bisa pêrkarane di-[x]-ake Pak Lurah bae. Let's see if we can get the village head to resolve the conflict. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to put in good order. Dolanane di-[x]-i ibune. His mother put away his toys. ngê-[x] rambut/kuku to do one's hair/nails. ngê-[x] pasulayan to patch up a quarrel
- jum-
- see also under J- (Introduction, 3.1.7)
- Jumadilakir
- 6th month of the Moslem calendar
- Jumadilawal
- 5th month of the Moslem calendar
- Jumahat
- var of JÊMUWAH
- jumantara
- ltry the sky; (up) in the air
- Jum'at
- var of JÊMUWAH
- jumblah
- var of JUMLAH
- jumblêg
- see SAJÊG
- jumblêng
- 1 buried toilet tank. 2 primitive toilet consisting of a hole over a buried tank
- jumbuh
- 1 similar, along the same lines. Pênggaweanku [x] karo pênggaweane A. My work is the same sort of work as A's. Pinguin iku akèh sing ulêse putih, mêsthine supaya [x] karo warnane ès. Penguins have a lot of white on them, so that they blend in with the color of the ice. 2 in the category [of]. têmbung kang aksara purwane [x] karo aksara irung words whose initial letter is a nasal
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- [x]-an similar to each other. n/di-[x]-ake to accord with. rasa kang wis di-[x]-ake lan kahanan feelings that are in line with the circumstances
- jumbul
- n-[x] to jerk, jump, give a start
- jumênêng
- 1 to be elevated to the position of (ki for M-ADÊG). [x] ratu to become king. 2 standing up (ki for ADÊG); to stand up (ki for NG-ADÊG). 3 as, in the capacity of (ki for DADI). [x]-an (day of) ascension to a high position (ki for ADÊG-ADÊGAN). n/di-[x]-ake to elevate to the position of (ki for NGÊ/DI-DÊG-AKE). di-[x]-ake ratu to be made king
- jumêruta
- emerald
- jumêru:tb
- dirty, messy, muddy
- jumlah
- total, sum
- jumlêg
- see SAJÊG
- jumpalik
- var of JÊMPALIK
- jumput
- 1 tweezers, small pincers. 2 var of JIMPIT. ora [x] without pay; [to do] for nothing
- jumruta
- var of JUMÊRUTa
- jumru:tb
- var of JUMÊRU:Tb
- jumuk
- var of JUPUK
- jumut
- rg var of JUPUK. kê-[x]-an to grope one's way in the dark
- Jumuwah
- var of JÊMUWAH
- jun
- large earthenware water crock
- jundhil
- var of JONDHIL
- junjang
- see ANDHA
- junjung
- [x]-an a burden. [x]-[x]-an lifting, raising. Kursi iki [x]-[x]-ane abot bangêt. This chair is very heavy to lift. n/di-[x] to lift, raise; fig to exalt. n-[x] asma(ne...) to praise the name (of), to speak (of) with esteem. n-[x] drajat(e...) to raise the rank or status (of). n-[x] pundhak to shrug the shoulders
- jung
- 1 land measure for rice paddies: 4 bau's, or ca. 7 acres. 2 junk (Chinese boat)
- junggring sêlaka
- wy heaven; realm of the deities
- jungkang
- n/di-[x]-(ake) to lift and tilt sth. Dandange [x]-na sithik, dak cidhukane banyune. Please tip the steaming pan – I want to ladle out the water
- jungkat
- ng, sêrat kr, pêthat kr?, ki comb. [x]-an to comb one's hair. n/di-[x]-i to comb smn's hair. [x] plêngkung curved comb for holding hair back when worn under a cloth headdress. [x] suri 1 decorative comb. 2 fine-tooth comb for removing lice. [x] cênthing comb with a curved rattail, for combing coiffures
- jungkêl
- kê-[x] to fal head first. Dhèke tiba kê-[x]. He fell headlong. n-[x] to turn upside down; to turn a somersault. n/di-[x]-ake to cause sth to turn over. Tonge [x]-na bèn garing. Tip the barrel upside down so it'll dry out
- jungkir
- jungkar-[x] 1 to remain upside down; to keep turning upside down. 2 cr to pray, assuming the Moslem position kneeling with the upper part of the body prostrated on the ground. n-[x] 1 upside down; bottom up. 2 to turn a somersault. n-[x] (m)balik to turn a somersault. n-[x] walik head over heels
- jungkit
- n-[x] to rise slightly. n/di-[x]-ake to raise sth a bit
- jungkrah
- var of DHUNGKRAH
- jungkruk
- n-[x] to sit with bowed head
- jungkung
- n-[x] to sit with head lowered
- jungok
- var of JONGOK
- Juni
- June (month)
- junthit
- n-[x] pointing upward [of short objects]
- jupuk
- ng, pêndhêt kr, pundhut ki [x]-an things picked up, taken, fetched. Barang-barange toko sing lagi kobong kuwi dadi [x]-ane wong pirang-pirang. The goods in the burned-out store were looted. [x]-[x]-an to take (pick up) each other's things; to take etc. things one after the other. Kabèh padha [x]-[x]-an sêpatune kancane. Everybody is taking everyone else's shoes. n/di-[x]-ake to get/fetch for smn. Kamasmu [x]-na sandhangan. Go get your brother some clothes! n/di-[x]-(i) to (go) get, pick up, take (away). n-[x] watu to pick up a stone. Buku mau olèhmu n-[x] saka ngêndi? Where'd you get that book? n-[x] layang to get (pick up) the mail. Bukune [x]-ên. Go get (pick up, take) the book! Pistul-pistulane dipundhut ibu guru. The teacher took away his toy gun. Ngati-ati lo, bocah kuwi sênêng n-[x]. Careful-that boy steals. Dhèke kêpengin n-[x] bathi sing rada akèh. He wants to make a big profit. n-[x] bojo to marry. n-[x] dhuwit ing bang to withdraw money at the bank. n-[x] punggawa anyar to take on a new employee. Bocah-bocah kuwi padha n-[x]-i barang-barang ing toko sing kobong kuwi. Boys are looting the burned-out store. pa-n-[x] act of getting etc. Pan-[x]-e sing mangan sêthithik-sêthithik murih aja kuwarêgên. Those who were eating took just a little of each so as not to overeat. Pamêndhêtipun karèt punika saking tlutuhipun wit karèt. Rubber comes from rubber-tree sap
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- jura
- [x]-[x]-an (that which is) crushed, melted, dissolved. [x]-[x]-an bata brick dust, brick powder. Kêtip palsu kuwi [x]-[x]-an timbêl. That counterfeit dime is a lead alloy. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to reduce to fragments; to melt, liquefy; to digest. See also AJUR
- jurb
- (or n-[x]) inf var of BANJUR
- juragan
- businessman; owner of a business. [x] bathik gêdhe a large-scale dealer in batiks. Sabên dina tukang becak mau kudu pasok dhuwit Rp 50 karo [x]-e. The pedicab driver has to pay the cab owner 50 rupiahs a day
- jurang
- ravine, gorge, canyon. kê-[x]-[x] always having bad luck. n/di-[x]-ake to make trouble for smn, get smn in trouble
- juri
- var sp of JURI
- juring
- a section of durian fruit. Pipine kaya durèn sa-[x]. Her cheeks are beautifully shaped (i.e. like durian sections)
- jurit
- war; battle. See also PRAJURIT
- jurnal
- 1 bookkeeping ledger. 2 journal, periodical
- jurnalis
- journalist
- jurnalistik
- journalism
- juru
- person who performs a certain job. [x]-[x]-ne kliling nitipriksa bageane dhewe-dhewe. The officials make inspection rounds of their own sections. [x] ngunjuki pamrayoga marang Presidhèn presidential advisor. [x] paniti sastra a specialist in the study of literature. [x] (a)dang person who cooks the rice. [x] basa interpreter; translator; n/di-[x]-basa-ni to interpret; to translate. [x] jalir head of a house of prostitution. [x] gambar artist, painter. [x] gêdhong administrator of the possessions of high officials. [x] gusali head blacksmith. [x] kunci cemetery caretaker. [x] ng-karang writer, author. [x] ladi waiter; one who serves. [x] lelang auctioneer. [x] ma(ng)sak professional cook. [x] mudhi ships's helmsman. [x] nujum soothsayer, fortune teller. [x] pa-m-pisah referee, arbiter. [x] pa-m-prayoga adviser, consultant. [x] m-priksa inspector. [x] radhio radio specialist; radio man. [x] rawat nurse. [x] sabda orator. [x] sita process server, bailiff. [x] slamêt Saviour (Christian). [x] susila official in charge of dealing with prostitution. [x] (n)-tambang ferry operator. [x] têrbang airplane pilot. [x] tik typist. [x] citra clerk. [x] ng-upakara nurse. [x] warta reporter. [x] wicara announcer; spokesman
- jurug
- n/di-[x]-(i) to fill sth in with earth; to level; to bury
- juruh
- sweet thick syrup or sauce, usu. made of coconut sugar
- jurung
- n/di-[x]-ake or n/di-[x]-i to give one's consent to sth. j-um-urug to agree (to sth). See also PANJURUNG
- jurus
- certain hand movements in the Javanese karate system (pêncak)
- jurusan
- 1 academic department. 2 destination, direction. sêpur [x] Sala the train for Solo
- jus
- 1 a certain chapter in the Koran. 2 rpr bursting into flame. 3 rpr a sharp weapon piercing flesh. jas-[x] 1 not well behaved, ill-mannered. 2 in slipshod fashion
- justisi
- justice
- jut
- 1 rpr a jerking stop. 2 rpr air flowing under pressure. Bane dipompa [x], [x], [x]. He pumped air into the tires. 3 (or n-[x]) inf var of BANJUR
- jutu
- (mê)n-[x] lumpy, swollen
- juwadah
- glutious-rice snack (var of JADAH)
- juwal
- n/di-[x] to sell
- juwara
- juwara, best known, number one, champion. tilas [x] ndonya former world champion. ka-[x] famed, renowned. ka-[x]-an championship. n/di-[x]-kake to bring into prominence
- juwarèh
- ka-[x]-an to be inadvertently disclosed. n-[x]-i 1 boring to listen to. 2 (psv di-[x]-i) to reveal a secret
- juwata
- var od JAWATA
- juwawah
- n-[x] widely opened. suwèk n-[x] having a large rip in it, badly torn
- juwawul
- ptg [x] or n-[x] messy, unkempt
- juwawut
- barley. [x] p-in-ara sapta tiny, insignificant
- juwèh
- tired of saying the same thing over and over. n/di-[x]-i to keep after smn, keep saying the same thing. Bocah kuwi kudu di-[x]-i dikon sinau. That boy has to be nagged continually to study
- juwêt
- kê-[x]-an always fidgeting, continually fussing with one's clothes or hair
- juwèwèh
- var of JUWAWAH
- juwèwèk
- having the lips drawn outward and downward (var of CUWÈWÈK)
- juwing
- n/di-[x]-[x] to mutilate, dismember. Atiku rasane kaya di-[x]- [x]. I felt as if my heart were torn to shreds
- juwis
- n-[x] thin-lipped
- juwita
- oj girl, lady
- juwiwig
- thin, fine [of hair]
- juwiwis
- var of JUWIWIG
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- juwog
- [x]-[x] 1 full of holes. Dalane wis [x]-[x]. The street is riddled with potholes. 2 tangled, unkempt [of hair]. kê-[x] to fall into a hole
- juwowog
- n-[x] tangled, messy, unkempt
- juwowol
- ptg [x] or n-[x] untidy, scattered, disarranged
- juwowos
- var of JUWOWOG
- jw-
- see under JUW-
- dladag
- n-[x] swiftly flowing
- dlajah
- n/di-[x]-i 1 to expllore. 2 to wander aimlessly in [a place]
- dlajig
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] pl to move about restlessly, to fidget, lack repose. [x]-[x] or dlojag-[x] sg as above
- dlamakan
- palm (of the hand); sole (of the foot)
- dlamong
- n-[x] 1 to speak thoughtlessly or irresponsibly. 2 var of N-DLÊMOK
- dlanggung
- street intersection. [x] prapatan crossroads
- dlancang
- paper (kr for DLUWANG)
- dlarèh
- ptg [x] streaked with red, e.g. scraped skin
- dlarung
- kê-[x](-[x]) to stray, wander. Yèn ngomong sing pêrlu wae, aja kê-[x]. Stick to the point: don't get off the subject. n-[x] to get (too) far from, to exceed the limits. n/di-[x]-ake to cause sth to get out of bounds
- dlawèr
- n-[x] 1 to hang down too far. Kolore ketok n-[x] mêtu. The string of his underwear is showing. 2 to wander aimlessly. 3 var of N-DLÈWÈR
- dlèdèk
- n-[x] to flow slowly, ooze. Lahare n-[x] saka puncake gunung. Lava oozed from the mountain peak
- dlêjêr
- ptg [x] pl sticking up/out in plain sight
- dleya
- n-[x] to allow one's thoughts to stray from the matter at hand
- dleyor
- [x]-[x] or dleyar-[x] to walk unsteadily
- dlêlêg
- n-[x] to sit deep in thought
- dlêmèk
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] covered with spots (of dirt; of color)
- dlêming
- n-[x] delirious, raving
- dlêmok
- spot, mark, blemish. [x] mangsi ink spot. ptg [x] covered with spots, spattered. [x]-an or n-[x] to have/make a spot or stain. n/di-[x]-(i) to spot/stain sth
- dlêmong
- var of DLÊMOK
- dlèngèr
- n-[x] careless, inattentive
- dlêpak
- var of JLUPAK
- dlèrèd
- sa-[x]-an (at) a glance. Sa-[x]-an rupane padha. At first glance they look alike
- dlèrèng
- [x]-[x] marked with reddish streaks. sa-[x]-an (at) a glance. Aku mau wêruh montore ning mung sa-[x]-an. I only caught a brief glimpse of the car
- dlèsèr
- n-[x] 1 (moving) at a low altitude. 2 to stray, not keep one's attention focused
- dlèwèr
- rpr flowing. Drijine kêpèngès, gêtihe mak [x]. He cut his finger and it bled a lot. [x]-an to flow, ooze. Gêtihe [x]-an. Blood trickled out. kê-[x]-an to get dripped on. n-[x] to flow, drip. n/di-[x]-i to drip or ooze on(to). Kringete n-[x] pipi. The sweat dripped down his cheeks. d-um-lèwèr to flow, drip. Êluhe dumlèwèr ing pipi. Tears ran down her cheeks
- dlima
- pomegranate
- dlingês
- kê-[x] to get run over
- dlingo
- (or [x] bêngle) certain herbs brewed into folk medicines
- dlojor
- var of DLONJOR. n/di-[x]-ake to stretch [the legs] out in front of one
- dlodog
- kê-[x]-ên too much, excessive. Omonge kê-[x]-ên. He exaggerates everything. Anggone ngêkèki kecap mau kê-[x]-ên. She put in too much soy sauce. n-[x] 1 to pour out. Sêtrupe n-[x] mêtu. The syrup spilled. 2 having an informal, fun-loving temperament
- dlohok
- dlohak-[x] to talk boorishly
- dlole
- rpr sth hanging down. Lintah kabêthot, [x]. He pulled off the leech and it hung limp. n-[x] to hang down
- dlolèr
- n-[x] to protrude outward/downward, Gajah kae tlalene padha n-[x]. The elephants' trunk hang way down
- dlolo
- n-[x] [of eyes] wide open. Mripate nganti n-[x]. His eyes bugged out
- dlondèng
- n-[x] tall and slender (of physique)
- dlonjor
- n-[x] [of long objects] to slide down. Pringe padha n-[x] mêdhun. The bamboo stalks came sliding down [off the truck]. n/di-[x]-i to slide [long objects] down
- dlondong
- cr 1 child, offspring. 2 feces n-[x] to give birth
- dlongop
- dlongap-[x] to keep gaping. Mung dlongap-[x] ora bisa mangsuli. He just gaped: he didn't know the answer. n-[x] [of the mouth] to hang open
- dlonyok
- dlonyak-[x] to behave in a crude unmannerly way
- dlosor
- n-[x] 1 to sprawl on the ground. turu n-[x] to flop down anywhere to sleep. Barêng krungu bêdhil, wong-wong padha n-[x] sak ênggon-ênggon. When the people heard gunshots, they threw themselves to the ground wherever they
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- were. 2 to be too willing to do whatever people ask of one. Olèhmu n-[x] aja nêmên-nêmen. Don't let people walk all over you!
- dludag
- flag-like emblem with a slim vertical shape. n-[x] to overflow
- dlujur
- 1 a straight path or track. 2 trunk, main stem. [x] saka a direct descendant of. [x]-an a basted steam; (act of) basting. n-[x] 1 straight. pring sing n-[x] a straight stalk of bamboo. Montore sing rème blong mau n-[x] mlaku wae. The car whose brakes failed kept straight on going. 2 var of N-DLUJUR. n-[x] m-bêkêngkêng rigid, unyielding. n/di-[x]-i to baste [a seam]
- dluya
- var of DLEYA
- dlundèng
- var of DLONDÈNG
- dlupak
- var of JLUPAK
- dlurêk
- n-[x] grim-faced, angry-looking
- dlurung
- var of DLARUNG
- dlusup
- n-[x] to slip into concealment
- dlusur
- ptg [x] swishing. Swarane ula saba ptg [x]. The snake swished along the ground. n-[x] to slide along a surface
- dluwang
- ng, dlancang kr paper, esp. for wrapping. [x] sêlêmbar a sheet of paper. [x] sa glundhung a roll of paper. [x] jawa paper of inferior quality. [x] mêrang rice-straw wrapping paper. [x] plui blotting paper. [x] tulis-an writing paper. [x] tutul mangsi blotting paper
- dho
- 1 oj two. 2 first and eighth (i.e. tonic) notes of the musical scale
- dhobêl
- double(d); duplicated. mbayar [x] to pay double. Kaca wolu iki [x]. There are two page 8's here. n/di-[x] 1 to double, duplicate. aksara kang di-[x] doubled letters. 2 to [do] twice as much. Olèhe jajan n-[x]. He took two cookies but only paid for one
- doble
- var of DOBLÈH
- dhoble
- gold plating
- doblèh
- n-[x] full and protruding [of the lower lip]
- dobol
- cr 1 (to have/get) hemorrhoids. 2 to discharge flatus. 3 to defecate
- dobos
- n-[x] to boast, brag, tell tall tales
- dhoctorandha
- (prn dhok ...) (abbr: Dra.) female counterpart of DHOCTORANDHUS
- dhoctorandhus
- (prn dhok ...) (abbr: Drs.) academic degree (equivalent to a Master's degree) preceding candidacy for the doctoral degree; title of a (male) holder of this degree
- dhodhèl
- [x]-[x] or dhodhal-[x] badly torn
- dhodhèt
- var of DHUDHÈT
- dhodhog
- [x]-an wy knocking sounds produced by the puppet master with a rapping instrument (cêmpala) in various rhythms for various effects. n/di-[x]-(i) to knock on sth. Omahmu mau tak [x]-i kok ora ana sing mangsuli. I knocked at your door but there was no answer
- dodok
- informer, stool pigeon
- dhodhok
- n-[x] to sit, squat, crouch. n/di-[x]-ake to have smn squat. n/di-[x]-i to sit/squat on. [x] acung-acung to point out a house marked for burglarizing. [x] erok large green dragonfly. [x] m-pungkur to squat with the back toward an exalted person (a former practice of servants as the King passed by). [x] sèlèh the way things stand. Ditêrangake [x]-sèlèhe kahananku. He explained about my situation. Pikiran mau njalari gagasane ora karuwan [x] sèlèhe. This thought put him in a very unusual frame of mind
- dodol
- ng, sade kr 1 to sell. 2 ng kr a confection made of glutinous rice. [x]-an 1 act or way of selling. Toko gêdhe kae [x]-ane pêpak. That big store sells everything. 2 to sell as a livelihood; to trade, sell merchandise. [x] bokong to accept pay for occupying smn's seat in order to hold it. See also ADOL, DOL
- dodor
- n/di-[x]-(ake) to poke, prod (at), jab
- dhodhos
- [x]-an hole, depression. n-[x] to make a hole in the ground. n/di-[x]-i to put a hole throught sth. Tikuse n-[x]-i lêmari wadhah panganan. The mouse gnawed its way into the cookie cupboard
- dodot
- ng, kr, kampuh ki ceremonial batik wraparound with a train. [x]-an to put on or wear the above
- dhog
- 1 rpr a knock. Kêtua nuthukke palu nang meja, [x]! The chairman rapped the gavel on the table. 2 rpr a recent arrival. Aku lagi bae têka [x]. I just now got here. dhag-[x] 1 irregular, bumpy. 2 rpr pounding sounds
- dhogjêr
- to start up instantly [of a car engine]
- dhogèr
- a street dance performed to music by one or more females
- dhoglèg
- [x]-[x] rpr the sound of metal wheels. Sêpur kluthuk mau swarane [x]-[x]. The slow train lumbered along
- dhoglèng
- eccentric, queer
- dhoglig
- var of DHAGLIG
- dhogling
- var of DHOGLÈNG
- dhoglong
- queer, eccentric. [x]-[x] large and
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- angular, awkwardly built (of women's physique)
- doh
- ng, têbih kr far-off. lunga mênyang paran [x] to go to a distant place. [x]-e distance (to smw). [x]-[x]-e distance apart. Jogja têkan Sêmarang iku [x]-[x]-e kurang luwih suwidak kilomètêr. It's about 60 kilometers from Jogja to Semarang. ngê-[x] to move far(ther) away from. ngê/di-[x]-ake to keep sth at a distance. ngê/di-[x]-i to keep at a distance (from). Dhèke di-[x]-i kanca-kancane. Her classmates kept away from her. Yèn cedhak di-[x]-i, yèn adoh dicêdhaki. If you're too close, move away; if you're too far off, move closer. or (fig) to keep in the background while keeping watch over smn. sa-[x]-[x]-e however far. Sa-[x]-[x]-e Jogja-Sala isih adoh Jogja-Sêmarang. Whatever the distance between Jogja and Solo, it's farther between Jogja and Semarang. d-um-oh ng kr (ltry) far-off. wong dumoh (ltry) a dull-witted person. [x] kana [x] kene far from everything, remote. [x] cêdhak-e the distance (to, between). See also ADOH
- dhohan
- see TAWON
- doya
- (or kê-[x]) a variety of tree used as firewood
- doyan
- ng, kr, kêrsa ki to like, have a taste for, enjoy. Aku lara, ora [x] mangan. I'm sick, I have no appetite. [x] main to enjoy playing cards. [x]-an 1 favorite food. 2 one who will eat anything. di-[x]-i [food] liked. sing n-[x]-i food one likes. n-[x]-i to want smn sexually
- doyani
- ng, setani kr n/di-[x] to have an opinion or idea about. Omah mau di-[x] wis payu. He thinks the house has been sold
- dhoyok
- a wy clown who wears a black mask (see also BANCAK). [x]-[x] to stagger, have difficulty walking. n-[x] to lean, list. Omahe wis n-[x] ngiwa. The house leans to the left
- dhoyong
- 1 slanting. Yèn [x] prayogi dipun cagaki. If it's leaning, you'd better prop it up. tulisan [x] italic type. 2 deviant, not standard. [x] pikirane to have peculiar ideas. basa Jawa sing [x] dialectal Javanese. n-[x] to lean/slant (to). Dhêke n-[x] mêmburi. He leaned back
- dhok
- 1 in, at, on [a place]. [x] kana there, at that place. [x] (ng)êndi? where? 2 (prn dhok) to be in, stay at (a place). Olèhmu ngê-[x] ana ngêndi? Where are you staying? See also ANDHOK, ÊNDHOK
- dhokar
- two-wheled horse-drawn cab
- dhokèr
- any tool used for scratching soil. (n)-[x] or (n)-[x]-[x] to scratch, claw at. [x]-[x] nang lêmah to claw earth
- dhokkur
- to squat facing away from an exalted person (shc from DHODHOK M-PUNGKUR)
- dhoklonyo
- eau de cologne
- dhokoh
- 1 greedy; voracious. 2 resolute, diligent
- dokok
- var of DÈKÈK
- dhoktêr
- (abbr: Dr.) medical doctor. [x]-an 1 hospital. 2 place where a doctor practies. 3 area where doctors live and/or practice. n/di-[x]-ake to take smn to a doctor. n-[x]-an sms [x]-AN. [x] ahli specialist. [x] ahli kulit dermatologist. [x] ahli jantung cardiologist. [x] gula laboratory chemist in a sugar mill. [x] kewan veterinarian. [x] (lêlara) jiwa phychiatrist. [x] umum general practitioner
- dhoktor
- 1 academic doctor, Ph. D. 2 doctorate, Ph. D. degree
- dhoktrin
- doctrine, set of theories
- dhokumêntasi
- 1 documentary film. 2 a file documenting a person
- dhokumèntèr
- documentary (film; photograph)
- dol
- ng, sade kr ngê/di-[x] 1 to sell. 2 to lease a rice paddy on certain terms (see under ADOL). di-[x] (ngu)wong to get cheated, be sold a bill of goods. ngê/di-[x]-ake to sell for smn (as middleman). ngê/di-[x]-i to sell sth; to sell to smn. pa-ngê-[x] trade, selling, merchandising. Saiki pangê-[x] lan panukuning barang sing mubra-mubru ora gampang. In these times it's not easy to deal in luxury items. pa-ngê-[x]-an place where sth is sold. [x] d-in-ol to sell to each other. [x] t-in-uku to buy and sell, do business. See also ADOL, DODOL
- dhol
- worn out (shf of BODHOL). ban [x] a worn-out tire
- dolan
- (or [x]-[x]) (amêng-amêng ki) to engage in recreation. kanca [x] playmate. Tindak amêng-amêng dhatêng panggènan kula. Drop in and see us! Ayo [x]-[x] mênyang êndi? Let's go for a walk (ride, pleasure jaunt). – Where shall we go? Yèn lara ora kêna [x]-[x] karo bocah-bocah liya. When you're ill you can't play with other children. (dê)-[x]-an 1 to engage in recreation. [x]-an layangan to fly kites. [x] dhomino (bal-balan, lsp.) to play dominoes (soccer, etc). mBok rana [x]-an karo kancamu. Why don't you run along with your friend! 2 game, pastime, source of amusement. [x]-an catur or [x] sêkak a/the game of chess; chess set. Amêng-amêngane gajah
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- putih. Her playmate was a white elephant. n/di-[x]-ake (var prn: n/di-dolak-ake) 1 to give smn a good time. A n-[x]-ake B mênyang Sala. A took B to Solo for a pleasure trip. 2 to give smn a plaything. Dhèke ora tau n-[x]-ake barang landhêp. She never gives him anything sharp to play with. n/di-[x]-i 1 to visit. 2 to amuse/divert smn. d-um-olan ltry to enjoy recreation. [x] ula mandi to court danger, play with fire
- dholar
- 1 dollar. 2 a variety of cookie sold in the marketplace
- dom
- needle. ngê/di-[x]-i to insert a needle/pin into. di-[x]-i nganggo [x] bundhêl fastened with a pin. [x] bolong sewing needle (with an eye). [x] bundhêl straigh pin, common pin (with a head). kaya [x] sumurup ing banyu stealthy; in secret; in disguise for the purpose of getting information. [x] canthèl safety pin
- domba
- a variety of large goat; fig large. n/di-[x]-ni 1 to keep an eye on. Prayoga di-[x]-ni wae. We'd better watch him. 2 to lead, be in charge of
- dombang
- see ANGIN
- domble
- n-[x] having a flabby protruding lower lip
- domblèh
- var of DOMBLE
- domblo
- (or kê-[x] or n-[x]) chubby in the cheeks
- domblong
- ptg [x] pl open-mouthed in wonder, confusion, surprise. n-[x] sg as above
- dombong
- see APÊM
- domèl
- n-[x] to whine and complain
- dhominasi
- domination
- dhomino
- domino. dolanan [x] to play dominoes
- dhompèt
- wallet, purse
- dhompyok
- bunch, cluster. rambutan sak [x] a bunch of leechee nuts
- dhompyong
- var of DHOMPYOK
- dhomplèng
- n-[x] to join smn. Mêngko yèn kowe mulih aku n-[x] montormu ya? Can you give me a ride when you go home? Nalika nang Jakarta aku n-[x] omahe kancaku. I stayed with a friend of mine in Jakarta.
- dhompo
- having a poor sense of rhythm or timing, esp. for dancing
- dhompol
- cluster, bunch. jambu sa-[x] a bunch of guavas. (dhê)-[x]-an (forming) a cluster/bunch. Jambune dhê-[x]-an nèng uwit. The guavas are in clusters on the tree. n-[x] to form a cluster.
- dhondhang
- var of JODHANG
- dondom
- [x]-an sewing, needlework; suture. [x]-[x] to do needlework. n/di-[x]-i to stitch, sew
- dhondhong
- (or kê) a variety of tree, also its edible fruits
- dhong
- 1 (to be) smn's turn. [x]-mu. It's your turn. [x]-e sapa? whose turn is it? kêtiban [x] (sms KÊ-[x]-AN below). 2 time when [sth happens]; while [sth happens]. yèn [x] adhêm (at times) when it's cold. Aku [x] ora ana ngomah. I wasn't home at the time. ing dintên [x]-ipun damêl on the day of the celebration. 3 to understand. Aku ora [x]. I don't get it. Wis [x]. Now I get it. 4 rpr tapping, pounding. Swarane palune pandhene [x] dhèng [x] dhèng. The blacksmith's hammer went tap-tap, tap-tap. [x]-e the fact is. [x]-e diwènèhake A, nanging klèru ditampa B. It was really given to A, but B got it by mistake. [x]-[x]-an to be good luck; if one is in luck. di-[x]-i to be agreed with, supported e.g. in a proposal. kê-[x]-an 1 to get a turn; to have one's turn. 2 to be accused of sth. ngê-[x]-ake 1 understandable. Kêlakuane kuwi ora ngê-[x]-ake. His behavior is incomprehensible. 2 (psv di-[x]-ake) to make understandable. Aku lagi ngêrti dhodhok sèlèhe barêng di-[x]-ake. I understand the circumstances now that he's explained. ngê-[x]-i on the point of [do]ing. Ngê-[x]-i wong-wong pada mangan, dhèke têka. We were about to eat when he came. See also DHONG-DHING.
- donga
- a prayer. maca [x] to recite a prayer. [x]-ne karêpe apa? What did he pray for? [x]-d-in-onga to pray for each other. n-(dê)-[x] to pray; to recite from the Koran. n/di-[x]-kake to pray for sth. n/di-[x]-ni to blees sth; to ask God's blessing for sth. Pak kaum n-[x]-ni slamêtane. The religious official asked God to blees the ceremony. pa-n-[x] prayer; act of praying. Pan-[x]-ku. My prayers go to you (salutation of a letter).
- dhongdhang
- var of JODHANG
- dhong-dhing
- 1 the facts about sth. Aku ora ngêrti [x]-e soal iki. I don't know the first thing about this problem. 2 to matter. Ora [x] kok nangis. It doesn't matter-you don't need to cry! 3 vowel scheme of a classical verse form. [x] têmbang kinanthi yaiku u, i, a, i, a, i. The vowel scheme of a kinanthi form is u, i, a, i, a, i.
- dongèng
- story. Kuwi ora têmênan, mung [x] wae. It didn't really happen, it's just a story. (dê)-[x]-an (various kinds of) stories.
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- n-[x] to tell a story. n/di-[x]-ake to tell a story (to). n/di-[x]-i to tell stories to. [x] gêdhog story from the Panji cycle. [x] purwa story from ancient Javanese mythology
- dhongglèng
- rpr metal clanging
- dhongkal
- uprooted, fallen. [x] rubuh or [x] rungkat or [x] sol to have fallen and come out by the roots
- dhongkèl
- n/di-[x] to pry up/out, to uproot; fig to oust. n/di-[x]-[x] to make an effort to uproot or oust. A di-[x]-[x] karo andhahane. A's subordinates tried to oust him
- dhongkêr
- var of DHUNGKAR
- dhongklak
- var of DHUNGKLAK
- dhongklèh
- broken off, cast down
- dhongkloh
- [x]-[x] nearly severed
- dhongkol
- (or [x]-an) (having) retired, resigned. kêpala [x] the retired boss. n-[x] resigned, e.g. to the inevitable
- dhongkrah
- var of DHONGKRAK. n/di-[x]-i to pry sth out
- dhongkrak
- jack (lifting tool). n/di-[x] to jack sth up
- dhongkrok
- n-[x] to sit idle. Sê-dina-dinane mung n-[x] ora gêlêm nyambut gawe. He just sits around all day, he won't work. Montorku wis mèh têlung sasi n-[x] nang garasi. My [broken-down] car has been sitting in the garage for nearly three months
- dhongkrong
- var of DHONGKROK
- dhongok
- var of JONGOK
- dongong
- n-[x] to stare open-mouthed
- donya
- world, earth. politik [x] world politics. Pêrang N-[x] Kaping Loro World War II. Lakune ing [x] iki kudu tulung-tinulung. We must help each other in this world. ka-[x]-n worldly goods. amal ka-[x]-n goods given as charitable donations. [x] karun hidden (buried) treasure
- doortrap
- see PIT
- dhop
- 1 a certain style of hat. 2 wheel cover, hub cap
- dhoprok
- n-[x] to plop down anywhere from exhaustion
- dhor
- bang! boom!
- dora
- (to tell) a lie (opt? kr for GOROH). [x] sêmbada or [x] cara a cover-up lie
- doran
- handle of a certain agricultural tool (pacul)
- dhorèng
- (or [x]-[x]) streaked, spotted. Têntarane nganggo klambi [x]-[x]. The soldiers wore camouflaged clothing. n/di-[x]-[x] to spot, streak
- dos
- kr shf for DADOS, KADOS
- dosa
- sin(ful), guilt(y). ngakoni [x] to acknowledge one's faults. wong ora [x] a person without sin. Aja takon [x]. Don't try to deny your guilt! pi-[x] oj sin(ful), guit(y)
- dhosèn
- university faculty member
- dhosin
- dozen
- dhosok
- n/di-[x] to push (against) sth. n/di-[x]-ake to push sth in a certain direction. Kopêre kuwi [x]-na mrene. Push the trunk over here!
- dhot
- 1 nipple; pacifier. 2 beep! honk! ngê/di-[x] 1 to give [a baby] a nipple or pacifier. 2 to honk (at)
- dhothong
- di-[x]-[x] to be transported by hand by many people together
- dowa
- var of DONGA
- dhowah
- [x]-[x] 1 opened widely. Jarike suwèk [x]-[x]. His batik has a big tear in it. 2 to open, pull apart the edges of
- dhowak
- var of DHOWAH
- dhowal
- [x]-[x] badly torn. See also DHÈDHÈL
- dhowèl
- var of DHOWAL
- dowèr
- n-[x] full, prominent [of lower lip]
- D.P.R
- see DHEWAN
- Dr.
- see DOKTÊR
- Dra.
- drad
- round-headed screw; threads matching such a screw. ngê/di-[x]-(i) to screw sth into a threaded hole
- dhradhil
- ptg [x] in shreds, ripped to pieces
- drajad
- 1 status, position. Saiki [x]-e putri Jawa wis munggah. The status of Javanese women has risen. nyudakake [x]-ng praja to lower the nation's prestige. 2 degree of temperature. wolu-likur [x] Celcius 28 degrees Centigrade. ka-[x]-an to be raised, elevated. wong sing kêpengin kê-[x]-an smn who wants to better himself
- drajag
- (or [x]-an or [x]-[x]) to behave impolitely, esp. to enter smn's house without first announcing one's presence
- drah
- a certain grass with fine leaves
- dhrakalan
- in great haste
- drana
- oj patient, calm, strong
- dhrandhang
- n-[x] intsfr bright, clear, hot. padhang n-[x] vary bright/light. panas n-[x] intensely hot (of noonday sun). See also SA-AWAN
- drawalan
- excited, agitated
- drawas
- kê-[x]-an to have a misfortune or accident. n-[x]-i dangerous, harmful
- dhrawul
- pl form of DHAWUL
- drê-
- dhrê- see also under DÊR-, DHÊR-. (Introduction, 2.9.6)
- drèdès
- var of JRÈJÈS
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- dhrêdhêt
- [x]-[x] or dhrêdhat-[x] to keep moving jerkily. n-[x] to move with a jerk
- drèjès
- var of JRÈJÈS
- drèg
- two-wheeled horse-drawn cart. [x]-[x]-an to behave boisterously
- drêg
- inf var of UDRÊG
- drèi
- screwdriver
- dhrèkèl
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] to have a hard time climbing sth
- drèl
- military salute, salvo. ngê/di-[x]-(i) 1 to fire a salute (for). 2 to fire many shots (at); fig to fire questions at
- drêmba
- greedy
- drêmolên
- var of DRIMOLÊN
- dhrêndhêng
- dhrèndhèng, n-[x] thundering of drums
- drêg
- var of DÊRÊNG
- dhrèng
- rpr drumbeats (of an Occidental-style drum). Tambure diunèkake, [x], [x], [x]. The drums went rat-a-tat!
- drêngki
- to wish smn ill, bear a grudge
- dhrèngkol
- ptg [x] drooping, bending downward [of tree branches]
- drêrêg
- ptg [x] pl to press, shove, jostle
- drêsêl
- n-[x] 1 to sneak into. 2 to push one's way in near the front of a line
- drèwès
- n-[x] to drip, flow. Êluhku n-[x]. I cried
- dhridhil
- var of DHRINDHIL
- driji
- ng kr, racik-an ki finger; toe. [x]-n finger-like. [x] manis ring finger, fourth finger. [x] sikil toe. [x] siwil a sixth finger/toe growing from an outer finger/toe. [x] tangan finger
- drig
- [x]-[x]-an 1 printed matter. 2 to behave boisterously. ngê/di-[x] to print [books etc.]. ngê/di-[x]-ake to have sth printed; to have smn print
- driya
- ltry heart, deelings
- driyah
- charitable gift. n/di-[x]-ake to donate sth. n/di-[x]-i to give charity to. sa-[x] donation, contribution
- dril
- drill (heavy cotton fabric)
- drimolên
- ferris wheel
- dhrindhil
- n-[x] to pour forth; to talk continuously
- dringo
- var of DLINGO
- drojog
- [x]-[x] 1 to show up unexpectedly. 2 to pour forth copiously. n-[x] steep(ly pitched). 2 sms [x]-[x]. d-um-rojog to show up unexpectedly
- drojos
- [x]-an or n-[x] to pour forth, flow continuously
- dhrodhog
- n-[x] to tremble, shiver
- drodos
- var of DROJOS
- drohun
- wy swear word; term of abuse
- drom
- [x]-[x]-an (in the form of) a noisy mob
- dromblong
- pl form of DOMBLONG
- dronjong
- [x]-an or n-[x] steep(ly sloping)
- dhrondhong
- rpr a hollow tapping. [x]-ing kênthong the sounding of the alarm
- drop
- ngê/di-[x] to deliver [supplies, reinforcements] to where they are desperately needed. ngê/di-[x]-i to supply [a place] with sth essential. Daerah-daerah sing minus di-[x]-i bêras. Rice was rushed to the areas where there were shortages
- Drs.
- drubiya
- bad, wicked. watak [x] evil character
- drubiksa
- ltry an evil forest ogre
- dhrudhul
- n-[x] to pour forth. Sing padha mêtu saka bioskupan isih n-[x] ngono kok. The moviegoers swarmed out of the theater
- dhrudhus
- [x]-an or n-[x] to push one's way through an overgrown area
- drug
- ngê/di-[x](-[x])-ake to stamp [the foot]
- drum
- drum, metal barrel
- dhrusul
- var of DRÊSÊL
- du
- ng, bên kr ngê/di-[x] to pit [opposing forces] against each other. pa-[x]-[x]-n to argue. wong sing dhêmên padudon one who is always quarreling. See also ADU
- duane
- customs office; customs official
- dubang
- saliva reddened by chewing betel (shc from IDU ABANG)
- dubilah
- excl of surprise: inf var of (NG)-UDUBIL(L)AH(I)
- dublag
- n/di-[x] to force-feed
- dhuble
- var of DHOBLE
- dubur
- var of JUBUR
- dhudha
- man left without a wife. [x] bantat childless widower. [x] bocah young man whose fiancee has died. [x] kawuk elderly widower or divorce. [x] kêmbang young widower or divorce. [x] mati widower. [x] urip divorced man.
- dhudhah
- [x]-an opened up and/or taken out. [x]-[x] to keep opening things or removing the contents of things. n/di-[x] to open sth with the intention of removing the contents; to remove, withdraw. Klambine di-[x]. He unpacked his clothing. Cèlènganku arêp tak [x]. I'm going to open my piggy bank. or I'm going to withdraw my savings. pa-n-[x] (action of) opening/removing
- dhudhat
- var of DHUDHÈT
- dhudhèt
- n/di-[x] to tear sth open and remove its insides
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- duding
- var of TUDING
- dudu
- ng, sanès kr 1 not (in equative predicates: cf. ORA); sth other than. Iki [x] pitku. This is not my bicycle. 2 no (as an equative reply). Iki apa pitmu? - [x]. Is this your bicycle? – No, it's not. 3 ... or (is it) not? Kae macan (apa) dudu? Is that a tiger (or isn't it)? [x]-n ng kr wrong, improper. Kuwi jênêng dudon yèn mung dirusuhi adhine banjur nabok. You musn't hit your brother just because he's annoying you. kê-[x]-n ng kr to make a mistake, be wrong. kê-[x]-[x] ng kr incredible, extraordinary. Ambane Samodra Pasifik kê-[x]-[x] yèn dibandhing karo Samodra Atlantik. The Pacific Ocean is far vaster than the Atlantic. [x] lan ati-ne not to one's liking. [x] rasa unfeeling, inhumane. [x] wong extraordinary, incredible
- duduh
- 1 juice, sap. [x] tape fermented cassava juice. 2 sauce, gravy. [x] pitik chicken broth. [x] jangan broth in which vegetables and meat have been cooked. 3 var of TUDUH
- duduk
- n/di-[x] to push/prod with a stick, e.g. to knock fruits from a tree
- dhudhuk
- place, position. Nang dhasbor ampèr mètêr digawèkke [x]. He made a place on the dashboard for the ammeter. [x]-an 1 act of digging. [x]-anku wis sapêngadêg jêrone. I've dug as deep as a man's height. 2 a dug hole. [x]-[x] to dig aimlessly. kê-[x]-an status, circumstances. Apa kê-[x]-ane randha ing sajroning warisan? How do things stand with the widow in regard to the inheritance? n-[x] 1 to reach [a destination]. 2 (psv di-[x]) to dig (up, out, etc.). n-[x] jugangan to dig a hole. n-[x] apus ka-pêndhêm to dig into the forgotten past. n-[x] prakara to rake up a past matter. Aja pisan n-[x] prakara asale. Don't inquire into his origin. n/di-[x]-i 1 to occupy. 2 to dig sth up/out. Oyode di-[x]-i. He dug up the roots. pa-n-[x] 1 act of digging. Pan-[x]-e wis rampung. He's finished the digging. 2 people, populace; population. pa-n-[x]-an occupation by military forces. wis [x] bojo legally married
- dudul
- n/di-[x] to push sth into or out of. Gabuse di-[x] mlêbu nang gêndul. He pushed the cork into the bottle
- dudut
- [x]-an a pull, tug; that which is pulled. kê-[x] to get pulled/yanked. n/di-[x]-(i) 1 to pull, jerk. Yèn taline di-[x], mêmêdène bisa manthuk-manthuk. When you tug on the rope, the scarecrow nods his head. 2 to attract, appeal to. n-[x]-i growing into adulthood
- dhuèl
- (to fight) a two-man fight. Lakone êntèk-êntèkane [x] karo bandhite nganggo pistul. In the end, the hero and the bad guy shot it out
- dhug
- rpr knocking. dhag-[x] rpr knockings, poundings. ngê/di-[x]-ake to knock sth [against sth]. Sêpatune di-[x]-ake nang kèsèd. He banged his shoes on the mat. See also DHAG-DHIG-DHUG
- duga
- ng, dugi kr (or [x]-[x] or dê-[x]) judgment, common sense. ora duwe [x] or ora wêruh [x] to act impulsively/recklessly. kê-[x] 1 capable of [do]ing. Wong nalika iku ora kê-[x] nggawèkake krêtêg. People in those days didn't know how to build bridges. 2 to condone, regard as acceptable. n-[x]-[x] to exercise judgment, use one's brains. pa-n-[x] assumption, guess. pan-[x] sing ora dhêdhasar kanyatan assumptions not founded on fact. [x] (lan) wêtara common sense. [x] panjênêngan whatever you wish to give/allow; it's up to you. [x] prayoga good judgment. [x] r-um-êksa to look after smn
- dhugal
- bloating of the stomach. n-[x] morally bad, low
- dugang
- [x]-an 1 act of kicking (from a sitting position) with the bottom of the heel. 2 thing kicked. n/di-[x]-(i) to kick (as above)
- dhugdhag
- var of DHUGDHÈNG
- dhugdhèng
- magically invulnerable
- dhugdhèr
- a certain folk festival
- dugi
- 1 judgment, common sense (kr for DUGA). 2 (or d-um-ugi) (up) to, as far as (kr for TÊKA-N, rg kr for TUTUG)
- duging
- small locust (young of the WALANG)
- dhuh
- var of ADHUH
- dhuhur
- oj high-ranking
- dhuyung
- mermaid
- duk
- 1 sugar-palm-tree fiber. tali [x] rope of such fibers. 2 past; when (ltry var of DHÈK). [x] ing ng-unib ltry once upon a time. [x] sandhing gêni providing an opportunity for immoral behavior, conducive to wrong doing
- dhuk
- to descend (root form: var of DHUN)
- duka
- 1 to be(come) angry (ki for MURING, NÊSU, SRÊNGÊN). 2 passionately angry; lustful (ki for NÊPSU). 3 to speak angrily (ki for M-UNI-UNI). 4 I don't know (oblique kr?, ki for ÊMBUH). Nyuwun [x]. (Forgive me) I don't know. [x] yayah s-in-ipi oj furious
- dukaci(p)ta
- oj grieving, sorrowful
- dhukir
- n/di-[x]-i to dig (around in)
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- duksina
- oj south
- dhuku
- a certain small round yellowish fruit
- dhukuh
- ng, dhêkah sbst? kr (or pa-[x]-an) small village under the administration of a different village
- dhukun
- faith healer; black-magic practitioner. mê-(r)-[x] to undergo trearment by a faith healer. n/di-[x]-ake to have smn treated by the above. n/di-[x]-i to deliver [a baby]. pa-[x]-an medical knowledge. [x] bayi village midwife. [x] biyasa general (non-specializing) faith healer. [x] jampi healer who uses herbs and folk medicines. [x] japa healer who uses incantations. [x] patah chiropractor. [x] petung-an specialist in astrological reckonings. [x] pijêt maseeur. [x] prewangan female medium. [x] sihir sorcerer. [x] siwir one who specializes in preventing misfortune. [x] sunat man who performs circumcisions. [x] susuk healers who inserts needles by magic to endow certain qualities, e.g. invulnerability. [x] (tê)mantèn person who oversees marriage produres. [x] tiba-n healer whose powers result from being possessed by a spirit. [x] calak man who performs circumcisions. [x] wiwit specialist who presides over harvest-initiating rites
- dhul
- 1 boom! 2 the time (at sunset, 6 P.M). when people who have fasted during the day are permitted to eat again: signaled by an exploding firecracker. 3 (prn dhu:l) word called out when catching smn in a children's game. [x] Pardi! One-two-three on Pardi!
- dulang
- n/di-[x] to spoon-feed smn
- dhulang
- round wooden tray
- dulêg
- n-[x] 1 overpowering [of tastes, odors]. Lêgine n-[x] bangêt. It's cloyingly sweet. Wangine n-[x]. The perfume is too strong. 2 (psv di-[x]) to insert a finger into [an opening; sth soft]. Mripaste A di-[x] karo B rikala gêlut. B stuck his finger in A's eye while they were fighting
- dulit
- amount taken n the fingertip. ênjêt sa-[x] a fingertipful of slaked lime. n/di-[x] to take on the fingertip
- Dulkaji
- 12th month of the Moslem calendar
- Dulka(ng)idah
- 11th month of the Mosle calendar
- Dulkadiyah
- var of DULKAJI
- dulu
- ltry ka-[x] to be seen; to appear. n/di-[x] to look at, see. kang padha n-[x] those who saw it; the spectators. pa-n-[x] sight; view. sa-pa-n-[x]-n (at) a brief glimpse. Sapandulon rada mèmpêr masku. At first glance he looks like my brother
- dulur
- ng, dhèrèk kr relative of the same generation. See also NAK, SÊDULUR
- dum
- [x]-[x]-an portion; (one's) share. Sêka kantor mau aku entuk [x]-[x]-an bêras. I got my rice ration from the office. ka-[x]-an to be apportioned; to receive (as) one's share. ngê/di-[x] to apportion, distribute. Olèhmu ngê-[x] sing rata. Divide it evenly! [x]-ên karo yumu. Share them with your sister. ngê/di-[x]-ake to distribute, hand out. ngê/di-[x]-i to distribute [to, among]. Murid-murid anyar padha diêdumi sabak karo grip. The new students were give slates and slate pencils. ngê-[x]- [x]-i buku to hand out the books. pa-n-[x] 1 (one's) share. 2 one's lot in life. See also ANDUM, PANDUM
- dum-
- dhum-, see also under D-, DH- (Introduction 3.1.7)
- dumèh
- var of DUPÈH
- dumêl
- kê-[x]-an to grumble with dissatisfaction within the hearing of the offender
- dumil
- dhumil, sa-[x] a tiny bit, very few
- dhumpyuk
- the same, indistinguishable. Kêpriye kok [x] gajah kabèh! We all got elephants (in the playing-card deal)! Warna loro mau ketok [x] ora bisa kontras. The two colors look the same-they don't contrast
- dumugi
- (up) to, as far as, until (kr for TÊKA-N, TUTUG); to the end (kr for TUTUG). ka-[x]-n to be brought to pass (kr for KÊ-TÊKA-N). n/dipun-[x]-kakên to accomplish, bring about (kr for N/DI-TÊKA-KAKE). n/dipun-[x]-ni to bring about (kr for N/DI-TÊKA-NI). See also DUGI
- dumuk
- a mark or touch of the finger. kêna ing [x] to have an accusing finger pointed at one. cap [x] thumbprint (in lieu of signature for an illiterate). n/di-[x] to touch with the finger(s). n-[x] irung 1 very close to, almost on top of. 2 intsfr dark. Pêtênge n-[x] irung. It was pitch dark. Wêngi kuwi n-[x] irung. The night was dark. sa-[x] bathuk sa-nyari bumi willing to lay down one's life for a woman or piece of land
- dumung
- a certain black snake
- dhun
- ng, dhak kr [x]-an a delivery, an unloading. rong [x]-an two loads. Sa-[x]-an pirang mbago bêrase? How many bags of rice per load? [x]-[x]-an 1 things unloaded. 2 unloading place. 3 a way down (other than stairs). kê-[x]-an (k-andhap-an kr) to be
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- affected by the descent of sth. Bakule rugi akèh bangêt sêbab kê-[x]-an rêga. The market sellers suffered large losses with the drop in prices. mê-[x] (m-andhap alternate kr; t-[um]-êdhak ki) to descend; to get off. Dalane munggah mêdhun. The road went up and down. mê-[x] saka pit to get off a bicycle. Rêrêgane wis mê-[x]. Prices have dropped. Kapale mabur mê-[x] ana ing Jakarta. The plane landed at Jakarta. mê-[x]-e gêndera flag-lowering. Aku mau esuk tangi jam pitu nanging olèhku mê-[x] saka pêturon jam wolu. I woke up at 7 this morning but didn't get out of bed till 8. mê-[x] lêmah ceremony in which a baby first touches the ground (see also TÊDHAK). ngê/di-[x]-ake (ng/dipun-andhap-akên kr) to lower, cause to descend; to help smn descend. ngê-[x]-ake pangkat punggawa to demote an employee. Kopêre di-[x]-ake saka sêpur. The trunks were unloaded from the train. Kucinge di-[x]-ake saka wit. He got the cat down from the tree. Bayinipun dipun andhapakên ing dharatan. The baby was placed on the ground [as part of the ceremony]. ngê/di-[x]-i (ng/dipun-andhap-i alternate kr) 1 to descend from, get off of. 2 to undercut. Supaya dodolane enggal payu, dhèke ngê-[x]-i rêga pasar. To sell his goods fast, he priced them lower than the market price.
- dhung
- 1 rpr a rhythmic sound, e.g. of tapping on hollow wood; of syllables chanted to accompany a rhythmic action. [x] nong [x] nong rpr the sound of gamelan instruments. 2 rpr an explosion. Mriyême diunèkke [x]! The cannon boomed. 3 rg var of DURUNG
- dunga
- var of DONGA
- dungkap
- n-[x] nearing, approaching. Anakku wis rolas tahun n-[x] têlulas. My child is 12 going on 13. Jam wis mèh n-[x] têkane Jana. It's almost time for Jono to get here. Ibune wis rada n-[x] ature anake. The mother understood what the child was trying to convey. sa-[x]-an only a short while remaining. Têmpuking gawe isih kurang sê-[x]-an mênèh. The date of the ceremony is drawing very near.
- dhungkar
- n/di-[x]-(i) to dig down to the roots (of).
- dhungkir
- var of DHUNGKAR.
- dhungklak
- stump, esp. of a cut bamboo stalk.
- dhungkluk
- n-[x] to bow the head; to look downward.
- dhungkrah
- n/di-[x]-i to pull out and scatter. n-[x]-i têla to scatter soil while digging down into furrows; to dig up furrowed soil and scatter it. Yèn njupuk layang-layang saka laci aja di-[x]-i. If you take the letters out of the drawer, don't disarrange them.
- dhungkruk
- n-[x] stooping; with bowed head and shoulders.
- dhungkul
- [of kerbau horns] curving low and downward to the rear (rather than upward, as usual). kêbo [x] a kerbau with such horns.
- dhungsak
- kê-[x]-an to experience great difficulties. Mêrga mlarat uripe kê-[x]-an. He's poor, and life is an uphill struggle for him. n-[x] to make/push one's way through sth.
- dhungsal
- n-[x] to stumble.
- dhungsang
- var of DHUNGSAK.
- dhungsir
- n/di-[x]-i to dig, root around in [soil].
- dhunuk
- term applied as a nickname to a chubby girl. [x]-[x] bent, esp. with age. dhunak-[x] unable to see clearly (because of poor vision or poor light).
- dunung
- 1 location, where sth is. Omahku [x]-e ing sacêdhake sêgara. My home is near the ocean. Sapa sing wêruh ngêndi [x]-e dhoktêr? Who knows where I can find a doctor? 2 the facts of the matter. Aku durung ngêrti [x]-e iku. I don't know anything about it. dê-[x] 1 located, situated. 2 to reside smw. kê-[x]-an to be the repository of [an emotion, trait, etc.]. Dhèwèke kê-[x]-an sih marang aku. He is filled with love for me. Dhasar pintêr, kê-[x]-an kêsugihan sisan. He's smart, and rich too. n/di-[x]-ake 1 to put sth smw. Para tamu di-[x]-ake ing pêsanggrahan. The guests were placed in the guest house. 2 to explain, describe. n/di-[x]-i to live smw. Pulo mau ora di-[x]-i ing wong. The island is uninhabited. pa-[x]-an place where sth is/belongs. Ing desa kae dadi papan pê-[x]-anku. That village became my home. asal pa-[x]-ane one's place of origin. pa-[x]-an pêtêng section or area where illicit activities take place, e.g. gambling, prostitution. d-um-unung situated; in, at. Kamare klas dumunung sakiwa têngêne gupitan. The classrooms are placed on either side of the narrow hall. desa sing dumunung ing pucuking gunung a village at the top of a mountain. durung (n)-[x] or ora (n)-[x] to not understand/agree. Aku kang di andharake isih durung n-[x] kanggone aku. I still don't understand (or agree with) what he's saying
- dupa
- incense. ngobong [x] to burn incense. n/di-[x]-ni to burn incense for sth/smn
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- dupak
- earthenware lamp
- dhupak
- [x]-an 1 a kick with the bottom of the heel. 2 object kicked. n/di-[x]-(i) to kick (esp. from a sitting position) with the bottom of the heel
- dupara
- see WAYANGa
- dupèh
- just because [of sth irrelevant]. Jaran sing nomêr têlu dijagoi [x] gêdhe. He bet on the third horse just because it was big. [x] anake wong sugih dhèke umuk bangêt. He brags a lot just because he's a rich man's son. [x]-ne rg var of [x]. [x]-[x] to consider oneself superior because of a superficial asset. [x] apa? why on earth ... ?
- dupi
- ltry when [sth happened]
- dhuplikat
- a copy, duplicate
- dur
- ltry bad, evil
- dhur
- 1 continuing, going on through. sêpur [x] a through or non-stop train. 2 (prn dhu:r) rpr a heavy explosion. dhar-[x] rpr repeated explosions. ngê-[x] to continue on through. Anggone main kêrtu wingi wiwit sore ngê-[x] têkan esuk. He played cards all night long, from yesterday afternoon to this morning.
- duraka
- a sinful or treasonable act. laku [x] to sin; to commit treason. ka-[x]-n sin; treason
- duratma(ka)
- 1 oj, wy abductor. 2 thief (ki for MALING?)
- durbiksa
- oj ogre, demon
- durdah
- shoo! scat!
- durjana
- one who commits immoral or illicit acts
- durèn
- durian (tree, fruit). [x] sa juring a durian-fruit section. n-[x] resembling a durian fruit. pipine n-[x] sajuring having beautifully shaped cheeks
- durgama
- oj a hazardous or difficult circumstance placed deliberately in smn's way
- dhurlop
- var of DHURLUP
- dhurlup
- long passageway connecting the main part of a house with the annex
- durma
- a certain classical verse form
- durmala
- oj evil-doer, evil genius
- dursila
- oj widely reputed as an evil character
- durung
- ng, dèrèng kr 1 not yet. [x] mangsane. It's not time for it yet. Dhèke isih [x] marêm. He still wasn't satisfied. Lakune [x] suwe kêpranggul kancane. He hadn't been walking long before he met a friend. Kabèh wis têka, mung kari Slamêt sing [x]. Everyone is here now except Slamet. Garapanku [x] tak garap. I haven't done my homework. wong-wong sing umure [x] wolulas taun people under eighteen. 2 no (answering a question containing wis or durung). Apa [x] mangan? - [x]. Haven't you eaten? – No. Wis têka apa [x]? - [x]. Is he here yet? – No. 3 not to mention ... Mêngkono tlitine wong ngupakara tanduran mbako, [x] panjagane murih ora karusak ing ama. That's how carefully they raise tobacco plants – to say nothing of how they protect them from pests. [x]-[x] not very long yet. [x]-[x] wis cuthêl lakone. His life ended almost before it began. Gawe siwur mbok sing kukuh, [x]-[x] wis pothèl. Why don't you make a stonger ladle-this (recently made) one is broken already. sa-[x] lan sa-uwis-e in advance. Wusana sa-[x] lan sauwise bakal paringmu wangsulan, aku matur nuwun. Let me close by thanking you in advance for you reply to this letter. sa-[x]-e before. sa-[x]-e mangkat before we leave. sa-[x]-e Slamêt têka before Slamet gets here. yèn [x] if not (yet); until. Apa wis tau dipriksa? Yèn [x] ... Have you never been examined? If not ... Aku ora arêp mangkat yèn [x] entuk kabar saka A. I'm not leaving till I hear from A. [x] nganti no sooner ... [x] nganti manyuk-manyuk têkan omah wis lunga manêh. No sooner had he come home than he left again. [x] sêpira-a not the whole story by any means. Iku mau [x] sêpiraa bêcike. And this is far from being the only good thing about it. [x] tau not yet ever. Aku [x] tau wêruh sêgara. I've never seen the ocean.
- durus
- kê-[x]-an to come true, be fulfilled
- dus
- bad, evil (oj). [x]-[x]-an plated. Gêlang iki dudu êmas tênan ning [x]-[x]-an. This bracelet isn't solid gold – it's gold-plated. ngê/di-[x] to plate. ngê-[x] logam to plate metal. ngê/di-[x]-i to bathe smn (see also ADUS).
- dhus
- carton, cardboard box. rèk sa êdhus a box of matches
- dustha
- dhusta, evil deed; theft. n/di-[x] 1 to abduct. 2 to steal (ki for MALING?)
- dusthabudi
- oj deceitful nature.
- dhusun
- village, rural settlement (kr for DESA).
- dusur
- kê-[x] to lose one's balance and fall forward
- duta
- dhuta, 1 oj messenger, courier. 2 ambassador. kê-[x]-an embassy. n/di-[x] to send smn as a messenger. [x] bêsar ambassador. [x] mudha deputy ambassador. [x] pa-ng-lawung messenger bringing word of a death
- dhucung
- see RÊBUT
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- du(w)-
- dhu(w)-, see also under DU-, DW-, DHU-, DHW- (Introduction, 2.9.7)
- duwa
- n/di-[x] 1 to push (against, off, away) 2 to resist, defy, stand up to
- dhuwak
- torn (oj). [x]-[x] intsfr torn. suwèk [x]-[x] badly torn
- duwe
- ng, gadhah kr 1 (or n-[x] ng; kagungan ki) to have, own. Meja kursi ora [x], [x]-ne mung ambèn. They have no chairs or tables, only benches. Aku [x] cangkriman, bêdhèkên ya. I have a riddle: guess it! lagi sêpisanan [x] anak to have one's first child. 2 to have a certain quality. wong ora [x] kêsêl a tireless person. [x] (ka)-luput-(an) guilty, at fault. Apa mas [x] luput? Has my husband done sth wrong? dê-[x]-(n) (gadhah-an kr) to own things. wong dêduwèn a well-to-do person. dê-[x]-n(an) (gê-gadhah-an kr) possessions. kê-[x]-n ng kr well off. n/di-[x]-ni 1 to have, get possession of. Sing kopondhoki nduwènana ering. Have respect for the people you are staying with. Kancaku bisa nduwèni omah sing kaya kadhaton. A friend of mine has acquired a palatial home. 2 to have charge of [a territory, as governing officer]. sa-[x]-[x]-ne whatever one has; according to one's possessions. Dhèwèke mêlu nguruni sa-duwe-duwe-ne. He contributed as much as he could afford. d-um-uwe ng kr to take good care of one's possessions. [x] atur to contribute to a discussion. [x] gawe to hold a celebration, esp. of a marriage or circumcision. ora [x] poor. wong ora [x] poor people. [x] pêrlu sms [x] GAWE. [x] rêmbug to bring sth up for discussion. sing [x] the owner. sing [x] omah home owner; host, hostess. See also DUWÈK.
- duwèk
- ng, gadhah-an kr, kagungan ki the possession [of]; belonging [to]. Buku iki [x]-ku. This book is mine. kagungane pak guru the teacher's. Dhuwèke sapa? Whose (is it)? pabrik srutu gadhahanipun bangsa tiyang Indonesia cigar factories owned by Indonesians. See also DUWE
- dhuwêl
- 1 a certain small poisonous snake. 2 var of DHUÈL. n-[x] to stay at home all the time, remain indoors
- dhuwêt
- blueberry; blueberry plant
- dhuwik
- var of DHUWIT
- dhuwit
- ng, (h)arta or (sbst?) yatra kr 1 money. [x] sêlawe rupiyah 25 rupiahs. sugih [x] having plenty of money. 2 having money. Isih tanggal nom, ning aku wis ora [x]. It's still early in the month but I'm out of money. 3 obsolete coin worth a little less than one cent. mata [x]-ên overfond of money. [x]-[x]-an play money, toy money. n-[x] ng kr to pay. ora n-[x] free of charge. n/di-[x]-i to pay for sth. [x] kêrtas paper money, bill(s). [x] payu negotiable currency. [x] pêcah coins, change. [x] putih coins, silver money. [x] rècèh or [x] cilik coins, change
- duwung
- rather than ...; it would be better if ... (var of LUWUNG)
- dhuwung
- kris (kr for KÊRIS)
- dhuwur
- ng, inggil kr high; tall. Dhèwèke gêdhe [x]. He's big and tall. Rêgane [x]. The prices are high. Abure [x] têmênan. It's flying really high! ing [x] above; at the top. buku ing [x] the above(-mentioned) book. Wohe ana ing [x]. The fruits grow at the top. Disoki santên nganti sêtêngah [x]. Fill it half full (halfway to the top) with coconut milk. [x]-e the height (of). Saking [x]-e nganti nèh[1] sundhul langit. It was so tall it almost scraped the sky. [x]-mu sêpira? How tall are you? [x]-[x]-an comparative height; to compare or compete for height. [x]-[x]-ane padha karo aku. He's as tall as I am. (dhê)-[x]-an ng kr high-ranking person. rakyat golongan dhê-[x]-an people of high status. [x]-ane trêsna, sor-sorane asih kabèh. His superiors loved him, as did his subordinates. kê-[x]-an excessively tall/high. n-[x] at the top; above. kasêbut ing n-[x] mentioned above. krêtêg sing ana n-[x]-e kali a bridge over a river. Dhèke bisa wêruh motor saka ing n-[x]. He could see the car from above. N-[x]-mu kuwi apa? What's that above you? N-[x]-e dluwang mau wur-wuranana pakan. Sprinkle some crumbs on top of the paper. n/di-[x]-ake to make sth higher (than it was). n/di-[x]-i to make sth high. Pagêre di-[x]-i bèn wêdhus-wêdhus mau ora bisa mlêbu. They made the fence high enough to keep the sheep out. sa-(n)-[x]-e above; at the top of. Sa-[x]-e paturon ana barang rupane anèh. There was a strange-looking object on (or above) the bed. ing sanginggiling andha at the top of the ladder. [x] kukus-e famous. [x] lêngkung-lêngkung very tall [of people]. [x] sisih higher on one side than the other. See also PANDHUWUR
- dw-
- dhw-, see also under DU(W)-, DHU(W)- (Introduction, 2.9.7)
- dwaja
- oj flag, emblem
- dwara
- oj gate, doorway
- dwi
- 1 oj two. 2 oj bird's wing. [x] dasa
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- ltry twenty. [x] kala biweekly. [x] lingga gram doubled root. [x] lingga salin swara gram doubled root with vowel change. [x] purwa gram reduplication of first syllable. [x] tiya ltry twice. [x] tunggal inseparable, two in one. [x] wasana gram reduplication of final syllable (e.g. cêkakak).
- dwija
- oj guru, spiritual leader.
- dwijawara
- oj greatly revered holy man
- dwipa
- oj 1 island. Jawa [x] the island of Java. 2 archipelago. [x] Nusantara Indonesia. 3 oj elepant.
- dwipangga
- oj elephant. [x] kang sarwa rêtna golden elephant decorated with diamonds (for court ceremonies)
- dwipantara
- Indonesia(n archipelago)
- dwirada
- oj elephant
- dyah
- ltry noble lady; princess
- dyaksa
- dhyaksa, oj skilled; intelligent
- dyatmika
- var of JATMIKA
1 | mèh. (kembali) |