Javanese-English Dictionary, Horne, 1974, #1968 (Hlm. 203–226: G)
CitraTerakhir diubah: 24-08-2021
Pencarian Teks
Lingkup pencarian: teks dan catatan-kakinya. Teks pencarian: 2-24 karakter. Filter pencarian: huruf besar/kecil, diakritik serta pungtuasi diabaikan; karakter [?] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau satu huruf sembarang; simbol wildcard [*] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau sejumlah karakter termasuk spasi; mengakomodasi variasi ejaan, antara lain [dj : j, tj : c, j : y, oe : u, d : dh, t : th].
- gêndu:t
- 1 rpr bouncing, springing. 2 fat, paunchy.
- gene
- [x] apa ng it is unlikely (that ...). [x] apa, wong utang kok ora gêlêm nyaur. Imagine a person borrowing money and not being willing to pay it back! [x] ya or ya [x] ng, (kenging) punapa(ha) kr why? how (come)? Yagene lampune saiki mati? How come the lights went off? Putrane lanang apa waras? putrane wedok geneya? Is her son well? and how about her daughter? Iki mau [x] ya? What's the matter with this? or What happened about this? [x] ki or [x] saiki ng it turns out, surprisingly, that ... [x] saiki bisa, barêng gêlêm sinau. See? you can do it, if you're willing to study. Jare bise mangkat jam wolu, [x] ki isih nang kene mangka wis jam sêpuluh saiki. The bus was supposed to leave at eight, and it's still here at ten! [x] ki isih duwe dhuwit, la kok mau nganggo utang barang. You have money – why did you borrow?
- gênêm
- ng/di-[x]-i to cook [leaf-wrapped foods] by steaming.
- gênêng
- in a high location. Pêkarangane [x]. The yard is on high ground. lêdhok [x] rolling, hilly (of gardens, fields). [x]-an high ground, a high location.
- gênêp
- inf var of GANÊP.
- gènês
- gênês, reddish-brown. Sogane [x]. The batik dye is reddish-brown.
- gênêt
- flour.
- gêng
- ltry var of AGÊNG.
- gênggêng
- ng-[x] to look splendid/majestic.
- genggong
- large. jangkrik [x] a certain large cricket.
- gèngsot
- leaning, not quite vertical.
- gêni
- ng, latu (or grama?) kr fire. (gê)-[x] or (gê)-[x]-n to stay near a fire, esp. to warm oneself. Dhèke lagi (gê)gênèn. He's warming himself by the fire. ma-[x]-[x] ltry to burn brightly. ng/di-[x]-ni to warm sth up, put sth on the stove to heat. ora ana [x] tanpa kukus you can't suppress news; the truth will leak out.
- gêni:t
- sexy, flirtatious [of girls or effeminate men].
- gênyal
- rpr the feel of sth soft and yielding. g-um-ênyal soft and yielding.
- gènyèh
- var of GONYÈH.
- gênyol
- var of GÊNYAL.
- gênyu:s
- rpr lunging with a sharp object.
- gêntha
- 1 large metal bell with a clapper. 2 cowbell. [x]-n bell-shaped.
- gêntayang
- [x]-an to sway from side to side; staggering, unsteady. Lakune [x]-an, kakeyan ngombe arak. He walked unstradily – he'd had too much to drink.
- gêntang
- to hull rice by pounding (root form: kr for TUTU).
- gêntawing
- var of GÊNTAYANG.
- gênteyong
- ptg [x] hanging everywhere, e.g. fruits from a tree. gênteyang-[x] to hang for a long time.
- gèntèng
- see GÈRÈNG.
- gênthèng
- var of GÊNDHÈNG.
- gènthèr
- long bamboo pole, esp. for reaching thing high up. ng/di-[x]-(ake) or ng/di-[x]-i to get sth down from a high place with a pole.
- gêntêr
- ng-[x] to keep making loud noises. swarane kênthongan ng-[x] the constant beating of a bamboo drum.
- gêntewang
- rpr a downward swoop or unexpected fall.
- gênti
- ng, gêntos kr. 1 a change, replacement; to change, shift. Yèn dalane mudhun [x] pêrsneling. When there's a downgrade, shift gears. 2 in (one's) turn. B [x] nêpsu mênyang A. B got mad right back at A. Ayo cangkrimana aku, mêngko [x] kowe bakal tak cangkrimi. Ask me a riddle, then I'll ask you one. [x] tahun [x] rêncana a new year, a new plan. [x]-[x] or [x]-[x]-n to change off, take turns. Olèhe ngombe gênti-gêntèn. They took turns drinking. [x]-n(-n) or [x]-n(-[x]-n)an ng, gêntos(-gêntos)an kr changing off; in (one's) turn. Bocah-bocah ngombe gêntèn. The boys took turns drinking. Jêdhing lan sumure mung siji, dadi mung gêntèn-gêntènan. There was just one well and bath house, so they took turns using it. Ora sabên dina pasar bukak, gêntèn-gêntèn, pêndhak limang dina sêpisan. The market wasn't open every day; it was held once every five days in each place. ng/di-[x] to replace. Rèbêwèse wis kadaluwarsa, kudu di-[x] anyar. His driver's license has expired; it has to be renewed. Sapa sing bakal ng-[x] Presidhèn? Who'll be the next president? ng/di-[x]-kake to make sth over to smn, transfer [property] to smn else. ng/di-[x]-ni 1 to take the place of, fill the position of. Sapa sing bakal nggêntèni kêpala kantor kene? Who's going to be the new head of this office? nggêntèni watang putung to replace smn in an inferior position. Sang Buda ora kêrsa jumênêng nata nggêntèni sang rama. Buddha did not wish to succeed his father as king. 2 to receive
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- [goods] through other than normal retail channels. Aku ora duwe bêras babar pisan, apa aku bisa nggêntèni sêlitêr bae, sesuk tak [x]. I'm out of rice; can you let he have one liter? I'll pay you back tomorrow. [x] tapak to follow in smn's footsteps. See also GANTI.
- gênthiyêng
- ng-[x] strong, robust.
- gêntiyung
- rpr a downward swoop.
- gênthilêng
- ng-[x] [of eyes] black and shining.
- gênting
- (or ng-[x]) frayed, broken nearly through. [x]-an in a frayed or nearly broken condition.
- gèncêng
- rpr sth hitting its true mark or getting to the appropriate place.
- gêncêr
- unswerving, right on, continuous. Sinaune [x]. He studied straight through. Swarane bêdhil [x]. There was the incessant sound of gunfire.
- gêntho
- 1 robber, bandit. 2 pejorative term of abuse.
- gêntoyong
- [x]-an or ng-[x] 1 (top)heavy. 2 [of gait] unsteady, lopsided.
- gènthol
- var of GANTHOL.
- gênthong
- earthen pitcher for keeping a supply of water handy. ng-[x] resembling an earthen pitcher. ng-[x] umos unable to keep a secret.
- gêntos
- a change; by turns (kr for GÊNTI).
- gêntur
- with complete devotion. [x] tapane. He devoted himself entirely to his meditations. ng-[x] tapa to meditate rigorously.
- gênuk
- small clay container for rice.
- gêpah
- sbst kr for GUPUH.
- gepak
- ng-[x] to turn off/away. Têkan prapatan wonge ng-[x] ngulon. He turned west at the intersection.
- gêpak
- flat (as contrasted with rounded or convex).
- gèpèng
- gêpèng, flat, two-dimensional. [x]-an flat(tened). [x]-an wêsi a flat piece of iron. ng/di-[x]-ake to make sth flat.
- gêpit
- ng/di-[x] to squeeze.
- gêpyok
- ng/di-[x]-(i) to hit, whack.
- gêplak
- a sugar-coated snack of glutinous rice and coconut.
- gêpluk
- var of GÊPUK.
- gêpok
- [x]-an connected with, related to. Yèn [x]-an bab pawulangan, takona S. If it has anything to do with schools, ask S. ma-[x]-an or mang-[x]-an concerned/connected [with]. ma-[x]-an karo kabudayan lan kasusastran relating to culture and literature. Aku êmoh ma-[x]-an karo wong sing gawene ngapusi. I won't have anything to do with a cheater. ng/di-[x] to come in contact with; to concern. Rodhane ng-[x] as. The wheel is resting on the axle. Konpêrènsi kasêbut ng-[x] kêpêntingan Indonesia. The above conference dealt with Indonesian interests. 2 to reprimand lightly. [x] senggol to have a connection (with). Aku ora wani [x] senggol karo panjênêngan. I don't want to have anything to do with you. Aku ora [x] senggol pêrkara mau. That matter doesn't concern me.
- gêprèt
- (or g-um-êprèt) uncomfortably hot.
- gêpruk
- var of GÊPUK.
- gêpuk
- [x]-an profit; windfall. ng/di-[x]-(i) 1 to beat, pound; to assault. Dhèndhèng wis di-[x]? Has the meat been pounded yet (in preparation for a certain dish)? Têntara Nêgara A ng-[x] têntara B. The troops of Nation A are attacking the B nation's troops.
- gêr
- 1 rpr laughing. 2 funny. gar-[x] rpr repeated laughter. [x]-[x]-an pl to laugh constantly.
- gêr-
- see also under GR- (Introduction, 2.9.3).
- gêrah
- 1 ill; painful (ki for LARA). 2 oj thunder. [x] uyang feverish; bewildered; having a compulsive appetite.
- gêrak
- to move (oj). [x]-an a movement, motion. [x]-an anti korupsi anti-corruption movement. [x] badan sports, athletics. See also GÊRIK.
- gêrang
- 1 worn out, of no further use. 2 old enough to know better. Bocah wis [x] kok isih durung ngêrti tatakrama. You're old enough by now to know your manners! [x]-an cr old; one who is old enough to know better. [x] dhaplok/gaplok an old hand; one who is sophisticated, worldly-wise.
- gêras
- 1 absorbent. 2 generous with one's money.
- gêrba
- var of GARBA.
- gêrbong
- railroad car (for freight or passengers).
- gêrji
- tailor, seamstress.
- gêrdhu
- sentry box, guard's hut. [x] listrik power house, generating plant.
- gêre
- [of rice paddies] not productive.
- gèrèd
- ng/di-[x]-(i) to drag, tow, pull.
- gêrèd
- rpr a squeaky door opening. Lawange yèn dibukak muni mak [x]. The door squeaks when you open it. g-um-êrèd to squeak, squeal. gumêrèting êrèm the screech of brakes.
- gêrêg
- ng/di-[x] to drive [livestock].
- gêrèh
- gèrèh, (or [x] pèthèk) a small flat round dried salt fish. [x] buntung the above, headless.
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- gèrèk
- left (over) (var of KARI). Dhuwitmu [x] pira? How much money have you got left?
- gèrèng
- ng-[x]-gèntèng to nag, whine, complain.
- gêrèng
- var of GÈRÈNG. ng-[x] intsfr dried up/out. Sumure asat ng-[x]. The well has gone bone dry.
- gêrêng
- (or ng-[x]) 1 to roar. 2 to moan in pain. ptg g-l-êrêng pl to roar.
- gêrêt
- groove, furrow, trench. [x]-an or [x]-[x] 1 grooved, furrowed. 2 marked with scratches. ng/di-[x]-(i) to make scratch marks (on).
- gêrik
- gêrak-[x] to move this way and that; to act, behave. Wong kuwi gêrak-[x]-e nyalawadi. That man is acting suspicious. See also GÊRAK.
- gêrilya
- guerrilla. pêrang [x] guerrilla warfare. ng-[x] to behave in a sneaky way; (psv di-[x]) to sneak sth away from smn. Panggonane nèng kantor wis di-[x] wong liya. He was elbowed out of his job by smn else at the office.
- gêrilyawan
- (the) guerrillas.
- gêring
- 1 (kêra kr) thin, emaciated. 2 sick [of animals]; cr of people. [x]-ên sickly, frail.
- gêrit
- ng/di-[x] to scratch. Kacane di-[x] nganggo paku. He scratched the glass with a nail. ptg g-l-êrit pl to scratch. swarane grip ptg glêrit the (sound of the) scratching of slate pencils. g-um-êrit to make a scratching sound.
- gêrma
- 1 hunter. 2 pimp, procurer.
- gêrmêmên
- var of GÊRMÊMÊNG.
- gêrmêmêng
- ng-[x] to grumble, mutter under one's breath.
- gêrmêng
- var of GÊRMÊMÊNG.
- gêrnat
- grenade.
- gêro
- [x]-[x] to utter a cry/snarl/growl. nangis [x]-[x] to cry with loud wailing. ng-[x] to roar. pa-ng-[x] act of roaring. pang-[x]-nipun singa a lion's roar.
- gêrok
- hoarse.
- gerong
- 1 male chorus accompanying gamelan music. 2 a variety of melon. [x]-an choral singing. ng/di-[x]-i to accompany [an instrumental melody] with unison singing.
- gêrong
- (or ng-[x]) hollow, sunken [of eyes].
- gêrot
- rpr an abrasive sound. Aku narik kursi, mak [x]. The chair scraped as I pulled it out. [x]-an characterized by abrasive sounds. alas [x]-an dense forest. [x]-[x] or g-um¬-êrot to make abrasive sounds. Yèn kowe mlaku nèng krêtêg pring kuwi mêngko rak [x]-[x] pringe. When you walk across a bamboo bridge, the bamboo stalks creak against each other.
- gêrpu
- var of GARPU.
- gêrtak
- [x]-an (act of) bludding. ng-[x] 1 (psv di-[x]) to order around, shout down. 2 [of peppery foods] bitingly hot. [x] sambêl a bluff; ng/di-[x]-sambêl to bluff. Kowe ora susah wêdi karo omongane, mung [x] sambêl. Don't be afraid of what he says – it's all bluff.
- gêru
- [x]-[x] in haste (var of GURU-GURU).
- gêrus
- ng-[x] 1 (psv di-[x]) to grind. di-[x] lêmbut ground to a fine powder. 2 in pain. 3 (psv di-[x]) to iron, press.
- gès
- var of GRÈS.
- gêsah
- var of GUSAH.
- gêsang
- life; to live; soul; functioning, operating; active (kr for URIP).
- gèsèh
- different, variying from. Omongane [x] karo tindake. His words belie his actions. Iwake rupa-rupa, dhapure iya [x]-[x]. There were all kinds of fish, all different shapes. Gambar iku sok [x] karo wujude. A picture is often different from what it's a picture of. ng-[x]-i 1 different from normal. Gèk ana kêdadeyan apa A iki, kok ng-[x]-i têmên. There's sth going on with A – he's not himself at all. Yèn si Kuncung mêsthi ng-[x]-i. You're a queer one, Kuncung! 2 (psv di-[x]) to challenge by offering an alternative. Usule di-[x]-i. His proposal was followed by another, of opposite intent.
- gèsèk
- a small edible sea fish.
- gêsêng
- 1 bruised, black-and-blue. 2 burned, scorched.
- gêsik
- 1 sand; ground brick. 2 toothpaste made of powdered red brick. ng/di-[x] to brush the teeth with this powder.
- gêsit
- var of KÊSIT.
- gèspêr
- small buckle for adjusting straps at the back of trousers, below the belt.
- gèsrèk
- 1 to rub (against). 2 different, at odds. [x]-an friction. ng/di-[x] 1 to rub sth. 2 [of kite strings] to get tangled.
- gèt
- [x]-[x]-an or [x]-[x]-ên easily surprised/upset. ka-[x] startled, taken aback (see also KAGÈT). ngê-[x] 1 startling, surprising. Têkane banyu dadakan ngê-[x] bangêt. The sudden flood took them by surprise. 2 to make a sudden movement. ngê-[x]-ake startling, surprising; (psv di-[x]-ake) to startle, surprise. ng/di-[x](-[x])-i to startle/surprise smn. Kowe iki mbok aja ngêgèt-êgèti ta. Don't scare me like that! See also KAGÈT.
- gêtah
- [x] pêrcah gutta-percha.
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- gêtak
- ng-[x] 1 (psv di-[x]) to shout at. 2 [of highly spiced foods] bitingly hot. [x] gajah a plant whose leaves are used in folk medicines.
- gêthak
- earthenware rice-cooking pot.
- gethang
- var of GOTHANG.
- gêtap
- [x]-an 1 easily shocked. 2 easily annoved; quick-tempered.
- gêtar
- rancid-tasting.
- gêtas
- 1 to break apart easily. 2 [of the human voice] clear and true.
- gèthèk
- 1 raft operated by poling. 2 litter for carrying a passenger. 3 stick, pole. 4 scar. [x]-an to ride on a raft.
- gêthèk
- 1 the morning half of a day. karo [x] a day and a half. 2 bamboo fence.
- gêthêk
- [x]-an chin (sbst kr for JANGGUT).
- gèthèl
- var of GRÈTHÈL.
- gêtêm
- gêthêm, a variety of crab. [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to express anger by gestures rather than words. ng-[x] untu to show or clench the teeth in anger.
- gêtèn
- hard-working, industrious.
- gêtêr
- 1 to shake, tremble. 2 wy double taps on puppet chest (one of the dhodhog-an sound effects). [x]-[x] rapid beating of the heart under emotional stress. ng-[x]-ake or ng-[x]-[x]-i or ng-gê-[x]-i to cause trembling. Ujiane ng-[x]-[x]-i. The exam is making him nervous. Sing disawang tangane kang alus, ng-[x]-ake atine. The sight of her soft hands set his heart to fluttering. g-um-êtêr 1 to shake, tremble. 2 earth-shaking noise. [x] patêr turbulence in nature, esp. wind and lightning storms.
- gêthêt
- indignant.
- gêtih
- ng, rah kr blood. [x] abang (putih) red (white) blood cells. ngêmu [x] (to have) a blood blister. [x]-ên to bleed. [x] nipas blood from post-natal bleeding. [x] umbêl dysentry.
- gêthing
- to have an aversion [to]. [x]-e karo aku sêtêngah mati. He hates me. Wong tuwane [x] bangêt karo dhèwèke. Her parents are dead set against him. ng-[x]-ake irritating. ng/di-[x]-(i) to have an aversion to.
- gêtir
- sour, tart.
- gècèk
- var of GOCÈK.
- gêcêk
- ng/di-[x]-(i) to beat, pound, soften up. Bawang dipun [x] lêmbut. Pound the garlic fine. Malinge di-[x] pitakonan-pitakonan karo pulisi suwe-suwe ngaku. Pressured by the police, the thief finally confessed.
- gècèl
- (or gecal-[x]) asymmetrical (esp. of spherical objects). Bale gecal-[x]. The ball is not perfectly round.
- gêcêl
- ng/di-[x] to massage the nect and head.
- gêcèt
- inconstant. ora [x] steady, constant, straight.
- gêcit
- ng-[x] to run fast.
- gêcok
- a dish prepared from ground-up meat. ng/di-[x] to tenderize [meat] by pounding. [x] gunêm word of mouth. [x] mêntah raw ground meat.
- gecol
- var of GÈCÈL.
- gêcos
- rpr a sharp blade striking. gêcas-[x] (to make) repeated axe strokes.
- gêcrèk
- gêcrak-[x] to chop (at) with a sharp blade.
- gêcrok
- gêcrak-[x] (to make) repeated axe strokes.
- gethok
- [x]-an in fun; in pretense. Olèhe ngantêm [x]-an. He hit him playfully. Tangise mau tangis [x]-an lan mung gaweyan bae. She wasn't really crying, she was just putting on an act.
- gêthok
- a measure for cloth: the distance between thumb-tip and opposite side of hand when thumb is extended sideways and the four fingers are oubled into a fist. ng/di-[x] to hit oneself in the knee. [x] gunêm or [x] tular word of mouth. kasagêdan ingkang angsalipun saking [x] tular know-how acquired by listening to others.
- gêtol
- ng-[x] eager, anxious.
- gêthu
- ng-[x] having one's attention devoted wholly to the task at hand. Olèhe sinau ng-[x]. He concentrated on his studying.
- gêthuk
- 1 mashed food, esp. cassava. 2 cassava cookie. [x]-an small inner room of traditional houses, usu. for sleeping. [x] lindri mashed cassava presed through a grinder so that it resembles hamburger. [x] macan tutul mashed cassava dotted with syrup.
- gêtun
- remorseful. Aku [x] dhèke ora tak jak. I feel bad about not asking him to come along. ng/di-[x]-i to regret, feel remorseful (about).
- gêthunu
- var of GÊTHU.
- gewar
- var of GIWAR.
- gèwêl
- rpr biting.
- gewol
- inferio. têmbako [x] poor-quality tobacco.
- gêzag
- prestige.
- Gg.
- see GANG.
- gibas
- fat.
- gibêr
- [x]-[x] intsfr fat. Dhèke lêmu [x]-[x]. He's obese.
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- gidhal
- var of GADHÊL.
- gidrah
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] [of huge men] to dance, march, etc. in a group. ratu dênawa ptg [x] the ogres marching.
- gidro
- [x]-[x] or gidra-[x] to have a tantrum. nêsu gidrah-[x] in a frenzy of anger.
- gidhuh
- deluged by immediate and urgent matters. ng/di-[x]-i to distract smn who is under great pressure.
- gigah
- to wake up (root form: opt? kr for GUGAH).
- gigal
- to drop (off, out).
- gigat
- to accuse (root form: kr for GUGAT).
- gigi
- 1 tooth. sikat [x] toothbrush. gosok [x] toothpaste. nggosok [x] to brush the teeth. 2 tooth-like projection, cog, gear.
- gigi:h
- steamed glutinous rice.
- gigik
- cog, gear (var of GIGI). ng-[x] to giggle, chuckle.
- gigil
- [x]-ên to shiver with cold (see also KAMIGIGIL). ng-[x] 1 incessant. Watuke ng-[x]. He coughs constantly. 2 to shiver.
- gigir
- var of GÊGÊR. [x]-[x] mountain range.
- gigis
- eroded, worn in spots.
- gigit
- ng/di-[x] to bite (on), bite (down) on. ng-[x] lambe to bite the lips. ng-[x] untu to clench the teeth.
- gigrig
- 1 to fall, drop out. Wulune [x]. He's shedding his feathers. 2 frightened. ora [x] wulu-ne sa-lamba undismayed; not the least bit frightened.
- gigrik
- ng-[x] to keep laughing.
- gigu
- revolted, disgusted. ng-[x]-ni revolting. Kewan mau nggigoni. That creature revolts me.
- gih
- (or ng-[x]) inf var of INGGIH.
- giya
- turn! (command to farm animals).
- giyak
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] noisy, clattering.
- giyanti
- 1 a certain plant. 2 site of the 1755 peace talks which resulted in the division of the Mataram kingdom into Jogjakarta and Surakarta.
- giyar
- [x]-an a radio broadcast (var of SIYAR). [x]-an uyon-uyon gamelan music broadcast. ng/di-[x]-ake to announce; to broadcast. Bab mau wis di-[x]-ake ing surat-surat kabar. It's been publicized in the newspapers.
- giyat
- energetic, vigorous. ka-[x]-an activity. nindakake kê-[x]-an subversip to engage in subversive activities. ng/di-[x]-ake to stimulate, encourage, press for activity.
- gik
- var of DHÈK, GÈK. (ng)-[x] in, at, on. Potlote (ng)-[x] ndhuwur meja. The pencil is on the table.
- gila
- 1 revolted (by); to find loathsome. Aku [x] klabang. Centipedes repel me. 2 (prn gila) to long or thirst for. [x] pangkat power-hungry. [x] hormat to demand adulation from one's subordinates. ka-[x]-[x] 1 revolting, loathsome. 2 extreme; extremely good-looking. Ayune ka-[x]-[x]. She's very beatiful. Ampuhe ka-[x]-[x]. His strength is awesome. ng-(gê)-[x]-ni causing loathing or revulsion. Rupane ng-[x]-ni. He's repulsive-looking. See also KAMIGILAN.
- gilang
- [x]-[x] 1 [of corpses] lying in the open uncovered. 2 (or g-um-ilang) bright, glittering, shiny.
- gilap
- shiny, gleaming. ng/di-[x]-ake to cause to shine/gleam. ng-[x]-ake montore to polish the car. g-um-ilap to shine, gleam.
- gilar
- [x]-[x] 1 broad, vast. 2 immaculate, spick and span. 3 shining, glowing.
- gilês
- ng/di-[x] to mash, flatten. kê-[x] sêpur run over by a train. ng-[x] jamu to mash ingredients for folk medicine.
- gili
- rg road, street.
- gilig
- 1 cylindrical, 2 well developed, well formulated. [x]-an 1 formed into a cylinder wêsi [x]-an iron ingot. 2 to have formulated an agreement. [x]-ên eroded, worn down. ng/di-[x]-ake to form into a cylinder; fig to round out or formulate. Rakyate ng-[x]-ake tekad. The people stiffened their determination. ng/di-[x]-i to form [things] into cylindrical shapes.
- giling
- [x]-an 1 mil; millstone. 2 ground, milled. 3 act or way of milling. [x]-ane alus. It was ground fine. ng/di-[x] to grind, mill. têbu sing arêp di-[x] sugar-cane to be ground. sa-[x] a handful of cooked rice: used as a measuring unit. See also PANGGILING.
- gilir
- [x]-an one's turn; by turns. Saiki [x]-anku. It's my turn now. Lampu nang kampungku [x]-an. The electricity in my village alternates days (i.e. is on one day, off the next). [x] g-um-anti periodically; off and on; by turns.
- gilo
- ng, punika kr (see) here! [x], tak kèki wungkusan. Look, I've brought you a snack! [x], paturone kene. Here, this is the bedroom.
- gilok
- [x]-[x] Jogja slang sometimes, from time to time.
- gilut
- ng/di-[x] to exert, exercise. ng-[x] kêsênêngane ing bab sêni to indulge one's enjoyment of art. ng/dipun-[x] to chew (root form: kr for MAMAH).
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- gim
- 1 golden thread or braid in decorative applications to clothing. 2 (end of the) game; result of the game (esp. tennis). (Wis) [x]. (That's) game! Tènise wis [x]. The tennis game is over. [x]-e pira? What's the final score? [x]-an group of games, esp. those comprising a set in tennis. Maine pirang [x]-an? How many games did the set go?
- gimbal
- 1 unkempt [of hair]. 2 loose skin folds hanging from the neck of certain animals. 3 a dish made with fried rice-flour chips containing peanuts or fish. 4 overhanging eaves of a traditional Javanese house.
- gimblah
- [x]-[x] intsfr fat. lêmu [x]-[x] obese.
- gimblêg
- var of GIMBLAH.
- gimi
- [x]-[x] in a hurry. Aja [x]-[x]. Take your time!
- gimik
- gimin rg var of DHISIK.
- gimnastik
- gymnastics.
- gin-
- see also under G- (Introduction, 3.1.7).
- gina
- use(fulness), benefit, meaning (kr for GUNA).
- ginda
- massage (root form: ki for DADAH).
- ginjêl
- kidney.
- ginjlong
- var of KINCLONG.
- ginêm
- 1 talk (kr for GUNÊM). 2 wy puppet dialogue (spoken by the puppet-master).
- ginggang
- separated by [a small distance]. ora [x] sarambut not a hair's – breadth apart.
- gingsir
- to slide (down). Lêmahe [x]. The soil slid down. Atine [x]. His heart sank.
- gingsul
- [of teeth] uneven.
- gini
- 1 property acquired jointly during a marriage, which hence is divided in the event of divorce. 2 oj woman. See also GANA.
- ginyêr
- ng-[x] to press and fondle (in massage).
- gintêl
- ng/di-[x] to pinch with thumb and forefinger.
- gintês
- var of GITÊS.
- gincu
- red coloring matter. ng/di-[x] to redden the cheeks or lips with cosmetics.
- gintung
- a certain tree.
- ginu:k
- [x]-[x] or ginak-[x] very fat.
- giraha
- to shoo (root form: kr for GURAH).
- girahb
- (rg kr for KUMBAH?) [x]-an laundry. ng/di-[x]-ake to launder for smn. ng/di-[x]-(i) to launder. Si gêndhuk lagi ng-[x] klambi. The servant girl is washing clothes.
- girang
- a certain tree. [x]-[x] or [x] g-um-uyu jubilant, triumphant.
- girap
- [x]-[x] to feel intense loathing.
- giras
- wild, untamed; afraid of human beings.
- giri
- 1 oj mountain. 2 (or [x]-[x]) to rush into action. Aja [x]-[x]. Not so fast! Aja [x] nangis, ditlusur dhisik sêbabe. Don't just burst into tears – try to find out why. ka-[x]-[x] breathtaking. Ayune ka-[x]-[x]. She's exquisitely beautiful. Rupane ka-[x]-[x]. He looks terrifying. ng/di-[x]-[x] to hurry smn.
- girik
- identification card.
- girilaya
- oj mountain.
- giring
- ng/di-[x] to drive [livestock]. ng-[x] kêbo nèng kandhang to drive the kerbaus into the stable. [x] esuk the time (ca. 11 A.M.) when cattle are driven to the river for bathing and watering. [x] sore the time (ca. 6 P.M.) when cattle are returned to the stable. See also TÊMUb.
- giris
- frightened. ng-gê-[x]-i frightening.
- giro
- var of GÊRO, See also KANTOR, KÊBO.
- gisang
- rg var of PISANG.
- gisik
- (or gê-[x]) beach, shore.
- gita
- 1 song, chant. 2 (or [x]-[x]) in great haste.
- githang
- var of GOTHANG.
- gitar
- guitar. ng-[x] to play the guitar. ng/di-[x]-i to accompany [smn's singing] with guitar.
- gitaris
- guitar player.
- gitêl
- var of GINTÊL.
- gitês
- githês, ng/di-[x]-(i) to kill [lice] by pressing with the thumbnail.
- githêt
- var of JITHÊT.
- githi
- [x]-[x] in haste.
- gitik
- stick, club. gê-[x] club used for beating. ng/di-[x] 1 [of fighting cocks] to beat with the wings and legs. 2 slang to draw the winning lottery number. ng/di-[x]-(i) to beat with a stick.
- githi:r
- fast (of running pace).
- githok
- ng kr, griwa ki nape of the neck.
- giwang
- 1 to yield, give way. 2 (or gê-[x]) earring set with a single jewel. kê-[x] to be subjected to temptation. g-um-iwang [of sun] to set. [x] kara oj sun.
- giwar
- ng-[x] to swerve, veer. ng/di-[x]-i to move out of the path of.
- gya
- 1 oj (and) then, (right) after that. 2 to the left! (command to a farm animal).
- gyak
- var of GYA GYA.
- glabad
- thin protective membrane.
- glabèt
- [x]-an or globat-[x] to have the tongue hanging out and moving from side to side.
- gladhag
- 1 split-bamboo fence support. 2 bamboo ceiling. 3 short hunting spear. 4 porter; janitor. [x]-an 1 rack (for keeping spears; for drying). 2 footloose. ng-[x] 1
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- (psv di-[x]) to hunt with a spear. 2 smooth; free of holes. 3 (or g-um-ladhag) swiftly flowing.
- gladhe
- var of GLADHI.
- gladhi
- drill, training, rehearsal; to practice, rehearse. [x] rêsik rehearsal; dress rehearsal. [x]-n (to engage in) drill, training. gladhèn militèr military training. ng/di-[x] to train, drill. Yèn sirahmu ora kêna di-[x], tanganmu bae [x]-nên. If you can't train your mind, train your hands! di-[x] baris to be drilled in marching. pa-ng-[x] act of practicing/drilling.
- gladrah
- [x]-an neglected. Bêras sêpirang-pirang [x]-an ana njogan. There's rice all over the floor and no one picking it up. ng-[x] 1 available everywhere, plentiful. 2 disinterested, indifferent.
- gladri
- front porch.
- glagah
- 1 stalk of the sugar-cane blossom. 2 a variety of sugar cane.
- glagar
- lengths of bamboo or wood fastened together for fence sections.
- glagat
- outward indication. Wong tuwa mau wêruh [x] sing ora bêcik. The old man saw sth he didn't like the looks of. Rêmbug lan [x]-e wong bisa dadi piranti ngrampungake kuwajiban. A person's remarks and general aspect are [a detective's] tools for doing his job. [x]-e it seems from appearances ... nDêlok [x]-e arêp udan. It looks like rain.
- glagêp
- rpr gasping for breath. Dhèke slulup, [x], [x], mèh wae klêlêp. He sank below the surface, gasped for air, and nearly drowned. [x]-an 1 to gasp for air. 2 to stammer under emotional stress. [x]-[x] or glogap-[x] 1 to keep gasping for air. 2 to stammer.
- glayar
- [x]-an 1 to wander from place to place. 2 (or [x]-[x]) to reel, stagger. ng-[x] sms [x]-AN . Wis bêngi ngene kok isih ng-[x]. How come you're still up and around at this time of night?
- glayêm
- gloyam-[x] or ng-[x] to flatter, speak hypocritically, tell the listener what he wants to hear.
- glalêr
- pl form of GALÊR.
- glali
- lollipop, or any hard candy.
- glambèr
- cow's wattles.
- glambir
- var of GLAMBÈR.
- glambyar
- ng-[x] insipid. Gunêmane ng-[x]. What he said is pointless. Rencangane isih ng-[x]. His plans are vague. Sop kuwi rasane ng-[x]. The soup tastes flat.
- glambrèh
- ptg [x] hanging about in disorder.
- glandhang
- [x]-an nomadic. wong [x]-an those with no roof over their heads; harmless drifters. g-um-landhang loud and clear. Swarane gumlandhang. His voice carries well.
- glang
- [x]-[x]-an [of women] to walk the streets.
- glanggang
- arena for combat; fig field, area. [x] politik ndonya the area of world politics. [x]-an rice field planted to sugar cane after the rice has been harvested.
- glangsar
- rpr a person or animal falling. [x]-an to lie on the ground taking it easy. ng-[x] to fall to the ground.
- glangsur
- [x]-an to inch forward on the stomach. ng-[x] 1 sms [x]-AN. 2 (psv di-[x]) to anoint, rub.
- glanyong
- [x]-an to converse nonsensically or inconsequentially.
- glanthang
- [x]-an equipment for hanging sth in the sun and air. ng-[x] 1 (psv di-[x]) to dry sth in the sun. 2 intsfr hot [of sun]. panas ng-[x] intensely hot.
- glape
- var of GAPE.
- glaput
- covered with a substance. Awake [x] gêtih. He had blood all over him.
- glasah
- [x]-an or ng-[x] lying strewn about untidily.
- glasar
- var of GLANGSAR.
- glathaka
- ng-[x] having an all-consuming appetite for both normal and bizarre food items.
- glathakb
- rg bamboo fence.
- glathe
- glotha-[x] or ng-[x] aimless, without purpose.
- glathi
- knife used as a weapon.
- glathik
- a small gray bird that frequents rice paddies. ng-[x] resembling this bird. ng-[x] m-ungup [of fingernails] reddened at the tips. ng-[x] sa-kurung-an cooperative; harmonious. [x] belong black-headed whitecheeked glathik bird. [x] buras a glathik bird with a spotted head. [x] watu or [x] wingka a pearly-colored glathik bird.
- glawat
- ng-[x] to struggle against superior forces.
- glebag
- rpr a turning motion. Mak [x] sêdhela wae wis nang sisihku. He pivoted and came to my side. [x]-an to keep turning. Olèhe turu [x]-an. He tossed and turned in his sleep. ng-[x] to turn (over, around).
- glèbès
- [x]-an to keep shaking the head.
- glêbyar
- pl form of GÊBYAR.
- gledhah
- [x]-an act of searching. [x]-ane wis bubar. The search is over. [x]-[x] to search for. ng/di-[x] to search sth. Omahe di-[x]. His house was searched.
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- glèdhèg
- 1 rpr the sound of rolling. Lha kae ana [x], [x]. I hear wheels! 2 swiftly flowing. [x]-an 1 anything having wheels. 2 wagon, cart. 3 road leading toward a traditional style home where an important person resides. g-um-lèdhèg 1 to roll. 2 to flow swiftly.
- glêdhêg
- rpr a heavy rumbling. [x]-an [of fire] to flare up or spread rapidly. g-um-lêdhêg producing a heavy rumbling.
- glêdrug
- pl form of GÊDRUG.
- glêga
- trunk of a coconut palm (sbst? kr for GLUGU).
- glêgêg
- rpr gurgling. [x]-[x] or glêgag-[x] rpr repeated gurgless. Dhèke ngombe [x]-[x]. He gulped the drink. g-um-lêgêg to gurgle.
- glègèk
- a belch. [x]-ên to belch. glegak-[x] 1 to belch repeatedly. 2 to keep laughing. ng/di-[x]-ake to cause smn to belch; to burp [a baby].
- glêgêr
- rpr a sudden heavy sound. Mriyême muni [x]! The canon boomed. glêgar-[x] to keep booming. g-um-lêgêr to boom, crash.
- glègès
- var of GLÊGÊSa.
- glêgêsa
- glêgas-[x] to keep laughing to oneself. ng-[x] to laugh inwardly.
- glêgêsb
- sugar-cane blossom.
- gleyang
- rpr swinging.
- glèyèh
- ng-[x] to rest, esp. lying down.
- gleyong
- var of GLEYANG.
- gleyor
- string bean. [x]-[x] or gleyar-[x] to walk unsteadily.
- glèlèng
- [x]-an or glelang-[x] or ng-[x] (to walk) with a swaggering or arrogant gait.
- glêlêr
- ng-[x] to sneak away/out; to leave with out saying goodbye.
- glêlês
- var of GLÊLÊR.
- glelo
- ng-[x] to nod drowsily.
- glembyor
- glembyar-[x] hanging about in disorder. ng-[x] to hang loosely.
- glemboh
- [x]-[x] fat, obese.
- glembong
- var of GLEMBOH.
- glêmbor
- pl var of GÊMBOR.
- glêmbug
- ng-[x] to try to convince or persuade smn. pa-ng-[x] an attempt at persuasion.
- glêmbus
- ng-[x] 1 pale from illness. 2 to fade.
- glempang
- ng-[x] to tip over. ng/di-[x]-ake to tip sth over.
- glempo
- a large handkerchief.
- glendhang
- ng-[x] 1 empty. 2 to go traveling without money or provisions.
- glêndhèh
- young peanut. [x]-[x] or glêndhah-[x] [of walking gait] slow-paced and with arms swining.
- glêndêm
- glêndam-[x] or ng-[x] 1 to behave quietly. 2 to sneak other people's property.
- glèndhèng
- ng-[x] 1 speedy. 2 (psv di-[x]) to drag sth.
- glêndhêng
- [x]-an in the form of long uncut stalks (of bamboo).
- glèndèr
- stick of wood or bamboo used as a prop. ng-[x] to slope.
- glenjor
- [x]-[x] swollen and water-filled.
- glênêng
- ng-[x] to flow smoothly and placidly.
- glênês
- glênas-[x] or ng-[x] to leave without saying goodby; to sneak away/out.
- glênggêm
- var of GLÊNDÊM.
- glènggèng
- ng-[x] to sing loudly and continuously.
- glênggêng
- rpr the sound of rapid drinking. Mak [x] banyu sêgêlas diombe. He gulped down a glass of water.
- glengsor
- [x]-an or ng-[x] to sit on the ground.
- glênik
- [x]-[x] to talk in a low voice.
- glênyèh
- ng-[x] to chew betel habitually.
- glêpang
- sbst kr for GLÊPUNG.
- glepot
- soiled, stained.
- glêpuk
- ng/di-[x] to hit, esp. with a stone.
- glêpung
- powdered substance; flour, esp. rice flour. ng/di-[x] to make [esp. rice] into flour. [x] jagung corn flour, cornstarch. [x] êndhog powdered egg. [x] gandum wheat flour. [x] gaplèk powdered dried cassava. [x] hunkue green-bean flour, powdered bean. [x] kêtan glutinous-rice flour. [x] masina corn flour, cornstarch. [x] têrigu wheat flour.
- glêrêng
- pl form of GÊRÊNG.
- glèsèh
- var of GLASAH.
- glêsêr
- rpr crawling motions.
- glesor
- [x]-an to roll around on the ground.
- glethak
- ptg [x] or ng-[x] lying scattered or sprawled. ng/di-[x]-ake to put/leave sth (lyaround). g-um-lethak lying sprawled/scattered.
- glèthèk
- ng-[x] ubiquitous. [x] pêthèl-e plain, obvious.
- glêthêk
- 1 rpr the sound of sth falling. 2 rpr an unexpected piece of good luck. 3 rpr a joint twisting.
- glece
- gleca-[x] or ng-[x] to shirk, lie down on the job.
- glewang
- ng-[x] 1 to tip over. Kretane ng-[x]. The cart overturned. 2 [of sun, moon] to pass the zenith. ng/di-[x]-ake to tip sth over.
- glewo
- [x]-[x] chubby, plump.
- glibêd
- to go past, pass by. [x]-an or glibad-[x] to keep going past; to walk the floor. ng-[x]
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- 1 to stick around. Aja ng-[x] wae, dolan kana! Don't hang around here – go play! 2 to twist/distort smn's words.
- glidhig
- one who helps out at a ceremony. ng-[x] 1 to work as a day laborer. 2 (prn ngglidhi:g) obnoxious; destructive. g-um-lidhig swiftly flowing.
- glidrah
- ptg [x] moving or dancing ponderously (esp. of wy ogres).
- gligap
- (or [x]-an) to start with surprise. katon [x]-an kagèt to look startled.
- gligi
- cylindrical. [x]-n 1 forming a cylinder. gêlang gligèn arm band. wêsi gligèn iron bar. 2 to reach an agreement or understanding.
- gligik
- [x]-[x] or gligak-[x] to chuckle.
- gligir
- [x]-an hexagonal. ng-[x] long and smooth. Tilase tatu ng-[x]. The scar from the wound makes a long smooth mark.
- gliyak
- [x]-[x] at a comfortable (rather than hurried) pace.
- gliyêk
- var of KLIYÈK.
- gliyêng
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to feel faint. Aku (or sirahku) ng-[x]. My head is swimming.
- gliyêr
- 1 rpr falling asleep. Lêt sêdhela mak [x] turu. After a while he dozed off. 2 rpr a dizzy feeling. 3 rpr a bobbing movement. ng-[x] to feel dizzy/faint.
- glimbung
- glimbang-[x] to lie around taking it easy.
- glimpang
- var of GLEMPANG.
- glimpung
- rpr a sudden fall. ptg [x] lying strewn about. ng-[x] to lie curled up snugly.
- glindhing
- 1 rpr rolling. 2 oxcart with solid wheels. 3 small round pellets. 4 name of one of the small playing cards (kêrtu cilik). [x]-an 1 in the form of pellets. 2 wheel. ng-[x] to roll. ng/di-[x]-ake to roll sth. ng/di-[x]-i to make spherical. Dhèke ng-[x]-i gêthuk. She formed the mashed cassava into balls. g-um-lindhing to roll.
- gli:ng
- rada [x]-[x] somewhat deficient mentally.
- glinggang
- dead tree/wood.
- glingsêng
- (or ng-[x]) intsfr black. irêng (ng)-[x] pitch black; deeply sun-tanned.
- glinthêng
- (or ng-[x]) intsfr dark. irêng (ng)-[x] intensely dark/black.
- glinting
- rpr sprawling. Mak [x] aku tiba sakpitku nggloso ing aspal. I sprawled on the pavement along with my bicycle. ptg [x] pl to sprawl. Wong-wong ptg [x] turu ing tritisan sêtasiyun. People were sprawled in sleep on the station platform. ng-[x] or g-um-linting to lie sprawled.
- glintir
- (or [x]-an) small round object; grain. [x]-an daging meat ball. ng/di-[x]-i to form into pellets or balls.
- glinuk
- [x]-[x] or glinak-[x] awkwardly fat.
- gliput
- var of GLAPUT.
- glisik
- ng/di-[x]-i to whisper to smn.
- glithi:k
- ptg [x] producing a ticking sensation. ng/di-[x]-(i) to tickle smn.
- glitho
- ng-[x] to flick the thumb against smn's head as a reprimand. ng/di-[x]-ni to reprimand smn as above.
- globroh
- [of clothing] too large.
- glodhag
- 1 roomy, spacious. 2 rpr a thrown object hitting a hard surface. ng-[x] empty of passengers.
- glodhog
- 1 wooden beehive. 2 rpr a deep rumbling. ng-[x]-(i) to come peeling off.
- glogog
- rpr liquid gurgling; smn swallowing. glogag-[x] to gurgle/swallow repeatedly. [x] sok to speak one's mind.
- glogor
- wooden or bamboo flooring material. [x]-[x] rpr the croak of a hoarse voice.
- gloyor
- [x]-an or ng-[x] [of walking gait] unsteady, staggering.
- glolo
- [of weeping] weary. nangis [x] to cry wearily (as though tired of crying). Padha nangis ptg [x] ptg slênggruk. They cried tiredly and with much sniffling.
- glombyor
- (or glombyar-[x]) flabby, loose, without body or stiffness.
- glombor
- [of clothing] too large. Klambine [x]. Her dress hangs on her.
- glompong
- var of GLUMPANG.
- glondhang
- rpr a hollow thud. Blèk kothong kêtunjang kucing: [x]! The cat landed on an empty can. ng-[x] empty. Akèh bangku sing ng-[x]. Many seats were unoccupied.
- glondhong
- 1 leader of a council of village heads. 2 log; unfinished tree section. [x]-an 1 jurisdiction of the above official. 2 log.
- glondor
- var of GLONTOR. kê-[x] to slip and fall.
- glong
- rpr relief. Barêng krungu dhèke slamêt, rasane atiku mak [x]. I felt a surge of relief to hear he was safe.
- glonggong
- 1 stem of the papaya leaf. 2 a certain pond reed. ng-[x] to sing/chant loudly. ng/di-[x]-ake to sing sth loudly. g-um-longgong (to sing, chant) loudly, strongly.
- glongsor
- rpr flopping down. mondhok [x] (slang) to room and board at smn's house. [x]-an or ng-[x] to flop down anywhere.
- glontor
- (or [x]-[x]) rpr washing, pouring. glontar-[x] to keep making washing (pouring, flushing) sounds. ng/di-[x] 1 to wash
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- down [food]. Yèn kêsêrêdên, mbok di-[x] banyu. If it's hard to swallow, wash it down with water. 2 to flush the toilet. g-um-lontor to flow.
- glopot
- var of GLUPRUT.
- gloso
- rpr flopping down, sprawling. ng-[x] to flop, sprawl.
- glosod
- glosor, var of GLOSO.
- glothak
- rpr an impact. [x]-an or [x]-[x] to keep making impact sounds. Aja [x]-an wae, aku arêp turu. Stop banging around – I'm trying to sleep.
- glubud
- ng-[x] brash, bold, forward.
- gludhug
- 1 deep far-off thunder. 2 rpr a deep thunder-like sound. g-um-ludhug producing thunder-like noise.
- gluga
- red coloring matter extracted from a certain fruit (pacar).
- glugu
- (glêga sbst? kr) trunk of a coconut palm.
- glugut
- 1 particle, bit. 2 itchy particles (hairs, powder) clinging to certain plants, esp. bamboo. [x]-an place on bamboo stalks where itchy particles occur. ng-[x] 1 having the above particles. 2 itchy; fig irritable, ill-natured.
- gluyur
- [x]-an 1 to stagger. 2 (or ng-[x]) to wander aimlessly.
- glumpang
- [of children] fat, overweight.
- glundhung
- 1 a roll; a rolled-up object. dluwang sa-[x] a roll of paper. 2 counting unit for coconuts. krambil sa-[x] one coconut. 3 rpr the sound of rolling. 4 rpr plunging into a deep depression. ptg [x] pl to roll (around). [x]-an forming a roll. [x]-an dluwang rolled paper. kê-[x] to get rolled; to roll accidentally. Bocah mau kê-[x] ombak. The boy was rolled over by the surf. kê-[x] saka têmpat tidhur to roll out of bed. ng-[x] to roll. Macan ng-[x] ana ing lêmah. The tiger rolled on the ground. ng/di-[x]-ake to roll sth. ng/di-[x]-i to roll onto. Aja ng-[x]-i bayi. Don't roll over on the baby! g-um-lundhung to roll. Bale gêmlundhung. The ball rolled. [x] sêmprong 1 [of women] to marry without a dowry. 2 to turn sth over to smn in unaltered condition. Nyoh, dhuwitmu tak balèkake [x] sêmprong. Here, I'm giving you back your money. [x] suling [of men] to marry without giving a bride-price.
- glunêk
- var of GRUNÊK.
- glungsar
- glungsur, var of GLONGSOR.
- gluntung
- rpr falling and rolling. ptg [x] pl to roll, writhe. [x]-an a roll. ng-[x] to roll. ng/di-[x]-ake to roll sth. g-um-luntung to roll (around). Krambile gêmluntung. The coconuts rolled on the ground.
- glupak
- g-um-lupak on edge, apprehensive. See also GLUPUK.
- gluprut
- stained, messy. Badane [x] blêthok. He was covered with mud.
- glupuk
- glupak-[x] apprehensive, nervous.
- gluput
- var of GLUPRUT.
- gluthêk
- ptg [x] rpr light clattering sounds. [x]-an to produce such sounds.
- gluthi:k
- ptg [x] patiently absorbed in a complex task. Bocah loro ptg [x] nggolèki kantor imigrasi sarana ndêlok pêtha kutha. The two of them pored over the city map trying to find the immigration office. ng-[x] to devote one's attention to sth intricate.
- gluthu:k
- var of GLUTHÊK.
- gluwèh
- [x]-an to fool around. gluwah-[x] or g-um-luwèh careless, frivolous, inattentive.
- gobab
- to lie, cheat, deceive.
- gobag
- a children's game played by moonlight, in which the players try to reach the enemy goal. [x] bundêr (to play) this game with a round goal. [x] sodor (to play) this game with an oblong-shaped goal.
- gobang
- 1 large-bladed knife. 2 obsolete coin worth one benggol = 2½ cents. têlung [x] 7½ cents. nêm [x] 15 cents.
- gobèd
- 1 slicing knife with a serrated blade. 2 knife for chopping tobacco leaves. [x]-an folds in a batik wraparound finger-pressed into place and held with a pin or clip.
- gobèr
- 1 flapping loosely. 2 fake-sounding, e.g. a voice over a loudspeaker.
- gobig
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to shake from side to side; fig to refuse to acknowledge sth.
- gobyag
- ng/di-[x] to shake sth.
- gobyog
- continuous [of sounds]. Krungu ana kênthong [x]. They heard the insistent sound of the alarm.
- gobyos
- ng-[x] to sweat profusely.
- goblog
- cr stupid.
- gobog
- cr ear.
- gobrah
- (or [x]-[x]) smeared, messy, covered with sth.
- gobrès
- var of GABRÈS, GUBRIS.
- godha
- temptation; a testing of the character. kêna [x] subjected to temptation. [x]-ning urip life's trials. kê-[x] subjected to temptation. Randha mau gampang ka-[x] dening rangsang asmara. The widow was an easy prey to the call of love. ng/di-[x] to test smn's character; to subject smn to temptation or torment.
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- Cah lanang mau ng-[x] cah wedok tanggaku. The boy seduced the girl next door. Asu kuwi aja di-[x], mêngko nyokot. Don't tease the dog – he'll bite you. pa-ng-[x] temptation. [x] rêncana temptation. nanggulangi [x] rêncananing alam to resist wordly temptations; ng/di-[x]-(ng)rêncana to plague, torment. wong di-[x]-rêncana lêlêmbut a man tormented by spirits.
- godhag
- space, interstice. [x]-an a partitioned off space. ng/di-[x] to chase. di-[x] asu chased by a dog. ng/di-[x]-i to divide into separate spaces. Kamare di-[x]-i. They partitioned up the room.
- godhang
- var of GUDHANG.
- godhèg
- 1 hair worn at the side of the face: sideburns (men), combed-back part at the temple (ladies). 2 copper decorations for a horse bridle. [x] cambang long wide sideburns.
- godhi
- cloth strip for wrapping or tying.
- gojag
- ng/di-[x]-(i) to wash out [a bottle etc.] by shaking water in it.
- gojèg
- (or [gê]-[x]-an) to fool around, laugh and joke.
- gojog
- var of GOJAG.
- gojrèt
- smeared, stained. [x] gêtih smeared with blood.
- godhog
- [x]-an 1 boiled. 2 equipment for boiling. ng/di-[x] 1 to boil. ng-[x] wedang to boil water for hot drinks. 2 to train rigorously. êndhog [x] boiled egg.
- godhoh
- ear lobe. [x] putih a coward.
- godhong
- 1 (ron opt? kr; unjung-an kr?) plant leaf. 2 leaf of a double door or window. 3 the broad part of an oar. 4 spades (playing-cardsuit). gê-[x]-an (ron-ronan opt? kr) 1 foliage. 2 edible medicinal leaves. dadi-a [x] moh ny-suwèk I'll never have anything to do with you again.
- godor
- bar; material shaped into a bar.
- godrag
- [of girls] restless, unable to settle down.
- godrah
- stained, smeared. [x] gêtih bloodstained.
- godrèg
- var of GODRAG.
- godrès
- var of GODRAH.
- godril
- a certain classical verse form.
- godros
- var of GODRAH.
- gog
- rpr a hen's cackle. [x] [x] pêtok [hen cackling].
- gogèt
- [of animals] to fight with the teeth.
- gogo
- [x]-[x] to grope in water with the hand. ng/di-[x]-(ni) to grope for sth,
- gogoh
- [x]-[x] to feel around with the hand. ng/di-[x]-(i) to grope around in sth. Kanthonge di-[x]-i ning dhuwite ora ana. He felt in his pocket but his money wasn't there.
- gogok
- ng/di-[x] to drink from an earthen water pitcher. kêndhi [x] spoutless earthen pitcher.
- gogor
- baby tiger (young of the MACAN).
- gogot
- var of GOGÈT.
- gogrog
- to become detached prematurely. Pêlême padha [x]. The mangoes fell from the tree before they were ripe. [x] olèhe mêtêng to have a miscarriage. [x]-an prematurely detached. ng/di-[x]-ake to cause to be detached prematurely. Kandhutane di-[x]-ake. She had an abortion. [x] asêm [of rain] pouring intermittently.
- goyang
- unsteady; to shek or swing. meja [x] a wobbly table. ng/di-[x] to shake/swing sth. Sirahe di-[x]. He shook his head.
- goyor
- [of fabric] lightweight, having little body.
- gol
- 1 var of GUL. 2 act of [do]ing (var of OLÈH). [x]-e mangan kok akèh ya bocah kuwe. What a lot that boy eats! ngê-[x]-[x]-i irritating, exasperating.
- gol.
- see GOLONG-AN.
- golèk
- ng, pados kr 1 to get; to seek. A lunga [x] tamba. A went to get some medicine. [x] iwak to catch a fish; to go fishing. [x] pangan dhewe to earn one's keep. [x] panggonan kang eyub to look for a shady place. 2 ng kr doll; puppet. wayang [x] three-dimensional wooden puppet; the type of drama depicted by such puppets. [x]-an 1 thing obtained or sought. Ali-aline ilang dadi [x]-an wong saomah. The whole family looked for the lost ring. 2 ng kr doll; wooden puppet. 3 act or way of getting/finding. [x]-[x] to make an effort to get. Aku tak nyoba [x]-[x] pênggaweyan. I'll try to find a job. [x]-[x]-an sms [x]-AN 3. Kawruh mau gampang wae [x]-[x]-ane. Such knowledge is easy to obtain. ng-[x] to get, obtain. ng-[x] dhuwit to earn money. ng/di-[x]-ake to get or seek on smn's behalf. Aku [x]-na dêgan lo. Go get me a young coconut. ng/di-[x]-[x]-ake to make an effort to get or find. Yèn kanggo mbayari sêkolahmu, dhuwite iya tak [x]-[x]-ake. I'll do my very best to get money for your school expenses. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to look for, try to get. Di-[x]-i mrana-mrana mêksa ora kêtêmu. He looked for it everywhere but he couldn't find it. ng-[x]-i têmbung ing kamus to look up a word
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- in the dictionary. Kosok baline têmbung mau ora tak [x]-i. I can't think of the opposite for that word. [x]-ana galihing kangkung. Look for the soul that inhabits the body. 2 to find. ng-[x]-i dhuwit to find [lost] money. [x] mênang-i dhewe unwilling to accept defeat. See also WAYANGa.
- golèng
- var of GOLING. [x]-[x] intsfr beautiful. Ayune [x]-[x]. She's very beautiful.
- golèt
- var of GOLÈK.
- goling
- golang-[x] shaky, unsteady. ng-[x] 1 to fall (down), drop. 2 to tip over.
- golok
- dagger.
- golong
- forming a group. sêga [x] fist-sized rice ball for ritual meals. [x]-an (abbr: gol.) group, organization; class, subgroup. Siji-sijining [x]-an ngrêti mênyang wajibe dhewe-dhewe. Each group knows its own duties. [x]-an kiri/kiwa left-winger, radical. [x] kanan/têngên right-winger conservative. priyayi pirang-pirang [x]-an people from all walks of life. Maling kuwi klêbu [x]-ane wong-wong kang dadi amaning bêbrayan. Thieves can be classed as a detriment to society. Pêmrintah ora mbedak-mbedakake [x]-an. The goverment does not discriminate against any group. golang-[x] to come together, form a group. gê-[x]-an forming groups. wilangan gê-[x]-an a grouping number (e.g. puluh '-ty,' atus 'hundred'). ka-[x] 1 to belong to, be a member of. 2 grouped with, considered as. Nêgara mau kê-[x] maju. This nation is considered advanced. ng-[x] to gather. Bocah-bocah ng-[x] dadi rong perangan. The boys formed two groups. ng/di-[x]-ake to group, classify. di-[x]-ake dadi rong perangan grouped into two categories. ng/di-[x]-i to shape [rice] into fistsized balls g-um-olong (grouped) together; in agreement. Wêdi kuwi tuwuh saka gumolonge sipat-sipat wêrna-wêrna. Fear arises from a composite of factors. gumolong ing karêp firm in a wish or intention.
- golor
- learf stalk. [x] gêdhang central stalk of a banana leaf.
- gom
- 1 scurvy-like disease of the mouth resulting from a vitamin C deficiency. 2 milky plant resin used as paste. [x]-ên to have/get the above disease.
- gombak
- children's hair style: head shaved everywhere except on the crown. ora [x] ora kuncung ambêk-e kaya t-um-ênggung arrogant, haughty.
- gombal
- (or [x][-[x]]-an) rag, scrap; raged clothing. ng-[x] to wear ragged clothing; fig poor.
- gombèl
- rooster's neck wattles.
- gombyok
- 1 fringe; tassel. 2 floral design on a kris. [x]-an 1 fringed; tasseled. 2 forming a cluster. ng/di-[x]-i to decorate [a kris] with a floral design.
- gombloh
- having a guileless or dull-witted look. ng-[x]-i to assume such a look.
- gombol
- grove of trees. [x]-an group, gathering, mob. ng-[x] to flock together, gather.
- gombong
- hollow. ng/di-[x] to soak sth in water.
- gombrang
- ng/di-[x] to cut off, lop off.
- gompèl
- var of GOPÈL.
- gondhang
- 1 a certain large tree, occurring in many varieties. 2 esophagus (ki for GURUNG). ng-[x] 1 empty. 2 (psv di-[x]) to butt with the horns. [x] kasih similar things of disparate appearance, esp. siblings with different skin coloring.
- gondhèl
- earrings. [x]-an to have a firm grip (on). ng/di-[x]-i 1 to hold onto firmly. ng-[x]-i buntute macan to have a tiger by the tail (lit, fig). 2 to dissuade. A njaluk mulih dina iki ning tak [x]-i. He wanted to go home today but I talked him out of it.
- gonjak
- [x]-an (to arouse) sexual desire. ng/di-[x] 1 to take too lightly; to make fun of. 2 to attempt to seduce smn.
- gonjèh
- var of GENJAH.
- gonjing
- 1 to slope, tilt. Ombake molak-malik, praune [x]. The waves rolled; the boat tipped up. 2 unsteady. Anggone nyêkêli stang [x]. He didn't have a firm grip on the handlebars. [x] wêruh rupa kang ayu manis discomposed by the sight of a pretty face. ng/di-[x]-ake to unsettle. A bisa ng-[x]-ake pasamuwan. A disrupted the meeting. Mripate yèn nyawang bangêt ng-[x]-ake. The look in her eyes was very disconcerting. g-in-onjing (causing) agitation. kaya bumi ginonjing earth-shaking. Ungêling gêndhing ginonjing ngangkang. The music was stirring.
- gonjit
- var of GANJIT.
- gonjol
- calluses on shoulders or neck.
- gondhok
- 1 goiter. 2 short and thick. gêndul [x] a squat-shaped bottle. [x]-ên to have a goiter.
- gondhol
- ng/di-[x] 1 [of animals] to snatch or carry in the mouth. 2 to pilfer.
- gondhong
- 1 shuttle (part of weaving loom). 2 goiter.
- gondrong
- [of hair] long and ill-kempt.
- gong
- gamelan instrument, coming in various
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- sizes, consisting of a set of vertically suspended bronze gongs. [x]-an 1 a beat of the gong. 2 set of melodies played as a unit. ngê-[x] to play the gong. ngê/di-[x]-i 1 to accompany [a dance] or signal [a dance movement] with gong beats. 2 to agree with, not contradict. 3 to interrupt; to follow immediately. pa-[x]-an place occupied by the gamelan instruments, esp. the gong, during a shadow play. [x] bonjor a blowing instrument made from a large bamboo section. [x] gêdhe largest of the gong's. [x] l-um-aku t-in-abuh one with many facts at his command, a walking encyclopedia. [x] mung sa-sêle to hear testimony for only one side in a lawsuit.
- gonggang
- separated by [a certain distance]. ora [x] sêkilan not so much as ⅛ fathom apart.
- gonggo
- a certain large spider.
- gonggong
- (to play) a certain card game played with Chinese cards (kêrtu cilik). ng-[x] to bark.
- gonggrong
- ng/di-[x]-ake to put sth in/on a high place.
- gongsèng
- 1 belled anklets (worn by children). 2 to dry-fry (root form: var of GANGSA).
- gongsong
- var of GANGSA.
- gongsor
- [of earth] to slide down. ng/di-[x]-i to slide onto. Lêmahe ng-[x]-i omah mau. The landslide covered the house.
- goni
- 1 jute. 2 gunnysack. bêras sa-[x] a sack of rice.
- gonyèh
- 1 sensitive, tender. 2 [of undercooked or overripe tubers] disagreeably crumbly or mealy.
- gontèng
- 1 a certain large-headed termite. 2 rg cucumber.
- goncang
- ng/di-[x]-ake to unsettle. Kabare ng-[x]-ake donya. The news shook the world. Imane di-[x]-ake bujuk aluse wong wedok. His integrity was undermined by a woman's sweet talk.
- goncèng
- var of BONCÈNG.
- gontok
- to punch. [x]-an a fist fight.
- gopèl
- chipped. Cangkire [x]. There's a piece out of the cup. [x]-an chip, broken-off piece.
- gopès
- chipped at the edge.
- goprak
- 1 noisemaker for scaring birds and squirrels away from a crop. 2 of inferior quality.
- goprèk
- (or [x]-an) inferior (var of GOPRAK).
- goprok
- var of GOPRAK.
- gor
- [x]-[x]-an neglected, left uncared for. ng/di-[x]-ake to neglect. Wit kêmbang kuwi mati mêrga di-[x]-ake wae. The flowering plants died because they weren't tended.
- gordhêl
- leather belt.
- gordhèn
- 1 window curtain. 2 folding screen.
- gorêg
- ng/di-[x]-ake to jolt, shake up. Kabare ng-[x]-ake donya. The news rocked the earth. See also ORÊG.
- gorèh
- erratic, uncontrolled. Pikirku [x]. I'm all mixed up. [x] atine uneasy, toubled. ng/di-[x]-ake to upset; to agitate. ng-[x]-ake ati to make smn uneasy.
- gorèng
- deep-fried. kacang [x] fried peanuts. pisang [x] fried banana. [x]-an 1 deep-fried (foods). 2 pan for deep-frying. ng/di-[x]-(i) to deep-fry. ng/di-[x]-sanga-n to fry with little or no oil. pa-ng-[x]-an pan for deep-frying.
- gori
- jackfruit in its unripe state: used in cooking. See also NANGKA.
- goroh
- (dora opt? kr) (to tell) a lie. watak [x] untruthful by nature. [x]-an 1 untruthful by nature. 2 to say sth untruthful as a joke. Aku mung [x]-an. I'm just kidding. gê-[x]-an to lie habitually. [x]-[x] apa I'm telling the truth! (i.e. why lie?) ng/di-[x]-ake to lie about sth. ng/di-[x]-i to lie to; to cause trouble to smn by lying. ng-[x]-i rakyat to deceive the public. Mobile tansah di-[x]-i bae. He keeps finding his car is not as it was represented to him. [x] growah better not lie!
- gorok
- spade, shovel; claw-shaped rake. [x]-an throat. lara [x]-an (to have) a sore throat. ng/di-[x] 1 to saw [wood etc.]. 2 to cut smn's throat. 3 slang to overcharge customers. pa-ng-[x]-an hand saw.
- gorong
- [x]-an var of GURUNG-AN.
- gosip
- gossip talk; to gossip. ng/di-[x]-ake to gossip about.
- gosok
- menthol stick for migraine headache. [x]-an 1 act of rubbing/polishing. Bêrlian iki apik [x]-ane. This diamond is beautifully polished. 2 provocation, goading. 3 interchange of knowledge. [x]-g-in-osok to exchange knowledge. Sarana [x]-ginosok kita bisa mundhak sêsurupan. By learning from each other we can increase out awareness. ng/di-[x] 1 to scrub, polish. di-[x] nganggo rêmpêlas rubbed with sandpaper. ng-[x] sêpatu to polish shoes. Jogane di-[x] ing malam. The floor was waxed. ng-[x] untu to brush the teeth. Bocahe di-[x] karo wêdhak. The child was massaged with medicated powder. 2 to incite, egg on. A ng-[x] B bèn ngantêm aku. A goaded B into hitting me. ng/di-[x]-ake
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- to rub sth [into, onto]. Lisah pêthak wau ka-[x]-akên dhatêng badanipun. She massaged his body with the cajuput oil. pa-ng-[x] act of rubbing/polishing. Pang-[x]-e sêpatu ora rata. His shoes aren't polished evenly. [x] untu tooth powder.
- gosong
- burnt, scorched. Iwake [x]. The fish burned. Raine nganti mangar-mangar [x]. Her face was flushed and burning.
- got
- gutter; ditch.
- gothang
- 1 incomplete; imperfect. Uripe [x] tanpa sisihan. His life is incomplete without a wife. Walange sikile [x]. The locust has a leg missing. 2 rg empty, unoccupied. ora [x] perfect. Isih sugih trêpsila lan ora [x] kasusilane. He has fine manners and flawless morals.
- gotèk
- to say, tell, report. Sapa sing [x] radhione ilang? Who reported a lost radio? [x]-an to discuss. [x]-e it is said ... [x]-e A dipilih dadi lurah. I hear A was appointed village head. ng-[x] to discuss.
- gothèk
- 1 pole for getting fruit from a tree. 2 rg var of DUWÈK. ng/di-[x]-i to knock [fruit] from a tree with a pole.
- gocèk
- [x]-an 1 to cling to. 2 sth to hold onto. Panci kuwi [x]-ane wis pothol. The handle came off the pan. ng/di-[x]-i to take hold of. [x]-ana sing kukuh. Hold onto it tightly!
- gocèl
- var of GOCÈK.
- goci
- large earthenware jug.
- goco
- ng/di-[x] to punch smn in the stomach.
- gotong
- ng/di-[x] to carry cooperatively. Kothak mau di-[x] wong lima ganti-ganti. The chest was carried by five men changing of. [x] mayid to travel a dangerous route with few companions. [x] royong (abbr: g.r.) cooperative community self-help, mutual cooperation; to work together cooperatively. Cara G.R. ing padesan-padesan mono sêjatine pancèn salah sijine sifat sing originil tinêmu ing Indonesia. The tradition of mutual self help in [Javanese] rural areas is one of the original features of Indonesia. asil saka [x] royonge ahli-ahli resulting from the cooperative efforts of specialists. Wong mau ora tau [x] royong karo wong liya. He never pitches in and helps. Sapa sing nggawa? – Ya [x] royong kita kabèh! Who'll carry it? – We'll all carry it together!
- gothot
- strong, robust.
- gotra(h)
- 1 blood relative(s). 2 social group; society. kula sa-[x] of the same family or social group (as).
- gotri
- buckshot.
- gowang
- [of blades] nicked.
- gowèh
- gumboil. [x]-ên to have gumboils.
- gowèk
- [x]-[x] or gowak-[x] 1 to feel nauseated; to keep retching. 2 rpr the sound of vomiting.
- gowèng
- chipped at the edge.
- gowok
- 1 a purplish berry; the plant it grows on. 2 hollow(ed out). kayu [x] a hollow tree/log. Untune [x]. He has cavities in his teeth. [x]-an a certain children's game.
- gr
- rpr an animal's growl.
- gr.
- see GRAM.
- g.r.
- grabad
- seasonings; auxiliary cooking needs. ng/di-[x] to deal in the above items at the marketplace.
- grabah
- crockery, earthenware.
- grabyag
- [x]-an 1 flash flood; flooding wave. 2 sloppy; careless. Olèhe nggarap gaweyan mau [x]-an mula ora apik asile. He did a slapdash job, so it didn't turn out well. [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to come on strongly and/or suddenly. Ombake ng-[x]. The waves flooded the area. sa-[x]-an instantaneous(ly). Sêga mau dipangan sa-[x]-an êntèk. The rice was all eaten up in no time.
- grabyas
- sa-[x]-an instantaneous, (happening) in a flash.
- gradag
- rpr clatter or tumult caused by people swarming into a place.
- grajag
- [x]-[x] rpr water falling. ng-[x] or g-um-rajag to flow rapidly; to pour (down). ng-[x] gêtih to bleed profusely during menstruation or childbirth.
- graji
- (gantos kr?) saw. [x]-n 1 sawdust. 2 place where a saw is operated. grajèn apèn steam-sawmill. [x]-nan sawed. Kayune dêlêgan apa grajènan? Is the wood whole or sawed up? ng/di-[x] to ask for a tip in addition to one's fee for a service. ng/di-[x]-(ni) to saw. Pang-pange digrajèni, banjur uwite di-[x] ngancas. He sawed off the branches, then he sawed down the tree. pa-ng-[x]-n place where a saw is operated; sawmill. [x] api industrial steam saw. [x] balok pit saw, two-man saw. [x] gorok hand saw. [x] gubah-an fret saw for cutting decorative patterns. [x] sênthêng frame saw for sawing curves.
- gragal
- gravel, pebbles. [x]-an a stony or gravely area.
- gragap
- rpr a sudden start, esp. from sleep. Mak [x] aku tangi. I sprang up. [x]-an startled, caught unawares, flustered. ng-[x] to act
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- flustered or startled. Aku ng-[x] tangi. I was startled from sleep. Olèhe mangsuli ng-[x] jalaran ora sinau. He got flustered when he answered – he hadn't studied.
- gragas
- ng-[x] to eat indiscriminately, esp. things that are not good for one.
- gragèh
- [x]-[x] to grope around.
- graha
- eclipse. [x] (rêm)bulan lunar eclipse. [x] srêngenge solar eclipse.
- graham
- molar (sbst ki for BAM).
- grahana
- var of GRAHA.
- gra(h)ita
- comprehension, mental grasp. ng-[x] to think (about) deeply. pa-ng-[x]-(n) idea, awareness. thukul pang-[x] the germ of an idea. A duwe pang-[x]-n yèn sing nêmu jam mau mêsthi B. It dawned on A that B must have found the watch.
- grayah
- [x]-an to feel around, grope. [x]-[x] 1 to feel, grope. Aku krasa tangan sing [x]-[x] ana sakku. I felt a hand groping in my pocket. 2 to try to pick a quarrel. ng/di-[x]-i to feel around in. Aku ng-[x]-i dhompètku. I felt in my wallet. g-um-rayah 1 prolific. Wis gêmrayah putune. He has many grandchildren. 2 itchy all over.
- grayak
- hold-up man. [x]-an stolen. barang [x]-an stolen goods. ng/di-[x] to rob. Aku di-[x]. I was held up. Omahku di-[x]. My house was robbed.
- grayang
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] to feel, touch. Sikile [x]-[x] ing kono. He felt around with his foot. ng/di-[x] to sense; to perceive with the senses. swara kang ng-[x] urat syaraf a noise that grates on the nerves. Wis bisa di-[x] lamun rêncanane Inggris iku ditêrusake. It can be observed that the British plan is to be kept in effect. Yèn duwe kêkarêpan, aja gampang di-[x] ing liyan. If you want sth, don't let others sense it. ng/di-[x]-(i) to feel of, pass the hand over. Pistul agahan di-[x]. He fingered the pistol he was leveling at them. Aku ng-[x] ugêl-ugêle, pranyata wis anyêp. I felt his wrist; it was feverish. Wong wuta iku yèn maca aksarane di-[x]-i. Blind people read by feeling the letters. pa-ng-[x] 1 act of touching/feeling. Aja sêru-sêru pang-[x]-mu. Don't press too hard! Pang-[x]-e saya suwe saja nêmên. He intensified his caresses. 2 sense of touch.
- grayêng
- intsfr dark. pêtêng [x] pitch dark.
- gram
- (abbr: gr.) gram (unit of weight).
- grama
- fire (kr for GÊNI?).
- gramang
- ng-[x] [of insects] to creep, crawl. sêmut [x] red ant.
- grambyang
- ng-[x]-(an) [of thoughts] to stray, wander. Pikirane ng-[x]-(an). He's day dreaming. g-um-rambyang [of sounds] shrill, penetrating.
- gramblèh
- ptg [x] hanging about in disorder. Klambine ptg [x]. His clothes are hanging all over the place.
- gramèh
- a freshwater fish often kept as a pet. ng-[x] 1 discourteous. 2 to prattle inconsequentially; to speak hypocritically.
- grami
- 1 fire (sbst kr for GÊNI). 2 (to engage in) business (sbst kr for DAGANG). (gê)-[x]-n (to engage in) business (kr for [DÊ]DAGANG[AN]).
- gramyang
- var of GRAMBYANG.
- grana
- 1 nose (ki for IRUNG). mandèng pucuking [x] to stare at the tip of one's nose; to concentrate the mind and will during meditation. 2 ltry elephant's trunk.
- granat
- grenade.
- grandhèl
- a certain long-stemmed papaya.
- grandhul
- pl form of GANDHUL.
- granggam
- var of GANGGAM.
- granggang
- bamboo spear.
- grangsang
- [x]-an or ng-[x] wanting to eat everything one sees; to eat compulsively. g-um-rangsang intensely hot. Hawane gêmrangsang. It's awfully hot out.
- grantang
- a xylophone-like gamelan instrument. ng-[x] 1 to play this instrument. 2 resembling the sound of this instrument. Sambate ng-[x]. He complained whiningly.
- grantês
- ng-[x] in despair.
- grantil
- pl form of GANTIL.
- granting
- pl form of GANTING.
- grancêng
- pl form of GANCÊNG.
- grantos
- saw (kr for GRAJI?).
- graok
- pl form of GAOK.
- graong
- [x]-an or ng-[x] to yelp, howl.
- grapyak
- friendly and outgoing; genial; sprightly.
- grasak
- coarse sand.
- grasi
- grace, pardon.
- gratês
- ng-[x] sorrowful.
- grathil
- ng-[x] destructive. bocah ng-[x] a destructive child.
- gratis
- free of charge. di-[x]-ake offered free. Wis di-[x]-ake, mêksa ora ana sing têka. I'm giving them away, and still there are no takers.
- grathul
- [x]-[x] or grothal-[x] or gruthal-[x] or ng-[x] [of speech] halting, awkward. See also GROTHAL.
- graul
- var of GRAUT.
- graung
- pl form of GAUNG.
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- graut
- ng/di-[x] to scratch with the nails or claws.
- grawah
- [x]-[x] rpr the sound of swiftly flowing water, esp. in a deep gorge. g-um-rawah to flow swiftly. jurang [x] a gorge with a river at the bottom.
- grawal
- [x]-an in haste. Dhèwèke [x]-an mêthukake aku. He hurried to meet me.
- grawil
- pl form of GAWIL.
- grawul
- ptg [x] in coarse grains. Glêpunge ptg [x]. The flour is coarsely ground. growal-[x] unsteady. Kreta mau growal-[x]. The cart is rickety.
- grawut
- var of GRAUT.
- grê-
- see also under GÊR- (Introduction, 2.9.6).
- greba
- ng/di-[x] to conjure up in the imagination.
- grêbêg
- traditional religious festival held three times annually, featuring mountains of rice. [x]-[x] ear-shattering. Swarane [x]-[x]. The noise is deafening. ng/di-[x] to surround and escort smn. g-in-(a)rêbêg [of a king] to have the court dignitaries appear before one during the course of the above celebration.
- grêdèb
- [x]-[x] to have a tic affecting the eye.
- grêdêg
- rpr a rush of people arriving simultaneously. g-um-rêdêg rpr the sound of people walking.
- greja
- Christian church.
- grejah
- ng/di-[x] 1 to count, enumerate. 2 to consider; to think about/over.
- grêjêg
- [x]-an to quarrel. ng/di-[x] to force, compel.
- grèjèh
- grêjèh, var of GRÊJIH.
- grêjih
- ng-[x] (to rain) continuously. Udane sêdina ng-[x] ora lèrèn-lèrèn. It's been raining all day without letup.
- grêg
- rpr a jolt, esp. a sudden stop. Sêpure mandhêg [x]. The train jerked to a stop. Mak [x] aku nglilir. I woke up with a start. grag-[x] to stop and start by turns. ng-grag-ng-[x] [of the voice] hoarse.
- gregah
- rpr a sudden awakening. Mak [x] tangi. She awoke with a start. g-um-regah to wake up suddenly; to get up suddenly, to rise up. A gumregah nuli nyandhak pistule. A got up abruptly and seized his pistol. Gêmregah tangi ngrêbut drajade dhewe. They rose up and assumed their rightful ranks.
- grêgêd
- a strong urge; intensity of feeling. [x]-ên exasperated. [x]-[x] to feel a surge of emotion. [x]-[x] suruh fuming with anger. ng-[x]-ake irritating, exasperating.
- grègèl
- rpr a loosened grip. ng-[x]-i to lose hold of. Sênajan wis dicêkêl kêncêng isih ng-[x]-i. He was holding it tight but even so it slipped out of his grasp.
- grêgêl
- ptg [x] bulging awkwardly in various places. ng-[x]-(i) to feel sth poking one. Dhèke kêrêp ng-[x]-i pangêncoting pedhal sêpedha. He kept feeling her knees bang against him as she pedaled the bicycle.
- grêgês
- pebbly soil; earth mixed with gravel. [x]-[x] or grêgas-[x] to have chills (when one is feverish).
- grêgèt
- rpr a squeaking door.
- grêgut
- ng-[x] or g-um-rêgut assiduous, energetic.
- greyang
- pl form of GEYANG.
- greyong
- pl form of GEYONG.
- grèk
- rpr rasping. Pagêre dikèkrèk mak [x]. He sawed through the fence.
- grêmbêl
- ng-[x] 1 thick. godhong ng-[x] dense foliage. 2 to flock to, gather in. Aja ng-[x] nang kono kabèh. Don't all crowd into that space!
- grembyang
- inverted; rpr a sudden about-face. malik [x] to turn upside down, turn the other way around; to do an about-face. Kandhane wong wadon mau banjur malik [x] dadi ngoko. Suddenly the woman (who had been speaking in Krama) switched to Ngoko.
- grêmbul
- var of GRÊMBÊL
- grèmèng
- [x]-an or ng-[x] to rave deliriously.
- grêmêng
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] or grêmang-[x] or ng-[x] 1 to converse softly, talk in murmurs. 2 to loom up in the dark. g-um-rêmêng 1 to talk in murmurs. 2 to mutter, grumble. gêmrêmêng nêsu to mutter in anger.
- grêmêt
- [x]-an characterized by crawling. ama [x]-an insect pests. gê-[x]-(an) to crawl as one's characteristic locomotion. kewan gê-[x]-an (the class of) insects. walang [x]-an a crawling grasshopper. [x]-[x] or grêmat-[x] to move by creeping; to proceed at a crawl. grêmat-[x] waton-e (anggêr) slamêt slow and steady gets you there safe and sound. ng-[x] to
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- creep; to move at a crawling pace. Sêmut ng-[x]. Ants crawl. Lakumu kok ng-[x] rindhik. How come you're walking so slow?
- grêmis
- to drizzle. udan [x] drizzling rain.
- grenda
- grindstone. ng/di-[x] to sharpen with a grindstone.
- grèndhèl
- door or window catch.
- grêndhèl
- ng-[x] to lag behind. Ora ana sing ng-[x]. There were no stragglers.
- grêndhêt
- grêndhat-[x] to keep getting interrupted. Kretane lakune grêndhat-[x]. The cart kept having to stop.
- grênjak
- var of GRÊNJÊT.
- grênjêl
- rpr the feel of sth hard. Banjur krasa mak [x] kaya ana atos-atos ing jêrone lumut. Suddenly he felt a hard object in the soil. ptg [x] repeated sensations of being bumped or pressed against. [x]-[x] or grênjal-[x] to keep feeling sth pressing against one. Wêtêngku grênjal-[x]. Something kept jabbing me in the stomach. ng-[x] to feel sth hard or uncomfortable pressing against one.
- grènjèng
- metal foil. [x] mas (slaka) a sheet of gold (silver).
- grênjêt
- impulse, urge.
- grendhol
- pl form of GENDHOL.
- grêndul
- glutinous-rice balls used as a filling for porridge.
- grênêng
- a complaint. ptg [x] pl murmuring in complaint. [x]-an or [x]-[x] to mutter, grumble. Wong-wong padha [x]-an dikira kêna ing apus. The people began to mutter, feeling they had been cheated. ng/di-[x]-i to grumble to/about.
- grêng
- 1 thicket of thorny bamboo. 2 rpr a jerk, jolt. Aku kontak mak [x]. I got a(n electrical) shock. sa-[x]-an with a sudden quick motion. Kopêre bisa diangkat sa-[x]-an. He swept up the suitcases in one motion.
- grêngêng
- [x]-[x] or grênggang-[x] or g-um-rênggêng (to make) a humming, buzzing, whining.
- grêngsêng
- enthusiasm, urge, desire. Aku ora duwe [x] arêp nonton sorot. I don't particularly want to go to the movies. [x]-e pancèn kaya kagungan pêrlu. His urgency indicates he has sth pressing in mind. Mênêng-mênêng ana [x]-e. He's quiet but enthusiastic. ng-[x] or g-um-rêngsêng (to behave) with enthusiasm.
- grênyih
- ng-[x] 1 incessant. nginang ng-[x] to chew betel constantly. 2 to keep whining or teasing for sth.
- grênuk
- ptg [x] pl sitting around talking.
- grèpès
- var of GRIPIS.
- grès
- 1 rpr a knife slashing, esp. when performing a circumcision; (to perform) a circumcision. Apa wis [x]? Has the circumcision been done? [x]-e jam pira? What time is the circumcision? 2 brand new. Montore (anyar) [x]. His car is brand new.
- grês
- rpr cutting, slashing.
- grêsah
- ng-[x] to bemoan one's fate. pa-ng-[x] complaint. pang-[x] kaum buruh the complaint of the workingman.
- grèsèk
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to look around (for), try to find.
- grèthèl
- a pole used for getting fruits down from high on the tree.
- grècèh
- grêcèh, var of GRÊJIH.
- grècèk
- ng-[x] talkative. g-um-rècèk [of speech] copious. Gunêmane gêmrècèk. He talks a lot.
- grêcih
- ng-[x] [of rain] incessant.
- grêcok
- ng/di-[x]-i to keep calling smn's attention to his shortcomings.
- grewal
- rpr rock breaking. ng/di-[x] to break (crack, chip) rock.
- grèwèng
- ptg [x] burdensome. Gawane ptg [x]. He has too much to carry.
- gribig
- woven-bamboo panel used as a screen. [x]-an screened (off) with the above.
- gridig
- [x]-[x] or g-um-ridig (walking) grouped, bunched. Kêbo-kêbone digiring gumridig urut pinggiring dalan. He drove the kerbaus in a cluster along the edge of the road.
- grija
- var of GREJA.
- grig
- rpr a stab of fear.
- grigis
- var of GIGIS.
- griguh
- grigah-[x] to walk unsteadily with age.
- griha
- var of GRIYA.
- griya
- house (kr for OMAH, RUMAH). pa-[x]-n house lot (kr for POMAH-AN).
- griyêng
- rpr a quick upward motion. Kopêr mau diangkat sêpisan mak [x]. He lifted the trunk easily. [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to wail. nangis [x]-[x] to weep and wail.
- griyèt
- rpr squawking, screeching. Mak [x] lawange mbukak. The door creaked open.
- griyul
- griyal-[x] [to chew] laboriously because one has few, or no, teeth. kê-[x] to step on
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- sth inadvertently. Sikile kê-[x] krikil. He stepped on a pebble.
- griming
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] or g-um-riming 1 to feel itchy or irritated. 2 to feel chily.
- grimis
- var of GRÊMIS.
- grinda
- var of GRENDA. ng/di-[x] to massage [a baby] (ki for N-DADAH). pa-ng-[x] massaging materials.
- gringging
- [x]-ên asleep, all pins and needles. Sikilku [x]-ên. My foot's asleep. [x]-[x] 1 to tingle with a pins-and-needles feeling. 2 to hesitate timidly.
- gringsang
- unbearably hot.
- grining
- g-um-rining intsfr clear, pure. Banyune bêning gêmrining. The water is crystal clear. kuning gumrining pure clear yellow.
- grinting
- a variety of grass.
- grip
- slate pencil.
- gripir
- clerk in a law court.
- gripis
- [of teeth] chipped, broken.
- grita
- (or [x]-n) belly band with strings at either end for tying it in place: worn by babies or by women who have just borne children.
- griwa
- nape of the neck (ki for GITHOK, CÊNGÊL).
- grobag
- 1 two-wheeled roofed oxcart. 2 rail road freight car. [x]-an cartload. bêras [x]-an a cartload of raw rice. ng-[x] to drive an oxcart as one's trade. ng/di-[x]-(ake) to load sth into an oxcart. [x] wong oxcart drawn by man power.
- grobyag
- rpr a heavy thump. Pitku kêcêmplung kalèn, [x], byur. My bicycle bumped down into the ditch and splashed. [x]-an 1 to make thumping sounds. 2 to make frantic efforts to raise money. g-um-robyag to thump, bang.
- grobyos
- g-um-robyos (to sweat) profusely. Kringête gêmrobyos. He was pouring sweat.
- grobog
- 1 large storage box. 2 food cupboard.
- groboh
- rough, crude. Omonge [x]. He talks like a boor. Gaweane [x]. His work is crude (without artistry). ng/di-[x] to search sth. Barêng omahe di-[x] kêtêmu bêdhil sêpirang-pirang. When they searched his house they found a number of rifles.
- grojog
- rpr water falling. [x]-an (banyu) waterfall. [x]-[x] (to make) the sound of water falling. ng-[x] 1 to flush the toilet. 2 (or di-[x]) to keep hitting. ng/di-[x]-ake to cause [water] to fall. Kaline dibêndung, banyune di-[x]-ake mêngisor. They dammed the river and it created a waterfall. g-um-rojog to fall. Swarane banyune gumrojog tanpa pêdhot, [x] [x] [x]. The water roared down continuously.
- grog
- [x]-[x] rpr a wild boar snorting. grag-[x] rpr a flat sound, e.g. the thud of fruit falling; smn coughing.
- groyok
- brusque.
- grok
- rpr seating oneself.
- grombyang
- rpr metallic clatter.
- grombol
- 1 group, gathering. 2 grove of trees. [x]-an 1 group, gathering; to gather, form a group. 2 gang, group of terrorists. ng-[x] to gather, form a crowd.
- gronjal
- ptg [x] characterized by ups and down. Dalane ptg [x]. The road is bumpy. [x]-an or ng-[x] to jump up and down or flail the arms and legs, esp. in frustration.
- gronggang
- var of GRONGGONG.
- gronggong
- [x]-an a small opening. ng-[x] not tightly closed, opened a mere crack. Tutupe ng-[x]. The lid isn't on tight.
- gronong
- spoiled, overindulged.
- grontol
- salted shredded coconut mixed with cooked corn seeds, eaten as a snack.
- gropak
- 1 fried cassava chip. 2 rpr a branch snapping. g-um-ropak to break with a snap.
- gropyak
- ptg [x] to keep banging, thumping.
- gropyok
- (to engage in) a hunt, chase. [x] tikus a war on rats. ng/di-[x]-(i) to hunt down, close in on. Pulisi lagi nyrêmpêng ng-[x]-i pêdunungan pêtêng ing kutha. The police are conducting raids on the illicit areas of the city. pa-ng-[x] a hunting down, a concerted closing-in action.
- grosok
- coarse in texture.
- grothal
- [x]-[x] [of speech] halting, lacking fluency. Yèn gunêman cara Jawa, aku [x]-[x] bangêt. When I speak Javanese, I keep getting stuck. See also GRATHUL.
- growah
- 1 caved in; lacking support. Watune [x]. The stone gave way. Gêgêre [x]. He's swaybacked. pênggalih kang isih [x] an opinion that needs bolstering. 2 [of sun, moon] obscured, clouded over.
- growak
- [x]-an cave; hole in the ground.
- growal
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] rough, uneven. Dalane ptg [x]. The road is bumpy.
- growong
- 1 hollow. 2 rg solar eclipse. [x]-an a hole, a hollow. ng/di-[x]-i to hollow out; to make holes in.
- grubyag
- rpr a thudding fall.
- grubyug
- 1 (to do) as others are doing. mèlu [x]
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- karo wong akèh to go along with the crowd. 2 rpr the sound of feet. Kêbo-kêbone padha dibandhangake, swarane ptg [x]. The kerbaus' hooves thundered as they were driven along. 3 rpr a thudding fall. [x]-an (to do things) with others. Sênêngane [x]-an. He likes doing things in a group. ng-[x] to move in a group; to do as others are doing. Kabèh ng-[x] ing omahku. They all flocked to my house. ng/di-[x]-i to do sth along with others. Aku mèlu ng-[x]-i tangga-tangga awèh dêrma. I joined with the neighbors in giving a donation. g-um-rubyug to make sound with the feet. Kêprungu swaraning wong gumrubyug. We heard a lot of people tramping along.
- grubug
- mangsa [x]-an typhoon season. [x]-[x] roaring sound, esp. of wind, fire. g-um-rubug (to make) a roaring sound. Lesuse swarane gêmrubug. The hurricane made a terrific roar.
- grujug
- to pour [water]. [x]-an to bathe by pouring water over the head. [x]-[x] (prn gruju:g-gruju:g) (to make) the sound of water falling. ng-[x] 1 to flush the toilet. 2 (psv di-[x]) to hire [underpaid workers] to harvest rice. ng/di-[x]-(i) to pour (onto). Awune di-[x] banyu. He poured water on the ashes. g-um-rujug to run, flow, pour. swarane banyu gêmrujug the sound of water running. Banyune têbu gêmrujug tumiba ing tadhah cèpèr. The sugar-cane juice flows down into a shallow container.
- grudug
- rpr a sudden rush as people converge. Mak [x], rampoke mlêbu omah. The gang of robbers burst into the house. [x]-an (act of) going along as one of a group. Sênênge [x]-an. He likes to go places in a crowd. grudag-[x] to follow the crowd. ng-[x] to move in a group. Wah, wingi kamasku sakuluarga ng-[x] têka omahku. Yesterday my brother and his entire family came to our house! ng/di-[x]-ake to blow on [fire] to make it blaze up. ng/di-[x]-i to go smw in swarms. Omahe di-[x]-i watu. His house was showered with stones. Kamare banjur di-[x]-i wong pirang-pirang. People poured into the room. g-um-rudug pl (to come) swarming. Tangga têparone kang krungu pênjêrite iku banjur gumrudug têka. The neighbors heard her screams and came running.
- grumbul
- undergrowth, shrubbery. (gê)-[x]-an area of underbrush or thickets. ng/di-[x]-i to go along with, join.
- grumpung
- [of nose] deformed (flat, tipless).
- grumuh
- sturdy, physically sound.
- grumut
- [x]-an to lurk. Bêngi-bêngi [x]-an ana apa? Why are you hanging around at this time of night? [x]-[x] or grumat-[x] or ng-[x] to sneak along; to sneak up on smn. ng/di-[x]-i to approach furtively, sneak up to.
- grundêl
- ptg [x] pl to complain. [x]-an or ng-[x] to grumble with dissatisfaction. ng/di-[x]-i to grumble at, complain to.
- grunêk
- a complaint; a grudge. [x]-an or grunak-[x] to complain, grumble.
- grunêng
- ng-[x] to grumble, complain.
- grunggung
- a buzzing, humming, murmuring. g-um-runggung to produce such a sound.
- grup
- group, gathering.
- grusu
- grusa-[x] to act impetuously. Iki ênggon larangan, kowe ora kêna grusa-[x] mlêbu mrene. This is a restricted area: you can't barge in here!
- gruwêk
- ng/di-[x] to wound by piercing with nails or claws.
- gruwung
- 1 hollow. 2 var of GRUMPUNG.
- gubah
- movable screen for creating privacy as desired. [x]-an 1 bed concealed by a movable screen. 2 an artistic creation. ng/di-[x] to make an artistic creation. ng-[x] wayang lulang to make a leather puppet. ginubah dening S. drawn (painted, composed, etc.) by S. ng/di-[x]-(i) to conceal sth with a movable screen. pa-[x]-an sms [x]-AN above.
- gubar
- a certain type of gamelan gong.
- gubêd
- [x]-an act or way of encircling sth. ng-[x] to turn in a certain direction. ng-[x] mêngetan to turn eastward. ng/di-[x](-[x]) to wind around, encircle. Macan di-[x] ula. The snake wound itself around the tiger. Witipun jatos ka-[x]-[x]. The teak trees are wrapped round and round (with protective wrappings). ng/di-[x]-ake to wind sth around. Taline di-[x]-ake wit. He wound the rope around the tree.
- gubêg
- (or [x]-an) to bandage, bind up.
- gubêl
- ng/di-[x] ltry to keep after, plague, haunt. Dhèke ng-[x] êmbokne njaluk rabi putra Mêsir. He kept begging his mother for permission to marry the Egyptian girl. Pikirane di-[x] pitakon rupa-rupa. His thoughts were plagued by many questions.
- gubrah
- var of GUBRAS.
- gubras
- spattered, smeared. [x] gêtih bloodstained.
- gubrat
- var of GUBRAS.
- gubris
- ng/di-[x] to heed, take note of.
- gubug
- thatch-tooped wooden watchtower
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- in a rice paddy, where children operate movable scarecrows to keep birds away from the ripening ears. [x] Pèncèng the Southern Cross.
- gudag
- ng/di-[x] to chase.
- gudhal
- discharge from the genitals.
- gudhang
- 1 storage room or building; fig center, storehouse. Bêrase disimpên ing [x]. The rice is stored in the shed. [x]-e montor mabur airplane hangar. Thailand kuwi [x] bêras kanggo Asia Tênggara. Thailand is the rice bowl of Southeast Asia. Amerika iku [x] ilmu pêngêtahuan. America is a science center. 2 (or [x]-an) vegetables mixed with grated coconut and chili peppers. ng/di-[x] to make [ingredients] into the above dish.
- gudhe
- a tree that produces a certain bean that can be made into fermented beancake (tempe).
- gudhêg
- a dish consisting of breadfruit, chicken, and egg cooked in coconut milk. ng/di-[x] to make [breadfruit] into the above.
- gudèl
- kerbau calf (young of the KÊBO). ng-[x] resembling a kerbau calf. ng-[x] bingung to behave erratically or frenziedly. See also N-TÊMU.
- gudhig
- scabies. [x]-ên to have/get scabies.
- gudir
- jelly produced from seaweed. [x] sarang-an a certain porridge made of this seaweed or from a certain fruit.
- gujêg
- ng/di-[x] 1 to hold smn tight. Wis di-[x] mêksa bisa ucul. I had a tight hold on him but he got loose. 2 to nag.
- gujêng
- laughter; to laugh (kr for GUYU). (gê)-[x]-an to hold onto. ng/di-[x]-ake to hold for smn. Bungkusanmu dak [x]-ake apa? Shall I hold your package? ng/di-[x]-i to hold/grasp sth. Yèn nyabrang dalan ng-[x]-i tanganku lo. Hold my hand when we cross the street.
- gujêr
- var of GUJÊG.
- gujih
- talkative.
- gudrah
- messy, stained, smeared (with).
- gudras
- var of GUDRAH.
- gugah
- ng, gigah opt? kr, wungu ki [x]-[x] to (try to) wake smn up. ng/di-[x]-ake to wake a person up on smn else's behalf. ng/di-[x]-(i) to wake or rouse smn. Ibumu tak [x]-e. I'll wake up your mother. Muga-muga atine ginugah lan kêrsa paring sumbangan kanggo rumah sakit iki. I hope they'll be awakened to the need and will donate to this hospital.
- gugat
- ng, gigat kr [x]-an accusation. [x]-ane ora kêbukti. The charges weren't proved. ng/di-[x] to accuse; to sue. Wong mau di-[x] prakara olèhe sa-wênang-wênang marang darbèking liyan. He was charged with seizing other people's property. ng/di-[x]-ake to bring a charge or suit against. A di-[x]-ake marang Pêngadilan Nêgêri. A is to be brought before the Civil Court. pa-ng-[x] accusation. See also GANGGU.
- gugrug
- to slide down(ward). Lêmahe [x]. There was a landslide.
- gugu
- ng, gêga kr [x]-n belief, faith. [x]-n tuhu-n ng kr superstition. ng/di-[x]-(ni) 1 to believe in, trust, act according to. A ora kêna di-[x]. A is not to be trusted. Aku arêp nggugoni karêpku dhewe. I'll do as I please. 2 (dhahar or dhahar atur ki) to take smn's advice.
- guguh
- toothless; very old.
- guguk
- ng-[x] unrestrained, uncontrolled, esp. weeping.
- gugup
- startled; nervous, jumpy. [x]-an nervous by nature. See also GAGAP.
- gugur
- 1 to fall, drop; fig to die. 2 to collapse, cave in. lêmah [x] landslide. 3 ineffective. Sêmbhayange [x]. His prayers were not answered. ng/di-[x] to destroy. ng-[x] gunung to level a hill. ng/di-[x]-ake to interfere with. ng-[x]-ake iman to cause smn's faith to waver. ng-[x]-ake kandhutan to abort a pregnancy. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to engulf. Lêmahe ng-[x]-i omahku. The landslide buried my house. 2 to render sth ineffectual. [x] gunung (to do) cooperative labor without pay.
- gugut
- ng/di-[x] to kill [lice] by pressing them against the front teeth.
- guyang
- ng/di-[x]-ake to have smn wash down [livestock] by scooping water and pouring it over them. ng/di-(gê)-[x]-(i) to wash down [livestock]. ora bisa ng-[x] layah to have nothing to eat. pa-ng-[x] act of washing livestock. pa-ng-[x]-an place where livestock are washed. jaran [x] love potion.
- guyêr
- ng/di-[x] to pet, fondle.
- guyu
- ng, gujêng kr a laugh; laughter. gawe [x] to make smn laugh. [x]-n(-[x]-n) to joke. Ngapuramu lo, iki mung guyon. I'm sorry – I was just kidding. [x]-n-[x]-n parikêna always poking fun at/with others; ostensibly joking but actually in earnest. gê-[x]-n 1 object of laugter; a laughingstock. 2 to kid around. ng-[x] to laugh. ng-[x] gar-gêr or ng-[x] gêr-gêran to laugh intermittently; to keep laughing. ng-[x] tuwa to cry. ng/di-(gê)-[x] to laugh at, make fun of. di-[x] pitik to be laughed at by chickens (alleged to result from violating the behavioral norms of quiet controlled actions
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- and speech. di-gê-[x] ing wong envied by others. ng-[x]-kake funny, amusing; (psv di-[x]-kake) to make smn laugh. ng/di-[x]-ni to keep smn amused. pa-[x]-n or pi-[x]-n joking around, clowning. g-um-uyu ng, g-um-ujêng to laugh. Batosipun gumujêng. She laughed to herself.
- guyub
- close, friendly, mutually helpful. ng/di-[x]-i to take a personal interest in. (pa)-[x]-an a social relationship or association based on mutual interests (as contrasted with PA-TÊMBAYA-N).
- guyur
- ng/di-[x] to splash or pour water (onto).
- gul
- a goal, i.e. a point-scoring play (in soccer). [x]-[x]-an to take turns being goalkeeper while the other kicks (for soccer practice). gê-[x]-an or kê-[x]-an to get scored against. Awake dhewe gê-[x]-an loro. They made two goals against us. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to score a goal. 2 to allow [the ball] to enter the goal. Bale di-[x]-ke kipêre mungsuh. The opposing goalie let us score. 3 to use sth as a bulwark. ngê/di-[x]-i 1 to score a goal against. 2 to bolster (the forces/spirits of). [x] kipêr goalie. [x] pal goal posts. See also AGUL.
- gula
- ng, gêndhis kr sugar. [x] arèn sugar from the areca palm: made into paired cakes. [x] batu lump sugar; sugar in crystal form. [x] jawa coconut sugar from the areca palm. [x] gêsêng reddish-brown. [x] klapa 1 sugar made from coconut-palm sap. 2 striped red and white. [x] kêthok waste sugar, i.e, sugar that cannot be processed. [x] kuncung coconut-sugar cake with a peak in the middle. [x] mangkok bowl-shaped cane-sugar patty. [x] pasir granulated cane sugar. [x] tanjung coarse-grained brown sugar.
- gulaganti
- a children's game played with pebbles.
- gulang
- ng/di-(gê)-[x] to teach, train.
- gulawênthah
- ng/di-[x] to bring up [children]. pa-ng-[x] upbringing.
- gule
- a stew-like dish with curry and spiced coconut milk. [x] ayam (kambing) the above dish made with chicken (mutton).
- gulêt
- wrestling (as a sport). ng-[x] 1 to wrestle. 2 to tag along, hang around.
- guli
- smn's act of [do]ing (rg var of OLÈH-E). [x] mangan akèh. He eats a lot.
- guling
- 1 pillow. 2 dam-reinforcing material of woven bamboo. kê-[x] to roll accidentally. ng-[x] 1 to roll; (psv di-[x]) to roll sth. 2 oj to sleep. ng/di-[x]-ake to roll sth. pa-[x]-an a bed. g-um-uling to roll (away, around).
- gulma
- billion. sa-[x] one billion.
- gulo
- var of GILO.
- gulu
- neck (jangga ki). nigas [x] or ngêthok [x] to cut smn's throat. [x]-n collar or neck of a garment. gulon jêjêg stand-up collar. [x] ancak 1 lower part of the neck of poultry (prepared as food). 2 tapering end of a knife blade. [x] banyak 1 swan-like neck. 2 long thin object formed like a gooseneck. [x] mênjing Adam's apple. See also PANGGULU.
- guluh
- dirt on the skin. [x]-ên to have/get dirt on the skin.
- gulung
- a roll; rolled (up). bênang [x] ball of string, spool of thread, skein of yarn. [x]-an made into a roll. [x] kêrtas (bakal) a roll of paper (fabric). [x]-[x] or gulang-[x] 1 to roll repeatedly or constantly. 2 inseparable. Bocah-bocah loro mau gulang-[x] dolanan. The two boys are always playing together. gê-[x]-an to roll repeatedly or constantly. ombak gê-[x]-an rolling waves. ng/di-[x]-ake to roll sth (for smn). ng/di-[x]-(i) to make into a roll. ng-[x] babud to roll up a carpet. ng-[x] sêtagèn to roll up a sash (when not in use). Êndhoge di-[x]. She made the egg into egg rolls. Godhong mau dirajang di-[x]-[x]. The [tobacco] leaves are shredded and made into rolls. g-um-ulung rolled; forming a roll. [x] koming 1 to roll (over, around), to writhe. 2 under a strain. A nganti [x] koming ngrasakake olèhe kêntèkan dhuwit. A is at his wits' end – he's run out of money.
- gum-
- see also under G- (Introduction, 3.1.7).
- gumagus
- [of males] vain of one's looks (whether justified or not). See also BAGUS.
- gumati
- ng, gumatos kr affectionately attentive. Sing gêmati nyang siji-sijine. Look after each other! ng/di-[x]-ni to heap affection on. Aku digumatèni bojoku. My wife pampers me. See also GATI.
- gumathok
- fixed, stable, firm. Pênêmune wis [x]. His opinion is unchanged. Ora ana bukti-bukti kang [x]. There's no definite evidence. pranata kang [x] fixed regulations.
- gumbala
- 1 moustache (kr for BRENGOS). 2 beard (ki for JENGGOT).
- gumbira
- var of GÊMBIRA.
- gumêdêr
- noisy.
- gumisa
- ng, sumagêd kr to try to act competent or capable. See also BISA.
- gumyak
- noisy.
- gumyêg
- talkative, fluent. Kok lene [x] têmên. How [the ladies] do chatter!
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- gumyur
- bewildered; in shock.
- gumoh
- [of babies] to spit up while nursing.
- gumocah
- ng, kumlare kr child-like. Wong tuwa tindak-tanduke kok [x]. He's grown up but he acts so childish. See also BOCAH.
- gumping
- a precipitous slope.
- gumrêbêg
- deafening, ear-shattering. See also BRÊBÊG.
- gumrubul
- to move in a swarm. Wong [x] saka toko mau ora ana kêndhat. People emerged from the store in a steady stream. See also BRUBUL.
- gumuk
- small hill, knoll.
- gumul
- oj to wrestle.
- gumun
- (ngungun ki?) astonishing; astonished; to wonder [what etc.]. [x] aku! I'm astounded! Pitakonku [x] bangêt. My question took him by surprise. Aku [x] (dene) dhèwèke wis ngêrti jênêngku. I was surprised that he knew my name. Aku [x] kêna apa kok olèh tindakan mêngkono. I wondered why he acted that way. sing gawe [x]-ku what surprises me (is ...). ng-[x]-ake astonishing; (psv di-[x]-ake) to astonish. ng/di-[x]-i to find sth astonishing. sing di-[x]-i aku the thing that surprises me (is ...). Bocah-bocah ng-[x]-i tontonan sulapan. The children were amazed by the magic show.
- gunaa
- ng, gina kr use(fulness), benefit. Apa [x]-ne layang iki? What good is this letter? barang kang gêdhe bangêt [x]-ne a very useful thing. tanpa [x] useless ka-[x]-n artistic skill, craftsmanship; art object/form. ka-[x]-n mbathik the craf of batik-making. aspèk-aspèk ka-[x]-n artistic aspects. ka-[x]-n jogèd klasik the art of the classical dance. ka-[x]-n saka jaman Majapahit art objects from the Majapahit era. ng/di-[x]-kake to use, make use of. See also PIGUNA.
- gunab
- [x]-[x] a magic spell for doing harm to another. ng/di-[x]-ni to cast, or have smn cast, a spell on another. [x] gawe sms [x]-[x]; ng/di-[x]-gawe-ni sms NG/DI-[x]-NI. Aku kuwatir mbokmênawa digunagawèni. I'm afraid she'll put a spell on me. [x] piranti or [x] sarana or [x] sêkti sms [x]-[x]. See also ADIGUNA.
- gunakaya
- husband's earnings which are given to the wife.
- gundam
- (ng)-[x]-[x] to cry out in fear or disgust.
- gundhês
- intsfr all gone, used up. Barange êntèk [x]. Every last one of his belongings was gone.
- gundhik
- 1 common-law wife. 2 female (flying) termite (see also LARON, RAYAP). 3 queen ant. ng/di-[x] to take as one's common-law wife.
- gundhil
- 1 [of rice plants; coconuts] having no hair or ribers. 2 [Javanese which is] written in Arabic characters without vowel showing diacritics.
- gundhul
- 1 devoid of hair or vegetation. Sirahe [x]. His head has been shaved bald. tanah [x] barren land. 2 the part of the head where the hair grows. 3 one of the Chinese playing cards (kêrtu cilik). [x]-an with head uncovered. ng-[x] without headgear. ng/di-[x]-i to give smn a haircut. [x] plontos shaved bald.
- gunêm
- ng, ginêm kr talking, speech. Dhèke nyêlani [x]-e bocah-bocah. He interrupted the boys' conversation. [x]-an 1 conversation. 2 (andika-n or ngêndika ki) to talk, speak. ng/di-[x] to discuss. Apa sing padha di-[x]? What are they talking about? ng/di-[x]-i to (try to) persude. pa-[x]-an conversation.
- gung
- 1 large, great. Kula nyuwun [x] ing pangaksama. I apologize most humbly. 2 rg var of DURUNG. 3 rpr the sound of the gamelan gong. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to increase the supply of [water]. Banyune bisa diê-[x]-ake sarana mbêndung kali mau. We can build up the water level by damming the river. 2 to assess too great a value to. A ngê-[x]-ake kapintêrane. A puts too much stock in his own cleverness. Apa ta gunane ngê-[x]-ake wong sing wis mati? Why glorify a dead man? See also ADIGUNG.
- gungan
- inf var of UGUNG-AN.
- gunggung
- sum total. [x] karo têngah taun a year and a half altogether. [x]-an 1 sum, total. 2 numbers (to be) totaled. 3 addition (arithmetic process). ng/di-[x] to total up, add. g-um-unggung 1 added up. 2 conceited, fond of adulation. [x] gêpuk or [x] kêpruk or [x] kumpul the sum total; all told. [x] kumpul suwene patang puluh patang dina. It took 44 days in all.
- gungsir
- ng/di-[x]-(i) to dig (in). ng-[x]-i lêmah to dig in the soil. Telaku di-[x] tikus. My cassavas were dug up by mice.
- guni
- var of GONI.
- gunyêr
- var of GINYÊR.
- guntang
- 1 bamboo pot used as a water container. 2 to hull rice by pounding it (var of GANTANG). g-um-untang clearly audible.
- gunting
- scissors, shears. [x]-an a piece cut from sth. [x]-an koran newspaper clipping.
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- ng/di-[x]-ake 1 to cut (out, into) with scissors. 2 to cut for smn. ng/di-[x]-(i) to cut with scissors. [x] blèg metal shears. See also SRIGUNTING.
- guntur
- thunder.
- gunung
- (abbr: G.) ng, rêdi kr 1 mountain. 2 ng kr head of an administrative or police district in Surakarta. 3 ng kr name of one of the Chinese playing cards (kêrtu cilik). [x]-an 1 likeness of a mountain. 2 wy mountain-shaped puppet symbolizing great natural forces. 3 (or gê-[x]-an) village administrative head. ng-[x]-i ng kr mountain-bred; boorish, crude. pa-[x]-an mountainous (terrain). dhaerah pa-[x]-an a mountainous region. wong pê-[x]-an mountain people; boorish, uncultivated people. [x] anak-an hill. [x] gêni volcano. [x] guntur striped clothing fabric. [x] sê-pikul a small earring with a diamond on each side.
- gup.
- gupak
- messy, smeared. [x] blêthok mudstained.
- gupala
- see RÊCA.
- gupênur
- var of GUPÊRNUR.
- gupêrmèn
- government-owned or –controlled (as contrasted with private). [x]-an territory owned or administered by the government.
- gupêrnur
- (abbr: gup.) governor. [x] jendral governor general. [x]-an governor's official residence.
- gupis
- chipped (of teeth, esp. baby teeth).
- gupit
- [x]-an alley(way). ng-[x] 1 narrow, cramped. 2 (psv di-[x]) to divide up into small spaces.
- gupyuk
- lively, animated.
- guprat
- smeared, stained (with).
- gupruk
- var of GUPYUK.
- gupu
- a shelter for people or animals. (pa)-[x]-n dovecote.
- gupuh
- eager, quick, in a hurry.
- gur
- 1 rpr a gong beat. 2 (or ng-[x]) only. Anake (ng)-[x] siji. He has only one child.
- guraha
- to rinse out the mouth (ki for KÊMU). (pa)-[x]-an water for rinsing the mouth (ki for KÊMU-N).
- gurahb
- ng, girah kr to drive away. Pitike di-[x]. He shooed the chickens.
- guramèh
- var of GRAMÈH.
- gurawal
- var of GRAWAL.
- gurda
- oj banyan tree.
- gurdi
- tool for drilling holes.
- gurêm
- 1 chicken flea. 2 trivial, insignificant, of little consequence. [x] thèthèl-thèthèl a commonplace person with grandiose ambitions.
- gurenda
- var of GRENDA.
- guri
- rg var of BURI.
- gurih
- pleasantly rich-tasting, esp. suggesting the flavor of coconut milk. sêga [x] rice cooked in coconut milk.
- gurinda
- var of GRENDA.
- gurit
- [x]-an 1 back yard. 2 a scratch. 3 (or gê-[x]-an) meaningful verse with philosophical content; nonsense rhyme composed of repetitious-sounding syllables chanted by children.
- gurita
- 1 octopus. 2 var of GRITA.
- guru
- 1 teacher. [x] bantu elementary-school teacher. [x] bêsar professor. mantri [x] school superintendent. sêkolah [x] teacher training school. [x] kêna digugu lan ditiru. Teachers must set an example for others. 2 guide or instructor in metaphysical matters. 3 standard, criterion, measuring device. 4 ltry compounding element for specific poetic devices of meter, sound pattern, mystic meanings. [x]-[x] hasty, rash. Kok [x]-[x] ana apa? What's your hurry? Aja [x]-[x] nêsu. Don't fly off the handle! ma-[x] or mê(r)-[x] or ng-gê-[x] to acquire knowledge. ng/di-[x]-kake to put smn in the hands of a guru for instruction. ng-[x]-ni 1 guru-like in one's conduct. 2 (psv di-[x]-ni) to instruct, esp. in religious or mystic matters. pa-[x]-n institution for metaphysical training. [x] alêm-an fond of praise. [x] bakal 1 (raw) material. 2 (or [x] dadi) objects for offerings or dowries. [x] dina numerological propitiousness of a day one is considering for a certain event. [x] lagu poetic meter; rhyme scheme. [x] laki (one's own) husband. [x] nadi oj instructor in metaphysical matters. [x] sastra ltry having the same consonants in the same order (complex alliterative device). [x] sêjati teacher who instructs in the perfection of death. [x] swara sms [x] SASTRA but with vowels instead of consonants. [x] cantrik ancient system of teacher-pupil education. [x] wilang-an ltry syllabic scheme, metric scheme. See also SAKAb.
- guruh
- thunder. g-um-uruh (to make) loud thundering sounds.
- gurung
- 1 (gondhang ki) esophagus, windpipe. 2 rg var of DURUNG. [x]-an water channel.
- gus
- adr boy of higher status. Ampun wêdi, [x]. Never fear, Son. See also BAGUS.
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- gusah
- ng/di-[x] to send or drive away. Pitike di-[x], "Suh, suh." He shooed away the chickens.
- gusali
- see JURU.
- gusar
- furious.
- gusêk
- rg var of BUSÊK.
- gusi
- ng kr, wingkis-an ki gums (in the mouth). [x]-n gum-shaped. [x] papak the (obsolete) practice of filing the teeth level.
- gusis
- used up, all gone. Bandhane dikampak [x]. They were robbed of everything they owned. Dhuwite [x]. His money is all gone.
- gusti
- lord, master. [x] Allah adr God. [x] Kangjêng your Majesty. [x] pangeran angabèhi oldest son of a monarch but not the crown prince. [x] radèn ayu title applied to a married princess.
- guthang
- var of GOTHANG.
- guthêk
- [x]-an a room created by partitioning. ng/di-[x]-[x] to divide up into small rooms.
- guthêng
- intsfr black. irêng [x] jet black.
- guthêt
- var of GUTHÊK.
- guthi
- small; low, inferior. cili-[x] teeny-tiny.
- gucêl
- ng/di-[x] to hold tightly.
- guci
- var of GOCI.
- gutuk
- 1 a stick for throwing. 2 commensurate [with], balanced [by]. Nyambut gawe abot-abot kok ora [x] karo hasile. He works hard but doesn't have much to show for it. 3 (or [x] waja) toothless (ki for OMPONG). ng/di-[x] to throw a stick (at). ng-[x] lor kêna kidul to criticize A obliquely by directing one's comments to B in A's hearing.
- gutul
- rg to reach. Nyong ora [x]. It's out of reach. [x] Banyumas wis pêtêng. It was dark by the time he reached Banyumas.
- guthul
- cr penis.
- gu(w)-
- see also GU-, GW- (Introduction, 2.9.7).
- guwa
- 1 cave, cavern, grotto. 2 Jakarta dialect I, me. ng/di-[x] to burrow through or under; to undermine. [x] garba uterus, womb.
- guwaya
- facial color; facial expression.
- guwak
- ng/di-[x] to throw away, discard.
- guwang
- guwat, var of GUWAK.
- guwêk
- a certain long-eared owl. ng/di-[x] to pierce with claws or nails.
- guwi:k
- [x]-[x] [of pigs] to grunt, squeal.
- guwing
- having a harelip.
- gw-
- see also under GU(W)- (Introduction, 2.9.7).
- gwaya
- var of GUWAYA.
- gyanti
- var sp of GIYANTI.