Javanese-English Dictionary, Horne, 1974, #1968 (Hlm. 271–294: K)
CitraTerakhir diubah: 09-04-2019
Pencarian Teks
Lingkup pencarian: teks dan catatan-kakinya. Teks pencarian: 2-24 karakter. Filter pencarian: huruf besar/kecil, diakritik serta pungtuasi diabaikan; karakter [?] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau satu huruf sembarang; simbol wildcard [*] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau sejumlah karakter termasuk spasi; mengakomodasi variasi ejaan, antara lain [dj : j, tj : c, j : y, oe : u, d : dh, t : th].
- Kêmis
- 1 Thursday. 2 to beg (root form: var of MIS). [x]-an to make weekly administrative reports on Thursdays.
- kêmit
- [x] bumi servant in the Sultan's palace in charge of cleaning up and providing water.
- kêmladheyan
- a certain parisitic plant. [x] ng-ajak sêmpal trouble-making relatives.
- kêmlakar
- var of KÊMLÊKAR.
- kêmlandhingan
- 1 a small shade tree; the edible pods of this tree. 2 a large tree spider.
- kêmlêkar
- [x]-an or [x]-ên to overeat; uncomfortably full.
- kêmlêkêr
- [x]-an or [x]-ên unable to emerge. Sajake êndhoge [x]-ên. It looks as if the egg isn't going to hatch. Sêminggu [x]-ên nang omah. I've been cooped up in the house all week.
- kêmliya
- to have an altered attitude (toward smn). Barêng wis dadi wong gêdhe, Simin saiki [x]. Since Simin became a big shot, he hasn't been friendly any more. See also LIYA.
- kêmlingking
- intsfr dry. garing [x] bone dry. [x]-ên 1 excessively dry. 2 limp, without body or crispness.
- kêmlondho
- gauche, boorish.
- kêmlunggi
- a certain plant.
- kêmodhong
- 1 a certain type of black magic. 2 gamelan instrument consisting of two metal bars over a sounding box, producing a gong-like sound when struck. ng-[x] to play the above instrument.
- kêmong
- kêmpal
- group, gathering (kr for KUMPUL).
- kêmpar
- a certain edible ocean fish.
- kêmpêl
- concentrated; adhering to one another. Radhione swarane njêbèr ora [x], sajake batune lêmbèk. The radio sounds high-pitched and broken up, as though the battery is low. ng-[x] to become concentrated or stuck together. ng/di-[x]-ake to cause to stick together. Sêngara bisa ngêmpêlake barang garing tanpa lim. You just can't make dry things stick together without glue.
- kêmpèng
- ng/di-[x] to nurse, suck.
- kêmpès
- empty of its normal contents. Wêtênge [x]. He's very hungry. Sake [x]. He's broke. ban [x] flat tire.
- kêmpis
- var of KÊMPÈS, KÊPIS. [x]-[x] or kêmpas-[x] to pant; to exhale heavily. ng-[x] to exhale or blow on.
- kêmpit
- [x]-an 1 (that which is) carried under the arm. 2 (that which is) sold on commision. ng/di-[x] 1 to hold or carry under the arm or between the thighs; fig to protect, look after solicitously. 2 to sell [merchandise] on commission. ngêmpit ng-indhit to have one's hands full, be doing many things at once. ng/di-[x]-ake to sell [batik] on commission. pa-ng-[x] guidance, protection.
- kêmpyang
- 1 a certain gamelan gong. 2 loud, noisy. ng/di-[x]-i to join in [an activity]. Wiwitane mung tak anggo ngêmpyangi. At first I did it just to be sociable. [x] dhuwit a game played with coins.
- kêmplang
- a cookie made of glutinous-rice flour. ng/di-[x] 1 to refuse to pay for sth; to pay less than the asking price for sth; to fail to pay what one owes. 2 to put sth in the sun to dry or air.
- kêmplong
- [x]-an act of pounding fabric to make it smooth; (fabric) pounded in this way. ng/di-[x]-(i) to pound [fabric] smooth.
- kêmplung
- [x]-[x] containing too much liquid.
- kempol
- calf of the leg.
- kêmpong
- baby's pacifier. [x] perot sunken cheeked as a result of being toothless with age.
- kêmpor
- kêmpar-[x] continuous [of smoking]. udud kêmpar-[x] to chain-smoke. ng-[x] 1 to chain-smoke. 2 to talk much louder than necessary.
- kêmpos
- to be(come) deflated. Balone [x]. The balloon lost its air. [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to exhale forcibly, as when winded; [of cattle] to snort.
- kêmpot
- having sunken cheeks, from excessive thinnes or from the toothlessness of old age.
- kêmprang
- rpr the sound of sth smashing to bits.
- kêmproh
- slovenly, unwashed.
- kêmpu
- round covered box for betel-nut chew.
- kêmpul
- gamelan instrument consisting of five or six vertically suspended gongs. ng-[x] to play the above instrument. [x] suwuk-an the small gongs included in a set of large gongs.
- kêmpus
- 1 an edible ocean fish. 2 to lie habitually. 3 var of KÊMPIS.
- kêmput
- finished, completed. Olèhku mlaku-mlaku nganti [x]. I walked around sightseeing until I had seen everything.
- kêmrampo
- var of KÊMAMPO.
- kêmrunggi
- a certain plant.
- kêmu
- ng kr, gurah or kêmbêng ki to rinse out the mouth. ng/di-[x]-kake to use as a mouthwash. ngêmokake banyu to rinse out the mouth with water. ng/di-[x]-ni to rinse
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- out [the mouth]. Cangkême dikêmoni. He rinsed out his mouth. See also NGÊMU.
- kêmudhi
- 1 rudder, helm. 2 steering wheel. tukang [x], juru [x] steersman, helmsman. ng/di-[x]-ni to steer, guide.
- kêmul
- 1 (singêb ki) blanket. 2 using sth as a blanket. Olèhe turu [x] sarung. He slept with his sarong covering him. [x]-an or a-[x] or kê-[x] to cover oneself with a blanket. ng/di-[x]-i (ny/di-singêb-i ki) to cover smn with a blanket.
- kêmumu
- a variety of tree.
- kêmuning
- a variety of tree with fragrant yellowish bloosoms. See also KUNING.
- kèn
- 1 to tell smn to do sth (root form: kr for KON). 2 ancient ltry title for male or female nobles.
- kêna
- ng, kenging kr 1 can, may. Apa [x] dipangan? Is it edible? Wong mau ora [x] diandêl. He's not to be trusted. Ora [x] cêdhak-cêdhak. You mustn't get too close to it. 2 to touch, hit. Tanganku [x] gêni. My hand touched the flame. Dhèke mbalang, bêt, [x]. He threw; it hit. 3 to be subjected to. [x] dhêdha to be fined. [x] banjir to have a flood. [x] ukuman sêpuluh taun sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. Ajèr yèn [x] panas. It melts if it's exposed to heat. [x]-n-[x]-nan (kenging-kengingan kr) to hit home, score a bull's-eye. ka-[x]-n to be subjected to sth unpleasant. kêkênan atine to get one's feelings hurt. ng/di-[x]-kake 1 to permit, allow. Guru ngênakake murid-murid mulih jam sêwêlas. The teachers let the students go home at 11 o'clock. 2 to aim at, try to hit. 3 to impose sth on [smn]. Tahanan omah di-[x]-kake A. A was placed under house arrest. ngênakake pajêg to levy taxes. ng-[x]-ni 1 about, connected with. Wong mau omong-omong ngênani soal sing wigati. He spoke about certain important matters. Ngênani bab masak dhèwèke ahli bangêt. When it comes to cooking, she's an expert. 2 to hit, touch, reach. Sawate ngênani kacane ting. The stone he threw hit the street light. Si A ora ora nyrèmpèt ngênani dhirine B. A didn't let on that he had identified B. 3 to impose sth. ngênani pajêg to levy a tax. sa-[x]-ne whatever is possible. Yèn ora bisa ngrampungake kabèh, ya sa-[x]-ne bae. If you can't finish it, just do what you can. [x] apa why? what for? (see also NANG). [x] apa kowe kok ora sêkolah? How come you're not in school? ora [x] ora it is inevitable that ..., it cannot be avoided that ... Ora [x] ora wong salah-sèlèh. A person's wrongdoing is bound to catch up with him.
- kênal
- ø/di-[x] to know, be acquainted with. Aku durung tau [x] wong kae. I've never met that man. Aku wis di-[x] nang kene. Everyone here knows me. [x]-[x]-an to get to know each other. Tamu-tamu padha [x]-[x]-an. The guests introduced themselves to each other. ng-[x] to become acquainted with. Dhèke ora gêlêm ngênal wong. He doesn't want to make friends. ng/di-[x]-ake to introduce smn. ng/di-[x]-i to get acquainted with, introduce oneself to.
- kênang
- rg var of NANG 1. [x] apa why? what for? (var of KÊNA APA).
- kênanga
- a certain flower used in grave offerings.
- kênap
- a small table.
- kênapa
- why? (inf var of KÊNA APA).
- kênari
- 1 a certain tree; also, its pecan-like nuts. 2 a certain song bird.
- kêndhaga
- ng, kêndhagi opt? kr 1 a small box for keeping valuables. 2 barrel.
- kêndhagi
- kr for KÊNDHAGA.
- kêndhal
- [of fat, grease] thick(ened), solid(ified). ng-[x] to become thick/solid. Lêngane ngêndhal. The grease congealed.
- kêndhali
- horse's bit, bridle. ng/di-[x]-ni to equip [a horse] with a bit or bridle. pa-ng-[x]-an control. pêngêndhalian harga price controls. pêngêndhalian banjir flood control.
- kendhang
- to float (away). Ana wong [x] nang kali. A man was carried away by the river. ng/di-[x]-ake 1 to set sth floating on the current. 2 to send smn into exile (ki for M/DI-BUWANG-AKE).
- kêndhang
- 1 two-headed gamelan drum held horizontally and beaten with the fingers. 2 480-sheet ream (of paper). [x]-an 1 drumbeat; drum playing. 2 to drum idly, for one's own amusement. [x]-an dhêngkul to sit around taking it easy. [x]-an kuping ear drum. ng/di-[x]-(i) to play a drum. pa-ng-[x] 1 gamelan drummer. 2 act or way of drumming. [x] batang-an a certain medium sized gamelan drum.
- kêndhangsul
- sbst kr fot KÊNDHALI.
- kêndharah
- ptg [x] or ng-[x] [of clothing] untidy, sloppy, too large and dragging on the ground.
- kêndharakan
- a certain small heron.
- kêndharat
- a rope for tying up or leading cattle. ng/di-[x] to drag, pull. Malinge di-[x] nang kantor pulisi. They dragged the thief to the
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- police station. ng/di-[x]-i to tie up or lead [cattle] with a rope.
- kêndhat
- an end; a break, interruption. Ora ana [x]-e. There's no end to it. Mobil ora ana [x]-e têkan jam sêwêlas bêngi. Cars go by in a steady stream until 11 P.M. ngadhuh-adhuh tanpa [x] moaning continually. ng-[x] to commit suicide by hanging oneself. ngêndhat tali murda ltry var of NG-[x].
- kèndêl
- 1 to stop, halt (kr for M-ANDHÊG, M-ÊNDHÊG). 2 to stop, discontinue (kr for LÈRÈN). 3 to become or remain quiet (kr for MÊNÊNG).
- kêndêl
- courageous, bold. ka-[x]-an courage, bravery. kê-[x]-ên overbold. ng/di-[x]-ake to rely on. ngêndêlakên rosanipun to rely on one's brute strength. ngêndêlake kêsugihan to get by on one's money. ng/di-[x]-[x]-ake to steel oneself. Dhèke wêdi ning di-[x]-[x]-ake. He was afraid but he screwed up his courage. ng/di-[x]-i to defy. Yèn di-[x]-i rak ora wani dhèke. If you stand up to him, he'll back down.
- kêndhêla
- a certain large dragonfly.
- kêndhêlong
- rpr suddenly going slack. kêndhêlang-[x] to move loosely. ng-[x] loose, slack, sagging; fig low, dispirited.
- kêndhêng
- bowstring. ng-[x] resembling a mountain range; having a mountainous appearance. k-um-êndhêng [of smoke, clouds] billowing.
- kêndhèrèh
- var of KÊNDHARAH.
- kêndhi
- ng kr, lanting-an ki large earthenware water carafe with a spout. pa-[x]-n ng kr place where crockery is made. [x] gêrit striped carafe. [x] gogok earthen pitcher with no spout. [x] prathola huge decorative carafe.
- kêndhil
- earthenware or copper utensil for cooking rice. ng-[x] resembling such a utensil.
- kêndhit
- cloth belt, sash. ng/di-[x] to carry in one's sash. ng/di-[x]-i to put a sash on smn. [x] mimang kadang dewa person who escapes danger.
- kenjing
- morning's duration (kr for KESUK).
- kendho
- a rice-accompanying dish made with shredded coconut. [x] urang the above dish with shrimp added.
- kêndho
- loose, slack. Taline [x]. The rope is slack. Saya tuwa awake saya [x]. The older he grows, the flabbier he gets. Olèhe nyambut gawe [x]. His workhas slacked off. ng-[x] to become loose/slack. ng/di-[x]-kake or ng/di-[x]-ni to make sth loose/slack.
- kêndhor
- var of KÊNDHO.
- kêndhukur
- ptg [x] pl in heaps, piles. ng-[x] sg piled up. Barang-barange ngêndhukur, durung didhudhah. His stuff is all in a heap: he hasn't unpacked yet.
- kêndhurak
- a certain sea snail.
- kêndhuri
- (or esp. [x]-n, [x]-nan) a ritual feast given in smn's honor for a special purpose.
- kêndhuru:k
- ptg [x] or kêndhurak-[x] or ng-[x] 1 hanging in loose folds. 2 large, looming. Apa sing ngêndhuruk nang pojok kae? What's that huge thin in the corner? Lakune gêndruwo katon kêndhurak-[x]. The ghost loomed up as it stalked along.
- kene
- ng, ngriki kr 1 here, this place (Degree I: Introduction, 6). Saka [x] nunggang bis. From here we take a bus. wong ing desa [x] the people in this village. 2 I, me; we, us. [x] sabangsa our whole nation. [x]-an (prn kènèkan) things like this, this sort of thing. di-[x]-kake to be handled in this way (var of DI-NGENE-KAKE). Aja dikènèk-kènèkake mundhak tugêl. Don't keep doing this to it, or it'll break.
- kênèk
- 1 assistant to the driver of a public vehicle. 2 var of KÊNA. [x]-an place in the rear of a bus etc. where the above assistant sits. ng-[x] to assist the driver (as one's job).
- kênèkêr
- var of NÈKÊR.
- Kènêl
- [x]-[x] soft and springy (e.g. like a marshmallow).
- kênèng
- [x] apa why? (var of KÊNA APA).
- kênêp
- var of KÊNAP.
- kênèpêr
- hairpin, bobby pin.
- kênès
- 1 flirtatious, coquettish. 2 talkative.
- kênèt
- var of KÊNÈK.
- kêng
- rg var of KANG.
- kèngès
- to get cutt off, severed.
- kenging
- can, may; to touch, hit (kr for KÊNA). [x] punapa(ha) kr, [x] napa md why? (social var of GENE YA).
- kèngkèn
- to have smn do sth (root form: kr for KONGKON).
- kêngkêng
- sturdy; stiff, rigid. Awake [x]. Its body is shell-like. Wis [x] pênggalihe. Her mind is made up. mêr-[x] having a tight grip. Olèhe nyêkêli kopêre nganti mêr-[x] kuwatir yèn disrobot wong. He gripped the bag firmly so it couldn't get snatched. ng/di-[x]-i to have/take a firm grasp on.
- kèngsêr
- 1 sand bank. 2 a certain gamelan melody. 3 a certain step in a female classical dance. 4 moved, shifted. ng/di-[x]-ake to shift (the position of). See also INGSÊR.
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- kèngsi
- until, up to (the point that). Tasmu aja [x] kèri lho. Don't forget your bag! Malinge diantêmi [x] biru èrêm. The thief was beaten black and blue.
- kèngsrèh
- to touch or drag on the ground. ng/di-[x]-ake to drag sth on the ground.
- kêngulu
- pillow.
- kêni
- ng/di-[x]-[x] to care for, tend. Tandurane di-[x]-[x]. She takes good care of her plants.
- kênikir
- a certain plant whose leaves are used as a vegetable.
- kênini
- var of KININÊ.
- kênir
- see ÈNGSÈL.
- kênya
- an unmarried virgin girl. Sang [x] Dèwi Mariyah the virgin Mary. [x] puri palace quarters for the princesses.
- kênyal
- rpr sth soft and springy to the touch. Aku midak wêtênge Slamêt, mak [x] kagèt aku. I was startled to find I had stepped on Slamet's stomach! [x]-[x] or k-um-ênyal 1 on chubby. 2 tough, hard to chew.
- kênyam
- a taste, a sample. ng/di-[x] to take a taste (of); to have a taste (of), i.e. to experience.
- kênyas
- rpr a burning sensation. Mak [x] aku nyenggol wajan panas. Ow, I touched the hot pan.
- kênyèh
- sa-[x]-(an) opt kr for SA-KÊNYOH-(AN).
- kênyil
- [x]-[x] or kênyal-[x] tough, rubbery in texture.
- kênyoh
- [x]-[x] to chew on [sth tough]. ng/di-[x]-(i) to chew (ki for ø/DI-MAMAH-(I)). sa-[x]-(an) (sa-kênyèh[an] opt kr) one chew of betel.
- kênyol
- var of KÊNYUL.
- kênyul
- [x]-[x] bouncy, soft and springy.
- kênyung
- 1 baby monkey (young of the KÊTHÈK). 2 slang (you're) crazy, nuts.
- kênyus
- rpr a burning sensation. Mak [x] tangane kênyunyuk gêni. (It burned as) his hand touched the flame.
- kènyut
- to get carried along/away (lit, fig). ng/di-[x]-ake to carry sth away; to charm, enchant smn.
- kênyut
- [x]-[x] a spasm. ng/di-[x] to nurse, suck. k-um-ênyut ati-ne to feel a surge of emotion.
- kènol
- [x]-[x] flabby, soft and rubbery.
- kênong
- 1 gamelan instrument consisting of inverted bronze bowls. 2 a helping of rice. [x]-an 1 a beat of the above instrument. 2 a helping of rice. ng-[x] to play the above instrument. ng/di-[x]-i to dish out rice. [x] japan large gamelan gong.
- kênop
- switch, button.
- kênthang
- 1 potato. 2 bright [of direct sunlight]. [x]-[x] to lie neglected in the open. Duwèke sapa buku iki, [x]-[x] ana njaba? Whose book is this lying around outside? kê-[x] exposed to the sun. turu kê-[x] to lie in the sun. ng/di-[x] to plant [a field] with potatoes. ng/di-[x]-[x] or ng/di-[x]-ake to leave sth lying around outdoors. [x] kimpul-e the facts of the matter. Aku ora ngêrti [x] kimpule kok mèlu disrêngêni. I don't know what it's all about but he's mad at me. See also ÊNTHANG.
- kêntara
- var of KÊTARA.
- kentas
- 1 to get driven out. 2 slang to get finished up/off. ng/di-[x]-ake to drive away, chase out. ng/di-[x]-i to finish sth up.
- kêntawis
- var of KÊTAWIS
- kêntèl
- [x]-an act of giving smn a knockout blow. ng/di-[x] slang to punch, sock.
- kênthêl
- 1 firm, strong, solidified. Sênêngmu wedang cuwèr apa [x]? Do you like your tea weak or strong? Sêtrupe [x]. The syrup is thick (viscous). Lêngane [x]. The oil has frozen. santên [x] the cream of coconut milk that rises to the top. 2 close, intimate. mitra [x] a close friend. [x]-an thick part. Kopine kari [x]-an. kê-[x]-an that which has been made thick etc. kê-[x]-an rêmbug consensus; agreement reached orally. kê-[x]-ên excessively thick. ng/di-[x]-ake to thicken (strengthen, etc.) sth. Jladrène di-[x]-ake. She made the dough thick. ng/di-[x]-i to make sth thicker etc. Olèhe gawe kopi di-[x]-i ya? Please make the coffee stronger!
- kênthèng
- container for catching the blood of slaughtered animals. ng/di-[x] to hammer [dented metal] back into shape with a wooden mallet. ng/di-[x]-ake to have [dents] fixed as above.
- kênthêng
- 1 strong cord. 2 accurate, exact. Anggone nêtêpi janji [x]. He did just as he had promised he would. 3 serious, earnest. [x]-an act of marking lines with cord. [x]-ane ora lurus. He didn't lay the cords straight. ng/di-[x] to set plants in a straight line using a cord. ng/di-[x]-i to mark into sections with cord. Kêbone di-[x]-i dadi pirang-pirang perangan. They divided the garden plot into sections with cord markings.
- kênthès
- blackjack. ng/di-[x]-(i) to hit smn with a blackjack.
- kênthi
- a variety of pumpkin.
- kênthil
- ng/di-[x] to use sparingly. See also ÊNTHIL.
- kênting
- kênthing
- rpr the ting! of metal striking metal.
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- ng/di-[x] to hammer or pound producing clinking sounds.
- kèntir
- var of KÈLI.
- kêncan
- to make an appointment or date.
- kêncana
- oj gold; golden. [x]-n resembling gold. [x] wingka child whose parents regard him as superior.
- kêncang
- ng/di-[x] to stretch and tie [rope etc.] between two points.
- kêncar
- [x]-[x] [of light] bright, intense.
- kèncèng
- a large copper cooking pot for steaming foods.
- kêncèng
- cash [as opposed to credit]. Olèhmu tuku [x] apa utang? Did you buy for cash or on credit?
- kêncêng
- 1 tight, without slack. Olèhe nalèni tali sing [x]. Stretch the line taut. Awake [x]. She's compactly built (not flabby). Dhawuhe [x]. His orders are strict. [x] kêkarêpane. He's determined. 2 straight, direct. Mlakua ngetan bablas [x], ora susah menggok-menggok. Go straight east – don't turn. ka-[x]-ên excessively tight etc. ng/di-[x]-ake to make tight etc. Dhèke ngêncêngake taline kursi. He fastened his seat belt. ng/di-[x]-i to tighten, make tight. pa-[x] deposit, down payment. sa-[x](-[x])-e as tight etc. as possible.
- kêncèt
- 1 Achilles tendon. 2 askew, awry. Sikile [x]. One of his legs is shorter than the other. Klambimu [x] mêrga anggonmu mbênikke klèru. Your shirt is crooked – you buttoned it wrong. Jarene nêm gelo, lha kok jêbul [x], anane mung limang gelo. He said there were six rupiahs but sth's wrong – there are only five.
- kênci
- name of one of the small playing cards (kêrtu cilik).
- kêncing
- [x] manis diabetes. See also PRAWAN.
- kênclèng
- [x]-[x] rpr a metallic clink. k-um-ênclèng to clink.
- kêncling
- var of KÊNCLÈNG.
- kênclong
- rpr a deep metallic clanking. Swaraning pêdhang natab tamèng mak [x]. The sword clanged against the shield.
- kèncong
- [x]-an or di-[x] [of a little boy's batik wraparound] worn with the bottom of the fold tucked into the sash.
- kêncrang
- rpr metal clanking. k-um-êncrang to clank.
- kêncrèng
- kêncrêng
- ng/di-[x] to buy for cash (rather than on credit).
- kêncring
- var of KÊNCRÊNG. [x]-[x] or kêncrang-[x] rpr coins jingling. Kok kêncrang-[x] sajake sugih dhuwit. It sounds to me as if you've got a lot of money. ng/di-[x] 1 to clink [metal objects] (together). 2 to buy for cash. k-um-êncring to produce clinking sounds.
- kêncur
- a palm-like plant; also, its root (used in cooking and in folk medicines).
- kentol
- ng kr, wêngkêlan kr calf of the leg.
- kênthong
- (or [x]-an) village warning device: a bamboo or wooden tube on which one knocks with a stick to produce signals. ng-[x] to strike the above. ng/di-[x]-(i) to signalize sth with the above. ngênthongi banjir to give signals notifying the populace of flood conditions. Yèn layon arêp mangkat mêsthi di-[x]-i ping têlu. Three sinal beats are given when the time comes to convey the body to the cemetery. See also THONG.
- kênthos
- the pit of a coconut or salak fruit. ng-[x] 1 to harden, form a cake. 2 to form a seed. Krambile wis ngênthos. The coconut seed has formed.
- kêntrung
- (or [x]-an) to sing religious songs to the accompaniment of a small drum.
- kentun
- kr sbst var of KANTUN.
- kênthung
- [x]-[x] rpr drumbears.
- kênthus
- 1 a certain cat-sized wild animal shaped like a kerbau. 2 a certain small frog that inflates itself and raises its forelegs when approached by human beings. k-um-ênthus resembling the above frog; fig arrogant. bangga kumênthus to have an inflated ego. A saiki kumênthus basan sugih. Now that A is rich, he puts on airs. kumênthus ora pêcus to talk big but produce little.
- kênthut
- muscular, strong.
- kênul
- rpr a gentle plop.
- kênup
- 1 collar button. 2 var of KÊNUT.
- kênur
- 1 heavy-duty cord. 2 fishline for deep-sea fishing.
- kênut
- a rubber blackjack.
- kêpah
- [x]-an a chewed piece (of sugar cane). ng/di-[x] to spit out sth one has chewed, esp. sugar cane.
- kêpala
- 1 chief, head, supervisor. [x] kècu robber chief. [x] sêkolah school superintendent. 2 oj head. pajêg [x] head tax, percapita tax. ng/di-[x]-ni to have charge of. Sapa sing ngêpalani kantor iki? Who runs this office? [x] daerah (abbr: kêpda) territorial head.
- kêpama
- well cared for. Bapake sugih mula uripe [x]. His father is rich, so he is well looked after.
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- kepang
- 1 woven bamboo. jaran [x] horse of woven bamboo, used in a certain folk dance. 2 braid, pigtail. 3 woven coconut leaves [for roofs, fences]. ng-[x] to weave bamboo as one's livelihood. ng/di-[x]-i to furnish sth with woven-bamboo work. Warunge di-[x]-i. He put bamboo panels on his stall.
- kêpang
- surrounded; to surround (root form: kr for KÊPUNG).
- kêpara
- (or di-[x]) somewhat, rather. [x] ngarêp toward the front. Durung tau nyêrikake marang atine, malah [x] akèh lêlabuhane. He had never hurt her feelings – if anything, he was oversolicitous.
- kêparat
- 1 (you) villain! (you) scoundrel! 2 damn it!
- kêparêng
- 1 to have permission. Aku ora [x] bapak lunga-lunga. Father wouldn't let me go out. 2 to ask permission to leave (kr for PAMIT). ng/di-[x]-ake to give permission. Aku mbokmênawa pancèn durung pinarêngake karo Sing Maha Kuwasa omah-omah. Perhaps God does not grant me permission to marry. yèn [x] 1 if one is permitted. Yèn [x] aku arêp nyuwun ngampil pite omku. If I may, I'd like to borrow my uncle's bicycle. 2 God willing. See also PARÊNG.
- kêpati
- see PATIa, PATIb.
- kêpaung
- morally bad.
- kêpda
- see KÊPALA.
- kêpeyuh
- rg var of KÊPOYUH.
- kèpèk
- a young kêmlandhingan fruit.
- kêpèk
- 1 notes for cheating on an examination. 2 a small flat bag. [x]-[x]-an to consult each other's cheating notes. ng-[x] to cheat on an examination. ng/di-[x]-ake or ng/di-[x]-i to copy from [smn's exam notes].
- kèpèl
- kr sbst var of KAPAL.
- kêpêl
- 1 fist. 2 the amount of food taken in the cupped hands when eating at a ritual meal. 3 a certain tree, also its (edible) fruits. ng/di-[x] to make (the hand into) a fist. Tangane di-[x]-[x]. He kept clenching his fists. ng/di-[x]-(i) to take [food] in the cupped hands.
- kêpenak
- ng, sêkeca kr comfortable, pleasant (dhangan ki). Hawane [x]. The weather is nice. turu [x] sleeping peacefully. kê-[x]-ên (kê-keca-nên or kê-sêkeca-nên kr) to make comfortable/pleasant. Kêpenakna. Make yourself at home! Dipun sêkecakakên dhaharipun. Enjoy your meal! ng/di-[x]-i to make smn feel good. sa-[x]-e (dhewe) as one pleases. Nèk omong aja sa-[x]-e. Don't just say out whatever you feel like. Wong-wong nyambut-gawe sa-[x]-e. The men work at a comfortable pace. See also ENAK.
- kêpenakan
- nephew, niece (kr for KÊPONAKAN).
- kèpèng
- half-cent coin.
- kêpêntut
- to discharge flatus inadvertently. See also ÊNTUT.
- kêpêp
- covered with an airtight cover.
- kèpêr
- 1 twilled cloth. 2 a certain freshwater fish.
- kêpesing
- 1 to urinate/defecate inadvertently. 2 to need to go to the bathroom. See also ISING.
- kèpèt
- 1 caudal fin; tail fin. 2 serrated ridges on a crocodile's tail. [x]-[x] to wag [the tail].
- kêpêt
- a hand fan. [x]-an 1 to fan oneself. 2 fan-shaped. kê-[x] to use a fan. ng/di-[x]-i to fan oneself or smn else.
- kêpiye
- var of KÊPRIYE.
- kêpik
- 1 a small basket. 2 a certain malodorous flying insect.
- kêpis
- fishing creel.
- kêpithing
- edible saltwater crab.
- kêpyak
- set of bronze (or other metal) bars with which a puppet-master produces rapping sound effects. [x]-an 1 metallic rapping produced with the above. 2 wedding reception. ng/di-[x]-ake 1 to announce sth, esp. at a reception. 2 to hold a bridal reception for smn. sa-[x]-an quick as a wink. Sêga sêcêthing sa-[x]-an êntèk dipangan wong loro. The two of them finished off the rice in no time. Gaweyan yèn ditandangi wong akèh sa-[x]-an rampung. Work done by many hands is quickly finished. [x] pisan the beginning.
- kêpyar
- to come apart, come unstuck. [x]-[x] feeling of relief or refreshment produced by eating hot or highly spiced foods. (ptg) k-l-êpyar pl to come apart. k-um-êpyar sms [x]-[x] above.
- kêpyok
- var of GÊPYOK, KÊPYUK.
- kêpyuk
- ng/di-[x]-(ake) to splash (onto). Banyune di-[x]-ake A marang raine B. A splashed water in B's face.
- kêpyur
- to emerge/fall in small quantities. Aku sida lunga sêbab udane ming [x]. I went after all – it was only drizzling. [x]-[x] to see stars; to fell the head reeling or throbbing. ng/di-[x]-i to sprinkle lightly. Tandurane di-[x]-i banyu wae. Put just a little water on the plants. Ibu ngêpyuri uyah nang jangan. Mother sprinkled a little salt in the soup.
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- ptg k-l-êpyur or k-um-êpyur to have a throbbing head; to see stars. kumêpyur ati the heart throbs or pounds, e.g. with fright.
- kêplak
- a slap in the face. ng/di-[x]-(i) to slap smn's face. k-um-êplak to need a slap. Bocah kok kumêplak, dikandhani mêsthi ora manut. You're asking for a slap – you never do as you're told.
- kêplas
- rpr a swift motion. [x]-ing panah the humming flight of an arrow. sa-[x]-an at a glance. Sa-[x]-an rupane kaya tilas pancanganku. At first glance she looked like my former fiancee.
- keple
- 1 slang prostitute. 2 var of KÈPLÈH. ng-[x] to engage in prostitution.
- kèplèh
- drooping, hanging down limply. Suwiwine [x]. Its [broken] wings are hanging helpless. [x] brêngose having a long drooping moustache.
- kêplèh
- soaking wet.
- kêplèk
- 1 a card game played for money. 2 rpr a slashing. ng/di-[x]-ake to slash, smash. Urète di-[x]-ake ing doran. He slashed at the grub with his hoe handle.
- kêplêkikên
- to choke (on) [food].
- kêplêng
- intsfr round, full. Rêmbulane [x]. The moon was full. bongoh [x] completely happy.
- kêplok
- 1 in harmony (with). Panêmune [x]. They're in agreement. pênganggo sing [x] karo kapribadèn clothing which suits the personality. 2 applause; to clap. ng/di-[x] to beat [clothing] while laundering it. ng/di-[x]-i to clap for smn (in applause; to summon them). [x] bokong to laugh at smn who is in trouble. [x] ora tombok 1 to disparage, belittle. 2 to take part in the fun without sharing the cost.
- kêpluk
- a slap, esp. in the face. ng/di-[x]-(i) to crumble [lumpy soil] fine.
- kêpodhang
- golden oriole (var of PODHANG).
- kêpoyuh
- 1 to urinate inadvertently. 2 to feel the need to urinate. See also UYUH.
- kêpok
- see GÊDHANG.
- kêponakan
- ng, kêpenakan kr nephew, niece. [x] lanang nephew. [x] wedok niece. [x] m-pisan-an child of one's first cousin. [x] m-pindho-an child of one's second cousein.
- kêprak
- 1 small wooden box tapped with a mallet to produce castinet-like beats for sound effects. 2 metal sound-effect bars (var of KÊPYAK). ng-[x] to produce sounds with the above.
- kêpras
- ng/di-[x]-(i) to trim, prune, cut back [shrubbery or other growth]. cukur [x] a short haircut.
- kêprèh
- var of KÊPLÈH.
- kèprèt
- messy, smeared (with). ng/di-[x]-i to get sth messy.
- kêpriye
- ng, kados pundi kr how? Yèn kowe [x]? How about you? Rasane [x]? What does it taste like? Anèhe [x]? What's strange about it? Kok adhêm têmên iki [x]? How come it's so cold? Aku golèk reka [x] nyirnakake ama. I'm trying to find a way to get rid of pests. di-[x]-a no matter how it is. Dikêpriyea, dhèke isih sêdulurmu. Be that as it may, he is your brother. [x] manèh what else? what can one do? Dialang-alangana ya [x] mênèh, wong wis padha sênênge. We try to keep them apart, but if they love each other what can we do? [x] wae any way (at all). [x] wae kowe kudu mangkat dina iki uga. One way or another, you've got to leave today.
- kêpripun
- md for KÊPRIYE.
- kêproh
- soaking wet.
- kêprok
- a tangerine-like fruit.
- kêpruk
- [x]-an act or result of breaking sth open. ng/di-[x]-ake to break open. Aku ngêprukake cèlèngan marang watu. I broke open my piggy bank on a rock. ng/di-[x]-(i) to break open. ngêpruk(i) klapa to crack open coconut(s). ptg k-l-êpruk pl to break open. Wong adol kambil padha ptg klêpruk ngêpruki kambil. The coconut sellers are breaking open coconuts. k-um-êpruk to break, smash. Ana swara kumêpruk. There was a crashing sound of sth breaking. tukang [x] bodyguard, hired strong-arm man.
- kêpu
- (or [x]-[x]) chubby-cheeked.
- kêpuh
- kêpung
- ng, kêpang kr [x]-an 1 surrounded, encircled. Kiwa têngên mung [x]-an swaraning gangsir ngêntir. Crickets chirped all around us. 2 the partaking of a ritual meal. ng/di-[x]-(i) 1 to be (sit, stand) around sth. Aku di-[x] mungsuh. I was surrounded by enemies. Bocah-bocah padha ngêpungi omah sing kobong. The boys stood around the burning house. 2 to attend a ritual ceremony, i.e. sit around a communal meal. Sing ngêpung mung wong sing tunggal saomah bae. Only family members attended the ceremony.
- kêpus
- ng/di-[x] to blow (on); to exhale strongly.
- kêr
- rpr growling, snarling.
- kêr-
- see also under KR- (Introduction, 2.9.3).
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- kera
- 1 cross-eyed; wall-eyed. Matane [x]. His eyes don't focus together. wong [x] person born with the above visual defect. 2 name of one of the small playing cards (kêrtu cilik). ng-[x] 1 to cross the eyes. 2 (psv di-[x]) to look at sth cross-eyed or with one nonfocusing eye. See also ERA.
- kêra
- thin, undernourished (kr for GÊRING, KURU).
- kêrah
- (or [x]-an) a fight (between animals); to fight. ng/di-[x] [of animals] to bite, chew.
- kêrak
- 1 old and dried up. 2 dry crust(y part). ng-[x] crusty; very dry. mangsa kêtiga ngêrak the height of the dry season.
- kêramik
- ceramic ware.
- kêran
- water faucet. banyu [x] running water; tap water.
- kêrang
- a certain mussel, also its shell.
- keras
- [x]-an figure of speech, verbal symbol; ambiguous phraseology. supaya nyingkiri [x]-an in order to avoid ambiguity. ng/di-[x] to speak symbolically or figuratively; to use ambiguous locutions.
- kêras
- hard, harsh, strong. obat [x] strong medicine. minuman [x] hard liquor. Watake [x]. He's stubborn. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to make fast. ngêrasi sêkrup to tighten a screw. 2 to confine, restrain.
- kerat
- inf var of AKERAT.
- kerata
- oj hunter. [x] basa (in folk etymology) a search for underlying or original phrases from which words are derived, e.g. PI-RING from sê-PI yèn mi-RING; KO-DHOK from tê-KA-tê-KA ndho-DHOK.
- kêrja
- low-paying blue-collar job; to work at such a job. ng/di-[x]-(kake) to get a job done.
- kêrdus
- paper box or carton.
- kere
- beggar. ng-[x] to be(come) a beggar; to resemble or act like a beggar. ng/di-[x]-kake (prn – kèrèkake) to call or consider smn a beggar. [x] munggah ing bale from rags to riches.
- kêre
- roll-up bamboo blind. ng-[x] to make bamboo blinds (as one's livelihood). [x] waja bullet-proof vest.
- kêrèh
- [x]-[x] to shout.
- kèrèk
- (or [x]-an) a pulley. [x] kutut pulley used for raising and lowering a dove cage. [x] timba pulley for hauling up water from a well. ng/di-[x] to hoist with a pulley. ngèrèk gêndera to run a flag up the mast.
- kêrèk
- var of KÊRIK.
- kêrêk
- ng/di-[x] to chew up, bite to pieces.
- kèrêm
- var of KÈLÊM.
- kêrên
- wood-burning brazier.
- kêrêng
- harsh, stern, gruff, easily angered. [x]-an to come to blows. ng/di-[x]-i to restrain, inhibit.
- kêrêp
- (sêring kr?) frequent; at short intervals of space or time. kê-[x]-ên excessively often or close together. Yèn nonton sorot aja kê-[x]-ên. Don't go to movies to often. ng/di-[x]-ake or ng/di-[x]-i 1 to place [things] at frequent intervals. 2 to do sth often. Yèn di-[x]-i olèhe nglamar, suwe-suwe rak ya entuk gawean. If you keep applying you're sure to get the job.
- kêrèt
- ng/di-[x] to get hold of, lay hands on.
- kêrêt
- 1 section, joint [of bamboo, sugar cane], pring sa-[x] a section bamboo. 2 carat. barleyan sa-[x] a one-carat diamond. 3 an r-showing diacritic in Javanese script. ng/di-[x]-i to cut [sugar cane, bamboo] into sections with a knife, useing a circular motion around the stalk. pa-ng-[x] action of cutting (as above).
- kêrga
- satchel.
- keri
- var of KERING.
- kêri
- to feel a tickling sensation. [x] aku. It tickles! [x]-n ticklish. [x]-(n) kuping irascible. [x] ora p-in-êcut to have a chip on the shoulder.
- kêrig
- to go forth in a group to do a job. ng/di-[x]-ake to summon or mobilize [a group] to do a job.
- kêrik
- 1 shaving and shaping of the hair on a bride's forehead. 2 rpr a cricket's chirp. [x]-an act or way of shaping and shaving. ng-[x] 1 to chirp. 2 (psv di-[x]) to shave and shape [hair; eyebrows].
- kering
- ltry left. kanan [x] right and left. k-in-ering-an var of K-ERING-AN.
- kêring
- (or [x]-an) bakery goods.
- kêris
- ng, dhuwung kr kris (ceremonial dagger) (wangking-an ki). [x]-an 1 to wear a kris. 2 imitation kris (e.g. a toy; a shadow-play prop). ng/di-[x] to stab with a kris. ng/di-[x]-i to have smn wear a kris.
- kêrkas
- 1 crankcase. 2 holster.
- kêrkèt
- [x]-[x] rpr creaking, esp. of bamboo stalks or trees rubbing against each other.
- kêrkêt
- var of KÊRKUT.
- kêrki:t
- rpr creaking, esp. of bed springs.
- kêrkop
- kèrkop, cemetery for the burial of Occidentals, Christians.
- kêrkot
- rpr heavy creaking, e.g. of bamboo poles swaying against each other.
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- kêrkuh
- ptg [x] unwilling, disinclined.
- kêrkut
- [x]-[x] rpr grinding one's teeth.
- kêrl
- ngê/di-[x]-(ake) to curl [hair].
- kêrlèp
- var of KÊRLIP.
- kêrlip
- ptg [x] to glitter, sparkle. Kuthane katon ptg [x]. The city lights twinkle. Langite katon ptg [x]. There were flashes of lightning. [x]-[x]-an to be in love with each other.
- kêrlop
- to glitter, flash.
- kêrmah
- a variety of vegetable.
- kêrmi
- worms (as a disease). [x]-ên to have/get worms.
- kêrmun
- (or [x]-[x]-an) to rain lightly, drizzle.
- kêrmus
- [x]-[x] or kêrmas-[x] to make crunching sounds. kêrmas-[x] mangan karag to eat crunchy rice chips. ng/di-[x] 1 to bite/chew sth crunchy. 2 to devour.
- kêrnèt
- driver's assistant (var of KÊNÈK).
- kêrnuk
- ptg [x] pl to sit around outdoors by moonlight.
- kêrod
- kerod, ng/di-[x]-(i) to clean sth from [a surface etc.] by sweeping it off.
- kêrok
- 1 scrubbing tool for cleaning a horse. 2 name of one of the Chinese playing cards (kêrtu cilik). [x]-an to have a warming massage by having the body rubbed with oil and scraped with a coin. ng/di-[x]-(i) 1 to scrape, rub. Kayune di-[x] nganggo bêling karêbèn alus. He scraped the wood with a piece of glass to smooth it. ngêrok jaran to rub down a horse. 2 to massage smn with a coin and oil. 3 to scrub the wax from fabric being worked in batik.
- kêrot
- rpr the upper and lower teeth clicking together. [x]-[x] 1 [of teeth] clenched. 2 to make gnawing sounds. ng/di-[x]-ake to clench [the teeth] in anger. [x] tanpa untu to have good ideas but no means of carrying them out.
- kêrpêk
- rpr shattering. Kaca-matane kêpidak sak kal pêcah mak [x]. He stepped on his glasses and they smashed.
- kêrpus
- 1 fez-like hat worn by men and children. 2 roof ridge. 3 cell for incarcerating soldiers. ng/di-[x] to lock up [a soldier] as a disciplinary measure.
- kêrsa
- inf var of KARSA.
- kèrsmis
- Christmas.
- kêrta
- prosperity and peace. tata têntrêm [x] raharja (wy) orderly, peaceful, and prosperous [of the condition of a country]. [x] aji value, worth; di-[x]-aji to be valued (at). [x] kêrti peace and prosperity. [x] wadana leader
- kêrthap
- ptg [x] to glitter, sparkle.
- kêrtas
- (piece of) paper. [x] karo potlot paper and pencil.
- kêrtèp
- ptg [x] to glitter, sparkle.
- kêrtêp
- jeweled belt buckle.
- kêrtip
- ptg [x] to glitter, twinkle, sparkle, with tiny spots of light.
- kêrcap
- pl form of KÊCAP.
- kêrcip
- ptg [x] making sucking noises.
- kêrthop
- ptg [x] to glitter, gleam.
- kêrtos
- sbst kr for KÊRTU.
- kêrtu
- card. [x] jênêng calling card. [x] Landa playing cards, bridge cards. [x] Lêbar-an Lebaran greeting card. [x] lima name of a card game. [x] pêndhudhuk identification card. [x] pos post card. [x] cilik or [x] Cina small playing cards of Chinese origin.
- kerud
- to get swept away forcibly. ng/di-[x]-ake to sweep/carry sth off.
- kêruk
- scraping or scooping device. kapal [x] dredger. ng/di-[x]-(i) to scoop/scrape out; fig to get one's hands on smn's belongings. k-um-êruk buntut [of coconut] very young and tender.
- kesah
- to go; to be away (kr for LUNGA).
- kêsambi
- ironwood tree. arêng [x] ironwood charcoal.
- kêsar
- [x]-[x] or k-um-êsar to throb, pound [of the heart, under emotional stress].
- kêsat
- dry, rough-textured, providing traction.
- kêsatuan
- unit. nêgara [x] unitary system of government.
- kêsdu
- ltry willing; to want.
- kèsèd
- 1 door mat. 2 (or kê-[x]) to wipe the feet on a door mat. ng/di-[x]-i to equip with a door mat.
- kêsèd
- lazy. [x]-[x]-an 1 to loaf, take it easy. 2 to try to outloaf each other. di-[x]-[x]-ake to exert oneself to the minimum. Wis di-[x]-[x]-ake anggone sinau, mêksa olèh angka sêdhêng. He studied as little as possible and still got by. ng-[x]-i to act lazy.
- kêsêd
- 1 dry and hard. 2 dry to the touch rather than oily [of a healty young person's skin].
- kêsêl
- physically tired. ora duwe [x] tireless. [x]-an to tire easily. ng-[x] to act tired. ng/di-[x]-ake to tire smn out.
- kèsèr
- [x]-an two-wheeled cart pulled by men. [x]-[x] to drag [a heavy load]. ng/di-[x] to transport [a load] in a two-wheeled cart drawn by manpower. ng/di-[x]-ake to have sth transported as above. tukang [x] a man whose job is to pull a cart.
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- kêsês
- kêsas-[x] hissing sound. ng-[x] to make a hissing sound. esp. on an indrawn breath after taking a mouthful of sth hot. ng-kêsas-ng-[x] to keep making hissing sounds. ptg k-r-êsês pl producing the above sound. Ulane ptg krêsês mêtu saka lènge. The snake emerged from its hole hissing steadily.
- kêsêsa
- in a hurry (kr for KÊ-SUSU).
- kêsik
- var of GÊSIK. ng/di-[x] to scour sth with a gritty substance.
- kêsit
- quick-moving, nimble, hard to catch.
- kêsliyo
- 1 sprained, out of joint. 2 (to make) a slip of the tongue.
- kesod
- [x]-an to keep moving around aimlessly in a squatting position, e.g. a child playing on the ground. [x]-[x] or kê-[x] to keep rubbing against sth. Sapine [x]-[x] nang wit asêm. The cow scratched its back against a tamarind tree. ng-[x] to move along the ground in a squatting position. ng/di-[x]-ake to move or scrape a part of one's body against sth. Sikile di-[x]-[x]-ake nang sukêtan. He rubbed his foot back and forth on the grass [to remove the sticky stuff].
- kèsrèk
- to scratch, scrape against.
- kêsrèk
- var of KÊSRIK.
- kêsrik
- rpr a scooping, swooping motion. ng/di-[x] to uproot [grass] by cutting out a shallow round with a blade.
- kêstiwêl
- var of SÊTIWÊL.
- kêstop
- var of KANSTOF.
- kêstul
- kestul, revolver, pistol.
- kêsud
- ng/di-[x] to wipe (up) or sponge (off) with a cloth.
- kesuk
- ng, kending kr morning's duration. Kowe sa-[x] mau apa maca? Have you been reading all morning? Bathik mau diêbun-êbunake wêtara têlung [x]. The batik is set out in the dew for three mornings. sa-[x] n-jêpluk/cêpluk (sakenjing muput kr) all morning long. See also ESUK.
- kêsusu
- see SUSUb.
- kêtab
- [x]-[x] to knock dirt etc. from sth by hitting it against sth. ng/di-[x] to urge on a horse by kicking its belly. ng/di-[x]-ake to knock sth against sth. Blège nuli di-[x]-ake ana ing watu. He hit the can against a stone [to get the dirt out]. See also TAB.
- kêthak
- 1 a cookie made of peanuts or coconut. 2 rpr a knock on the head. ng/di-[x] to knock smn on the head. k-um-êthak conceited, boastful.
- kêthakli:k
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] rpr the weak motions of a thin body running, as though the bones were knocking against each other.
- kêthamul
- var of KÊTHÊMUL.
- kêtan
- ng, kêtos kr 1 glutinous rice, sticky rice. glêpung [x] sticky-rice flour. [x] irêng black (inferior) glutinous rice. [x] srikaya glutinous rice with sweetened coconut-milk sugar. 2 cake made of glutinous rice with sweetened coconut-milk sugar.
- ketang
- ora [x] even if/though one must [undergo sth]. Yèn kanggo mbayar sêkolah, ora [x] isin, ya tak golèk-golèkake utangan dhisik. For school expenses I'll do my best to get a loan, even though I'm ashamed to do so.
- kêtanggung
- traditional soldiers of Jogjakarta.
- kêtantil
- var of KÊTANTING.
- kêtanting
- ptg [x] with erratic or patternsless motions, as when panicky. [x]-an erratic, crazy. Olèhe mlayu [x]-an marga dioyak asu. He ran every which way with the dog chasing him.
- kêthap
- [x]-[x] far in the distance. Lha kae, montore wis ketok [x]-[x]. Look, here comes the car way off ther.
- kêthapêl
- ng-[x] to hold on with the arms and legs. Slamêt ngêthapêl nang wit. Slamet clung to the tree. ng/di-[x]-ake to wind [the arms and legs] around sth to hold on.
- kêtara
- ng, kêtawis kr obvious, showing plainly. Bocah mau olèhe ngomong grothal-grathul [x] yèn ngapusi. From the way he stamered around, it was obvious he was lying. ng/di-[x]-kake or ng/di-[x]-ni to allow sth to be seen/known/obvious. Aja ngêtarani yèn kowe mau ngapusi. Don't ever let on that you were lying! Bên ora ngêtarani, polatane dibingarake. He put on a happy face so no body would know how he really felt.
- kêtat
- tight, constricting. rok [x] a tight-fitting skirt. Aturane beya masuk saiki [x] bangêt. The import regulations are very strict now.
- kêthathar
- ptg [x] pl lying strewn about. ng-[x] to lie sprawled. Kêbo mau mati ngêthathar nang ndalan. The kerbau lay dead in the road.
- kêthathêl
- rpr getting caught. Kathokku kêcanthol kawat mak [x]. My pants caught on the barbed-wire fence with a jerk.
- kêtawang
- 1 a certain group of Javanese musical numbers played by gamelan instruments. 2 a certain court dance performed by nine girls. [x]-an annual performance of the above dance.
- kêthawe
- ptg [x] pl with outstretched
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- hands. [x]-an to reach out the hand. ng-[x] as if waving the hand. See also THAWE.
- kêthawèl
- var of KÊTHAWIL.
- kêthawil
- ptg [x] [of arms, legs] flailing about, thrashing the air.
- kêtawis
- obvious, showing plainly (kr for KÊTARA).
- kêtêb
- thick, dense.
- kêtebang
- [x]-[x] approaching from a distance. Kae Slamêt wis ketok [x]-[x]. Here comes Slamet!
- kêtêblug
- ptg [x] rpr repeated thuds. Krambile ptg [x]. The coconuts kept dropping.
- kêtêg
- (or kê-[x]) heart; heartbeats. [x]-ing jantunge the beating of his heart. [x] tangan pulse (rate). Aku diukur panasku lan [x]-ing tanganku. He took my temperature and felt my pulse.
- kêthèk
- 1 monkey. 2 rpr a light brittle thud. [x]-an abacus. ng-[x] 1 resembling a monkey. 2 (psv di-[x]) to expose smn to ridicule by caging him publicly (a form of punishment for criminals). [x] bêngkarokan big old repulsive-looking ape. [x] sa-ranggon a group of bad people. kaya [x] di-tulup confused; frenzied.
- kêthêk
- ng/di-[x]-(i) to make a tongue-clicking sound (to) [a person, to express disapproval; an animal, to urge it on]. See also THÊK.
- kêthêkan
- chin (ki for JANGGUT).
- kêthekar
- var of KÊTHÈKÈR.
- kêtèkèng
- [x]-[x] always in trouble.
- kêthèkèr
- [x]-an or ng-[x] laborious, difficult. Olèhe munggah gunung [x]-an. They struggled up the mountain.
- kêthêkli:k
- sprained. [x]-[x] rpr the footsteps of smn wearing wooden sandals. Saya suwe saya cêtha suarane thèklèk [x]-[x]. The clippity-clop of sandals got closer and closer. kêthêklak-[x] 1 to make repeated clippity-clop sounds. 2 [of walking gait] slow. Sore-sore A kêthêklak-[x] mlaku ngubêngi alun-alun. In the evening, A strolled around the square. See also THÊKLIK.
- kêthêklu:k
- to nod drowsily. kêthêklak-[x] to keep nodding.
- kêthekor
- var of KÊTHÈKÈR.
- kêthêkrêk
- [x]-[x] clippity-clop. Jarane mlaku [x]-[x]. The horse clattered along.
- kêthêkur
- rpr the cooing of a turtledove (see also WUK). nganggur [x] unemployed; idle. ng-[x] 1 motionless; to loaf, idle. thênguk-thênguk nganggur ngêthêkur to sit around daydreaming all the time. 2 fast asleep. Isih jam wolu wis ngêthêkur. It's only eight o'clock and he's asleep already. ng/di-[x]-i to coo at.
- kètèl
- 1 steam boiler. 2 large rice kettle with a handle.
- kêtêl
- thick, luxuriant. rambut [x] thick hair. alas [x] dense jungle.
- kêtela
- var of TELA.
- kêtêlu
- (kêtiga kr?) var of KATÊLU.
- kêthêm
- ng/di-[x] to grasp in the closed hand.
- kêthêmêk
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] 1 to walk with short careful steps. 2 to tiptoe. 3 to stroll at a leisurely pace.
- kêthêmil
- [x]-[x] [to eat] little by little. ng-[x] to nibble constantly. See also THÊMIL.
- kêthêmlèk
- var of KÊTÊMPLÈK.
- kêtêmplèk
- [x]-[x] to clip-clop when walking in sandals.
- kêthêmul
- ptg [x] pl to eat with good appetite. ng-[x] sg to eat with good appetite. Sêga ditampani banjur mangan ngêthêmul katone enak. He took the rice and ate it with gusto.
- kèthèng
- half-cent coin.
- kêthèngkrang
- kêthèngkrèng
- [x]-an to lumber along, move ponderously. ng-[x] to sit (impolitely) in a more elevated position than others; fig to consider oneself above pitching in and helping. Kabèh padha nyambut gawe, Slamêt malah ngêthèngkrèng lingguh kursi enak-enak. All the others were working, but Slamet just sat there taking it easy.
- kêthèngkrong
- kêtèp
- sequins (usu. silver, gold) for clothing ornamentation. k-um-êtèp hot to the taste (in temperature or in spiciness). Sambêle kumêtèp pêdhês bangêt. The sauce is terribly peppery.
- kêtêp
- 1 edge, fringe; fine fringe of tiny bangs worn on girls' foreheads. 2 (or kê-[x]) troops which bring up the rear. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to provide with a neat edge. 2 to back up [the vanguard troops].
- kêthêpêk
- var of KÊTHÊPRÊK.
- kêtêpèl
- var of KÊTÊPIL.
- kêthèpèl
- [x]-an or ng-[x] to struggle (upward, onward).
- kêtêpil
- slingshot. [x]-an to shoot with a slingshot. ng/di-[x] to shoot sth with a slingshot.
- kêthêplok
- [x]-[x] [of horses' hoofs] to clatter.
- kêthèprèh
- ptg [x] sloppy in one's dress.
- kêthêprêk
- [x]-[x] rpr the clatter of horses' hoofs. ng-[x] to trot along clattering the hoofs.
- kêtêpu
- kèthèr
- slow, behind; to come in last. Mêntas
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- lara, sinaune [x]. He's been ill; he's behind in his studies. Jamku [x] limang mênit. My watch is five minutes slow.
- kêtêr
- kêthêr, var of GÊTÊR.
- kètès
- to drip. [x]-[x] 1 to keep dripping. 2 brand (new). Montore anyar [x]-[x]. His car is brand new.
- kêtès
- rpr a slap.
- kêthètèr
- ptg [x] pl spread in disorder. Nganggo klambi aja ptg [x]. Don't wear your clothes loose and floppy. Pêrjurit padha mlayu ptg [x]. The soldiers fled in panic. [x]-an or ng-[x] in disorder. Sandhangane ngêthèthèr. His clothes are a mess. Gaweane isih [x]-an. His work is lying around unfinished.
- kêtèwèl
- var of TÈWÈL.
- kêthèwèr
- ptg [x] or [x]-an scattered around.
- kêthi
- hundred thousand. sa-[x] 100,000. [x]-n (numbering in the) hundred thousands.
- kêtib
- assistant to a religious official (pangulu).
- kêtiga
- var of KATIGA.
- kêtik
- [x]-[x] rpr the sound of typewriting. [x]-an 1 act or way of typing. [x]-ane kurang bêcik. She doesn't type very well. 2 short period spent in typing. Dhèke lagi sê-[x]-an wae wis lèrèn ngobrol. She types a little and then stops to chat. ng/di-[x] to typewrite. ngêtik layang to type a letter. ng/di-[x]-ake to have smn type; to have sth typed. pa-ng-[x] 1 act or way of typing. Pangêtike layang kuwi aja nganti luput. The letter is to be typed without errors. 2 typist. pa-ng-[x]-an place where typing is done.
- kêthik
- tooth file; [of teeth] filed even (ki for PASAH). ng/di-[x] to privately talk smn into (or out of) doing sth. A ngêthik bèn aja kandha-kandha. A persuaded B not to tell anyone. [x] kanaka to have an easy life, never do any work.
- kêthilang
- var of KUTHILANG.
- kêtimaha
- var of TIMAHA.
- kêthimik
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] 1 to take short careful steps. 2 to tiptoe. 3 to stroll. See also THIMIK.
- kêtimun
- var of TIMUN.
- kêting
- a certain ocean fish.
- kêtingal
- inf var of KATINGAL.
- kêtinggi
- var of TINGGI.
- kêthingkrang
- kêthinthal
- [x]-an to plod laboriously. Olèhe nututi pêlajaran [x]-an mêrga suwe dhèke ora mlêbu. It was uphill work for him to catch up in his studies – he had been absent for a long time.
- kêthip
- ten-cent coin. sê[x] a dime. [x]-an tencent coin. [x]-[x] 1 far in the distance. Layangane muluk dhuwur bangêt nganti [x]-[x]. The kite is so far up it's just a speck in the sky. 2 (or kêthap-[x]) to keep blinking the eyes. Aku kêthap-[x] nang pêturon ora bisa turu. I couldn't sleep a wink. See also SÊKÊTHIP.
- kêthipêl
- [x]-[x] or kêthipal-[x] rpr a clumsy walking gait. ng-[x] to walk slowly and ponderously.
- kêthiplêk
- kêthiplak-[x] rpr sandals clopping.
- kêthipli:k
- ptg [x] pl sluggish, listless. ng-[x] to toddle; to walk with short quick steps.
- kêtipung
- small gamelan drum. ng-[x] to produce pang-pung sounds by beating this drum.
- kêtir
- [x]-[x] or kêtar-[x] fearful, apprehensive. Atimu aja [x]-[x], wong durung karuwan. Don't worry about it-it's not certain that it will happen. ng-[x]-[x]-ake or ng-[x]-[x]-i causing apprehension/anxiety.
- kêthiwul
- var of THIWUL.
- keca
- see SÊKECA.
- kêcak
- rg smeared, messy.
- kecalan
- form of ICAL: see ILANG.
- kêcam
- [x]-an criticism. ng/di-[x] to criticize or condemn.
- kêcambah
- beansprout. ng-[x] to plant bean sprouts.
- kêcandhak
- to get caught. Malinge [x] digawa mênyang kantor pulisi. The thief was apprehended and taken to the police station. sa-[x]-e whatever one can manage. Garapên sa-[x]-e. Do as much of the work as you can. See also CANDHAK.
- kecap
- soy sauce. [x] asin salty soy sauce. [x] lêgi/manis sweet soy sauce. ng-[x] to brag about oneself or a member of one's family. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to put soy sauce on. 2 to boast to smn. [x] nomêr siji person who considers himself first-rate.
- kêcap
- 1 to say sth. Iki lho [x]-e. Here's what it says. 2 (or [x]-[x]) to smack the lips. sa-[x] (to utter) a single word. tanpa têmbung sa-[x] without saying a word. ptg kê-r-cap pl smacking the lips.
- kêcapi
- a lute-like stringed instrument of West Java. ng-[x] to play this instrument.
- kece
- an oyster-or scallop-like shellfish.
- kêcêbu:k
- [x]-[x] or kêcêbak-[x] rpr splashing sounds. See also CÊBUKb.
- kêcèh
- (or [x]-an or kê-[x]) to splash around in water in one's bare feet. kêcah-[x] to keep splashing. [x] dhuwit rich. Barêng dadi
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- pêmborong A [x] dhuwit. Since A became a contractor he's been swimming in money.
- kècèk
- a certain dice game. [x]-an small reptiles cooked in coconut oil: a preparation for treating skin rashes. ng/di-[x] to cook [reptiles] as above.
- kêcêklik
- 1 sprained. Sikile [x]. He sprained his ankle. 2 famine; time (before the rice harvest) of food shortage.
- kêcêmbang
- var of KÊCÊMBONG.
- kêcêmbong
- [x]-an having stagnant water here and there. ng-[x] full of water; filled with stagnantwater; stagnant.
- kêceme
- a fruit (var of CEME).
- kêcêmil
- kêcêmal-[x] to keep nibbling snacks.
- kêcêmong
- kêcêmang-[x] or ng-[x] to talk nonsense, exaggerate, not stick to the facts.
- kêcêmut
- [x]-an or ng-[x] to smile slightly/secretly.
- kêcênêng
- stiff and sore. Ototku ptg [x]. I have sore muscles.
- kêcêngklak
- 1 to have a sprained back. 2 to sulk.
- kêcêngklèk
- var of KÊCÊNGKLAK.
- kêcêpik
- kêcêpak-[x] to splash around in water.
- kêcêpuk
- var of KÊCÊPIK.
- kêcêput
- throughout. sawêngi [x] all night long.
- kècèr
- 1 to drop off/out. Bêrase [x]. A few rice grains fell out [of the sack]. 2 form of ÈCÈR. kê-[x] to get dropped. ng/di-[x]-(ake, i) var of NG/DI-ÈCÈR-(AKE, I).
- kêcèr
- 1 gamelan instrument resembling cymbals. 2 (or [x]-an) round flat sheath at the base of a growing coconut on the tree. diyan [x]-an hanging kerosene lamp with a round shade that fits over the chimney. ng-[x] to play the gamelan cymbals.
- kêcêr
- ng/di-[x]-(i) to add [a taste-tempting ingredient, esp. lemon] to. Sambêle di-[x]-i jêruk. She put lemon in the sauce. k-um-êcêr to have the appetite roused. Dhèke kêmêcêr kêpengin jajan. His mouth watered for snacks.
- kêcêcêng
- ptg [x] pl stiffened, rigid (usu. in death). ng-[x] sg stiff, rigid.
- kêcècèr
- ptg [x] to drop out little by little. Bêrase ptg [x] sêbab karunge bolong. The rice dribbled out through the hole in the sack.
- kêcik
- sawo-fruit pit (often used as counters or men in games).
- kêcil
- see KAMAR.
- kêcing
- a sharp disagreeable odor.
- kêcipir
- var of CIPIR.
- kêclap
- sa-[x]-an for a brief moment. nyawang sa-[x]-an to catch a glimpse of. Sa-[x]-an langit katon padhang. For an instant the sky brightened.
- kêcoh
- saliva (ki for IDU). (kê)-[x]-an or pa-[x]-an cuspidor (ki for PA-IDU-N).
- kêcomb(l)ang
- var of KÊCÊMBONG.
- kêconggah
- able to manage sth. Rong jam ya bisa, mbok têlung jam pisan ya [x]. I can do it for two-even there-hours. Aja omah-omah dhisik yèn durung rumangsa [x]. You shouldn't get married until you feel you're fully ready.
- kêcopak
- rpr a splash. [x]-an to splash around in water. [x]-[x] rpr repeated splashes. ng-[x] to splash.
- kêcras
- rpr a slash with a sharp implement.
- kêcrèk
- 1 wy a brass sounding implement on which the puppet-master raps (crèk! crèk!). 2 handcuffs. ng/di-[x] to handcuff smn.
- kêcrès
- rpr a quick slash with a cutting instrument.
- kècrèt
- (or [x]-[x]) to spill out bit by bit from a container.
- kêcrit
- rpr ejecting a small amount of liquid.
- kêcrok
- rpr a certain farm tool (pacul) striking the soil. ng-[x] to work the surface of soil with this tool. ng/di-[x]-i to dig out [sth shallow] with this tool.
- kêcros
- rpr a hard slash with a cutting implement.
- kêcruk
- var of KÊCROK.
- kêcrus
- rpr a quick slash with a sharp implement.
- kècu
- robber gang, band of thieves. kêpala [x] robber chief. punggawa [x] member of a robber band. ng/di-[x] [of a gang] to rob.
- kêcu
- intsfr blue. biru [x] intensely blue; deep blue.
- kêcubuk
- kêcubak-[x] to make splashing sounds.
- kêcubung
- thorn-apple. ng/di-[x] to intoxicate or drug with thorn-apples.
- kêcuh
- rpr spitting. kêcah-[x] to drool; to keep salivating.
- kêcupuk
- kêcupak-[x] to splash around in water.
- kêcut
- sour. Rasakna, lêgi apa [x]? Taste it: is it sweet or sour? mèsêm [x] to smile bitterly. dat [x] oxygen. ng/di-[x]-ake to make sth sour.
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- kêtlêbug
- var of KÊTÊBLUG.
- ketok
- ng, katingal kr to look, appear, show. [x] apik. It looks nice. Wis adoh, wis ora [x]. It's far off, you can't see it any longer. Tangane ditêkuk bèn [x] kiyêng. He flexed his arm to show his muscle. [x]-e it looks (as if). [x]-e enak. It looks delicious. [x]-e akèh. There seem to be lots of them. ng-[x] to show oneself. Nèk awan ndhêlik, ngetoke nèk bêngi. They stay concealed during the day and come out at night. ng/di-[x]-ake to make a show of, let sth be evident. Dhèwèke ngetok-ngetokake yèn sugih. He always makes sure people see he's rich. ng/di-[x]-i to appear to smn (as an apparition). Anakku kok ngetok-ngetoki wae. I keep seeing my child in my mind's eye. Aku di-[x]-[x]-i tunanganku. My fiancee's face keeps appearing before me.
- kêthok
- 1 knocking sound. 2 rg small coin. sa-[x] cilik ± five cents. sa-[x] gêdhe ± seven cents. [x]-an 1 act or way of cutting. 2 a cut-off piece; a cut place. [x]-[x] to cut into pieces. [x]-[x] lombok to cut up peppers. [x]-[x] kuku to cut one's nails. kê-[x] to get cut (up, off, down). Drijine kê-[x] bêndho. His finger was severed with a chopping knife. ng-[x]-ng-[x] 1 to ache with weariness. 2 (psv di-[x]-[x]) to cut into pieces. Morine di-[x]-[x] dadi klambi. She cut out the cambric to make a dress. ng/di-[x]-ake to cut for smn. ng/di-[x]-i to cut (up, down, off). Di-[x] dadi papat. He cut it into four pieces. Sikile di-[x]. His leg was amputated. ngêthok clana to cut off trousers to shorten them. ngêthoki rêga-rêga to slash prices. Wit mau di-[x]-i. They cut up the tree. pa-ng-[x] act or way of cutting.
- ketol
- [x]-[x] having large buttocks.
- kêtombe
- var of TOMBE.
- kêtonggèng
- var of KÊTUNGGÈNG.
- kêthoprak
- a type of modern popular play depicting stories mainly from Javanese history plays, with improvised spoken dialogue in modern Javanese, realistic (rather than stylized) acting, and a clown who comments on current public topics. [x]-an to make a knocking sound. ng-[x] 1 to perform the above type of play. 2 to knock.
- kêthoproh
- ptg [x] or ng-[x] sloppy, slovenly.
- kêtos
- glutinous rice (kr for KÊTAN).
- kêthothor
- ptg [x] or ng-[x] to hang down loose or limp.
- kêtriwal
- lost, mislaid. Kaca-matane [x] nang sêpur. He left his glasses on the train. [x]-an to lose sth. A [x]-an dhompèt nang sêpur. A left his wallet on the train. ng/di-[x]-ake to lose sth that belongs to smn else.
- kêthu
- 1 skull cap, worn optionally with a turban wound around the outside. 2 rg hat; headgear in general. [x]-n to put on or wear the above. [x] udhêng turban sewn in place (rg var of BLANGKON).
- kêtua
- chairman, head. [x] jurusan department chairman in a university. ng/di-[x]-ni to chair, preside over.
- kêtug
- up to, as far as, having arrived at. Olèhe nyambut-gawe [x] sore. He works till evening. [x] desa mau aku lèrèn. When I got to the village, I took a rest.
- kêthuyuk
- [x]-[x] [to walk] bent over from age or illnes. ng-[x] hunched over with age; very old. See also THUYUK.
- kêthuk
- 1 gamelan instrument consisting of a single inverted bronze bowl. 2 rpr a beat of the above instrument. 3 rpr a knocking sound. [x]-an knocking sound(s). ng-[x] to play the above instrument. ng/di-[x]-ake to join, match, bring together. ng/di-[x]-i to agree with. Omonge ora ana sing di-[x]-i. Nobody agreed with what he said. [x] kêmpyang gamelan instrument consisting of two inverted bronze bowls. [x] kênong gamelan instrument consisting of two inverted bronze bowls set side by side in a wooden base.
- kêtul
- small tortoise (young of the BULUS).
- kêthul
- dull [of e.g. a blade; of wits]. ng/di-[x]-ake to dull sth.
- kêtumbar
- coriander. ng-[x] round(ed) like a coriander fruit. See also TUMBAR.
- kêthumuk
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] or kêthumak-[x] or ng-[x] to walk carefully and unsteadily [e.g. a todler]. See also THUMUK.
- kêtunggèng
- scorpion. ng-[x] to rise. Buntute kucing sing nêsu kuwi ngêtunggèng. When a cat is angry its tail goes up.
- kêtupat
- rice cake cooked in a plam leaf.
- kêthuplak
- [x]-[x] rpr the clatter of hoofs.
- ketut
- var of KATUT.
- kêthuthur
- ptg [x] [of birds] shivering with cold or dampness.
- kêtuwa
- var sp of KÊTUA.
- kêthuwêng
- rpr a turn of twist of the body. See also THUWÊNG.
- kêthuwik
- kêthuwak-[x] [of fingers] to keep moving. Drijine kêthuwak-[x] nguthêg-uthêg sêkrup ora bisa copot-copot. His fingers kept working at the bolt but he couldn't loosen it up.
- kêthuwil
- ptg [x] with constant motions of
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- hands, fingers. jogèd sing ptg [x] a dance done with many hand movements. kêthuwal-[x] [of fingers, hands] in constant motion.
- kêw-
- see also under KU-W- (Introduction,
- kewala
- ltry only, nothing but, simply.
- kewan
- animal (including all sub-human forms). [x] (jê)jrangkong-an (the class of) vertebrate animals. [x] gêgêl-an insect with jointed legs. [x] g-um-rêmêt insect. [x] lêmbut insect. [x] n-susu-ni mammal. [x] raja livestock.
- kewani
- animal-like; bestial.
- kewat
- var of KIWAT.
- kèwèk
- flirtatious, coquettish.
- kèwèr
- [x]-[x] to dangle. Tali kutange katon [x]-[x]. Her bra strap is hanging down in plain sight.
- kèwês
- smooth, sophisticated; gracious, elegant, poised. wong luwês a-[x] a poised and elegant person.
- kewran
- ltry to have trouble (with); to find sth difficult. ng/di-[x]-i to cause difficulty to, be troublesome for.
- kg.
- K.G.P.
- ki
- 1 male title of respect: shf of KYAI. Ki Dhalang the (highly esteemed) puppet master. 2 this (inf var of KI). [x] lurah (wy) title applied to clowns. [x] sanak adr person (usu. a stranger) of equal status.
- kibar
- ng/di-[x]-ake to move sth back and forth. ngibarake gêndera to wave a flag.
- kibir
- to boast of one's excellence.
- kidak
- (or Kê-[x]) to get stepped on by accident. See also IDAK.
- kidhal
- oj left-handed.
- kidang
- roe deer. ng-[x] resembling a deer. [x] kêncana golden deer. [x] kêncana-n small bronze-painted puppet. [x] l-um-ayu sth that is difficult or impossible to get. [x] mênjangan sms [x].
- kijing
- 1 a certain freshwater mussel. 2 (sêkar-an ki) gravestone. ng/di-[x]-(i) (ny/di-sêkar-[i] ki) to place a gravestone (on).
- kidul
- south. [x] kulon southwest. Asia Sisih [x] Wetan Southeast Asia. [x]-[x]-an the southern part. ng-[x] southward. mlaku ngidul to walk south. sa-[x]-(e) to the south of. ing sa-[x] wetan kutha Jogja southeast of Jogja. See also PANGIDUL.
- kidul
- epic narrative to be sung. ng-[x] 1 to compose the above. 2 to chant prayers; to sing Javanese songs, esp. as a means of preventing illness or driving away evil spirits.
- kidhung
- awkward, inept.
- kiyah
- [x]-[x] having a good time. Nèk wanci sore aku [x]-[x] nèng alun-alun. In the afternoon I had an enjoyable stroll in the square.
- kiyai
- var of KYAI.
- kiyal
- tough, hard to chew.
- kiyamat
- the end of the world, Judgment Day.
- kiyambak
- var of PIYAMBAK. 1 alone; oneself (sbst kr? md? for DHEWE). 2 alone (md for IJÈN). [x]-e he, she (md for DHÈWÈKE). [x]-ipun he, she (sbst var of PIYAMBAK-IPUN).
- kiyanat
- treason; betrayal. nggawe [x] to betray. ng/di-[x]-i to betray. See also PÊNGKIYANAT.
- kiyas
- analogy, comparison. ng/di-[x] to compare; to make an analogy with.
- kiyat
- strong (kr for KUWAT).
- kiye
- this (var of IKI, KIYI).
- kiyêng
- strong, muscular, tough.
- kiyêr
- [x]-[x] to narrow the eyes.
- kiyi
- this (var of IKI).
- kiyi(h)
- [x]-[x] hot and sweaty-looking.
- kiyip
- var of KRIYIP.
- kiyu
- stiff, aching [of muscles that have held an uncomfortable position for a long time].
- kiyuk
- (kiyak-)[x]-an act or result of hedging a loss. Wis, jambune yên entuk [x]-an karo pêlême. All right, you can hedge your loss on the guavas with (your anticipated provit on) the mangoes. ng/di-[x] or ng/di-kiyak-[x] to hedge a loss.
- ki:k
- 1 rpr a hiccup. 2 rpr a brief laugh behind the hand.
- kikayat
- var of HIKAYAT.
- kikib
- covert, undisclosed. ng/di-[x] to keep sth concealed. Dhèke ngikib wêwadi. She kept the secret.
- kikik
- see ASU.
- kikil
- leg of lamb, calf, etc. as food. ng-[x] 1 incessant [of coughing]. 2 shivering with cold.
- kikir
- a file (for smoothing). ng/di-[x] to file. ngikir kêris to file a kris smooth (while it is being made).
- kikis
- side, edge, border; boundary. [x]-ing alas the edge of the forest. [x] sêgara coast(line), seashore.
- kikrik
- choosy, hard to please, finicky.
- kikuk
- clumsy, inept. jam [x] cuckoo clock.
- kilak
- to buy (up) for resale (kr for KULAK).
- kilan
- measure of length: ⅛ fathom, or the distance between the tip of the thumb and little finger. [x]-an to measure by the above
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- hand-spans. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to measure sth in hand-spans. 2 to consider trivial. Gawean ngono wae tak [x]-i kanggone aku. That kind of work is child's play for me. 3 to challenge, dare.
- kilang
- juice taken from sugar cane during its processing. ng/di-[x] to boil sugar-cane liquid. [x] minyak sugar refinery.
- kilap
- 1 rg lightning. 2 I don't know (md for ÊMBUH). kê-[x]-an to forget, overlook; unaware, oblivious.
- kilat
- 1 (flash of) lightning. 2 lightning-like, swift. ng-[x] or k-um-ilat(-[x]) resembling lightning. [x] thathit lightning followed by thunder.
- kilèn
- west (kr for KULON).
- kilêng
- [x]-[x] having an oily shiny appearance. Olèhe dolan pêpanas raine nganti [x]-[x]. He played in the sun so long his face is gleaming.
- kili
- 1 object (feather, blade of grass, etc.) used as a goad to fighting crickets, or to scratch an itch. 2 oj holy woman, female hermit. ng/di-[x]-i to use sth to goad a cricket or scratch an itch; fig to egg smn on.
- kilo(gram)
- (abbr: kg.) kilogram.
- kilomètêr
- (abbr: km.) kilometer.
- kilong
- [x]-[x] wide-eyed and innocent-looking.
- kima
- an oyster-like shellfish in which pearls are sometimes to be found.
- kimat
- to have a relapse (kr for KUMAT?).
- kimawon
- kr sbst var of KEMAWON.
- kimbah
- to launder, wash (sbst kr for KUMBAH).
- kimia(wi)
- chemistry. campuran [x] a chemical mixture. bahan [x] chemical substance. reaksi [x] chemical reaction. proses [x] chemical process.
- kimlo
- a spicy meat dish.
- kimplah
- (or [x]-[x]) swelling, billowing. Sêgarane [x]-[x] banyune. There are swells in the ocean. Awake [x]-[x]. He's hugely fat.
- kimplêk
- [x]-[x] chubby.
- kimpling
- [x]-[x] [of water] sparkling clear.
- kimpul
- 1 a plant that produces edible tuberous roots. 2 rg purse, money bag.
- kin-
- see also under K- (Introduction, 3.1.7).
- kina
- 1 old-fashioned (kr for KUNA). 2 (prn kina) quinine; cinchona tree.
- kinah
- quinine (var of KINA 2).
- kinang
- ng, gantèn kr betel chew (betel nut mixed with leaves and lime). [x]-an container for betel chew. ng/di-[x] to chew betel. Yèn nginanga durung abang. It's only been a short while (i.e. not long enough for betel being chewed to have turned red). pa-[x]-an container for betel chew. pa-ng-[x] act of chewing betel. sapanginang a brief time, i.e. as long as it takes to chew betel.
- kinani(ng)aya
- ltry var of ANI(NG)AYA.
- kinanthi
- a certain popular classical verse form. ng-[x] to compose or chant such a verse.
- kinjêng
- dragonfly. [x] dom slender needlelike dragonfly.
- kinêl
- [x]-[x] soft and jelly-like in texture.
- king
- kr from (shf of SAKING).
- kingsèp
- [of swellings] to go down, be reduced.
- kinine
- quinine (prepared as medication). pil [x] or tablèt [x] quinine pill.
- kinyir
- [x]-[x] [of meat] soft and fatty.
- kinyis
- 1 intsfr new. anyar [x]-[x] brand new. 2 virgin.
- kinyit
- [x]-[x] oily-looking, greasy-looking.
- kintaka
- oj letter, document.
- kintèki
- var of KINTAKA.
- kintêl
- 1 a certain frog that can inflate itself like a balloon. kaya [x] to talk boastfully but in fact be a coward. 2 carpenter's plane. ng/di-[x] to plane sth.
- kintên
- thought, guess, opinion (kr for KIRA). [x]-[x] approximately (kr for KIRA-KIRA).
- kinthil
- (or kê-[x]) to follow along. ng/di-[x]-i to follow, keep on the trail of.
- kincêr
- (or [x]-an) taking aim with one eye closed. ng/di-[x] 1 to aim. 2 to keep one's eye on sth one covets. Copète wis suwe olèhe ngincêr dhompètmu. The pickpocket has been eyeing your wallet for quite some time.
- kinclap
- [x]-[x] crystal clear; sparkling clean.
- kincling
- (or [x]-[x]) clear, sparkling, gleaming. bêning [x]-[x] crystal clear. Montore [x]. The car shone.
- kinclong
- [x]-[x] shining, sparkling. bêning [x]-[x] sparkling clear. gilap [x]-[x] gleaming brightly.
- kintun
- to send (kr for KIRIM).
- kipa
- [x]-[x] to reject with embarrassment. A [x]-[x] ora gêlêm tênan disumbang pit. A refused to accept the bicycle as a gift.
- kipas
- a hand fan. [x]-an to fan oneself. ng/di-[x]-ake to fan sth for smn. ng/di-[x]-i to fan sth. ngipasi gêni to fan a flame.
- kipat
- ng/di-[x]-ake to shake [the hand, arm] to remove sth from it. ngipatake banyu to shake water from the hands. Tangane mau di-[x]-ake bantêr, banjur bisa uwal. She shook of his hand and broke loose.
- kipêr
- 1 goalkeeper. 2 cambric-like fabric.
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- kipit
- [x]-[x] or kipat-[x] to wag the tail. ng/di-[x]-[x]-ake to wag [the tail]. Asune ngipit-ipitake buntute. The dog wagged its tail.
- kiprah
- (or [x]-[x]) 1 a certain classical-dance movement. 2 merriment, gaiety; merry; to dance around, e.g. with joy. 3 to take part in a communal activity.
- kipu
- (or kê-[x]) to take a dust bath. Pitike kê-[x] nèng lêmah. The chickens are dusting themselves. pa-[x]-n place where birds take dust baths.
- kir
- ngê/di-[x] to examine smn/sth for ailments or defects.
- kira
- ng, kintên kr thought, guess, opinion (pa-ng-galih ki). [x] ku padha luwe. I think they're hungry. [x]-ku ora. I don't think so. [x]-ne probably. [x]-ne dhèke bisa. The chances are, he can do it. [x]-[x] 1 approximately. [x]-[x] sêsasi about a month. 2 very likely; to take a guess. [x]-[x] wis mati. He's probably dead. [x]-[x], rasane kêpriye? How do you think it would feel? ora (kêna) [x]-[x] in the extreme. Ora [x]-[x] baguse. He's ever so handsome. ora nganggo [x]-[x] without giving it a second thought. Dhèke yèn nganggo dhuwit ora nganggo [x]-[x]. She spends money like water. k-lêbu ing [x]-[x] to come under suspicion. ng-[x] 1 (in questions, negatives) would have thought. Sapa sing ngira yèn isih urip! Who'd have thought he'd still be alive! 2 (psv di-[x]) to think, have an opinion, guess. Tak kira iya. I think so. Di-[x] gampang wae, satêmêne angèl. He thought it would be easy, but it was hard. 3 (psv di-[x]) to accause. Dhèke di-[x] nyolong jam. He was accused of stealing the watch. ng/di-[x]-[x] to take a guess (at), give an opinion. pa-ng-[x] or pa-ng-[x]-ng-[x] thought, guest. saka pangirane in his opinion. Rak bênêr pangiraku ta! So – I had the right idea, didn't I? sa-[x] 1 in the event that ... Sakira kowe ora bisa têka, aku dikabari. If you can't come, let me know. 2 even so. Rada gêdhe sa-[x] ora dadi apa. It's too large but I guess it's all right. 3 (or sa-[x]-[x]) measured (out); limited. Nêsune ora sê-[x]. He was furiously angry. Olèhe mangan ora nganggo sa-[x]-[x]. He eats all he wants.
- kirab
- (or kê-[x]) to move about in the course of an activity. Barisan kadhèt [x] nang liya kutha. The cadets marched to various towns. Sawise ditêmokake mantène [x]. After the ceremony, the bridal couple moved among the guests.
- kirana
- oj beam, ray.
- kirang
- inadequate, short, lacking; less (kr for KURANG). [x]-an I don't know (sbst kr for ÊMBUH). [x] priksa I don't know (kr for ÊMBUH).
- kirata
- oj hunter.
- kiri
- 1 left (var of KERING). golongan [x] left-wingers. 2 rg (a) left-handed (person).
- kirig
- [x]-[x] 1 to shudder. 2 to shake oneself.
- kirik
- puppy.
- kirim
- ng, kintun kr to send. [x]-an that which is sent. [x]-anku wis ditampa A. A has now received what I sent him. udan [x]-an heaven-sent rain that relieves a drought condition. [x]-an lagu a listener's-request radio program of songs. kiram-[x] (kintan-kintun kr) to send repeatedly. ng/di-[x] 1 to send [food] to [workers]. 2 to lay [flowers] at a grave. ng/di-[x]-ake to send sth. Klambine sing lawas di-[x]-ake mulih. He sent home his old shirt. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to send to. Adhi-adhine sok di-[x]-i dolanan. He often sent toys to his brothers and sisters. 2 to send [food] to [workers]. Jam loro lagi di-[x]-i cadhong. They weren't served their meal until two o'clock. pa-ng-[x] sender. pa-ng-[x]-an thing sent. [x] donga to pray. [x] slamêt to send one's greetings.
- kiring
- [of coconuts] old and dried-up.
- kirna
- trillion. sa-[x] 1,000,000,000,000.
- kisa
- a small temporary cage or carrying case for a fighting cock, of woven young coconut leaves.
- kisas
- death by beheading. ng/di-[x] to behead.
- kisat
- var of KÊSAT.
- kisi
- loom thread.
- kisik
- coast, shore, beach.
- kisma
- oj soil, earth. ginada ajur wor [x] (wy) crushed and ground into the earth.
- kismis
- raisin.
- kisruh
- to lose track, get things out of order. Dhuwite akèh bangêt olèhe ngetung nganti [x]. He had so much money he lost track as he was counting it. Bèn ora [x], olèhmu maca jênêng-jênêng mau sing urut. So as not to get mixed up, read off the names in order. ng/di-[x]-ake or ng/di-[x]-i to disturb, interfere with. Kowe aja takon wae mundhak ngisruhi olèhku ngetung dhuwit. Don't ask questions, or you'll make me lose count of my money. ngisruhi upacara to disrupt a ceremony.
- kisut
- wrinkled, shriveled. ng-[x]-i to become wrinkled/shriveled.
- kita
- 1 we, (all of) us; our. [x] sabangsa we as
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- a nation; our whole nation. kamardikan [x] our freedom. ing têngahing masyarakat [x] in the midst of our society. 2 editorial 'we' (i.e. plural in form, singular in denotation). crita sacuwil kang [x] aturake iki the selected stories we present herewith. 3 wy you, your. [x] aja wêdi kangelan, ulun sing njangkung. Do not fear; I will protect you.
- kitha
- city, town (kr for KUTHA).
- kitab
- book. [x] ramal book of magic lore. [x] suci holy book; bible. [x] undhang-undhang hukum code book of law.
- kitêr
- spin, rotate (root form: var of KITIR).
- kithêr
- [x]-[x] slimy and cohesive [e.g. jelly; frog eggs].
- kithik
- hair louse (ki for TUMA).
- kithing
- [of fingers, toes] crooked; deformed. [x]-[x] to hold gingerly in the fingers. ng-[x] to hold the fingers in a clawing position.
- kitir
- 1 note, brief letter. 2 marker, emblem. 3 hem of a garment. 4 small leaf attached to a fruit stem. 5 last leaf remaining on a banana tree. 6 (or kê-[x]) to run in a circle; to spin, rotate. [x]-an 1 propeller. antêng [x]-an lively, always on the move. 2 pinwheel; windmill. 3 turtledove. ng/di-[x]-ake to cause sth to rotate. ngitirake wilah to twirl a stick. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to send a note to. 2 to put a marker on. 3 to hem or embroider [a garment]. 4 to rotate sth. ngitiri [x]-an to spin a propeller. 5 to circle around sth. k-um-itir to flutter, quake. Godhong-godhong kêmitir kêna angin. The leaves quivered in the breeze. Kumitire atiku amor karo wêdi. My heart thumped in fear.
- kicak
- rice-and-coconut-sugar cookie.
- kicat
- (or [x]-[x]) uncomfortable feeling in the feet from walking barefoot in hot places.
- kicêl
- ng/di-[x] 1 to massage, rub. 2 to pinch.
- kicih
- kicah-[x] to play around in water.
- kicik
- 1 (or [x]-an) meat or fish mixed with coconut milk and baked until the liquid is absorbed. 2 var of KICIH. ng/di-[x] to prepare [meat, fish] as above.
- kicir
- (or kê-[x]) to flow [of body fluids, e.g. tears, blood].
- kitrang
- [x]-[x] or kê-[x] to run around frantically. ngungsi [x]-[x] to flee in panic. Wong wadon iku kê-[x] nggolèki anake. The mother dashed about frenziedly looking for her child.
- kitri
- fruit-producing trees in a yard.
- kithuh
- awkward, inept.
- kiwa
- 1 left. saka [x] nêngên from left to right. ana sisih [x] on/to the left. sing [x] dhewe the one at the far left. tangan [x] left hand [with which it is taboo to give or receive]. wayang [x] the puppets who oppose the heroic Pendawas and face them from the left side of the screen. 2 immoral; unethical. 3 unstrategically located. papan sing [x] a place off the beaten track; an unpopular place which is not often visited. ng-[x] to the left (see also NGIWA entry). ng/di-[x]-kake 1 to move or put sth to the left. mBok lampune di-[x]-kake sithik. Move the lamp a bit to the left. 2 to put sth aside, give no consideration to. Prakara iku kiwakna wae. Don't think anything about it. Bapak kêtua sajake ngiwakake usulku. The chairman seems to have tabled my proposal. pa-[x]-n lavatory, washroom. sa-[x]-ne to the left of. Panahe cumlorot ing sa-[x]-ne lesan. The arrow went to the left of the target. See also KIWA-TÊNGÊN, NGIWA.
- kiwat
- arrogant.
- kiwa-têngên
- on both sides; on all sides, all around. omah lan [x]-e the house and its environs. Yèn nruwong gunung, olèhe miwiti saka [x]. When they tunnel through a mountain, they start in from both ends. [x]-ku kabèh ya kanca-kanca. I was surrounded by my teammates. mang-[x] (prn mangiwa-manêngên) ltry var of NG-[x]. ng-[x] (prn ngiwa-nêngên) to right and left; all around. Si Kancil ndêlêng ngiwa-nêngên. Mouse-Deer peered this way and that. ng/di-[x]-ake (acv prn ngiwa-nêngên-ake) to move sth to right and left. Aku wêruh pulisi ngiwa-nêngênake sèntêr. I saw a policeman flashing his light back and forth. sa-[x]-e 1 on all sides of, all around, in every part of. ing sakiwa-têngêning nêgara-nêgara mau all over (i.e. everywhere in) these countries. 2 approximately. Rêgane sa-[x]-e suwidak rupiyah. It costs in the neighborhood of sixty rupiahs. See also KIWA, TÊNGÊN.
- kiwe
- rg var of KIWA.
- kiwil
- 1 kinky-haired. 2 crotchety, hard to please. [x]-[x] nearly severed, hanging by a thread.
- kiwir
- [x]-[x] cut nearly off (var of KIWIL-KIWIL).
- kya
- giddiyap!
- kyai
- 1 title applied to highly respected (educated, eminent) malês. 2 title applied to a revered heirloom. [x]-ku (facetious) my husband. [x]-ne tiger (euph reference used when in the forest). ng-[x] 1 to apply the above
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- title to smn, sth. 2 to have earned the title kyai. [x] gêdhe title bestowed on men eminent in religion, philosophy, government.
- kyayaban
- to conduct oneself in a disorderly manner.
- kyambak
- var of KIYAMBAK.
- kyèyèt
- [x]-[x] lethargic. Olèhe nyambut gawe kok [x]-[x] kaya wong kalirên. You're working with about as much energy as a starving man. ng-[x] frail, weakened. Mêrga suwe anggone lara awake nganti ngyèyèt. He's been ill so long he's quite weak.
- -kke
- inf post-vowel var of -AKE.
- k.l.
- see KURANG: [x] LUWIH.
- klabak
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] distraught. A [x]-an golèk utang. A frantically tried to get a loan. ng-[x] to move convulsively, esp. of chickens in death throes.
- klabang
- a certain small centipede. [x]-an pigtail, braid; to wear the hair braided. ng/di-[x] to braid the hair. [x] ayam a game played with dice. [x] ng-sandêr long and narrow. [x] têlu a three-braid coiffure worn by bridesmaids at a court wedding.
- klabèt
- var of KLÈBÈT.
- kladuk
- to overdo. Olèhe nggodhog aja [x], mêngko lonyot. Don't boil the rice too long or it'll be mushy. [x] wani (kurang dê-duga) foolhardy.
- klafêr
- clubs (playing-card suit).
- klayab
- [x]-an or ng-[x] cr to wander about.
- klayan
- and; with (var of KARO).
- klayar
- var of KLAYAB.
- klayu
- 1 a certain fruit, also its tree. 2 always wanting to tag along. ng/di-[x]-ni to always tag along with. Ibu mêsthi diklayoni adhiku yèn tindakan. My little brother always wants to go everywhere Mother goes.
- klakah
- a split piece of bamboo used as a trough.
- klakar
- ptg [x] creeping everywhere. Ulêre gêdhi-gêdhi ptg [x] nang njubin. Huge caterpillars swarmed all over the floor.
- klakêp
- to stop speaking and close the mouth. mak [x] mênêng to fall silent suddenly. [x]-an 1 to be silenced suddenly. 2 to keep yawning.
- klakson
- car horn.
- klalun
- carried by the current or tide.
- klamar
- 1 rope marking a boundary that is not to be crossed. 2 thin transparent membrane. [x] salak transparent inner membrane of the salak fruit.
- klambi
- ng, rasuk-an kr article of clothing, esp. for the upper part of the body. bakal [x] clothing material. [x]-n (ng-angge rasuk-an kr) to put on or wear clothing. ng/di-[x]-ni (ng/dipun-rasuk-i kr) to dress smn. k-um-lambi ng kr light, drizzling [of rain]. Udane kêmlambi. There's hardly enough rain to dampen your shirt. [x] buntung sleeveless shirt. [x] kaos knit shirt, sport shirt. [x] kêthèk 1 simple collarless pullover. 2 long winter underwear. [x] kokok girls' short dress. [x] kurung 1 pullover shirt. 2 blouse worn by village ladies.
- klambrang
- [x]-an or ng-[x] wandering far afield. Pikiranku [x]-an. I've been daydreaming.
- klambu
- mosquito netting. ng/di-[x]-ni to equip [a bed] with mosquito netting.
- klamêd
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] to make chewing motions with the lips or tongue. ng/di-[x]-i to tongue-chew [soft foods]; to move [the lips] in a chewing motion. nglamêdi lambe to move the lips as if chewing. nglamêdi jênang to mouthe one's porridge. sa-[x]-an one mouthful of food; fig a small meal, skimpy refreshments. Olèhmu nicipi sa-[x]-an wae. Just take a tiny taste.
- klamèh
- klomah-[x] bland, effeminate [of a male's facial aspect].
- klamit
- I ask permission to leave (contracted form of KULA AMIT). [x], kula wangsul rumiyin. Excuse me, I must leave now.
- klampêt
- to disappear permanently. Saploke kisinan Slamêt banjur pêt [x] ora tau ngaton-aton. Slamet was so embarrassed he never showed his face there again.
- klampok
- a variety of guava.
- klamprah
- [x]-an or ng-[x] 1 to lie around un attended. Klambine padha [x]-an nang jubin. His clothes are lying around all over the floor. 2 [of overlong garments] to drag on the ground.
- klamtara
- rg var of KÊMLANDHINGAN.
- klamud
- ng/di-[x]-i to suck. nglamudi ès lilin to suck on an ice lollipop.
- klamuk
- var of KLAMUT.
- klamun
- 1 oj if, when(ever). 2 var of KLAMUT.
- klamut
- [x]-[x] hazy, blurred, indistinct.
- klana
- ng-[x] to perform a certain dance which depicts the act of dressing oneself. [x] topèng a dance performed by a masked male.
- klanan
- and; with (var of KARO).
- klanangan
- rg var of P(A)-LANANG-AN.
- klanjir
- ptg [x] pl standing up, standing around.
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- klangkèt
- thin, emaciated.
- klangsrah
- var of KÈNGSRÈH.
- klanthang
- ng/di-[x] to dry and bleach [a soaped unrinsed garment] in the direct sun.
- klanthung
- (or klonthang-[x]) unemployed and drifting; idle. ng-[x] to drift aimlessly.
- klapa
- coconut (kr for KRAMBIL).
- klapêr
- var of KLAFÊR.
- klaprut
- ptg [x] pl having messy mouths. ng-[x] sg having a messy mouth.
- klaput
- [x]-[x] (in a) thin (layer). Olèhe pupuran ming [x]-[x]. She powdered her face thinly.
- klarah
- neglected, uncared for. Barêng bapake mati A banjur [x] kopèn. After A's father died there was no one to look after him. ptg [x] pl as above. Klambine ptg [x] nang jubin. His clothes just lie around on the floor. [x]-an or ng-[x] sg as above.
- klarap
- rg a small gliding lizard.
- klaras
- 1 dry banana leaf, used for wrapping. 2 rg corn bract used as a cigarette wrapper.
- klarinèt
- clarinet.
- klas
- class, grade, rank. unggah-unggahan [x] to go up a class, get promoted. [x] siji, loro, lsp. first, second, etc. grade. [x] gèthèk cheapest section at the rear of a shadow-play theater, where the seats consist merely of bamboo stalks. [x] kambing lowest-price class.
- klasa
- ng, gêlar-an kr woven grass mat for sitting. [x] bangka cheap poorly made mat. [x] pasir fine thick mat. [x] pacar patterned mat.
- klasik
- classic(al). musik [x] classical music. crita [x] a classic tale.
- klasud
- [x]-[x] to grovel, crawl, writhe.
- klasutan
- thin membranous covering. [x] utêg brain membrane.
- klathak
- 1 fried mlinjo seeds eaten as a snack. 2 rpr a clattering thud. Aku mbalang pêlêm mak [x] kêna gêndhèng. I aimed at a mango but the stone hit the roof tile. [x]-an caked soil or clay. k-um-lathak 1 to make a cracking or clattering sound. 2 caked, hardened.
- klacap
- [x]-an a peeled-off inner skin. [x]-an kacang peanut skin. ng/di-[x]-i to peel a thin inner layer of skin from sth, esp. penauts.
- klacir
- pl sticking up tall and slim. ng-[x] sg as above. Nang sawah kono mung ana wit krambil siji nglacir. There's just one coconut tree in the paddy, standing tall and thin.
- klacup
- rpr closing. Kêmbange mak [x] mingkup barêng wis sore. The flowers closed up when night fell.
- klawan
- and; with (var of KARO).
- klawe
- ptg [x] or [x]-an to wave [hands]. k-um-lawe to move in undulating motions. Tangane kêmlawe ngawe-awe. They kept waving their hands.
- klawèr
- see DHASI.
- klawêr
- [x]-[x] long thin slimy-looking things in liquid. Wedange ana [x]-[x]-e mulane trima ora diombe. There are unpleasant-looking things in his tea-he'd rather not drink it.
- klawu
- gray, ash-colored.
- klawung
- [x]-[x] or klowang-[x] idle; feeling empty and useless.
- klawus
- [x]-[x] pl ragged and dirty. ng-[x] 1 sg as above. 2 to wear old faded clothing.
- klebat
- rpr a brief glimpse. Malinge mak [x] ngumpêt. The thief was seen briefly. ng-[x] to put in a brief appearance; visible for only a moment. A nglebat saka pasêmuan. A didn't stay long at the party. sa-[x]-an a glimpse. Aku mung wêruh sa-[x]-an rupane si maling. I only caught a glimpse of the thief's face. Sa-[x]-an rupane kaya bapak. At a glance, he looks like my father. k-um-lebat sms NG-[x] above. Yèn ana prau bajag kêmlebat, banjur diblêdig. Whenever a pirate ship appeared, they chased it.
- klèbèk
- klêbêk, ptg or [x]-an or [x]-[x] to put up a struggle.
- klêbês
- var of KÊBÊS.
- klèbèt
- rpr a flag fluttering. [x]-[x] or klebat-[x] to wave, flutter. ng/di-[x]-ake to wave [a flag]. Tukang ril sêpur nglèbètake gêndera abang bèn sêpure mandhêg. The railroad worker flagged down the train. Barêng gênderane di-[x]-ake, [x], jarane mlayu brubut. When the flag dropped, the [race] horses were off.
- klêbus
- var of KÊBÊS.
- klêbut
- wooden head-shaped stand on which wrapped headdresses (ikêt, blangkon) are folded into shape.
- kledhang
- [x]-[x] 1 to take a stroll. 2 to approach in the distance. Lagi wae dirasani, Parta [x]-[x]. We had just been talking about Parto when we saw him coming. ng/di-[x]-i to pass the time of day with smn.
- klèdhèk
- rg var of TLÈDHÈK.
- klêdhèr
- ptg [x] pl scattered about in disorder.
- klêjing
- klêjang-[x] 1 to barge in. 2 mortified, shamefaced.
- klejo
- name of one of the Chinese cards (kêrtu cilik).
- kledhung
- a certain fruit, also its tree.
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- kleyang
- rpr falling gently, swinging downward. ptg [x] or [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to flutter gently earthward. Layangane tiba ngleyang. The kite floated to the ground.
- klèk
- rpr cracking, snapping. Têkêne coklèk mak [x]. The stick broke with a snap.
- klêk
- rpr breaking with a snap. Kapure mak [x] tugêl. The chalk snapped in two. klak-[x] pl to break, snap.
- klekar
- 1 rpr a body falling face up. Dhèke dibêdhil sêpisan mak [x] ngglethak. Shot once, he fell instantly. 2 cr asleep. [x]-an 1 to lie (around) [on the ground, floor]. 2 to fall to the ground. ng/di-[x]-ake to lay smn/sth on the ground face up.
- klèkèh
- rpr a knife stroke. Pitike dibêlèh mak [x]. He cut off the chicken's head.
- klèkèk
- ng/di-[x] to slaughter.
- klêkêk
- rpr smn being choked.
- klêkêp
- var of KLAKÊP.
- klêkêr
- [x]-[x] 1 (or ptg [x]) pl lying curled up asleep. 2 hoarse, croaking [of the voice].
- klèlèd
- klelad-[x] 1 to move slowly, lackadaisically. mBok cekat-cekêt, aja klelat-[x]. Hurry up-don't be such a slowpoke! 2 to keep sticking the tongue out. ng-[x] to move sluggishly. Aja nglèlèt, sing cêpêt olèhe tangi. Don't be a lazybones-get up!
- klêlêg
- [x]-ên to have/get sth stuck in the throat. [x]-ên êri to get a fishbone stuck in the throat. ng-[x]-i to stick in the throat.
- klêlêng
- rpr silent compliance with a request. ng-[x] to leave without a word. Bêjo nglêlêng mulih tanpa pamit. Bejo left without saying goodbye.
- klèlèr
- [x]-an to loaf, take it easy.
- klêlêr
- rpr a shudder of revulsion. Aku krasa mak [x] ana cacing nggrêmêt nang sikilku. Ugh, I felt a worm crawling on my leg! ptg [x] to have a ticklish or irritated sensation. [x]-an 1 to have a tickling or irritated sensation. 2 to dawdle, poke along. [x]-e one's general aspect. Yèn ndêlok [x]-e dhèke arêp nyolong. He looks as if he's about to steal sth. [x]-[x] sms ptg [x]. Kok [x]-[x] sajake hèm ana sêmute. I feel sth tickling me-it must be an ant inside my shirt. klêlar-[x] to dawdle, hang back. ng-[x] 1 soothed, lulled; to soothe. Krungu musik kok têrus nglêlêr aku. It soothes me to listen to music. 2 to depart unobtrusively. Ora kandha-kandha kok têrus nglêlêr mulih. He went home without saying a word! 3 to dawdle. Aja nglêlêr. Don't be such a slowpoke!
- klèlèt
- 1 opium for smoking. 2 nicotine. ng-[x] to smoke opium.
- klêmbak
- 1 a certain tree. 2 the fragrant root of this tree, used for flavoring tobacco. rokok [x] cigarette containing tobacco blended with klêmbak root.
- klèmbrèh
- klêmbrèh, ptg [x] to hang untidily. Olèhe jarikan ptg [x]. She put on her batik wraparound sloppily. Klambine padha ptg [x] nang memean. The clothes are hung all over the drying rack. ng-[x] to hang down to far. Rambute nglèmbrèh nang pundhake. Her hair hangs down to her shoulders.
- klêmêd
- klêmad-[x] (to eat) soundlessly savoring every mouthful.
- klêmèh
- klêmah-[x] timid, bashful.
- klêmèk
- klêmak-[x] [to eat, speak] slowly, deliberately, hesitantly.
- klêmèr
- weak, debilitated.
- klêmêr
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] sluggish, languid.
- klêmpak
- altogether; as a group (kr for KLUMPUK).
- klêmpor
- ptg [x] aglow; twinkling with many small points of light.
- klemprak
- ptg [x] or [x]-an pl sitting around comfortably and informally. ng-[x] sg as above.
- klêmprang
- ptg [x] to keep clanging, e.g. weapons in a duel.
- klêmprêk
- rpr a collapse of strength. tiba mak [x] to crumple and fall. klêmprak-[x] to keep falling weakly. ng-[x] to lie weakly.
- klêmprêng
- klêmprang-[x] 1 to pace back and forth. 2 to walk slowly, sunk in thought.
- klêmpuruk
- ptg [x] or ng-[x] to form piles, lie in heaps.
- klêmpus
- ptg [x] to sleep soundly. klêmpas-[x] to breathe noisily; to gasp for breath. ng-[x] to sleep soundly.
- klêmun
- [x]-[x] dim, murky. Gununge ketok [x]-[x] ing kadohan. The mountain is dimly visible in the distance.
- klêndhèh
- [x]-[x] or klêndhah-[x] [of walking gait] slow-paced and with the arms swinging.
- klênjar
- gland.
- klênjêr
- var of KLÊNJAR.
- klênèngan
- informal gamelan concert.
- klêngêr
- unconscious. ng/di-[x]-ake to render unconscious. Sadurunge diopêrasi biasane di-[x]-ake dhisik. Before you're operated on, you're usually anesthetized. ng-[x]-i causing unconsciousness. Antêmane nglêngêri. The blow knocked him out.
- klèngkèng
- a certain tiny Indonesian fruit: an
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- expensive delicacy. [x]-an 1 to yelp in pain. 2 to sing in a loud, carrying voice. 3 [of an empty stomach] to rumble.
- klêngkêng
- rpr twitching death throes. Pitike dibêlèh sanalika mak [x] mati. The slaughtered chicken moved convulsively and died.
- klèngsrèh
- var of KÈNGSRÈH.
- klênguk
- ptg [x] pl sitting around watching the world go by.
- klênik
- secret, private. dhukun [x] faith healer who has developed his own cult of beliefs. ngèlmu [x] superstition, folk belief. ptg [x] 1 in secret. Olèhe omong padha ptg [x], sajak wadi. They're talking privately, probably telling secrets. 2 laid out, set in place.
- klenyam
- rpr peeling off. Kulite mak [x] copot. The skin comes right off. ng-[x] 1 to come/peel off. Kulite nglènyèm. The skin peeled off. 2 (psv di-[x]) to peel sth. Kulite kênthang di-[x]. She peeled the potatoes.
- klènyèm
- var of KLENYAM.
- klênyêm
- fried ground-cassava cookie. klênyam-[x] [to eat] with great enjoyment. ng-[x] to enjoy sensuously. Dhèke dipijêti nglênyêm wae. He loves to be massaged.
- klênyêng
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] 1 to feel dizzy, have a headache. 2 somewhat defective mentally.
- klênyêr
- rpr sensuous pleasure. Dipijêti krasa mak [x]. It feels so good to be massaged. [x]-[x] rpr the smooth disagreeable feel of mucous in the throat. ng-[x] or k-um-lênyêr sensually satisfying. Tangi turu ngulèd, rasane nglênyêr. It feels awfully good to stretch when you wake up.
- klênyit
- sms NG-[x] below. ptg [x] characterized by an elusive disagreeable odor or taste. Kamarmu ambune kok ptg [x]. Something in your room doesn't smell good. [x]-an [of gamelan melodies] soft and slow. ng-[x] 1 spoiled, rancid. 2 somewhat defective mentally.
- klènthèk
- var of KLÈTHÈK. [x]-an peeled off. [x]-an kêrtas paper that has been pulled off from sth. ng-[x] to come unstuck. Prangkone nglènthèk. The stamp came off. Cète ng-[x]. The paint peeled. ng/di-[x]-(i) to unstick sth, peel sth off.
- klènthèng
- ptg [x] pl to clang. Swarane watu tiba ing gêndhèng ptg [x]. Stones kept clanging down on the roof tiles. k-um-lènthèng to make clear ringing sounds. guyu kêmlènthèng resounding laughter.
- klênthèng
- Chinese temple.
- klênthêng
- cotton or kapok seed.
- klêntik
- coconut oil. ng/di-[x] to extract the oil from [coconut]; fig to try to get money out of smn.
- klênthing
- earthenware water jug. ngindhit [x] to carry a water jug on the hip (supported by the arm). [x] wadhah m-asin one who is trying to live down his past but is bound to give himself away sooner or later.
- klêntit
- clitoris (kr for ITIL).
- klêncar
- ptg [x] pl gleaming, glowing, shining.
- klèncèr
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to go out smw for pleasure. ng/di-[x]-i to flirt with.
- klêncèr
- var of KLÊNCAR.
- klêncrang
- ptg [x] to produce loud ringing sounds. Swarane tamèng kêna pêdhang ptg [x]. The swords clanged against the shields.
- klêncring
- ptg [x] to produce light tinkling sounds. Dhuwite ptg [x]. The coins jingled.
- klêntrêng
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to walk with a graceful sauntering gait.
- klèntu
- wrong, mistaken (kr for KLÈRU).
- klênthung
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] 1 to return empty-handed or unsuccessful. 2 to roll up. Kêrtase nglênthung. The paper curled.
- klèp
- valve.
- klepat
- rpr a quick departure. lunga mak [x] to leave suddenly. ng-[x] (to leave) suddenly. Dhèke nglepat lunga. He rushed out.
- klèpèk
- rpr a darting motion. Mak [x] iwake mumbul sêka mblumbang. Suddenly the fish leaped from the pond. ptg [x] or klepak-[x] or ng-[x] to keep wriggling; [of wings] to keep flapping. ng/di-[x]-i to induce [a bird] to flap its wings.
- klêpêk
- rpr sudden inertness. Mêsine montor mak [x] mati. The car engine stalled. ptg [x] pl 1 to become inert. Pitike padha ptg [x] mati kêna pès. Chickens keep dropping dead from the epidemic. 2 (or ng-[x]) to flutter the wings.
- klêpêr
- ptg [x] pl to flutter, fly about. [x]-an or [x]-[x] or klêpar-[x] or ng-[x] sg as above.
- klepyan
- to slip smn's mind; to get overlooked.
- klêpyar
- pl form of KÊPYAR.
- klêpyur
- pl form of KÊPYUR.
- klêpon
- 1 a glutinous-rice-flour cookie filled with coconut sugar. 2 ovaries and uterus of slaughtered animals.
- klêproh
- var of KÊPROH.
- klêpruk
- pl form of KÊPRUK.
- klêpus
- klêpas-[x] or ng-[x] (to talk, smoke) to excess.
- klerab
- ptg [x] to sparkle, glitter. Thithite ptg [x].
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- Lightning kept flashing. Banyune ptg [x] kêna srêngenge. The water sparkles in the sunlight. sa-[x]-an at a brief glance. See also LERAB.
- klèrêk
- clerk. ng-[x] to work as a clerk.
- klêrêk
- [x]-[x] sore [of the throat]; hoarse [of the voice].
- klèru
- ng, klèntu kr 1 mistaken, wrong; a mistake. yèn ora [x] ... if I am not mistaken ... [x] bangêt nèk ana wong êmoh milih. It's a big mistake not to vote. mBokmênawa ana [x]-ne. There may be mistakes in it. Aku [x] nêgêsake. I explained it wrong. 2 to be mistaken for sth else. Klambiku mau [x] karo klambine. He took my shirt instead of his. 3 morally wrong. Yèn wong mati nglalu [x]. It is wrong to commit suicide. klera-[x] (klenta-klèntu kr) 1 to make mistakes frequently. Ênggone masang sêkrup pijêr klera-[x] wae. He kept putting the bolts in wrong. 2 to be habitually mistaken for sth else. Têmbung mriku sok klèra-[x] karo ngriku. The word 'to that place' is often misused for 'in that place.' ka-[x]-an a mistake. Kaklèruan mau njalari wirang pênjênêngan. The mistake caused you embarrassment. [x] surup or [x] tampa to misunderstand, misinterpret.
- klès
- one of two Dutch military invasions into the Republic of Indonesia. [x] Pisan the first invasion (1947). [x] Pindho the second invasion (1948).
- klèsèd
- [x]-an 1 to lie/sit around listlessly or wearily. 2 to collapse in agonizing pain. ng-[x] to collapse with fatigue.
- klêsêd
- rpr stealthy movements. ng-[x] to sneak, move stealthily. A nglêsêd nyumingkir. A stole off to one side.
- klêsêr
- [x]-[x] to crawl on the ground.
- klêsik
- ptg [x] or [x]-an or [x]-[x] (to talk) in whispers.
- klesod
- [x]-an to keep moving around aimlessly in a crouching position [e.g. a child playing in the dirt]. [x]-[x] or ng-[x] 1 to sit in a low place. 2 to move along the ground in a squatting position.
- klêthak
- ng/di-[x] to gnaw (on).
- klêthêg
- rpr the sound of light contact. [x]-an or klêthag-[x] continuous or repeated sounds as above [e.g. a mouse gnawing through wood; marbles rolling around in a box].
- klèthèk
- 1 rpr a click. Swarane lawang mbukak mak [x]. The door opens with a click of the latch. 2 dried (up, out). gêrèh [x] dried salt fish. 3 var of KLÈNTHÈK. 4 var of THÈKLÈK. [x]-an 1 (that which is) dried up/out. 2 impoverished.
- klêthêk
- (or [x]-[x]) rpr light knocking. ng-[x] busy at sth that produces light tapping sounds. nglêthêk nèng pawon working in the kitchen.
- klêthês
- rpr pressing, squashing. Pitike mak [x] mati kêtlindhês montor. The chicken was run over by a car and killed.
- klêtik
- var of KLÊNTIK.
- klêthik
- rpr the sound of eating sth crisp (prn klêti:k). Pèyèke dicokot mak [x]. He bit into a fried peanut chip. [x]-an crisp food. klêthak-[x] repeated sounds as above. ng/di-[x] to bite into or chew sth crisp. k-um-lêthik to produce the above sound.
- kleca
- a certain fruit, also its tree.
- klècêm
- rpr a sudden smile. Yèn digoda dhèke banjur mak [x]. When she's teased, she breaks into a smile. klecam-[x] to keep smiling happily.
- klècèp
- [x]-an a peeled-off outer layer. ng-[x] to come off, peel off. ng/di-[x]-i to remove the outer layer from. Urange sadurunge digorèng di-[x]-i dhisik. Shell the shrimp before you fry them.
- klêci
- a potato-like root vegetable.
- klècut
- var of KLINCUT.
- klêthuk
- rpr teeth biting down on sth hard (prn klêthu:k). ng/di-[x] to bite sth hard. nglêthuk balung pitik to gnaw on a chicken bone.
- klêthus
- rpr teeth cracking sth hard. ng/di-[x] to crack with the teeth. nglêthus kêmbang gula to chew hard candy.
- klewa
- [x]-[x] unwilling to converse. Dijak caturan kok [x]-[x]. He tried to talk to her, but she pretended not to notice.
- klewah
- rpr splitting, slashing. Sêmangkane disigar mak [x]. He split the watermelon in two. ng-[x] to break open. Jarike suwèk nglewah. Her batik wraparound split. k-um-lewah split wide open.
- klewang
- sword with a broad curved blade. ng-[x] to strike or cut with the above.
- klewas
- ng-[x] to turn aside the head. See also KLÈWÈS.
- klèwèr
- ptg [x] or [x]-an or [x]-[x] or klewar-[x] to wave, flutter, hang down limp. ng-[x] 1 to hang limp/loose. 2 to hang around. A saba pasa nglèwèr. A went and hung around the marketplace. 3 (psv di-[x]) to let hang. Yèn wis ora sênêng pêgatên wae, aja mung di-[x]. If you don't like her any
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- more, divorce her: don't leave her dangling. ng/di-[x]-ake to make/let sth hang loose. k-um-lèwèr sms NG-[x] 1, 2 above.
- klèwès
- var of KLEWAS. klewas-[x] to turn aside the head.
- kliyêk
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to stroll, saunter.
- kliyêng
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] headachy, dizzy.
- klika
- tree bark.
- klikik
- ptg [x] or [x]-an or klikak-[x] [of empty stomachs] to rumble. ng-[x] [of voice] highpitched and breaking. k-um-likik sms ptg [x] etc. above.
- kliling
- to make rounds, go around. Juru usada [x] mriksa. The health officer made a tour of inspection. garis [x] circumference. sa-[x]-e around, surrounding. Kêmbange ditandur sa-[x]-e taman. The flowers were planted all around the park. [x] sajroning ati to keep reliving, keep seeing in the mind's eye.
- klilip
- a speck in the eye; fig nuisance, pest. [x]-ên to have/get sth in the eye. ng/di-[x]-i to get into [the eye]. Wêdhine nglilipi mripat. He got sand in his eye.
- klimah
- 1 phrase, expression. Lagi omong sa-[x] wis disêlani. He interrupts as soon as I say one sentence. 2 wedding meal, at which the bride and groom put food in each others' mouths to symbolize their promise to take care of each other. [x] loro, [x] sahadat the two Arabic phrases basic to Islam: belief in no other God but Allah, and belief in Mohammed as the prophet of Allah.
- klimis
- glossy, sleek; [esp. of hair] oily. ng/di-[x]-ake to make sth glossy/oily.
- klingking
- little finger (oj). [x]-an var of KLÈNGKÈNG-AN. k-um-lingking intsfr dry. Mèmèhane wis garing kumlingking. The laundry is bone dry now.
- klinik
- clinic; hospital.
- klinyèm
- var of KLENYAM.
- klinyit
- shiny and oily. Rambute [x]. His hair is oily-looking.
- klintêr
- [x]-an or klintar-[x] to prowl, lurk. Ana montor mabur [x]-an mbrêngêngêng ing ndhuwur kutha. There's been a plane circling over the city. ng/di-[x]-i to prowl around sth. Malinge nglintêri omah. The thief lurked in the vicinity of the house.
- klinting
- [x]-an or klintang-[x] 1 to wander around, pass the time aimlessly. 2 to roll around, writhe.
- klinthing
- 1 edible turnip-like root that grows on top of the ground. 2 bell rung by hand. 3 rpr tinkling, ringing. ptg [x] full of wrinkles. klinthang-[x] to keep ringing. ng/di-[x]-(ake) to ring a hand bell. ng/di-[x]-i 1 to keep ringing a bell. 2 (psv di-[x]-i) to summon smn with a bell. k-um-linthing 1 to ring, tinkle. Dhuwite tiba kumlinthing. The coin fell with a tinkle. 2 full of creases. Klambine kumlinthing. His shirt is wrinkled.
- klincur
- var of KLINCUT.
- klincut
- [x]-an acutely embarrassed, mortified.
- klintong
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] to take a stroll.
- klintrêk
- [x]-[x] or ng-[x] thick, viscous.
- klintu
- var of KLÈNTU.
- klinthung
- [x]-an or klinthang-[x] to wander about aimlessly.
- klir
- color. ng/di-[x] to color sth. nglir gambar jaran to color a picture of a horse. See also KÊLIR 3.
- klirik
- klirak-[x] to look around furtively. See also LIRIK.
- kliru
- var of KLÈRU.
- klise
- 1 photographic negative. 2 plate for making engravings. 3 an imitation of the original. 4 cliche.
- klisik
- [x]-an to toss and turn. ng-[x] to move or turn over in one's sleep.
- klithêr
- [x]-[x] soft and jelly-like.
- klithi(h)
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] or ng-[x] to pace back and forth restlessly.
- klithik
- rpr clinking (prn klithi:k). Tutup botol tiba ing njogan mak [x]. A bottle cap plinked onto the floor. [x]-an 1 small second-hand articles sold by peddlers in the marketplace. 2 a small-scale peddler. k-um-lithik 1 to clink, rattle. 2 crisp, crunchy.
- klicat
- [x]-an to feel overcome with shame.
- klicir
- ptg [x] or [x]-[x] to flutter in the breeze.
- klicit
- [of hair] smooth and oily.
- klicut
- var of KLINCUT.
- kliwêr
- ptg [x] or [x]-an or [x]-[x] or kliwar-[x] moving about in large numbers. Iwake padha ptg [x]. The fish keep darting about. Wong-wong mlaku kliwar-[x]. Crowds were milling around. ng-[x] or k-um-liwêr to appear briefly. Aku mau wêruh Slamêt kumliwêr nang toko. I caught sight of Slamet in the store. See also LIWÊR.
- kliwon
- 1 the first day of the five-day week. Slasa [x], Jêmuwah [x] Tuesday Kliwon, Friday Kliwon (still observed by many as sacred days). 2 administrative official below a regent. ng-[x]-i to observe Kliwon as a sacred day.
- klobak
- [x]-an or [x]-[x] ripply, wavy. Banyune [x]-[x]. The surface of the water rippled.
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