Javanese-English Dictionary, Horne, 1974, #1968 (Hlm. 559–581: S)
CitraTerakhir diubah: 24-08-2021
Pencarian Teks
Lingkup pencarian: teks dan catatan-kakinya. Teks pencarian: 2-24 karakter. Filter pencarian: huruf besar/kecil, diakritik serta pungtuasi diabaikan; karakter [?] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau satu huruf sembarang; simbol wildcard [*] dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti zero atau sejumlah karakter termasuk spasi; mengakomodasi variasi ejaan, antara lain [dj : j, tj : c, j : y, oe : u, d : dh, t : th].
- sisig
- 1 ([lê]lathi ki) having blackened teeth (a former fashion among women). 2 a quid of tobacco chewed with betel. n(y)/di-[x]-i to blacken one's teeth.
- sisih
- side, part, direction. [x] têngên/kiwa the right/left side. [x] ngarêp/mburi the front/back. ing [x] lor/kidul to the north/south. [x] têngah the middle. [x] jaba/jêro the outside/inside. Ing [x] dhuwur lan ngisore dilim. Put glue on the top and bottom. Asia [x] Kidul Wetan Southeast Asia. [x]-an spouse. n(y)-[x] to move to the side. Nyisih lo mêngko kêtabrak montor. Get over, or you'll be hit by a car. n(y)/di-[x]-ake to move sth aside. Watu iki sisihna. Move this rock to one side. di-[x]-ake polisi waved aside by a policeman. n(y)/di-[x]-i 1 to avoid by moving aside. Aku anggêr wêruh A mêsthi nyisihi. I avoid A every time I see him. 2 to stand by smn. Dhèke nisihi aku ing sajrone kêsêdhihanku. He helped me through my grief. sa-[x] one side; one of a pair. kupingku sing sa-[x] one of my ears. Sêpatune sing sa-[x] wis bodhol. One of my shoes is worn out. sa-[x]-e beside, at the side of. sa-[x]-e kantor pos next to the post office. s-um-isih to move aside. Wong-wong padha dikon sêmisih ngadoh kabèh. The people were all told to move back. See also WURSIH.
- sisik
- 1 fish scale(s). 2 discarded snake skin. [x]-[x] to smooth bamboo with a knife. n(y)/di-[x]-i 1 to remove the scales from [a fish]. 2 to smooth by scraping. [x]-mêlik evidence, trace. Dhèke golèk [x] mêlik mênyang ngêndi Ali saiki. He tried to get some indication of where Ali was.
- sisil
- n(y)/di-[x]-(i) to nibble, peck.
- sisip
- to miss [one's aim etc.]. Anggone mbêdhil pijêr [x] têrus. His shots kept missing. kê-[x]-an to carry along accidentally. Apa kowe mau kê-[x]-an bukuku? Did you happen to pick up my book? n(y)-[x] to miss [a target]. mBêdhile nyisip wae. His shot went astray. [x] sêmbir-e lest. Yèn ujian aja sok ngêpèk, [x] sêmbire bisa konangan. Don't cheat on tests-you might get caught.
- sisir
- 1 a bunch of bananas. 2 rg a comb. 3 a covered veranda. n(y)/di-[x]-(i) 1 to cut crosswise, to grate. Gulane jawa di-[x]-i arêp kanggo juruh. She slices the sugar-cakes to make syrup. 2 to plow for the second time.
- sisrik
- n(y)/di-[x] to smooth the ridges of [bamboo] at the joints.
- siswa
- oj student, pupil. See also MAHA.
- sit
- rpr a swift motion. Copète cêpêt bangêt mak [x] anggone nyopèt dhompèt. The pickpocket whisked away the wallet with one deft motion.
- sita
- ny/di-[x] to confiscate. juru [x] bailiff, process server.
- sitèn
- a regional official (contracted from ASISTÈN-WADANA). [x]-an residence of the above official.
- siti
- earth, soil, land (kr for LÊMAH). [x] (h)inggil main audience hall at the north end of the Jogjakarta palace (see also SASANA), now used as a lecture hall for Gajah Mada University.
- sithik
- ng a few, a little (inf var of SÊTHITHIK).
- sithip
- [of Chinese, Japanese] almond-eyed.
- sitok
- sithok, rg var of SIJI.
- sitrun
- lemon.
- situ
- [x]-[x] in haste. A [x]-[x] mulih. A hurried home.
- siwa
- rg var of SIWAK.
- Siwah
- Hindu. agama [x] Hinduism.
- siwak
- (or [x] lanang) uncle who is a parent's older sibling. [x] wedok aunt, i.e. wife of such an uncle.
- siwal
- to come off as a result of damage. Kukune jêmpol [x]. He lost his big toenail [after an injury]. Kursine tanganane [x]. The arm of the chair came off.
- siwar
- dorsal fin of a fish.
- siwi
- oj child.
- siwil
- var of SRIWIL.
- siwur
- ladle. [x] bathok ladle made from a half-coconut shell. See also GANTUNG.
- syaban
- var of SABAN.
- syair
- modern Indonesian poetry.
- syara
- oj noise; voice.
- syaraf
- nerve (var of SARAP).
- syarap
- nerve (var of SARAP).
- syarat
- var of SARAT.
- syariat
- the Moslem law.
- syarif
- title for the nine Islamic apostles.
- syumangga
- var of SUMANGGA.
- skak
- check! (chess term: var of SÊKAK).
- skop
- var of SÊKOP.
- skrip
- 1 notebook. 2 script.
- skutêr
- motor bike (var sp of SÊKUTÊR).
- sl-
- see also under SAL-, SÊL- (Introduction, 2.9.3).
- slabruk
- sleep wear, night clothing.
- sladha(h)
- lettuce, salad.
- sladhang
- ptg [x] pl [of long objects] lying every which way. [x]-an (that which is) carried crosswise. [x]-an pring mau dipikul. He
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- carried his bamboo shoulder pole crosswise. ny/di-[x] 1 to carry sth crosswise. 2 to shoot [a marble] with a two-handed technique. ny/di-[x]-ake to put [sth long] smw. Ali nyladhangake sêpedhane nang têngah lawang. Ali left his bike right in the doorway. Pringe di-[x]-ake ngisor wit. He laid the bamboo stalks under the tree.
- sladri
- var of SLÈDRI.
- slagrang
- ny/di-[x]-ake 1 to put or leave sth where it is in the way and does not belong. 2 to put sth up into a high place.
- slaka
- silver (metal). See also JUNGGRING.
- slakang
- rg var of LAKANG.
- slaman
- see SLUMUN.
- slamat
- safe, secure; prosperity. kirim ucapan [x] to send words of congratulation or good wishes. See also SLAMÊT.
- slambêr
- pl form of SAMBÊR.
- slamêt
- ng, wilujêng kr well, safe and sound, secure (sugêng ki). Apa kowe [x]? Are you all right? andum [x] to wish smn well (at parting; at the close of a letter). awèh [x] to wish smn health, safety, absence of difficulties. Juru [x] Saviour (Christian). [x]-an (to hold) a ritualistic ceremony during which sacred food is given away: held as a measure for promoting the security of the host and those close to him. Ibumu [x]-an apa? What kind of ceremony is your mother having? [x]-an brokoh-an christening ceremony held at childbirth. [x]-an jênang abang ceremony celebrating a circumcision or a birthday. [x]-an kol annual ceremony commemorating a death anniversary. [x]-an m-pêthik village harvest ceremony. [x]-an m-pitu-ni ceremony held during the seventh month of pregnancy. [x]-an puput pusêr ceremony held when an infant loses the umbilical cord. [x]-an ny-sêpasar-i ceremony held on the fifth day after birth. ka-[x]-an well-being, security. kabar kê-[x]-an good news, i.e. news that smn is well or safe and sound. ny/di-[x]-ake 1 to keep smn safe, well, secure. 2 to save (the life of). 3 to hold a ceremony on smn else's behalf. Ibu nylamêtake patang puluh dinane bapake Siti. Mother held a fortiethday ceremony for Siti's father [neighbor]. ny/di-[x]-i to honor smn with a ceremony. Ibumu nylamêti sapa? Who is your mother holding a ceremony for?
- slampir
- ptg [x] or slompar-[x] pl hanging all over, hanging in various places. kê-[x] to get hung on sth. Klambine kê-[x] ing pagêr. The shirt was deposited on the fence [by the wind]. kê-[x]-an hung on sth. Kê-[x]-an apa pundhake anakmu kae? What's that slung over your child's shoulder? ny/di-[x]-ake 1 to place [a garment] over smn's shoulders. 2 to hang [garments] on a line. Kok slompar-[x] ki sing di-[x]-ake apa wae! You're hanging things all over the place! See also SAMPIR.
- slamur
- kê-[x] to get one's thoughts diverted. Wong-wong ilang dhêg-dhêgane, awit kê-[x] nggone padha sênêng-sênêng. They were having such a good time they forgot their fears. ny/di-[x] 1 to (try to) take one's mind off sth. Kanggo nylamur wêdine banjur singsot-singsot. He whistled to chase away his fear. 2 to change the subject. Yèn dipacokke banjur nylamur-nylamur. When they teased him, he diverted the conversation.
- slandhok
- var of SLONDHOK.
- slang
- rubber tubing; hose.
- slanggrang
- var of SLAGRANG.
- slarak
- var of SLOROK.
- Slasa
- Tuesday.
- slasih
- basil (blossom; herb) (var of TLASIH). ptg [x] scattered, in disorder.
- slawat
- money given to those who attend a funeral and offer prayers. [x]-an [of men] to sing informally to the accompaniment of tambourines or tomtoms. [x] kupêng-an money given (as above).
- slawir
- ptg [x] pl waving loosely (e.g. fringe, streamers, coconut leaves). ny-[x] sg as above. ny/di-[x]-[x]-ake to keep waving [such things] back and forth, up and down, etc.
- slêbar
- ptg [x] scattered about; in random order.
- slebor
- fender, mud guard.
- slèdèr
- (or [x]-an) 1 to procrastinate. 2 boastful.
- slèdri
- celery (in Java, mostly leaves with very little stalk).
- slegrang
- [x]-[x] strong, powerful.
- sleyor
- [x]-an or sleyar-[x] weak(ened), infirm.
- sleyot
- var of SLEYOR.
- slêlêp
- to dive. ny/di-[x]-ake to cause sth to dive or submerge.
- slêmbrah
- ptg [x] sloppy or careless in one's dress and grooming.
- slêmbrèh
- var of SLÊMBRAH.
- slêmêt
- insect. Rêmukan panganan dipangan [x]. Insects ate up the crumbs. ptg [x] or [x]-[x] or slêmat-[x] feeling queasy.
- slempang
- var of SREMPANG.
- slêmpit
- kê-[x] to get mixed in and concealed among other things. ny-[x] to slip into [a
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- place of concealment]. Potlodku nylêmpit nang njêro buku. My pencil was in a book [where I couldn't see it]. ny/di-[x]-ake to slip sth [out of sight]. Dhompète di-[x]-ke nang nggone cathoke. He put his wallet in his belt. s-um-lêmpit inserted [into]. Ana rokok sêmlêmpit ing lambene. A cigarette was stuck between his lips.
- slêmprit
- pl form of SÊMPRIT.
- slendhang
- a scarf-like batik ladies wear over one shoulder for decorative purposes or for carrying babies or small bundles; also worn decoratively by wy deities. [x]-an to put on or wear this garment.
- slêndêp
- ptg [x] having many sharp objects sticking into it. ny/di-[x]-i to stick [a charp object] into. Bokonge di-[x]-i suntik. They gave him the injection in the rump. ny/di-[x]-ake to stick sth sharp [into]. Suntike di-[x]-ke nang bokong. They gave him the hypodermic needle in the rump.
- slèndêr
- 1 cylinder (car engine part). 2 steam roller. ny/di-[x] to roll [a road etc.] with a steam roller.
- slendro
- five-note gamelan scale (see also PELOG). ny-[x] to play (a note of) this scale.
- slêngêt
- rpr a flash of heat. s-um-lêngêt unnaturally warm. Awake sêmlêngêt. He's feverish.
- slênggring
- pl form of SÊNGGRING.
- slênggrok
- pl form of SÊNGGROK.
- slênggruk
- pl form of SÊNGGRUK.
- slênggur
- var of SÊNGGUR.
- slengkrah
- ptg [x] in disorder. Kamare mêsthi ptg [x]. His room is always a mess.
- slèngkrang
- rpr putting the feet up while sitting. [x]-an or ny-[x] to sit improperly with the feet up, e.g. on a table.
- slêngkrang
- pl form of SÊNGKRANG.
- slêngkring
- ptg [x] to feel pinpricks of pain.
- slensa
- var of SLENCA.
- slênthêm
- a xylophone-like gamelan instrument with metal keys. [x]-an in a quiet unceremonious way. Pancèn aku ora undang-undang kok, upacarane [x]-an wae. I didn't invite guests-it was just a quiet ceremony. slêntham-[x] to do sth quietly or without anyone's knowledge. ny-[x] to play the slênthêm.
- slênthêr
- rpr a precipitous or unannounced departure. Mak [x] lunga ora pamit. He up and left without saying goodbye.
- slênthik
- ny/di-[x]-(i) to snap sth with the finger by bending the finger with nail against thumb and then releasing it suddenly. Yèn nakal banjur di-[x] kupinge. When he's bad, he gets a finger-snap on the ear.
- slênthing
- rpr a disagreeable odor. Aku mambu mak [x] ora enak. I caught a whiff of something bad. slênthang-[x] rumor. Aku krungu slênthang-[x] jarene ... I hear rumors to the effect that ...
- slênthir
- ptg [x] or slênthar-[x] to leave one after the other. Para dhemonstran ptg [x] lunga. The [unenthusiastic] demonstrators drifted away one by one.
- slenca
- different from usual; different from before. Saiki Siti kok [x]. How Siti has changed! Kowe kok [x]. Why has your mood changed?
- slêp
- rpr slipping into a place unobtrusively. Mak [x] dhèke umpêtan. He slipped into concealment.
- slêpag
- var of SLÊPÊG.
- slepe
- a belt of gold or silver links, worn by girls for certain ceremonial occasions or for the classical dance.
- slêpêg
- cramped, pressed. Omahe [x] bangêt, kok ngundang tamu okèh bangêt. The house is so small, why did he invite so many guests! kê-[x] to be pressed for time. Arêp mlayu nanging wis kê-[x]. He was going to run, but it was already too late. ny/di-[x] to have too little time (to, for). Nylêpêg olèhe gawe omah. He didn't have much time to build his house. Yèn di-[x] tukang jahite ora saguh. If you try to rush the tailor, he may not finish the job. ny/di-[x]-i to crowd (out), press. Lêmarine iki gêgêdhèn, marakake nylêpêki kamar. The cupboard is too big, it crowds the room.
- slêpi
- (or [x]-n) cigarette case of woven material.
- slèrèk
- [x]-an 1 zipper. 2 sliding door. ny-[x] to move by sliding. Gêndhènge nylèrèk. The roof tile slid down. ny/di-[x]-ake or ny/di-[x]-i to slide sth. Lawange slèrèkna. Please slide the door shut. nylèrèki gêndhèng to slide roof tiles.
- slêsêp
- kê-[x] to get slipped in between sth by accident. Surate kê-[x] ing buku iki. The letter got slipped into this book. ny-[x] to slip into. Malinge nylêsêp grumbul kono. The thief slipped into the shrubbery. ny/di-[x]-ake to slip sth [into]. Dhuwite di-[x]-ake ing sake. She slipped the money in his pocket. s-um-lêsêp to go in, find [its] way into. Dome sumlêsêp nang kasur. The needle worked its way into the mattress.
- slêsih
- careful, meticulous.
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- slètêl
- key.
- slewah
- 1 two-toned. Olèhe ngêcèt lawang [x]. He painted the door in two colors. bocah [x] child born with different skin coloring on the left and right sides of the body. 2 different, contrasting. Panêmune [x] karo panêmuku. His opinion differs from mine.
- slewar
- rpr a sudden turn. Montore têrus mak [x] nêngên. The car swerved to the right.
- slèwèng
- slewang-[x] to wander here and there, stray from the objective. ny-[x] 1 to stray, wander. 2 to commit adultery. ny/di-[x]-ake to cause to go astray, divert from the straight and narrow. nylèwèngake dhuwit to embezzle money. nylèwèngake panguwasa to misuse power.
- slèwèr
- [x]-an or slewar-[x] to wave, hang loose, flutter.
- slidhik
- ny/di-[x]-i to investigate. pa-ny-[x]-an investigation, research. pênylidhikan tênaga atom research into atomic power.
- sliyu:t
- sleepy, drowsy.
- slilit
- food caught between the teeth; fig sth that is trivial but troublesome. [x]-[x] to pick the teeth. (kê)-[x]-ên to have food caught between the teeth. ny-[x]-i [of food] to catch in the teeth. ora dadi [x] a small and unsatisfying amount of food.
- slimpe
- [x]-an to sneak up on. ny/di-[x] to sneak up on smn.
- slimpêt
- var of SLIMPE.
- slimut
- rg blanket.
- slindêr
- var of SLÈNDÊR.
- slindhit
- ptg [x] characterized by labyrinthine twistings and turnings. Dalan mau ptg [x]. The road winds tortuously. [x]-an a children's game played by running around in patterned circles.
- slingkêr
- rpr a sudden swerve. Dhèke mak [x] ngêndhani wong sing arêp ditabrak kuwi. He veered off and avoided hitting the man. ny-[x] to change direction suddenly. Lawange ngarêp sajak tutupan, aku banjur nylingkêr mênyang buri. The front door seemed to be closed, so I pivoted around to the back.
- slingkuh
- secret, underhanded. nindakake [x] to do sth on the sly. [x]-an (to do) in a secretive or underhanded manner. ny/di-[x]-ake to take sth stealthily. nylingkuhake dhuwit kantor to embezzle official funds.
- slingkur
- var of SINGKUR.
- slingsing
- [x]-an to pass unawares from opposite directions. A mau nggolèki B nanging [x]-an nang dalan. A went looking for B but went right past him on the street without seeing him.
- slintru
- 1 inhabited by spirits. Guwane [x]. The cave is haunted. 2 var of SINTRU.
- slinthut
- [x]-an or slinthat-[x] in secret, on the sly. ny-[x] to do sth covertly; to sneak. Aku nylinthut-nylinthut liwat gunung-gunung. I sneaked [past the sentries] through the mountains. ny/di-[x]-ake to conceal teporarily [sth one is planning to carry off later].
- slira
- 1 one hundred minus n (for keeping score in card games). [x] gangsal 95. [x] tiga 97. 2 a certain large water lizard. 3 body (ki for AWAK). [x]-mu or [x]-ne or kang [x] or kêng [x] adr you (to a person one speaks to in Ngoko but does not know very well). [x]-mu tindak saka ingêndi? Where have you been? Kêng [x] rak wis priksa dhewe ta? You've seen it yourself, haven't you?
- sliri
- ptg [x] or slira-[x] to keep going back and forth. Akèh montor ptg [x] nang ndalan. Cars kept whizzing past on the road. Iwake nglangi slira-[x]. The fish swam back and forth.
- sliring
- var of SLINGSING. [x]-an varying slightly. Panêmuku mung [x]-an wae karo panêmune. My findings were just about the same as his. kê-[x] to have aspersions cast on one. sa-[x] bawang paper-thin.
- slisib
- var of TLISIB.
- slisih
- to differ, vary. Petunganku mung [x] sêthithik karo petungane. My figures are pretty close to his.
- slisik
- 1 rpr a harsh sibilant sound. 2 to preen the feathers with the beak. n(y)/di-[x]-(i) 1 to preen [another bird's feathers]. 2 to investigate, look into.
- slithi
- slitha-[x] to keep wiggling, squirming, fidgetting.
- sliwêr
- ptg [x] or [x]-an or sliwar-[x] to swerve, weave this way and that. mabur ptg [x] flying around. [x]-ing wong kutha the city people milling around. Ula katon ptg [x]. The snake wriggled along.
- slobok
- ny/di-[x]-ake to put [an opening] over or around. Carane mênganggo di-[x]-ake saka ndhuwur (saka sirah). You get into [the garment] by putting it on over your head. ny/di-[x]-i to put [fingers, hands] into [an opening].
- slodho
- rg rpr bursting into a place where one does not belong. slodha-[x] to enter smw as above.
- slogrong
- rpr rapid enlargement. Anakmu wis
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- mak [x]. Your child is shooting up! [x]-[x] to grow up, get taller and taller.
- slohok
- slohak-[x] to talk boorishly.
- sloka
- var of SALOKA.
- slokan
- rg ditch.
- sloki
- small liquor glass.
- slomod
- kê-[x] to come into accidental contact with a burning object. ny/di-[x] to touch with a burning object.
- slomprèt
- 1 trumpet, bugle. 2 reed used as a whistle. tukang [x] trumpeter, bugler. [x]-an 1 a trumpet. 2 to keep trumpeting. ny-[x] to play a trumpet.
- slonjor
- to stretch one's legs. n(y)/di-[x]-ake to stretch [the legs].
- slondhok
- metal ring for holding sth: e.g. a belt buckle. ny/di-[x]-ake to thread sth through an opening.
- slonong
- ptg [x] or slonang-[x] moving precipitously; shooting forward. ny-[x] or s-um-lonong to move or act precipitously. Montore nylonong mlêbu kalèn. The car shot forward into a ditch. Dhèke banjur sumlonong omong ... The he blurted out ...
- slonthong
- [x]-an 1 sth hollow; sth empty or emptied of its contents. 2 hollow bamboo water pipe. 3 box or bag where incoming mail is kept.
- slontrot
- ptg [x] or ny-[x] fibrous [of cassava, mango]. See also SONTROT.
- slorok
- 1 a sliding board for barring a door. 2 sliding door used as a room divider. 3 diamond-studded kris cover. ptg [x] to keep calling out one's wares. [x]-an 1 a drawer. 2 kris cover. ny/di-[x] to fasten [a door] shut with a sliding bar. ny/di-[x]-ake 1 to close a drawer. 2 to thread sth through an opening. nylorokake bênang nèng jarum to thread a needle. ny/di-[x]-i to equip [a door] with a sliding bar.
- slosor
- var of TLOSOR.
- slot
- doorknob.
- sludhing
- var of SLUNDHING.
- sluku
- to sit with the legs stretched straight out before one. [x]-[x] bathok opening words of a children's song chanted while sitting as above.
- slulup
- to go under water. Ayo bêtah-bêtahan [x]. Let's see who can stay under longest. [x]-an to keep diving under as one swims. ny-[x] to submerge oneself; (psv di-[x]) to submerge sth. Barêng wêruh polisi, malinge nylulup nang blumbang. When the thief saw a policeman, he ducked under water in the pond. ny/di-[x]-ake to hold smn's face under water.
- slumbat
- a bar with a round-bladed tip for splitting open coconuts. [x]-an act or result of splitting open coconuts. ny/di-[x]-(i) to remove the outer fibrous coat (sêpêt) from a coconut.
- slumun
- sluman-[x] or slaman-[x] to keep going back and forth. sluman-[x] slamêt to go safely back and forth through dangers.
- slundhing
- [x]-an a substitute, replacement. ny/di-[x]-i to substitute for; to act in the capacity of; to change off with.
- slundup
- slundhup, ptg [x] to go in and out repeatedly. Klonthong kuwi ptg [x] mênyang desa-desa. Peddlers come to the villages frequently. [x]-an smuggled. barang-barang [x]-an smugled goods. slundhap-[x] pl to enter and leave; to enter and leave illicitly. Dadi mata-mata kudu pintêr slundhap-[x]. If you're a spy, you have to be adept at crossing borders under cover. ny-[x] to enter or leave (illicitly). ny/di-[x]-ake 1 to insert. nylundupake bolah ing dom to thread a needle. 2 to smuggle [sth, smn] into. ny/di-[x]-(i) 1 to stab sth into. Bantalane di-[x]-i dom akèh bangêt. The pincushion has a lot of needles stuck into it. 2 to smuggle sth/smn. pa-ny-[x] smuggler. pa-ny-[x]-an 1 smugled. barang pênylundhupan smuggled goods. 2 illegal entry.
- slup
- rpr quick immersion. Iwake ketok nang ndhuwur banjur mak [x] angslup. The fish appeared at the surface and then slipped back under.
- sluru
- slura-[x] to make frequent mistakes.
- slusub
- rpr quick concealment. ptg [x] pl taking quick cover. Bocah-bocah ndhêlik ptg [x] nang grumbulan. The boys quickly hid in the bushes. kê-[x]-ên to get entered by sth sharp. Drijiku mau kê-[x]-ên lugut pring. I got a bamboo sliver in my finger. n(y)/di-[x]-ake to insert sth. nylusubake bênang ing dom to thread a needle. n(y)/di-[x]-i to enter, slip into. Lugut kuwi nlusubi. The bamboo pricker went in [my finger].
- slusur
- var of TLUSUR.
- sluthu
- slutha-[x] to keep entering smn's room without permission or forewarning. ny-[x] to enter smn's place as above.
- sluwat
- ptg [x] full of sharp spiky projections. ny-[x] [of sth sharp] to project outward and upward. Êrine nyluwat. The thorn is sticking out.
- sluwir
- var pl form of SUWIR.
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- so
- 1 a certain tree (sms MLINJO) whose bark is made into a burlap-like fabric (bago). 2 the edible young leaf of this tree. jangan [x] so-leaf soup.
- so'al
- problem, matter, question. nyandhak [x] liya to change the subject. [x]-[x] jêron lan manca nêgara domestic and foreign concerns. ny/di-[x]-ake to cause problems (for), make sth difficult. Swara-swara mau ora nyoalake. Those opinions didn't raise any problems. [x] jawab question and answer (as a teaching technique). See also PÊRSOAL.
- sobat
- close friend. [x]-an close friendship. di-[x] to be regarded or treated as a close friend. ny-[x] to get close to. Dhèke sênêng nyobat bocah sugih. He hangs around the rich kids. pa-[x]-an close friendship.
- sobyung
- a children's singing game.
- sodhèr
- var of SOLDIR.
- sodhog
- ny/di-[x] to prod. Aku di-[x] nganggo bêdhil saka mburi. Someone pushed a gun into me from behind. ny/di-[x]-ake to move sth by prodding or pushing at it.
- sodok
- rg somewhat, a little. mBok olèhe lingguh [x] rana, kene suk-sukan je. Please move over a bit-it's crowded here.
- sodor
- a spear with a round knob at the tip instead of a point. ny/di-[x] to prod with the above.
- sog
- ngê/di-[x] to push, press. Aku krasa di-[x] wong saka mburi. I could feel smn pushing me from behind. ngê/di-[x]-[x] to give smn a scalp treatment by gently scratching and tugging the hair: esp. for relieving a headache. ngê-[x]-[x] rambut to treat hair as above. ngê/di-[x]-ake to set sth down. See also SOSOG.
- soga
- 1 bark of the indigo tree, used in dyeing batik. 2 the reddish-brown dye obtained from this bark. [x]-n 1 fabric dyed with the above. 2 reddish-brown in color. ny/di-[x] to dye [batik] with the above. pa-[x]-n room where batik-dyeing is done. [x] gênês sms [x] 2 above.
- sogok
- 1 long stick used for prodding or plucking. 2 key. [x]-an a bribe; bribery. ny/di-[x]-(i) 1 to prod, poke. Pêlême di-[x] nganggo gèntèr. He knocked down the mango with a stick. 2 to unlock a door. 3 to bribe smn. ny-[x] irung to give off a strong odor, to assail the nostrils. [x] untu toothpick.
- sogrok
- var of SOGOK.
- soka
- ng, a(ng)sring kr, sêring kr? 1 sometimes, often. 2 [don't] ever ...! Aja [x] nganiaya kewan. Never tease animals. 3 (even) if. [x] mêngkonoa even if that is (or were) so. [x] anaa rêgane larang bangêt. Even if it were available, it would be very expensive. [x]-[x] once in a while, every so often. [x] uga even if it were like that. Aku ora pati pêrcaya karo Siti, [x] uga malah dhèwèke kuwi wani maling. I don't trust Siti: even in a case like that she would steal. [x] wong-a anyone (at all). [x] wonga bisa nglakoni ngono. Anybody could do that.
- sokb
- rpr pouring, splashing. Pancine tiba, mak [x] jangane kutah. The pan fell and the soup spilled out! [x]-[x] full to overflowing. kê-[x]-an to get poured on. Clanane kê-[x]-an kopi. Coffe got spilled on his trousers. ngê/di-[x]-(ake) to pour sth (out). Lêngane aja di-[x] kabèh. Don't pour out all the oil. Sêkarone padha ngê-[x]-ake sih katrêsnane. They poured forth their love for each other. Wong sing nonton kaya diêsokake. Spectators poured in. ngê/di-[x]-i to pour onto sth. Sokana lênga pèt. Pour kerosene on it. [x] glogok to speak one's mind. Dhèke nèk omong [x] glogok. He says exactly what he thinks. See also ASOK.
- soka
- hibiscus.
- soklat
- 1 chocolate. 2 brown. ny/di-[x]-(ake) to color/dye sth brown. ny/di-[x]-ake to have sth colored/dyed brown.
- sokle
- var of SUKLE.
- sokong
- [x]-an financial support or contribution. ny/di-[x] to support financially, or contribute support.
- sokur
- 1 it is good (that ...). [x] ta yèn pitmu wis kêtêmu. Thank goodness you found your bike! [x] yèn kowe gêlêm ngampiri adhimu. It'd be nice if you could go pick up your little brother. 2 gratitude. ngucap [x] to express one's thanks. 3 let it be a lesson. [x] kowe! It serves you right! [x] kowe tiba, dipênging pènèkan. So you fell! you had it coming-you were told not to climb. [x]-an celebration of a special event (sms SLAMÊT-AN). ny/di-[x]-ake to rub it in, (to say) I told you so! Pitku ilang malah di-[x]-ake karo kangmasku. My bike is lost and my brother says it serves me right. [x] alkamdulil(l)ah or [x] lah kamdulil(l)ah thank God! [x] bage (sèwu) 1 thank God! 2 may it happen that ... [x] bage bisa antuk kauntungan. I hope I'll be able to make a profit.
- sol
- 1 uprooted. 2 fifth note in the musical scale. [x]-[x]-an 1 to push/elbow each other.
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- 2 to stammer with fear. ka-[x] to get uprooted. ngê/di-[x] 1 to uproot. 2 to push aside. Aja ngêsol wae ta! Don't push! ngê/di-[x]-ake to uproot.
- solah
- actions, motions; behavior, conduct. ny/di-[x]-ake to move (around), make motions with. nyolahake sikil to move the feet. [x] bawa or [x] jantra or [x] tênaga or [x] tingkah behavior, actions. Kêtara ing sa-[x]-tingkahe. It's obvious in everything he does.
- solar
- diesel oil.
- solat
- var of SALAT.
- soldir
- solder. ny/di-[x] to solder sth.
- solèd
- 1 flat aluminum kitchen tool resembling a pancake turner. 2 slang kris. ny/di-[x] to turn or manipulate [food] with a pancake turner. [x] patri soldering iron.
- Solo
- var sp of SALA.
- solung
- var of SULUNG.
- Soma
- oj Monday.
- somah
- ng, semah kr 1 spouse. 2 (or [x]-an) family, household. kêpala [x] head of the family. Ana pirang [x] ing desa kuwi? How many families are there in that village? See also OMAH.
- somba
- a certain leaf used for red dye. ny/di-[x] to dye sth red with this leaf.
- sombèng
- rg torn, ripped.
- sombong
- (or ny-[x]) snobbish, arrogant. ny/di-[x]-ake to boast about sth.
- sompèl
- chipped, having a piece missing. Piringe [x]. The plate is chipped.
- sona
- oj dog. [x] bêlang mati a-rêbut mangsa misfortune resulting from greed.
- sondhèr
- cloth worn around the waist in the classical dance. sê-[x]-an to put on or wear this cloth.
- sondhêr
- sondêr, without. Tèhku [x] gula, lho. No sugar in my tea!
- sondhol
- kê-[x](-[x]) to get pushed from behind or one side. Yèn ndêlok kêrameyan ya aja wêdi kê-[x]-[x]. When you go to a fair, you mustn't mind being elbowed around. ny/di-[x]-[x] to push, press, nudge. Yèn njaluk dhuwit mêsthi nyondhol. When he asks for money, he keeps poking at me.
- sonêbril
- sunglasses, dark glasses.
- song
- cave or other opening in a riverbank, cliffside, valley wall, etc. ngê-[x] forming a hole of this type.
- songar
- (or sê-[x]-an) boastful. Tindake mau mung kanggo sê-[x]-an. He just did that to show off.
- songkèl
- crowbar-like prying tool, used with a wedge (antru) for leverage. ny/di-[x] to pry, exert leverage, open (with the above equipment).
- songkèt
- embroidery. ny/di-[x] 1 to embroider. 2 to darn, mend.
- songkil
- var of SONGKÈL.
- songkok
- wy ornamental wings worn at the back of the headdress and (a larger pair) on the upper back, as part of a warrior costume. [x]-an to put on or wear such wings.
- songkop
- woven-bamboo implement (var of SOSOG).
- songkro
- old, worn out, out of date. Tuku kok pit wis [x] ngono! Why did you buy such an old beat-up bike?
- songsong
- umbrella, sunshade (kr? ki for PAYUNG). panongsong ng kr ng kr one who has the task of sheltering a dignitary from sun or rain with an umbrella.
- sonya
- var of SUNYA.
- sonyaruri
- var of SUNYARURI.
- sontên
- late afternoon, early evening (kr for SORE).
- sontèng
- ny/di-[x] to give sth a hard push.
- sontlèng
- var of SONTÈNG.
- sontok
- ny/di-[x] to push, shove.
- sontrot
- fibrous thread running down the center of a cassava root or mango. ny-[x] full of fibers. See also SLONTROT.
- sonya
- var of SUNYA.
- sop
- 1 at a low level, at ebb tide or flow. 2 soup (Occidental style). [x] pitik chicken soup. [x] kobis cabbage soup.
- sopak
- [x]-an false part added on. susu [x]-an brassière padding. untu [x]-an false teeth. ny/di-[x] to add [a false piece] (onto).
- sopan
- polite, good manners. Uthik-uthik upil nang ngarêpe tamu iku ora [x]. It's not polite to pick your nose in front of guests.
- sopinis
- chauvinist.
- sopinisme
- chauvinism.
- sopinistis
- chauvinistic.
- sopir
- driver, chauffeur. [x] bis bus driver. [x]-an 1 act of driving. [x]-ane montor iki penak ora alot. This car handles smoothly. 2 pertaining to driving. nggon [x]-an driver's seat. ny-[x] to be(come) a driver. ny/di-[x]-i to drive [a vehicle].
- sor
- 1 under; inferior. [x] têmpat tidur under the bed. Pêrange [x]. The battle was lost. 2 rpr a rapid flow. Banyune mêtu mak [x] saka pipane. The water poured out of the pipe. sar-[x] [of heartbeats] rapid, going pit-a-pat. [x]-[x]-an a subordinate. [x]-[x]-anku kabèh
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- sêpuluh. I have ten people working under me. ngê/di-[x]-ake 1 to look down on. Aku di-[x]-ke. He treated me with contempt. 2 to pour sth. Banyune di-[x]-ke nang kulah. He poured the water into the bathtub. ngê/di-[x]-i to pour into/onto. See also ASOR, ISOR, SOSOR.
- sora
- loud; forceful (kr for SÊRU?)
- sorah
- (to give) a speech, lecture. ny/di-(sê)-[x] to deliver a speech (to). ny/di-(sê)-[x]-ake to deliver a speech about. nyênyorahake pêrkara liwat radhio to discuss the matter in a radio speech.
- sore
- ng, sontên kr the late afternoon and early evening period (ca. 3-7 P.M.). (wayah) giring [x] around 6 P.M. (when the cattle are stabled for the night). [x]-n-[x]-nan or [x]-[x]-an (sontên-sontênan kr) late in the afternoon-evening period. kê-[x]-n 1 (too) late, i.e. in the sore rather than the next earlier time period (awan). 2 (too) early, i.e. in the sore rather than the next later time period (bêngi). ny/di-[x]-ni to arrive before dark. Sarèhne omahe adoh, bêcike nyorèni. The house is a long way off; we'd better get there before sunset. sa-[x] throughout the sore. [x] (m)-bêndhe or [x] ênthe-ênthe early in the sore.
- sorèng
- oj skilled. [x] a-laga skilled in battle.
- soro
- var of SOROH.
- sorog
- a key. [x]-an a drawer. ny/di-[x] to lock with a key. See also LAYANG.
- soroh
- ny/di-[x](-[x])-ake to hand over, let smn have. nyorohake dhuwit to give smn some money. nyênyorohake kunci to hand over the keys. [x] amuk in an enraged or violent condition.
- sorok
- long-handled shovel of wood or bamboo. ny/di-[x] to shovel sth with the above.
- sorot
- ray, beam. [x]-ing srêngenge/rêmbulan sun/moonbeams. [x]-e listrik light from an electric light. diyan [x] searchlight, spotlight. [x]-an irrigated by river water. sawah [x]-an a rice paddy irrigated with water piped in from a river. ny/di-[x]-ake to let [irrigation water] into a field. ny/di-[x]-(i) to shine light on. di-[x]-i lampu lighted by a lamp. Satindak tansah di-[x] masyarakat. Every move he makes is under public scrutiny. s-um-orot 1 to shine, flash. Intêne sumorot. The diamond sparkles. Srêngengene sêmorot mlêbu. The sun shines in. 2 to flow. Sawah ngisor nampa banyu sing sêmorot saka sawah ndhuwur. The lower paddies get water that overflows from the upper paddies.
- sos
- rpr a swishing sound. ngê-[x] to produce such a sound. ngê/di-[x]-ake to discharge [air, gas].
- sosi
- a key.
- sosial
- 1 social. ilmu [x] social science(s). suksès [x] social success. 2 having a social conscience.
- sosiawan
- male social worker.
- sosiawati
- female social worker.
- sosis
- sausage. ny-[x] to make sausage.
- sosog
- implement of woven bamboo, variously shaped for a variety of uses. Pêlême olèhe ngundhuh nganggo [x]. She picked mangoes with a long-handled basket-like implement. kurungan [x] bird cage of woven bamboo. di-[x] ing ujar to be scolded abusively. n(y)/di-[x]-ake 1 to push, prod. 2 to set sth down. See also SOG.
- sosoh
- n(y)/di-[x] to remove the husks from [rice] with a mortar and pestle.
- sosor
- var of COCOR. [x]-an under (the authority of). kê-[x] to get pecked by a goose or duck. n(y)/di-[x] to attack with the beak. See also SOR.
- sosot
- angry words. Dhèke warêg [x]. He was fed up with being yelled at. n(y)/di-[x]-[x]-ake to keep pressing smn with angry words. Yèn kliru anggone nyambut gawe disrêngêni di-[x]-[x]-ake. If she did her work wrong she got yelled at.
- sosrob
- cr n(y)/di-[x] to drink.
- sosrok
- a broad short-handled dustpan used esp. for scooping up dirt or manure. n(y)/di-[x] to scoop sth up with the above.
- sot
- a curse, malediction. Sakdurunge mati ningal êsot mêngkene ... Before dying, he uttered this curse ... ngê/di-[x]-ake to put a curse on smn.
- sotah
- oj willing. ora [x] dead set against.
- soca
- var of SOTYA.
- soto
- var of SAOTO.
- sotho
- ny/di-[x] to punch with the fist.
- sotong
- octopus; squid.
- sotya
- 1 human eye (ki for MRIPAT). 2 oj jewel. sê-[x] jewels, gems.
- so'un
- 1 shiny bean noodle. 2 rice sticks used in soup.
- sowak
- ny/di-[x] to spread sth apart, esp. to enlarge the field of vision. Grumbulane di-[x]. He parted the bushes [and peeked in].
- sowal
- 1 stripped, peeled. Wite [x]. The tree is stripped of its bark. 2 var sp of SOAL.
- sowan
- ka to visit [one who is socially superior]. Ana wong [x]. There's someone here to
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- see you. ny/di-[x]-ake to present smn [to an exalted person]. nyowanakên ingkang putra to present one's son. ny/di-[x]-i to visit [smn high]. pa-[x] a visit. pa-[x]-an place where visits to exalted persons take place. See also SAOS, TILIK.
- sowang
- [x]-an 1 small whistle attached to a pigeon's tail. 2 indentation. [x]-[x] or sê-[x]-an each in his own direction. Wong-wong desa padha bali [x]-[x]. The villagers returned to their homes.
- sowèl
- stripped (var of SOWAL).
- sp-
- see also under SÊP-.
- spesial
- special. bakmi gorèng [x] special fried noodles (i.e. with eggs).
- spesialis
- specialist. dhoktêr [x] mata ophthalmologist.
- spêsifik
- specific (to). Sêga gudhêg kuwi panganan [x] Ngayogya. Rice with gudhêg is unique to Jogja.
- spion
- var of SPIUN.
- spirituil
- of the spirit. matêriil lan [x] material and spiritual.
- spirtus
- var of SÊPIRITUS.
- spiun
- spy.
- spn.
- etc[etera]. See also PANUNGGAL.
- sporêt
- sports, athletics. kaos [x] athletic shirt, track shirt.
- sportip
- sportsmanlike.
- sr-
- see also under SAR-, SÊR-.
- sraba
- oj voice. tanpa [x](-[x]) without notice; without saying anything.
- srabi
- pancake eaten with a coconut-sugar-and-milk syrup. ny-[x] to make pancakes.
- srabud
- [x]-an having too many irons in the fire. Olèhe nyambut gawe [x]-an, apa-apa ditandingi mulane malah ora ana sing bisa rampung. He takes on too much work, so none of it is finished.
- srah
- to return, give back. Iki lho bukumu, ênyoh, wis [x] lho ya. Here's your book, I've given it back to you. [x]-[x]-an to give over, present (to), yield up. Bu A lagi mundhut barang arêp kanggo [x]-[x]-an putrane sing tunangan. Mrs. A is buying an engagement gift for her son. Dhèke [x]-[x]-an pênggawean karo pênggantine. He turned over his job to his substitute. ngê/di-[x]-ake or ngê/di-[x]-i to turn sth over [to smn]. A ngê-[x]-i pênggawean nang anake. He turned his work over to his son. See also PASRAH.
- sraya
- (or [x]-n) help, assistance; a cooperative effort. ny/di-[x]-kake to have smn help with sth.
- srakah
- greedy. See also DHAKAH.
- srakat
- (or kê) impoverished. zakat fitrah kanggo wong-wong kang kê-[x] obligatory alms for the poor.
- srèk
- srak-[x] to scuff, drag the feet.
- srambah
- kê-[x] accessible, available. Gunung kuwi ya ora pati adoh nanging ya ora kê-[x] dening wong. The mountain isn't far, but you can't get to it. Sajroning sasi Oktobêr 1944 ora kê-[x] dina Kêmis Pon. There was no Pon Thursday in October 1944. ny/di-[x]-(i) to affect widely. nyrambahi badan sakojur to spread all over the body. s-um-rambah 1 to spread. Lêlarane sêmrambah sak anak bojone. His wife and children got the disease from him. 2 friendly, outgoing.
- srambi
- front veranda, front porch.
- srambung
- pl form of SAMBUNG.
- srampang
- [x]-an careless, haphazard. ny/di-[x] to throw [a missile] at. Asu mau tak [x] sêpatu. I threw a shoe at the dog.
- srana
- var of SARANA.
- srandhal
- inf var of SANDHAL.
- srandu
- var of SARANDU. kê-[x] to get interrupted. Patêmon mau kê-[x] têkane polisi. The meeting was interrupted by the arrival of the police. ny/di-[x] 1 to interrupt. Ora parêng nyrandu, nak! Don't interrupt the grownups, honey! 2 solitary; individualistic. 3 stingy.
- srandhul
- a certain type of wajang drama performed in East Java.
- srang
- oj for SÊRANG. [x]-[x]-an hurried, hasty. Polahmu kok [x]-[x]-an mbok ya sing antêng sêthithik. Don't rush so-do be calm.
- srani
- Christian; Occidental. wong [x] a Christian; a westerner. ny/di-[x]-kake to convert smn to Christianity.
- sranta
- var of SRANTI.
- sranthal
- rpr scurrying. Mak [x] nang êndi playune bocah iki? Where is the boy dashing off to? ny-[x] to dash, sprint. s-um-ranthal fast. Sêmranthal playune, awit wêdi yèn têlat. He ran fast-he was afraid he'd be late.
- sranti
- ng, srantos kr patient, willing to wait. [x]-n patient by nature. Dhèke kuwi wong ora srantèn, yèn têtuku ora tau ngênyang, têrus dibayar wae. He's so impatient that when he buys things he won't even take the time to haggle over the price. ny/di-[x]-kake to wait for sth in patience; to leave sth alone, allow sth to wait. Bêcike disrantèkake sesuk bae, yèn wis têka. We'd better just wait [to find out] till he gets here tomorrow. Dhèke
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- nyrantèkake jladrène dhisik kira-kira sêpuluh mênit. She let the dough sit for ten minutes.
- sranthil
- ptg [x] in rags, all worn out. ny-[x] penniless. Sênêngane main nganti êntèk-êntèkan saiki dadi nyranthil. He gambled away all his money and now he has nothing.
- srantos
- patient, willing to wait (kr for SRANTI).
- srasah
- sth used as a cover or top. n(y)/di-[x] to cover with a layer of sth.
- srasehan
- an informal discussion.
- srati
- ng, sratos kr 1 mahout. 2 one who handles people. gampang/angèl [x]-n-[x]-nan-e easy/difficult to please. ny/di-[x]-ni to wait on smn, do things for smn.
- srathil
- var of SRANTHIL.
- sratos
- kr for SRATI.
- srawa
- var of SRABA.
- srawang
- srawe
- ptg [x] pl to keep waving, fluttering. [x]-an sg to wave, flutter. Yèn nunggang montor tanganmu aja srawean mêtu. Don't let your hand hang out of the car window. ny-[x] sms [x]-AN.
- srawung
- (or [x]-an) to associate with, become acquainted with. sê-[x]-an 1 sms [x](AN) above. 2 acquaintance, association (with). ny/di-[x]-i to associate with. pa-[x]-an acquaintance, association (with smn).
- srawut
- [x]-an or s-um-rawut to do/act in a hasty disorganized way.
- srê-
- see also under SÊR- (Introduction, 2.9.6).
- srêbêd
- [x]-[x] agreeable swishing sound esp. of a woman's batik skirt as she walks. Lakune [x]-[x]. Her batik rustles pleasantly as she walks. ny/di-[x]-i to cause to swish. Angine nyrêbêdi godhong-godhong. The wind rustled the leaves. s-um-rêbêd to swish, rustle. Angine kêprungu sêmrêbêd. You can hear the wind whispering.
- srêd
- rpr a sudden stop. [x] sêpedhane dirèm. He braked his bicycle to a stop.
- srèg
- rpr a rustling sound produced by small movements. See also ÈSRÈG.
- srêg
- rpr the feel of settling into place comfortably. Barêng wis suwi ngadêg dhèwèke njur lungguh mak [x]. After being on his feet for a long time, it felt good to sit down. Klambine olèhe ngêkèki kangmasku dak ênggo [x]. The shirt my brother gave me is a perfect fit.
- srêgêp
- industrious. sinau sing [x] to study hard. [x]-an hard-working by nature. [x]-[x]-an to try to outdo each other in industriousness. ka-[x]-an industriousness. ny-[x] to increase one's industriousness. Suk minggu aku arêp wiwit nyrêgêp. I'm going to begin working harder next week. ny/di-[x]-ake to make smn apply himself. Aku bola-bali nyrêgêpake Ali. I kept after Ali to work harder. ny/di-[x]-i to apply oneself harder to. Nyambut-gaweanku tak [x]-i. I've buckled down to my work. s-um-rêgêp hard-working.
- srèi
- maliciously jealous; selfish, possessive.
- srèyèg
- sreyag-[x] weak, without energy, near collapse.
- srèk
- rpr scratching, scraping. Èse digosrok mak [x]. She grated the ice.
- srekal
- a kind of word play based on puns or over-literal interpretation, e.g. Ana pulisi satruk têka = A truckful of policeman came, also interpretable as: a policeman the size of a truck came. [x](-[x])-an to engage in such word play with each other. ny/di-[x] to talk (to) with the above type of word play.
- srekat
- var of SÊREKAT.
- srêmpal
- ptg [x] all tattered and torn.
- srempang
- bandolier. Sêragame nganggo [x] abang. His uniform has a red bandolier across the chest.
- srèmpèd
- [x]-an act of grazing or scraping. garis [x]-an tangent. [x]-[x]-an to sideswipe each other; to sideswipe one thing after another. kê-[x] to get grazed. ny/di-[x] 1 to graze, sideswipe. 2 to refer to obliquely. Si A ora nyrèmpèt babar pisan ngênani dhirine si B. A never let on that he knew who B was.
- srêmpêng
- ny/di-[x] to do in earnest. Mênawa di-[x] gaweane ya bisa rampung sêdina. If you keep right at the job, it can be done in a day.
- srêmplah
- pl form of SÊMPLAH.
- srèng
- mak [x] or srang-[x] rpr sizzling. srang-[x] nggorèngi to fry [cassava chips etc.]. mêrcon srang-[x] skyrocket.
- srengat
- var of SARENGAT.
- srêngên
- ng kr, duka ki to get mad. [x] marang to get mad at. ny/di-[x]-i to speak to angrily. Dhèke aja di-[x]-i. Don't yell at him. A didukani ibune. A's mother bawled him out.
- srêngenge
- (surya ki?) sun. [x]-ne panas. The sun(shine) is hot. grahana [x] eclipse. kêmbang [x] sunflower.
- srênggut
- var of SÊNGGUT.
- srêni:t
- pl form of SÊNIT.
- srêntêg
- straight and proper [of women's stance].
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- srênut
- ptg [x] to throb with pain.
- srêp
- 1 cold (root form: kr for DHÊM). 2 var of SÊRÊP.
- srêpêgan
- wy a fast-paced gamelan melody depicting a battle.
- srèpèt
- rpr unsheathing a kris. ny-[x] to draw a kris from its sheath.
- srêpêt
- (or s-um-rêpêt) rpr a quick motion. Barêng tumênga tênan, [x], pyur! pêmandêngku lan pêmandênge tatapan. When she finally glanced up, her gaze met mine excitingly.
- srêsêp
- n(y)/di-[x] to penetrate. Sêmriwinge bisa nrêsêp nang kulit. The vapors penetrate the skin. s-um-rêsêp to enter, penetrate.
- srewot
- srewat-[x] in a rush, in a big hurry.
- sri
- oj 1 shinning ray or beam. 2 glorious, resplendent. 3 title for a royal personage. [x] Sultan his majesty the Sultan [of Jogjakarta]. [x] wandawa his majesty's royal relatives. 4 goddess of rice. [x] Sêdana 1 the goddess Sri and her spouse Sedana. 2 symbol of prosperity.
- sribid
- [x]-[x] or ny-[x] or s-um-ribid to blow gently. angin [x]-[x] gentle breezes. Angine nyribit. There's a pleasant breeze. Pênjêrite digawa mlayu angin sêmribit. Her scream was carried by the wind.
- sribombok
- a certain long-necked long-legged water bird.
- srig
- [x]-[x]-an to fidget, move restlessly (rather than sitting poised and quiet).
- srigadhing
- a variety of flower.
- srigunting
- a black insect-eating song bird with a scissors-shaped tail. See also GUNTING.
- sriyawan
- an herb used in folk medicines. jamu [x] medicine made with this herb.
- srik
- rpr a scooping motion. See also KÊSRIK.
- srikaya
- var of SIRKAYA.
- srikat
- var of SÊREKAT.
- srikut
- [x]-an or s-um-rikut-an busily engaged (using the hands). Sisihanku lagi sêmrikutan ênggone tata dhahar. My wife was busily setting out the meal. Pak masnis [x]-an anggone ngusapi kringêt. The mechanic hastily wiped away sweat.
- srimantanti
- srimbit
- var of SARIMBIT.
- srimênganti
- srimpêd
- kê-[x] to get entangled, ensnarled. Dhèke kê-[x] tampar banjur tiba. He got his foot caught in the rope and fell. ny/di-[x]-(i) to entangle or entwine sth.
- srimpi
- a certain court dance performed by four females. [x]-n or ny-[x] to perform this dance.
- srimpung
- kê-[x] to get entangled, tied up. Pitike sikile kê-[x] tali. The chicken got its foot caught in the rope. kê-[x] marang pêngantènane dhewe ensnarled in his own idea. ny/di-[x] to tie the feet together. nyrimpung pitik sing arêp didol nang pasar to tie the feet of chickens to be sold at the marketplace.
- srindhitan
- a variety of small green parrot.
- srinthil
- rpr scurrying. mlayu mak [x] to dash. ny-[x] to run, scurry. s-um-rinthil eager, ready and waiting. Yèn dijak nonton bioskop sêmrinthil. When they asked him to come along to the movies, he jumped at the chance.
- sripah
- a dead person; a death. Sajake mau ana [x] sêbab mau ana kênthong. Someone must have died: the bamboo signal sounded. ka-[x]-an to suffer loss by death. Kancaku ka-[x]-an bapakne. My friend's father died.
- sripanganti
- sripênganti
- a gate in front of the palace where visitors wait before being admitted.
- sriping
- var of CRIPING.
- sripit
- rpr a quick motion. [x]-[x] or sripat-[x] 1 [walking] with short steps while wearing a tight skirt. 2 [drinking] in sips. ngombe wedang sripat-[x] to sip tea. ny/di-[x] to sip (var of NY/DI-SRUPUT).
- srira
- body (ki for AWAK).
- sris
- [x]-[x] rpr sizzling.
- srisig
- a certain step in the classical dance used (esp. by females) to progress sideways by moving only the feet.
- sri:t
- rpr a shrill sound. Mak sriiiiiit rème makan. The brakes screeched.
- sriti
- a variety of swallow (bird).
- sriwêd
- to hang around or move about smw. ptg [x] pl moving about in large numbers and all directions. s-um-riwêd to move about in profusion. Anake sêpuluh cilik-cilik sêmriwêd bangêt. They have ten small children, constantly swarming about. Sumriwêd aku mikirke kahananku iki. My head is all in a whirl thinking about my problems.
- sriwil
- offshoot, protuberance; (or driji [x]) a sixth finger or toe growing as an offshoot of the little finger/toe. [x]-an 1 offshoot. 2 scraps, parings. ny/di-[x] 1 to touch lightly with the finger. 2 to take [a bit of food] on the fingertip. Dhèke nyriwil rotine. He ate a fingertipful of his cake. [x] kutil a
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- certain wild tree having leaves with wartshaped welts.
- sriwing
- to move with an air current. Kêrtase [x] kabur. The paper was blown up in the air by the breeze. [x]-[x] 1 to feel a current of air. 2 (it is) rumored. kabar [x]-[x] rumor, word of mouth. Sriwing-sriwing aku krungu kowe arêp nyang Eropa sasi ngarêp. I hear you're going to Europe next month. kê-[x] touched by a flow of air. ny-[x] to blow softly. s-um-riwing sharp, cool feel or taste. Pêrmène sêmriwing yèn diklêthus. Peppermint bites the tonue when it is chewed.
- sriwut
- ptg [x] pl rushing about busily and confusedly. Wong-wong padha nyambut gawe nang pawon ptg [x]. The kitchen is a beehive of activity. See also IWUT.
- srobot
- [x]-an (having been) taken. barang [x]-an-[x]-an stolen goods. ny/di-[x] to snatch, steal. Niyate arêp nyrobot bandhane Bu S mau. He planned to get hold of Mrs. S's wealth.
- srodog
- (or ny-[x]) stiff, standing out. Rambute nyrodog. His hair sticks straight out in all directions. ny/di-[x] to push, butt. Wêdhuse nyrodok. The goat butted. Yèn nang pasar aja nyrodog wae. Don't push your way through at the marketplace.
- srog
- rpr brushing, grazing, friction. srag-[x] rpr repeated instances of the above. mlaku srag-[x] to scuff the feet as one walks. ngê/di-[x]-ake to put sth [in a place].
- srogol
- srogal-[x] constantly moving about in a fidgety, unpoised way; lacking composure.
- srok
- rpr the act of seating oneself.
- srondhol
- var of SONDHOL.
- sronggot
- snout [of pig]; tusk [of boar]. ny/di-[x] to root with the snout; to gore with the tusk.
- sropot
- var of SRUPUT.
- srotong
- 1 opium pipe. 2 var of SOTONG. 3 (or [x]-an) the upper (steeply vertical) roof section of a Javanese house (see also PANANGAP). omah [x]-an house with the above style of roof. saka [x] the four pillars which support the upper roof section.
- srowod
- ptg [x] in a mess, in disorder.
- srowol
- srowal-[x] ill-mannered, gauche.
- sru
- oj loud; strong.
- srubud
- [x]-[x] 1 rpr the sound of wind blowing. 2 rpr a fast long-striding walking pace. s-um-rubud in a rush. Yèn kacane montor dibukak angine banjur sêmrubud mlêbu. When he opened the car window, in rushed the wind. Mahasiswa-mahasiswa padha ptg sumrubud mêtu saka kêlas. The students poured out of the classroom.
- srudug
- ny/di-[x] to butt with the horns.
- srumbat
- var of SLUMBAT.
- srumbung
- 1 a large woven-bamboo container which attaches to the upper back with a sling, in which one carries bundles etc. 2 a large cylindrical tube-shaped bamboo piece for encasing wells and plant tubs. [x]-an a woman who offers her services transporting things in the above container. ny/di-[x]-(i) to equip sth with the above container or casing.
- srundèng
- shredded coconut fried either with or without oil. [x] dhèndhèng ragi a rice-accompanying dish of fried beef and shredded coconut. [x] kacang the above dish made with peanuts added.
- srundhul
- var of SUNDHUL.
- sruni
- 1 a flute-like gamelan instrument. 2 chrysanthemum.
- srunthul
- rpr a quick dash. mlayu mak [x] to make a dash. ny-[x] to dash, sprint. s-um-runthul to run fast. Yèn lagi butuh wae, olèhe sêmrunthul. If you need sth, run quickly and get it.
- sruput
- srupat-[x] rpr sipping or sucking sounds. ny/di-[x] to sip or suck audibly.
- srutu
- cigar. rokok [x] a cigar. ngrokok [x] to smoke a cigar. ny-[x] 1 to smoke a cigar. 2 to act boorish.
- sruwa
- 1 palm fibers, used for making a brush-tipped pen (kalam). 2 rg var of SRÈI.
- sruwal
- ng kr (or kr for KATHOK?), lancing-an ki pants, trousers.
- sruwe
- sound; voice. ny/di-[x] 1 to pay attention (to). Dhèwèke wêruh nanging ora pisan nyaruwe. He saw it but didn't pay any attention to it. 2 to criticize, put the blame on. 3 to interrupt a conversation. pa-ny-[x] critical comment. Panyaruwe saking para maos badhe katampi kaliyan sênênging manah. Readers' comments will be gratefully accepted.
- sruwêd
- ptg [x] pl milling around, moving to and fro with hustle-and-bustle. Sing padha ladèn wira-wiri ptg [x]. The waiters moved in and out among the crowd.
- sruwèk
- pl form of SUWÈK.
- sruwêng
- ptg [x] or s-um-ruwêng to make a continuous swishing or buzzing sound.
- sruwi
- [x]-[x] or sruwa-[x] totally, altogether, in every respect. Mantène sruwa-[x] gêdhèn-gêdhènan. The wedding festivities were on a grand scale.
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- sruwil
- ptg [x] (having been) torn to shreds. Klambine dicacah tikus nganti padha ptg [x]. Mice nibbled the shirt to pieces.
- sruwing
- [x]-[x] or sruwang-[x] (to hear) rumors. Aku krungu sruwang-[x] yèn ... I hear it rumored that ...
- sruwung
- var of SRUWÊNG.
- ss
- shooing sound for driving away insects, animals, etc.
- st
- 1 sh! Sssst, aja rame. Shush, don't make so much noise. 2 see SANTO.
- st-
- see also under SÊT-.
- stabil
- stable, steady. Rêga-rêga wis [x]. Prices are stable now. ka-[x]-an stability. kê-[x]-an ekonomi economic stability. ny/di-[x] (acv prn nyêtabil) to stabilize.
- stagèn
- long wide ladies' sash wound around the waist to hold the wraparound (jarik) in place.
- stan
- 1 booth, stand. 2 score. [x]-e loro-siji. The score is 2 to 1.
- startêr
- ignition. ny/di-[x]-(ake) (acv prn nyêtartêr[ake]) to start [an engine]. Montore di-[x]. He turned on the ignition.
- statêr
- var of STARTÊR.
- status
- status (symbol).
- stèlêng
- stèn
- head of a subdistrict.
- stènsil
- mimeograph stencil. [x]-an in mimeographed form. ny/di-[x] (acv prn nyêtènsil) to mimeograph. nyêtènsil soal-soal ujian to mimeograph the exam questions.
- stèr
- star(ring performer). filêm [x] film star.
- stêr
- queen (in chess). Stêr! I threaten your queen! (comparable to SKAK! 'check!' when threatening the king).
- stingkul
- var sp of SÊTINGKUL.
- stoplès
- var sp of SÊTOPLÈS.
- strèng
- 1 strict, firmly in control. 2 fan belt.
- strip
- strip; stripe; striped (see also SÊTRIP).
- studhi
- study, den.
- suba
- [x]-[x] esteem, honor. aturan [x]-[x] etiquette or protocol for honoring smn. ny/di-[x](-[x]) to respect highly, show great esteem for.
- subakti
- oj loyal, obedient, humble.
- subal
- 1 stuffin. [x] kapuk luwih mêndat-mêndut katimbang wulu. Kapok stuffing is springier than feathers. 2 hair piece worn by a short-haired girl to form a Javanese-style hair-do (gêlung). 3 sth of inferior quality mixed in with high-quality goods. ny/di-[x]-(i) to mix lower-quality stuff in with [material of high quality].
- subalik
- on the other hand, on the contrary, by contrast. Dhèwèke ora sida kêcêmplung ing pasangan, [x]-e malah urip mulya. She didn't come to a bad end after all-in fact, she led a prosperous life. See also BALIK.
- subasita
- etiquette, rules of behavior.
- subya
- ny/di-[x]-[x] to respect, honor, esteem.
- sublug
- see DANDANG.
- subuh
- first daily ritual meditation for Moslems; also, the time of day (5 A.M.) at which this meditation takes place. See also SALAT.
- subur
- prosperous, flourishing. ny/di-[x] to plate. Kêrise di-[x] êmas. The kris is gold-plated. ny/di-[x]-ake to cause sth to flourish. Rabuk nyuburake têtanduran. Fertilizer makes plants grow well. See also SABAR.
- suda
- to decrease, diminish. Larane saya [x]. His illness gradually got better. [x]-n subtraction (arithmetical process). kê-[x] to have sth subtracted from it, be reduced by. Lima ka-[x] loro kari têlu. Five minus two is three. ny/di-[x]-kake to cut down, diminish. Dhèke nyuda olèhe mangan. She went on a diet. Lakune montor di-[x] rikate. He slowed the car.
- sudagar
- businessman, merchant. ny-[x] to engage in business, practice trade.
- sudhang
- var of SUNDHANG.
- sudara
- oj sibling; kinsman. ny-[x] to treat or consider smn as one's relative. [x] wèdi or [x] wêrdi ltry sibling, relative; intimate friend.
- sudarma
- oj father. ka-[x]-n mutual love.
- sudhat
- var of SUDHÈT.
- sudhèt
- [x]-an 1 an open flesh wound. 2 [of a stream] diverted. ny/di-[x] 1 to rip [flesh, in combat]. 2 to divert [water] to a dry part of a field.
- sudi
- willing and eager. ora [x] unwilling, dead set against.
- sudhi
- a container for offerings, made of a banana leaf folded paper-hatwise and held with a bamboo pin.
- sudigawe
- see WURUK.
- sudhiya
- ltry var of SÊDHIYA.
- sudi:k
- intensified form of SUDI.
- sudira
- oj brave, courageous.
- sujalma
- oj human being.
- sujana
- suspicious, mistrustful. (ka)-[x]-n suspicious by nature. ny/di-[x]-ni to be suspicious of. Ana wong têlu kang tak [x]-ni. There are three people I suspect.
- sujanma
- var of SUJALMA.
- sujarah
- var of SÊJARAH.
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- suji
- 1 bamboo skewer for roasting kebabs (sate). 2 oj lance. [x]-n skewered. sujèn sate kebabs on skewers. n(y)/di-[x]-ni to place [meat chunks] on a skewer.
- sujud
- 1 one of the Moslem praying positions: a prostrated kneeling position. 2 religious worship (kr for SÊMBAHYANG). [x]-an knee (sbst ki for DHÊNGKUL). pa-[x]-an praying mat or rug.
- sudra
- an untouchable (lowest Hidu caste). [x] papa pauper.
- suduk
- dagger. [x]-ên to get a pain (stitch) in the side. [x](-[x])-an to stab each other. ny/di-[x] to stab. ny/di-[x]-ake to stab with [a weapon]. Kêris mau di-[x]-ake marang êmpu Gandring. He drove the kris into Master Gandring. [x] jiwa or [x] slira to stab oneself to death.
- sugal
- stern, harsh. Rêmbuge rada [x]. He spoke severely.
- sugata
- 1 refreshments served to guests (ki for SUGUH?). 2 a formal welcome. ny/di-[x]-ni to serve [guests]. pa-[x]-n sms [x]. Kula ngaturakên pa-[x]-n. I bid you welcome.
- sugêng
- 1 well, safe, secure (ki for SLAMÊT). 2 life; to live (ki for URIP). 3 fat (rg ki for LÊMU).
- sugih
- rich; fig having a wealth of. sudagar [x] a wealthy businessman. diganjar [x] to be richly rewarded. upama aku [x]-a if I were rich. [x] pari to have plenty of rice. pandhita [x] ngèlmu a wise man who is rich in knowledge. [x] omong to do a lot of talking. [x] akal to be full of tricks and schemes. ka-[x]-an riches, wealth. Kê-[x]-ane wong tani awujud bêras pari. A farmer's wealth is his rice. ny-[x] to increase in wealth. Dhèke saya nyugih. He gets richer and richer. ny/di-[x]-i to make smn rich. pa-[x]-an riches, wealth. Bisane [x] kuwi rak duwe pa-[x]-an thuyul. He got rich through the help of a bad spirit. sa-[x]-[x]-e however rich. Sa-[x]-[x]-e wong tani, ora bakal bisa [x] kaya wong dagang. No matter how wealthy a farmer is, he can never make as much money as a businessman. s-um-ugih(-[x]) to act as though one were rich, to try to make oneself appear wealthy. [x] mlarat the rich and the poor. [x] pari sensitive or sore to the touch.
- sugu
- a stick of wood or bamboo. ny/di-[x]-kake to feed [sticks] into. Têbu sing digiling disugokake siji-siji. The sugar-cane stalks being milled were fed in one by one.
- suguh
- ng, sêgah kr (or [x]-an or sê-[x]) food and drink offered to a guest. ny/di-[x]-ake to serve sth. ny/di-[x]-(i) to serve smn. Aku di-[x] kopi. She served me some coffee. pa-[x]-an or pi-[x] refreshment served to a guest.
- suh
- 1 broom binding. 2 shoo! ngê/di-[x]-ake to shoo [animals etc.]. ngê/di-[x]-i to bind [broomstraws].
- suhun
- var of SUWUN. ny/di-[x]-[x] to have great respect for. Sang Prabu di-[x]-[x] para kawula. The King is highly esteemed by his subjects.
- suyud
- loyal, obedient. ny/di-[x]-ake to cause smn to be loyal. Para kawula di-[x]-ake saka lomane panguwasa-panguwasa. The subjects' loyalty springs from the generosity of the authorities. n(y)/di-[x] to serve [one's monarch] loyally.
- suka
- ng, benjing kr next, the coming. [x] dina Sênèn (ngarêp) next Monday. [x] taun next year. [x] kapan-kapan bae some day. [x]-[x] at some future time. [x]-[x] tak dolan nggonmu. I'll come to see you some time. [x] apa when (in the future)? [x] apa mangkate? When's he leaving? [x] êmbèn the day after tomorrow. [x] iki rg 1 at some time in the future. 2 tomorrow. [x] kapan when (in the future)? See also BESUK.
- sukb
- [x]-[x]-an pushing/crowding each other. Sêpure sêsak, wong-wong padha [x]-[x]-an olèhe munggah. The train was so crowded people had to push their way in. ngê/di-[x] to push aside, shove around. Bocah mau diêsuk wong sêpirang-pirang. The child was elbowed this way and that by the crowd.
- sukc
- shf of SUSUK, TUSUK before KONDHE.
- suka
- 1 gay, happy, having pleasure. 2 to put sth smw (root form: kr for DÈLÈH). 3 to give (root form: kr for WÈHa, WÈNÈH, WÈWÈH). 4 rg advisable, preferable. Luwih [x] mlaku alon-alonan. Better walk slowly. [x]-[x] or [x]-n-[x]-n to enjoy oneself. ka-[x]-n 1 enjoyment, fun; pleasure, pastime. 2 to play cards for fun. sa-[x]-ne as one likes. Dhèke nèk omong sa-[x]-ne. He says whatever he pleases. [x]-pari-[x] or [x]-(pi)-rêna to have a good time. [x] sokur or [x] (pa)-n-trima to give thanks. [x] wibawa to have a good time.
- sukak
- to enjoy oneself. See also KAK.
- sukalila
- kanthi [x] with all one's heart.
- sukarila
- var of SUKALILA.
- sukarta
- ny/di-[x] to hold a ceremony with a shadow-play performance (ruwat-an) as a protective measure for a child born under ominous circumstances according to animistic principles. bocah [x] a child for whom such a ceremony is held (see BOCAH).
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- sukêr
- sê-[x] excrement. [x] sakit plagued by illness and difficulties.
- sukêrta
- var of SUKARTA.
- sukêt
- ng, rumput kr grass. (pa)-[x]-an grassy place. mlaku ana ing [x]-an to walk in (tall) grasses. [x] dondom-an a certain wild grass with long thorny seed pods. [x] godhong everything, everyone; [in negative] [not] anything, [not] anyone. [x] godhong aja ana sing krungu. Don't let anyone know about this. [x] sêgara sea grass(es). [x]tutu-n a grass that grows among rice plants.
- sukle
- searchlight.
- suklih
- var of SUKLE.
- sukma
- soul; life. See also PANUKMA.
- sukra
- oj Friday.
- suksès
- successful, a success. [x] ya. Good luck to you! Anggone nyoba rokèt ora [x]. The rocket launch was unsuccessful.
- suksma
- var of SUKMA.
- suku
- 1 leg, foot (kr for SIKIL). 2 a diacritical mark denoting the vowel U in Javanese script. 3 rg one-half rupiah. [x]-n 1 marked with the above diacritic. 2 worth half a rupiah. ny/di-[x] to affix the above diacritic to [a script character]. [x] jaja têkên janggut by dint of great effort.
- sukun
- 1 breadfruit. 2 (prn su'un) Chinese vermicelli.
- sukur
- var of SOKUR.
- sul
- shoe sole.
- sula
- ltry spear.
- sulah
- oj sharp-pointed weapon. ny/di-[x] to stab smn with a sharp weapon as a punitive measure.
- sulaya
- quarrel, disagreement; to quarrel, have conflict. [x]-n on hostile terms with each other. ny/di-[x]-ni 1 to be at odds with. Aku di-[x]-ni. She doesn't agree with me. 2 to welsh; to fail to honor one's agreement. pa-[x]-n conflict, disagreement.
- sulak
- 1 chicken-feather duster. 2 tinged with. ijo [x] kuning yellowish green. ny/di-[x]-i to dust [furniture] with a feather duster.
- sulaksana
- a good omen. têja-têja [x] a sign of good luck to come.
- sulam
- material used to repair or replace sth broken. ny/di-[x]-i to patch, to mend sth by replacing materials. Pring mau kanggo nyulami pagêr sing rusak. That bamboo is for patching the broken fence.
- sulap
- 1 sleight-of-hand. tukang [x] magician, sleight-of-hand artist. 2 fig blind to, blinded by; enchanted by. Dhèke [x] marang wêwujudan kang kaya mêngkono. he was enchanted by such beauty. [x]-an sleight-of-hand trick or performance. dolanan [x]-an kêrtu a card trick. ny-[x] 1 to do magic tricks. 2 (psv di-[x]) to transform by sleight-of-hand. Kacu di-[x] dadi dara. He changed his handkerchief into a dove. ny/di-[x]-i to dazzle or blind with glaring light or (fig) a stunning sight. Kacane nyulapi mata yèn kêna srêngenge. The glass makes a blinding glare when it catches the sun.
- sulêd
- ny/di-[x] to light, ignite. nyulêd lilin to light candles. nyulêd diyan teplok to light an oil lamp.
- sulfat
- sulphate.
- sulih
- a representative, substitute, stand-in. têmbung sê-[x] gram pronoun. ny/di-[x]-ake to delegate, to have smn act as representative. ny/di-[x]-i to represent, to act in place of or on behalf of. di-[x]-i karo pokrol represented by a lawyer. Anak lanang sing mbarêp kudu bisa nyulihi bapa. The oldest son must be able to take the father's place.
- suling
- a gamelan blowing instrument, usu. of bamboo, with a flute-like tone, helf vertically like an oboe. tukang [x] player of this instrument. ny-[x] 1 to play the above. 2 (psv di-[x]) to distill. nyuling lênga wangi to distill perfume. pa-ny-[x] act or way of playing the above instrument. Panyulinge apik. He plays the suling beautifully. pa-ny-[x]-an a distillation.
- sulistya
- handsome, charming, beautiful. ka-[x]-n beauty, charm.
- sulit
- difficult, full of obstacles. ny/di-[x]-ake to cause difficulties for. Kahanan sosial saiki pancèn nyulitake pamêrintah. Social problems are giving the goverment a good many headaches. ny-[x]-[x]-(i) to cause difficulties, to complicate things. Yèn dijaluki tulung aja sok nyulit-nyuliti. When smn asks you to help with sth, don't snarl things up even worse.
- sultan
- monarch of Jogjakarta. ka-[x]-an 1 sultanate. ka-[x]-an Ngayogyakarta the Sultanate (principality) of Jogjakarta. 2 Jogjanese court drama in which the performers sing as they dance.
- suluh
- 1 torch. 2 firewood. 3 yellow(ed); fair, light in color. Gêdhange wis [x]. The bananas have ripened. 4 rg scout, one who reconnoiters. [x]-an 1 to use a torch. Yèn mlêbu guwa kudu [x]-an. You need to use a
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- torch in a cave. 2 inner corner of the eye. 3 mortar for laying bricks. ny/di-[x]-(i) 1 to cast light on. mBok dalan iki di-[x]-i sêdhelok. Light up this patch for a minute. Pêrkarane di-[x]-[x]. The case was examined from every angle. 2 to trap [birds, fish] by attracting them with torchlight. pa-ny-[x]-an illumination; information. See also WAYANGa.
- suluk
- wy mood song chanted by a puppet-master to set the scene. ny/di-[x]-i to introduce a scene as above.
- sulung
- 1 small white flying ant. 2 rg first-born, oldest child.
- sulur
- aerial roots hanging down from tree branches.
- sum
- hem of a garment; seam. ngê/di-[x] to hem; to seam.
- sum-
- see also under S- (Introduction, 3.1.7).
- suma
- var of KUSUMA.
- sumados
- sumagêd
- to try to act competent (kr for GUMISA). See also SAGÊD.
- sumaya
- see also SÊMAYA.
- sumakeyan
- boastful.
- sumala
- see BOCAH.
- sumangga
- 1 as you wish. [x] ing Rama karsane. Whatever you wish, Father. 2 please (go ahead and ...). 3 come on! (ki for AYO). ny/di-[x]-kake to leave sth up to smn; to enrust, put sth in the hands of. Rêgane padha, nyumanggakake sing êndi arêp dituku. They cost the same; I leave it you which to buy. Anake disumanggakake nang ndara Pangeran bab sêkolah. He put his son's education in the hands of the Prince.
- sumangkeyan
- var of SUMAKEYAN.
- sumapta
- var of SAMAPTA.
- sumaput
- var of SÊMAPUT.
- sumarah
- obedient; to obey.
- sumawana
- rg and, furthermore.
- sumba
- (or kê-[x]) a variety of tree.
- sumbang
- (or [x]-an) a contribution, donation; gift, present. Nalika dadi mantèn biyèn entuk [x]-an radhio. They got a radio for a wedding present. ny/di-[x] 1 to give a gift (to). 2 to contribute to; to support. Kali-kali mèlu nyumbang ngundhakake pamêtune pêrtanian. Rivers contribute to the increase of agricultural products. ny/di-[x]-ake to contribute sth. Aku kêpengin nyumbangake tênaga ing bab mau. I'd like to help with that.
- sumbar
- 1 girls' game resembling jacks. 2 to boast. [x]-an act of boasting or swaggering. [x]-[x] to defy, challenge. sê-[x] a boast, a jeer. ny/di-[x]-ake to brag about. nyumbarake kêsugihane to boast about one's wealth. ny/di-[x]-i to challenge; to jeer at.
- sumbêr
- spring; source, origin. [x]-an swampy, soggy. ny-[x] 1 to produce water; watery, soggy; to have water in it. 2 spring-like; forming a spring.
- sumbrubud
- inf var of S-UM-RUBUD.
- sumbu
- wick; fuse. [x]-n 1 opening for inserting a fuse (in a firecracker, old-style gun, etc.). 2 to get a good catch of fish.
- sumbul
- see WATU.
- sumbut
- worthwhile, worth the trouble. Yèn mung diopahi Rp. 100 gawean iki ora [x] karo olèhe ngrêkasa. If I only get paid 100 rupiahs for the job, it's not worth doing it.
- sumêd
- [x]-an a non-electric light. lampu pit [x]-an bicycle oil lamp. ny/di-[x]-(i) to light, ignite.
- sumèdi
- var of SÊMADI.
- sumèh
- friendly, smiling. ny/di-[x]-ake to make [one's expression] friendly. ny/di-[x]-i to treat smn pleasantly.
- sumêksa
- oj still, even so.
- sumêkta
- var of SAMÊKTA.
- sumêlang
- (kuwatos kr?) worried, uneasy, apprehensive. Dhèke [x] yèn dagangane ora bisa payu. She was afraid her merchandise wouldn't sell. [x]-an tending to worry too much or be overanxious. Dhasare atine [x]-an. She's a worrier by nature. ny/di-[x]-ake to fear, worry about. Di-[x]-ake kabèh mati klêlêp. It was feared that they had all drowned. ny-[x]-i worrisome, causing apprehension; (psv di-[x]-i) to worry about, fear. Yèn nyêtir montor isih nyumêlangi. It's nerve-wracking when he drives.
- sumêlèt
- intensely hot. Jam loro awan mangsa kêtiga panase [x]. At 2 P.M. in the dry season the heat is unbearable.
- sumêne
- ny/di-[x]-kake to wait for; to delay, postpone.
- sumêng
- (to have or get) a fever.
- sumêngit
- in one's adolescence. Dhèke ki isih sêmêngit. She's a teen-ager.
- sumêr
- var of SUMÊNG.
- sumêrap
- sbst? var of SUMÊRÊP.
- sumêrêp
- to see; to know (kr for WÊRUH). See also SURUP.
- sumitra
- a good friend. See also MITRA.
- sumyah
- fresh or refreshed feeling. sêgêr [x] refreshed as by the touch of a light breeze.
- sumyar
- 1 scattered evenly. 2 [of the face] sunny, bright-looking. 3 [of e.g. a crowd].
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- buzzing, murmuring, rumbling with noise. 4 heartbroken.
- sumyur
- shattered, smashed.
- sumlêngêr
- [x]-an easily astonished or taken aback. [x]-ên astonished; dismayed; dumb-founded. ny-[x]-i astounding.
- sumongah
- arrogant, boastful.
- sumpah
- one's oath; to swear, take one's oath. ny/di-[x] to administer an oath to. Para nayaka di-[x] miturut agamane dhewe. The ministers are sworn in according to their own religion. ny/di-[x]-i to put a curse on smn. pa-ny-[x]-an an oath sworn by smn; a swearing-in. Pênyumpahan Presidhèn ditindakake nang gêdhung X. The President was sworn in at the X building.
- sumpêk
- crowded, jammed, stuffed; choked, suffocated. ny/di-[x]-[x]-i to crowd, jam, throng to.
- sumpêl
- var of SUMPÊT.
- sumpêna
- var of SUPÊNA.
- sumpêt
- 1 stopper, cork. 2 [of cocks' combs] small and compact (rather than high: cf. WILAH). jènggèr [x] small cock's comb. ny/di-[x]-i to stop up, close off. Lèdhênge bocor banjur di-[x]-i nganggo gombal. He stuffed a rag into the leaky faucet. s-um-umpêt stuck or caught so as to block sth. Dhuwite sumumpêt nang sak. His money is wadded in his pocket.
- sumping
- wy ear ornament worn as part of a costume for the classical dance. [x]-an to put on or wear the above ornament. ny/di-[x]-ake or ny/di-[x]-i to put the above on smn's ear.
- sumpung
- lacking a nose/beak/proboscis. Irunge [x]. He has no nose. ny/di-[x]-ake to cause the loss of a nose etc.
- sumrawang
- transparent.
- sumrêpêt
- to feel faint, on the verge of losing consciousness. Saking panase [x]. It was so hot I nearly passed out.
- sumrikutan
- see SRIKUT.
- sumringah
- happy, relaxed, smiling.
- sumromong
- hot, burning.
- sumrowong
- var of SUMROMONG.
- sumub
- steam from boiling water. kê-[x]-an to get scalded by steam.
- sumuk
- 1 hot and sultry. Panas lan [x]-e saya ndadi. The heat and humidity increased. 2 hot and sweaty. Saiki aku krasa isis, maune [x] bangêt. I'm nice and cool now; before, I was sweating. kê-[x]-ên excessively humid; excessively sweaty-feeling. ny-[x]-i to make smn feel hot and sweaty.
- sumungah
- ltry var of SUMONGAH.
- sumur
- well. [x] bur a drilled well. [x]-an a well-like hole. ny-[x] resembling a well. nyumur g-um-ulung 1 deep, inscrutable. 2 unable to keep a secret. [x] bandhung a large well. [x] g-um-uling underground waterway, vein of water. [x] l-um-aku t-in-imba one who is willing to share his wealth of knowledge with others. [x] mati 1 an old dry well. 2 one who never refuses anything offered to him. [x] siniba one from whom knowledge can be obtained.
- sumurup
- to know (ng? kr for WÊRUH?). sa-[x]-ku to my knowledge. Sa-[x]-ku dhèke ora salah. As far as I know, he's not guilty. See also SURUP.
- sun
- inf var of INGSUN.
- sunah
- (or di-[x]-ake) meritorious and recommended but not obligatory according to Moslem law. Mènèhi zakat karo wong kêkurangan kuwi hukume (di)sunah(ake). Giving alms to the poor is recommended by religious law. See also SUNAT.
- sunan
- 1 monarch of Surakarta (short var of SUSUHUNAN). 2 Islamic title for saints. ka-[x]-an the kingdom of Surakarta.
- sunar
- oj light, radiance. ny/di-[x]-i to give light to, shine on. s-um-unar radiant, shining. Rêmbulane sumunar. The moon is shining.
- sunat
- 1 meritorious but not obligatory by Moslem law (see also SUNAH). 2 (têtês ki) ritual act performed on adolescents: piercing of the clitoris (girls). circumcision (boys). [x]-an ceremony held at the time of the above act. ny/di-[x]-ake to have [a boy] circumcised; to have [a girl's] ears pierced for earrings. ny/di-[x]-i 1 to circumcise. 2 to pierce the clitoris of [a girl, symbolically, using a kunir root]. pa-[x]-an circumcising knife.
- sundhang
- oj horn of an animal. ny/di-[x] to butt or gore with the horns.
- sundêl
- prostitute. ny-[x] to engage in prostitution. [x] bolong woman devil with a hole in her back.
- sundêp
- rice borer. ny/di-[x] to stab, prick, pierce.
- sunduk
- skewer. [x]-an things strung onto a skewer. ny/di-[x]-(i) to string things onto a skewer. Kolang-kalinge di-[x]-i arêp didol nang pasar. He strung the palm-fruit kernels to be sold at the market.
- sundhul
- to reach or come up (to), to touch [sth high]. Sirahe [x] ngêpyan. His head touches the ceiling. [x]-an 1 poultice (kr for
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- PUPUK). 2 sms KÊ-[x]-AN below. 3 crown of the head (ki for BUN-BUNAN). kê-[x] to get pushed upward. kê-[x]-an 1 to get pushed from below. Untuku wis kê-[x]-an untu manèh. The other tooth is coming in under my [loose] tooth. 2 to have become pregnant again before the preceding child is weaned. ny/di-[x]-(i) 1 to push or hit from underneath. 2 to send a second letter which countermands, adds to, etc. the message of the first. Surate banjur di-[x]-i nganggo surat manèh. He followed up the first letter with another one. nyundhul puyuh to move sth in a high arc, esp. to push smn in a swing. pa-[x]-an crown of the head (ki for BUN-BUNAN). [x] langit 1 to reach the sky. 2 a small-leafed ivy with small blossoms. lênga [x] langit oil from these blossoms, used in perfume.
- sung
- oj to give (root form: cf. forms of WÈNÈH). pa-[x] a gift, offering. See also ANGSUNG.
- sungapan
- estuary, river mouth.
- sunge
- oj river.
- sunggar
- [x]-an a certain puffed-out hair style for ladies; to wear the hair this way. Sêka [x]-ane aku bisa nitèni wong asal Jogja/Sala apa daerah liya. From the way a girl wears her hair, I can tell whether she's from the Jogja-Solo area or from some other region. ny/di-[x] to comb [the hair] in the above style.
- sunggata
- var of SUGATA.
- sunggi
- ny/di-[x] to carry on the head. Bature nyunggi kopêr. The servant carried the suitcase on his head.
- sungging
- 1 delicate painting on leather puppets. 2 paint used for the intricate designs on leather puppets. juru [x] one who does puppet painting. [x]-an the painting of puppets (done as above). ny/di-[x] to paint [puppets] intricately and delicately.
- sungil
- impassable, difficult or hazardous to negotiate (e.g. a mountain pass).
- sungkan
- reluctant, unwilling. [x]-an habitually unwilling.
- sungkawa
- grief (ltry kr for SUSAH). nDhèrèk bela [x]. I share in your grief (phrase said conventionally to a bereaved person).
- sungkêm
- ceremonious procedure for showing esteem and humility for smn: one kneels before the (seated) respected one, makes a sêmbah, presses the nose to the person's knee, makes another sêmbah. ny/di-[x]-ake to have smn show esteem and humility as above. ny/di-[x]-i to pay one's respects to smn in this way. s-um-ungkêm 1 the above esteem-showing procedure. 2 obedient, humble, respectful. See also SÊMBAH.
- sungsang
- the other way around. Olèhmu turu [x] wae. Sleep with your head where your feet are and vice versa. n(y)-[x] turned the wrong way around. Bayine olèhe mêtu nyungsang. The baby's head was born last. nyungsang n-jêmpalik with all one's might. Direwangi nganti nyungsang njêmpalik. They turned themselves inside out to help him. or He works himself to the bone.
- sungsat
- (adoh) [x]-e a far cry, quite different (from). Adoh bangêt [x]-e. Far from it! Kabèh adoh [x]-e karo kahanan ing sadurunge. Everything was very different from the way it had been before. Anggonmu nggulawênthah murid-murid aja nganti [x] saka kapribadèn Indonesia. Don't train your students to diverge from their Indonesian personality.
- sungsum
- bone marrow; fig strength. Adhême nêmên têkan balung [x]. The cold chilled them to the very marrow. Awakku lêmês kaya dilolosi balung [x]-ku. I was weak; it was as though my strength were draining away.
- sungsun
- layer; story of a building. Omah mau [x]-e pira? How many floors has the house got? n(y)/di-[x] to make (into) layers. Olèhe numpuk kothake di-[x] têlu. He piled the boxes three deep. [x] timbun lying in piles.
- sungu
- ng, singat kr horn, antler. ny/di-[x] to attack with the horns.
- sungut
- 1 insect's feeler/antenna. 2 tip of a vegetable pod
- sunya
- oj quiet, lonely, deserted.
- sunyaruri
- the realm of the spirits.
- sunyata
- oj true, factual. ka-[x]-n truth, fact. See also NYATA.
- sunyuk
- rg var of NYUNYUK.
- suntak
- ng, tuntak or luntak kr to spill out. Tèhe [x]. The tea spilled. ny/di-[x] to spill or pour sth out. ny/di-[x]-ake to convey. nyuntakake sêrat-sêrat paprentahan to transmit government documents. See also WUTAH.
- sunthi
- see PRAWAN.
- suntik
- shot, injection. ny/di-[x]-(i) to give smn a shot.
- suntrut
- (or ny-[x]) sad; depressed; drooping. Wit-witan akèh sing alum, nyuntrut kaya wong sêdhih. Many of the trees drooped, like grieving human beings.
- suntuk
- throughout [the night]. ndêlok wayang kulit sêmalêm [x] to watch a shadow-play performance all night long
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- sunu
- oj 1 child. 2 ray, beam, radiance. sê-[x] to give birth.
- sunya
- var of SUNYA.
- sup
- var of SOP.
- supadi
- oj in order to, so that.
- supados
- kr for SUPAYA.
- supaya
- ng, supados kr 1 in order to, so that. Jarane dibandhangake [x] enggala têkan ing omah. He spurred on his horse so as to reach home quickly. 2 [to wish, urge, etc.] that ... Lurah tansah nyurup-nyurupake [x] bocah ditambakake mênyang rumah sakit. The village head kept urging that the child be sent to the hospital for treatment. [x] aja or [x] ora (supados sampun kr) so as not to ... Dhèke nduduti goprak [x] krambile aja dipangan bajing. He rattled the clapper so the squirrels wouldn't nibble at the coconuts. Konên ngombe banyu iku [x] ora bakal kêna ing lara. Have him drink this water so he won't get the disease.
- supaos
- opt? sbst? kr for SUPATA.
- supata
- a vow, an oath; to swear (to). adol [x] to swear for emphasis. Wis direwangi adol [x]. He tried to convince them by swearing to it. ny/di-[x]-kake 1 to have smn swear (to). 2 to swear on smn's behalf. ny/di-[x]-ni to put a curse on smn (to the effect that ...). Anak putuku tak [x]-ni ora slamêt yèn nyêrèt. I invoked a curse on my descendants that they should not be safe from harm if they smoke opium. pa-[x] an oath; a curse. pa-[x] sêtya a loyalty oath.
- supe
- to forget (kr for LALI). sê-[x] ring for the finger (kr for ALI-ALI). ny-[x] to pretend to forget; to try to forget (kr for LALI-LALI).
- supêk
- var of SUMPÊK.
- supêkêt
- to have a friendly relationship (with).
- supêna
- a dream (kr for IMPI-N). ny-[x] to dream (kr for NG-IMPI).
- supiyah
- possessiveness, acquisitiveness.
- supir
- var of SOPIR.
- supit
- 1 pinchers, pinching claws; pincers, tongs. 2 circumcision (ki for TÊTAK). bong [x] man who performs circumcisions. ny/di-[x] to pick up with pincers, tweezers, tongs, etc. ny/di-[x]-i to circumcise (ki for N/DI-TÊTAK-I). [x] urang 1 shrimp claw. 2 a flanking deployment. Omahe mawa dalan [x]-urang. The house has paths going around to the back on both sides. gêlung [x]-urang ladies' hairdo with the hair wound on both sides in a back bun. 3 wy a certain military batik-wearing style.
- suprandene
- even so, in spite of it, however.
- suprih
- rg in order to, so that.
- sur
- rpr flowing, pouring. Sikile disoki tamba, [x]. He poured medicine on the leg. Gêtihe mak [x]. Blood flowed out. sar-[x] [of heartbeats] pit-a-pat. kê-[x] to get pushed aside or taken over. ngê/di-[x] to push aside; to appropriate by pushing sth aside. Nggonku nang bioskupan wis diêsur wong. Someone took my seat in the movies [when I left temporarily]. ngê/di-[x]-ake to pour sth. Dhèke ngê-[x]-ake lênga ing wajan. She poured oil in the frying pan. Tambane di-[x]-ke nang sikile. He poured medicine on his leg. ngê/di-[x]-i to pour onto. Banyune ngê-[x]-i klambiku. The water went all over my shirt. [x] tanah a ceremony held upon smn's death. ngê/di-[x]-tanah or ny/di-[x]-tanah to hold such a ceremony for smn.
- sura
- 1 first month of the Moslem calendar. 2 oj courageous. [x]-n religious feast held during Sura.
- suradhadhu
- var of SARADHADHU.
- surah
- a chapter in the Koran. [x] yasin the 37th chapter, chanted as part of Moslem funeral rites.
- surak
- to cheer. [x] hore to shout hurray! [x]-e wong nonton the spectators' cheering. ny/di-[x]-(i) to jeer at, boo.
- Surakarta
- central Javanese city, oldest surviving Javanese kingdom (before the 1945 revolution) and site of the court headed by the Sunan: one of the two major cultural centers (see also JOGJAKARTA). [x] Hadiningrat complete formal name of this city. See also SALA.
- suralaya
- oj the realm of the deities.
- suraloka
- var of SURALAYA.
- surambi
- var of SRAMBI.
- surang
- kê-[x]-[x] beset with troubles. Uripe tansah kê-[x]-[x]. His life is a series of misfortunes.
- suraos
- kr for SURASA.
- surasa
- ng, suraos kr contents, meaning, connotation. ny/di-[x] to get the meaning, sense the connotation. Aku lagi nyurasa layang iki. I'm trying to figure out what this letter means. pa-ny-[x] grasp or insight into meanings contained in texts, messages, etc.
- surat
- 1 letter (var of SÊRAT). 2 var of SURAH.
- surjan
- a Nehru-style jacket worn by Jogjakarta males. [x]-an to put on or wear this garment.
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- surêm
- dim, gloomy. ny/di-[x]-ake to cause to be dim/glommy.
- surèn
- a certain tree whose wood is used for house frames.
- surêp
- dusk, twilight. Montore dibantêrake supaya aja nganti [x] anggone têka kutha. He drove faster so as to reach the city before dark.
- surêtna
- an especially fine diamond.
- suri
- 1 weaving shuttle. 2 a curved comb worn to hold the hair in place. 3 small comb for removing lice. 4 sbst kr for JUNGKAT=comb? 5 horse's mane. ny/di-[x]-ni to comb smn's hair. See also JUNGKAT.
- surya
- 1 ltry; ki? sun. soroting [x] sunbeam. 2 face (ki for RAI). 3 to wash the face (root form: ki for RAUP). 4 dated (in a letter-writing phrase). Kasêrat ing Jakarta, [x] kaping 21 April 1972. Jakarta, April 21, 1972. pa-[x]-n 1 face (ki for RAI). 2 facial expression (ki for ULAT). [x] klalun the pretwilight period (ca. 3-5 P.M.). [x] sata noontime; the hour or so preceding 12 M. [x] sêngkala chronogrammatic reckoning according to solar years. [x] candra sun and moon; ka-[x]-candra shone upon by sun and moon.
- suryakantha
- magnifying glass.
- surtanah
- see under SUR.
- suru
- 1 spoon fashioned from a banana leaf. 2 a certain thick shrub used for hedges. 3 porcupine quill. ny/di-[x] to use a banana-leaf spoon.
- surud
- 1 to ebb, recede. 2 to die (ki: applied only to kings).
- suruh
- ng, sêdhah kr the betel plant; betel leaves, used for chewing. jambe [x] betel leaf prepared for chewing. nginang jambe-[x] to chew betel nut and leaves. [x]-an ng kr 1 an invitation. 2 one who is asked to help. A dadi [x]-ane B nang kantor pos. B asked A to do an errand for him at the post office. 3 to help out. [x]-an nang nggone tangga to help out at the neighbors'. ny/di-[x]-i ng kr 1 to invite. 2 to ask for help. Budi nyuruhi aku dadi sopir montor sing arêp diênggo mantèn. Budi asked me to drive the bridal car. [x] ayu betel-leaf preparation for ceremonial offerings.
- surung
- shark. ny/di-[x] to push sth forward from behind. Pite di-[x] banjur diculake. He gave the bicycle a push and then let go.
- surup
- ng, sêrêp or sêrap kr 1 to enter. 2 dusk, sunset; [of sun, moon] to set. [x] rêp just at twilight. 3 door (as a counting unit for houses). Omahku lêt lima apa nêm [x], kae. My house is over there, five or six doors down. sê-[x]-an 1 knowledge. 2 financial matters. Aja takon-takon sê-[x]-ane wong tuwa. Don't pry into your parents' money matters. kê-[x]-an to be entered (into); to be possessed. ka-[x]-an setan possessed by a devil. ny/di-[x]-ake 1 to put sth into. Bolah iku di-[x]-ake dom. She threaded the needle. 2 to tell; to inform. Dhèke nyurup-nyurupake supaya bocahe ditambakake mênyang dhoktêran. he kept telling them to have the child treated at the hospital. ny/di-[x]-i 1 to insert into. Dome di-[x]-i bolah. She threaded the needle. 2 to know. Sapa sing nyurupi nang êndi anakku? Does anyone know where my child is? s-um-urup to enter. dom sumuruping banyu virtually impossible to find. See also SUMURUP, WÊRUH.
- sus
- cream-puff shell. jladrèn [x] cream-puff batter. kuwih [x] cream puff with filling in it.
- susaha
- (sisah rg? kr), èmêng (or sêkêl?) ki sad. Ana sing sênêng, ana sing [x]. Some were happy, some sad. A wis lali [x]-e. A had forgotten her sorrow. ka-[x]-an 1 sorrow, grief, trouble. ngalami kê-[x]-an to undergo sorrow or difficulties. 2 to experience sorrow. mBok Wangsa lagi kê-[x]-an. Mrs. Wongso is in mourning. ny/di-[x]-ake or ny/di-[x]-i to sadden, cause sorrow for.
- susahb
- ng, sisah kr [not] need to; [not] necessary. Ora [x] kuwatir. No need to worry. Ora [x] mbayar. There's no fee. Yèn nggawèkake wedang tèh aku ora [x] nganggo gula. If you're making tea, no sugar for me, please.
- susila
- decent, morally or socially acceptable. pulisi [x] vice squad. tuna [x] prostitution. juru [x] official in charge of dealing with prostitution. ka-[x]-n decency, proper or ethical behavior.
- sustêr
- 1 nurse. 2 Catholic nun.
- susua
- 1 (p[r]êmbayun ki) breast. 2 milk. [x] lêgi sweetened condensed milk. [x] èncèr diluted milk. banyu [x] breast milk. [x]-n (sêsêp-an kr) baby who is not yet weaned. Suson umur limang wulan. The baby is five months old. n(y)-[x] to take milk at the breast. n(y)/di-[x]-ni to nurse [a baby].
- susub
- ng, sêsa kr kê-[x] in a hurry. Lakune kê-[x] wae. She walked hurriedly. Mêngko dhisik ta, aja kê-[x]. Just a minute-not so fast. kê-[x] sêlak or sêlak kê-[x] in a great hurry. Dhèwèke kuwi rak kê-[x] sêlak arêp olèh dhuwit.
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- He can hardly wait to collect his money. n(y)/di-[x]-[x] to hurry smn. Kowe kuwi kok nyusu-nyusu aku wae. Don't keep rushing me! Olèhe nyambut gawe aja di-[x]-[x]. Don't hurry him while he's working.
- susud
- to shrink, shrivel, become decreased in size. Awake [x] ketok kuru. He has an emaciated look. n(y)/di-[x]-ake to decrease the size of.
- susuh
- nest; breeding place. [x] manuk bird's nest. Uwuh iku dadi [x]-ing lêlara. Garbage is a breeding ground for disease germs. n(y)-[x] 1 to build a nest. 2 to hang onto things, never throw things away. n(y)/di-[x]-i to build a nest in. Kamarku di-[x]-i tikus. Mice built a nest in my room.
- susuhunan
- full form of SUHUN.
- susuk
- 1 pancake turner, spatula. 2 change. Aku ngêkèki dhuwit Rp. 25 entuk [x] Rp. 5. I paid with a 25-rupiah bill and got five rupiahs change. [x]-an canal; artificial channel joining two bodies of water. n(y)/di-[x]-i to give smn change, make change. [x] kondhe a decorative horseshoe-shaped hairpin worn in ladies' coiled hair buns.
- susul
- [x]-an a follow-up message, letter, etc.; a later addition. n(y)/di-[x]-(i) to follow smn later, to catch up with. Kowe dhisika, aku tak nyusul. You go ahead, I'll follow you (catch up with you). Pak Jaya lagi njagong mantèn di-[x] putrane. Mr. Jaya was at a wedding when his son came [to tell him of an emergency]. n(y)/di-[x]-i 1 to send a letter after smn, or after an earlier letter, with additional information. 2 to touch up [a crafted object, e.g. with additional pieces or color].
- susun
- [x]-an arrangement, deployment. n(y)/di-[x] to arrange and classify, sort out. Bukune di-[x]. He organized the books.
- susup
- ka-[x]-an to get entered. kê-[x]-an komunis infiltrated by communists. n(y)/di-[x] to seep in; to work one's way into/through/under. Malinge nusup ngisor pagêr. The thief squeezed under the fence. n(y)/di-[x]-ake to push sth into/through/under. n(y)/di-[x]-i to insert into; to infiltrate.
- susur
- ng kr, panasar ki chewing tobacco; tobacco mixed into betel-chewing preparation. [x]-an a chew (as above). sa (rong, lsp.) [x]-an one (two, etc.) chews. n(y)-[x] 1 to chew tobacco. 2 ng kr only to wax thread to prevent it from snarling. See also SASAR.
- su:t
- (to use) an informal means of settling things (see UM-PING-SUT). Ayo [x], sing mênang entuk. Let's do sut for it – the winner gets it.
- suta
- 1 oj child. 2 theoretical person. Si [x] lan Si Naya A and B; John Doe and Richard Roe. sê-[x] to give birth.
- suthang
- the hind (jumping) legs of jointed-leg insects, e.g. locusts, crickets.
- sutapa
- oj holy hermit. ka-[x]-an knowledge pertaining to priesthood. See also TAPA.
- suthik
- unwilling, reluctant. Yèn kowe [x] rêgêd tanganmu ya ora kêlakon ndandani mêsine. If you're not willing to get your hands dirty you can't fix the engine.
- suci
- 1 pure, without moral blemish. 2 holy, sacred. sê-[x] to cleanse and purify oneself before praying. ka-[x]-an or ka-[x]-n purity; virginity. n(y)/di-[x]-kake to purify, make clean/pure. n(y)/di-[x]-ni to wash and cleanse [a corpse] before burial. s-um-uci-[x] to engage in or commit oneself to holy practices. [x] murni pure, unblemished.
- sutra
- silk fabric. [x] reyon rayon.
- sutrêsna
- one who loves. para [x] our readers, i.e. those who love to read what we write. See also TRÊSNA.
- suthup
- almond-eyed.
- suthur
- var of SUTHUP.
- su'un
- var of SO'UN.
- su(w)-
- see also under SU-, SW- (Introduction, 2.9.7).
- suwab
- a bribe. [x]-an bribery. ny/di-[x]-i to bribe.
- suwadi
- ng, suwados kr [x]-ne 1 it is advisable. [x]-ne macan kuwi dipatèni wae. The tiger had better be killed. 2 the reason why. [x]-ne dhèke kêrêp nêsu iku mêrga lagi susah. The reason he is short-tempered just now is that he is grieving. dudu [x]-ne extraordinary, unusual.
- suwados
- kr for SUWADI.
- suwak
- ny/di-[x] to discontinue, put out of use. Panggonan adol candu akèh sing di-[x]. Many places that sold opium have closed down. Barêng kita wis mêrdika, basa Jêpang di-[x]. After we became a republic, the Japanese language went out of use [in Indonesia].
- suwal
- 1 var of SOAL. 2 rg var of SRUWAL.
- suwala
- 1 to move. Aku ora bisa [x]. I couldn't budge. 2 to argue, disagree. 3 oj to disobey. ny/di-[x]-ni to disobey or defy smn.
- suwalik
- on the contrary, on the other hand, in contrast. Suwalike aku dhewe ngrumangsani yèn luput. But I felt that I was the one who was wrong. See also WALIK.
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- suwangan
- mouth of a river.
- suwaos
- a certain alloy (sbst? kr for SUWASA).
- suwap
- mouthful. sa-[x] a mouthful. Gajihe mung bisa kanggo tuku sêga sa-[x]. His salary is pretty small.
- suwari
- ostrich (var of KASWARI).
- suwasa
- ng, suwaos sbst? kr a gold-colored copper-zinc alloy. [x]-n an imitation of this alloy, used in making cheap jewelry. [x] bubul low-quality suwasa.
- suwau
- oj formerly; before now.
- suwawa
- ny/di-[x] to treat lightly; to disregard. Yèn wis ngamuk ora kêna di-[x]. When he loses control of himself, he's not to be laughed off.
- suwawi
- 1 come on! let's ...! (kr for AYO). 2 here! take it! (kr for NYA, NYOH).
- suwe
- ng, dangu kr (a) long (time). Wis [x] ora kêtêmu. I haven't seen you for ages. Dhèke lunga rada [x]. He was gone for quite a while. ora (lêt) [x] pretty soon, before long. [x]-ne the (length of) time. Sêpira [x]-ne? How long does it take? [x]-ne sêminggu. It lasted a week. barêng wis sawêtara [x]-ne after a while. [x]-ning [x] eventually. Banyu sing ana ing tong iku suwening suwe bisa êntèk. Sooner or later, the water will be all gone from the barrel. [x]-[x] after a while; eventually. [x]-[x] desane ketok. At last they came in sight of the village. kê-[x]-n (for) an excessively long time. Rada wis kêsuwèn ora sanjan-sanjanan kok. We haven't been to see each other for such a long time! ny-[x] to use up time. Nyambut-gawene saya nyuwe. He takes longer all the time to do his work. ny/di-[x]-sê-[x] to make sth last an unnecessarily long time. nyênyuwe olèhe nyambut gawe to dawdle at one's work. Olèhe gunêman marang mandhore disê-[x]. he prolonged his conversation with the foreman [e.g. to annoy smn by keeping him waiting]. ny/di-[x]-kake to take a long time at. Olèhe mangan disuwèkake. He took his time about eating. ny/di-[x]-ni to make sth take long(er). Aja ngajak cah cilik, ndhak nyuwèni laku. Don't take a child with you, it'll slow you down. Bocah iki nyuwèn-nyuwèni wae. This boy delayed me terribly! sa-[x]-ne while. sa-[x]-ne ana ing manca nêgara while he was abroad. saya [x] saya [ ] to keep getting [ ]er. Saya [x] dalane saya munggah. The path rose higher and higher. See also UWÈN.
- suwèk
- 1 ripped. [x] rojah-rajèh torn to ribbons. Sarungku [x] nyangkêm kodhok. My sarong has a three-cornered tear in it. 2 a torn-off piece. dluwang sa-[x] a scrap of paper. [x]-an torn. [x]-an kêrtas-kêrtas torn scraps of paper. ny/di-[x]-[x] to tear to pieces. ny/di-[x]-ake to tear sth accidentally. ny/di-[x]-(i) to tear. nyuwèk godhong gêdhang to tear (up) banana leaves. ptg s-r-uwèk torn to shreds. Sandhangane ptg sruwèk. His clothes are in rags.
- suwêl
- ny/di-[x]-ake to tuck in. Wirone jarit ditêkuk di-[x]-ake munggah. She folded the plaits of her wraparound and tucked them high. nyuwêlake dhuwit ana ing kanthongane to tuck some money into one's pocket.
- suwêng
- 1 (sêngkang kr) pierced-ear earring. 2 vacant (kr for SUWUNG). (sê)-[x]-an ([sê]-sêngkang-an kr) to wear or put on earrings. ny/di-[x]-i (ny/dipun-sêngkang-i kr) to put earrings on smn. [x] jêmblok-an earring set with a large diamond.
- suwèni
- form of SUWE. See also UDAN.
- suwidak
- var od SÊ-WIDAK.
- suwike
- green frog's legs (Chinese delicacy).
- suwing
- (having) a harelip.
- suwir
- ripped. Godhonge [x] cilik-cilik. The leaf is torn to shreds. ny/di-[x]-(i) to tear up. Iwake di-[x]-i cilik-cilik. She tore the meat into fine shreds. s-um-iwir in small pieces. Iwake êmpuk sêmiwir. The meat is so tender it's falling apart. ptg s-(l)-uwir all to pieces. Pênganggone ptg [x]. His clothes are in rags. Godhonge ptg sluwir kêna angin. The wind ripped the leaves to shreds. Wit cêmara kuwi godhonge ptg sluwir. The cêmara is an everygreen tree with long needles.
- suwi:t
- tweet! (sound of a whistle).
- suwita
- (or ny-[x]) to live in the home of a prominent family in order to learn their manners, language, and style of living, and in return to serve them during this period. Kèn Arok nyuwita marang Tunggul Amêtung. Kèn Arok was in the service of Tunggul Amêtung (as above). ny/di-[x]-kake to send [one's child] to live in smn's home (as above). nyuwitakake anake marang piyayi to have one's child live in the home of prominent people. ny/di-[x]-ni to live with and be in service to; to serve [a prominent person]. nDara Pangeran Prabu di-[x]-ni wong-wong saka desa. People from the village serve the Crown Prince. pa-[x]-n service in smn's home.
- suwiwi
- wing.
- suwuk
- [of music] to stop. sa-[x]-ing gêndhing at the close of the melody. [x]-an 1 set of gamelan instruments alongside the gong.
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- gong [x]-an set of small gongs within the box holding the large gong. 2 beat struck with the large gong to stop the music. 3 medical treatment by a medicine man consisting of incantations and blowing on the patient's head. ny/di-[x] 1 to stop [music]. Sasmita-sasmita kêndhang iku kanggo mbukani lan nyuwuk gêndhing. Drum signals are for starting and stopping the music. nyuwuk kêmpul to interrupt smn who is talking. 2 to blow on smn's head as tratment of an illness. ny/di-[x]-ake to have smn treated (as above) by a medicine man.
- suwun
- to ask for (root form: ka for JALUK). nyuwun pangaksama to apologize. nyuwun pamit to say goodbye. nyuwun sèwu I beg your pardon. nyuwun duka I don't know (oblique ki for ÊMBUH). Aku nyuwun dhuwit marang ibu. I asked my mother for some money. Di-[x]-i obor bisaa madhangi pêpêtêng. They asked him for a torch to light up the darkness; fig they asked for advice to guide them. kê-[x] thank you. pa-ny-[x]-an or pi-ny-[x] 1 a request. 2 a prayer. [x] ng-ampil to borrow (root form: ka for SILIH). [x] priksa/pirsa to ask (root form: ka for TAKON). See also NUWUN.
- suwung
- ng, suwêng kr empty, vacant, unoccupied, uninhabited. Omahe [x]. The house is empty (i.e. nobody is at home; or there is no tenant at present). warung [x] nang alun-alun a vacant shop on the square. Atine [x]. Her heart felt empty. ny/di-[x]-ake to vacate, clear out of, evacuate. Lapangane di-[x]-ake mêrgane arêp diênggo latihan mbêdhil. They cleared the field for use as a rifle range. [x] blung completely empty, without a soul in it.
- suwur
- sw-
- see also under SU(W)- (Introduction, 2.9.7).
- swa-
- self- (compounding element: see main entries below).
- swabawa
- oj sound, noise.
- swadhaya
- self-help.
- swadhèsi
- self-sufficient, self-supporting. wong ngamanca [x] self-supporting foreigners. Rakyat Indonesia iku wêktu iki lagi gandrung [x]. The Indonesian people at this time are concerned with becoming self-sufficient.
- swah
- oj sky, heavens.
- swayambara
- var of SAYABARA.
- swantên
- noise; voice (kr for SWARA).
- swapraja
- autonomy, self-rule.
- swara
- ng, swantên kr 1 noise, sound. [x]-ning montor mabur the sound of an airplane. 2 voice. [x]-ne pait madu. She has a melodious voice. [x]-ne turut usuk. His voice carries well. Gêdhe [x]-ne. He has a deep voice; fig He talks boastfully. adu [x] to argue. adol [x] to show off one's singing voice; to cheat smn with fast talking. angon [x] to sing just for the pleasure of it. ngumbar [x] to say whatever comes into one's head without stopping to think first. 3 a voice in sth; opinion; vote. Sapa sing entuk [x] akèh dhewe? Who got the most votes? Swara-swara mau apa nyoalake? Did these [conflicting] opinions raise any problems? 4 vowel sound or letter. aksara manda-[x] semi-vowel (W, Y). ny-[x] to make a sound; to speak. Ora ditakoni ora apa kok nywara. Nobody asked you anything, but you had to put in your two cent's worth! ny/di-[x]-ake to give voice to, express. [x] ampang 1 a light (singing) voice. 2 gram light consonant sound (Introduction, 2.3). [x] antêb gram heavy consonant sound (Introduction, 2.3). [x] ènthèng sms [x] AMPANG above. [x] irung gram nasal sound.
- swarga
- 1 (swargi rg kr) heaven; the realm of God. 2 (swargi ki) the late ..., deceased. [x] eyang my late grandfather. [x]-ne wong one's luck or fate, one's ups and downs. ny/di-[x]-kake to take solicitous care of, to pamper. [x] nunut nêraka katut to share the good and the bad. Wong wadon kuwi rak kêna diumpamakake [x] nunut nêraka katut karo bojone. The fortunes of a wife fluctuate with those of her husband.
- swargaloka
- heavenly kingdom, the realm of the gods.
- swargi
- 1 deceased, the late ... (ki for JÊNAT, SWARGA). 2 heaven (rg kr for SWARGA).
- swasambada
- self-supporting, self-sufficient.
- swasana
- situation, circumstances. Wis ketok rada sêmèlèh [x]-ne. They seem to be pretty well settled in. Kahanan mau kabèh nuwuhake [x]-ne romantis. All of the foregoing circumstances pointed to a romantic entanglement.
- swasta
- private(ly owned). pêrusahaan [x] a privately owned business.
- swimpak
- bathing suit, swimsuit.
- swuh
- oj destroyed, crushed.
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